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Unit 1 Discovering yourself

Passage 1 Catching Crabs

Dealing with unfamiliar words

5 Match the words in the box with their definitions.

1 achieving good results (productive)

2 the fact of being present at an event, or of going regularly to school, church etc (attendance)

3 the refusal to accept something new, such as a plan, idea, or change (resistance)

4 determined to be successful, rich, famous etc (ambitious)

5 agreement to a plan, offer, or suggestion (acceptance)

6 the written words of a play, film, television programme, speech etc (script)

7 very good, large, or showing great skill (impressive)

6 Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in Activity 5.

To be a successful film scriptwriter takes more than training although (1) attendance on a screenwriting course will definitely help you learn the skills. You also need to be very (2) ambitious – the film business is very competitive. You have to be prepared to work hard and be very (3) productive because it takes

more than just one good idea to make it big. No matter how (4) impressive your idea is, there will always be (5) resistance from producers because it’s too expensive. So make sure you have plenty of others to show them. What are you waiting for Get on with writing that brilliant (6) script and plan your (7)

acceptance speech for when you win your first Oscar!

7 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box.

1 We’ve seen a place we like and we’re applying for a loan to buy a house. (mortgage)

2 We stood on the top floor of the boat and watched the coast disappear into the horizon. (deck)

3 I love to walk along the beach and watch the waves breaking, and the white water hitting the shore. (surf)

4 In seaside areas in the north-east of the country, life is hard and fishermen have to go against the forces of nature every time they go to work. (coastal; defy)

5 Agreement was finally reached after a long and heated discussion. (lengthy)

8 Answer the questions about the words and expressions.

1 If you watch an impromptu performance of something, it has (a) been prepared, or (b) not been prepared

2 When you map out your future, do you (a) plan it carefully, or (b) draw a sketch of it on paper

3 If you brace yourself for something unpleasant, do you (a) try not to think about it, or (b) prepare yourself for it mentally and physically

4 Do you moor a boat by (a) turning the steering wheel, or (b) tying it to a post with a rope

5 Is a rusty piece of metal something that (a) is bright and shiny, or (b) might have been left out in the rain and is covered with brown substance

6 If a bowl is brimming with soup, is it (a) very full, or (b) half empty

7 If someone is being held captive, are they (a) free to do as they please, or (b) being kept as

a prisoner

8 If you have figured out something, have you (a) added numbers together, or (b) understood it

Passage Two We are all dying

Dealing with unfamiliar words

4 Match the words in the box with their definitions.

1 involving three things of the same kind (triple)

2 an area of ground where dead people are buried (cemetery)

3 the part of a place or thing that is at the back (rear)

4 a book that someone writes about someone else’s life (biography)

5 to put people or things into a space that is too small (cram)

6 at the very beginning of a career and likely to be successful at it (budding)

7 continuing only for a limited time or distance (finite)

8 to pass (elapse)

5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in Activity 4.

1 About two hours elapsed before we reached the cemetery where the war dead were buried.

2 I sat in the rear seat behind the driver. My three sisters were all crammed in the front.

3 The entrance to the car park was blocked, so the road was full of cars which had been triple-parked one against another, making it almost impossible to get past.

4 We have a number of budding authors in our class this year, one of whom has written a fascinating biography of his grandmother.

5 The time we have on this earth may be finite, but there are no limits to the human imagination.

6 Answer the questions about the words.

1 If you substantiate a claim, do you (a) prove it is true, or (b) persuade someone that it is true

2 If someone tramples over something, do they (a) pour water over it, or (b) walk all over it

3 If s omeone’s arrival is untimely, is it (a) at the wrong moment, or (b) late

4 If events are described chronologically, do they occur (a) in the order in which they happened, or (b) in no particular order

5 Is ingeniously likely to mean (a) artistically, or (b) cleverly

6 Is knackered an informal British word meaning (a) very relaxed, or (b) extremely tired

7 Is patently likely to mean (a) obviously, or (b) usually

8 When something is allotted to you, is it (a) given to you, or (b) taken from you

7 Answer the questions about the phrases.

1 If you check something out, do you (a) find out, or (b) not think about it

2 If you see something from the sidelines, do you (a) take part in the action, or (b) stay away from it

3 If something is down to you, is it your (a) bad luck, or (b) responsibility

4 If you have something on the back burner, (a) will you look at it later, or (b) are you

interested in it now

5 If you are in a position to do something, are you (a) able, or (b) unable to do it

6 If time is ticking away, does it seem (a) as if it will last forever, or (b) passing very slowly

7 If you can have one shot at something, (a) are you allowed to shoot it, or (b) do you have only one chance to do it

8 If you make the best of something, do you (a) enjoy it while you can, or (b) work hard to make it a success

9 If a girl stands you up, does she (a) fail to turn up for a date, or (b) refuse to sit down when you ask her to

Language in use

word formation: compound words

1 Find more examples of each use of hyphens in the passage We are all dying.

I’ve double- and triple-checked it

we are all budding crypt-kickers

a rear-view mirror

the once-a-year holiday to Florida or Spain

What’s all this back-burner stuff

standing at the corner of the Co-op

A sepia-coloured relative that no one can put a name to

2 Rewrite the phrases using compound adjectives.

1 a party which is held late at night (a late-night party)

2 a library which is well stocked (a well-stocked library)

3 a professor who is world famous (a world-famous professor)

4 some advice which is well timed (some well-timed advice)

5 a population which is growing rapidly (rapidly-growing population)

6 an economy which is based on free market (a free-market economy)

7 a boat trip which lasts for half an hour (a half-hour boat trip)

It’s what / how …that …

3 Rewrite the sentences using It’s what / how …that …

1 What other people think of us is determined by how we behave.

It’s how we behave that determines what other people think of us.

2 What sort of job we are going to end up doing is usually determined by our character.

It’s our character that usually determines what sort of job we are going to end up doing.

3 What we do as a career isn’t always determined by the marks we get at university.

It isn’t always the marks we g et at university that determine what we do as a career.

4 How we react to life’s problems is often determined by our childhood experiences.

It is often our childhood experiences that determine how we react to life’s problems.

5 When we die is determined by our genetic clock, and the changes we make to it.

It’s our genetic clock and the changes we make to it that determine when we die.

It is / was not just that …but …

4 Rewrite the sentences using It is / was not just that …but …

1 Not only were the shops all closed for Thanksgiving, there was also no one in the streets. It wasn’t just that the shops were all closed for Thanksgiving, but there was no one in the streets.

2 Not only did she spend all her time at college going to parties, she also took the time to gain a first-class degree.

It wasn’t just that she spent all her time at college going to parties, but she took the time to gain a first-class degree.

3 Not only were they not listening to what he said, it also seemed as if they weren’t at all interested.

It wasn’t just that they weren’t listening to what he said, but it seemed as if they weren’t at all interested.

4 Not only was I upset, I also felt as if I was going to burst out crying.

It wasn’t just that I was upset, but I felt as if I was going to burst out crying.

5 Not only was the Grim Reaper intended to frighten people, it was also often a figure of fun. It wasn’t just that the Grim Reaper intended to frighten people, but it was often a figure of fun.


5 Read the explanations of the words. Answer the questions.

1 settle When you settle somewhere you go there to stay.

(a) Where is dust likely to settle in a room

On the surfaces that aren’t used very often or which aren’t cleaned.

(b) If you settle an argument, is the conclusion satisfactory

Yes, it is, because the disagreement is solved and each part is satisfied with the outcome. (c) If you settle the bill, what is there left to pay

Nothing, because you have paid everything that is owed.

(d) What do you do when you settle back to watch a film

You relax in a comfortable chair and enjoy it.

2 smooth This word can mean flat or soft, comfortable, easy or confident.

(a) If the sea is smooth, are you likely to feel seasick

No, because the sea is calm. You would feel seasick if it were rough.

(b) If a changeover from one government to the next is smooth, are there lots of problems No, because the changeover has gone well, without difficulties.

(c) Is it a good idea to trust a smooth talker

Not necessarily, because some people who talk confidently like that do so to trick you, like a confidence trickster or con-man.

3 offer This word can refer to something you would like someone to take, something someone gives, or something that is for sale.

(a) If you decline an offer, do you say “yes” or “no”

You say “no”, because you are refusing it.

(b) If you offer an apology to someone for something you have done, what do you say

You should say, “I apologize” or “I’m sorry”.

(c) Where are you likely to see special offer

In a shop, because the shop is offering a special price or reduction for something.

(d) If someone has a lot to offer, what kind of person are they

They are intelligent, talented, gifted or creative and they will bring these kinds of qualities to their work.

4 bear If you bear something you carry or bring it. If you cannot bear something, you dislike it or cannot

accept it.

(a) If you bear something in mind, do you forget it

No, you will remember it and consider it for a particular occasion in future.

(b) If you bear a resemblance to someone, in what way are you like them

You look similar in certain physical features.

(c) Is there anything you can’t bear to think about

I can’t bear to think too much about some of the problems in the world, famine, war, poverty etc. In the modern world, why don’t we just solve them

5 resistance This word can refer to the refusal to accept something new, the ability not to be harmed by something, or opposition to someone or something.

(a) If there is resistance to an idea, do people accept it

No, not easily. They refuse to accept the idea maybe because it’s just a bad idea, or they may change their mind if they understand it better.

(b) If the soldiers met with resistance, what happened

The soldiers meet opposition from those they are fighting against.

(c) Is there a way to build up your resistance to cold

Yes, you can keep yourself as healthy as possible with a good diet and getting enough exercise so that you are less likely to catch a cold, or if you do get one, you won’t suffer so badly.

6 Translate the paragraphs into Chinese.

1 我们都觉得在校时间不多了,以后再也不会有这样的学习机会了,所以都下定决心不再虚度光阴。当然,下一年四、五月份的期末考试最为重要。我们谁都不想考全班倒数第一,那也太丢人了,因此同学们之间的竞争压力特别大。以前每天下午五点以后,图书馆就空无一人了,现在却要等到天快亮时才会有空座,小伙子们熬夜熬出了眼袋,他们脸色苍白,睡眼惺忪,却很自豪,好像这些都是表彰他们勤奋好学的奖章。

(and guys wore the bags under their eyes and thei r pale, sleepy faces with pride … 这句的动词wear后面带两个宾语,中文找不到能带这两个宾语的动词,故处理成三个中文短句;翻译like medals proving their diligence 时采用“增词法”增加“这些”来概括前面所描写的“眼袋”,“脸色苍白”,“睡眼惺忪”等,使译文含义更加清晰流畅。)

2. 明天行吗明天只是个谎言而已,根本就没有什么明天,只有一张我们常常无法兑现的期票。明天甚至压根儿就不存在,你早上醒来时又是另一个今天了,同样的规则又可以全部套用。明天只是现在的另一种说法,是一块空地,除非我们开始在那里播种,否则它永远都是空地。你的时间会流逝(时间就在我们说话的当儿嘀嗒嘀塔地走着,每分钟顺时针走60 秒,如果你不能很好地利用它,它会走得更快些),而你没有取得任何成就来证明它的存在,唯独留下遗憾,留下一面后视镜,上面写满了“本可以做”、“本应该做”、“本来会做”的事情。

(本段的难点在于对一些词的理解与翻译,如an empty field that will remain so, chronologically, invest your time wisely, have nothing to show for it but 等等。“could haves”,

“should haves”,“would haves” 是表达与事实相反的条件句(虚拟语气),指自己没有做,但有可能做的事情。)

Unit 1

7 Translate the paragraphs into English

1 Students differ about whether they should have their future mapped out when they are still at university.

Some think they should have a definite goal and detailed plan, so as to brace themselves for any challenges, whereas some others think they don’t have to think much about the future, because future is full of uncertainties.

2 After a very careful check-up, the scientist was told he got cancer. Although he knew that his life was ticking away, instead of complaining about the fate, the scientist decided to make the best of the remaining days, and speed up the research project he and his colleagues initiated, and have a shot at completing it ahead of schedule.

牛津英语模块一unit1单元检测卷与 答案

阜宁县东沟中学高二英语单元检测卷(M5U1 ) 命题人:曾健审核人:严寿明2006-9-22 第一卷 (选择题共115 分) 第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45 分 ) 第一节:单项选择(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分 ) 请认真阅读下面各题目,从题中所给的A、 B、 C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并 在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 1.----The woman biologist stayed in Africa studying wild animals for 13 years before she returned. -----oh, dear! She ______ a lot of difficulties! A. may go through B. might go through C. ought to have gone through D. must have gone through 2.My friend Martin was very sick with a strange fever; _____, he could neither eat nor sleep. A. as a result B. after all C. any way D. otherwise 3.Modern plastics can ____ very high and very low temperatures. A. stand B. hold C. carry D. support 4.Bill was doing a lot of physical exercise to build up his________. A. ability B. force C. strength D. mind 5.John was late for the business meeting because his flight had been ____ by a heavy storm. A. kept B. stopped C. slowed D. delayed 6.There was nothing they could do______. A. but wait B. C. only to wait D. unless they waited 7. The number of deaths from heart disease will be reduced greatly if people ____ to eat more fruit and vegetables. A. persuade B. will persuade C. be persuaded D. are persuaded 8. My mother always gets a bit ___if we don ’tarrive when we say we will. A. anxious B. ashamed C weak D. patient _____ such heavy pollution already, it may now be too late to clean up the river. A. Having suffered B. suffering C. To suffer D. suffered 9. When we plan our vacation, mother often offers ____suggestions.

七年级下册英语Unit 1单元测试题

Unit 1单元测试题 Written test part (共80分) Ⅳ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共10分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( )16. —Can Amy play ________ drums? —Yes. And she can play ________ chess, too. A. a; the B. the; the C. the; 不填 D. a;不填 ( )17. Li Jing often helps me ________ my geography. A. at B. in C. of D. with ( )18. —Mike, what’s your favorite subject, math ________ science? —Math. A. and B. or C. but D. so ( )19. My cousin ________ very well. Look! Here are some of his pictures. A. sings B. dances C. swims D. draws ( )20. Mom, I need you ________ me a pencil box. A. buy B. buying C. to buy D. to buying ( )21. Helen likes the ________ Where are we going, Dad? very much. A. show B. test C. trip D. festival ( )22. Linda’s brother can’t ________ “apple”, but he ________ “banana” easily. A. spell; spells B. spell; spell C. spells; spells D. spells; spell ( )23. —Can you sing this song? —________. It’s difficult for me. A. Yes, I do B. No, I don’t C. Yes, I can D. No, I can’t ( )24. —________? —He can do kung fu. A. What does Eric like B. Can Eric do kung fu C. What can Eric do D. Does Eric like kung fu ( )25. —Peter will join the art club. ________? —I’ll join the English club. A. How are you B. What about you C. Can I help you D. How’s your day Ⅴ. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 Hello, everyone! Do you 26 SOS student club? Yes? I’m a member (成员) of the 27 . Now let me tell you something about it. The purpose (目的) of SOS student club is to help 28 . Some students think 29 homework is too difficult and they can’t 30 it. They can ask the members of the club 31 help. Some students like volleyball, 32 they can’t play it.


八年级英语上册Unit1单元测试题及答案 Unit 1 单元检测题(100分) 一、单项选择(20分) 1.Xia Zhang wathes TV.He likes surfing the Internet. A.hard ever B.hardly ever .desn’t hard ever D.desn’t hardly ever 2.y ther ges t the health entre A. ne tie a week B.ne a week .ne tie a week D.ne every week 3. talk shw ,y favrite prgra is Tell It Like It Is ! A.Suh as B.Thanks t .As if D.As fr 4.The by is t yung t hiself. A.lk at B.lk after .lk n D.lk up 5.yur lifestyle is the sae . A.t y B.t ine .as y D.as ine 6. r wang is ver eighty , he’s still at wrk . A.Althugh; but B.Beause; s ./ ;but D./; s 7.It’s gd yur health A.fr;t drink ilk B.fr ;t drink a ilk .f ;drink ilk D.f ;t drink ilk 8.-- d yu g t Qingda?

--h ,I have never been there befre. A.Hw lng B.Hw far .Hw sn D.Hw ften 9.The weather here is that in Beiing. A.different fr B.different t .different between D.differene fr 10.He tries less eat beause he is t heavy . A.eating B.t eat .eat D.eats 二、完形填空:(10分) Hw d yu g t shl every day?1 Nrth Aeria, st students g t shl n the bus. Se students 2 walk r3 bikes t shl. In ther parts f the wrld, things are4.ln apan,st students take trains t shl, althugh 5 als walk 6 ride their bikes.In hina, it depends n7yu are.In big ities, students usually ride bikes t shl r take buses. And In plaes where there are rivers and lakes,like Hngshanhu and kaishanda, students usually g t shl by8.That ust 9 a lt re fun than10 a bus! 1.A.In B.n .At D.Near 2.A.als B.t .either D.as well 3.A.riding B.t ride .rde D.ride 4.A.the sae B.different .the different D.siilar 5.A.the ther B.the thers .thers D.thers students


Unit1练习题班级:姓名: 一、选出不同类的单词。 ()1.A.when B.play C.do ()2.A.next B.usually C.often ()3.A.music B.wash C.cook ()4.A.breakfast B.busy C.dinner ()5.A.at B.in C.need 二、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写单词。(10分) 1.I often eat b________ at 7:40 a.m. 2.My father always goes for a w________ after dinner. 3.Tom usually takes a ________ (舞蹈) class on the weekend. 4.—Do you like playing s________?—Yes,I do. 5.My mother often goes ________ (购物) in the afternoon. 1.I often ________ ________ (游泳) on Sundays. 2.I usually ________ ________ (做运动) with my friends on Tuesdays. 3.I usually ________ ________ ________ (打扫我的房间) on Saturdays. 4.I usually ________ ________ (打乒乓球) with Mr Monkey on Friday. 5.I usually ________ ________ ________ ________ (散步) with my friends after dinner. 1.They ________ ________ ________ (早锻炼) at 9:30 every day. 2.I ________ ________ (吃早饭) at 7:00 a.m.every day. 3.They usually ________ ________ ________ (上音乐课) at 5:30. 4.We often________ ________ (进行体育运动) after school. 5.Tom usually________ ________ (吃晚饭) at 6:00. 三、单项选择。(10分) 只供学习与交流


PEP英语五年级下册测试卷一 分数姓名班级 1.根据所给英文单词及音标写出相应的汉语意思。(2分) (1)work/w??k/__________(2)tell/tel/__________ 2.给英文单词选出正确的汉语意思。(5分) (1)about()(2)policeman() (3)rain() (4)next() (5)either() A 下一个 B 下雨 C 关于;大约 D 警察 E 也 3.为下面的句子选择正确的汉语翻译。(12分) ()(1)When do you do morning exercises? ()(2)I usually do morning exercises at 8:30. ()(3)When do you play sports? ()(4)I usually play sports at 3:30. ()(5)When do you eat dinner? ()(6)I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening. ()(7)When do you get up? ()(8)I usually get up at 12:00 noon. ()(9)What do you do on the weekend?

()(10)I often go shopping. ()(11)How about you? ()(12)I often go hiking. ) 分的顺序标号。~按听录音.看图片4..(AE)(5 2 / 6 ) 分“F”。(5.听录音.判断与你所听到的句子是否相符。相符写“T”.不相符写5What do they do on the weekend? ))(1( Who is that man?


Unit 1 单元测试题1 Written test part (共80分) Ⅳ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共10分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( ) 16. This is _______ ruler. _______ ruler is yellow. A. a; A B. the; A C. the; The D. a; The ( ) 17. —Hi, Alan! What’s _______ name? —Hi, Jim! He is Mike. A. your B. her C. his D. my ( ) 18. _______ is Mary. _______ cup is blue. A. She; She B. She; Her C. Her; Her D. Her; She ( ) 19. —_______ you Paul? —No, I _______ not. A. Are; am B. Is; am C. Are; is D. Is; is ( ) 20. I am Tom Green. Green is my _______ name. A. first B. middle C. last D. school ( ) 21. —Spell your name, please. —_______. A. He isn’t Bob B. B-O-B C. I’m Bob D. N-A-M-E ( ) 22. —What’s five and two? —_______. A. Six B. Seven C. Eight D. Nine


Unit 1 一. 单项填空 1.--- Mary’s got crazy and has been sent to the mental hospital. Did you tell her boss about that? --- Yes, but I _____ her husband first. A. should have told B. shouldn’t have told C. must have told D. needn’t have told 2.There was ______ time _____ Chinese used foreign oil. A. a; when B. a; while C. /; when D. /; while 3.It was because of bad weather __________ the football match had to be put off. A. so B. so that C. why D. that 4. --- Look! The telephone is broken. Someone damaged it ________ purpose. ---That may be right. But perhaps it was broken _________ accident. A. on; by B. by; by C. on; on D. by; on 5. What great trouble we had ___________ where his house was. A. in finding B. to find C. find D. found 6.Some students have trouble _____ grammar while others have difficulty______ new words. A. in; remember B. for; to remember C. on; remembering D. with; remembering 7. I cannot spend ________ money on the car which is ________ expensive for me. A. too much; much too B. far too; too much C. much too; too much D. too many; much too 8. catch the first bus, he got up very early this morning. A. In order to B. In order that C. So as to D. So that 9. There are altogether 6 people in the room, the baby________. A. include B. including C. included D. to include 10. The manager of the factory told us that very little ______ was made of the waste material in the past. A. cost B. value C. use D. matter 11. There is no ______ swimming-pool in this school and the students often go to swim ______. A. indoors; outdoors B. indoor; outdoor C. indoor; outdoors D. indoor; indoors 12. It is the first time that I _______ this kind of moon cake. A. enjoyed B. have enjoyed C. enjoy D. enjoying 13. When was it _____ your mother showed you around the West Lake ? A. until B. if C. which D. that 14. In the reading room, we found her _______ at a desk, with her attention ______ on a book. A. sitting; fixing B. to sit; fixed C. seating; fixing D. seated; fixed 15. I’m glad you’ve come; I am _______ telephoning you. A. at the point of B. to the point of C. on the point of D. in the point of 二:完型 You Did More Than Carry My Books Mark was waking home from school one day when he noticed the boy ahead of him had dropped all of the books he was carrying, along with a baseball bat and several other things. Mark 16 down and helped the boy pick up these articles. _17 they were going the same way, he helped to carry some of them for him. As they walked Mark _18 the boy’s name was Bill, that he 19 computer games, baseball and history, that he was having a lot of _20 with his other subjects and that he had just broken 21 with his girlfriend. 1


Unit 1 Can you play the guitar 短语·典句·考点 help sth. 在……方面帮助某人 【经典例句】 Could you help me with my English你能帮我学英语吗 【考点聚焦】在help sth.结构中,with是介词,故后面要跟名词或动名词作宾语。该结构相当于help sth.。 【活学活用】 8.同义句转换 I often help him do his homework. I often help him his homework. be good with... 与……相处得好;与……合得来 【经典例句】 He is very good with children.他与孩子们很合得来。 【考点聚焦】1)同义词组:get on well with 2)注意与be good...的其他词组意思的差别: be good at意为“擅长做某事”;be good for意为“对……有益处”。 句子·剖析·拓展 Can you play the guitar你能弹吉他吗 【剖析】Can you...用来询问对方能否做某事,意思是“你能/会……吗”,肯定回答用“Yes,I can.”否定回答用“No,I can’t.” 【拓展】 can(能、会),may(可以;可能),must(必须)都是情态动词,后面跟动词原形。其否定结构在后面加上not,can not通常缩写为can’t; must not缩写为mustn’t;may not一般不缩写。 Can you play the piano,the trumpet,the drums,or the guitar 你会弹奏钢琴,吹喇叭,敲鼓,或者弹吉他吗 【剖析】此句为简单的选择疑问句,即提问者提供两种或两种以上情况,让对方从中作出选择的句子。它的基本结构是:一般疑问句+or+一般疑问 句(后一部分与前一部分相同的成分常常省略)。or连接的是两个并 列的成分,要求词性一致。 【拓展】 1)回答时,不用yes或no,而是选择其中一种回答。 2)在读法上,or的前一部分用升调,后一部分用降调。 语法·聚焦 “能”说“会”道的can Hi,everyone!I’m “can”.Welcome to come and see my show! 【can的才艺展示】 1.表示能力,通常指在体力或脑力方面的能力,意为“能;会”。如: He can speak English.他会说英语。 2.表示许可,意为“可以”,这时可以和may通用,但是比may较正式。如:Can I use your pen我可以用你的钢笔吗


Unit 1Where did you go on vacation? Ⅰ.单项选择(每小题1分,共15分) 1.It ______sunny today,but it ______ cloudy yesterday. A.is;is B.was;was C.is;was D.was;is 2.I ______ at school now,but I ______ at home an hour ago. A.am;am B.was;was C.am;were D.am;was 3.—______ there any students in the classroom? —No,there aren't.But there ______ some half an hour ago. A.Are;were B.Were;are C.Are;are D.Were;were 4.—Where ______ you last night? —I ______ at home. A.are;am B.am;am C.were;was D.were;were 5.—______ Nancy at home last weekend? —No,she ______.She was in the library with her friends. A.Is;isn't B.Was;wasn't C.Did;didn't D.Was;isn't 6.—______ did you ______ for dinner? —Sichuan food. A.What;have B.When;had C.Why;have D.How;have 7.This movie is kind of boring.I don't really ______ it. A.see B.look C.enjoy D.want 8.I didn't go to the beach ______ vacation.I stayed ______ home. A.for;in B.on;at C.on;in D.in;at 9.—Could you give me ______ money? —Sorry.I don't have ______ with me. A.some;any B.little;some C.any;some D.little;any 10.I'll buy ______ for my son,but ______ for myself. A.nothing;nothing B.anything;nothing C.something;nothing D.something;something 11.Did you do ______ in the park last Sunday? A.something interesting B.interesting something C.anything interesting D.interesting anything 12.It ______ that he went there last weekend. A.seems B.seemed C.looks D.looked 13.The boy is ______ to carry the box. A.enough strong B.enough strongly C.strong enough D.strongly enough 14.I felt like ______ in the sky like a bird. A.fly B.flew


人教版英语八年级上册unit1单元测试题 Ⅰ、单项选择题。 ( )1. When did your uncle _______ in Shanghai? A. arrive B. get C. reach D. arrived ( )2. —What did you do for vacation? —I _______ time with my grandparents. A. visited B. stayed C. took D. spent ( )3 This watch is _______, but I don’t have _______. A. enough beautiful; money enough B. beautifully enough; money enough C. beautiful enough; enough money D. enoug h beautiful; enough money ( )4. The cookies _______ good. Can I have some more? A. taste B. smells C. feel D. sound ( )5. —Li Lei, National Day is coming .Where will you go? —I decide _______ to Mount Tai . A. go B. will go C. to go D. going ( )6. —You didn’t go to Shanghai last summer holidays, did you? —_______. A.Yes, I didn’t B. No, y ou didn’t C. No, you did D. No, I didn’t ( )7. —What are you going to give your mother for her birthday? —I’m not sure. But I’ll buy her _______. A. something special B. anything special C. special something D.special anything ( )8. There are _______ people in front of me in the queue. I have to wait for a long time. A. very little B. only a few C. quite a few D. quite a little ( )9. Oh, I forgot _______ my ruler with me. Can I use yours? A. bring B. brought C. to bring D. bringing ( )10. —Where are you going? —I’m going to Paris _______ a week. A. to B. on C. for D. at ( )11.He had to retire(退休)early_____poor health. A,as a result B.because C.so D.because of ( )12.What bad weather it was! We decided _______ A: to go out B. not to go out C. to not go out D. not going out ( )13.I felt _____________when I heard the __________ news. A.exciting; excited B. excited; exciting C. exciting; exciting D. excited; excited ( )14.—I feel tired and sleepy. —Why not stop____ for a while? A. rest B. to rest C. resting D. rested ( )15. Mrs Brown is nice. Every day she tried to cook __for me during my stay in Canada.


八年级下册Module 1 Feelings and impressions 一、单词预习检测 熟读U1单词,会背之后,根据词义和音标写出单词、词性 1.有…的气味;闻;气味[smel] ________ 2.软的;柔软的[s?ft] ________ 3.酸的;馊的['sa??(r)] ________ 4.小甜饼;曲奇饼['k?k?] _________ 5.最喜欢的人或事['fe?v?r?t] ___________ 6.比萨饼['pi:ts?]__________ 7. 令人愉快的;可爱的['l?vl?]_________ 8.做完的[d?n] _________ 9. 尝试;努力[tra?]_________ 10.果酱[d??m]_________ 11. 馅饼;派[pa?]__________ 12.听起来;令人觉得[sa?nd] _________ 13.对甜食的爱好[swi:t tu:θ]__________ 14.盐;食盐[s?:lt]_________ 15.耳朵[??(r)] _________ 二、熟读Activity3对话,并根据汉语提示,背诵以下句子并默写。 1.好香的味道啊!_____________________ 2.你的披萨饼看上去真不错。_______ 3.你想尝一些吗?_______________________ 4.它看起来很可爱,闻起来很香,尝起来很好吃。____________________ 5.你想尝一块吗?__________________________ 6.恐怕我不喜欢奶酪。___________________ 7.它闻起来不新鲜。__________ 8它闻起来气味太浓,并且尝起来有点酸。___________________ 9.我的巧克力甜饼现在做好了。_____________________ 10.他们尝起来确实很甜,中间很酥软。__________________ 11.有一些披萨饼和小甜饼了。____________________ 12.苹果派听上去不错。_________________________ 13.你知道的,我爱吃甜食。__________________________________


人教版英语精品资料 新目标英语七下Unit1单元检测题 Ⅰ.翻译下列短语 1.下象棋______________ 2. 与…相处得好________ 3.说一点英语__________ 4. 加入游泳俱乐部___________ 5.在某方面帮助某人__________ 6. 把…给…看_____________ Ⅱ.根据读音选词题. 1.I want to join a music ________/ kl?b/. https://www.sodocs.net/doc/f58893247.html,e B.club C.climb D.call 2.Can you _______________/faind / the kite ? A.fruit B.friend C.find D.food 3.She can play the _____________ /gItɑ:/ well. A.great B.green C.guitar D.game 4.May I learn Chinese history _______/wie/ my friend? A.which B.wish C.with D.watch 5.He can speak a ____________ /'lItl/ French. A.listen B.letter C.little D.list Ⅲ.单项选择 1.The boy’s sister can play the trumpet very____. And his handwriting is very __ A.good, well B.well, good C.nice, well D.bad, well 2.Can you help me ________ my English? Of course. A.with B.of C.learning D.about 3.—You play the violin very well. —___________. A.Don’t say that B.Thank you. C.OK D.No, my English isn’t good. 4. Bob can play ________ tennis but c an’t play ________ violin. A.the, the B./, / C.the, / D./, the 5. Liza ______English very well,______she doesn’t know Chinese. A. speaks; but B. talks; but C. speaks ;and D. talks; and 6. Miss Read is good ______music.She can be good ____ children in the music club. A.at, at B.with, with C.at, with D.with, at 7.The young ________ plays the ________ very well. A.pianist, piano B.piano, pianist C.pianist, pianist D.piano, piano 8.—Can you speak French ? —Yes, but only ________. A.a little B.little C.a lot D.lot 9.What can you do, Lin Tao? ________. A.I like sports B.I want to join the music club C.I am well D.I can do Chinese Kung Fu 10.Maybe you can ________ our school concert. A.in B.be in C. for D.be at 11.—Hello!________?—37624598 A.Can I help you B.What can I do for you C.May I know your phone number D.Can you sing 12.He can ______ , so he wants to join the ________ club A.swims swim B. swims swiming C. swiming swim D swim swiming. 13.--- _______ your friend play the guitar? Yes, he ______. A.Do do B.Is is C.Can can D.Can can’t 14.Are you good ______ with you brother? A. for B.at C.with D.to 15.They are talking ________ my parents _______ my study. A.with to B.to with C.with about D.about with 16.After school,I had a long with my teacher about my study. A. talk B.word C.speech D.story


Unit1 单元检测题 一、单项选择 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 1. ________ your name, please? My name is Jim. A. What B. What’s C. Who D. Who’s 2. My mother is Alice Johnson. ________ phone number is 2546809. A. His B. Your C. Her D. Its 3. I ________ Ken. My family name ________ Martin. A. am, am B. is, is C. is, am D. am, is 4. 桮ood morningg, Miss Gao! 梍_______! A. Hello B. Hi C. Good morning D. Thank you 5. ________ name is Mark and ________ name is Liza. A. His, his B. Her, her C. His, her D. Her, his 6. 梂hatt’s your car number? 梍_______ 321471. A. I’m B. It’s C. Its D. My car is 7. 桯elloo, Jim. 梍_______. A. Yes B. Thank you C. Hello, Kate D. Yes, Kate 8. I ________ Tom. What ________ your name? A. am, am B. am, is C. is, is D. is, am 9 “What’s this?” “________.” A. It’s pen B. This is pen C. It’s a pen D. This is an pen 10. “What’s that ?” “ ________.” A. It’s milk B. That is a milk C. It’s a milk D. That’s an milk 二、完形填空 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 Hello! I’m Jack. I’m (1) Beijing, China. Dale is my friend. (2) last name is Brown. He is in China, (3) . I’m in No. 2 Middle School. My student (学生) (4) is 130934. Dale is in Beijing No. 5 Middle School. He (5) in my school. We can (6) in the evening. Jenny
