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1. 倒退三四百年世界上没有所谓的标准英语,标准的英音和美音是上流社会经济和文化的产物。

2. 英式英语和美式英语沟通不存在问题,所以学那种都可以。

3. 英音和美音各有自己的特点,所以学那种都可以,不存在说美音的人听不懂英音的情况。



There are many well-known differences between British and American English, but these differences won't cause you any serious problems if you come and work in Britain.

First, there are a few noticeable GRAMMAR differences between British and American English: I'll talk about the two most important ones.

First of all, when Americans make sentences using 'just', 'already' or 'yet', they normally use the past simple tense, while in Britain, we use the present perfect.

So an American, for example, might say:

"I already had lunch."

"She didn't arrive yet."

And a British person would say:

"I've already had lunch." - That's "I have already had lunch."

Or... "She hasn't arrived yet."

Also, in Britain we often use 'have got' or 'has got' when we talk about possession, while Americans generally just use 'have' or 'has'.

So, for example, in American English we might say:

"I have a new car."

In British English it's more normal to say:

"I've got a new car."

The meaning's the same, there's just a small grammatical difference that you might notice.

There are these and a few other very small differences, but to be honest, these differences almost never make it difficult for us to understand each other.

On the other hand, the differences in VOCABULARY between American English and British English are stronger than the grammatical differences, but again, these very rarely cause serious problems.

A lot of the words which are different are informal or slang words...

For example, I think many Americans would be unfamiliar with the British slang word 'naff', which means 'un-cool' or 'poor-quality'.

On the other hand, a Brit (a British person) might be very confused by a sentence like:

"The café is kitty-corner to the pharmacy."

This means that the café is diagonally opposite to the pharmacy, but we don't have the word'kitty-corner' in British English.

Another example would be telling the time...

If we want to describe 2:45 in Britain, we might say:

"Quarter to three", or 3:15 would be "Quarter past three".

On the other hand, in America, these might be:

"Quarter of three" for 2:45, or "Quarter after three" for 3:15.

It's another small difference, but it's one that's not going to cause serious problems - it's quite easy to get used to.

There are also some differences in SPELLING which I should mention.

One example of this is the verb 'to practise':

In British English, this is spelt with an 'S', so that's


In American English, it's spelt with two 'C's, so in American English it's


And there are lots of other examples of slight difference of spelling, but about 99% of the time, British and American people can understand each other without any trouble at all. In Britain we watch lots of American films and TV programs, and we listen to lots of American music, so American English is generally very familiar to us.

This is probably not quite so true for an American coming to Britain. Americans, I think, don't watch quite so much British TV or British movies.

I should also point out that regional English can be an important thing to think about. Not everyone in Britain talks like James Bond. There are some regional accents in Britain which you don't hear so often in the movies, and these might be a bit more difficult to get used to.

However, I'd like to finish by saying that many, many Americans live and work in Britain, and they don't have any serious language problems at all. So, Brittney, my advice to you is: don't worry about the language, you'll be fine!


British and American spelling

There are several areas in which British and American spelling are different. These are the main ones to be aware of.

Words ending in –re

British English words that end in -re often end in -er in American English:

Words ending in -our

British English words ending in -our usually end in -or in American English:

Words ending in -ize or -ise

Verbs in British English that can be spelled with either -ize or -ise at the end are always spelled with -ize at the end in American English:

Words ending in -yse

Verbs in British English that end in -yse are always spelled -yze in American English:

Words ending in a vowel plus l

In British spelling, verbs ending in a vowel plus l double the l when adding endings that begin with a vowel. In American English, the l is not doubled:

Words spelled with double vowels

British English words that are spelled with the double vowels ae or oe are just spelled with an e in American English:

Note that in American English, certain terms, such as archaeology, keep the ae spelling as standard, although the spelling with just the e (i.e. archeology) is usually acceptable as well.

Nouns ending with –ence

Some nouns that end with -ence in British English are spelled -ense in American English:

Nouns ending with –ogue

Some nouns that end with -ogue in British English end with either -og or -ogue in American English:

The distinctions here are not hard and fast. The spelling analogue is acceptable but not very common in American English; catalog has become the US norm, but catalogue is not uncommon; dialogue is still preferred over dialog.

Aside from spelling differences, many items and practices have different names in British and American English. To explore further, see British and American terms.



Speakers of American English generally use the present perfect tense (have/has + past participle) far less than speakers of British English. In spoken American English it is very common to use the simple past tense as an alternative in situations where the present perfect would usually have been used in British English. The two situations where this is especially likely are:

(i) In sentences which talk about an action in the past that has an effect in the present: American English / British English

?Jenny feels ill. She ate too much.

?Jenny feels ill. She's eaten too much.

?I can't find my keys. Did you see them anywhere?

?I can't find my keys. Have you seen them anywhere?

(ii) In sentences which contain the words already, just or yet:

American English / British English

?A: Are they going to the show tonight?

?B: No. They already saw it.

?A: Are they going to the show tonight?

?B: No. They've already seen it.

?A: Is Samantha here?

?B: No, she just left.

?A: Is Samantha here?

?B: No, she's just left.

?A: Can I borrow your book?

?B: No, I didn't read it yet.

?A: Can I borrow your book?

?B: No, I haven't read it yet.

1. Verb agreement with collective nouns

In British English collective nouns, (i.e. nouns referring to particular groups of people or things), (e.g. staff , government, class, team) can be followed by a singular or plural verb depending on whether the group is thought of as one idea, or as many individuals, e.g.:

My team is winning.

The other team are all sitting down.

In American English collective nouns are always followed by a singular verb, so an American would usually say:

Which team is losing?

whereas in British English both plural and singular forms of the verb are possible, as in:

Which team is/are losing?

2. Use of delexical verbs have and take

In British English, the verb have frequently functions as what is technically referred to as a delexical verb, i.e. it is used in contexts where it has very little meaning in itself but occurs with an object noun which describes an action, e.g.:

I'd like to have a bath.

Have is frequently used in this way with nouns referring to common activities such as washing or resting, e.g.:

She's having a little nap.

I'll just have a quick shower before we go out.

In American English, the verb take, rather than have, is used in these contexts, e.g.:

Joe's taking a shower.

I'd like to take a bath.

Let's take a short vacation.

Why don't you take a rest now?

3. Use of auxiliaries and modals

In British English, the auxiliary do is often used as a substitute for a verb when replying to a question, e.g.:

?A: Are you coming with us?

?B: I might do.

In American English, do is not used in this way, e.g.:

?A: Are you coming with us?

?B: I might.

In British English needn't is often used instead of don't need to, e.g.:

They needn't come to school today.

They don't need to come to school today.

In American English needn't is very unusual and the usual form is don't need to, i.e.:

They don't need to come to school today.

In British English, shall is sometimes used as an alternative to will to talk about the future, e.g.:

I shall/will be there later.

In American English, shall is unusual and will is normally used.

In British English shall I / we is often used to ask for advice or an opinion, e.g.:

Shall we ask him to come with us?

In American English should is often used instead of shall, i.e.:

Should we ask him to come with us?

4. Use of prepositions

In British English, at is used with many time expressions, e.g.:

at Christmas/five 'o' clock

at the weekend

In American English, on is always used when talking about the weekend, not at, e.g.:

Will they still be there on the weekend?

She'll be coming home on weekends.

In British English, at is often used when talking about universities or other institutions, e.g.: She studied chemistry at university.

In American English, in is often used, e.g.:

She studied French in high school.

In British English, to and from are used with the adjective different, e.g.:

This place is different from/to anything I've seen before.

In American English from and than are used with different, e.g.:

This place is different from/than anything I've seen before.

In British English to is always used after the verb write, e.g.:

I promised to write to her every day.

In American English, to can be omitted after write, i.e.:

I promised to write her every day.

5. Past tense forms

Below is a table showing verbs which have different simple past and past participle forms in American and British English. Note that the irregular past forms burnt, dreamt and spoilt are possible in American English, but less common than the forms ending in -ed.

Infinitive Simple past

(Br) Simple past


Past participle


Past participle


burn burned/ burned/ burned/ burned/

(Br) (Am) (Br) (Am)

burnt burnt burnt burnt bust bust busted bust busted

dive dived dove/


dived dived

dream dreamed/

dreamt dreamed/






get got got got gotten

lean leaned/

leant leaned leaned/



learn learned/

learnt learned learned/



plead pleaded pleaded/

pled pleaded pleaded/


prove proved proved proved proved/


saw sawed sawed sawn sawn/


smell smelled/

smelt smelled smelled/



spill spilled/

spilt spilled spilled/



(Br) (Am) (Br) (Am)

spoil spoiled/

spoilt spoiled/






stink stank stank/


stunk stunk

wake woke woke/


woken woken

Note that have got is possible in American English, but is used with the

meaning 'have', gotten is the usual past participle of get, e.g.

American English British English

You've got two brothers

(= you have two brothers)

You've got two brothers

You've gotten taller this year You've got taller this year

6. Implications for teaching

The two major varieties of English

The two varieties of English most widely found in print and taught around the world are British and American - it is therefore important for teachers to be aware of the major differences between the two. And while lexical differences are the easiest ones to notice, a knowledge of grammatical and phonological differences can be useful not only for teachers to be aware of, but also to be able to deal with should they come up in class.

Which is better?

An important point to make is that different doesn’t mean wrong. Comments such as “American English is inferior to British English”, or “American English is better than British English” have no solid basis other than the speaker’s opinion. The truth is that no language or regional variety of language is inherently better or worse than another. They are just different. Students will often have very firm beliefs on which English they think is

better/easier to understand/clearer etc. While it may be true for that particular individual,

there is no evidence to suggest that one variety is easier to learn or understand than the other.

Materials and varieties

If you are an American English speaker teaching with a British coursebook or vice versa, what do you say when the book is different from your English? The answer here is to point out the difference. The differences are not so numerous as to overload the students and often can be easily dealt with. For example, if you are an American English speaker using a lesson that has just incl uded “at the weekend” it takes very little time to point out that in American English people say “on the weekend”. Accept either from your students then. If you decide to go along with the book and say “at the weekend” yourself, you’ll probably sound unnat ural, and “on the weekend” might slip out anyway!

Exams and essay writing

In most international exams, both varieties of English are accepted. However, while writing for an international exam (or writing in English generally) students should try to remain consistent. That means if they favour (or favor) American spelling and grammar, they should stick to that convention for the whole piece of writing.

What role do other varieties of English have in the classroom?

Although British and American varieties are the most documented, there are of course many other varieties of English. Scotland, Ireland, South Asia, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, West Africa, the Caribbean, South Africa all have their own regional variations of English. The decision whether or not to highlight aspects of these Englishes would depend on two factors:

if the students are going to live, or are already living, in one of these places - in which case the need to understand specific aspects of that English is clear; or

if the teacher is from one of those places and therefore speaks a regional variation of English. In this case it could be useful to occasionally point out differences between your English and that of your Anchor Point:bottomcoursebook (see point 3 above about using your own variety).


英国英语与美国英语 现代英语在发展过程之初本来并无英国英语(British Englis—BrE)和美国英语(American English—AmE)的分野,不过到了20世纪,由于美国开始参与世界事务,至第二次世界大战更充分展示了超强的国力在世界舞台上扮演领导的角色,自然地美国人所讲的英语在世界各地,甚至在英国本土都引起了各界人士的相当程度的注意、讨论和研究。 那么英语自17世纪初期随着英国人向新大陆的殖民潮流入美洲后约四百年间,在新的大环境中起了什么变化而形成了今日的美式英语呢? 根据语言学家的研究其主要原因有下列三项: (1)旧词新用:那些到了新世界的殖民者为配合新环境的需要而把原用的单词移来指说新的近似事物。例如“corn”,在英国的原义是指“谷物,尤指一个地区的主食谷物,在英国是指小麦(wheat)”。可是当时的英国人在新大陆看到的印地安人的主食谷物并不是小麦,而是玉米(maize),然后他们仍称以“corn”,并在前面加个“Indian”以别于英国的“corn”。这种“Indian corn”的用例最早出现于1697年,后来“Indian”渐渐不用而只用“corn”直指“玉米”。今天我们说“爆玉米”为“pop-corn”,绝对没有人说“pop-Indian-corn”。 (2)就地吸收原住民用语:AmE吸收了不少的印地安原住民的词汇,以动植物名称和地名为多。例如: 地名:Ohio[o(>O%!o(]俄亥俄州(原指Ohio河,是beautiful water的意思);Mississippi[P!K!>K!A!]密西西比州(原指Mississippi河,是Father of waters的意思);Kentucky[E+Q>C)E!]肯塔基州(land of tomorrow的意思),etc. 动物名:moose[P(::K]麋;raccoon[T->E(:Q]浣熊;skunk[KE)RE]臭鼬;etc. 植物名:hickory[>O!E+T!]山胡桃;sequoia[K!>EV&!+]美洲杉;squash[KEV&M]南瓜之类;etc. (3)移民族群母语的交融:新大陆早期的殖民者以及美国建国后入籍美国的移民并非只来自英国,实际上来自欧洲各国和世界各地的移民人数远超出了英国人。这些四面八方来的移民带着他们的母语就地和英语不断地产生交融,这也是构成AmE特征的主因之一。例如: chop-suey[>CM&A>su:i]:杂碎(一种有肉或鸡肉及米饭、洋葱等的美式中国菜,


关于英国英语和美国英语的区别多有讨论,今天我给大家来个简单的总结吧。在总结前有三句话说在前头: 1. 倒退三四百年世界上没有所谓的标准英语,标准的英音和美音是上流社会经济和文化的产物。 2. 英式英语和美式英语沟通不存在问题,所以学那种都可以。 3. 英音和美音各有自己的特点,所以学那种都可以,不存在说美音的人听不懂英音的情况。 今天就给大家看几篇西方人对英美英语的区别的总结。 第一篇是位教书有10年的英国教师的总结 There are many well-known differences between British and American English, but these differences won't cause you any serious problems if you come and work in Britain. First, there are a few noticeable GRAMMAR differences between British and American English: I'll talk about the two most important ones. First of all, when Americans make sentences using 'just', 'already' or 'yet', they normally use the past simple tense, while in Britain, we use the present perfect. So an American, for example, might say: "I already had lunch." "She didn't arrive yet." And a British person would say: "I've already had lunch." - That's "I have already had lunch." Or... "She hasn't arrived yet." Also, in Britain we often use 'have got' or 'has got' when we talk about possession, while Americans generally just use 'have' or 'has'. So, for example, in American English we might say: "I have a new car." In British English it's more normal to say:


英式英语与美式英语的区别 一、拼写,美国人更注重实用性,因此美式英语的拼写比英式英语更简洁。 1. 英语单词中不发音的词尾-me, -ue 词义美式英语英式英语 公斤kilogram kilogramme 方案program programme 目录catalog catalogue 对话dialog dialogue 序言prolog prologue 2. 英语中的以-our结尾的单词,在美语中删去了不发音的字母u 词义美式英语英式英语 热情ardor ardour 行为behavior behaviour 颜色color colour 特别喜欢的favorite favourite 风味flavor flavour 荣誉honor honour 劳动labor labour 3. 英语中以-re结尾,读音为[?:]的单词,在美语中改为-er结尾,读音不变 词义美式英语英式英语 中心center centre 纤维fiber fibre 公尺meter metre 剧场theater theatre 4. 英语中某些以-ence为结尾的单词,在美语中改为- ense结尾 词义美式英语英式英语 防御defense defence 犯法行为offense offence 执照license licence 托词pretense pretence 5. 英语中以-ise结尾的动词,美语中则拼作-ize 词义美式英语英式英语 批评criticize criticise 组织organize organise 实现realize realise

辨认recognize recognise 使标准化standardize standardise 分析analyze analyse 6. 英语中以双写-ll-拼写的部分词,在美语中只有一个-l- 词义美式英语英式英语地方议员councilor councillor 顾问counselor counsellor 珠宝商jeweler jeweller 奇异的marvelous marvellous 包裹parceled parcelled 旅行traveling travelling 7. 英语中以- xion结尾的词,美语中拼作-ction,读音不变 词义美式英语英式英语 联系connection connexion 反射reflection reflexion 弯曲inflection inflexion 8. 其他 词义美式英语英式英语 永世eon aeon 审美的esthetic aesthetic 怀疑论者skeptic sceptic 妈妈mummy mommy 支票check cheque 监狱jail gaol 路边的镶边石curb kurb 小胡子mustache moustache 犁plow plough 睡衣裤pajamas pyjamas 冰箱fridge refridgerator 二、同一个词在英语和美语中可能指不一样的东西(同词异义) 英语美式英语英式英语 bankbill钞票汇票 billion十亿万亿 biscuit软饼苏打饼干 corn 玉米谷物,小麦


美国英语和英国英语的几点比较 一、英语的起源 英语成为不列颠的共同语5世纪中叶,三个日尔曼部落从欧洲大陆(丹麦和德国北部)渡海迁居不列颠群岛。他们是盎格鲁人、撒克逊人和朱特人。不列颠原住民的凯尔特语很快被他们的日尔曼语所代替。 英语经历三个时期:古英语(1150年前),中古英语(1150-1500) 和近代英语(1500 年后)。古英语时期有四种方言。中古英语时期变成三种方言:北部方言、中部方言和南部方言(泰晤士河以南)。地处南部和中部之间的伦敦方言成为文学语言。 英语在不列颠逐步发展。1362年法院采用英语。1476年西敏寺设立印刷厂。16世纪文艺复兴。1611年出版《圣经》英王定本。1755年约翰逊完成他的《字典》,这是一本开创性的英语词典,对英语的发展和规范化起了积极作用。1933年成为权威的《牛津英语词典》。由于多方面吸收外来词,英语是词汇最丰富的语言。一般英语词典收词50万条,较大词典收词75万条。 后来在1602年,一群清教徒乘坐“梅伊芙拉娃”号轮船移居美国,开创了美国英语的先河,到了1776年美国独立战争以后很多美国英语反过来被英国英语所采用。 华盛顿领导独立战争,经过8年(1775-1783)战斗,终于建成第一个由殖民地独立起来的民主国家。美国于是开始走向了强大。美国脱离英帝国而独立,是英帝国的重大挫折。可是从英语的扩张来看,不是缩小了传播范围,而是更加扩大了传播范围。 1783年,美国人口只有300万。1890年,人口超过欧洲(俄国除外)的总和。美国是内向的帝国主义。 早期13个殖民地的居民大都来自英国,当然以英语为共同语。后来土地扩大,居民中越来越多来自非英语国家的移民。美国为了统一共同语,普及全民义务教育,200年来坚持重视英语教学。这是八方杂处的移民国家所不可忽视的基础教育。 二、美国英语的形成 英语在美国随着国家的兴盛而发达,渐渐产生地区性的变异,形成“美国英语”。韦伯斯特(Noah Webster. 1758-1843)1783年发表《美国英语拼写手册》,行销1亿册,对美国的英语教学影响深远;184O年出版《美国的英语词典》,提高了词汇和词典的规范化水平。美国英语是在历史长河的风风雨雨中发展起来的。从第一批移民在美洲登陆起,他们就已开始创造美国英语。在陌生的新大陆上,移民们遇到许多闻所未闻的动物和植物,不得不寻找新的词汇来表达它们。他们从印第安入那里借用了一些词汇,如hickory(山核桃)、squash


1 英国英语和美国英语在词汇上的差异 美国英语是在英国对北美进行殖民开拓的过程中逐渐形成的一种区域性的英语变体,英国英语和美国英语在词汇上的差异主要有以下的方面: 1.1. 同一事物使用不同的单词来表示 英国英语和美国英语所使用的词汇的意义大多数是一致的,但也有一些词汇在词义存在着较大的区别。例如,同一种事物在英国英语和美国英语中就用不同的单词来表示。下表所列举的词就是较典型的例子。 American English British English Chinese pants trousers 裤子 gas petrol 汽油 store shop 商店 candy sweets 糖果 fall autumn 秋天 sidewalk pavement 人行道 congress parliament 议会 freshman the first year student 大学一年级新生 corn maize 玉米 automobile motor(car 汽车 1.2 同一单词在英国英语和美国英语中表示不同的意义 同一单词在英国英语和美国英语中表示不同的意义,这方面的词汇也有较多。例如:word American English British English mean angry, bad humored not generous, tight fisted rubber condom tool used to erase pencil markings date appointment day dresser a wardrobe assistant cupboard 1.3 同一单词在拼写上有所不同 许多单词的拼写在英国英语和美国英语中表现有较大的差异。如后缀为-our的英国英语词汇,在美国英语中却变成了以-or为后缀;英国英语中以-ise结尾的词,在美国英语中变成了-ize结尾。英国英语的词尾为-logue的,在美国英语中却简化成了-log。英国英语的-re词尾,在美国英语中则变成了-er词尾。通过对这些单词拼写的对比发现,美国英语的拼写比英国英语显得较为简单。例如: British English American English Colour color Neighbour neighbor Labour labor Analyse analyze Memorise memorize Modernise modernize Realise realize Dialogue dialog Catalogue catalog Monologue monolog Centre center Metre meter


Differences between American and British English Differences in vocabulary When it comes to vocabulary, American English differ significantly from British English. Sometimes the same word has different meaning. There are also different words with the same meaning. A few examples are given below. American English British English Airplane Aeroplane Apartment Flat/ apartment Area code Dialling code Attorney, lawyer Barrister, solicitor Busy Engaged (phone) Cab/taxi T axi Can Tin Candy Sweets Check/bill Bill Cookie, cracker Biscuit Corn Maize Crib Cot Crazy Mad Diaper Nappy Dumb, stupid Stupid Elevator Lift Eraser Rubber, eraser Fall, autumn Autumn Faucet, tap T ap First floor, second floor Ground floor, first floor Flashlight Torch French fries Chips Garbage, trash Rubbish Garbage can, trashcan Dustbin, rubbish bin Gas, gasoline Petrol Highway, freeway Main road, motorway Hood Bonnet Intersection Crossroads Mad Angry Mail Post Mean Nasty Movie, film Film Pants, trousers Trousers Pavement Road surface Pitcher Jug


英国英语与美国英语词汇区别大全 汉/英/美 飞机 aeroplane/ airplane 航空邮件 air-post/ air-mail 对……(人)生气 angry with/ angry at 垃圾箱 ash-bin (dust-bin) /ashcan 秋 autumn /fall 面包店 bakery /bakehouse 纸币 (bank-)note/ (bank-)bill 理发厅 barber"s shop/ barber shop 浴盆 bath /bathtub 浴室 bathroom/ bath 寝具 bedclothes/ covers 饼干 biscuit /cracker 百叶窗 blind /shade 公寓 block of flats /apartment house 宿舍 boarding house/ dormitory 预约 booking/ reservation 售票处 booking-office/ ticket-office 长筒鞋 boot/ shoe 圆顶黑色高帽 bowler/ derby 裤子的吊带 braces /suspenders 小憩时间 break /recess 中途下车 break one"s journey /stop over 白洋布、印花布 calico/ printed cloth 旅行队,篷车 caravan/ trailer 客车 carriage /coach 游览车 charabanc /sightseeing bus 药局 chemist"s shop /drugstore 支票 cheque /check 衣柜 chest-drawers/ bureau 教名 Christian name/ first name 电影院 cinema /picture house 寄物处,衣帽间 cloakroom /checkroom 光头 close crop/ crew out 衣夹 clothes-peg/ clothes-pin 公共汽车 coach/ bus 雄鸡 cock/ rooster 棺材 coffin /casket 魔术师 conjuror/ magician 蒸汽锅 cooker /stove 谷物 corn /grain 棍棒 cosh/ blackjack 领带 cravat /(neck)tie


American: elevator (电梯) British: lift American: sidewalk (人行道) British: pavement American: apartment (公寓) British: flat American: movie theater (电影院) British: cinema American: eggplant (茄子) British: aubergine American: cookie (饼干) British: biscuit American: french fries (薯条) British: chips American: chips (薯条或薯片) British: crisps American: pants (裤子) British: trousers American: trash can, garbage can (垃圾桶) British: dustbin American: two weeks (两周) British: a fortnight 语言提示:pants(裤子)一词在英国有特殊含义,它指的是男士underwear(裤)。 美式英语和英式英语的语法差异 美式英语和英式英语的语法大部分相同,不过还是有一些差异。虽然这些差异不一定都很明显,但如果能认出它们是美国人通常用have来表示拥有(财产);而说英国人有时会有have got。 American: I have a car. British: I've got a car. American: Do you have a cellphone? British: Have you got a mobile phone? 美国人经常用一般过去式表示最近发生的事。相比之下,英国人常用现在完成时。

英 国 英 语 和 美 国 英 语 在 词 汇 上 的 差 异

英国英语和美国英语在词汇上的差异英国英语和美国英语在词汇上的差异 美国英语是在英国对北美进行殖民开拓的过程中逐渐形成的一种区域性的英语变体 , 英国英语和美国英语在词汇上的差异主要有以下 的方面: 1. 1 同一事物使用不同的单词来表示 英国英语和美国英语所使用的词汇的意义大多数是一致的,但也有一些词汇在词义存在着较大的区别。例如,同一种事物在英国英语和美国英语中就用不同的单词来表示。下表所列举的词就是较典型的例 子。 1. 2 同一单词在英国英语和美国英语中表示不同的意义 同一单词在英国英语和美国英语中表示不同的意义,这方面的词 汇也有较多。例如 1. 3 同一单词在拼写上有所不同 许多单词的拼写在英国英语和美国英语中表现有较大的差异。如后缀为- our 的英国英语词汇,在美国英语中却变成了以- or 为后缀;英国英语中以- ise 结尾的词,在美国英语中变成了- ize 结尾。英国英语的词尾为- logue 的,在美国英语中却简化成了- log. 英国英语的- re 词尾,在 美国英语中则变成了- er 词尾。通过对这些单词拼写的对比发现,美国英 语的拼写比英国英语显得较为简单。例如 1. 4 一些介词的使用在英国英语和美国英语中有所不同介词的用法很多,变化较大,较为灵活,与名词、代词等搭配使用时产生多种不同的意义。在英国英语和美国英语中,同一名词往往用不 同的介词搭配来表示相同的意义。

1. 5 某些动词的过去式和过去分词在英国英语和美国英语中有所 不同 英国英语中的某些不规则动词在美国英语中常常用作规则动 词。如下表所示: 1. 6 一些词在英国英语和美国英语中的用法不同 在英国英语中,人们常常将 need, dare, used to等用作情态动词,把 have/has当作助动词使用,而美国英语却把它们当作实 义动词来使用。例 如 1. 7 一些单词在英国英语和美国英语中都找不到相应的词在英国英语和美国英语各自都有一些独有的单词,这些词在对方的词汇中找不到相应的词。例如,美国英语中的 everglade (美国佛罗里达洲南部的大沼泽地), caribou (北美的驯鹿), bayou (北美南部的牛轭湖;长湖), gopher (美国南部穴居的可以食用的一种鹿), sagebrush (北美的灌木丛)等在英国英语中就没有相应的单词。而英国英语中的 wicket (英国板球运动的三大柱门), bowler (英国的投球手)等在美国英语中也找不到对应的单词。由此可见,这些词所表示的意义往往是在英国和美国所特 有的事物。 2 英国英语和美国英语在词汇上存在差异的原因 综上所述,美国英语和英国英语在词汇方面存在很大的差异。为什么呢?世界上的事物都在不断的变化和发展,语言也不例外。美国英语与英国英语在不同的环境中发展,存在差异是自然的规律。美国克拉克( Clark )教授曾经说过,语言的发展有两个定律:第一,语言有变化的 趋势;第二,语言在不同的地方,倾向于发生不同的变化。 1607年,英国人在美洲建立了第一个永久的移民区。 1620年,英国清教徒( Puritan )乘坐“ 五月花” ( Mayflower )船,到达现在的马萨诸塞州的普利茅斯建立了另一个殖民地。这


英国英语与美国英语词汇区别大全(1) 英国英语与美国英语词汇区别大全 汉/英/美 飞机aeroplane/ airplane 航空邮件air-post/ air-mail 对……(人)生气angry with/ angry at 垃圾箱ash-bin (dust-bin) /ashcan 秋autumn /fall 面包店bakery /bakehouse 纸币(bank-)note/ (bank-)bill 理发厅barber"s shop/ barber shop 浴盆bath /bathtub 浴室bathroom/ bath 寝具bedclothes/ covers 饼干biscuit /cracker 百叶窗blind /shade 公寓block of flats /apartment house 宿舍boarding house/ dormitory 预约booking/ reservation 售票处booking-office/ ticket-office 长筒鞋boot/ shoe 圆顶黑色高帽bowler/ derby 裤子的吊带braces /suspenders 小憩时间break /recess 中途下车break one"s journey /stop over 白洋布、印花布calico/ printed cloth 旅行队,篷车caravan/ trailer 客车carriage /coach 游览车charabanc /sightseeing bus 药局chemist"s shop /drugstore 支票cheque /check 衣柜chest-drawers/ bureau 教名Christian name/ first name 电影院cinema /picture house 寄物处,衣帽间cloakroom /checkroom 光头close crop/ crew out 衣夹clothes-peg/ clothes-pin 公共汽车coach/ bus 雄鸡cock/ rooster 棺材coffin /casket 魔术师conjuror/ magician 蒸汽锅cooker /stove


英式英语和美式英语的全部区别 英语真正成为英国人的语言,至今只有三百多年的历史。我们所知道的英语,大约于公元1400年,由英国南部的盎格鲁撒克逊方言(Anglo-Saxon dialects)发展而来。其中也有很多字母,借用自公元1066年征服英国的诺曼人(Normans)所说的法语。威乐斯(Wales)、苏格兰(Scotland)和爱尔兰(Ireland)当时为不同的国家。而人民所说的语言是塞尔特语(Celtic languages)。在那个时候,欧洲人根本不知道有北美洲的存在;因此欧洲学者们所使用的语言是拉丁文,其中约有300年来的历史,英语才真正成为英国人的母语。接触过英语的人皆知,英语是源于英国的语言,它不只是英国本国的语言,也是各个英语系国家的语言。这些包括美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、纽西兰等。但自从第二次世界大战后,有许多国家都成了英语系国家的殖民地,而英语也因此遍及了全世界,它的使用范围也不再只限于这些英语系国家。如今,英语可说是已经变成一种世界性的语言。理所当然地,在国际间,它成为了各个不同的国家和民族之间共同通用的语言及沟通的工具。尤其在商业上,英语的积极性更是不容置疑的。因为英语当作母语、第二语言或外国语言并使用于行政、教育和商业等方面,英语发展成带有各地区和人民特征的一种形式。英语扩大了使用范围,还有二点值得一提的:第一,过去五十年来,科学和技术迅速的发展,导致了大量的知识以英语出版。因此,英语已成为优越的科学语言,许多人为了能够接近科学方面的专门文献而学习英语;第二,英语已成为国际会议、组织以及出版的主要语言之一。根据“国外英语的趋向”一文的作者波文(J.Donald Bowen)估计,全世界使用英语的人口当中,有三亿人口是以英语为母语,至今还有另外三亿人口以英语为第二语言,或必要时以英语与人交谈。为了更加了解美式英语与英式英语的差异,有二点理由说明了我们为什么要强调使用英语的人数以及英语的世界性。首先,英语并不是美国人或英国人,或其以英语为母语者的唯一特产。另外,说英语的人俞多,它的地理位置分布愈广大。在一般人的观念里英国是一个很严谨的国家。英国人似乎在穿着上,用餐的礼仪上,工作的时候都很严谨,也较有规律。也因此,大众对英国的语言也有相同的观念,觉得英式英语是一种严谨的语言。而美国是由英国移民所组成的一个国家,它的建国时间较短,因此,在人们的印象中,美国和英国有着大大的不同。美国人较热情,做任何事情随心所欲,所以美国人在说话时也应是如此。在美国的英语中,有许多很口语化的方言和俗语,就像我们台湾本土的闽南语一样有很多很有趣的俗语,也许会人认为在英语的对话中添加一些方言和俗语,会让人觉得粗俗或没水准。其实不然。因为若在说话时添加一些方言或俗语,可以使你说出来的话更生动活泼、更丰富、更有内涵,且更容易让人了解。相对的,如果说话时都一板一眼、毫不越矩,不但自己说话时要很小心谨慎,别人也无法很轻松地与你交谈。英国人和美国人所使用的英语都遵循既定的规则,但随着社会潮流的进步及改变,无论是在英国或是美国,人们所使用的英语也都一直在改变。只是在大众的感觉里,美国英语改变的速度似乎比英国英语还要来的快。但事实上,学者们的研究却认为美式英语在某些层面上比英式英语还要守旧。此外,学者们也认为造成两者差异最大的原因是因为自然环境的不同。例如:区域、地形、动植物和人口稠密度。另外,还有些原因是因为英国人和美国人生活背景和社会体制的不同。例如:政治体制、教育体制。美国的语言也叫做「英语」,乍听之下好像不合常理,因为应该是英国的语言才叫做「英语」,但是由于美国人是来自于英国的移民,所以美国人和英国人所说的语言都是同一种语言,也就是说「英语」。虽然这两个国家所说的都是一种语言,但是还是有些许的差异,不过这些差异对一般人来说也许明显,但却不尽然明了其差异之根源所在。在1700年以前,英语并


英国英语和美国英语差异产生的起源 英语真正成为英国人的语言,至今只有三百多年的历史。我们所知道的英语,大约于公元1400年,由英国南部的盎格鲁撒克逊方言发展而来。其中也有很多字母,借用自公元1066年征服英国的诺曼人(Normans)所说的法语。威乐斯(Wales)、苏格兰(Scotland)和爱尔兰(Ireland)当时为不同的国家。而人民所说的语言是凯尔特语。在那个时候,欧洲人根本不知道有北美洲的存在;因此欧洲学者们所使用的语言是拉丁文,其中约有300年来的历史,英语才真正成为英国人的母语。接触过英语的人皆知,英语是源于英国的语言,它不只是英国本国的语言,也是各个英语系国家的语言。这些包括美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、纽西兰等。但自从第二次世界大战后,有许多国家都成了英语系国家的殖民地,而英语也因此遍及了全世界,它的使用范围也不再只限于这些英语系国家。如今,英语可说是已经变成一种世界性的语言。在人们的印象中,美国和英国有着大大的不同。美国人较热情,做任何事情随心所欲,所以美国人在说话时也应是如此。在美国的英语中,有许多口语化的方言和俗语,就像我们台湾本土的闽南语一样有很多很有趣的俗语,也许会人认为在英语的对话中添加一些方言和俗语,会让人觉得粗俗或没水准。其实不然。因为若在说话时添加一些方言或俗语,可以使你说出来的话更生动活泼、更丰富、更有内涵,且更容易让人了解。相对的,如果说话时都一板一眼、毫不越矩,不但自己说话时要很小心谨慎,别人也无法很轻松地与你交谈。英国人和美国人所使用的英语都遵循既定的规则,但随着社会潮流的进步及改变,无论是在英国或是美国,人们所使用的英语也都一直在改变。只是在大众的感觉里,美国英语改变的速度似乎比英国英语还要来的快。但事实上,学者们的研究却认为美式英语在某些层面上比英式英语还要守旧。此外,学者们也认为造成两者差异最大的原因是因为自然环境的不同。例如:区域、地形、动植物和人口稠密度。另外,还有些原因是因为英国人和美国人生活背景和社会体制的不同。例如:政治体制、教育体制。在1700年以前,英语并没有英式英语和美式英语两种分别,因为当时只有英国,美式英语在当时是不存在的。不过之后,因为部分英国人移民到美洲大陆,在美洲大陆又发展了一个文化又融合了印第安、西班牙、法国及黑人文化等,再加上英语这个语言在口说及书写方面很少受要标准化和统一化的影响,因此,今日英语才形成英式英语及美式英语


enquire(英)与inquire(美),;“车胎”的英语单词在英国用tyre,在美国则是tire;“睡衣”的英式英语是pajamas,美语则是pyjamas;“执照”,“特许证”的英式英语用licence,美语则用license。colour(颜色),在美语里就拼写成color,少了一个“u”字母;refrigerator(电冰箱)美语是fridge, 英国英语与美国英语词汇区别大全 汉/英/美 飞机aeroplane/airplane 航空邮件air-post/air-mail 对(人)生气angrywith/angryat 垃圾箱ash-bin(dust-bin)/ashcan 秋autumn/fall 面包店bakery/bakehouse 纸币(bank-)note/(bank-)bill 理发厅barbersshop/barbershop 浴盆bath/bathtub 浴室bathroom/bath 寝具bedclothes/covers 饼干biscuit/cracker 百叶窗blind/shade 公寓blockofflats/apartmenthouse 宿舍boardinghouse/dormitory 预约booking/reservation 售票处booking-office/ticket-office 长筒鞋boot/shoe 圆顶黑色高帽bowler/derby 裤子的吊带braces/suspenders 小憩时间break/recess 中途下车breakonesjourney/stopover 白洋布、印花布calico/printedcloth 旅行队,篷车caravan/trailer 客车carriage/coach

英式英语 和美式英语的单词拼写差别讲解学习


:英式英语和美式英语的单词拼写差别 英式英语比美式英语单词更长,拼写更复杂 例如:dialogue(英式) dialog(美式) archaeology(英式) archeology(美式) colour(英式) color(美式) favourite (英式) favorite(美式) jewellry(英式) jewelry(美式) programme (英式) program(美式) storey(英式) story(美式) 情况二:英式英语以re结尾,美式英语以er结尾 例如: centre(英式) center(美式) theatre(英式) theater(美式) metre(英式) meter(美式) 情况三:s与c, s与z 例如: licence(英式) license(美式) practise(英式) practice(美式) analyse(英式) analyze(美式) globalisation(英式) globalization(美式)情况四:其它 例如: grey(英式) gray(美式) manoeuvre(英式) maneuver(美式)

至于用法,英式英语和美式英语除了在语法上有很多不同,在某些概念的词汇表达上也有很大差异。请比较以下这几组日常生活中的常用词:公寓单元 flat(英式) apartment(美式) 电话区号 dialling code(英式) area code(美式) 律师 lawyer(英式) attorney(美式) 小汽车 car(英式) auto(美式) 钞票 note(英式) bill(美式) 薯片 crisps(英式) chips(美式) 电梯 lift(英式) elevator(美式) 高速公路 motorway(英式) freeway(美式) 长裤 trousers(英式) pants(美式) 由此可见,区分英式英语和美式英语的区别,才能减少在口笔译工作中的沟通问题。


英式英语和美式英语的区别 美国英语是英国英语的一种区域语言变体,它起源于17~18世纪的英国英语。 英式英语和美式英语毕竟还是同属于一种语言、语音、语法和词汇大致相同,英美人之间进行口头或书面交流,一般来说是没有困难的,没有根据认为存在着所谓的“美语”。但是,在语音、语法、词汇方面确实存在着一些差异,差异最大的在于词汇方面。下面我们就分别加以说明: 一、英式英语和美式英语在语音上的差异 英式英语和美式英语在读音上的差异主要反映在元音字母a, o 和辅音字母r 的不同读音上。 1.在ask, can‘t, dance, fast, half, path 这一类的单词中,英国人将字母a 读作[a:],而美国人则读作[?],所以这些词在美国人口中就成了[?sk] [k?nt] [d?ns] [f?st] [h?f]和[p??]。 2.在box, crop, hot, ironic, polish, spot这一类单词中,英国人将字母o 读作[)],而美国人则将o读作近似[a:]音的[a]。所以这些词在美国人读起来就成了[baks] [krap] [hat] [ai'ranik] [pali? ] 和[spat]。 3.辅音字母r在单词中是否读音是英语与美语的又一明显差异。在英语的r音节中不含卷舌音[r],而美语的r音节中含卷舌音[r],如下列词在英语和美语中读音是不同的: 英语读音美语读音 car [ka:] [kar] door [d?:] [d?r] river [‘riv? ] [’riv? r] party [‘pa:ti] [’parti] board [b?:d] [b?rd] dirty [‘d?ti] [’d?rti] morning [‘m?:ni? ] [’m?rni? ] 英式英语中只有在far away, for ever, far and wide等连读情况下,字母r 才明显的读作卷舌音[r]: [fa:r?'wei][f?'rev?][far?ndwaid]。 4.在以-ary或-ory结尾的多音节词中,英国人通常将a或o弱读,而美国人不仅不弱读,还要将a或o所在的音节加上次重音,所以这些词在英语和美语中不仅读音有差异,节奏也显然不同


2009年第9期第24卷 No.9,2009 Vol.24 General No.220江苏技术师范学院学报(职教通讯) Communication of Vocational Education Journal of Jiangsu Teachers University of Technology 总第220期 一、引言 英语是英国人民的语言,经历了从古代英语—— —中古英语—— —现代英语三个阶段。英语最早是在公元449年由日耳曼人带到英国的,直到十六世纪伦敦英语的使用才成为规定和惯例。从1607年起,第一批英国殖民者开始移居美洲,把中古英语也带到美洲。由于地理上的疏远、政治上的独立等多种原因,造成这些移民与英国本土人接触减少,从而使他们所讲的英语和英国本土所讲的英语有一定的差异;随着时间的推移,逐步形成一种区域性的英语变体—— —美国英语。它与英国英语一起构成了当今世界最重要的两种英语地域变体。[1] 自第二次世界大战以来,美国和英国在世界舞台各个领域中的地位和作用发生了急剧的变化。在战后的25年中,美国资本主义发展极其迅速,逐渐成为西方国家中的霸主和一个超级大国。而英国,作为工业化进程开始最早的国家,在第二次世界大战期间,经济实力大为削弱,战后许多英国殖民地都先后宣布独立,更加速了英国在经济等方面的衰弱。正是由于这一背景,英国英语和美国英语在社会中的地位发生了戏剧性的变化。 我国的英语教学一直以英国英语为标准,所以绝大部分教师与学生都熟悉英国英语。然而近几年,大学英语四、六级考试,托福考试,全国公共英语等级考试等全部用的都是地道的美国英语,在加上大批美籍外教涌入中国以及日常生活中美国的广播、电视、电影对我们的影响,同时还有很多英语学习者认为美国英语好听、时髦,所以在国内形成学习美国英语的热潮。事实上英国英语和美国英语在发音、拼写、语法规则、词汇创新等方面存在一些差异,这些差异常常给中国的英语学习者带来困难,同时也给中外英语交流造成一定的障碍。 二、差异存在的具体表现 (一)发音上的差异 美国音(general American pronunciation)和英国标准音(British received pronunciation)在发音上主要有以下一些不同之处: 1.美国人讲话时节奏较慢,习惯于慢慢地拖出声音,所以我们常常感觉美国英语容易听懂,而英国人则认为美国人说话拖长腔,不短促。 2.美国英语的语调相对较平稳,语域变化较小,而英国英语的语调抑扬顿挫,语调之间的变化较大。 3.美国英语常常使元音鼻音化,也就是说空气同时从鼻腔出来,而在英国英语中多数地方的元音都不鼻化,因此英美两种口音听起来很不一样。 4.在美国英语中,元音之间的[t]和[d]都发成很轻的浊辅音[d],其发音方法是用舌前部迅速而短 英国英语与美国英语的差异研究 邱玲敏 (江苏广播电视大学武进学院,江苏常州213000) 摘要:通过对英国英语与美国英语在发音、拼写、词汇、表达和文化五个方面的差异分析,帮助英语学习者重视英美文化差异,从而进一步提高交际的效果和质量。 关键词:英语;美语;差异;研究 中图分类号:H315.9文献标识码:A文章编号:1672-7401(2009)09-0109-04 收稿日期:2009-05-20 作者简介:邱玲敏(1970-),女,江苏武进人,江苏广播电视大学武进学院教师,主要研究方向为英语教学。


英式英语和美式英语词汇的区别 1.正书法:英式英语受法语影响较大 前为英式,后为美式.例词均为英式英语形 -our/-or: colour, labour, flavour, humour,但表示动作施行者的-or英美同形 -re/-er: centre, theatre(美式英语中可表示剧场), metre -nce/-nse: defence, offence -ise, -isation/-ize, -ization: organisation, recognise,但在英国的牛津大学出版社用的是-ize -ae, -oe/-e: encyclopaedia, foetus -lled, -lling, -ller/-led, -ling, -ler: traveller, signalling -l/-ll: instalment, skilful等元音+l+辅音的情况 cheque/check:仅在表示”支票”时 grey/gray:灰色 kerb/curb mould/mold:霉,霉菌 pyjamas/pajamas storey/story:层,楼层 sulphur/sulfur tyre/tire yoghurt, yogurt/yogurt 2.词汇 前为英式,中间为通用(括号中表示多用于某方),后为美式 horse riding/-/horseback riding sweets/-/candy abseil/-/rappel advert/advertisement/-:广告 -/aerial(英)/antenna:天线 aeroplane/-/airplane Alright?, Alright mate?/Hi!/What’s up? alsatian/German shepherd(美)/-:谢泼德犬 amber/yellow/-:(交通信号灯上的)黄灯 answerphone/answering machine/-:电话留言机 anticlockwise/-/counterclockwise:逆时针 aubergine/-/eggplant:茄子 arse/-/ass:屁股 -/autumn/fall:秋天 aye(苏格兰)/yeah, yes/- balaclava/-/ski mask:面罩,滑雪面罩 banger(俗)/old car/-:老爷车 banger/firecracker/-:爆竹 banger/sausage/-:英式香肠 note, banknote/banknote(美语罕用)/bill:纸币 bap/bread roll/-
