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MIQE Guidelines

stock pitch guidelines

Stock Pitch Worksheet Step 1: Pick a Stock Stick with industries you understand.If you really enjoy shopping, look at retailers. If you’re a Comp Sci major, pitch a software company. This will make your research a lot easier and ultimately you will deliver a better stock pitch. For example, Warren Buffett, arguably the world’s best investor, does not invest in technology companies because they are outside of his sphere of competency. Qualitative approach: Look at the overall economy and choose a sector and industry that you think has particularly positive/negative cyclical or secular themes. Then try to choose the best/worst company in that industry. Quantitative approach: Use arbitrary parameters to filter the overall universe of stocks (e.g. below average P/E, high revenue and earnings growth, high ROE). Yahoo! Finance and MSN Money both offer free stock screeners. Don’t stress over this part of the process. For interviews, the execution is much more important than the idea. As long as you understand your company well and make a compelling argument, you will probably impress your interviewers—regardless of which stock you choose to pitch. Step 2: Craft a Persuasive Pitch There are three basic parts to an effective stock pitch: story, numbers, and valuation. The checklist below should serve as a rough guide as you begin to craft your own stock pitches over winter break. Try to include all of the components I have listed below, but make sure you emphasize those that support your case. And d on’t forget to at least briefly acknowledge risks to your thesis. When delivering your stock pitch, note that it should act as a summary of your research/knowledge of the company. The interviewer will expect more in-depth knowledge/reasoning in the Q&A. You want to be able to have a discussio n, so don’t give it all upfront! Basic Information (example: VistaPrint) Company name: VistaPrint Ticker: VPRT Price: $33 52-week range: $17.55 – $37.75 Note: This is important to know, but a stock’s past returns shouldn’t have any bearing on your decision to buy or sell over an intermediate- to long-term time horizon (i.e. > 6 months). Market cap: $1.4B Recommendation: Buy


档编号:Personnel Management’08_Development_00 版本号:1.0 文档名称:用户手册 项目名称:图书管理系统 项目负责人:*** 编写:**** 校对:**** 审核:**** 批准:**** 开发单位:软件工程开发小组

1引言 (2) 1.1编写目的 (2) 1.2背景 (2) 1.3定义 (2) 1.4参考资料 (2) 2用途 (2) 2.1功能 (2) 2.2性能 (3) 2.2.1精度 (3) 2.2.2时间特性 (3) 2.2.3灵活性 (3) 2.3安全保密 (3) 3运行环境 (3) 3.1硬设备 (3) 3.2支持软件 (3) 3.3数据结构 (4) 4使用过程 (4) 4.1安装与初始化 (4) 4.2输入 (4) 4.2.1输入数据的现实背景 (4) 4.2.2输入格式 (4) 4.2.3输入举例 (5) 4.3输出对每项输出作出说明 (5) 4.3.1输出数据的现实背景 (5) 4.3.2输出格式 (5) 4.3.3输出举例 (5) 4.4文卷查询 (6) 4.5出错处理和恢复 (6)

1引言 1.1编写目的 在完成软件开发工作,结合《详细设计说明书》,并分别与软件使用者和程序员进行了较为深入地探讨和分析的基础上,项目小组(系统分析员)提出了这份用户手册。 此概要用户手册介绍了《图书管理系统》软件的功能分配,模块划分,程序的总体结构,输入输出和接口设计,运行设计,数据结构设计及出错设计等方面作了全面的概括性的说明,为用户使用本软件提供了便利。 1.2背景 说明: (1)本系统的名称是:图书管理系统 (2)本项目的任务提出者是某高校,开发者是软件项目管理小组,用户是某企业人事及相关部门。 1.3参考资料 列出有用的参考资料,如: [1]软件工程开发小组, 《<图书管理系统>需求规格说明书》, 2014. [2]软件工程开发小组, 《<图书管理系统>概要设计说明书》, 2014. [3]软件工程开发小组,《<图书管理系统>详细设计说明书》,2014. [4]软件工程开发小组,《<图书管理系统>测试分析报告》,2014. [5]朱作付, 《软件工程》, 科学出版社, 2005. [6]郑人杰, 殷人昆, 陶永雷, 《实用软件工程》, 清华大学出版社, 1997. [7]卫红春, 《软件工程概论》, 清华大学出版社, 2007. 2用途 2.1功能 本软件主要是为了帮助学校相关职能部门对图书信息进行高效的管理和维护,主要的功能如下: a.图书信息的增加、修改、删除,支持多种途径的数据录入。 b.图书信息按各种条件查询,可在操作界面输出列表。


Guidelines for Project Proposals* A technical proposal, often called a "Statement of Work,” is a persuasive document. Its objectives are to 1. Identify what work is to be done 2. Explain why this work needs to be done 3. Persuade the reader that the proposers (you) are qualified for the work, have a plausible management plan and technical approach, and have the resources needed to complete the task within the stated time and cost constraints. What makes a good proposal?One attribute is appearance. A strong proposal has an attractive, professional, inviting appearance. In addition, the information should easy to access. A second attribute is substance. A strong proposal has a well-organized plan of attack. A strong proposal also has technical details because technical depth is needed to sell your project. Remember: A proposal is a persuasive document. Required Format Format consists of the layout and typography of a document. In formatting your proposal, use the guidelines in Table 1. A template to produce your proposal exists at the following web page: https://www.sodocs.net/doc/419239910.html,/design/proposal_template.doc One aspect of layout is the incorporation of illustrations. In your proposal, each illustration should have a name and be formally introduced in the text. Illustrations consist of figures and tables. Figures include photographs, drawings, diagrams, and graphs. Each figure should have a stand-alone caption, and the key points and features should be labeled. Tables are arrangement of words and numbers into rows and columns. Use tables to summarize lists that the audience will try to find later (the budget, for instance). Table 1.Format guidelines for requested proposal. Aspect Description Font for headings Boldface serif or sans serif: size in accordance with hierarchy Font for text portion 12-point serif such as Times New Roman or Book Antiqua Margins Standard, at least 1 inch Layout One column, single-sided Paragraphing Indented paragraphs, no line skip between paragraphs in a section Page number Bottom centered Figure names Numbered: Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, and so forth Figure captions Below figure in 10 point type Table names Numbered: Table 1, Table 2, Table 3, and so forth Table headings Above table in 12 point type * Adapted from Guidelines at the Penn State Learning Factory: https://www.sodocs.net/doc/419239910.html,/


XXXXX学校图书馆 读者手册

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目录 一、XXXXX学校图书馆概况 (一)基本概况 (二)馆舍与设施 二、图书馆开放时间 三、图书馆分布 四、电子资源介绍 (一)超星电子图书数据库 (二)CNKI中国知网数据库 (三)万方数据库 五、图书馆规章制度 (一)读者入馆须知 (二)借阅管理细则 (三)书刊、设备及设施遗失、损坏赔偿办法六、图书馆基本知识 (一)《中国图书馆图书分类法》简表 (二)分类号(索书号) (三)馆藏图书排列 七、图书馆使用常见问题解答 (一)关于借阅证问题 (二)关于书刊借阅问题 (三)图书馆常用概念

一、XXXXX学校图书馆概况 (一)基本概况 XXXXX学校图书馆由XX图书馆、XX图书馆2个图书馆组成。馆舍总面积达XX万平方米,现有阅览座位近XX个,电子阅览及检索终端XXX台。设施先进,环境舒适。 经过十多年的建设与发展,馆藏纸质图书总量为XX万册:其中,中文纸质图书XX万册,外文纸质图书XX万册。纸质期刊XX种,报纸XXX种。数字资源有超星电子图书XXX万册、中国知网数据库、万方数据库、超星学术视频、万方名师讲坛视频等,存储容量为XXXXTB。馆藏文献以软件工程、互联网工程、物联网工程、电子信息工程、信息安全、云计算、艺术工程、游戏与动漫设计制作、电子商务、市场营销、财务管理和信息服务等专业为主。逐步形成了内容丰富,结构合理的文献信息资源保障体系。 遵照“读者第一,服务育人”的宗旨,图书馆推行藏借阅一体、开架借阅等超市化管理模式,实行统一门禁,设有总服务台,读者带书包进馆可随意进入各阅览区。书刊阅览每周向读者开放90小时以上,网上资源服务全天开放。 (二)馆舍与设施 XXXXX学校图书馆在两个校区分别有1个独立馆舍,共计XX 万平方米,提供近XX个阅览座位。两个校区的图书馆均具有完善的网络设施,全馆实现无线网覆盖。数字图书馆全天候为读者服务,存储容量为XXTB。


60.日本机械设计手册(中文版) 61.《新编形状和位置公差标注读解》标准出版社 62.图说机械制图,形象生动,希望对大家有用 63.螺旋锥齿轮设计与加工 64.气动手册 65.公差配合和测量技术ppt、 66.《玩具器具.机械结构.自动装置》 67.《汽车标准件手册》PDF有书签 68.《机械机构精确度》PDF 69.机构设计实用构思图册 70.《机械设计实用机构与装置图册》清晰/很有价值的参考图册,很多实例 71.弯头技术手册 72.液压与气动设备维修问答(机械工业出版社) 73.《实用液压机械故障排除与修理大全》 74.液压系统设计图集(周士昌)机械工业出版社 75.华中科技大学液压与液力传动课件 76.机械77.常用机械零件及机构图册 77.精度基础(韦恩.R.穆尔)国防工业出版社 78.装配车间设计(配以事例,很好的资料) 79. 精密机械零件与部件 80.《农业机械设计手册》(上下册)中国工业出版社机械零件与部件 81.动力工程师手册(机械工业出版社1999年出版) 82.《组合机床设计参考图册》.pdf大连组合机床研究所编 83.《飞机结构设计》 84.《机械创新设计基础》 85.《公差与配合图解手册》 86.《机械结构合理设计图册》 87.动画:制图与思维 88.《飞机结构设计》国防工业出版社 89.刀具设计原理与计算PDF 90.《刀具设计手册》机械工业出版社出版 91.齿轮变位[日]仙波正荘著(pdf) 92.《减速器设计选用手册》PDG,PDF+书签 93.非圆齿轮及非匀速比传动——机械工业出版社(pdf) 94.《机械无级变速器》PDG+PDF 95.2000年以来剃齿刀论文汇总(63篇) 96. 结构设计工艺手册 97. 现代机械创新产品分析与设计 98.液压气动系统设计手册 99.《机械设计》(第七版)高等教育出版社 100.《机器设计》[PDF+书签]交通大学出版社 101.润滑技术手册 102.现代液压技术应用220例(PDF扫描版) 103.常用压力容器手册(机械工业出版社)


? Copyright ? 2006 World Customs Organization. All rights reserved. Requests and inquiries concerning translation, reproduction and adaptation rights should be addressed to copyright@https://www.sodocs.net/doc/419239910.html, ?. AUTHORIZED ECONOMIC OPERATOR I. CONDITIONS, REQUIREMENTS AND BENEFITS Introduction The World Customs Organization (WCO) has designed standards to secure and to facilitate the ever-growing flow of goods in international commerce. These standards are set forth in the SAFE Framework of Standards (“SAFE Framework ”), which was adopted by the WCO Council at its 2005 Sessions. A vast majority of WCO Member administrations have expressed the intention to begin the process of implementing the SAFE Framework provisions. In recognition of the urgency of launching this new programme without undue delay, the Council adopted the basic SAFE Framework document which provides the broad overarching principles concerning security and facilitation of the global supply chain. The SAFE Framework incorporates the concept of the Authorized Economic Operator (AEO), and the Council directed the WCO to develop more detailed implementing provisions for the AEO concept. This document provides baseline technical guidance for the implementation of AEO programmes at the global level between WCO Members and the international trade community. It is designed to serve as a starting point for national AEO programme implementation and supports the effective application of the standards that are outlined in Pillar II (Customs-to-Business Partnerships) of the SAFE Framework. This guidance will provide for long-term application of meaningful standards that will apply to both Customs and AEOs at the global level. These core international standards shall form a “baseline ” that must be followed by all parties engaged in this effort. This document also allows for the inclusion of supplemental national criteria that may be required by any given Customs administration. Customs administrations recognize that the international trade supply chain is not a discrete identifiable entity. Rather, it is a series of ad hoc constructs comprised of players representing varied trade industry segments. Some “supply chains ” possess a degree of permanence in that the same cast may play recurring roles on a long-term basis on behalf of a regular importer of goods into a given country. In other “supply chains ”, participants either change frequently or are assembled for the purpose of executing a single import transaction. Regardless of either the regularity or the temporal nature of any particular supply chain, Customs does appreciate that it does not own any portion of the trade supply chain. The global supply chain is “owned ” by the multitudes in the private sector who operate as part of any chain. It is for this reason that the support and participation of private sector business interests is fundamental to the success of the SAFE Framework concept.


便利店营运管理手册 便利店属于零售业态的一种,也是个商品密集的行业,如何让众多的员工都能按照同一个标准、同一个规范来工作,从而提高我们的工作效率,提升便利店(也称便利超市)的营业额,成为所有门店管理人员的一个重要课题。 然而,便利店之所以能够在当今成为主流业态,正式在于它的先进性,它的专业化、简单化和规范化。通过一个系统的规范,一个全面的标准,经过专门的培训,人人都能掌握,店店都能复制,从而能够快速地扩大我们的规模,形成强大的连锁体系,这正是我们编制这套规范手册的目的。 便利店是最具竞争力的零售业态,如果说连锁便利店、百货商场是商品销售的主力部队和正规军,那么便利店就是机动部队和游击队。资料调查显示,城市消费者平均一星期去一次仓储百货,一天去一次综合超市,却随时可能光顾便利店。便利店以其资金周转夏迅速,服务项目更灵活,商品销售更针对性,营业时间更长等诸多优点,伊然已经走出了零售业的辅助位置,取得了综合超市、商场百货、便利店三分天下的地位。 "麻雀虽小,五脏俱全。便利店是我国市场经济发展的产物,吸取了国外的经验与模式,要想经营好一家成功的便利店,从选址、装修、进货、布局、服务上都妥下很大工夫,木手册详细地介绍了成功经营便利店的的各种流程和事实要点?希望通过本手册可以使您在便利店的经营管理中得心应手,事半功倍。 愿广大的便利连锁门店能在规范中迅速拓展。 便利店营运管理手册目录 第一章便利店的现状和定位分析 第一节便利店的开店注意要点(上) 第二节便利店的开店注意要点(下) 第二章便利店营运常用术语规范 第三章营运部组织架构及工作职责

第一节营运部组织构架图 第二节营运督导部的工作职责 第三节新店筹备部的工作职责 第四节门店营运岗位职责 1、店长岗位职责 2、门店助理岗位职责 3、门店出纳岗位职责 4、门店主管岗位职责 第四章营运管理规范 第一节营运督导巡场管理规定 第二节门店考勤制度 第三节门店卫生管理制度 第四节晨会(晚会)制度 第五节设备维护管理规范 第六节价签管理规范 第七节促销员行为管理规范 第八节门店值班制度 第九节每日每周每月报表制度 【章商品管理规范 第一节商品管理规范 1、便利店条形码管理规范 2、商品AB(分类管理规范 第二节商品订货管理 1、门店定货作业程序 2、烟草购销作业程序 3、商品屯货管理规定第三节商品收获管理 1、门店商品收货程序 2、商品收货标准规范 第四节日常商品管理

The MIQE Guidelines

The MIQE Guidelines: M inimum I nformation for Publication of Q uantitative Real-Time PCR E xperiments Stephen A.Bustin,1*Vladimir Benes,2Jeremy A.Garson,3,4Jan Hellemans,5Jim Huggett,6Mikael Kubista,7,8Reinhold Mueller,9Tania Nolan,10Michael W.Pfaffl,11Gregory L.Shipley,12 Jo Vandesompele,5and Carl T.Wittwer 13,14 BACKGROUND : Currently,a lack of consensus exists on how best to perform and interpret quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR)experiments.The problem is exac-erbated by a lack of sufficient experimental detail in many publications,which impedes a reader’s ability to evaluate critically the quality of the results presented or to repeat the experiments. CONTENT : The Minimum Information for Publication of Quantitative Real-Time PCR Experiments (MIQE)guidelines target the reliability of results to help ensure the integrity of the scientific literature,promote con-sistency between laboratories,and increase experimen-tal transparency.MIQE is a set of guidelines that de-scribe the minimum information necessary for evaluating qPCR experiments.Included is a checklist to accompany the initial submission of a manuscript to the publisher.By providing all relevant experimental conditions and assay characteristics,reviewers can as-sess the validity of the protocols used.Full disclosure of all reagents,sequences,and analysis methods is neces-sary to enable other investigators to reproduce results.MIQE details should be published either in abbreviated form or as an online supplement. SUMMARY : Following these guidelines will encourage better experimental practice,allowing more reliable and unequivocal interpretation of qPCR results. ?2009American Association for Clinical Chemistry The fluorescence-based quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR)15(1–3),with its capacity to detect and mea-sure minute amounts of nucleic acids in a wide range of samples from numerous sources,is the enabling tech-nology par excellence of molecular diagnostics,life sci-ences,agriculture,and medicine (4,5).Its conceptual and practical simplicity,together with its combination of speed,sensitivity,and specificity in a homogeneous assay,have made it the touchstone for nucleic acid quantification.In addition to its use as a research tool,many diagnostic applications have been developed,in-cluding microbial quantification,gene dosage determi-nation,identification of transgenes in genetically mod-ified foods,risk assessment of cancer recurrence, applications for forensic use (6–11). This popularity is reflected in the number of publications reporting qPCR data,invariably use diverse reagents,protocols,methods,and reporting formats.This lack of consensus on how best to perform qPCR periments has the adverse consequence of ating a string of serious shortcomings that encumber its status as an independent yardstick (12).Techni-cal deficiencies that affect assay performance include the following:(a )inadequate sample storage,prep-aration,and nucleic acid quality,yielding highly variable results;(b )poor choice of reverse-transcription primers and primers and probes for the PCR,leading to inefficient and less-than-robust assay performance; 1 Centre for Academic Surgery,Institute of Cell and Molecular Science,Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry,London,UK;2Genomics Core Facility,EMBL Heidelberg,Heidelberg,Germany;3Centre for Virology,Depart-ment of Infection,University College London,London,UK;4Department of Virology,UCL Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust,London,UK;5Center for Medical Genetics,Ghent University Hospital,Ghent,Belgium;6Centre for Infectious Diseases,University College London,London,UK;7TATAA Biocenter,Go ¨teborg, Sweden;8Institute of Biotechnology AS CR,Prague,Czech Republic;9 Seque-nom,San Diego,California,USA;10Sigma–Aldrich,Haverhill,UK;11Physiology Weihenstephan,Technical University Munich,Freising,Germany;12Quantita-tive Genomics Core Laboratory,Department of Integrative Biology and Phar-macology,University of Texas Health Science Center,Houston,Texas,USA;13 Department of Pathology,University of Utah,Salt Lake City,Utah,USA;14 ARUP Institute for Clinical and Experimental Pathology,Salt Lake City,Utah,USA. *Address correspondence to this author at:3rd Floor Alexandra Wing,The Royal London Hospital,London E11BB,UK.Fax ?44-(0)20-73777283;e-mail s.a.bustin@https://www.sodocs.net/doc/419239910.html,. Received October 20,2008;accepted January 27,2009. Previously published online at DOI:10.1373/clinchem.2008.112797 15 Nonstandard abbreviations:qPCR,quantitative real-time PCR;MIQE,Minimum Information for Publication of Quantitative Real-Time PCR Experiments;RT-qPCR,reverse transcription–qPCR;FRET,fluorescence resonance energy trans-fer;C q ,quantification cycle,previously known as the threshold cycle (C t ),crossing point (C p ),or take-off point (TOP);RDML,Real-Time PCR Data Markup Language;LOD,limit of detection;NTC,no-template control. Clinical Chemistry 55:4 000–000(2009) Reviews 1 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/419239910.html,/cgi/doi/10.1373/clinchem.2008.112797The latest version is at Papers in Press. Published February 26, 2009 as doi:10.1373/clinchem.2008.112797Copyright (C) 2009 by The American Association for Clinical Chemistry 本页已使用福昕阅读器进行编辑。 福昕软件(C)2005-2007,版权所有,仅供试用。

Word 书籍排版完全手册

Word 书籍排版完全手册 2009-11-22 22:04:58| 分类:默认分类| 标签:|字号大中小订阅 一提到书籍的排版制作,也许有人会说只有PageMaker 或飞腾之类的软件才是专门用于排版书籍、制作海报的软件。其实并非如此,我们完全可以利用Word ,通过不很复杂的操作来达到专业出版书籍的排版要求。下面就用一个实例来向大家介绍如何利用Word 制作一本具有专业水准的书籍。本文以Word 2007 为操作环境,也同样适用于Word 2000 、Word 2003 版本,只是界面稍有不同而已。在学习排版之前,一定要准备好用来操作的文本内容的电子文稿并保存到磁盘上,并且要足够长,即要具备能够排出若干页的文字容量。 一、排版前的准备工作 1. 书籍排版的基本术语 要想制作出具有专业水准的书籍,首先必须了解一些相亲的基本术语,以及书籍排版中的一些特殊规定,这样才能保证在接下来的工作中,按照这些规定制作出符合规范的书籍。 (1 )开本 “ 开本” 是指将整张纸裁开成为若干等分的份数,用来表明书本的大小。如经常看到的某本书是16 开本、32 开本等,即是将整张纸裁成16 等分、32 等分。 (2 )扉页 在书籍中,扉页是指在封面之后第一页,印着书名、著者、出版日期等内容。 (3 )版心 版心是指书刊幅面除去周围白边,放置正文和图片等内容的中间部份,也就是排版范围。 (4 )版面 版面是指书刊每一页上的文字、插图等的排列方式。 (5 )页眉和页脚 页眉是指在每一页正文顶端出现的相对固定的文字、图片或符号;页脚则是出现在每一页的底端的有关信息,如页码、页数、日期等。页眉可以设置成全部一样,也可以设置成奇偶页不同。 2. 导入文本 启动Word 2007 自动新建一个文档,接着将已经录入的书籍文字内容导入到这个新建文件中来(一般是由多人分章节录入的,要同时将多个文档内容导入),具体操作方法是单击功能区的“ 插入” 选项卡,然后在“ 文本” 区单击“ 对象” 右侧的下拉按钮,再选择下拉列表中的“ 文件中的文字” 选项,随即打开“ 插入文件” 对话框。在其中选择文件的保存位置、选定多个文件,再单击“ 插入” 按钮,将选定文件的内容插入到新文件中。插入后可能会打乱顺序,可利


Introduction As a general statement, design issues that are pertinent to the wave solder process apply to selective soldering. It is assumed the reader has access to the Celestica Design Guide in order to reference the wave solder section of said document. For this reason, the reader will not find each and every fact related to the wave solder process contained in this particular document. True selective soldering, when compared to the use of a masking pallet and wave soldering equipment (i.e. the most common selective soldering method), offers benefit in the areas of manufacturing yield, process waste and (card) design restriction. The process employs the same (3) basic steps as those used in wave soldering. That is, the card assembly is fluxed, heated and soldered. The major difference is the manner in which the flux and solder are applied. As the “selective” portion of the name implies, the equipment applies flux and solder to (only) specified areas of the assembly. This is in direct contrast to the wave soldering process in which the 2 mediums are applied to the entire card. Celestica Toronto employs the ERSA Versaflow for selective soldering applications. The machine is available in both “single pot” and “dual pot” configurations. The word “pot”, as one might expect given the nature of the topic here, refers to the solder pot. Design guidelines are identical for the 2 models. That said, the advantages of having 2 solder pots within a machine include cycle time reduction and the ability to select the most appropriate pair of nozzles (as opposed to one) for the application. The figures and accompanying description found below are merely a guide. They are subject to modification depending on the actual card design. Contact Celestica Process Engineering for detailed information and direction. Equipment details and limitations Generally speaking, the maximum (overall) height of a card assembly that may be processed through the selective soldering equipment is 3.93” (100 mm). This figure is provided with reference to the bottom side of the card. Maximum bottom side component depth is restricted to 1.18” (30 mm). The card bottom side, once again, is the reference point for this dimension. Refer to Figure 1 for further detail. Card width is limited to 19.68” (500 mm). However, when a custom carrier or pallet is required, maximum card width is restricted to approximately 17.0" (432 mm) such that hold down fingers, transport rails, fiber optic cable trays, etc. may be incorporated into the carrier. Card length is limited to 23.62” (600 mm). In similar fashion to that outlined above, this figure must be reduced when carriers are involved. Card length is limited to approximately 21” (533 mm) in this case. Note that there are also figures associated with minimum card width and length. This is said, of course, given the assumption that a carrier will not be used. A card assembly must exhibit a minimum width and length of 3.5” (89 mm) and 4.5” (114 mm) respectively. Barrel fill difficulties aside, card thickness is not an issue. The minimum requirement for lead protrusion, like that for the wave solder process, is .020" (.5 mm). Note that protrusion in the range of .040” to .060” (1 mm to 1.5 mm) is preferred. The inspection process, whether manual or automated, is somewhat hindered by lead protrusion of less than .020" (.5 mm) as the component lead is not visible within the solder fillet. This limit is applicable to any (raw) card thickness given that the component lead diameter may be considered somewhat “standard”. That is, .040” (1 mm) or less. The card transport system within the machine employs both pin chain and edge roller arrangements. For cards and panels that are to be processed without a carrier (i.e. the preferred method), it is necessary to design the card assembly such that bottom side components (PTH and/or SMT versions) are a minimum of .125” (3mm) from the card edge. Top side components must be a minimum of .160” (3.8 mm) from the card edge. Where custom pallets are employed, edge clearance requirements may be reduced to .080" (2 mm) as the pallet will be designed to satisfy conveyor edge clearance requirements.
