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For thousands of years, poems have been the favorite types of literature in China. There were many famous poets from different periods of time in Chinese h 1 , and most of their poems are s 2 read and enjoyed today.

To remind people o 3 those classic Chinese poems, CCTV has produced a TV p 4 called Chinese Poem Competition. The final of the show’s second season was shown in February. A girl named Wu Yishu w 5 studies at the High School Affiliated to Fudan University, came out to be the w 6 of the competition. She recited lines from the Classic of Poetry (《诗经》): “In July, the crickets in the field; In A7 , they are in the yard; In September, they are at the door; In October, the crickets enter and crawl under our beds.” “I really admire her k8 of poems. The first time I saw her w 9 traditional Han clothing on TV, I was very impressed by her classical looks. She always keeps so calm through the show, which is very u 10 for her age,” said Huang Zijin after watching the final show.

Mr. Huang also said we would find Chinese cultures and taste the beauty of life by enjoying poems.


1. history

2. still

3. of

4. program(me)

5. who

6. winner

7. August

8. knowledge

9. wearing 10. unusual


At some time in your life, you might have a roommate. It is a good idea to share a flat,

expensive. And money is not the only reason for having a roommate. Sharing a flat can be

college students who shared a room. They found that students who had problems with their

roommates were not happy at school and were more likely to get sick than other students. So,

Being roommates with a friend can be hard. Friends may be different when you stay with them all the time f_5_ when you don’t see them very often. So, before you plan to share a room with a friend, discuss the situation c _6_ .

If you decide to share a room with someone you don’t know, talk to each other. It’s important to be h_7_about your habits and things you hate.You mustn’t tell lies to each other.

When you move in with a roommate, make some r __8__. Decide how you will share housework, such as cleaning, washing and shopping. Will you share food? It is OK to have guests? And what about loud music?

Don’t get angry at small things that your roommate does. Try to f_9__the unhappy things between you and your roommate. No one ---including you ---is p _10 __ .


1. especially

2. terrible

3. live

4. suggestions

5. from

6. carefully 6. honest 8. rules 9. forget10.perfect


It was the beginning of a new term. As a te acher in that school, I didn’t know any of the students. A little girl was standing at the gate of the classroom. She looked very shy.

I w___1_____ up to her and asked why she stood there. But she said n___2____. Then a boy shouted, “She is from Grade Four, the worst student in her grade.” I looked at the little girl. She didn’t seem to be the smart kind. I u 3 why her teacher asked her to stay in Grade Three. I took her hand and led her into the c_____4____ .

“Sit here. Now you are my student and I’m your t____5____ ,” I said. She still said nothing, but suddenly began to cry.

I later learnt that her parents d___6____ in a car accident. She became sad and didn’t like talking to others after that.

She learnt very slowly. I gave her respect and n 7 looked down upon(鄙视) her as I know everybody needs to be respected. I helped her after school, and she was making p

__8____ little by little. As time went by, she was not as shy as b___9___. At the end of the term, she seemed to have forgotten all her sadness. She was not among the best students when she left that school, but at least, she was not that shy and sad little girl any more.

In the following years, she would send me a card on each Thanksgiving Day. Three days ago, I r 10 an invitation to her wedding. And now, I am at her wedding, and she is smiling brightly.

Everyone deserves respect and everyone can be happy.


1. walked

2. nothing

3. understood

4. classroom

5. teacher

6. died

7. never

8. progress

9. before 10. received


Small talk and chitchat(闲谈)are the short conversations we have at parties, while we wait in line at the store, at family events or work.

Sometimes we make small talk with people we already know but not w 1 . Often we have to make small talk with complete strangers.

Many people find these small conversations about unplanned subjects difficult. Some people say they hate it. Others say small talk is a w 2 of time. They may even call it useless chitchat or useless chatter, meaning it doesn’t do anything. They c 3 small talk not important.

However, small talk is important. These exchanges can open doors that may lead to l 4 , more meaningful conversations. When you first meet someone or talk to someone you don’t know well, it would be awkward(尴尬的)to b 5 a conversation about a really deep subject such as war, politics or the meaning of life.

Small talk also gives you the c 6 to decide if you want to get to know that person better–or not. Let’s say you make small talk with someone at a party. But they only want to talk about cats. You may not want to build a friendship with them u 7 you really, really love cats.

Chitchat can also increase your feeling of understanding toward people you know but not well. Chatting with a workmate about their child may help you to understand more of their life outside the o 8 . This could help build healthy work relationships.

Researchers at the University of Chicago find that those who make small talk with strangers are happier than those who sit a 9 . Also, another similar study showed that people who talked with a cashier(收银员) in a coffee shop felt happier t 10 those who simply went in, ordered and left.

Small talk may make us happier.


1. well


3. consider


5. begin

6. chance(s)

7. unless

8. office

9. alone10.than


Leonardo da Vinci's(达芬奇) mother may have been a Chinese slave(奴隶) according to a new research by an Italian -Angelo Paratico. He has spent the last 20 years living and working in Hong Kong, researching the links(联系) b 1 his homeland and China.

It is believed that Leonardo da Vinci's mother was named Caterina, who, according to some reports, was a local farmer. But Mr. Paratico's new work leads to a d 2 explanation.

Speaking to the South China Morning Post, Mr. Paratico said, “I am s 3 that Leonardo's mother was from the East, but to make her a Chinese, we need to use a deductive method (演绎法).”

Angerlo Paratico has s 4 many documents(文献). He found that one wealthy friend of Leonardo's father’s had a slave called Caterina. After Leonardo's date of b 5 , she disappeared from the documents. “She was no longer working there and could not be found,”Paratico a 6 . Supporting his opinion, he said, “During the period, countries like Italy and Spain were f 7 of slaves from the Eas t.”

He said that there were certain aspects(方面) of Da Vinci's life and works which suggest a Chinese link. An e 8 is that he was writing with his left hand from left to right. And he was a vegetarian(素食者), which was not common. Mona Lisa(蒙娜丽莎) is probably a picture of his mother. On the back of Mona Lisa, there is a Chinese landscape and e 9 her face looks Chinese.

Mr. Paratico said the only way to s 10 the mystery is to extract(提取) some DNA. But he said he preferred to let the mystery to remain mysterious.


1. between

2. different

3. sure

4. studied /searched

5. birth

6. added

7. full

8. example

9. even 10. solve


A man walked into a doctor's examining room."Put out your tongue."the doctor s 1 .

"OK. There is nothing s 2 ,"the doctor said."It's clear what's wrong with you. You need more exercise.""But, doctor,"the man said."I don't think..."

"Don't tell me what you think." the doctor said."I am the doctor, not you. I know what you need. I see hundreds of people like you. N 3 of them get any exercise.

They sit in the office all day and in f 4 of the television in the evening. What you need is to walk quickly at l 5 twenty minutes a day."

“Doctor ,you don’t understand.” The man said. “I…”

“There is no e 6 ,”the doctor said. “You must find time for exercise. If you don’t, you will get fat and have health problems when you are old.”

“But I walk every day.” The man said .

“Oh ,yes, and I know that kind of walking that is. You walk a few meters to the office from your house, and a few more meters to a r 7 for lunch and back.”

“Please listen to me , doctor!” the man s 7 8 at the doctor angrily. “I’m a mailman. “ the man w 9 on,” I walk for seven hours every day.”

For a moment the doctor was silent,then he said quietly,”Put your tongue a 10 ,will you?”







6. excuse


8. shouted

9.went 10.again


Miracles(奇迹)will happen if you don’t give up trying. Even if you have f 1 for one hundred times, you may succeed when you try for the 10lst time.

When I was born, my doctor told my mother that the re was something wrong with my l__2 . They were too soft to be able to walk. A 3 the news was bad, my mother didn’t become frustrated(沮丧的). She didn't believe what the doctor said and started to look for other ways.

My mother k 4 looking for other doctors for me, and finally she succeeded. The doctor and his team in the hospital did everything t 5 could to help me. They also asked my parents to teach me to do some e 6 to help me walk. One day when my mother came to pick me up. I crawled(爬) towards her. She was so surprised and happy that she couldn’t believe her eyes. Crawling was not walking, but it was a good s 7 . Day by day, I could walk by myself.

When I grew up, my mother a 8 told me these stories. She said that if I thought of what she said whenever I met difficulties, I could do a__9__ successfully. I have been working hard and I have turned out to be a very e 10 person. I get best grades in school and I am a good dancer and swimmer. What the story tells us, as my mother always says, is: Never give up.










9.anything 10.excellent


Being a youth is one thing, and being a good one is another. A good youth should have these qualities: F 1 of all, health, a healthy body is the best wealth. Without it,

n 2 can be done well. If you are poor in health, you’ll have to take m 3 day after day. Even you can’t work, do sports and so on; Secondly, one must be of good quality. Always do something for others. Help those in trouble and c 4 about the people around you. If everyone did the same, what a w 5 world this would be! Thirdly, one must have the ability to work with others. Cooperation and communication are two important k 6 to better human relationship. Everyone needs friends b 7 no one can live through life alone or do everything he wants to.

Besides the examples above, patriotism(爱国主义) is the one we should never forget. Patriotism means a love of one’s country. It is one of the h 8 qualities of human’s. Everyone should love his own country. But people sometimes think that patriots(爱国者)must be fighters or that they live in a time of f 9 for their country. That is wrong. A good youth’s work is not only fighting. A good youth will do the things his country asks him to do.

I think a good youth of today should also have some training in a 10 . If everyone

can enjoy art and be able to make more of it for others, then people will live better and enjoy more.


1. First

2. nothing

3. medicine

4. care

5. wonderful

6. keys

7. because

8. highest

9. fighting 10. art


Are you the kind of person who likes to move with music?It’s a natural thing to do. Even little children start jumping up and down when they (1)h music.

Scientists say that animals dance, too. But their dancing is (2)d . The “dances” of animals send messages to other animals. But when people dance, they express (3)f about life and love, or about these very human experiences.

Dances are really good for you in many (4)w . For one thing, dancing is good for your(5) b . It makes your heart work and makes you breathe fast. It also makes you use your arms and your legs. If you go dancing often, you can keep (6)h . You may feel very (7)t after dancing, but you’ll probably also feel relaxed and happy at the same time. This is (8)a important point about dancing. It offers you an opportunity to express yourself and feel better about yourself. If you are angry or upset about something, dancing sometimes helps you (9)f those unpleasant things.

And finally, it’s a social activity. Some dances are for couples and some are for groups. But all kinds of dances give you a (10)c to meet new people or to do something enjoyable with friends.


1. hear

2. different

3. feelings

4. ways

5. body

6. healthy

7. tired

8. another

9. forget 10. chance


In 1883, an engineer named John Roebling got an idea to build a bridge between New York and Long Island. However, bridge-building experts around the world thought that it was i 1 . It had never been done before.

After much d 2 , he made his son Washington, a great engineer, believe that the bridge could be built.

The project started well, but a few months later, an accident took the life of John Roebling. Washington was b 3 hurt and he was not able to walk or talk. However, Washington never lost his heart. He still wanted to c 4 the bridge. But all he could do was to move one finger. So he decided to make the best use of it. By m 5 his finger, he slowly developed a way of communicating with his wife.

He touched his w 6 arm with his finger, “telling” her that he wanted her to call the engineers again. Then he used the same way to tell the engineers w 7 to do. The project carried on again.

For 13 years, Washington tapped out (敲出) his instructions with his finger o 8 his wife’s arm, until the bridge was finally completed.

Today the Brooklyn Bridge stands as a monument(纪念碑) to one man’s unbeatable spirit.

It is also a monument to engineers and t 9 teamwork, and to their faith in a man who was c 10 crazy by half the world.




3. badly

4. Complete/continue

5. moving

6. wife’s

7. what

8. on

9. their/the 10. considered


Once there was a poor little girl living near a forest. She had no family and no one to love her. So she often felt sad and l 1 .

One day, when she was walking in the forest, she found that a small butterfly was trapped unluckily in a bush. It tried to fly away but f 2 . The kind little girl saved the butterfly with great c 3 . Instead of flying away, the butterfly turned i 4 a beautiful fairy. The little girl was very surprised.

“Thank you for saving me. You are so kind. I will make any of your d

5 come true.” said the fairy.

The little girl thought for a moment and then said, “I want to be happy!”

The fairy said, “Very well. I will help you.”And she said something in the little girl’s ear. Then the fairy d 6 .

When the kind little girl grew up, she was always r 7 to help villagers in need. No

one in the village was as happy as she was. E 8 asked her the secret of happiness. She always smiled and answered, “The secret is that I listened to a kind fairy when I was a little girl.”

When the kind girl became a very cold woman and was d 9 , the neighbors in the village all gathered around her bed and asked what the kind fairy said years ago.

The lovely old woman still smiled and said, “Helping o 10 would make me happy all my life.”



2. failed

3. care

4. into

5. dreams

5.disappeared 7. ready 8. everyone 9. dying 10. others


Stephen Hawking was born in Oxford, England on 8th

January, 1942. He went to school in St. Albans—a small city near

London. After l 1 school, Hawking went first to Oxford

University where he studied physics, then he went to Cambridge University where he studied cosmology(宇宙学). As he himself admits (承认), he didn’t work hard. He was a very l 2 student, and did very little work. However, he still got good m 3 .

It was at the age of 20 that Hawking first noticed something was w 4 with him. When he visited his family at Christmas time, his mother was so worried that she made him see a d 5 . Hawking was sent to hospital for tests. Finally, the r 6 came out. Hawking had motor neuron disease, an incurable illness which would make him unable to speak, breathe or move w 7 the help of a machine. Doctors said they had no way to help him. He would die before he was 23.

At first, Hawking became very s 8 . After a while, though, he began to see his life in a different way. As he later write, “Before my illness was diagnosed (诊断), I had been very bored with life. There had not seemed to be anything worth doing. But shortly after I

came out of hospital, I suddenly realized that there were a lot of worthwhile things I could do.” Hawking married, f 9 a job at Cambridge University, and had three children. He also went on to do some of the most important scientific research.

On 14th, March, 2018, Hawking left us forever, but many people think he is one of the most excellent physicists s 10 Einstein.


1. leaving

2. lazy

3. marks

4. wrong

5. doctor

6. result(s)

7. without

8. sad

9. found 10. since


上海初三中考英语首字母填空专项练习 Firefighters or firemen play an important role in our daily life. In some places, firefighters use watchtowers to look for smoke and fires, although they get a fire report by telephone. A high tower is still very u 67 for watching and guarding a place. Fire fighters also make it a place for practice. They learn how to p 68 out fires from bur ning build in gs. They try to c 69 up the outside of the tower as fast as possible. They carry water hoses up to the fire. They practise carry ing imagi nable victims dow n f 70 high ladders. There are reas ons that firefighters are called for help. Maybe a buildi ng or a forest is o 71 fire. A train accide nt happe ns and people are t 72 in side. Still, people n eed to be rescued from floods or an earthquake. When ever there is an emerge ncy situati on, they can be see n f 73 there. Being a fire fighter n eeds a lot of t 74 .In the first place, firefighters should know how to educate the com mun ity (社区)by visit ing schools, com munity cen tres and people in their own homes to p 75 fire and accide nts from starti ng. They have to lear n how to deal with differe nt dangerous situations. Above all, it ' s necessary for firefighters to exercise everyida76o be and strong. _ 、 Man has a big brain. He can think and s 72 Ianguages. Scientists once thought that man isn ' t the same as ani mals b 73 man can think and lear n. They know now that dogs, mon keys and birds can lear n, too. They are beginning to u 74 that men are different from animals because they can speak. Animals can ' t speak. They make much 75 when they are afraid, or unhappy. Apes(猿)can learn some things more quickly than man. One or two of them have learned a few words. But they can not join words to make s 76 . They cannot think I 77 us because they have no Ianguage. Language is a wonderful thing. Man has been a 78 to build a modern world because he has Ian guage. Every child can speak his own Ian guage very w 79 when he is four or five, b 80 no ani mals lear n to speak. How do childre n lear n it? Scien tists don ' tweal8/1 kno wappe ns in side our body whe n we speak. They only know that man can speak because he has a brain. 三、 Our dog, Rex, used to sit outside our front gate and bark. Every time he wan ted to come into the garde n he would bark u 72 some one ope ned the gate. As the n eighbours compla ined of the noise, my husband s 73 weeks training him to press his paw on the latch (门闩)to let himself in. Rex soon became good at o 74 the gate. H 75 , when I was going out shopping last week, I n 76 him in the garden near the gate. This time he was bark ing so that some one would let him o 77 ! Since the n, he has developed ano ther bad h 78 . As soon as he ope ns the gate from the outside, he comes i 79 the garde n and waits un til the gate shuts. Then he sits and barks un til some one lets him out. After this he immediately lets himself in and begi ns bark ing a 80 . Yesterday my husba nd removed the gate and Rex got so a 81 that he disappeared. Since the n, we have not see n him. 四、 Elizabeth lived with her six childre n in a small house. One win ter, there was a big flood and quite a f 72 houses were washed away, but Elizabeth ' s houee was high escape it. Elizabeth took in one of the families which had lost everything. She shared her home until the family could build a 74 house. Elizabeth ' s friends could not un derwtan75 she wan ted to give so much whe n she already had so many childre


2019年中考英语首字母填空真题练习 (名师精选全国真题+详细解析答案,值得下载打印练习) 第一篇 For thousands of years, poems have been the favorite types of literature in China. There were many famous poets from different periods of time in Chinese h 1 , and most of their poems are s 2 read and enjoyed today. To remind people o 3 those classic Chinese poems, CCTV has produced a TV p 4 called Chinese Poem Competition. The final of the show’s second season was shown in February. A girl named Wu Yishu w 5 studies at the High School Affiliated to Fudan University, came out to be the w 6 of the competition. She recited lines from the Classic of Poetry (《诗经》): “In July, the crickets in the field; In A7 , they are in the yard; In September, they are at the door; In October, the crickets enter and crawl under our “I r eally admire her k8 of poems. The first time I saw her w 9 beds.”  traditional Han clothing on TV, I was very impressed by her classical looks. She always keeps said Huang Zijin after so calm through the show, which is very u 10 for her age,”  watching the final show. Mr. Huang also said we would find Chinese cultures and taste the beauty of life by enjoying poems. 参考答案 1. history 2. still 3. of 4. program(me) 5. who 6. winner 7. August 8. knowledge 9. wearing 10. unusual 第二篇 At some time in your life, you might have a roommate. It is a good idea to share a flat, e _1__ for students or people who have just finished school, because flats are usually expensive. And money is not the only reason for having a roommate. Sharing a flat can be fun.But life with a roommate can also be a t _2_ _ experience. Some experts did a study of college students who shared a room. They found that students who had problems with their


【2014淮安】A.根据句子意思,从方框中选用恰当的单词或短语填空。 mice ,delicious, keep fit, lead to, across, everything, unless, be afraid, in a hurry 1.Many foreign guess like to come here to enj oy ___________ Chinese food. 2.Why did they leave the house __________ with the door open ? 3.You’ll be late for the meeting __________ you start out at once. 4.Let’s go and play basketball after school. It can help us _____________. 5.Lucy was surprised to see some __________ running inside her room at night. 6.Be careful when you walk_____________ the street on your way to school. 7.My parents got ______________ ready for the party before my birthday. 8.It’s important to keep a balance between work and rest. Too little rest often ______________ illness. 【2014淮安】B.根据句子意思,用括号中所给的词的适当形式填空。 9.It’s __________(possible) to finish the job in such a short time. We need two more days. 10. Now people hope to eat healthily and begin to care about the _________(safe) of food. 11. They are looking forward to _________(win) the first prize in the coming competition. 12. Which do you think is _________ (interesting), going on a picnic of going fishing? 13. Follow that _________(doctor) advice and you will get better soon. 14. It’s reported that some wild animals __________(face) the danger of dying out now. 15. I can’t understand your suggestion. Would you mind explaining it __________(clear)? 【答案】1.delicious 2.in a hurry 3.unless 4. keep fit 5.mice 6.across 7 everything 8. leads to 9 impossible 10.safety 11. winning 12.more interesting 13.doctor’s 14.are facing 15.more clearly. 【2014南京】A) 根据括号中所给定汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为41-45的相应位置上。 41. Millie lives on a healthy diet. She ▲ (很少) has sweet snacks. 42. Stephen was ▲ (忙碌的) with the report on giant pandas last week. 43. People aren’t allowed to eat food on the underground in Nanjing from the next ▲ (月). 44. Madee felt proud when she ▲ the national flag in the playground this Monday. 45. Jiangnan Examination Office in Confucius Temple attracted ▲ of tourists on China Tourist Day this year. 【2014南京】B). 根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空,并将爱那个答案填写在答题卡号为46-50的相应位置上。 46. The twin brothers always keep ▲ (argue) about what TV programmes to watch.


09牛津中考英语专项训练及答案(9)(缺词填空) (1) At different times in a man’s life his food has different effects (影响) on his body. Among children f (1) is quickly changed to the power(力量) to run and play games. Most of a young man’s food is spent on growing t (2); we grow upwards only d (3) the first twenty years of our l (4), not later. Working men get their strong bodies from their food; and if they work h (5), they do not get fat. Office workers eat well and s (6) down a lot, and may begin to grow fat when still quite young. Many older p(7) try to work much and walk often. Perhaps the most difficult time is when a man r (8) sixty years of age. His body and mind b (9) restful, without much work or interest. That is when food changes quickly to f (10). 1.___________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.____________ 5.___________ 6.____________ 7.__________ 8.___________ 9.___________ 10.___________ (2) Bats(蝙蝠) are the only flying “animals” in the world. It is known to all that they cannot see very well. “As b_______(1) as a bat” is often h_________(2). Yet, they have no trouble flying on the d___________(3) nights and finding their way r___________ (4) very well. Why can bats fly and see at night? They fly by “radar(雷达)”. The bat's radar w_________ (5) the same way as the radar on ships and planes. As a bat flies t____________(6) the air, it makes a sound. If the sounds hit t__________(7), they will come back and the bat's e___________(8) will receive the message. In this way, the bat is a____________(9) to know where the things are. Bats go out for f____________________(10) at night. In the daytime, they hang in some dark places. 1.___________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.____________ 5.___________ 6.____________ 7.__________ 8.___________ 9.___________ 10.___________ (3) Tennis is in its second life. Its first game began in France. The name of the game comes from the French word “tennez”. The English men c___1____ the game “tennis” when they watched the Frenchmen play 800 years ago. The Englishmen liked the French game. Tennis courts(球场)were built in every park, in every city, just like today. The two countries played against each other. At first they played for honor. Then they w__2___ money. Later people began cheating(欺骗)to get money. Three hundred years ago the game was forbidden(禁止)to stop the cheating. The game a_____3___ disappeared. Americans found the old courts when they went to Europe 100 years ago. They learned w___4____ they could do about the game. They liked the game as the Englishmen had b___5____. After returning home, the Americans built tennis courts.


浙江省各大市2019年中考英语模拟试卷汇编:单词拼写 一、浙江省2019年初中毕业学业考试(湖州市) 单词拼写(本题有9小题,每小题1分,共9分) 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出正确的单词。每空限填一词。 In Chinese lunar calendar, people 57 (划分) the year int0 24 solar terms (节气) . Start of Summer means the coming of a new 58 (季节) summer. and it begins on May 6 and ends on May 21 this year. The temperature will 59 (上升) quickly during this period. Here are three things about how Chinese greet the Start of Summer. Checking one's weight The 60 (风俗) of weighing people at the Start of Summer started from the Three Kingdoms Period and is 61 (仍然) popular in South China today. It's said that this practice will bring health and good luck to the people weighed. Eating eggs In ancient China, people believed a 62 (圆的) egg was a symbol of a happy life and eating eggs on the day of Start of Summer was a good 63 (愿望) for good health. People put leftover tea into boiled water together with eggs to create "tea egg". Today it has become a 64__ (当地的) snack in many places of China. Taking care of the heart According to Chinese traditional medicine, Start of summer is a key time to moisten the heart. When it grows hot, heat can affect human health. So people 65 (更喜欢) food such as fruit and vegetables rich in vitamins and cool in nature. 二、浙江省衢州市2019年中考英语试卷 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,写出空白处各单词的止确形式。每空限填一词。 Many people go to Utah because they love hiking in Bryce Canyon National Park. They enjoy ________ (岩石) climbing, camping and so on. However, some people go to Utah for a very ________ (不同的) experience. The Boulder Outdoor Survival (生存) School (BOSS) in Utah is the world's oldest survival school. It teaches people how to stay alive outside without tents, or even backpacks. In Bryce Canyon, the days are very ________ (热的) and the nights are very cold. Not everyone wants to go and experience life without modem ________ (发明) like smart phones and e-books, Students at BOSS quickly learn that it is important to work hard and ________ (尝试)new things if they want to complete the trainin9. In survival camps at BOSS, students don't just practise camping, hiking or ________ (骑) horses. They go into the wild for days or weeks. They learn how to find ________ (新鲜的) water for drinking. They also learn how to make a fire, use a ________ (小刀)and find food to eat. Nature can often give them ________ (每件事) they need to survive. After these people go back to the real world, they may never use these skills again. Even if they don't, at ________ (至少) they will always know that they can live without computers, electricity, and smart phones—even if it is only for a few days!


2017中考专题练习----短文首字母填空 Passage 1 Most people want to work, but it has become m 1 difficult in today's world to find work for e 2 The economies(经济)of the world n 3 to grow by 4% each year just to keep the old number of jobs for people. Often this is not p 4 and so more people are w 5 work. Some people have no jobs now because new machines can d 6 the work of many people in a shorter time. Also, machines don't ask for more money and l 7 holidays. In all of the countries of the world machines are taking work from people, not only in factories but also on f 8 One machine can often do the work of forty people. About 75000 people are m 9 to the cities a day to look for jobs, but o 10 70% of them can find jobs. Passage 2 Someone says, “Time is money,” but I think time is even more i 1 than money. Why? Because when money is s 2 we can get it b 3 However, when time is g 4 it’ll never return. That’s w 5 we mustn’t waste(浪费) time. It’s sure that the t 6 is usually limited(有限的).Even a second is very important. We should make full use of our time to do something u 7 But some people don’t know the importance of time. They spend their limited time smoking, drinking and playing. They do not know that wasting time means wasting part of their own l 8 In a word, we should save time, we shouldn’t l9 today’s work for tomorrow. Remember we have no time to l 10 . Passage3 Can animals be made to work for us? Some scientists think that one day animals may be t 1 to do a number of simple jobs. They s 2 that in a film or on TV we may see elephants, monkeys, dogs, bears, or other animals doing a lot of things. If you w 3 carefully, you may find that those animals are given something to eat in return for d 4 them. The scientists say that many d 5 animals may be taught to do a number of simple jobs if they will get something to eat. Of course, as we know, dogs can be used to guard a house, and elephants can be used to do some heavy j 6 And we can also teach animals to work in f 7 . Apes, for example have b 8 used in America to help make cars and scientists b 9 that these monkeys may one day get in crops and e 10 drive trains. Passage4 If you don’t use your arms or your legs for some time, they will become weak; when you start using them again, they will gradually (逐渐地)become stronger again. Everybody knows this. Yet many people do not seem to know that it is the s 1 with memory. When someone says that he has a good memory, he really means that he d 2 give it enough chance to become stronger. If a friend says that his arms and legs are weak, we k 3 that it is his own fault. But if he tells us that he has a poor memory, many of us think that his p 4 are to blame, and f 5 of us know that it is just his own fault. Have you e 6 found some people can’t read or write but they usually have b 7 memories? This is b 8 they cannot read or write and they h 9 to remember things; they cannot write them down in a little notebook. They must remember dates, names, songs and stories; so their memory is the whole time being exercised. So if you want a good memory, l 10 from these people : practise remembering. Passage5 When I was walking down the street one day, I s 1 a small bag on the ground. I picked it up and opened it to see w 2 I could find out the owner’s name. There was n 3 inside it except some dollars and a picture of a woman and a young girl about twelve years old. I put the photo back and took the bag to the police station. Before I left, the policeman wrote down my name and my a 4 . He thought the owner might want to thank me. That evening I went to have dinner with my aunt and uncle. They had also asked a young woman to have dinner with us. Her face was familiar, but I couldn’t r 5 where I had seen her. D____6____ our talk, the young woman happened to say that she had l 7 her bag that afternoon. All at once I remembered w 8 I had seen her. She was the young girl in the photo, though she looked now much o 9


2019 年中考英语大纲词汇表 1. a art. 任何一个; 某一个; 每一; 一种; 一份 2. ability n. 水平; 才能,才智 3. able a. 能,能够;能干的,有才华的 4. about ad. 大约;几乎; 到处p rep. 关于; 在周围 5. above ad. 在上面; 上述prep. 在?之上; 超过 6. abroad ad. 在国外,往国外; 在外传扬;到外 7. absence n. 缺席; 缺乏,不存有 8. absent a. 缺席的; 茫然的v. 使( 自己) 离开 9. accent n. 音调,腔调;重音; 重音符号; 重要性 10. accept v. 接受; 同意 11. accident n. 意外事件 12. ache v.&n. 疼痛 13. achieve v. 取得( 成绩等); 达到( 目的) ,取得(胜利) 14. across ad. 交叉地prep. 穿过;在?的对面; 遍及? 15. act n. 行为,举动;(戏剧的)一幕; 法案v. 行动 16. action n. 行动,行为,活动;作用;战斗,战绩 17. active a. 活跃的; 主动的; 在活动中的;现役的 18. activity n. 所做的事情,活动,工作; 活动性,活力 19. add v. 加,增加; 附言

20. address n. 地址v. 写收信人的地址;发表演说;称呼 21. advantage n.优势,益处,利益 22. advertisement n. 广告 23. advice n.劝告,忠告,建议 24. advise v.劝告,忠告,建议;通知 25. afford v. 有( 能找到) 充足的时间(金钱)去( 做某事) 26. afraid a. 害怕,畏惧 27. after prep. 在?之后; 追赶; 依照ad. 之后,后来 28. afternoon n. 下午 29. again ad. 再( 一次),又( 一次); 重新 30. against prep. 反对;逆着;预防; 与?对比; 靠着 31. age n. 年龄;老年;时代; 很久v.变老,长大 32. ago ad. ?以前 33. agree v.赞同,同意; 与?相符;( 性情等) 投合 34. agreement n. 同意,一致;协定,协议 35. ahead ad. 在前面,在前头,向前 36. air n. 空气; 空中; 气氛;态度v.发表( 意见等) 37. airline n. 航线;航空公司 38. airplane n.飞机 39. airport n.飞机场 40. alive a. 活着的,在世的; 有活力的; 充满着?的


答案 1 全文概况是身处英国的作者在经历一次他印象深刻的伦敦地铁罢工事件时,巧遇他旧日在苏格兰的同学的故事。在截取这样一个素材时,出题者选取了8个词汇作为得分点。 -第1空的答案是ago。此处很少有同学失分,把握一般过去时的必要的条件就是要有一个表示段时间的a few years,再看文中其余动词的时态就很容易推断出是指几年以前。 -第2空的答案是added.此处失分的同学不少,其难点有二:先是要判断此空所需单词的词性是什么。让我们跳过空格审视一下剩余部分还缺少什么句子成分?该句主语、宾语都在,只有中间的谓语不见,由此推断该处应为开头是a的动词,作者一再强调此次罢工是terrible的,那么消极影响就必然是增加作者的麻烦。并且该句后面有一个介词to出现,那么什么动词既表示“增加、添加”又可以和to一同使用呢?那么只有add符合条件。第一个难点解决了,下一个就要看时态。根据统一原则,把add改为过去时added。很多同学过了难点以后就不再关注细节了,导致只填了add而失分。 -第3空的答案是Everything.原则同上。 -第4空答案是face.作者偶然注意的人身体上的哪个部位会是以f开头的呢?有face, foot等等可能,显然填脚是“令人眼熟的”似乎不大合乎逻辑,能一眼被人辨认的人体部位就是面孔,因此判断是face。 -第5空答案是also.副词的考察这已经是第二次出现了,通观这一句,所有主要成分无一缺席,惟有表示“也、同时”的副词才符合题意,因而确定为also.表示在作者认出这样一个老同学的同时,对方也同时辨认出了“我”的身份。 -第6空答案是know.此句是一个包含省略关系代词“that/who/whom”的定语从句的复合句,先行词可确定是people,而表示“认识/知道”含义的以k开头的动词只有know。 -第7空答案是where.先要复习一下宾语从句的概念,它是指在主从复合句中充当宾语、位于及物动词、介词或复合谓语之后的从句。引导宾语从句的连接词有:连词that,whether,if;连接代词who,which,what以及其强调形式whoever,whichever,whatever;连接副词when,where,why,how等。本句及物动词ask后很明显应该衔接的是双宾语,其中有直接宾语——人称代词him,后面就要跟一个由任意连接副词引导的宾语从句做间接宾语。再向后看,发现“老朋友”回答作者他是要去工作,从而确定选择连接副词where代指地点。 -第8空答案是world.此句是非正常形式的感叹句,虽然不是由“what/how”引导,但后面的感叹号仍说明了该句的性质,在判断出了以上7个空白后,同学们可轻易知道作者感慨的是“这世界真小!”名词world等均包含在《初中英语学科教学基本要求》里。 一1.lies 2.area 3.covered 4.richest 5.farmers 6.capital 7.foreign 8.speak 9.old 10.problem 二1.biggest 2.with 3.there 4.love/ like 5.when 6.happily 7.friendly 8.covered 9.snowmen 10.back
