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the big book of simulation modeling

the big book of simulation modeling the big book of simulation modeling:仿真建模的大书


研究生课程开设申请表 开课院(系、所):信息科学与工程学院 课程申请开设类型:新开□重开√更名□(请在□内打勾,下同) 6

一、课程介绍(含教学目标、教学要求等)(300字以内) 1.本课程教学目的是为通信与信息系统学科从事无线网络研究方向的博士生提供相关课 题研究的较为系统的知识。教学以无线网络为主线展开,包括:新一代无线网络概述,无线网络多址接入机制,分布式无线网络体系结构,无线传感器网络,移动自组织网络,短距无线网络WPAN / WBAN,无线网络的安全,无线网络的QoS,无线网络的标准活动,无线网络系统的仿真。在各讲根据新的研究动态引入相关研究专题,结合博士生拟研究网络技术类课题方向开展互动性讨论。 . 二、教学大纲(含章节目录):(可附页) 2.新一代无线网络概述 3.无线网络多址接入机制

4.分布式无线网络体系结构 5.无线传感器网络 6.移动自组织网络 7.短距无线网络WPAN/WBAN 8.无线网络的安全 9.无线网络的QoS 10.无线网络的标准活动 11.无线网络系统的仿真 三、教学周历

四、主讲教师简介: 徐平平博士、教授、博导,女,1957年4月生,1982年1月本校无线电技术专业本科毕业留校并在职获得本学科博士学位任教至今。1996-2000年二次赴日本爱工大和日本大阪大学访问研究。先后承担数字电路、通信原理、数字通信技术、新一代无线网络等本科、硕士、博士课程的教学,获授课竞赛、教学成果、精品课程、教育科研等多个奖项。研究成果发表学术论文60余篇,编、译著3部,专利15项,部省市科技奖3项。兼任全国标准化技术委员会WPAN/WSN/UWB组专家委员,中国通信学会高级会员、IEEE及IEICE 会员,NSRF基金博士点基金国家科技奖励基金及通信与信息领域主要核心期刊评审委员。目前主要研究领域超宽带高速无线通信,移动自组织网络,无线传感器网络 五、任课教师信息(包括主讲教师): Application Form For Opening Graduate Courses School (Department/Institute):School of Information Science and Engineering Course Type: New Open □Reopen√Rename □(Please tick in □, the same below)


飞行模拟器的结构设计与仿真研究 韩红伟;党淑雯;何法江 【摘要】Flight simulator has the incomparable advantages over real flight training which its structural design is the cru-cial to the optimization of aircraft design and improvement of the flight performance, so modeling and simulation of the research on the aircraft design is the key point for aircraft's design. After compared with 6-DOF(Degree of Freedom) flight simulator driven by hydraulic cylinders, a kind of 3-DOF flight motion platform based on 3-RPS mechanism driven by electric cylinders under UG environment is established , and the simulation of kinematical characteristics is researched after building joints and motions for the virtual prototype under the ADAMS/View module. For given kinematics charac-teristic curves, the post-processing of the measurement results using ADAMS/Post Processor module is carried, to get kinematics curves of various flight attitudes. The simulation results show that the designed structure can achieve three directions of motion, such as lift, roll or pitch, and meet the requirements of the technical specifications of the civil avia-tion flight simulator. The processes of analysis provide effective research methods for the design of the flight simulator.%飞行模拟器具有真实飞行训练无法比拟的优势,其结构设计是优化飞机设计,改善飞行性能的关键问题,故飞行模拟器的建模与仿真研究工作是飞行器设计的难点.通过与液压缸驱动的六自由度飞行模拟器对比分析,以3-RPS机构为基础,以在UG环境下建立的电动缸驱动的三自由度飞行模拟器运动平台模型为研究对象,在ADAMS/View模块下,对其添加约束


2020北京海淀高三(上)期中 英语 2020.11 本试卷共10页,100分。考试时长90分钟。考生务必将答案答在答题纸上,在试卷上作答无效。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题纸一并交回。 第一部分:知识运用(共两节,25分) 第一节完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,共10分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。 Lesson Plan It was just an ordinary day. There was the usual 1 as the children greeted each other. I looked over my plan book and I never felt better. It would be a good day and we would 2 a lot. After we settled in for our reading class, I started to check their workbooks. When I came to Troy, he had his head down as he showed his unfinished 3 in front of me. He tried to pull himself back out of my sight as he sat on my right-hand side. 4,I looked at the incomplete work and said, “Troy, this is not finished." He looked up at me with the most pleading eyes I have seen in a child and said, “I couldn't do it last night because my mother is dying." The sobs that followed 5 the entire class. How 6 I was that he was sitting next to me. I took him in my arms and his head rested against my chest. His sobs echoed through the room and tears flowed. The children sat with tear-filled eyes in dead silence. Only Troy's sobs broke the stillness of that morning class. One child 7 for the tissue box while I just pressed his little body closer to my heart. What do I do for a child who is losing his mother? Choking back my tears, I said to the group, "Let's pray for the recovery of his mother." And everyone did so. After some time, Troy looked up at me and said, "I think I will be okay now. "He had exhausted his supply of tears; he released the 8 in his heart. Later that afternoon, Troy's mother died. When I went to the funeral(葬礼),Troy rushed to greet me. He fell into my arms and just rested there awhile. He seemed to gain strength and courage, and then he led me to the coffin. There he was able to look into the face of his mother, to face 9 even though he might never be able to understand the mystery of it. That night I went to bed feeling lucky for the good sense lo 10 my reading plan and to hold the broken heart of a child in my own heart. 1. A. Embarrassment B. excitement C. astonishment D. disappointment 2. A. accomplish B. demand C. miss D. recall


美军建模与仿真网上信息概览(1) 摘要:本文通过美军披露在互联网上公开网页中的大量信息来追踪美军的仿真模拟的组织机构,技术体系,应用系统,学术活动等,并选择“美国国防部建模与仿真办公室”(DMSO-Defense Modeling and Simulation office)下属的“建模与仿真信息分析中心”(MSIAC-Modeling and Simulation Information Analysis Center)列出的建模与仿真网页目录,概要地介绍美军仿真与模拟的概貌以及有关情况。 关键词:美军仿真建模 今天,越来越多的国家重视“超前的智能较量”。西方发达国家,特别是美国,在这方面做了大量的工作,并取得了一些成功的范例。“海湾战争”、“科索沃冲突”等近期的几场高技术局部战争,都包含有大量“超前智能较量”的内涵。前不久,美国又进行了太空战模拟演习,充分表明了他们对于仿真模拟的重视。在这种形势下,我们有必要对美军仿真模拟的组织机构、技术体系、应用系统、学术活动等进行分析研究。本文选择“美国国防部建模与仿真办公室”和国防部信息技术中心(DTIC—— Defense Technical Information Center)协同主办的“建模与仿真信息分析中心”(MSIAC)列出的建模与仿真网页目录,并循此目录探讨美军仿真与模拟情况。 1 美军建模与仿真(M&S)的主要网页 l.1 关键的建模与仿真网页(Key M&S Sites) DMSO,国防部建模与仿真办公室(Defense Modeling and Simulation opce)。HLA,国防部高级体系结构(DoD High Level Architecture)。MSRR,建模与仿真资源知识库(Modeling & Simulation Resource RePosi-tory)。 1.2 联合建模与仿真网页(Joint M&S Sites) ALSP,聚合级仿真协议(Aggregate Level Simulation Protocol)。CSL,冲突仿真试验室(The Conflict Simulation Lab)。发展和支撑联合冲突仿真(JCS)、联合战术仿真(JTS)和联合冲突和战术仿真(JCATS)。国防部建模与仿真资源知识库(Defense Intelligence MSRR)。HPCMP,高性能计算机模拟程序(High Performance Computing Modernization Program)。JASA,联合委派支援行动(Joint Accreditation Support Activity)。JSC,联合作战中心(Joint Baule Center)。JIMM,联合临时任务模型(Joint Interim Mission Model)。JMASS,联合建模与仿真系统程序办公室(Joint Modeling and Simulation System Progrsm office,Joint Chiefs of Stuff)。JSIMS,联合仿真系统程序办公室(Joint Simulation System Program office)。JWARS,联合作战仿真办公室(Joint WARfar Simulation office)。JWFC,联合作战中心(Joint WarFighting Center)。JWID 01,联合战斗协同演示01(Joint Warrior Interoperability Demonstration 01)。KBSC,朝鲜战争仿真中心(Korea Battle Simulation Center)。Live Fire Test and Evaluation,实弹演习与评估。MATRIS,人工训练系统,人的性能,人的因素(Manpower,Training Systems,Human Performance,Human Factors)。OSD Acquisition Deskbook,OSD采办手册。STOW,战争综合演示室(Synthetic Theater of War)。TSO,威胁系统办公室和自动联合威胁系统手册(Threat Systems Office and the Automated Joint Threat Systems Handbook)。


基于IBM WB Modeler的业务流程分析 摘要业务流程分析,是对业务功能分析的进一步细化,从而得到业务流程图,是一个反映企业业务处理过程的“流水账本”。帮助确定流程工作与合作建模的基本要素,更好地分析理解其同其他要素的关系,例如业务目标、业务策略、面对的问题、产生的影响、组织机构参与者或者相关的企业架构。而IBM WebSphere Business Modeler Advanced V7.0 Launchpad 是由IBM 公司推出的用于业务流程管理解决方案的重要产品之一。WBModeler7是面向业务的首要业务流程建模与分析工具,能够为业务人员提供流程建模、模拟仿真、分析和优化功能,并能生成报表,帮助业务人员可视化、理解和记录业务流程,从而获得持续改进或优化。WBModeler7还可以把业务流程导出到相应的开发工具中,对业务流程运行监控。本章将通过一个典型的企业订单处理流程为背景,说明如何使用WBModeler7实现业务流程建模、仿真分析和优化、生成报表。 关键词业务流程分析流程图流程建模模拟仿真流程优化 Abstract The business process analysis, is a further analysis of the business functions, in order to get the business flow chart, is a reflection of the enterprise business process "water book". To help determine the basic elements of workflow and cooperative modeling, better analysis to understand its relations with other elements, such as business goals, business strategy, face the problem, the impact of organization, participants or related enterprise architecture. While the IBM WebSphere Business Modeler Advanced V7.0 Launchpad is used for business process management solution produced by IBM company is one of the important products. WBModeler7 is a business - oriented primary business process modeling and analysis tools, can provide for business process modeling, simulation, analysis and optimization of function, and can generate reports, help business personnel visualization, understanding and documenting business processes, so as to obtain the continuous improvement or optimization. WBModeler7 can also be used to business process is derived to the corresponding development tools, the business process monitoring. In this chapter, through a typical enterprise order processing as the background, explains how to use WBModeler7 to achieve business process modeling, simulation analysis and optimization, report generation.

Control of a pipe-cutting machine

Control of a pipe-cutting machine 管道切割机的控制 Abstract A brand-new equipment used to cut kinds of pipe had been brought out and took the place of existent cutter machine, which was of low degree in automation and behindhand 摘要,一个全新的用来切割各种管道的设备被提出和代替现在的低自动化、落后的切割机So structure analysis and pneumatic control technology of the device had been introduced based on simulation technique 因此基于仿真技术的结构分析和气动装置控制技术被引入 First,three-dimensional software PRO/E was used for avoiding the overlap and penetration phenomenon before the model was imported to MSC 首先,在该模型被导入到MSC之前,三维软件PRO / E被用于避免重叠和渗透现象。Adams, where the working process of pipe- cutting machine was simulated, to optimize the tructure and mode of motion. I ts hydraulic circuit and electric loop had been designed in the software of FluidSIM-H to improve working efficiency and automation Now,pipe-cutting machine had been manufactured which was effectively controlled and used. 亚当斯,在优化了结构和模式方案的情况下管切割机的工作过程模拟,其液压回路和电气回路用软件FluidSIM-H被设计来改善工作效率和自动控制。现在,管道切割机已制造出并得到有效控制和使用。 INTRODUCTION 引言 Pipes need to be cut down accord to an established length at the threshold of bearing processing. 管道需要按照规定的长度被切割在轴承加工中, The accuracy and production efficiency of tremie pipe play an important role in downstream processing, which involve in quality and cost. 导管的精度和生产效率在后期处理中发挥着重要作用,其中包括在质量和成本。 In recent years, the design of new pipe-cutting machine had been well away 近年来,新的设计管切割机已远离 However, the devices were complex construction or low degree in automation or high cost, which was not wide application. 然而,设备结构复杂和低自动化以及高成本,没有被广泛应用。 Existent pipe-cutter machine had been investigated in many processing enterprises and found that a lot of devices mainly stayed in hand finishing and hand dipping. 现存的管道切割机已在许多加工企业的调查中发现,很多设备主要停留在手工作业。 Fig1 showed a kind of device which was in general use.The device was big chipping allowance and produced much scrap material 图1显示了一种被普遍使用的装置,该装置是切削余量大,产生大量废料。 The accuracy of length was also difficult ensured by the way of hand dipping 准确的长度也很难用手工的方式保证 A laser cutting machine had appeared in market, which was high accuracy and efficiency as enterprise want 随着企业的需要,准确性和高效率的激光切割机已经在市场上出现 However, the hardness of cut surface was high. A new problem emerged next process that the surface was very difficult grinding 然而,切割表面硬度高。下道工序出现了一个新的问题,表面上极难打磨。


开源软件在玻璃熔窑模拟中的应用 陈淑勇;陶天训;马立云;左泽方 【摘要】数值模拟在玻璃熔窑结构设计、优化操作、节能减排等方面具有重要意义,一般采用昂贵的商业计算流体力学(CFD)软件进行玻璃熔窑的模拟研究.近年来,开源CFD软件发展迅速,其应用性与可靠性可与商业软件媲美,且具有代码公开、模型扩展容易、算法可控以及免费的优点.本文基于OpenFOAM软件,利用系列开源软件完成了玻璃熔窑的几何建模、网格划分、模拟计算、后处理工作,提出了玻璃熔窑低成本仿真模拟的实现方案,并与商业软件模拟结果进行了对比,预测了开源软件在工业过程模拟中应用前途.%Numerical simulation of glass furnaces has great significance for furnace design, operation optimization, energy saving and emission reduction.Generally, the expensive commercial software of computational fluid dynamics ( CFD) is adopted for the glass furnace simulation studies. Recently, the open-source CFD software, which shows a series of advantages such as source code available, model extensible, algorithm controllable and cost free, has been developed rapidly, and its applicability and reliability is comparable with the commercial CFD software.The implementation of the low-cost glass furnace simulation was proposed based on OpenFOAM in this study.The geometry modeling, meshing, computing, and postprocessing were carried out via a set of open-source software.The simulation results were compared and verified by the results generated by the commercial CFD software.The study show that the open-source CFD software would be promising for process simulations in glass industry.


光伏斜屋顶三维建模与发电量模拟计算 Title: Photovoltaic Power Simulation and 3D Modeling of Sloping Rooftops Introduction: With the increasing demand for renewable energy, photovoltaic (PV) systems have gained significant attention as a sustainable and environmentally friendly solution. To maximize the energy production of PV systems, accurate modeling and simulation of their performance are crucial. In this article, we will discuss the three-dimensional (3D) modeling of PV systems on sloping rooftops and the simulation of their power generation. 1. Overview of Photovoltaic Systems: Photovoltaic systems convert sunlight into electricity using solar panels made of semiconductor materials. These panels are typically installed on rooftops to harness solar energy efficiently. The energy production of a PV system depends on various factors, including the tilt angle and orientation of the solar panels, shading effects, and the local climate. 2. Three-Dimensional Modeling: To accurately represent the physical aspects of PV systems on sloping rooftops, 3D modeling is essential. This modeling technique incorporates the geometric details of the rooftop and the solar panels to create a realistic virtual representation. Advanced software tools, such as CAD (Computer-Aided Design) software, can be utilized to construct the 3D model by


职场模拟策划书 (2) 职场模拟策划书 (2)精选2篇(一) Title: Workplace Simulation Planning Book 1. Introduction a. Background information on workplace simulation b. Purpose of the planning book 2. Objectives a. Identify the main objectives of the workplace simulation b. Define the desired outes and key performance indicators 3. Target Audience a. Clearly define the target audience for the workplace simulation b. Identify their demographics, roles, and skill levels 4. Simulation Structure a. Outline the structure of the workplace simulation b. Divide it into different modules or scenarios c. Define the duration, frequency, and resources required 5. Scenario Descriptions a. Describe each scenario in detail, including the setting and objectives b. List the tasks, challenges, and decision-making opportunities c. Highlight the relevant skills and knowledge that participants will learn or practice 6. Participant Roles a. Define the roles or positions that participants will assume during the simulation b. Clearly outline the responsibilities and expectations for each role


大数据时代书籍简介 英文回答: In the era of big data, the importance of understanding and harnessing the power of data has become increasingly crucial. As a result, there has been a surge in the number of books that delve into the subject of big data, offering insights, strategies, and practical tips for navigating this data-driven world. These books cover a wide range of topics, including data analysis, machine learning, data visualization, and data management. One popular book in this field is "Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think" by Viktor Mayer-Schönberger and Kenneth Cukier. This book explores the potential of big data to revolutionize various aspects of our lives, from business and healthcare to politics and education. It provides real-life examples and case studies to illustrate how big data is already being used to make informed decisions and drive


midas模拟桩土作用计算书 英文回答: Midas simulation pile-soil interaction calculation book is a comprehensive guide that provides detailed information on the analysis and design of pile foundations. It is a valuable tool for engineers and designers involved in geotechnical engineering projects. The book covers various aspects of pile-soil interaction, including the behavior of piles under different load conditions, the effects of soil properties on pile response, and the methods for analyzing and designing pile foundations. It also includes practical examples and case studies to illustrate the concepts and techniques discussed. One of the key features of the Midas simulation pile-soil interaction calculation book is its use of advanced numerical methods and computer simulations. The book


交通建模与仿真基本流程 Traffic modeling and simulation is a critical tool in urban planning and transportation system design. 交通建模与仿真是城市规划和交通系统设计中至关重要的工具。With the increasing complexity of transportation systems and the need for efficient and sustainable solutions, the demand for accurate and reliable traffic modeling and simulation continues to grow. 交通系统的复杂性不断增加,对于高效和可持续解决方案的需求也在增加,因此对准确可靠的交通建模与仿真的需求也在不断增加。A basic flow process for traffic modeling and simulation involves several key steps, including data collection, model development, validation, and simulation. 交通建模与仿真的基本流程包括数据收集、模型开发、验证和仿真等几个关键步骤。Each step is essential to ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the simulation results. 每一步都对确保仿真结果的准确性和可靠性至关重要。 Data collection is the first and crucial step in the traffic modeling and simulation process. 数据收集是交通建模与仿真过程中的第一步,也是至关重要的一步。This involves gathering various types of data, such as traffic volume, vehicle speed, and travel patterns, from different sources. 这涉及从不同的来源收集各种类型的数据,如交通量、车辆速度和

Application of virtual reality technology in architecture design

Application of virtual reality technology in architecture design Abstract: with the development of science and technology, the construction industry has high speed development, in the modem construction industry, a variety of advanced technology has been applied to the conslruction of construction engineering. Virtual reality technology in the modem architectural design is a wider and more complex design method, using virtual reality technology to building design can cHcctivcly reduce the working slrcnglh of architectural design personnel, and to reduce design time and improve the quality of engineering design also plays an important role. This article through to analysis with a better understanding of the virtual reality technology, the application of virtual reality technology in archileclurc design in detail, and the concrete design scheme of virtual reality, for peer discussion. Key words: computer virtual reality technology building design Lead it In modern architecture design, application of computer technology to the architectural design process has been more mature, to use a computer aided architecture design, the designer can put main energy to the creation and design of buildings, avoid in dealing with the architectural design of the tedious work of calculation, drawing, data storage, which can effectively improve the design efficiency of architects and design quality. Design of computer design, can use electronic display, or other graphics device full display design, and designers can to reasonable plan for review and modification. So using virtual reality technology in architecture design can make the architecd has a feeling of intimacy. 1、The introduction of virtual reality technology The so-called virtual reality technology is the real environment virtualization, in the modern information technology, virtual reality technology has been well used. The use of virtual reality technology can be objects or ideas through the visual, auditory, and other aspects for rendering can let a person very intuitive understanding of object features and functions. The emergence of virtual reality technology, essentially changed the traditional way to pass information to the omputer. In interactive virtual realitylogy in computer application, imaginative immersion.Along
