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M o d u l e教案 Document number【SA80SAB-SAA9SYT-SAATC-SA6UT-

Module 4 Colours


学习任务:It’s red. (blue, yellow, green, black). My name is Panpan. I’m a black dog. (yellow cat, blue bird). It’s a black dog.


重点:unit 1 It’s red. (blue, yellow, green, black).

Unit 2 I’m a black dog. (yellow cat, blue bird). It’s a black dog.

难点:chameleon 中ch的发音/k/ yellow 的第一个音节,green 的发音,now的发音要发到位。It’s red. (blue, yellow, green, black). . It’s a black dog.

模块分析:Unit 1宜充分利用与教材相配套的辅助材料让学生看、听、说,给学生创造自我理解、记忆的时间和空间。教师可以利用各种色彩、彩笔、彩色粉笔让学生认识颜色的英文单词,并通过画画、听音涂色、指说色彩或与美术学科整和让学生通过不同颜色调配形成另一种颜色等活动使学生学会如何表达事物的各种色彩。Unit 2主要是让学生能够描述有颜色的物品或动物。教师可以在学生熟悉了颜色的基础上请学生描述教室内的物品、自己的用品或动物。教师还应鼓励学生听一听,说一说,演一演,唱一唱来完成这一单元的任务。


Class1 unit1 表示颜色的单词以及对事物颜色的描述It’s red. (blue, yellow, green, black)并能认读对话。

Class2 unit1 2 充分练习上节课内容,并学习和练习it’s a black dog。(yellow cat, blue bird).

Class3 综合练习及运用,完成练习册

Module 4 Unit 1 It’s red

一、Teaching aims and demands:



3,It’s red…

二、Teaching difficulties:

本单元句型Now,it’s …

三、Teaching tools:

PPT课件,点读笔,彩纸,色卡纸,透明塑料瓶,染料, 彩色粉笔等

四、Teaching steps:

StepⅠ:Greetings to each other.

与学生交流用以熟悉复习本句型:What’s your nameMy name is…或者I’m…

歌曲:hello hello Good morning,Sam. Please stand up.

StepⅡ:本课导入Boys and girls, please look at the rainbow, Is it beautiful Yes,it’s very can tell me why学生会回答因为有漂

亮的颜色。But do you know how to say them in EnglishOK!

Today,we will learn something about colours.板书Module 4


StepⅢ:1单词教学时告诉学生在学习单词之前要变一个小魔术,稍带神秘感,PPT呈现。Boys and girls,before the class I will show you

a magic.开始把透明的水变成各种不同的颜色由此引出今天要讲的五

个单词,Now,what colour is itYes,it’s red...在变魔术的过程中板书五种颜色单词,并且练习。2 接着拿出剪好的色卡纸出示给大家,由此引出句型It’s…。让学生指着卡纸练习句型,随后找同学把卡纸粘到黑板上相应的单词旁边并板书句型It’s…。3 PPT呈现


StepⅣ:今天呀,老师不是自己来的:I have two friends you want to meet themPPT呈现熊猫和变色龙,教读单词panda and chameleon。

Listen!they’re talking about something…利用点读笔播放录音片段。我的朋友变色龙的本领很大,它会变换不同的颜色:My friend chameleon has a great ability,it can change different look…


StepⅤ:You are so great!but how about your reaction考考你的眼力和反应能力,抢答。


Class 2 (Unit2)

一、热身:听本模块的歌曲 A Rainbow,可以跟唱。提前形成印象。




问:what’s this(提前引出这个新的知识点)学生会回答:desk bird cat

Dog cap chair

师问:what colorGuess 引导学生说出:it’s a red desk.,并板书。



cat,学习cap。引导学生说出:it’s a black dog。it’s a white cat。it’s a yellow cap。


领学生总结panpan 变了那些魔术。再放课文录音,请学生跟读。然



1指一指,说一说。把已经学过的单词卡片展示给学生,或者是自己周围的物品,并表述:it’s a +(颜色)+物品。

2、仿照sb unit 2活动三开展游戏。画一个自己能用英语表达的物

品,向别人表述自己画的物品it’s a +(颜色)+物品


说的事物, apple, chair 都可以,涂上自己喜欢的颜色,并为这个面具起一个名字。请学生戴上自己的面具向全班同学展示:my name is doudou, I am a black dog。全班同学学会表达:it’s a black




向全班提问:what color is it如果有学生能回答出orange,就让这个小老师带领全班读,然后老师拍手并领读:Bob,Bob,Bob,is an

orange dog。学生拍手跟读。在学习和练习chant 的过程中,避免枯燥。通过手势的高低,让学生用不同高低的声音进行练习,并且可以与






Class 3


Free talk:How are you

What’s your name





a blue chair。。。。。能尽量多的描述不同的物品。描述自己的物品







2、演唱歌曲“a rainbow”表演chant给家长和朋友听。


Lesson 1 Excuse me! 对不起! Lesson 2 Is this your…这是你的……吗? 一、教学目的 1.理解主系表结构的陈述、一般疑问式 2.初步掌握询问“是否”的方法 二、教学重点 1.主系表结构 2.一般疑问句 3.代词小引 三、教学难点 1.人称代词和物主代词的区分运用 2.主系表结构及其一般疑问句 四、教学标准 1.识别并简单运用主系表结构 2.掌握一般疑问句及肯定回答 五、教学内容 1.语法点: 1)代词人称代词和物主代词 2)Be 动词 3)一般疑问句 4)主系表结构this为主语,名词做表语 5)一般疑问句以及它的肯定回答 2.语言点: 1)打扰他人 2)表达谢意 3.语音:初步知识,字母、音标介绍 六、扩展练习 1.打扰他人的表达 2.表达谢意

Lesson 3 Sorry, sir. 对不起,先生。Lesson 4 Is this your…这是你的……吗? 一、教学目的 1.理解并运用主系表结构的陈述、一般疑问式 2.掌握询问“是否”的方法 二、教学重点 1.主系表结构 2.一般疑问句 3.代词形容词性物主代词 三、教学难点 1.人称代词和物主代词的区分运用 2.主系表结构及其一般疑问句 四、教学标准 1.识别并简单运用主系表结构 2.掌握一般疑问句及否定回答 五、教学内容 1.语法点: 1)否定陈述句 2)Be动词的否定形式 3)代词的功能 4)一般疑问句及否回答 5)形容词性物主代词 2.语言点: 1)询问“是否” 2)表达歉意 3.语音:字母、音标介绍

六、扩展练习 1.询问“是否” 2.向别人道歉


★清华大学★英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做. 官方网站:https://www.sodocs.net/doc/7915244558.html,/ 清华大学英语教授50年研究成果 新标准英语第七册Module1 Unit 1 The Great Wall 学习任务: These postcards are great! It‘s a picture of the Great Wall 功能: 讲述关于某个地方或某件事物的情况。 运用任务: 1.热身复习 老师热情地问候学生们,欢迎他们在暑假过后回到学校。老师可以询问学生们在假期里都去了哪些地方,做了哪些事情,有没有特别有趣的经历。建议他们通过展示图片和照片介绍相关的情况,可以使用句型?It’s a picture of.__It's very…?等。 2.活动一: 学习新词,并用新词造句。帮助学生了解新词的含义,及实际运用。 3.导入:

老师从学生的图片或照片中选取几张比较典型的并提问: ?Do you know this place?"引导全班学生自由回答,例如: T:Do you know this place? Ss:Yes.It’s… T:Can you tell me something about it? Ss:Yes, It's… T: Can you tell me more about it? Ss:... 问答完毕后,老师可以总结说:?These photos/pictures are great!?老师再拿出一张来自纽约的明信片,复习单词 ?postcard"。老师问:?Do you know this place??学生应该能够回答:?Yes,it’s New York.?老师引导学生说出:?It’s a picture of New York.? 告诉学生,在这个暑假里,Daming去了美国旅游,并在那里经历了很多有趣的事情。刚到表哥Simon家,行李还没有收拾好,Daming和Simon就迫不及待地聊开了。请学生们注意他们使用的语言。勾出学过的新词。 3.课文教学 将本课的挂图贴在黑板上,播放录音或动画,呈现SB活动1。请学生看图或动画,听听Daming和Simon的对话。听完以后,请学生说一说:Simon是谁? Daming在哪里?两人在做什么? 请学生翻开书,老师放录音,学生边听边看书,可以全班齐读,


新标准英语三年级起点第四册教案 Module 1 Friends Unit 1 she‘s a nice teacher. Teaching objectives: 1. Words and phrases: nice \ a bit \ shy \ clever \ naughty 2. Sentences: This is Ms Smart. She is a nice teacher. 3. Grammar: Using adjectives to describe person. Teaching properties: cards \ pictures \ photo \ Tape-recorder \ CAI Teaching procedures: A: Song: There are twelve months in the year. B: Free talk: Talk about your holiday. C: New concepts: Step one: One :利用CAI课件, 出示本单元主人公的头像,介绍主人公, 以此引出本单元新单词:nice \ a bit \ shy \ clever \ naughty 出示卡片,学习新单词。 Two: Learn the new lesson. Listen to the tape .Try to read the text. Translate the sentences. Listen to the tape again, read follow the tape. Read the text, boys and girls. Step Two: Talk about the pictures. Close your books, show the pictures (parrot,Xiaoyong,Maomao,Ms Smart) Example :( 1) This is Parrot. Parrot is a very naughty bird. (2) This is Xiaoyong . He‘s a clever pupil. Step Three: Using adjectives to describe person. 利用实物投影展示学生带来的照片。(Describe the person using the adjectives Homework: Introduce your classmates to your family. Example: This is Xiaoyong. H e‘s a clever pupil. Game: 接龙游戏 Example: A: I‘m XiaoLan. I‘m a bit shy. B: XiaoLan is a bit shy. I‘m ZhangYong. I‘m very nayghty. C: ZhangYong is very naughty. I‘m Jim, I‘m a nice boy. … Designs: Module One: Friends 新标准英语三年级起点第四册教案 Module 1 Friends Unit 2 He‘s cool. Teaching objectives:


《英语》(新标准)(三起)第一册Module 1 Unit 1 郑慧颖Purpose Knowledge aim: To learn to introduce names. Ability aim: To train them to say hello to their friends and introduce with “I’m….” Ideological aim: To improve the students’ basic English about greetings. Main points: The way of greetings : I’m …. Difficult points: To introduce happily and convincingly. Teaching materials: pictures, cards, tape recorder, masks Teaching process: Step One: Greeting with students. T: Hello, my dear children. This is your first English class. I’m very happy to teach you English this term. Speaking English is a piece of cake. Please remember that. Let’s say “Hello” to each other first. Please stand up, all of you.( 教师边说边翻译,做手势示意全体起立) T: (教师边挥手边走向学生。) Hello, my dear children! S: Hello! T: Do what I do like this. ( 挥手,微笑,大声) S: ( 在教师的指导下模仿) T: It’s interesting to speak English. Sit down, please. T: (面带微笑,朝向一个小女孩) Hello! Lovely girl! S: Hello! T: Good girl! Say it like this, please! It’s easy to speak English. T: (朝向另一男孩) Hello! Cool boy! S: Hello! T: Good boy! See, it’s easy. Let’s try again. ( 再叫几名学生,师生挥手打招呼) T: Now please say “hello” to your classmates like this. Who can try? ( 叫几名学生到前面来,面向全体问好,注意表情和动作,并且要声音 洪亮) T: Then say “hello” to your neighbors and your friends. You can go out of your seat and move around the classroom. S: (学生自由活动问好) T: You did a good job! Step Two: New course T: Next I want to know your name. How do you introduce your name then? Listen! I’m Ellen. ( 说三遍) Please say hello to me. (Some excellent students can answer like the following) S1: Hello, Ellen. S2: Hello, Ellen. T: Hello! Your name, please?


《英语》(新标准)(三起)第一册Module 3 Unit 1 Purpose: Knowledge aim: New words: door, window, blackboard, bird. New sentences: Stand up! / Sit down! / Point to ~! Ability aim: 1. Help the students can understand the orders: “Stand up”/“Sit down.” / “Point to~!” and can do the corresponding responses and actions of them clearly. 2. Help the students not only can say “window,door bird blackboard” in English but also can read the words of them. Ideological aim: Improve the students’ self-confidence Main points: New words: door window blackboard and bird. Instruction phrases: Stand up! Sit down! Point to~ ! Difficult points: Let the students can be clear about these three instruction phrases “Stand up. Sit down. A nd Point to~!” and try to use them expertly in the daily life. Teaching materials: pictures, cards, tape recorder, pieces of paper, courseware Teaching process: Step One: Warm up *Before the class, I divide the class into 3 groups. And tell them if they have a good job. They will get a beautiful card. and they can stick it on their wall. ?Greeting:. T: Shall we begin our English class? S: Of course. Let’s begin. T: Good morning, boys and girls. S: Good morning, Tracy. T: How are you today? S: I’m fine. Thank you, and you? T: I’m wonderful. Sit down please. ?Free talk. Around the class, I talk with the individual student using the sentences that we have learned such as “ Good morning! How are you today? Are you happy today? What’s your name?” 与学生贴近的互动的交谈,不但可以轻松地营造民主、和谐、宽松的教学环境,还充分体现学生是课堂教学的主体.在拉进师生距离的同时也使学生获得兴趣感、参与感、期待感和满足感. ?Sing a song T: You are great, now let’s sing a song. Ok? And When you sing it, you can perform the actions. And I will find out the best one. Let’s look who is the music star! Are you ready? One, Two, Go!


Instructional Design for Module 5 Unit2&3 of NSE 3A Topic: Eleven. Stand up! Grade: 三年级 I. 教材分析 1、知识目标:1)能掌握本课单词 eleven, twelve 和句型 How many…?教学目标 2)能认读数字并运用数字描述物品的数量。 2、技能目标: 通过网络收集有关数字运用的资料,让学生了解数字在生活中的运用。 3、学习策略:1) 通过四人小组和同桌学习的方式,培养学生合作学习的精神。2) 对所学的数字和句型能主动练习、运用。教学重点教学难点任务设计教具板书设计 11 Designer: 松柏第二小学邱慧敏 1、能较好掌握本课单词。 2、能掌握和运用本课所学句型。 1、能灵活认读数字并运用数字数数。 2、能运用所学的数字和句型完成数数、统计等任务。同学们可通过校园网查找有关数字在生活中的运用的例子,小组成员一起讨论,总结数字应用的例子。 CAI, a recorder, some pictures 3A Module5 Unit2&3 Eleven. Stand up! 12 Room/ Tel. Number Reckon Monkey Time Count II. 教学过程结构流程图 Beginning CAI 1.Warm-up Say the chant and sing CAI 2.Show the topic 1 Know about the task CAI https://www.sodocs.net/doc/7915244558.html,anization Look for the numbers on net 4.Discuss Discuss together CAI https://www.sodocs.net/doc/7915244558.html,anization Have a competition 6.Sum-up Communication CAI 7.Showsomeexercises Do some reckon CAI 8Talkaboutthecarnumbers Learn to say CAI 9. Talk about the tel.


Unit 1 Education Objectives 1.Read what Bill Gates says about education; 2.Build up your vocabulary relating to campus life; 3.Learn something from an ancient Greek educator; 4.Study different types of nouns; 5.Write an introduction of yourself. Focuses 1.Build up your vocabulary relating to campus life; 2.Write an introduction of yourself. Outline 1.Warm-up Discussion; study of words and expressions in Text A; Vocabulary Check (B and C) 2.Discussion of Text A and the follow-up exercises (A and B) 3.Active Words and Vocabulary Check; Grammar Tips 4.Discussion of Text B and the follow-up exercises https://www.sodocs.net/doc/7915244558.html,prehensive Exercises (Ask the students to do the translation exercises outside of the class beforehand) 6.Practical Writing Procedures: Classroom Activities I. Warm-up discussion Question: Do you know anything about Bill Gates such as his life and his educational background? Hint 1)birthday and birthplace: October 28, 1995; Seattle, Washington 2)educational background: Harvard University (education not completed) 3)career: chairmen and chief software architect of Microsoft, the word’s largest and most profitable software company. 4)main events in his life: a.beginning programming computers at age 13; b.developing a version of the programming language BASIC for the first microcomputer in Harvard; c.founding Microsoft Corporation in 1975 at the age of 19 II. Vocabulary in Text A 1. education n.教育 e.g. Children in poor areas receive free education. educate v.教育;教导


Unit 1 Nine to Five Section 1 Lead-in 1.Video and Questions Watch the video and answer the questions. Clip One. 1). Why is the girl, Ryden Malby, screaming in the end? Clip Two. 1). What does Ryden respond to the question ”What are you up to” at the party? 2). What does she say about her situation? Clip Three. 1). Watch the clip to see if there is any difference between the three fathers’ attitudes and behaviors? Which one do you prefer? 2.Discussion 1) What is the first problem facing the students leaving university? 2) How do you think they will react if they can’t find a job? 3) What do you think their parents will do if they can’t find a job? 3. Listening in 1). Listen to the recording and fill in the blanks with the words you hear. This is an article by an Education Correspondent, Alexandra Blair,


Teaching Plan9月1日Title NSE Book 9 Module 1 Unit 1 There wasn’t a pond. Aims i.Get students to grasp a new dialogue and some new words ii.Consoliating simple past tense and the usage of “There was… There were…  ” Focus i.let students grasp the 4-skill words: year before duck playground ii.Help students grasp the key sentences: There wasn’t a pond here before. There weren’t any swings here before. iii.Enable students to use the drills fluently and correctly. Aids some cards tape recorder stickers ect. Teaching Process Teacher’s Activity I.Warming up and Revision 1、Greeting 2、Organize pupils to say the chant in book 8 3、Sing a song II.Leading-in 1、Show the pictures of the dialogue 2、Say something about the picture in Chinese. 3、Sam ,lingling and Amy are in the park now.It’s a beautiful park in London.Let’s go and see it. Ok now let’s learn the dialogue. III.Listening & Reading Activities 1、Play the tape. 2、Play the tape. 3、Put the new words on the blackboard, drill the words. 4、Play the tape. 5、Give them some questions: ①How long were they in China? ②Does the park look different Students’ Activity 1、Greeting. 2、Say the chant and do the actions. 3、Clap hands and sing the song. 1、The students look and listen. 2、The students look and understand. 3、Read the title loudly and clearly. 1、Listen and point. 2、Listen and underline the new words. 3、Learn the new words in different ways. 4、The students listen and repeat. 5、Answer the questions. Re-preparation 1There be句型的 过去式There was 单数/There were复 数,一般现在式 There is (a)/There are,及否定形式 There wasn’t/There weren’t和There isn’t/There aren’t. 2否定句some变 any.


《新标准英语》(三年级起点)第七册教材分析 一教材的总体分析 本册教材包含十个新授模块和一个复习模块。每个模块又分为两个单元。第一单元主要是以课文(对话)的形式呈现本模块所要学习的语言功能与结构。第二单元则是围绕体现该语言功能与结构的核心句设置的小课文、若干任务型的练习和活动以及歌曲或者歌谣。本册书的附录有两个单词表,表一是以模块顺序收录的57个四会单词,表二是以字母表顺序收录的115个单词,其中包括第一个单词表中的57个四会和需要三会掌握的48个单词。此外,本册书还选编了两个课外阅读故事,供教师和学生根据具体教学情况选用,不作统一的教学要求。二学生分析X Kb1. Co m 六年级的学生,对英语学习的强烈好奇心和浓厚的兴趣逐渐被较强的好胜心和集体荣誉感所代替。我们应该抓住学生心理,尽早帮助他们确立正确的学习态度,养成良好的学习习惯,使他们从被动引导地学到积极主动地学。 经过三年的英语学习学生们掌握了一定的英语语言知识,初步形成了一定的听、说、读、写的能力,有意注意和学习策略也得到了不同程度的发展,但是这也无形中拉开了学生之间的差异。因此在这一学年段应该更加有意识地进行分层次教学,不只在课堂教学中做到分层次,在作业和评估方面也可以尝试分层次,在各个方面多关注学习有困难的学生,避免差异的进一步扩大,努力做到面向全体。 三总体教学目标 依据英语课程标准我们从以下五个方面来确定本册教材的总体教学目标:(一)语言知识目标: 要求达到四会的单词57个,即教材第46、47两页单词表中所列的全部单词。要求达到三会的单词48个,即教材48、49两页单词表中所列非粗黑体的单词)。学习核心句子38个。 (二)语言技能目标: 依据《英语课程标准》四年级的技能目标应高于一级,接近二级要求。 听:能在图片、手势的帮助下,听懂简单的录音材料和小故事;能听懂课堂活动中常用的指令和提问,并做出适当反应。


《英语》六年级第七册第五模块第1单元教案 Pleased to meet you! 教学准备与分析 一、教学内容 学生用书:Module5Unit 1Activity1, 2, 3 二、教学目标 知识目标 A. :让学生基本听懂、会说词汇pleased meet address pen friend pretty B. 学生基本能听懂、会说: “Can you speak English?”“Can I write to your friend?”等句型。 技能目标:让学生根据所学知识掌握情态动词“Can”的一般疑问句及肯定、否定两种回答。以及复习巩固句型“I can do something...” 情感目标:学生能够运用能力目标在学习这一模块的过程中,展现自己的能力,通过介绍自己的情况结识笔友或网友。Talking about ability 三、教学重点: 词汇:pleased meet address pen friend pretty 四、教学难点 句型:“Can you speak English?”“Can I write to your friend?” “You can be my pen friend.”“I can do s omething...” 五、任务设计 1:SB Unit 1 练习2、 3 2: AB Unit 1练习1、2、3、4、5 3:a.同学之间相互询问的能力. b.在班里进行技能调查,看看同学们有哪些平时所不为人知的特长。回家后,有所学句式询问家人或新朋友。 六、教学用具准备 录音机/带,相片,词条,图片 课堂教学程序 1、Warm up (1)Greetings: T—Ss Ss—Ss (2) Do a chant “I am me, and you are you!” 2、导入(Leading ) (1)Leading


Unit one Active reading 1 Teaching objectives Different types of degrees ( bachelors, masters, doctors) Characteristics of Generation X and Generation Y/Grunt Highlighting different aspects of a problem Resume Warming-up activity 1.Read the passage in activity 1 and work in groups to discuss the topic. 2.Based on your experience and knowledge, discuss the differences of a good job and a job. Useful expressions & language points galvanize vt.Shock or affect someone enough to produce a strong and immediate reaction 使振奋;刺激;使(某人)震惊或激动(并采取行动) . His speech yesterday galvanized many workers into action. 他昨天的演讲激励不少工人行动起来了。 fraught adj.very worried and with a lot of problems 忧虑的;焦虑不安的 . 1. After his speech, there was a fraught silence.他发言后,出现了一阵令人焦虑不安的沉默。 2. She sounded a bit fraught. 她听上去有点儿忧心忡忡。 clutch vt.hold sb. or sth. firmly 紧抓;紧握 . 1. The mother clutched her baby in her arms.母亲紧紧地把婴儿抱在怀里。 2. He felt himself slipping and clutched at a branch. slump vi. 1)sit, lean, or fall heavily and limply, esp. with a bent back (沉重地)坐下;垂头弯腰地坐着 2)be suddenly reduced to a much lower level 暴跌;剧降 . 1. She slumped against the cushions. 她无力地靠在沙发垫上。 2. I saw her slump against the wall. 我看见她无力地靠在墙上。 caused the price of irons to slump 钢铁价格暴跌是什么原因 grunt n.(表示厌恶、不满的)咕哝声,嘟哝声 .He gave a grunt to show his disapproval. 他嘟嘟囔囔地表示着自己的不满。 detached adj. 1)Someone who is detached is not personally involved in something or has no emotional interest in it. 超然的 2) A detached building is one that is not joined to any other building.(房屋)独立的 . 1. He tries to remain emotionally detached from the prisoners, but fails. 他想尽力保持对囚犯们不掺杂个人感情,但做不到 2.He’s a man up in the air you know he’s so detached he doesn’t have his feet on the ground. 他是个生活在空中的人,十分超然,从不脚踏实地。 3.... a house on the corner with a detached garage ...拐角处一幢有独立车库的房子 cf. attach comprehensive adj. 全面的,综合的 . 1. No one yet has a comprehensive plan for how we could do so again, but everyone agrees on what the biggest parts of the plan would be.到目前为止,没有人能够提出一个综合计划来


2019年新标准外研版英语三年级起点第一册教案(全册) Module 1 GREETINGS 功能:问候和道别/自我介绍 语言:Hello. Hi. I’m…. Goodbye. Bye-bye. Good morning.How are you?I’m fine,thank you. 词汇:helIo (hi),I am (I’m),goodbye(bye-bye),Good morning,How are you?Fine, thank you,and you? Unit 1 I’m Sa m 准备导入: 1.教师在走进教室时热情地向同学们打招呼说:Hello或Hi.与近处的同学握手,向远处的同学挥手。表扬那些用英语向师打招呼的同学说:Very good!Well done!或Clever boy/girl!2.用英语告诉学生本人名字,说:I’m Mr Guo.并将名字写在黑板上。 活动1:听音指图 1.打开并举起书,让学生看到练习。指着各幅图用中文问学生图中的情景(校园中Sam,Daming,Amy和Lingling在介绍他们自己;在离开学校时,他们互相道别)。问他们认为图片上的孩子来自哪里?他们是高兴还是不高兴?每幅图上的孩子在说什么? 2.放录音或读对话。学生看书听录音。放录音时教师要举起书指着图上说相应话语的人物。再放录音,要求学生们指着相应的说话的人物。 活动2:听音说话 1. 读出前两幅图的对话,要求学生跟读。 2.向学生解释老师将以故事中不同人物的身份来介绍自己。每次老师说:Hello,I’m(人物的姓名),他们要回答:Hello,(同一人物的姓名)。 举例: 老师:Hello,I’m Lingling. 学生:Hello,Lingling. 3.用Sam和Amy做更多的例子。每个名字练习多次。 4.告诉学生老师要点名让一些学生做自我介绍。老师在黑板上写出句型结构。


Unit 1 Starting Out Active Reading (1) Diary of a fresher Ⅰ. Warm-up Activities: Describe your university with the help of the following words (You can choose Ⅱ. Further Discussion: Work in pairs. Look at the list of education objectives and number them in order of importance to you. ?finding a girlfriend / boyfriend ?studying hard and learning a lot ?meeting people and making friends ?getting a good job when you graduate ?having fun ?growing up and becoming independent ?going to parties ?doing lots of sport ?reading widely ?learning new skills and having new experiences Ⅲ. How to write a diary in English 1. Format:

a. Write down the date, the day and the weather on the first line. The date and the day are on the left, while the weather is on the right. b. Write the body part. Write this part on the second line. 2. Person: Write the diary in the first person. 3. Tense: a. Past tense; b. Present tense; c. Future tense. 4. Order: Write the diary in chronological order. 5. Style: Casual and informal: express a personal viewpoint with reactions, reflections and feelings. Ⅳ. Background Information & Culture Notes: 1. A hall of residence(AmE dormitory): is a place where students live, often a large building, or a series of buildings with accommodation and some social facilities. 2. A coffee morning: refers to an informational gathering with coffee, where people with a common interest meet for an hour or so and get to know each other better. 3. A gap year: is a year usually between finishing school and starting university or college when you travel or work. 4. A fresher’s fair: is an event when all the university clubs and societies try to attract new members. 5.Ballroom dancing: is a type of dancing done by a man and a woman together, often in a room where formal balls, or dances, take place. Ballroom dances include: 6.Artificial intelligence(人工智能): is the ability of a machine to perform those activities that are normally thought to require intelligence. Artificial intelligence Society:is a club for members who share the same interest in artificial intelligence. 7.Bell ringing: is a musical activity which involves a group of six to ten people. Each person has two bells, one in each hand and take turns to ring them. Each


2013三年级起点六年级上册英语全册教案 (新标准英语) oudule6unit2I`vegotsoestapsfrochina课型第三课时 导学 目标1.会听、说、读、写本单元的单词:fornife 2.能够听懂而且会说: 1).I`vegotanifeandforandchopstics. 2)I`vegotsoestapsfrochinabutIhaven`tgotanystapsfroc anada.类似句型。 3.会用I`vegot…或I`vegot…butIhaven`tgot句型谈洽个人所拥有的物品等。 4.通过合作学习使学生体验到合作的快乐。 导学 分析学生在已经掌握havegothasgot的基础上 会用I`vegot…或I`vegot…butIhaven`tgot句型谈洽个人所拥有的物品等 重点 难点会运用基本句型谈洽个人所拥有的物品。导学 媒体录音机、卡片

主体 板书odule6 Unit2I`vegotsoestapsfrochina I`vegotanifeandforandchopstics. I`vegotsoestapsfrochinabutIhaven`tgotanystapsfrocan ada. 导案学案二次修注 一、waringup step1:odules5中的歌曲 “IcanspeaEnglish.” Step2:Greetings T:Whoisondutytoday? 二、呈现课文中句型: step1:完成SB的活动5 Gae:Tabletennis 1)出示活动5的挂图 2)让学生Looandsay 1.师先示范:Forexaple, “I`vegotaTV.” 2再示范“Ihaven`tgotafootball.”
