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2. photojournalist(摄影新闻报道记者)margaret white became famous for her coverage(覆盖『的区域,范围』,新闻报道【新闻学】)of significant(重要的,影响深远的)events (事件)during the second world war.

a. baggage (行李)

b. orphanage(孤儿身份,孤儿院)

c. reportage(新闻报道,在本句中可替代coverage)

d. usage(用法,使用)

4. “i’

“i’m not meddling(干涉,干预管闲事),”mary said mildly(温和地,适度地). “i’m just curious(好奇的,有求知欲的).”

a. gently(温和地,有教养地)

b. shyly(害羞地,胆怯地)

c. weakly(虚弱地,微弱地)

d. sweetly(舒适地,甜蜜地)


i can no longer tolerate (忍受)his actions.

a. put up with(忍受)

b. accept(接受)

c. take

d. suffer from(受…之苦)

1. even in a highly modernized country(高度现代化国家), manual(手的,体力的)work is still needed.

a. expressive(富于表情的)

b. physical(身体的,体力的)

c. exaggerated (夸张的)

d. dubious(怀疑的)

the steadily(稳定地)rising cost of labor on the waterfront (城镇的滨水区,码头区)has greatly increased the cost of shipping cargo (轮船或飞机装载的货物)by water.

a. continuously(不断地)

b. quickly(迅速地)

c. excessively(过度地,过量地)

d. exceptionally(例外地)

hundreds of years ago cloves(丁香,麝香石竹)were used to remedy (治疗,补救)headaches.

a. disrupt (破坏,分裂)

b. diagnose(诊断)

c. evaporate(蒸发,使脱水)

d. cure(治疗)

john hanson helped draft (起草,设计)instructions (此处指法律,法案)for maryland’s delegates (代表)to the stamp act congress(印花税法案).

a. clarify(澄清)

b. formulate(制定)

c. revise(修改,修订)

d. contribute(做贡献,起作用)

when she was invited to the party, she readily (乐意地,迅速地)accepted.

a. willingly(乐意地)

b. suddenly(突然)

c. firmly(坚固地,坚定地)

d. quickly(迅速地)

the dentist(牙医)has decided to extract (取出,拔出)her bad tooth.

a. take out(取出,拔出)

b. repair(补)

c. pull(拉)

d. dig(挖掘)

the majority (大多数)of people around here are decent (正派的)people.

a. honest(诚实的,正派的)

b. rich(富有的)

c. good-looking(漂亮的)

d. high-ranking(地位高的)

A deadly disease has affected these animals.

a. contagious

b. serious

c. fatal致命的

d. worrying

the child’s abnormal (不正常的)behavior puzzled(使迷惑,费解)the doctor.

a. bad(坏的,不好的)

b. frightening(惊吓的)

c. repeated(重复性的)

d. unusual(不平常的)

there is an abundant (大量的,丰富的)supply(供应)of cheap labor in this country.

a. a steady (平稳的,持续的)

b. a plentiful(丰富的)

c. an extra(额外的)

d. a meager(很少的,不足的)

in order to improve our standard of living(提高我们的生活水平, we have to accelerate (加快)production.

a. step up(加快)

b. decrease(降低)

c. stop(停止)

d. control(控制)

gas does accumulate (积累,积聚)in the mines(矿山,矿井)around here.

a. increase(增加)

b. spread(展开,蔓延)

c. collect(收集,积累)

d. grow(增长,长满)

her behavior is extremely childish(幼稚的).

a. simple(简单的)

b. immature(不成熟的)

c. beautiful(美丽的)

d. foolish(傻的)
