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Unit 4 When is the art show PB let's talk(公开课) 教案

Unit 4 When is the art show PB let's talk(公开课)教案教学目标:












Step 1: Warm-up

(1) Greetings

T: Good morning/afternoon, class.

Ss: Good morning/afternoon, teacher.

T: How are you today?

Ss: I'm fine/great, thank you. And you?

T: I'm fine/great, too. Thank you. Today we are going to talk about an art show. Do you like art?

Ss: Yes, I like art.

T: What kind of art do you like?

Ss: I like painting, sculpture, photography, etc.

(2) Introduction

T: Today we're going to talk about an art show. Do you know what an art show is?

Step 2: Presentation

(1) Lead-in

T: Let's listen to a conversation between Mike and his friend Amy. They are talking about an art show. Please listen carefully and help me answer the following questions.

(2) Listening & Speaking

T: When is the art show?

Ss: It's on Friday.

T: Where is the art show?

Ss: It's at the school.

T: What can they see at the art show?

Ss: They can see paintings, drawings, sculptures, and photographs.

T: What does Amy think of the art show?

Ss: She thinks it's going to be great.

T: Now please listen to the conversation again and repeat after me.

(3) Model

T: When is the art show?

Ss: It's on Friday.

T: Where is the art show?

Ss: It's at the school.

T: What can they see at the art show?

Ss: They can see paintings, drawings, sculptures, and photographs.

T: What does Amy think of the art show?

Ss: She thinks it's going to be great.

Step 3: Practice

(1) Listen and choose

T: Now let's listen to some questions and choose the correct answers.

(2) Group work

T: I'll divide you into groups of four. Each group will get a card with a picture of a painting, sculpture, or photograph on it. Please use the language we just learned to describe the artwork to your group members. You can talk about the color, shape, size, and what it makes you feel. Then one person from each group will come up and present the artwork to the whole class. Are you ready?

(3) Presentation

T: Who would like to go first? Please come up and present your artwork.

Step 4: Production

(1) Design a poster

T: Now we will have a group activity. Each group will design a poster for the art show. Your poster should include the following information: the date, time, and place of the art show, and some pictures of the artwork. You can use the pictures we provided or find some on the internet. You will have 20 minutes to work on your posters.

(2) Presentation

T: Okay, time is up. Who would like to present their poster to the class?

Step 5: Summary

T: Today we talked about an art show, and we learned how to use when to ask about the time. We also learned how to describe and comment on artwork. Great job, everyone!

Step 6: Homework

(1) Review the new words and phrases we learned today.

(2) Write a short paragraph about your favorite artwork and why you like it.

(3) Watch a video about an art show or artist and take notes on what you learned.


PEP 小学英语五年级下册Unit 4 Part B Let’s talk 教学内容 教学分析 一、教学目标 1. 知识目标: (1)学生能够听、说、认读本课主要句型:When is your birthday? My birthday is on…What will you do for your mum? I’ll… (2)学生能听懂会说句子:Please come then. We can have a birthday party for both of you! (3)学生能够运用已学词汇、词组熟练地进行以上句型的替换练习。 2. 能力目标: (1)学生能够运用所学句型询问并回答某人生日在具体哪一天以及过生日时为家人或朋友做什么。 3. 情感、策略、文化目标: (1)培养学生感恩父母的美好情感。 (2)了解中西方国家过生日的不同文化习俗。 二、教学重难点分析

1.本课的教学重点是句型When is your birthday? My birthday is on… What will you do for…? I’ll…的表达和运用。 2.本课的教学难点是能够运用所学句型询问并回答某人生日具体在哪一天以及过生日时为家人或朋友做什么。 三、课前准备 Wishing cards, CAI 教学过程 1. T: Mike and Chen Jie just talked Mike’s cousin’s birthday. Look! They still talking. Let’s see what they are talking about now. 2. Watch and circle. (2) Let’s check. (3) Listen and imitate.

人教部编版五年级下册英语教案-Unit 4 When is the art show B Let’s talk

英语五年级下册Unit 4《When is the art show?》 Part B Let’s talk教学设计 一、内容分析 本课是新版PEP小学英语五年级下册第四单元Part B Let’s talk部分内容。通过讨论生日和怎样为别人准备生日让学生掌握句型When is your birthday? My birthday is on ... I’ll ... for her/him.通过相关语言的学习让学生记住自己的生日,家人朋友的生日,让学生懂得怎样去为别人付出和爱自己的父母,为他们做更多的事,达到育人目的。 二、教学目标 1. 知识目标 (1) 能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意。 (2) 能够在情景中运用句型When is your mother’s birthday? It’s on …What will you do …? I will … 2. 能力目标 (1) 能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话。 (2) 能运用本节课的主句型根据现实具体情境熟练运用,并能进行角色表演。 (3) 培养学生团结协作的能力。 3. 策略目标 (1) 指导学生能够通过文本内容的学习,学会借助图片、视频等资源抓住关键词对课文内容进行理解。 (2) 通过小组学习使学生认识到自己与小组,他人与小组,自己与他人,小组与小组的关系。培养学生自主学习的意识,集体主义观念和竞争意识。 4. 文化意识 (1) 让学生了解中西方节日文化差异,在学习中增强祖国意识,拓展国际视野。 (2) 让学生了解中国人过生日要吃面条的传统意义,进一步认识祖国,了解中国传统文化。 5. 情感目标 通过具体的语言情境,让学生获得积极的人生态度,让学生懂得不光记住自己的生日,还要记得家人朋友的生日,不光享受得到的爱,还要对朋友,父母付

Unit 4 When is the art show PB let's talk(公开课) 教案

Unit 4 When is the art show PB let's talk(公开课)教案教学目标: 1.能掌握一般疑问词when的用法,对时间的提问。 2.能理解并描述画展的时间、地点和参展作品。 3.能根据艺术品的颜色、形状、大小进行艺术评论。 4.通过小组合作活动,培养学生的团队合作能力和口语表达能力。 教学重点: 掌握一般疑问词when用法,描述时间。 教学难点: 运用所学语言进行口语表达和艺术评论。 教学准备: PPT课件,音频,画展照片,卡片,海报等。 教学过程 Step 1: Warm-up (1) Greetings T: Good morning/afternoon, class. Ss: Good morning/afternoon, teacher. T: How are you today? Ss: I'm fine/great, thank you. And you? T: I'm fine/great, too. Thank you. Today we are going to talk about an art show. Do you like art?

Ss: Yes, I like art. T: What kind of art do you like? Ss: I like painting, sculpture, photography, etc. (2) Introduction T: Today we're going to talk about an art show. Do you know what an art show is? Step 2: Presentation (1) Lead-in T: Let's listen to a conversation between Mike and his friend Amy. They are talking about an art show. Please listen carefully and help me answer the following questions. (2) Listening & Speaking T: When is the art show? Ss: It's on Friday. T: Where is the art show? Ss: It's at the school. T: What can they see at the art show? Ss: They can see paintings, drawings, sculptures, and photographs. T: What does Amy think of the art show? Ss: She thinks it's going to be great. T: Now please listen to the conversation again and repeat after me.


教学设计 共1课时 Unit 6 Work quickly! 1教学目标 (一)、知识目标: 1、能读出并理解新单词或词组the world robot exhibition, making sushi, Canadian, Spain, Spanish等词 2、能在图片的帮助下读懂小文段 3、能够在图片的帮助下,并根据对话内容完成句子填空练习。(Read and write) (二)、能力目标: 1.学生能够初步理解并尝试运用通过关键词(key words)或关键句(key sentences)进行阅读判断的技巧。 2. 学生能仔细读图并获得相关信息 3学生能模仿录音表演自己喜欢的片段 4.学生能用所学画一画,写一写自己的robot,并能很好地进行小组活动。 教学过程 1.Greeting. Good morning boys and girls. Good morning Miss Yuan. 2.2.1Warming up(热身). Now Let’s read these words two times. (边读边做动作)

2.2 I do you guess(我做你说) I need one student come here. You do the actions, others guess. 阅读前 1.Fast reading Look at the picture he is Doraemon. He comes to China. And there is a world robot exhibition. 学习新词exhibition. 操练词汇:领读+小老师+齐读(单词句子) 图片一 What is he doing? He is___________(引导学生一起说句子) 操练方式:Role play 师生互相问。 图片二。 What is the robot doing? The robot is_________(引导学生一起说句子) 学习新词汇sushi 操练方式:领读+拼读+个别学生读+齐读(单词句子)+文化渗透简单介绍寿司 图片三。

人教PEP版五年下英语Unit4第4课《 When is the art show》教案

五年下英语Unit4第4课《When is the art show》教案 Part B Let’s try & Let’s talk 教学内容与目标 能够掌握核心句型“—When is your birthday? —My birthday is on…”,并能够在情境中恰当运用该句型。 教学难点 能够利用基数词与序数词的转变规律,准确地回答自己的生日日期。 教学准备 PPT课件、课文录音、视频、卡片等。 教学过程 Step 1: Warm-up &Revision &Lead-in① 1. Greetings. 2. Play a game. The teacher plays the bomb game with students to review the expressions of dates. 3. Lead-in. The teacher plays three different songs (Jingle Bells/Happy New Year!/ Happy Birthday!). Students listen to the songs. (出示课件) T: Can you guess what festivals they are or what they are about? Ss: They are… 4.Let’s try. (课件出示: Let’s try图片) T: Look! Here is a cute baby. Who is he? Teaching purpose① 通过“炸弹”游戏来复习日期的表达,为这节课的学习做准备。通过歌曲猜节日,激发学生的学习兴趣并引出生日主题。通过听力,提前让学生感知生日日期的表达,并完成B 部分Let’s try的任务。以谈话导入教学,创设真实有效的教学情境。

PEP小学英语五年级下册《Unit4 When is the art show?》B Let’s learn 教案

PEP小学英语五年级下册 Unit4 When is the art show? B Let’s learn Family’s Birthday

教学设计: 五下Unit4 When is Easter? B Let’s learn 【教材分析】 本课时是PEP五年级下册Unit4 When is Easter?的第五课时 B Let’s learn .教材通过吴一凡和Robin谈论家人生日的情景,呈现了单词的词形和意义。本部分学习的单词是: twelfth(12th),twentieth(20th),twenty-first(21st), twenty-third(23rd),thirtieth(30th). 【教学目标】 1、知识目标: (1)能够听说读写单词 twelfth(12th),twentieth(20th),twenty-first(21st), twenty-third(23rd),thirtieth(30th). (2)能在情景中恰当运用句型 When is … birthday? It’s on … 2、能力目标: (1)能够在活动和任务中正确运用单词,运用序数词表达生日日期和一些节日日期。 (2)了解并掌握基数词变序数词的基本变化规律,在日历中正确的写出单词。 (3)能够通过观察思考,小组讨论总结出不同的变化规律。 3、德育目标: (1)培养学生孝敬长辈,关爱家人的好品质。 (2)培养学生认真聆听,自主学习,勤于思考的学习习惯。

【教学重点】 本课重点是单词的正确认读和书写(包括缩写)。 【教学难点】 单词的正确发音以及基数词变序数词的基本变化规律。 【教具准备】 教师准备Let's learn 部分的教学课件,奖励卡片,月份词卡 课前交流: 通过Free talk认识学生,讨论季节和月份,将全班学生分成不同小组,分别以不同的月份命名。教师和小组成员打招呼,拉近距离。本节课根据学生的表现奖励卡片,积累卡片最多的组可以得到最后的礼物。 【设计意图】课前分组,明确奖励机制有利于调动学生的积极性。同时复习了12个月份单词的说法,为下面的学习做铺垫。 Step 1Warm-up 1. Greetings 2.Enjoy a number song T:Pay attention to what’s in the song? 3.T: What are they? 出示基数词图片,明确基数词概念; T:How about them?出示跑步比赛图片,呈现序数词first, second, third, fourth, fifth。 T: Two kinds of numbers. Now I have some questions about numbers. How many people in your group? How many people in your family? 【设计意图】本部分通过歌曲和图片明确基数词和序数词的概念,形象直观的帮助学生理解二者的区别。并通过几个有关数字的问题将学生一步步地引入到吴一凡的family这个大情景。 Step 2 Presentation 1. 呈现主情景图片


五年级英语下册Unit4WhenistheartshowBLetstalk说课稿 人教PEP版 Unit 4 When is the art show? B Let’s talk说课稿 一.说学习内容: 本课是pep小学英语下册Unit 4 When is the art show?第3课时Part B Let’s talk 二.说学习目标: 主要有三点: 1.能够正确听、说、朗读“When is your birthday?”“My birthday is on...”“What will you do for your mum?”“I’ll cook noodles for her.”等交际用语。 2能够正确听、说、认读词汇,如:first、second,third,fourth,fifteenth等序数词及其缩略形式。 3.能够听懂、会说、会表演Let’s talk的内容,并把所学语言运用在真实场景中交流。 三.说学习重难点:Listening and communication 四.教学准备:课件、点读机 说学习过程(Learning steps): Step 1检测学生预习效果,把握进展快慢。 1.读一读下列单词和短语,并写出中文意思。 cook____ both_____ noodles_____ delicious______ October 2nd_____ August 15th______ a birthday party____ 2.读一读下列句子,试着将其译为中文。 (1)When is his baby’s birthday?_____________________ (2)My birthday is on April 4th._______________________ (3)What will you do for your mum?__________________ (4)I’ll cook noodles for her._________________________ Step 2. Work in groups 1.Lead in.sing a birthday song together,引入话题,教师板书。
