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A Simple Analysis of the Relationship Between America ?s value、Society

and America?s Proverbs




学号: 20122090141 姓名(手写签名):

提交日期: 2015年6月18日论文成绩评定:


Abstract: This paper discuss the relationship between American values,social and proverbs in-depth analysis from American proverb embodied American values.On the basis of the collected sayings,this paper analyzed the American values influence on American people daily behavior,the impact on the value and the meaning of American’s lives.It pointed out that proverb,values and social relations.This research is helpful for us to understand thoroughly the mainstream culture of the United States.In addition, this kind of research is provide beneficial for those want to study in the USA and interested in America culture of Chinese people.

Key Words: America,value, proverb, behavior



I Introduction

In the 21st century,the world pattern is consist of the super power of America and the major powers of several big countries.The United State is in advanced in many various aspects,such as economic , national defense, science,and technology,education and so on.In more than 30 years of reform and opening up,China has a great development and economic boom.However,Compared to the United States, science and technology innovation of China is still relatively backward and the gap between rich and poor very big.As we all know,we have lower average personal income and our social security is still not prefect.As the old saying goes”Know the enemy and know know yourself and you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat.Therefor,we should know our opponents,understand American values and society.As a result,the reason for this,I think we can deepen our understanding of the countey’s cultural and social development through learning the America English proverb .

II Characteristics of Postmodernism in S now C rash

The story in S now C rash takes place in Los Angeles in the early 21st century. After losing his job, Hiro works as the pizza Deliverator for the Mafia. At work, he meets a girl named YT and they decide to carry out intelligence work as partner. …

2.1Double space

In Snow Crash, a typical double space “the virtual world and the real w orld” of human existence is depicted by a kind of more clear and distinctive characteristic of Postmodernism. … That means, Metaverse realizes “the shift from the imaginary space to the real space”.3

2.1.1The real world

As is known in the fiction, social reality shows the great prospect after the comprehensive collapse of the social grand system: one superpower Soviet has been embroiled in endless political chaos, …

The franchise and the virus work on the same principle: what thrives in one place will thrive in another. You just have to find a sufficiently virulent

business plan, condense it into a three-ring binder—its DNA—xerox it, and

embed it in the fertile lining of a well-traveled highway, preferably one with a

left-turn lane .Then the growth will expand until it turns up against its

property lines. ”4

But today, the process of accelerated globalization makes all cities almost alike. Anywhere are there KFC, McDonald's, Pizza Hut, Starbucks, 7-11, Watsons, Suning, Gome....

2.1.2The virtual world

The sto ry begins by means of the virtual reality. “…Virtual reality? refers to an environment in which reality is simulated through computers and in which the body can experience

artifi cially generated data as though they were coming from the real world.”5

2.2The p rotagonist’ dual identities

2.2.1The real identity

2.2.2 The virtual identity



2.3.1The meaning of Snow Crash

2.3.2The digital culture of Snow Crash

III Significance of Characteristics of Postmodernism in S now C rash …

IV Conclusion

As the representative work of later Cyberpunk, Neal Stephenson?s Snow Crash which progresses from the relationship between literature and virtual space in terms of the conquest of cyberspace has become a unique literary and cultural phenome non. …

However, electronic media have broadened a computer narrative way for Cyberpunk fictions…

Nonetheless, the writer?s experience is limited and the argumentation applied in the present research is not enough, thus the present research is not so systematic and comprehensive. To make the research more comprehensive, the researcher must get more background information from relevant books about the novel.


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对英语专业导论课的认识 B13140404 余艳艳 英语专业导论课渐入尾声,在此略谈我的心得感想。英语专业导论课包括英美文化概论、英美文学选读、英语阅读与写作、语言学概论、英汉互译五个方面,向外院学子介绍英语语言的魅力,为外院学子指明未来的方向,开阔了英专学生对英语乃至世界的眼界。下面我分别介绍这五个方面: 一.英美文化概论 谈到英美文化,注重精神、崇尚个人、歌颂自然等一系列思想的个人主义是英美的主要思潮,其中积极的倡导者——文学巨匠爱默生认为:人是世界的主导,人可以通过自身的直觉和经验来独立认识世界。他的文学作品中强调人的主观能动性,也使“个人主义”这一特色在他的作品中得到了发展并正式成为一种文学传统。他的传世之作《论自然》的诞生,系统地从人和自然的发展关系中确立了“个人主义”的思想观念,把人类的地位上升到了另一个高度;他认为世界万物都是为人类服务的,人类通过对自然和上帝的认识来不断深化自己,超越自己。人类的潜力是无穷的,所以,“相信你自己”这句爱默生的名言也成为了日后广为流传的座右铭。而作为爱默生的学生、忠实的追随者和合作者以及个人主义的另外一个重要的代表作家,梭罗则是在爱默生的基础上,进一步发展了个人主义的传统。无疑,他在作品中想表达的内容都是围绕着人的精神这一重要的主题,不同于以往作家们,他在一定程度上强调了人的主观能动性,上帝的存在价值是体现在人的身上。 二.英美文学选读 英国文学发展包括上古时期、新古典主义时期,浪漫主义时期,维多利亚时期以及现代时期。英国文学史中,上古时期大概是始于公园450年,止于1066年,即诺曼底征服的那一年,主要分为宗教诗和世俗诗,圣经和贝奥武夫是流传至今的典型,兴盛的是盎格鲁萨克森文明,诗歌神韵结合了粗犷豪勇的气象和悲情哀婉的风格。文艺复新时期,是中世纪的结束和现代社会的开始,是从十五世纪到十七世纪,人文主义是其精神所在,那个时期涌现的作家有莎士比亚,培根,马洛,斯宾塞,约翰弥尔顿。新古典主义时期是从1660年的斯图亚特王朝复辟到798年的浪漫主义时期为止,前期英国动荡不安,后期国力发展,英国的十八世纪,是启蒙主义时代,提倡秩序,理性,法制,这一时期的文学巨匠有约翰班杨,丹尼尔笛福,斯威夫特,亨利菲尔丁谢立丹,托马斯格雷。浪漫主义时期是从华兹华斯和柯勒律治的《抒情歌谣集》开始到1832年司各特的死截止,法国大革命和英国工业革命时期。主要强调人权,主要作家有布莱克,华兹华斯,骚塞,柯勒律治,拜伦,雪莱,济慈,简奥斯汀。维多利亚时期,是英国工业革命的高潮时期,维多利亚女王统治时期,1836到1901,是英国历史上最辉煌的时期,国家相对繁荣稳定,国权逐步向中产阶级转移,道德和常理成为时代主题,主要作家有狄更斯,勃朗特姐妹,丁尼生布朗宁,乔治艾略特,哈代。现代时期,由于资产阶级垄断,矛盾激化,加上一战和二战的损失,日不落帝国国力下降,哲学思想涌现。流派繁多,代表人物,萧伯纳,叶芝,艾略特,劳伦斯,乔伊斯等。 三.英语阅读与写作 阅读是培养学生的英语应用能力的一种重要形式,它和写作一样属于书面能力。阅读要求的是理解和领悟能力,写作要求的是运用和表达能力。读扎实的语言基本功是学生学习


Helen Keller Zhang Chu (09yingjiao1-35) Abstract:This passage shows about a blind deaf author and educator—Helen Keller. When she was half a year old, an unexpected disaster happened to her which made her forfeit the instinct for living. After that, this little girl became isolated to the vivid and dramatic world. However, in the darkness and a lonely world, she didn't give up and never surrendered to fate. With the help and encouragement from her teacher Anne Sullivan, she overcame all the sufferings caused by the physical defects tenaciously. She learned to speak and study, and began to communicate with others. When she was 24, she graduated from Radcliffe College, Harvard University and became a knowledgeable famous writer and educator, who got hold of five languages. Helen’s life is extraordinary and she gave us great encouragement. She taught us to cherish our health and this wonderful time. Key words: Helen Keller, Anne Sullivan, love, encourage, breakthrough, success 1. Introduction The background of Helen Keller’s family and education did a beneficial foundation for Helen Keller’s success. 1.1Family Background Helen Adams Keller was born on June 27, 1880, in Tuscumbia, Alabama. Her family lived on a homestead, Ivy Green, which Helen's grandfather had built decades earlier. Helen's father, Arthur H. Keller, spent many years as an editor for the Tuscumbia North Alabamian and had served as a captain for the Confederate Army. Helen's mother, Kate Adams,was the daughter of Charles Adams. Helen's paternal grandmother was the second cousin of Robert E. Lee. In a word, hose in Helen’s family members had extraordinary position, which gave a superior foundation for Helen’s success in defeating the suff erings. Helen's father's lineage can be traced to Casper Keller, a native of Switzerland. Coincidentally, one of Helen's Swiss ancestors was the first teacher for the deaf in Zurich. It might be another helpful factor for her to overcome the troubles.(1998:1-2) 1.2Education background


《英美概况》教学大纲 课程编号:12307058 课程名称:英美概况 学时分配:36学时,2-19 学分:2分 考核方式:考查,闭卷 课程类别:专业限选课 面向对象:外事二年级学生 一、课程的任务和目的: 《英美概况》是介绍英语国家社会与文化入门的一门课程。开设本课的目的在于使学生通过学习,了解英美国家的历史、地理、社会、经济、政治、教育等方面的情况及其文化传统,内容庞杂、信息量大。 培养学生正确分析有关英美等国问题的能力,并能以正确的眼光看待世界上所发生的问题,提高学生对文化差异的敏感性、宽容性和处理文化差异的灵活性,培养学生跨文化交际能力。把学生培养成为高素质的人才,同时又能爱祖国、热爱社会主义,致力为祖国的繁荣、发达而努力的人才,培养学生树立正确世界观。 同时,通过课文的学习和各种练习的实践,达到提高英语水平的目的。通过比较学习不同文化中具有特殊文化涵义的词语与表达式,可以促使学生掌握一些特殊词语的深层次意义,是对词汇的学习以及翻译水平的提高的有益补充;通过开展中外文化的比较,让学生切身感受到成功的交际仅有语言是远远不够的,文化方面的因素有时所起的作用远远大于语言本身,必将为英语学习者成功地参与国际商务活动,更有效地进行国际合作与交流打下坚实的文化基础。

二、课程的基本要求: 要求熟悉英语国家的地理、历史、发展现状、文化传统、风俗习惯,具有较强的跨文化交际意识。 三、课程的主要内容: 主要包括英美两国的地理、历史、政体制度、教育、新闻媒体、风俗习惯等内容,目的在于开阔学生的视野,扩大他们的知识面,并注意借鉴最新研究成果,合理吸收最新知识,进一步增强其实用性。 四、课程教学内容与要求 第一章:美国简况(国家的组成、国土等)(2学时) 教学要求:通过教学使学生掌握美国地理简况:国家的基本组成,国土等。以及美国国家形成的基本历史发展过程。 教学重点:美国国家形成过程中产生的几个重要的历史事件。 教学难点:分析并了解American Revolution产生的原因。

英美文学选读 傲慢与偏见

英 美 文 学 选 读 论 文 《傲慢与偏见》的女性 叙事视角解读 姓名: 班级: 学号:

《傲慢与偏见》的女性叙事视角解读 摘要: 奥斯丁在《傲慢与偏见》中,通过在全知视角下具有限制性的叙述模式向我们展示了灰姑娘的浪漫爱情故事,描绘出作者所处时代的社会道德风貌,表达了作者的女性抗争意识及对当时社会婚姻观的批判。 关键词: 全知视角;有限视角 在奥斯丁的著作中,《傲慢与偏见》一直深受读者的喜爱,并经受住了时间的考验,成为文学史上不休的名著。剖析其原因,发现这与奥斯丁高超的叙事技巧是分不开的。自小说发表以来,其叙述技巧引起了广泛的评论,纵观其评论,发现对其独特的女性视角分析还是不够。在这部小说中,奥斯丁颠覆了以往男权统治下的话语权,采用了全知视角下,从女性的有限视角展示故事,从女性的角度来描写生活,并首次让小说中的女性形象第一次成为真正意义上的主角,让女性有了话语权。因而,从女性视角这一角度对小说进行解读,对于理解和把握作品具有重要的意义。申丹曾指出:叙事者的性别不同,往往会对叙事模式及其意义产生影响。把性别和视角结合在一起的女性视角是指从性别入手来审视人类的文化遗产和文化创造的一种批评观念和批评角度。本文将从女性叙事视角对小说进行解读,发掘其对于展现女性意识的意义。 叙事视角,在文学作品中是指作品叙述者或者人物从什么角度观



《英美文化概论》教学大纲 一、教学对象: 本大纲的教学对象是全校学生。只要对跨文化交际感兴趣,喜欢英美文化,想扩充人文知识的同学都可以选修。 二、总学时与学分: 本课程总学时为24学时,每周2学时,共十二周, 1.5 学分。 三、教学目的和要求 1、教学目的: 同英语国家的人们用英语进行有效的交流是学习英语的重要目的之 一。然而有效的交流不仅仅是一个语言技巧问题,还涉及到许多文化因素。 本课程的主旨是希望通过常见的英美文化的介绍,使学习者在跨文化交际 中能避免一些不必要的因文化差异而产生的误解,阅读时能更好地理解作 者的意图和篇章的内涵,欣赏外国影视作品时有更深的领悟能力。 2、教学要求: 本课程是一门以欣赏和领悟为主的课程,对学生不做具体的要求。针对不同的文化分类,教师采取不同的教学手段和教学方式来引导学生欣赏和理解不同的文化内容。在物质文化的介绍中,主要通过教师介绍和视频播放,让学生有身临其文化之中的感受。社会文化和意识文化通过先讲解,再进行案例分析,让学生学会在不同的交际场合,如何处理问题。 四、教学内容及安排

五、课程特色 本课程通过精心设计的文化案例使学生仿佛身临其境般地感受他国文化,体验真实的跨文化交际感受。通过图片和视频等视觉工具使学生在轻松愉快的氛围中了解文化差异,拓宽国际视野、提高跨文化交际能力,最终达到教学的目的。 六、考核方式 形成性考核:出勤10%+课堂表现10%。 期末考核:对某段视频和案例进行分析,找出其包含的文化现象或寻找其文化失误之处,占80%。 七、参考教材 《跨文化交际概论》胡文仲 1999.11 外语教学与研究出版社《跨文化交际面面观》胡文仲主编 1999.11 外语教学与研究出版社《跨文化非语言交际》毕继万 1999.9 外语教学与研究出版社《中英(英语国家)文化习俗比较》杜学增 2003.11 外语教学与研究出版社


Contents Abstract (2) Key words (2) Introduction (2) Body (2)ⅠEnglish renaissance and humanism (2) A.English renaissance (2) B.English renaissance humanism (3) ⅡThree aspects influnenced by English renaissance (3) A.Drama (3) B.Architecture (4) C.Portraiture (4) Conclusion (5) Notes (6) Referances (7)

Influences of Renaissance in English History LI Siqi Abstract: The English Renaissance was a cultural and artistic movement in England dating from the early 16th century to the early 17th century. In this period, the most significant influence in English history is the spreading of humanism, which is reflected in the three main aspects: drama, architecture and portraiture through pouring humanism into works in those fields.. The greatly aroused creativity of human beings will create miracles. Key words: Renaissance Humanism Drama Architecture Portraiture "What a piece of work is a man, how noble in reason, how infinite in faculties, in form and moving, how express and admirable in action, how like an angel in apprehension, how like a god!" This sentence is abstracted from the book Hamlet written by Shakespeare, who is a representative figure in the period of English Renaissance. In this period, the most significant influence in English history is the spreading of humanism, which is a milestone in the development of English history, especially in art, and which is reflected in the three main aspects: drama, architecture and portraiture. This article is concentrated on how English renaissance puts influnence on these three aspects. ⅠEnglish Renaissance and humanism A. English Renaissance But first, what is English renaissance? “The English Renaissance was a cultural and artistic movement in England dating from the early 16th century to the early 17th


《英美概况》教学大纲 课程名称:英美概况课程代码:04213020 课程类别:公共基础课课程性质:必修 总学时:64 理论学时:64 先修课程:《综合英语》 适用专业:应用英语、商务英语开课单位:经管学院 一、课程性质、目的 课程性质:《英语国家概况》是英语专业的一门知识性基础课。本课程以英语为媒介,比较系统地向学生阐述世界主要英语国家的社会与文化背景,如地理、历史、政治、经济、社会生活和文化传统等方面的基本知识。它是英语专业学生学习英语专业其它语言基础课和在高年级阶段学习英语文学和翻译等课程的基础。 课程目的:本课程的教学目的是提高学生在跨文化语言运用过程中对文化差异的敏感性、宽容性和处理文化差异的灵活性,从而改善学生的跨文化语言运用能力。 二、课程内容和学时分配 第一章大不列颠与北爱尔兰简介 【教学基本要求】 对英国的社会及文化背景作全面概括,使学生了解英国社会和文化的过去和现在的情况。 【教学时数】 6 【教学重点和难点】 重点: 英国社会背景文化知识介绍。 难点: 英国的民族与宗教及政治体制。 【教学内容】 英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士的地理、语言发展和民族特点,以及北爱尔兰地理、宗教信仰及民族独立问题。 第二章英国政府与当代政治、经济 【教学基本要求】 使学生认识英国的政府统治体制和议会程序及选举制度,同时了解英国当代的政治经济情况。【教学时数】 6 【教学重点和难点】 重点: 英国政府体制的特色;民族等级制度对人民生活的影响;英国经济发展的原因。

难点: 英国政府议会选举程序。 【教学内容】 1、英国君主立宪制度议会制度及内阁 2、英国选举制度、政党制及政治发展趋势 3、英国经济概况、农业及飞机工业的发展 第三章英国的对外关系 【教学基本要求】 通过课文讲解使学生认识英国的发展历史、外交政策及英美两国的关系。【教学时数】6 【教学重点和难点】 重点: 英帝国的扩张历史; 难点: 对外政策的基础和对外关系发展。 【教学内容】 1、大英帝国的扩张历史及现状、英国对外政策的基础和立足点 2、英国与北约、欧盟等一些国际组织的关系 3、英美两个资本主义大国之间的关系 第四章英国社会文化与生活 【教学基本要求】 通过教学,让学生了解英国的教育体制和社会各阶层的生活情况。 【教学时数】 6 【教学重点和难点】 重点: 英国教育特点;传统节日。 难点: 英国各阶层和种族情况。 【教学内容】 1、英国社会各阶层、各种族概述 2、英国教育体系及特点和传统节日 3、英国新闻传媒机构简介 第五章英国文学 【教学基本要求】 使学生了解英国各时期文学的创作特色,能够欣赏相关文学作品。


英美文化概论论文 In the past few weeks, we spent 10 lessons on essentials of British & American cultures study. In this course, we learn in brief about the history and government system etc. During the Learning process, what impresses me most is the cowboys. An integral part of the story of America, the cowboy is a national icon, a romantic, rugged metaphor for America’s frontier past, Westward expansion and creation myths. Sensationalizedby Hollywood and by real-life bad boys, the heroic, hard-working, hard-riding, free-thinking cowboy is inseparable from American history itself. America’s first cowboys came from Mexico. Beginning in the 1500s, vaqueros—the Spanish term for “cowboy”—were hired by ranchersto drive and tend to livestockbetween Mexico and what is now New Mexico and Texas. During the early 1800s, and leading up to Texas’s independence from Mexico in 1836, the number of English speaking settlers in the area increased. These American settlers took their cues from the vaquero culture, borrowing clothing styles and vocabulary and learning how to drive their cattle in the same way. The vaquero influence persisted throughout the 1800s. Cowboys came from a variety of backgrounds, and included European immigrants, African Americans, Native Americans and Midwestern and Southern settlers. In the nineteenth century, one out of three American cowboys in the south was Mexican. As America built railroads further and further west, fostering industry, transportation and white settlements in former Indian territories, the cowboy played a crucial part in the nation’s expansion. In the early 1800s, Texas cattleman had herded cows via the Shawnee Trail to cattle markets in St. Louis and Kansas City. During the 1860s and following the Civil War, they began herding via the Chisholm and Western Trails towards the new railroads in Kansas, where livestock was then loaded into freight cars and transported to markets around the country. In less than two decades cowboys herded more than six million cows and steers to the railroads. Most cowboys were young—the average age was 24—and hard-working men in need of quick cash, although the pay was low. The work was exhausting and lonely. Cowboys also helped establish towns, spending their money in the “cowtown” settlements across the wes t during their time off. Townspeople frowned oncowboys as lawless troublemakers who brought nothing but violence and immorality, and some even banned them from town. Ranching, or the raising of cattle or other livestock on range land, also expanded during the late nineteenth century. The forced removal of Native Americans and the clearing of the American frontier resulted in the near extinction of the region’s many buffalo and bison. This land, now dominated by white homesteaders, was used for ranching. Public lands on the Great Plains constituted “open range,” where any white settler could buy and raise cattle for grazing. The invention and distribution of barbed wire in the 1870s revolutionized the concept of privately owned land in the Midwest, fencing off homesteads suitable for farming and ranching—but also limiting the work to be done by cowboys. With the rise of private landholdings in the late 1800s, the cattle driving industry had lost its cachet. Private landowners and “free grazers”—vaqueros and cowboys alike—locked horns over what was appropriate use for land whose ownership was also in question. By the 1890s, the wide open ranges and cattle trails were gone and privatized, and the days of the long cattle drives to

英语国家概况论文-政治体制 英文

Comparison of the Politics in Britain and United States Abstract: The system that British established in 19 century has a profound effect not only on its own country’s society developments of politics and history but also on other counties’ modern institution, politics and history. British is the mother of world capitalist constitutionalism. As a powerful capitalistic country, US’system is also based on the British’s system and set a prefect system after some reforms. Even so, the systems of the two countries still have many differences. Both of the two countries have powerful political systems in the world. Keywords: constitution, party systems, electoral system 1. Introduction: (political institution is superstructure, generally refers to the state power organs and the basic system which adapted with the social nature. "Political system, as same as the various systems of the human society, is the product of history development, branding with time and space.”) After the English bourgeois revolution, democratic politics was gradually established. The constitution was promulgated and constitutionalism was gradually be taken. Capitalism got a considerable development in Britain. Britain built the first set of the capitalist system, which is known as the source and model of Western political system. British and US political systems have the same theoretical basis: the principle of "separation of powers” and the theory of “human rights”; the concrete content includes the parliamentary system, the electoral system, the judicial system, and the political party system, etc; these are all considered to be the elements of "people's democracy", Regimes implemented the principles of separation of powers and check and balance and the "rule of law". And most fundamentally,as two typical representatives of capitalist countries’ political systems, Britain and USA have the same nature in the maintenance of bourgeois interests and the private capitalist system, the implementation of other aspects of bourgeois dictatorship. But in the specific political system level, they present different characteristics, the paper only compare British and American political system from three aspects of the Constitution, the party system, the electoral system. 2. Comparison of constitutions Britain is typical of countries with unwritten constitution, there is no unified, complete written form, and its constitutional system is extremely complex which is constituted by a variety of written and unwritten customary law, jurisprudence and constitutional practices constituted. British constitution can not be listed by one or several pieces of documents, nor strict distinct by the time, it lacks rigorous and explicit content, consistent and complete system。 The United States Constitution is the first written constitution in the world. In the course of its development, the United States Constitution formed the four main principles: the separation of powers and checks and balances, federalism, limited the powers of the government and judicial review. The US Constitution carried thorough the separation of powers which provide the separation of the legislative, judicial and administrative. Congress, the Federal Court and the President perform their respective duties, and the division of labor between federal, state and local governments is also very clear. Federal Court is an important weight in the separation of powers and checks and balances in the United States, in addition to the administrative function and legislative function, the most important function is the supervisory function and judicial function. Judges enjoy constitutional status and was appointed guardian to uphold the Constitution; the


天津师范大学考试试卷 2013 —2014学年第二学期期末考试答题纸(A 卷)科目:英美概况学院:外院专业: 2013 级英语副辅修 班级:姓名:学号: American’s role in the two World Wars Abstract:American experienced two world wars.Through two world wars American’s ecomomic,political have taken place great changes.Established the position in the international stage .The eassy discuss the time,development,result of two world wars and research the American’s role in the two world wars. Keyword: world ward;American;role 1.Introduction 1.1The significance of topic The eassy talk about the two world wars’ cause,development and the results.Thinking American’s role in two world wars.Researching the international

situation changes and Americ an’s state in the international changes. 1.2Research Method The main methods for the study are reading the relevant literature and querying the relevant information and combing with introduces the contents of the book.On the basis of this analysis and research,some history understanding are to be summarized.Put some context of myself. 2.American and World War I 2.1The cause of World War I World War I broke out in july 1914.The war was launch between two groups of imperialist powers,Allies and the Central European Power.The basic cause of the war lay in the political,economic and colonial rivalries of the great powers,stretching back into the late 19th century.First were the economic rivalries.Most of the European power competed the foreign market.The most serious economic rivalry taken place between Britian and Germany because of the latter’s rapidly developed of industrialization in the later 19th century and Germany’s industrial scale had beyond britian’s capacity and took the first place in economy in Europe by the 20th century.Economic rivalries brought colonial disputes.They were redividing the world according to their economic strength and the competition was restricted to Britain and Germany.The immediate cause of the War was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria at Sarajevo,Serbia on june 28,1914.It was use as an excuse for declared war on Serbia by Austria. 2.2American in World War I When the war began,American just to observe strict neutrality until 1917 Wilson was leading the country into the war.In general,there were there reasons for the us to join the war so late.First,America’s traditional distrust of standing armies,the military power was too slight to join the war.Although the navy was strong,the air force was slight can only national defense.Then the national Security League and
