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人教版高中英语必修三 Unit1 单元总览全面版

Unit1 名师单元总览


1. 教材解读


同时,结合情态动词的学习和节日的庆祝及介绍涵盖了课程标准24个话题项目中的节假日活动Festivals, holiday and celebrations、人际关系Interpersonal relationships、计划与愿望Plans and intentions、语言学习Language learning、兴趣与爱好中的socializing和家庭朋友与周围的人中friends等话题,以及68个功能意念项目中的打电话Making phone calls、邀请Invitation、感谢Thanks、介绍Introduction、请求允许Asking for permission、接受与拒绝acceptance and refusal、劝告Advice与建议Suggestions等项目,让学生在话题情景中复习、巩固和运用打电话、邀请和感谢的表达法,并在语境中理解和掌握情态动词的用法;


1.1 Warming Up 旨在通过表格引导学生进行小组讨论并列举出四个我国节日的名称、日期、庆祝内容和民俗。这是新年后开学的第一课,可用刚刚过去的某一节日为话题,如春节、元宵节等,导入学生对节日的讨论。这样从学生自己的经历谈起,再扩展到别的节日以及外国的重要节日,可激活学生关于节日的背景知识,同时激发学生的兴趣,为本单元的学习做好准备。

1.2 Pre-reading是Reading 的热身活动。通过问题1引导学生思考并讨论自己最喜欢的节日及欢度方式(活动、音乐、场景、实物以及拜访亲友等),进而增强学生对节日的认识,以便为阅读中如何捕捉文章信息作好铺垫。问题2则引导学生通过标题和图片预测短文内容,激活学生的思维,调动学生的学习兴趣,同时


1.3 Reading 的五段小短文分别介绍节日的起源、亡灵节、纪念名人的节日、丰收节、春天的节日等,让学生了解各种节日的由来及其存在的意义。阅读文章中负载有Festivals的重要信息,包含了本单元学习目标中绝大多数的词汇、句型和主要的语法---情态动词的用法,理应作为重点材料来处理。教学时,可首先引导学生进行整体阅读和理解,并引导学生分析理解长句、难句和复杂句,再通过上下文来引导学生理解、掌握和运用词汇、句型及语法。

1.4 Comprehending部分的四项练习对理解和思维训练层层递进,既是用来帮助学生更好地理解阅读内容的,又是对学生阅读策略的引导和训练,更是对学生语言表达能力和思维能力的训练。教学中,可根据学生实际,对四项练习进行一定的调整组合,也可添加设计和安排其他一些阅读理解练习。





1.5 Learning about Language 分词汇学习和语法学习两部分。

其中,Discovering useful words and expressions是本单元的词汇学习,练习1


Discovering useful structures 引导学生以文章内容为载体,在语境中去领悟、分析和熟悉情态动词的含义和用法。练习1要求学生从课文中去发现和分析情态动词的含义和用法,并向同伴解释;练习2则引导学生利用提示,通过小组讨论的形式,分类分析和领悟情态动词的更多用法和含义;练习3要求学生运用情态动词进行对话练习,引导他们在语境中熟悉和运用情态动词。三个练习层层推进,引导学生在语境中逐步理解、掌握和运用情态动词,充分体现了以交际功能为特征的功能语法训练理念,充分体现了新教材话题、功能、结构相结合的特点。为便于学生更好地理解和运用情态动词,教学中,可设计和运用相关练习,引导学生进一步把握情态动词的使用特点和规律。

1.6 Using Language 部分让学生运用本单元所学的语言知识和课文内容进行听说读写的全面运用和综合训练。

1.6.1 Listening & speaking 通过听几位学生参加Trinidad Carnival 节日游行的两段对话,让学生了解国外狂欢节的情况,并体会参加节日游行的真实情景。其中,练习1是听前准备活动,要求学生看图讨论有关狂欢节的知识,并预测参加狂欢节可能遇到的问题,既引导听力训练策略,又激活学生思维;练习2要求学生听完对话后回答两组问题,问题的内容则集中于中外学生一起参加狂欢节的一些具体情景及所遇到的困难和问题,如着装、饮水、噪音及见面的时间地点等,引导学生在听力训练中如何把握相关信息。练习3是综合创造性活动,要求学生编写一段电话对话,邀请外国朋友来参加一个中国节日,突出交际用语功能和语境中恰当使用情态动词的训练。这样,既训练了学生的听力,又在语境中训练了学生的语言运用能力,还通过问题解决的方式训练了学生的分析能力、语言表达能力和创造思维能力。

1.6.2 Reading and Writing中的Reading是发生在西方情人节的一个令人伤心的


1.6.3 Reading and Writing中的Writing任务则是要求学生根据上面阅读文章的内容续写一个文章结尾,让学生通过思考写出自己的思想和自己的做法,并引导学生寻求解决问题的不同途径和方法,同时又通过写作时一些值得思考的问题的提示,为学生搭建脚手架,帮助学生完成写作构思。

1.7单元后面的Summing up引导学生根据提示完成单元自我总结和评估与反思,进一步培养学生的责任意识和学习策略;Learning Tip对学生的进一步学习提出建议,旨在培养其运用语言资源的意识和能力,形成和运用学习策略;Reading for fun的一首有关圣诞老人的小诗则为学生提供了扩展语言阅读及跨文化意识的载体,同时也可引导和培养学生正确的价值观念和道德情感。总之,通过本单元的系统学习,让学生了解世界各国的节日及民俗,学习有关节日的词汇,并能够丰富语言知识,提升用英语表达观点的能力,同时提升学生的阅读素养和传承优秀文化的意识。

2. 教学目标(单元总述)

2.1 Knowledge aim-知识目标(含学习策略及思维品质培养)

2.1.1 Guide Ss to learn to use the key words & expressions, sentence patterns and grammar item Modal verbs in the proper context or language environments

2.1.2 Guide Ss to learn about different cultures in the world and experience the culture shock

2.2 Ability aim-能力目标(语言能力、学习能力)

2.2.1 Enable Ss to get to know some information about festivals & celebrations and talk about Chinese festivals and customs in English

2.2.2 Enable Ss to get familiar with the ways to express request, invitation and

thanks with the use of Modal verbs

2.2.3 Guide Ss to write different endings to the story and write an introduction to a Chinese festival

2.2.4 Enable Ss to use the proper learning strategies and promote their reading literacy

2.3 Emotional aim-情感目标(思维品质、文化品格)

2.3.1 Cultivate Ss’ cross-cultural awareness and the awareness to keep and pass on the Chinese tradition

2.3.2 Activate S s’ critical & creative thinking while learning

3. 教学内容(单元总述,贴标签)

3.1.Chunk (Words &Expressions-重点单词及短语)

3.1.1 Important words and expressions:

religious, belief, trick, gain, gather, award, admire, permission, apologize, obvious, remind, starve, drown, wipe, weep, forgive, observe, satisfy, lead;

take place, in memory of, dress up, play a trick on, look forward to, day and night, as though, have fun with, turn up, keep one’s word, hold one’s breath, set off, remind … of … For applying: beauty, harvest, celebration, hunter, starve, origin, religious, feast, belief, trick, poet, arrival, gain, gather, award, admire, lunar, clothing, custom, fool, worldwide, permission, parking, apologize, drown, sadness, obvious, wipe, weave, weep, remind, forgive, satisfy, lead For comprehending:seasonal, ancestor, grave, bone, independence, independent, agriculture, agricultural, produce, energetic, necessity, prediction, fashion, herd, announcer For recognizing: Obon, incense, Mexico, skull, Halloween, Columbus, rooster, Easter, Christian, carnival, Easter, parade, Christian, Jesus, cherry, blossom, rosebud, Trinidad, the Milky Way, magpie, Valentine

3.1.2 Useful expressions: For applying: take place, in memory of, dress up, play a trick on, look forward to, as though, have fun with, turn up, keep one’s word, hold one’s breath, set off, remind…of…, be meant to do sth. For comprehending:day and night, as though, parking lot

3.1.3 Useful suffixes: -ous/-al/-ic(al)/-able/-ent; (a)tion/-sion/-ness/-ence/-al; -fy/-ize

3.1.4 Sentence structures:


4.1 For applying:

①Festivals and celebrations of all kinds have been held everywhere since ancient times.P1

②At that time people would starve if food was difficult to find, especially during the cold winter months.P1

③It was obvious that the manager of the coffee shop was waiting for Li Fang to leave…P7

④The most energetic and important festivals are the ones that look forward to the end of winter and to the coming of spring. P2

⑤It is now a children’s festival, when they can dress up and go to their neighbours’ homes to ask for sweets.P2

⑥Some western countries have very exciting carnivals, which take place forty days before Easter, usually in February. P2


4.2 For comprehending:

①Discuss when they take place, what they celebrate and what people do at that time. P1

②Today’s festivals have many origins, some religious, some seasonal, and some for special people or events. P1

③They also light lamps and play music because they think that this will lead the ancestors to earth. P2

④The festival of Halloween also had its origin in old beliefs about the return of the spirits of dead people. P2

⑤Based on the reading passage, what do most festivals seem to have in common? P3

⑥However big the fool, there is always a bigger fool to admire him. P4

⑦“I’ll just throw these flowers and chocolates away. I don’t want them to remind me of her." So he did. P7

⑧Everyone who comes must be prepared tokeep moving, as it is too cold to stand and watch for long. P44

⑨…and if you were to fall in, you would freeze in less than two minutes.P44

⑩If you could go to the Quebec Carnival, what things would you put on the poster?

3.2 Grammar-语法(语法及运用)

Modal verbs: can/could may/might will/would shall/should must/can’t

①Most ancient festivals would celebrate the end of cold weather, …

②Sometimes celebrations would be held after hunters had caught animals.

③At that time people would starve if food was difficult to find, …

④… or to satisfy the ancestors, who might return either to help or to do harm.

⑤For the Japanese festival Obon, people should go to clean graves and …

⑥… this will lead the ancestors back to earth.

⑦It is now a children’s festival, when they can dress up and go …

⑧… the children might play a trick on them.

⑨Festival can also be held to honour famous people.

⑩Harvest and Thanksgiving festivals can be vey happy events.

⑾In European countries, people will usually decorate churches …, and will get together…

⑿Some people might win awards for their farm produce, …

⒀At the spring festival in China, people … and may give children luck money in red paper.

⒁These festivals might include parades, dancing in the streets …

⒂The teacher said that we could not leave early. P5

⒃The hunters are lost. They could starve. P5

⒄It was Valentine’s Day and Hu Jin had said she would meet him at the coffee shop after work. P7

⒅She could be with her friends right now laughing at him. P7

⒆She said she would be there at seven o’clock, and he thoug ht she would keep her word. P7

⒇He would drown his sadness in coffee. P7

(21)“We could be like that,” thought Li Fang. P7

(22) Magpies make a bridge of their wings so the couple can cross the river to meet on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month. P7

(23)It’s a fine day today, so I hope you can all meet the one you love. P7

(24) What would he do? … She would never forgive him. This would not be a happy Valentine’s Day! P7

3.3 language-using -语用(文体、话题及功能)

3.3.1 Type of writing文体 Narrative: A sad love story & An ending to the story Descriptive writing: Festivals and celebrations

Winter carnival in Quebec

Introducing a festival

Creating a new festival Practical writing: A phone call conversation

A brochure for the new festival

3.3.2 Topics话题:Festivals and celebrations

How festival began

How festivals are celebrated

A sad love story

Winter Carnival in Quebec

3.3.3 Functions功能: Making phone calls打电话

①May I speak to …?

②Can I ring/call back later?

③Hold/Hang on, please.

④I’ll ring him/her up again.

⑤Just a moment, please.

⑥Sorry, he/she isn’t here right now. Invitations 邀请

①I wonder if you are interested in …

②I’d like to invite you to …

③Would you like …?

④Could/Would you please …?

⑤I’m looking forward to …

⑥I’d love/like to, but … Thanks 感谢

①Thank you so much.

②Thanks (a lot).

③That’s very kind of you.

④You’re (most) welcome.

⑤Don’t mention it.

⑥It’s a pleas ure./My pleasure. Talk about festivals 谈论节日

①Festivals are meant to celebrate important events.

②What’s your favorite holiday of the year?

③What festivals or celebrations do you enjoy in your city or town?

④Do you like spending festivals with your family or with your friends?

⑤What part of a festival do you like best——the music, the things to see, the visit or the food?

⑥Festivals and celebrations of all kinds are held everywhere.

⑦Some festivals are held to honor the dead or to satisfy the ancestors.

⑧Festivals can be held as an honor to famous people or the gods.

⑨The most energetic and important festivals are the ones that look forward to the end of winter and to the coming of spring.

⑩Festivals let us enjoy life, be proud of our customs and forget our work for a little while.

4. 教材整合及课时划分建议

4.1 教材整合建议


4.1.1 口语与听力从话题内容和功能上分析:Warming Up,Workbook中的Listening和Talking,以及Using language中的listening相一致,可以整合成一节任务型“听说课”,旨在激活学生关于节日的认识,引出本单元关于节日的话题,同时启发学生的讨论、思考与表达。(注:也可根据学生情况将Using language 中的listening移至本单元的复习课中作为检测环节用。)

4.1.2阅读训练可将Pre-reading、Reading、Comprehending三个活动整合成一节“阅读理解课”,旨在训练学生的略读(skimming)、查读(scanning)、细读(close reading)、归纳(summarizing)、对比(comparing)、猜测词义(word-guessing)等阅读技巧,培养其把握篇章中心内容、获取关键信息等的阅读理解能力,并且培养学生针对阅读内容表达自己的观点的能力。

4.1.3语言学习结合课文中重点词汇与短语的分析、理解与运用,将Learning about Language与Workbook中的Using words & expressions结合在一起,整合成一节“语言学习课”,旨在培养学生在语境中理解和运用词句的能力。

4.1.4语法学习结合对课文中情态动词的理解,将Discovering useful structures与Workbook中的Using structures和Using language中的Speaking(编

电话对话,邀请朋友参加节日庆祝活动)放在同一节课中处理,整合成一节“语法学习课”,旨在引导学生结合语境理解和运用情态动词。(注:Workbook中的Reading Task则可留做本堂课的作业,供学生课外阅读)

4.1.5 写作课可将Using Language中的Reading & Writing和Workbook中的Listening Task和Speaking task 整合成一节“写作课”,旨在训练学生续写故事结尾和描述节日内容(中国传统节日或学生创造的节日)的能力。(注:也可以重点训练学生续写故事结尾,而将Workbook中的Speaking task中的描述节日内容留做学生的课外作业)

4.1.6 复习课可将Summing up与Workbook中的checking yourself以及Using language中的listening和Workbook中的Reading Task整合成一节“复习课”,旨在引导学生复习总结并检测学生的听力理解和阅读理解能力。(Using language 中的listening和Workbook中的Reading Task可以安排在前面的课时中完成或留做课外作业。同样,Workbook中的Writing Task & Project,可视学生水平安排在本堂课进行或留做作业。)

4.2 课时分配及课型设计建议

1st period Listening & Speaking

2nd period Reading practice

3rd period Reading for using (Learning about Language)

4th period Reading for structure (Learning about grammar)

5th period Reading & Listening for Writing

6th period Consolidation & Revision

人教版高一 英语必修三 unit1 (句型讲解+单词讲解)

Unit1 一、课文重点句式梳理 1.At that time people would starve if food was difficult to find,especially during the cold winter months. n.+be+adj. to do sth it is+adj. to do sth 2.Today’s festivals have many origins,some religious,some seasonal,and some for special people or evens. 有些...有些...有些 定语从句 3.Some festivals are held to honour the dead or to satisfy the ancestors,who might return either to help or to do harm. 4.It is now a children’s festival,when they can dress up and go to their neighbour’s homes to ask for sweets. 5.India has a national festival on October 2 to honour Mohandas Gandhi,the leader who helped gain India’s independence from Britain. the leader 作Mohandas Gandhi 的同位语 6.On this important feast day,people eat food in the shape of skulls and cakes with “bones”on them.


高中英语学习材料 (灿若寒星*制作整理) Unit 1 Festivals around the world 课文知识点解析Warming up 1.Festivals are meant to celebrate important events. 人们通过节日来庆祝重要的事情。 此句如果改成主动语态,就很容易翻译了: People mean festivals to celebrate important events. (1)mean vt. mean sb. or sth. to do sth.=intend sb. or sth. to do sth. 意欲、打算让某人做某事 e.g. I never mean her to read those comments. 我没打算让她读那些评论。 The diagram is meant to show the different stages of the process. 这个表格是准备用来展示进展的不同阶段的。 (2)event[C] n.重要的事,大事 e.g. All of these are the most important events of 1994. 所有这些事都是1994年最重要的事。 2.Discuss when they take place... 讨论它们何时发生…… take place 发生 e.g. The next meeting will take place on Tuesday. 下一次会议在星期二召开。 Reading:Festivals and Celebration 1.Ancient festivals 古代节日 ancient adj. 古代的 e.g. ancient civilization of Asia 亚洲的古代文明 ancient Rome 古罗马 to study ancient history 研究古代历史 2.Festivals and celebrations of all kinds are held everywhere. 世界各地的人们举行各种各样的节日和庆祝活动。 of all kinds 作后置定语 a kind of+单数/复数名词+单数谓语动词 e.g. There is a kind of tree(s) in the garden whose flowers are very beautiful. 在花园里,有一种树,它的花很美。 this kind of+单数/复数名词+复数动词 e.g. This kind of trees are rare now. 思维拓展 mean to do=intent to do 有意做某事 e.g. I didn’t mean to hurt you. 我并不是有意伤害你的。 思维拓展 event[C] n.比赛项目 e.g. track events 经营项目 思维拓展 happen 偶然发生 e.g. A car accident happened yeste- rday. 昨天出了一次车祸。 思维拓展 ancient n. (前面与the连用)古代人,古希腊人,古罗马人 思维拓展 kind adj.仁慈的;善良的;好心的 e.g.be kind to animals 爱护动物 She was kind to me when I was unhappy. 当我不高兴的时候,她对我很好。


2020学年人教版高中英语必修三Unit 1 Festivals around the word

二、重点单词突破 1 satisfy v.使满意,使满足;满足(需求、需要等) [应试指导]写作高分句式:What satisfied sb.is that...替换to one’s satisfaction 他对赢得比赛感到满意。 [夯实基础] (1)用satisfy的适当形式填空 ①None of these is particularly satisfying. ②We are not satisfied with these results. ③Both sides expressed satisfaction with the progress so far.

④We just can’t find enough good second-hand cars to satisfy demands. ⑤From his satisfied voice on the phone I know everything is going under way. (2)The teacher was satisfied with his test results and praised him. Satisfied with his test results,the teacher praised him.(用过去分词作状语改写句子) 2dress v.给……穿衣;穿着;打扮;n.衣裙;女装;衣服 [应试指导]过去分词作定语、状语的考查 休穿戴整洁地上班去了。 The boys were all dressed up as pirates. 这些男孩子都装扮成了海盗。 [词义辨析]wear,have on,dress,put on (1)wear和have on表示“穿着”的状态,wear同时表示“佩戴”,并可以用于进行时,后还可以跟表示颜色的名词,而have on不行。 (2)put on和dress表示“穿”的动作,put on后接衣物;dress后接sb.或者反身代词作宾语。[夯实基础] (1)用wear,have on,dress,put on的适当形式填空 ①She bathed her and dressed her in clean clothes. ②You don’t have to get dressed up for this party. ③They like to wear/have on their colorful national dresses. ④You’d better put on more clothes,for it is so cold outside. ⑤She was wearing a black dress. (2)She dressed herself in a warm coat and went to school. ①Dressed in a warm coat,she went to school.(用过去分词短语作状语改写句子) ②Dressing herself in a warm coat,she went to school. (用现在分词短语作状语改写句子) 3 remind vt.提醒,使想起(to help sb. remember)


最新人教版高中英语必修三导学案(全册_共5个单元_35页) 最新人教版高中英语必修三导学案(全册共5个单元)新课标人教版 Unit 1 Festivals around the world 世界各地的节日 核心词汇 1.All of us____________(钦佩)the three year old boy named Lang Zheng for his bravery. 2.The____________(可能性)that the majority of the labor force will work at home in the near future is often discussed. 3.The Nobel Prize is____________(授予)to those who make great contributions in many fields every year. 4. Football fans without tickets____________(聚集)around the TV in the corner of the bar to watch the World Cup. 5.Wherever you work,you will____________(获得)much valuable experience as long as you are willing to work. 6.David____________(道歉)for having kept us waiting for hours outside. 7.When I returned,there was a note on the table,____________(使想起)me about Jane’s birthday that night. 8.____________(原谅)me,but I’m busy at the moment;I can’t go out with you. 9.用believe的适当形式填空 (1)People all over the world hold the____________that the economy will soon recover and life will improve. (2)At first people refused to____________such a thing(to be)possible. 10.(1)Among the most common illegal acts are fishing without____________and catching more than the limit?(permit) (2)Since you have a____________,would you like to go fishing if time____________.(permit) 1.admire


人教版高中英语必修三Unit 1 Festivals around the world I.核心单词 1.starve 饿死 2. obvious 明显的 3. satisfy 满足;使满意 4. lead 领导;引导 5. origin 起源;源头 6. trick 诡计,窍门;欺骗,诈骗 7. arrival 到来,到达 8. national 国家的9. gain 得到,获得10. independence 独立11. gather 集合 12. European 欧洲的13. custom 习俗,风俗14. award 奖品; 授予 II.重点短语 1.take place 发生 2. day and night 日夜 3. in memory of 纪念;追念 4. dress up 盛装;打扮 5. play a trick on 诈骗;开玩笑 6. look forward to 期盼;盼望 7. as though 好像8. have fan with 玩得开心9. turn up 出现;到场 10. keep one’s word 守信用11. h old one’s breath 12. Set off 出发13. r emind …of … 使……想起…… III.课文内涵及外延短语及其用法 1.Mean 意欲,打算,意味 (1)sb./sth. be meant /intended to do 某人/某物专门被用来做…… E.g. The students in that university are meant to be teachers. E.g.His father meant him to be a businessman. (2)sb./sth. be meant/intended for 打算使某人/某物为……所用/做…… E.g.He was meant for teaching. (3)mean sb. for …打算让某人成为 E.g.He didn’t mean for a translator. (4) mean to do sth. 打算做某事 E.g.He meant to go to America. (5) mean doing sth. (6) mean something/nothing 2.celebration 庆祝;庆典 in celebration of 为了庆祝…… E.g. They decided to hold a party in celebration of their father’s birthday. have/ hold a celebration 举行庆祝会/庆典 celebrated adj. = famous adj. 著名的,驰名的 3.take place 发生,举行,进行 take the place of …代替…… E.g. He will take the place of the manager when the manager go abroad. take one’s place 代替某人;就坐 E.g. Please, take my place during I am in France for a business visit. take (the)first place 居首位,得第一 4.take place , happen, occur, come about, break out take place 表示按照事先是我安排或计划发生,多指运动,变化,进步,会议或婚礼等


2020学年人教版高中英语必修三 Unit 1 Festivals around the world 1.mean doing sth. 意味着mean to do sth. 打算或企图做某事mean sb. to do sth. 打 算让某人做某事be meant for 打算作…用 2. take place 发生;举行take the place of sb= be in place of sb 替代某人 3.of all kinds 各种各样的 4..starve to death饿死be starved of sth. 缺乏starve for sth / starve to do 渴望 5.be satisfied with感到满意to one’s satisfaction感到满意是... 6. in memory of / in honor of . 纪念某人 7.do harm to sb. =do sb. harm =be harmful to sb. 伤害某人 8.in the shape of呈…的形状 9.award sth.(to sb.) =award sb.sth.(for sth.) 给予, 颁奖reward sb. for sth. 因...奖赏某人 10.reward sb. with sth. 用某物酬劳某人.dress up打扮,化装 11.admire sb. for sth在某方面钦佩某人 12.look forward to期望, 期待 13.have fun with sb. 玩得开心, 过得快乐=have a good time = enjoy oneself. 14.turn up.来, 出现; 把音量开大些 15.keep one’s word 守信用 16. break one’s word 失信 17.set off 动身, 出发; 使(地雷、炸弹)爆炸 18. remind sb. of sth. 提醒, 使想起 remind sb to do sth 提醒某人做某事 19. forgive sb (for) sth 原谅某人某事forgiving adj. 宽容的 20.apologize to sb for (doing) sth = make an apology to sb for sth 因某事向某人道歉 知识点归纳 1. mean 的用法 1). mean doing sth. “意味着(必须要做某事或导致种结果)”, 其主语通常是指事物的词。 2). mean to do sth. “打算或企图做某事”,主语通常是表示人的名词或代词,过去完成式表示“本来打算做某事”。

高中英语新版教材必修三课文第一单元unit 1 cultural heritage word版

Unit1 CULTURAL HERITAGE FROM PROBLEMS TO SOLUTIONS Economic development is necessary if we want to improve society. There comes a time when the old must give way to the new, and it is not possible to preserve everything from our past as we move towards the future. Finding and keeping the right balance between progress and protection of cultural sites can be a big challenge. Big challenges, however, can sometimes lead to great solutions. In the 1950s, the Egyptian government wanted to build a new dam across the Nile in order to control floods, produce electricity, and supply water to more farmers in the area. But the proposal led to protests. Water from the dam would likely damage a number of temples and destroy cultural relics that were an important part of Egypt’s cultural heritage. After listening to the scientists who had studied the problem, and citizens who lived near the dam, the government turned to the United Nations for help in 1959. A committee was established to limit damage to the Egyptian buildings and prevent the loss of cultural relics. The group asked for contributions from different departments and raised funds within the international community. Experts investigated the issue, conducted several tests, and


2020学年人教版高中英语必修三 单元知识点总结归纳 1.starve 1)vi./vt. (使)挨饿,(使)饿死 They got lost and starved to death. Boxers sometimes starve themselves for several days to control weight. 2)vi. 渴望,急需要 starve for sth; starve to do sth She’s starving for your attention. She has been starving to see you. 她一直渴望见到你。 be starved of 需要,渴望,缺乏 2.be difficult to find:____ 难以找到,难以发现____ sth. be + adj. + to do : sth.是do的逻辑宾语,意思是to do sth be adj. 类似形容词有:easy, hard, difficult,interesting, pleasant, nice, fit, unfit, bitter, light, heavy ,dangerous, important, sweet, necessary. e.g.1) English _ is difficult to learn well in a short time.英语难以在短时间内学好。 2) The problem _ is really hard to work out.__这个问题很难算出来。 3) My boss___ is easy to get along with.___我的上司很容易相处。 [练习]The chair looks rather hard, but in fact , it’s very comfortable to_____. A. sit B. sit on C. be sat D. be sat on 答案:B 3. satisfy : vt / vi (使)满意,满足satisfy sb / sth The story didn’t satisfy me.What he did didn’t satisfy me. satisfied adj. 感到满意的satisfying adj. 令人满意的 satisfactory adj. 使人满意的satisfaction n. 满意,满足 be satisfied with sb/sth 对...满意; be satisfied to do sth 对做...感到满意; to one’s satisfaction 使某人满意的是..; for from satisfactory 远非令人满意; I’m satisfied with what he did. To my satisfaction, he passed the exam. [练习]1)Are you __________ to hear the ___________news? 2)Yes, I’m _______ with the news. 3)That is to say, the news _________me . 4)What about you? Are you _________ ________ the news? 1)satisfied、satisfying 2)satisfied 3)satisfies 4)satisfied with 4. in memory of : 纪念,作为…的纪念= to the memory of sb The museum was built in memory of the famous scientist. 类似短语有: in honor of in favor of in charge of in need of in search of in honor of 5. … because they think that this will lead the ancestors back to earth. lead sb. to + n. __带领某人通往/到……_

人教版高中英语必修三 Unit1 单元总览全面版

Unit1 名师单元总览 第一部分单元总览 1. 教材解读 本单元以节日为中心话题,通过大量的听读练习,介绍古今中外节日的种类、由来、意义以及人们的活动和习俗,旨在通过本单元的学习使学生不但了解我国的节日,而且对外国的节日也有所了解,进而拓展社会文化背景、增加跨国文化知识,同时可启迪学生继承和保护传统文化的意识; 同时,结合情态动词的学习和节日的庆祝及介绍涵盖了课程标准24个话题项目中的节假日活动Festivals, holiday and celebrations、人际关系Interpersonal relationships、计划与愿望Plans and intentions、语言学习Language learning、兴趣与爱好中的socializing和家庭朋友与周围的人中friends等话题,以及68个功能意念项目中的打电话Making phone calls、邀请Invitation、感谢Thanks、介绍Introduction、请求允许Asking for permission、接受与拒绝acceptance and refusal、劝告Advice与建议Suggestions等项目,让学生在话题情景中复习、巩固和运用打电话、邀请和感谢的表达法,并在语境中理解和掌握情态动词的用法; 本单元的输出任务中,除要求学生能够根据听读内容独立或合作完成有关理解任务外,还要求学生根据情景编练多段对话,并根据阅读文章写一个不同的结局,以表达自己的观点和想法,同时要求学生创编并介绍节日,以及编写节日指导小册子等,既涵盖了丰富的口笔头运用练习,又传递和启发了学生的学习策略和创造性思维。 1.1 Warming Up 旨在通过表格引导学生进行小组讨论并列举出四个我国节日的名称、日期、庆祝内容和民俗。这是新年后开学的第一课,可用刚刚过去的某一节日为话题,如春节、元宵节等,导入学生对节日的讨论。这样从学生自己的经历谈起,再扩展到别的节日以及外国的重要节日,可激活学生关于节日的背景知识,同时激发学生的兴趣,为本单元的学习做好准备。 1.2 Pre-reading是Reading 的热身活动。通过问题1引导学生思考并讨论自己最喜欢的节日及欢度方式(活动、音乐、场景、实物以及拜访亲友等),进而增强学生对节日的认识,以便为阅读中如何捕捉文章信息作好铺垫。问题2则引导学生通过标题和图片预测短文内容,激活学生的思维,调动学生的学习兴趣,同时


新人教版高中英语必修三词汇表(Unit1) 新人教版高中英语必修三词汇表(Unit 1) (含教材例句及用法讲解) 本词汇表主要特色: 1.呈现教材原文例句,重视词汇在语境中的运用。 2.词汇用法讲解紧扣新课标和新考纲,深度和广度适中,条理清晰,系统完整。 3.精选高考真题例句、词典例句和时文例句,例句具有典型性和示范性。 4.适合高一学生同步使用以及高三学生总复习使用。 Book3 Unit1 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/eb19046891.html,ntern /ˈlæntən /n.灯笼;提灯 Chinese Lantern Festival中国元宵节(P2)

People usually set off fireworks on the Lantern Festival.元宵节人们通常放烟花。visit a lantern fair参观灯展(P2) 2.carnival /' kɑ:nɪvl/n.狂欢节;嘉年华 Rio Carnival里约狂欢节(P2) There is a local carnival every year.当地每年都举行狂欢节。 There are dragon dances and carnivals, and families celebrate the Lunar New Year together.舞 龙灯、狂欢,全家人聚在一同欢庆阴积年。 3.costume /ˈkɒstju:m /n.(某地或历史时期的)服装;戏服

wear traditional costumes穿传统服装(P2) costume party化装舞会 A friend invited him to a costume party.一个朋友邀请他去参加一个化装舞会。She has four costume changes during the play.她在这出戏里要换四次服装。 He went to the party in a monkey costume.他是打扮成一只猴子去加入集会的。4.dress(sb)up穿上艳服;打扮 dress up in carnival costumes盛装参加狂欢节(P2) It is now a children’s festival, when they can dress up and to their neighbours’ homes to ask forsweets.万圣节如今成了孩子们的节日,这天他们可以乔装打扮上到邻居家要糖吃。You do not

人教版(2019)高中英语必修第三册Unit1 FESTIVALS AND CELEBRATIONS

Unit 1 FESTIVALS AND CELEBRATIONS Reading and Thinking: Why Do We Celebrate Festivals? 一、教学内容 理解全文,在文中各段落寻找标题Why do we celebrate festivals?的答案,获取每个段落的大意以及篇章结构。 二、课时目标 1.带着标题中的问题,通读全文,寻找关键信息,理解语篇主题及主要内容。 2.逐段分析语篇,梳理脉络,寻找段落主题句。通过阅读,训练阅读技能,掌握话题语言,了解世界节日的异同及节日习俗变化背后的原因。 3.通过研读文本,概括全文结构,并深入思考节日文化差异、融通和变化。 三、教学过程 Activity 1:Activating background information about festivals all over the world 1.Talk about some festivals in China. 2.Talk about some festivals in European countries. 3.Think about reasons why we celebrate these festivals. 【设计意图】利用图片和几个简单问题引出节日话题,激活学生已知信息,自然过渡到以节日为主题的阅读。 4.Predict the content of the passage. Ask students to focus on the question in the title and predict what the reading passage is about according to its title and pictures. 【设计意图】利用语篇标题的问题来设问,激发学生探究文本的渴望,形成阅读期待。Activity 2:Fast reading for topic sentence Get students to know:Identifying the main ideas of paragraphs is necessary when analyzing a text. Most paragraphs will have a “topic sentence” that tells the paragraph’s main idea. It is often the first sentence, but sometimes it is found elsewhere in the paragraph. Additionally, ask students to pay attention to the usage of transition word in the first paragraph----however. It’s often used to emphasize a certain point. So the topic sentence of the first paragraph is the last sentence. 【设计意图】指导学生如何确认语篇的主题段落,通过关注however等连接词,得到主题论述方法. Activity 3:Careful reading for key information Read the text paragraph by paragraph and identify the key information. Para1: Finish the mind map

人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 1 Art 单元基础知识总结及小测-学案(含答案)

2019新人教高中英语选择性必修三 Unit1 Art单元基础知识总结及小测 Ⅰ.重点单词 1.primitive adj.发展水平低的;原始的;远古的n.文艺复兴前的艺术家(或作品);原始派画家(或作品) 2.dimension n.维;规模;范围 3.breakthrough n.重大进展;突破 4.reputation n.名誉;名声 5.noble n.贵族成员;出身高贵的人adj.崇高的;宏伟的;高贵的 6.rank n.地位;级别;行列vt.& vi.把……分等级;使排成行 7.purchase vt.购买;采购n.购买;购买的东西 8.client n.委托人;当事人;客户 9.emerge vi.& vt.出现;浮现;暴露 10.convey vt.表达;传递(思想、感情等);传送 11.subjective adj.主观的

12.outer adj.外表的;外边的;外围的 13.fond adj.喜爱 14.precise adj.准确的;精确的→precisely adv.准确地;精确地;的确如此①15.realistic adj.现实的;逼真的→realism n.逼真;现实主义;务实作风→realist n.现实主义画家(或作家等);现实主义者 16.humanistic adj.人文主义的→humanity n.人性;人道;(统称)人类17.influential adj.有很大影响力的;有支配力的→influence n.& vt.影响②18.subsequent adj.随后的;后来的;之后的→subsequently adv.随后 Ⅱ.核心短语

高中英语新人教版选择性必修三 Unit 1 Art知识点汇总

高中英语新人教版选择性必修三Unit 1 Art知识点汇 总 【词汇短语】 1. It is hard to give a precise definition. (P2) 很难给出一个明确的定义。 precise /prɪˈsaɪs/ adj. 准确的;精确的 【搭配】 to be precise 确切地说 be precise in 在……方面精确、准确 at that precise moment 就在那一刻 【拓展】 precisely /prɪˈsaɪsli/ adv.准确地;精确地;的确如此 【例句】 我可以相当准确地说出这件事发生的时间。 2. Thus, artists were not interested in painting realistic scenes. (P2) 因此,艺术家们对描绘真实场景并无兴趣。 realistic /ˌriːə'lɪstɪk/ adj. 现实的;逼真的 【搭配】 be realistic about 对……实事求是 【拓展】 realism /'riːəlɪzəm/ n. 逼真;现实主义;务实作风 realist /'riːəlɪst/ n. 现实主义画家(或作家等);现实主义者 【例句】 我们必须实事求是地估计我们获胜的可能性。 他说话的架势像个现实主义者,但他明显对现实一无所知。

3.In particular, his paintings are set apart from other paintings by their realistic human faces and deep emotional impact. (P2) 他的绘画尤其以逼真人脸和强烈的情感冲击而与众不同。 in particular 尤其;特别(=particularly) 【拓展】 be particular about 对……讲究/挑剔 【例句】 fiction. 他喜欢阅读,尤其是科幻小说。 这位设计师在用色上非常讲究。 4.In particular, his paintings are set apart from other paintings by their realistic human faces and deep emotional impact. (P2) 他的绘画尤其以逼真人脸和强烈的情感冲击而与众不同。 set apart from 使与众不同;使突出;使优于…… 【拓展】 set ... apart ... 分开放,隔离开 set apart for 把(某物)留给…… 【例句】 她的高雅风格使她与其他记者截然不同。 留出两个房间作为图书室。 5.An important breakthrough during this period was the use of perspective by Masaccio (1401–1428). (P2) 这一时期的一项重大突破是马萨乔(1401年—1428年)对透视法的运用。breakthrough /ˈbreɪkθruː/ n. 重大进展;突破 【搭配】


Section ⅣReading for Writing 每/日/金/句:During the Spring Festival, the children are looking forward to receiving lucky money and playing happily with each other. 春节期间,孩子们盼望着收到压岁钱和一起高兴地玩耍。 精读课文疏通理解障碍 [原文呈现] MY AMAZING NAADAM EXPERIENCE I experienced the Naadam Festival in China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region① for the first time② this year. The festival falls on the fourth day of the sixth month of the lunar calendar, usually lasting for three days[1]. Naadam means “games” in Mongolian, and it is represented③by three events④: horse racing⑤, wrestling⑥,and archery, which are all so exciting to watch[2]! [1]动词-ing短语作定语 [2]which引导的非限制性定语从句,先行词为three events。 On the first day, I set off⑦ to the games early with my friend Burin. I saw a lot of people wearing fancy⑧Mongolian robes[3]. Some were feeding their horses, some were practising archery, and others were chatting or taking photographs. Burin told me that Mongolians travel every year from near and far⑨to attend the festival, just as their ancestors had done for centuries[4]. [3]“感官动词+宾语+宾补”结构。wear与其逻辑主语people之间为逻辑主谓关系, 故用动词-ing形式作宾补。 [4]just as引导的方式状语从句。just as在句中意为“正如,正像”。 After the opening ceremony⑩and some amazing performances, the wrestling competition began. Mongolian wrestling is different from the wrestling in the Olympic Games. There are no rounds⑪, and wrestlers are not separated by weight. The wrestler loses if any part of his body above his knee touches the ground. After singing some songs, the competitors danced onto the green field, waving their arms in the air[5] as if they were eagles⑫. I was quite moved by their show of strength⑬and grace⑭.
