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2018届高考英语二轮复习 阅读七选五专练(一)

2018届高考英语二轮复习 阅读七选五专练(一)
2018届高考英语二轮复习 阅读七选五专练(一)




All of us know that a balanced diet strengthens the immune system. __1__. The following strategies will help you to jumpstart healthy eating habits.

Morning must-haves

Researchers at Harvard Medical School discovered that people who took daily breakfast were a third less likely to become obese (肥胖的) than those who skipped this meal. To enjoy the most benefits, the researchers recommended eating whole-grain foods for breakfast as they are rich in fiber. __2__.

Main meal wisdom

If you need to consume meat, choose fish instead of red meat. Studies have linked high consumption of red meat with cancers such as breast and colorectal cancer as well as heart disease mainly because red meat is very high in saturated (饱和的) fats. __3__.

Food preparation

__4__. As such, cooking methods such as steaming, baking, grilling, boiling or stir-frying are advised.


Some people like to eat a large meal after a hard day's work. However, large meals late at night can cause indigestion that influences sleep. So it is a very good idea to have a low-calorie fiber drink just before leaving the office. It is also not a good idea to regularly have a late-night meal as this could overburden the digestive system.

Remember, minor changes in our eating habits can lead to major changes in our health.

A.Light nights

B.Fewer night snacks

C.Fish, in contrast, contains more heart-healthy fats

D.Drinking bean milk supplies the body with plant protein

E.Experts always suggest preparing food with as little oil as possible

F.But most of us fail to obtain adequate nutrients (营养) due to our troubled lifestyles

G.Fiber aids in stabilizing blood sugar, controlling appetite and keeping the heart healthy


1.解析:F 依据首句中的“均衡饮食能增强免疫系统”可知,F项中的“但是我们大多数人由于混乱的生活方式没能获得充足的营养”与之对应,并引出下句。

2.解析:G 研究者推荐早餐吃富含纤维素的全谷类食物,故接下来应该说明纤维素对人体的好处,故选G。

3.解析:C 该段主要涉及吃正餐的学问,即多吃鱼肉少吃红肉。红肉中含有大量饱和脂肪,故选C项“相反,鱼肉中含有更多的有益于心脏健康的脂肪”与之作对比。

4.解析:E 该段主要涉及食物烹饪建议,从后句中的“蒸、烘、烤、煮或炒”这些烹饪方法可知选E与之匹配。

5.解析:A 根据后文可知该段主要讲晚上吃大餐会影响消化,再结合上文几个小标题考虑,“晚餐少食”最佳,故选A。



While you are travelling abroad, cultural mistakes are more serious than linguistic mistakes, which can lead to serious misunderstanding and even ill feeling between individuals. __6__

●Touching Someone

__7__ In Mediterranean countries, if you don't touch someone's arm when talking to them or if you don't greet them with kisses or a warm hug, you'll be considered cold. But backslap (拍背) someone who isn't a family member or a good friend in Korea, and you'll make them uncomfortable. In Thailand, the head is considered sacred —never even pat a child on the head.

●Talking over Dinner

In some countries, like China, Japan and some African nations, the food is the thing, so don't start chatting about your day's adventures while everyone else is digging into dinner.

__8__ It's not because your group is unfriendly, but because mealtimes are for eating, not talking.

● Removing Your Shoes or Not

Take off your shoes when arriving at the door of a London dinner party and the hostess will find you uncivilized, but fail to remove your shoes before entering a home in Asia, Hawaii, or the Pacific Islands and you'll be considered disrespectful.

So,if you see a row of shoes at the door, start undoing your laces. __9__ Once you are on the ground of a different country, remain highly sensitive to native behavior. __10__ And don't feel offended if something seems offensive —like queue jumping. After all, this is a global village, and we are all very different.

A.Personal space varies as you travel the globe.

B.Asians consider removing shoes impolite at home.

C.Never be completely surprised by anything.

D.The linguistic mistake means that someone is not fully expressing his idea.

E.Look out for the following cultural mistakes and try to avoid them.

F.If not, keep the shoes on.

G.You'll likely be met with silence.








6.解析:E 该空是一个总结句,用来引出下面要提到的话题,起承上启下的作用,故选E项。

7.解析:A 结合小标题“Touching Someone”及下文提到的不同国家对于触碰有不同的习俗可知,不同的地方对个人空间的理解各不相同。故选A项。

8.解析:G 上文介绍在中国、日本和一些非洲国家,吃饭时不要闲谈。由此可知,吃饭时要保持沉默,只有G项与此相关。故选G项。

9.解析:F 该空与前一句是相反的情况,上文提到“如果你在门口看到一排鞋子,就松开你的鞋带”,接下来就应当描写与之相反的情况,故选F项。

10.解析:C 从空后的“And don't... like queue different”可知,此空与该句表并列关系,也应是“不要……”,故选C项。



It is necessary to be reasonable and flexible enough to avoid conflicts as much as possible and live in peace with others. __11__ If you have done all your best to avoid conflicts and you are still arguing, then read these effective tips on how to avoid conflicts.

Don't get in the center of the conflict.

Sometimes people can get in the center of conflicts due to their enthusiasm for offering help. Frankly speaking, it is very unwise, because it can make you the main figure of the conflict. __12__ You should focus on your own life issues.

Be kind.

__13__ Life is full of conflicts and disagreements, and that's why you should find more conservative ways of dealing with them. For example, kindness can lessen the conflict.

Try to be a peacekeeper.

Peacekeepers tend to cooperate with people without bad emotions which usually lead to arguments and even conflicts. “__14__” This saying is the life motto of a nat ural-born peacekeeper. Don't worry if you are not a natural-born peacekeeper; you can gain this skill during life.

Walk off.

When the conflict is gathering pace and you can't manage to control yourself, you should choose to handle the situation in another way. By all means, try to keep yourself away from stress. __15__ You should get away from the situation for a while.

A.The greatest victory is a battle not fought.

B.Conflicts are unavoidable, so try to accept them.

C.Weak people usually desire others to offer help and support.

D.Let other people solve their problems without your presence.

E.It is helpful to put some distance between yourself and the opponent.

F.When someone pushes you to the limit, try to act kindly towards this person.

G.Arguing can either break your friendship or affect your relationship to some degree.


11.解析:G 根据空前一句“It is necessary to be reasonable and flexible enough to avoid conflicts as much as possible and live in peace with others”可知,尽量避免冲突是十分有必要的;据此可以判断,空处承上启下,介绍冲突的严重危害,引出文章主题,故G项正确。

12.解析:D 根据空后一句“You should focus on your own life issues”可知,作者建议把注意力集中在自己的事情上;据此可以判断,空处建议“让其他人自己解决他们自己的问题”,故D项符合文意。

13.解析:F 根据该段标题“Be kind”可知,该段主要阐述“和善待人”的建议,这

与F项中的“try to act kindly towards this person”照应,故F项符合文意。

14.解析:A 根据空后一句“This saying is the life motto of a natural-born peacekeeper”可以判断,空处是调解人的一句格言。A项意为“最伟大的胜利是一场没有战斗的斗争”,符合文意,故A项正确。

15.解析:E 根据空前一句“By all means, try to keep yourself away from stress”可知,这里作者建议要远离冲突,离开对手;据此可知E项符合文意。



Ways to Stop Doubting Yourself

What if I don't pass this test? Are my friends just hanging out with me because they feel bad for me? __16__ Stop! The self-doubt stops right here.Here are some ways to beat negative self-talk and start believing in yourself.

●Be Aware.

The first step towards overcoming anything is to become aware of it. By becoming aware that we are doubting ourselves, we can sooner confirm it and put a stop to it. As we realize our self-doubt, we will get quicker at confirming and stopping it. See? __17__

●Take a Break.

Sometimes it is our mind that goes against us. Whenever you find yourself having doubts, take a break. __18__ Ask yourself what made you get into this goal. It will get you to realize why you started it in the first place.


Too often we determine how we feel about ourselves according to what other people feel about us. Our self-worth is just dependent upon what we think of ourselves. So we must break free of the chains that tell us our self-worth is recognized by other people.

●Find Support.

__20__ Find support through friends and read other inspirational websites. Sometimes we all need to hear something that will get us moving again. We just need to reach out to others who understand us.

A.Take It Slow.

B.Free Yourself.

C.Give yourself time to think.

D.It's not always easy doing things alone.

E.This is already a step in the right direction.

F.What if I never figure out my life's purpose?

G.Because once you give up, no one can help you.


16.解析:F 空前面是两个问句,后面是Stop,所以本空也需要填一个问句,故选F 项。

17.解析:E 由空前的“当我们意识到自我怀疑时,我们将及时确认并且及时制止”可知,此处表示这已经是朝着正确方向前进的一步了,所以选E项。

18.解析:C 根据前一句“Whenever you find yourself having doubts, take a break”可知,无论你什么时候发现自己有疑问,休息一下,所以空处应是“给自己思考的时间”,故选C项。

19.解析:B 本段的最后一句“So we must break free of the ch ains that tell us our self-worth is recognized by other people”说明应该“解脱自己”,所以选B项。

20.解析:D 根据“Find support through friends and read other inspirational websites”可知,空处应是“独自做一些事情是不容易的”,所以选D项。

2018届高考英语二轮复习 阅读七选五专练(一)

阅读七选五专练(一) A (2017·安徽百所重点高中二模) All of us know that a balanced diet strengthens the immune system. __1__. The following strategies will help you to jumpstart healthy eating habits. Morning must-haves Researchers at Harvard Medical School discovered that people who took daily breakfast were a third less likely to become obese (肥胖的) than those who skipped this meal. To enjoy the most benefits, the researchers recommended eating whole-grain foods for breakfast as they are rich in fiber. __2__. Main meal wisdom If you need to consume meat, choose fish instead of red meat. Studies have linked high consumption of red meat with cancers such as breast and colorectal cancer as well as heart disease mainly because red meat is very high in saturated (饱和的) fats. __3__. Food preparation __4__. As such, cooking methods such as steaming, baking, grilling, boiling or stir-frying are advised. __5__ Some people like to eat a large meal after a hard day's work. However, large meals late at night can cause indigestion that influences sleep. So it is a very good idea to have a low-calorie fiber drink just before leaving the office. It is also not a good idea to regularly have a late-night meal as this could overburden the digestive system. Remember, minor changes in our eating habits can lead to major changes in our health. A.Light nights B.Fewer night snacks C.Fish, in contrast, contains more heart-healthy fats D.Drinking bean milk supplies the body with plant protein E.Experts always suggest preparing food with as little oil as possible F.But most of us fail to obtain adequate nutrients (营养) due to our troubled lifestyles


卷别年份 语篇类 型 主题 标 题 设空位置 主题语 境 主题语境的内容 全国卷 Ⅰ 2019 说明文 人与自 然 新鲜空气对健康的益 处 有段首:2; 段中:3 2018 说明文 人与自 我 颜色在家居设计中的 作用 无 段首:1;段中:3; 段尾: 1 2017 记叙文 人与自 然 对野外宿营态度的转 变 无 段首:2; 段中:2;段尾: 1 全国卷 Ⅱ 2019 说明文 人与自 我 激发动力的方法无段首:1;段中:4 2018 说明文 人与自 我 晨练给人们带来的好 处 无 段首:2;段中:2;段尾: 1 2017 说明文 人与社 会 工作时如何不被打断无段首:1;段中:4 全国卷 Ⅲ 2019 说明文 人与社 会 建立健康有益的互动 交流 无 段首:1;段中:3;段尾: 1 2018 说明文 人与社 会 舞蹈的力量无 段首:2;段中:2;段尾: 1 2017 说明文 人与自 我 保持好的生活作息无 段首:1;段中:3;段尾: 1 [考纲解读] 《考试说明》对该题型命题目的表述为“主要考查考生对文章的整体内容和结构以及上下文逻辑意义的理解和掌握”。该题型要求考生从整体上把握文章的逻辑结构和内容上的联系,理解句子之间、段落之间的关系,对诸如连贯性、一致性等语段特征有较强的意识和熟练的把握,并具备运用语法知识分析、理解长难句的能力。

[考查特点] 1.从题材上来看,类别多,但都与日常生活息息相关。 2.从体裁上来看,说明文依然占主流,但记叙文和议论文也有考查,体现了多样化。 3.从考点分布来看,高频考点主要位于段落内部的位置,即细节句、过渡句、发展句等,段落的主题句为常考点,而段末的结论句偶有考查。 4.从选项设置来看,利用句间的逻辑关系、替代关系及复现关系等命题仍是主要的命题方式,命题人主要考查的是语篇的“衔接”关系。 5.从试题对考生语篇知识的考查来看,试题使用不同题材和体裁的文本,同时,文本的风格和写作手法更加丰富并富于变化。考生在平时的学习中必须进一步强化语篇分析训练。 [解题技法] 解答阅读七选五题目时,方法会因人而异,我们根据题型特点和平时的教学总结了三种比较实用的解题技法:常用技法、快捷技法和稳准技法。这三种技法各有特色,没有优劣之分,只有使用习惯不同。考生可依据自身学情和解题习惯灵活使用,既可以选择其中一种,也可以综合融会使用,适合自己的才是最好的。更何况,这三种技法的解题实质是相通的——均需依照行文逻辑来判断。 技巧一依照空格定策略 [增分技法1]空格在段首 [典例](2019·全国卷Ⅲ·片段)17.________ Questions about subject content are generally welcomed. Before asking questions about the course design, read the syllabus(教学大纲) and

2020年高考英语阅读七选五专练(一) (9)

阅读七选五专练(四) 授课提示:对应学生用书115页 Test 1 [2019·昆明市高三复习诊断] How to Win Votes in a School Election In many ways, school elections are just like elections anywhere else. __1__ You will also need to work hard to make sure people know who you are and why they should vote for you. ●Decide what position to run for.__2__ Make sure you know what the position does, and what you will be able to do once you get there. There are limits to what you can do while in office, so knowing your responsibilities can keep you from making foolish campaign promises that you can't keep. ●__3__ Talk to your friends about running, make sure they think it is a good idea, and ask for their help in running. You won't be able to do this alone. It looks good if the people who know you best will vote for you. Your network can also help with more practical activities, such as designing and making posters and encouraging their classmates to vote for you. ●Advertise yourself. You and your campaign team should make posters, T-shirts, and other items that will let other students learn your name even if you don't get to talk to them.__4__ ●Encourage people to vote. Sometimes the hardest thing is actually getting people to participate in the election. __5__ Get people familiar with you so that they trust you enough to give you their vote. A.Create a network. B.Argue with people. C.Therefore, they will eventually vote for someone else. D.Speak to as many people as you can throughout the school. E.Student organizations have many offices with different responsibilities. F.To win over voters, you need to reach out to as many voters as possible. G.The most important is to include your name and the position on everything you make.

专题03 七选五(解析版)巅峰冲刺2020年高考英语二轮专项提升

专题03七选五 (2019高考英语全国1卷) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Is Fresh Air Really Good for You? We all grew up hearing people tell us to “go out and get some fresh air.” 36 According to recent studies,the answer is a big YES,if the air quality in your camping area is good. 37 If the air you’re breathing is clean-which it would be if you’re away from the smog of cities-then the air is filled with life-giving,energizing oxygen. If you exercise out of doors,your body will learn to breathe more deeply,allowing even more oxygen to get to your muscles(肌肉)and your brain. Recently,people have begun studying the connection between the natural world and healing(治愈). 38 In these places patients can go to be near nature during their recovery. It turns out that just looking at green,growing things can reduce stress,lower blood pressure,and put people into a better mood(情绪).Greenery is good for us. Hospital patients Who see tree branches out their window are likely to recover at a faster rate than patients who see buildings or sky instead. 39 It gives us a great feeling of peace. 40 While the sun's rays can age and harm our skin, they also give is beneficial Vitamin D. To make sure you get enough Vitamin D—but still protect your skin— put on sunscreen right as you head outside. It takes sunscreen about fifteen minutes to start working, and that's plenty of time for your skin to absorb a day's worth of Vitamin D. A. Fresh air cleans our lungs. B. So what are you waiting for? C. Being in nature refreshes us. D. Another side benefit of getting fresh air is sunlight. E. But is fresh air really as good for you as your mother always said? F. Just as importantly, we tend to associate air with health care. G. All across the country, recovery centers have begun building Healing Gardens. 【答案】36. E 37. A 38. G 39. C 40. D 【解析】


专题二阅读七选五 1.高考阅读七选五的体裁与主题语境(以2016~2018全国卷为例) 体裁主题语境段落小标题 2018卷Ⅰ说明文人与社会——家庭装饰无卷Ⅱ议论文人与自我——晨练的好处无卷Ⅲ说明文人与社会——舞蹈无 2017卷Ⅰ记叙文人与自我——野营无卷Ⅱ说明文人与社会——避免工作时被打扰无卷Ⅲ说明文人与社会——如何建立生物钟有 2016卷Ⅰ说明文人与社会——密码学无卷Ⅱ说明文人与自然——花园有卷Ⅲ说明文人与社会——购买和烹制鱼无 阅读七选五的体裁主要以指导性说明文为主,间或考查记叙文,虽然近几年没有考查议论文,但对这种文体也不应该忽视,主题语境以人与社会为主,以人与自然和人与自我为辅。文章越来越趋向于不带标题和段落小标题,但文章大都结构清晰,基本都是总分结构。 2.高考阅读七选五的设题特点 阅读七选五是从一篇短文后的七个选项中选出五个能填入文章空处的最佳选项。选项主要有以下三种情况:一是主旨概括句,二是过渡性句子,三是注释性句子。 3.高考阅读七选五的考查重点 此题型主要考查考生对文章的整体内容和结构以及上下文逻辑意义的理解和掌握。它拓宽了阅读理解能力考查的深度和广度,不仅考查考生句子层面的阅读理解能力,更从语篇层次上考查考生的语篇连贯能力,即考生的语感和语境领悟能力,把握作者思路的能力,以及对整个语篇或语段的衔接手段与连贯性的洞察力。 4.高考阅读七选五的备考启示

备考时要注意拓展题材和体裁;注意加强对不同文本的语篇知识的学习;注意叙述类文本、议论类文本的阅读。重视指导类说明文的同时,不放弃对介绍事物类说明文,记叙文和议论文的练习。 段首题 1.空格为主旨句 在某段第一句设空的内容通常是该段落主旨句,学生需要通过认真研读该段的内容,然后从选项中查找下文的同义词或其他相关词或句的方法,从而确定答案;有时则需反复读设空处后面一两句或更多内容,确定关键信息词,然后在各个选项中查找关联词和信息句。 【典例示范】(2017·全国卷Ⅰ)__40__ It must be true that sooner or later,everyone finds his or her way back to recommend that you find your way in style. must say that I have certainly come to enjoy camping.


七选五专题练习(附参考答案) 一 The jobs of the future have not yet been invented. __1__ By helping them develop classic skills that will serve them well no matter what the future holds. 1.Curiosity Your children need to be deeply curious. __2__ Ask kids, “ What ingredients (配料) can we add to make these pancakes even better next time?”and then try them out. Did those ingredients make the pancakes better? What could we try next time? 2.Creativity True creativity is the ability to take something existing and create something new from it. __3__ There are a dozen different things you can do with them. Experimenting with materials to create something new can go a long way in helping them develop their creativity. 3.Interpersonal Skills Understanding how others feel can be a challenge for kids. We know what's going on inside our own head, but what about others? Being able to read people helps kids from misreading a situation and jumping to false conclusions. __4__ “Why do you think she's crying?”“Can you tell how that man is feeling by looking at his face?”“If someone were to do that to you, how would you feel?” 4.Self Expression __5__ There are many ways to express thoughts and ideas—music, acting, drawing, building, photography. You may find that your child is attracted by one more than another. A.Encourage kids to cook with you. B.And we can't forget science education. C.We can give kids chances to think about materials in new ways. D.So how can we help our kids prepare for jobs that don't yet exist? E.Gardening is another great activity for helping kids develop this skill. F.We can do this in real life or ask questions about characters in stories. G.Being able to communicate ideas in a meaningful way is a valuable skill. 文章大意:本文为一篇说明文。就如何帮助孩子为还未存在的工作做好准备给出了很好的建议。 答案: 1.D前面提到...have not yet been invented。既然是没被发明,接下来的应该是D项:我们应该如何帮助我们的孩子为还没存在的工作做好准备呢?


七选五专练(三) 李仕才 A Compared with being rich, it is much better to live rich, that is, to ensure your limited time on this planet is spent realizing your full potential. 1 1. Understand the give-and-take. It may seem more selfless to be a giver, but it is also a gift to be a receiver. Plants and animals work together by breathing out the chemicals necessary for the other to breathe in. Understanding this universal truth helps you appreciate the moment you're in. 2. Focus on your smile. The world reacts to you based on your appearance and actions. 2 It can help you get more positive results in life. No matter what is going on in your life, focusing on smiling will improve your day. 3. 3 You can't expect to win when you're simply playing not to lose. The difference in your way of thinking matters a lot. So imagine yourself as a champion. That is how the day will play out. 4. Shake it off. Not everyone can win every time, no matter what all those medals we hand out may indicate. 4 Learn from it; then, move on. If you're still alive, you have another shot. 5. Give back to others. There is no problem with wanting to create wealth. 5 Never forget that the only reason you have money is because someone gave it to you. A. Play to win. B. Act in the face of fear. C. Here are five steps to living rich. D. Who you choose to be is up to you.


七选五专项练习 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。第一篇: _71_ One of the best things you can possibly do is to start you own club. It’s great fun especially if you are the sort of person who feels there’s never anything to do during the school holidays. The first thing you need to come up with is an idea for your club. _72_ Pets, clothes, pop music or dancing groups, sports, making things? The list is endless. Next you need some friends to be in your club with you. _73_ All you need is three or four other people who are interested in the same thing as you. _74 You should all sit down somewhere together with lots of pieces of paper and write down every name you can think up. That’ll ke ep you busy for ages. At your first meeting you should make up a rule book. And the first rule should be no grown-ups or little/big brothers or sisters! The best clubs are always secret! Now you have just about everything you need, except membership cards. These are very important and again you can speed a lot of time making them. 75 Why not leave some space for a photo of yourself? That will make the membership card really look like it. So there you are, get clubbing! Once you get started you’ll thin k of loads of more interesting things to do! That’s easy. Enjoy your own club! Invite a designer to join you. What are you interest in? Some vacation is just around the corner. Then you need to pick a name for your club. Use a bright thick pen to make a special design. 第二篇: Getting your children to study can be a little like getting them to eat their vegetables. __71__ Make a study time and have it at the same time every day.This will help your kids to learn to schedule their day and will give them a sense of control over how they spend their time. Allow them to study in blocks of time,such as for half an hour with a five-minute break in the middle.__72__ Ideal(理想的) study times are after dinner or right after school before dinner. Never allow your children to study in front of the television,as that will encourage passive activity.__73__ You'll also need to help your kids find the right place to study.After you've set up a good study time for little learners,set up a good place where they can get those creative juices flowing. __74__ Make sure there is a table or a desk and a comfortable chair. __75__ This includes helping them out with their homework sometimes and being there for them with the answers to any questions.The input you give your children during study periods will help form a bond and help make studying enjoyable. A.Pick a place where your children can study properly. B.Hold them to the schedule they create for themselves. C.Finally,spend time with your kids when they're studying.


1. 2018新课标全国 (I) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Color is fundamental in home design——something you’ll always have in every room. A grasp of how to manage color in your spaces is one of the first steps to creating rooms you’ll love to live in. Do you want a room that’s full of life Professional Or are you just looking for a place to relax after a long day 36 , color is the key to making a room feel the way you want it to feel. Over the years, there have been a number of different techniques to help designers approach this important point. 37 , they can get a little complex .But good news is that there’re really only three kinds of decisions you need to make about color in your home: the small ones, the medium ones, and the large ones. 38 . They’re the little spots of color like throw pillows ,mirrors and baskets that most of us use to add visual interest to our rooms .Less tiring than painting your walls and less expensive than buying a colorful sofa ,small color choices bring with them the significant benefit of being easily changeable . Medium color choices are generally furniture pieces such as sofas, dinner tables or bookshelves 39 . They require a bigger commitment than smaller ones, and they have a more powerful effect on the feeling of a space. The large color decisions in your rooms concern the walls, ceilings, and floors .Whether you’re looking at wallpaper or paint, the time, effort and relative expense put into it are significant. 40 . A. While all of them are useful B. Whatever you’re looking for C. If you’re experimenting with a color


2018年高考英语阅读七选五练习 【精品训练题(含答案),值得下载】 一、高考英语阅读七选五解题技巧 考点1段中句 【解题技巧】 1. 理清句子与句子之间的关系 从逻辑意义上来看, 语段的句子与句子之间的关系分为并列、顺序、层递、转折、总分、解释、因果等关系。理解材料一定要把握语脉, 理清句际间的关系, 进而理解语段的内容。 2. 找出句子之间的连接性词语 语句间的组合, 除了从语句间的意义关系分析外, 还可借助句子之间的连接性词语来把握。常用的连接词有: 因果关系: so, therefore, thus, consequently, as a result等。 并列关系: first, second, third. . . ; firstly, secondly, thirdly. . . ; first, next, then. . . ; for one thing, for another thing. . . 等。 转折关系: however, nevertheless, still, though, yet, otherwise等。 【典例】(2015·全国卷Ⅱ片段) Training for a marathon requires careful preparation and steady, gradual increases in the length of the runs. 36(Before you begin your training), buy the best-fitting, best-built running shoes you can find. No one can say which brand will work best for you or feel best on your feet, so you have to rely on your experience and on the feel of each pair as you shop. When you have found shoes that seem right, walk in them for a few days to double-check the fit. 37. As always, you should stretch(伸


2019高考英语七选五专项练习 (WORD版本押题预测+名师解析答案,建议下载练习) 1、根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为 多余选项。 What Teenagers Can Do To Earn More Respect As teenagers continue to grow and develop into young adults, the transition(过渡) into adulthood has begun. With so many physical and emotional changes going on, certain manners are often forgotten and other adult traits(特征) are not yet accepted as a way of life. 1 By doing the following things, you will earn more respect. 1. Contribute to the household At the very least, clean up after yourself. As a teenager, you are old enough to clean up after yourself. When you make a mess, clean it up. 2 All chores(零星工作)that you do help to reduce the load of the person who did them before. Now that you’re old enough and capable, why 3 shouldn’t you contribute to the household? 2. Be responsible 4Whether they are basic things, like brushing your teeth or doing your homework , or more involved chores that contribute to the household, simply fulfill your responsibilities on time. When adults know that they can rely on you, their trust and respect for you will increase. 3. Solve more of your own problem without asking for help Instead of taking the easy approach and asking for help, make an effort to solve your problems on your own first. The “easy way ” is only easy for you, but it is an extra task for the person from whom you are seeking help. Seek help only after you have make an honest effort to solve your own problems. 5 When you become a good problem solver, you increase your value to the community. A. The people doing the chores before will greatly appreciate the help. B. It will make your life more pleasant. C. Everyone has certain responsibilities.


七选五专练(一) 李仕才 A How to Raise Money for Your Favorite Charity At the end of the year, we are often inspired to do more for people in need. 1 Don't worry. Here's a quick and easy tip-list to make such a worthy act successful. ? 2 You need to make sure that both you and your participants enjoy the event. So keep it simple and make s ure that you add some fun, whether it's special decoration, a bag for each participant or guest, or a special theme. ? Get team support. 3 Teamwork may give you some new ideas and help give a unique feature to your event. Make sure that you break down the work among your team. ? Plan for the “what-ifs?” If you are planning to hold an event outdoors, or if you are relying on a famous person as a guest of honor, make sure you think of a few possible alternatives. 4 This is the key to successful event planning. ? Timing is everything. Check your community calendar to make sure there are no important community events on the day that you are planning your event. You might want to check with other communities or non-profit organizations nearby. 5 ? Check out your favorite charity's website for ideas. Many websites offer advice on how to raise money. For example, the human rights charity Amnesty International lists events and ideas on its website. A. Keep it fun and simple. B. Tell the charity about the event. C. Have no idea of where to begin? D. Turn to friends for some creative ideas. E. Remember to thank anyone who has donated. F. Try to pick the date that will bring in the best attendance. G. What if it starts raining or if your honored guest doesn't show up? B
