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Business English A Reading course(整理版)



1)阿迪达斯Impossible Is Nothing. 没有什么是不可能

2)香奈儿Fashion passes, style remains. 流行稍纵即逝,风格永存

3)飞利浦Let us make things better. 让我们做得更好

4)麦氏咖啡Good to the last drop. 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽

This Bill of exchange shall be accepted first and then can be honored by the acceptor.


Words & expressions:

Transnational road warriors 从事跨国商务活动的人

Faculty and alumni

Performance-review process 绩效考核过程

Make an assessment of sb 对某人作出评价

In a group setting 公共场合

Have a one-on-one session with sb 进行单独会话

Tone down 缓和语气

Career progression 事业发展

Cultural gulf 文化鸿沟

In the arena of international commerce 在国际商务的平台上

Common ground 共同点

At the institutional level 制度层面

Fall short 结果,后果

Ongoing cross-pollination 不断学习他国先进事物

Trait 特征

Be customer-centric 以客户为本

Implement 实施

Commonality 共性

The integration of the global economy 全球经济一体化

See local context ad integral 本土文化语境知识


Procter & Gamble Company 宝洁公司

Johnson & Johnson Ltd. 强生公司

Carrefour China Inc. 家乐福

Bayerische Motor en Werhe AG宝马公司

Coca-Cola Enterprises可口可乐企业

China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation Sinopec Group中国石油化工集团公司China Ocean Shipping Company COSCO中国远洋运输总公司

Standard Chartered Bank 渣打银行

Words & expressions:

To name a few 举例

A medical practice 诊所

A successful new venture 成功的新企业

The critical ingredients for success 主要的结构

Distinguish…..from…. 把。。和。。区别开来

Enrolling in college 上大学

Have something in common 有共同语言

Sensitivity to 对。。敏感

Awareness of 认识到

We lead, Others copy. 理光复印机

Obey your thirst. Sprite 雪碧

Everyday Low Price 沃尔玛Wal-Mart

Life is a journey. Travel it well. United Airlines联合航空

Your Future Is Our Future HSBC---汇丰银行

Taking the lead in a Digital World SAMSUNG三星

Rap up a brainstorming session 自由研讨会

Be dismayed at 对什么感到沮丧

Tucson-based company


Big-box retailers 大面积超市

Feel loyal to his staff 不相违背他的员工

Irreverent undergrads 放荡不羁的本科生

Take a pass 接受,处理

Find one’s lost sparks 找回他们失去的活力,火花

Be supervised by 被监督

Grade on their work 打分,定级别

Ask for a donation 捐赠

Hardware store 五金店

A circular cutout 圆形缺口

A gaggle of 散漫的一群

Part-timer 兼职者

Rub sb the wrong way 使恼怒

Feel defensive 抵触情绪

Expose sb to a bit of brashness 让某人接触

Don’t be a Jerk about it 不要简单用事

Escort sb out the door 护送出门

Security guard 保安

Take a clinical approach 冷静处理

Get sued 被起诉

Executive coach 高管教练

Factor into your decision 在考虑范围之内

Refrain from 尽量不要

Take in everything 吸收一切

At such a tough time 艰难时刻

Reach out to 接触联系

A career counselor 事业顾问

A prospective employer 老板

Newly laid-off employees 刚下岗的职员

A short detour 短期内

Act out 实行

1. No business too small, no problem too big (IBM)没有不做的小生意,没有解决不了的大问题

2. Take TOSHIBA, take the world.拥有东芝,拥有世界

3. For the Road Ahead.(本田)走向康庄大道

4. Time is what you make of it.(Swath)天长地久

5. Apple thinks different. (苹果)不同凡想

Soft landing 软着陆

E-shopping; 网购

Mouse potato 电脑迷

Hot-button 热点问题

Small Office Home Office 在家办公族

Business Improvement District 经济开发区

On the job hunt 找工作

Committed 坚定的

Passionate 热情的

Failure-is-not-an-option 失败不是一个选项

Entail 带来,使成为必需

Productivity 生产力

Come right out 直接,突然,立刻?

Provocative 挑衅的

Take a pay cut ?付出代价

Build an adaptable skill set 技能组合

pull out all the stops 全力以赴


1. Tell me about you!

2. What do you know about our company?

3. Why do you want to work for us?

4. What would you do for us? What can you do for us that someone else can't?

5. What about the job offered do you find the most attractive? Least attractive?

6. Why should we hire you?

7. What do you look for in a job?

8. Please give me your definition of a secretary. (the position for which you are being interviewed).

9. What’s your greatest weakness?

10. What kind of salary did you have in mind?

M&Ms melt in your mouth, not in your hand. 只溶在口,不溶在手

Be a perfect fit 完全合适

Fire away 问我吧

Outside-the-box thinking 突破性思维

Be generally attributed to 归功于

Parallels between…….and……. 在什么和什么方面是可以并存的

Have their place 有它们的位置

Fare with 处理

Brain-tingling questions 令人头疼的问题

Layered chocolate shell 一层一层的巧克力外衣

Be cast in little moulds 扔到小模型里

A cement mixer 水泥搅拌车

Congealing into a big lump 凝固成一大块

Be squirted with 被喷

Be imprinted by a bank of rubber dies 跟着皮带传送

Be on its way out 过时

Due to overexposure 过度曝光

Fraction 分数

incorporate 合并

Stand your ground 坚持你的立场

Click 吻合

Come in 提交

Top reality 最现实的

A hands-free notepad 无需手动的笔记本

Modest advantages 普普通通的优势

Low-tech 低端的

Power blackouts 断电

Checking account; 查看账户

Drain out 消耗消费

Hold on to 省钱

Don’t let savings bonds sit 不要把钱放在银行

Series EE bonds 系列电子储蓄债券

Series I bonds 低风险储蓄债券

Built-in adjustments for inflation ?

Through payroll deduction 通过扣除薪水的方式购买债劵National average 全国平均值

Bond fund 公债基金

Be equivalent to 等同于

Take a bite out of 大幅度削减

Tax-Exempt 免税债券

Drop your PMI (私人不动产抵押借款保险)

Down payment 首付

An equity stake 股权

Roll back car insurance premiums 终止汽车保险费

Bargaining for bucks 讨价还价

A hand-beaded silk dinner suit 手工钉珠的晚宴西装

With some exceptions 除个别例外

Less for Uncle Sam 交少一点钱给政府

Count on 指望,依靠

Shave up 去除。除掉

Study up on 认真研究

Communication takedown 除掉通讯费

Bar charts: 柱形图

histograms: 直方图

line graphs/line charts: 曲线图

pie charts: 饼图

forms/tables/lists: 表格

It’s not just spam. 垃圾电子邮件

Writing a press release 写新闻稿件

Who still needs to weigh in? 谁需要参与其中?

Through a hosted site on the Internet (主页面)

E-mail woes 电子邮件的困扰

The online encyclopedia 网上百科全书

Restrict access to a limited group of people限制某些人群进入

In addition to the scores of (论点,理由)free, open-source wikis

New breeds of wiki software 维基软件的新种类

Integrate with network directories 整合网站目录

Plug into his network 连接网络

Pull up the wiki ?

Web browser 网站浏览器

Prospect pipeline 客户渠道

Proprietary information 个人绝密信息

Spring for 求助于

Lock down 安全防范

Back up 备份

Draft a code of conduct 起草一套行为准则

Hard drive 硬盘

Write a press release 写新闻稿件

A piece of server software 一种服务器软件

A hosted site on the Internet 网站主页

A bulletin board 公告栏

Plug into the network 连接网络

Web browser 浏览器

Prospect pipeline 客户渠道

Hosted version 主机版本

security muscle 安全性能

Sensitive customer data 涉及客人隐私的客户数据

Back up sensitive pages 备份敏感的页面信息

A training program 培训计划

Draft a code of conduct 起草一套行为准则

Store information on hard drives 把信息储存在硬盘


The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.


Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money, it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative efforts.


The world can be changed by man's endeavor, and that this endeavor can lead to something new and better.


The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.


Was sworn into office 宣誓就职

The depths of the Depression 大萧条

In a state of shock 休克状态

Board of trade 商品交易所

The terrifying “runs”挤兑

Failing banks 每况愈下的银行

Go bust 破产

Inaugural address 就职演讲

With his standout line 以他那杰出的话语

Executive power 行政权力

Owe much to 归功于,多亏

Diplomatic Reception Room 外事接待厅

Was obsessed with 被。。。困扰

Fireside Chat 炉边谈话

On the air 广播正在播

Walk people through the basics of banking 银行运作的基本原理

Lifted the shame 轻轻把羞愧抹掉

Strike a patriotic blow 让民众可以做出一个爱国的举措

Were gently thrown in with an unsavory lot 被温柔的扣上不道德的帽子

Call forth 唤起,激励

Metaphor 隐喻

Offspring 产物

In rapt attention 全神贯注


GM (General Manager)总经理

VP (Vice President)副总裁

FVP (First Vice President)第一副总裁

A VP (Assistant Vice President)副总裁助理

CEO (Chief Executive Officer)首席执行官,类似总经理、总裁,是企业的法人代表。

COO (Chief Operations Officer)首席运营官,类似常务总经理

CFO (Chief Financial Officer)首席财务官,类似财务总经理

CIO (Chief Information Officer)首席信息官,主管企业信息的收集和发布CTO (Chief technology officer)首席技术官类似总工程师

HRD (Human Resource Director)人力资源总监

OD (Operations Director)运营总监

MD (Marketing Director)市场总监

OM (Operations Manager)运作经理

PM (Product Manager)产品经理(Production Manager)生产经理

TM ( Team Manager )

PM ( Project Manager ) 项目经理

PL ( Project Leader ) 项目组长

TSE ( System Engineer ) 系统工程师

BSE ( Bridge System Engineer)


PG ( Programmer ) 程序员


CAO: Art 艺术总监

CBO: Business 商务总监

CCO: Content 内容总监

CDO: Development 开发总监L ( Team Leader )

In the arena of international commerce 国际商务平台

Performance-review process 绩效考核过程

Customer insight 客户洞察

The integration of the global economy 全球经济一体化

A brainstorming session 自由研讨会

Big-box retailer 大面积超市

Lifetime warranty 终身保修

Executive coaches 高管教练

突破性思维outside-the-box thinking

潜在客户potential customer

求职者job hunter

高度竞争的世界hyper competitive world

打造个人品牌personal branding

目标受众target audience


initiative 主动性

Make its mark 打上。。。烙印

Greenwashing 绿色粉饰

Environmentally friendly 对环境无害

Under a huge amount of fire 最近受到强烈抨击

environmental credential 环保认证

The general public 公众

Marketing campaign 营销活动

Executive director 执行总监

Window dressing 摆摆样子

Walking the walk 光说不做

PR campaign 公关活动

When it comes to green issues 当谈到环保问题

Making a stand 坚持,站稳立场

Relatively few and far between 少之又少

Official figures 官方数据

Design discipline 设计准则

Solve sustainability problem 解决可持续问题

Embrace this fresh new approach 接受新的做法

A hosted site 主网址

Bulletin board 公告栏

精选文库Web browser 网页浏览器

Prospective pipeline 客户渠道

The online encyclopedia 网上百科全书

A press release 新闻稿

Security muscle 安全能力

Back up sensitive pages 备份敏感资料

Hard drives 硬盘驱动器


1. We offer 3-R guarantee, namely guaranteed repair, replacement and refund. 我们实行“三包”:包修、包换、包退.

2. Applying “Dabao”morning and night ,Makes your skincare a real delight. 要想皮肤好,早晚用大宝.

3. It gives me hair super shine, super body and leaves it smelling fresh as a meadow.


4. Hand in Hand, Future in Your Hand.


英语广告中很多是使用固定的短语和词组,在这一点上恰好和汉语的四字结构相对应,例如:价廉物美cheap and fine。

1)reasonable charges收费合理

2)attractive and durable美观耐用

3)courteous service服务周到

4)superior quality质地优良

5)perfect in craftsmanship制作精巧

6)convenient to carry携带方便

7)popular both at home and abroad驰名中外

8)great variety款式繁多

9)with a high reputation久负盛名

10)pretty and colorful瑰丽多彩

New York Stock Exchange 纽约证券交易所

Chicago Board of Trade 芝加哥商品交易所

Diplomatic Reception Room 外事招待处

Friends of the Earth 地球之友

World Wildlife Fund 世界野生动物基金会

The depths of the Depression 大萧条

Inaugural address 就职演讲

Fireside Chat 炉边谈话

The basics of banking 银行运作的基本原理

An eco-friendly corporation 环保型企业

精选文库Environmental credential 环保认证

Marketing campaign 营销活动

Third-party endorsement 第三方认证

PR campaign 公关活动

Global warming 全球变暖

Organic growth 内增长

Existing customers 现有客户

Bake into 整合

Stock market valuation 股市估值

Come up the ranks 提升

Turn over 转换

Economic downturn 经济下滑

Customer expertise 客户专家

Customer insights 客户洞察

Ballot box 投票箱

Home turf 地盘

Reinstitute 重新制定

All hands on deck 所有员工

Government regulators 政府监管职能部门

Customer intimacy 客户亲密关系

Close a major sale

Balance sheet 资产负债表

Indicators of sales

Profit performance 利润绩效

A lagging indicator


商务英语整理笔记 询价还价(询盘还盘) inquiry 询盘 offer/quotation 报盘 ※firm offer 实盘 ※non-firm offer 虚盘 ※subject to 以---为准例:我方向你放报实盘,以你方在下周前回复为准。We send you firm offer subject to your reply reaching us before next week. subject to our final confirmation/prior sale/goods being unsold 以我们最后的确认/以前的销售/未出售货物为准(了解即可) This offer is valid/open/good/firm for 3 days.该报价有效期为3天。 counter offer 还盘 offerer 发盘人 offeree 受盘人 ※superior to 比---好superior quality 质量上乘inferior to 不如---- 考点在to The goods is of superior quality.产品质量上乘。 ※sale by trademark/brand/name of origin 按照商标/品牌/产地名销售 discount 打折 e.g. 打7折30% discount Your price is rather at the high side/low side.你的价格高/低。 ※out of stock 缺货 ※supply from stock 供现货 ※supply sb with 例:我方向你方提供100吨核桃现货。We supply you with 100 tons of walnuts from stock. market is firm 市场趋升market is active 市场活跃market is strong 市场坚挺 specialize in +名词专营---- line 行业或职业What’s you line?你从事什么行业? line 行情out of line of the market 与市场不符合 in line with 和---一致 considerable business 大量生意 Chamber of Commerce 商会 ※CIFC3% London=成本、保险加运费及3%的佣金运至伦敦港口 price list 价目表 平等互利的基础上on the basis of equality and mutual benefit We owe your name and address to +人或公司承蒙-----告知贵公司的名称和地址 有竞争力的价格competitive price ※和其他供应商比较起来,我们的价格更有竞争力。Our prices are more competitive than those of other suppliers.或Our prices compare favorably with those of other suppliers. ※首批订单initial order ※试订单trial order ※place/book an order with sb.向某人订货 常用的贸易术语


BEC商务英语高级真题及答案(5) In the last few years, managers throughout industry have seen more changes than many of them could have expected to see in their entire working lives having to communicate information which often leads to feelings of insecurity has become a key activity. From being regarded as relatively unimportant in many companies , management employee communication has become a central corporate need. Concordia International provides a good example of a company that has adjusted well to the changing needs for communication . since 1995 , Concordia has been turned inside-out and upside-down, to ensure that it is a marketing –led, customer-responsive business, one that looks outwards at customers and competitors, rather than inwards at its own processes and the way things were done in the past. In the last eight years, Concordia has reduced its workforce by more than 80.000 people - or 35% -on a voluntary basis, with further downsizing anticipated. From being an engineering company, Concordia is now remaking itself as a service company. The role of employee communication in such a context is to build people’s self-confidence, to persuade them that, although it is inevitable that the changes will go ahead, they also bring with them new opportunities for employees. However, this is not an easy task. People tend to be skeptical of these claims and to feel that they are losing touch with the company they have worked for over many years. This is understandable, since many of the old certainties are being swept away , including the core activities of the company they work for. Above all , they have had to face up to the fact that they no longer have a job for life. Research indicates that people respond to this predicament in a variety of ways. The bulk of employees fall into two main categories in terms of their response to the


新剑桥商务英语高级习题 答案 Last revision date: 13 December 2020.

English for Business Studies Key to Unit 01: The three sectors of the economy This unit covers a lot of basic vocabulary concerning developed economies much of it in an extract from a well-known British novel. It also discusses the evolution of the economy of most of the older industrialized countries, with the decline of manufacturing industry and its replacement by services. There is an extract from a magazine interview with an economist and an interview with a British Member of Parliament on this issue. 1a Vocabulary p09 Identify the most prominent features in this photograph, which illustrates various important elements of the infrastructure of a modern industrialized country. The photo clearly shows a large factory (the Unilever factory in Warrington, England) in the center, with more factories, industrial units, or warehouses in the top right-hand corner. The large factory seems to include some office buildings. Also visible are agricultural land (in the background; the land in the foreground doesn’t appear to be cultivated), a river, a railway and several roads, and housing, perhaps with a school in the center of the housing estate top left. 1b Reading p10 What is the key point that this extract is making about economies? The text suggests that most people take for granted the amazing complexity of the economic infrastructure. 1c Comprehension p11 lines 4-7, Robyn sees examples of all three. What are they? Tiny fields (the primary sector), factories (the secondary sector), and railways, motorways, shops, offices, and schools (the tertiary sector). long sentence from lines 12-28 lists a large number of operations belonging to the different sectors of the economy. Classify the 18 activities from the passage Primary sector: digging iron ore, mining coal. Secondary sector: assembling, building, cutting metal, laying cables, milling metal, smelting iron, welding metal. Tertiary sector: advertising products, calculating prices, distributing added value, maintenance, marketing products, packaging products, pumping oil, transportation. you think of three important activities to add to each list (not necessarily in relation to the kettle) Primary sector: farming (agriculture), fishing and forestry Secondary sector: manufacturing, transforming and processing Tertiary sector: financing, designing, retailing


全国职业能力测评考试 高级商务英语模拟试题(一) 第一部分模拟试题 I.In each of the following questions and select a different 1.A、bread B、dream C、lead D、team 2.A、hole B、none C、old D、fold 3.A、house B、south C、touch D、mouth 4.A、bush B、must C、rub D、truck 5.A、ease B、mean C、head D、heat II.The following example from the sentence chosen the right answer 6 、Adults sometimes envy children who play all the time they themselves have to work.rain or shine. A、while B、once C、since D、though 7、Talking to foreigners is fun if you the right time and place. A、locate B、consider C、choose D、decide

8、A person with the blood type AB can any type of blood. A、apply B、recognize C、receive D、absorb 9、In a second-hand bookshop ,Billy came across a book which he thought was certainly a edition. A、rare B、scarce C、seldom D、hardly 10、The red color can stimulate all our ,including appetite. A、thoughts B、worries C、senses D、desires 11、While I was waiting for her ,I killed time looking in the show windows. A、by B、with C、in D、over 12、Mrs.London has that she is unable to get a job. A、such small education B 、so little education C、a such little education D、a so small education 13、I come yesterday ,but I could not. A、was to have B、must C、ought D、have to 14、He treats it a request for information. A、for B、as C、like D、by 15、They promised each other when they went to work. A、get in touch with B、getting in touch with C、to get in touch with D、to get touch with 16、She was too shy to speak . A、in public B、in the public C、in a public D、at public 17、I often thought of my childhood, I lived on a farm. A、when B、which C、where D、who 18、I don’t like this hat.Please show me . A、another B、the other C、others D 、both 19、They shopping,when someone knocked at the door. A、are about to B、are to go C、were about to go D、were to go 20、He gained his by printing of famous writers. A、wealth; work B、wealthy ; works C、wealthy; work D、wealth;works III.The following example from the short space select the right answer Nobody wants to be 21 .Unfortunately our bodies can 22 problems.When we aren’t 23 ,our bodies tell us .Sometimes a part of our bodies hurts. When a part of our bodies 24 ,we say we have aches and pains. We can have aches and pains in 25 parts of the body. We call some simple 26 proplems“aches”.For example, we can have a headache,a toothache,an earache,a backache or a stomachache.Other simple problems are not 27 aches,so we describe them in different ways. For example,we can 28 a sore throat,a sore leg ,a sore toe. “Pain”is another word that we use to 29 a problem.We can have a pain in the chest, a pain in the shoulder or a pain 30 the back.A pain is strong. Also, a pain hurts in a specific place. When aches and pains aren’t too31 ,we can buy medicine in the drugstore . Usually small aches go away 32 .When pain is more serious ,we 33 to visit the doctor(or the dentist).The doctor asks us what our 34 are.The doctor may have to do tests or take Xrays to 35 what is wrong .Then he or she will tell us what to do. 21、A、sleep B、bad C、cold D、sick


BEC商务英语高级考试阅读真题 There have long been markets in tin, cocoa, silver and the like. There used to be security in thinking that somewhere there was a product, something you could touch and see. Now there are new markets in abstractions, trade in ideas and knowledge. Everyone has knowledge but there used to be no way to trade it ------except through jobs. That simple fact of economic life was the basis for white collar employment for centuries. The whole job culture grew up because there was no alternative way to sell knowledge , other then the worker or manager providing, for a fixed price, his or her knowledge to an employer to own or control. The quantity of knowledge provided has typically been measured in time. But today we stand at the threshold of a new era. The information economy has matured and become smarter. According to many business commentators, we are now living in a knowledge economy .There has always been a market for knowledge, of course. The publishing industry is based on it. But today the internet is making the distribution of knowledge ever easier. The days when the publisher decided what got published are over. Anyone with a PC and a modem can talk to the world. This is reducing the friction in the knowledge economy. Everyone has knowledge of whatever industry she or he is in. say you are a computer dealer, for example. Over the years your have complied a list of the ten best lowest price places to buy


商务英语阅读课堂笔 记整理版

Business English A Reading course(整理版) 商务英语阅读的主要内容: 商务英语阅读主要包括世界经济形势、经济全球化、国际贸易与投资、金融风险与管理、商业文化、企业管理等。这些阅读材料不但传递最新的世界经济和国际商务信息,开阔学生的视野,还提供最新、最典型的商务语言和词汇,有助于学生熟悉并掌握商务英语文章的典型语言用法、语言风格及语言特点等。1)阿迪达斯 Impossible Is Nothing. 没有什么是不可能 2)香奈儿 Fashion passes, style remains. 流行稍纵即逝,风格永存 3)飞利浦 Let us make things better. 让我们做得更好 4)麦氏咖啡 Good to the last drop. 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽 This Bill of exchange shall be accepted first and then can be honored by the acceptor. (该汇票应先承兑,然后由承兑方进行支付) Words & expressions: Transnational road warriors 从事跨国商务活动的人 Faculty and alumni Performance-review process 绩效考核过程 Make an assessment of sb 对某人作出评价 In a group setting 公共场合 Have a one-on-one session with sb 进行单独会话 Tone down 缓和语气 Career progression 事业发展 Cultural gulf 文化鸿沟


BEC商务英语高级阅读真题 The Negotiating T able You can negotiate virtually anything. Projects, resources, expectations and deadlines are all outcomes of negotiation. Some people negotiate deals for a living. Dr Herb Cohen is one of these professional talkers, called in by companies to negotiate on their??behalf . He approaches the art of negotiation as a game because, as he is usually negotiating for somebody else, he says this helps him drain the emotional content from his conversation. He is working in a competitive field and needs to avoid being too adversarial. Whether he succeeds or not, it is important to him to make a good impression so that people will recommend him. The starting point for any deal, he believes, is to identify exactly what you want from each other. More often than not,


2016年商务英语BEC高级阅读练习题及答案 1 A cautious approach can be used when calculating what a company is worth. 2 Consider personnel issues so that you have sufficient resources to fulfill your objectives. 3 In order to know if you can make a return on your investment, assess how you can add to thecompany you are buying. 4 Providing sufficient support for staff during the acquisition process can have a favourable outcome. 5 Take into account your long-term requirements to ensure you have the resources you need. 6 Even after investing some effort in the acquisition, it may still be necessary to withdraw. 7 Terms initially negotiated can be changed after the acquisition. Mergers and Acquisitions As Finance Director of plastics manufacturer VKT, Yvonne Maynart has overseen many successful takeovers A It is essential to build up a team to handle the acquisition so that your existing business can continue uninterrupted during the deal. It also helps to operate with spare capacity so that you can transfer people during the initial stages. A key person should be driving the acquisition process forward, although one person alone cannot assume responsibility for a large deal. It is clearly vital to do thorough research when identifying potential targets - but do not be afraid to walk away from a deal if you become aware of serious difficulties with a company you are targeting. B To decide on the value of any target business, you must first determine what contribution your acquisition can make to it. For example, you may be able to increase revenue through a more focused management team, or improve margins through greater purchasing power and lower costs. At VKT, we base our valuations on conservative assumptions - we also add in the risk element. This approach may be best, and it’s worth remembering that with listed companies, shareholders tend to have higher risk/reward expectations. C Developing relationships with finance providers is a key part of the finance director’s role. It is important to d raw up a good business plan to ensure backing from lenders in the early stages of the acquisition. Your loan application needs to be supported by detailed profit and cashflow projections. Make sure you factor in sufficient finance to


Business English A Reading course(整理版) 商务英语阅读的主要内容: 商务英语阅读主要包括世界经济形势、经济全球化、国际贸易与投资、金融风险与管理、商业文化、企业管理等。这些阅读材料不但传递最新的世界经济和国际商务信息,开阔学生的视野,还提供最新、最典型的商务语言和词汇,有助于学生熟悉并掌握商务英语文章的典型语言用法、语言风格及语言特点等。 1)阿迪达斯Impossible Is Nothing. 没有什么是不可能 2)香奈儿Fashion passes, style remains. 流行稍纵即逝,风格永存 3)飞利浦Let us make things better. 让我们做得更好 4)麦氏咖啡Good to the last drop. 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽 This Bill of exchange shall be accepted first and then can be honored by the acceptor. (该汇票应先承兑,然后由承兑方进行支付) Words & expressions: Transnational road warriors 从事跨国商务活动的人 Faculty and alumni Performance-review process 绩效考核过程 Make an assessment of sb 对某人作出评价 In a group setting 公共场合 Have a one-on-one session with sb 进行单独会话 Tone down 缓和语气 Career progression 事业发展 Cultural gulf 文化鸿沟 In the arena of international commerce 在国际商务的平台上 Common ground 共同点 At the institutional level 制度层面 Fall short 结果,后果 Ongoing cross-pollination 不断学习他国先进事物 Trait 特征 Be customer-centric 以客户为本 Implement 实施 Commonality 共性 The integration of the global economy 全球经济一体化 See local context ad integral 本土文化语境知识 一些跨国公司英文名称: Procter & Gamble Company 宝洁公司 Johnson & Johnson Ltd. 强生公司 Carrefour China Inc. 家乐福 Bayerische Motor en Werhe AG宝马公司


商务英语(BEC)考试高级阅读真题及答案题目 PART ONE Questions 1 – 8 Look at the statements below and at the five reports about companies onλ the opposite page from an article giving advice to self-employed consultants about negotiating fees for their services. Which book (A, B, C,D or E) dose each statement 1 –8 refer to ?λ For each statement ! – 8, make one letter (A, B, C,D or E) on your Answerλ Sheet . You will need to use some of these letters more than once .λ Example : 0 Lack of self-confidence will put you at a disadvantage in a negotiation . 0 A B C D E 1. This company has been involved in diversifying its business activities. 2. Although this company is doing well, it has a number of internal difficulties to deal with 3. This company has reduced the profits it makes on individual items 4. One statistic is a less accurate guide to this company’s performance than another 5. The conditions which have helped this company are likely to be less favourable in the future 6. This company’s share price has been extremely volatile over the last twelve months 7. This company is likely to be the subject of a takeover bid in the near future 8. This company’s performance exemplifies a widely held belief A


高级商务英语阅读 Supplementary Readings for Chapter 1 The Long March (1) Chinese Companies Establish Brand Awareness in Overseas Markets Top Band Weekly August 27, 2003 By Lynn Furrow, General Manager of The Hoffman Agency Beijing Office China exports a dizzying(令人眼花缭乱的)array of personal computers, DVD players, refrigerators, and consumer electronic goods… yet most people outside of China can’t name even one Chinese brand. As more and more Chinese enterprises push their goods into overseas markets, companies are now trying to change this. Legend Group(联想集团), the largest computer manufacturer and a household name in China, is shooting to increase overseas sales from seven to 25 percent of its total revenue(总收入). In expanding overseas, however, it encountered a branding dilemma: because other companies in many countries around the world have already registered “Legend”, the Chinese company was forced to devise(设计,想出)a new English name that could be used unrestrictedly(自由的)in markets worldwide. Thus on April 28th, Legend Group’s new English name “Lenovo” was born. Although it may offer a fresh


剑桥商务英语高级真题阅读 为了让大家更好的准备商务英语BEC考试,给大家整理一下剑桥BEC商务英语考试高级真题,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 剑桥商务英语高级(BEC3):阅读真题一 ·Look at the sentences below and at five passages taken from a book about famous management thinkers on the opposite page. · Which passage does each sentence refer to? · For each sentence 1 - 8, mark one letter A1 B, C, D or E on your Answer Sheet. · You will need to use some of these letters more than once. Example: He has developed his own company to promote his work. 0 A B C D E 1 Others in his field think very highly of him. 2 His ideas have spread beyond the business world. 3 He felt that people should be able to enjoy their work. 4 His ideas are more complex than they seem. 5 He did a variety of interesting things before writing his books. 6 His most successful book was written with a colleague. 7 He is particularly skilled at forecasting important developments.
