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沪教牛津版八年级上册英语 Unit 3 period 1 教案

1. 阅读教材39-40页。

2. 形容词的比较级是怎么构成的?请举两个例子。





Look at the following sentences

My book is cheaper than yours.

But my book is more interesting than yours.

Work out the rule :

We ofte add er to short adjectives and use more with long adjectives.. We often use than after the comparative of adjectives.


Look at the following sentences

The red laptop is the smallest among the three.

But it is the most expensive.

Work out the rule :

We often add est to short adjectives and use most with long adjectives. We usually use the in front of the superlative of adjectives.


1.hot__________ ____________

2. good___________ ___________

3. brave____________ _________

4. large_________ ______________

5. much__________ ___________

6. difficult__________ ____________

7. little________ __________ 8. early __________ __________

9. important ___________ ____________ 10. far _________ _________

11. tidy _________ ___________ 12. thin ___________ __________


1. Your classroom is __________(wide) and _________(bright) than ours.

2. There are __________(few) hours of sunlight a day in winter than in summer.

3. Which do you like _________(well), Maths or Chinese?

4. This is the _________(good) film I have ever seen.

5. Africa is the second _________(large) continent.

6. Of all the students, Bill is ______________(careful)

7. Tom is _________(tall) thanany other boys inhis class. He is _________(tall)

8. I didn’t know which one was _________(good), so I took them both.


( )1. I think than you need to eat _______ sweetsand more fruit.

A. few

B. fewer

C. little

D. less

( )2. Taking buses in Beijing is ________ than taking a taxi.

A. cheap

B. more cheap

C. cheaper

D. cheapest

( )3. When spring comes, it gets ________.

A. warm and warm

B. cold and cold

C. warmer and warmer

D. colder and colder

( )4. The Summer Palace is one of the _______ parks in Beijing.

A.best beautiful

B. much beautiful

C. most beautiful

D. beautiful

( )5. Is Tina _______ than Tara?

Yes, but Tara is _________ in her class.

A. taller, the heaviest

B. tall, heavy

C. taller, heavier

D. the tallest, the heaviest

沪教牛津版八年级上册英语 Unit 3 period 1 教案

1. 阅读教材39-40页。 2. 形容词的比较级是怎么构成的?请举两个例子。 ------------------------------------------------------ 3.形容词的最高级是怎么构成的?也请举两个例子。 2、出示学习目标: 3、探究点一: Look at the following sentences My book is cheaper than yours. But my book is more interesting than yours. Work out the rule : We ofte add er to short adjectives and use more with long adjectives.. We often use than after the comparative of adjectives. 探究点二: Look at the following sentences The red laptop is the smallest among the three. But it is the most expensive. Work out the rule : We often add est to short adjectives and use most with long adjectives. We usually use the in front of the superlative of adjectives. 探究点三:

1.hot__________ ____________ 2. good___________ ___________ 3. brave____________ _________ 4. large_________ ______________ 5. much__________ ___________ 6. difficult__________ ____________ 7. little________ __________ 8. early __________ __________ 9. important ___________ ____________ 10. far _________ _________ 11. tidy _________ ___________ 12. thin ___________ __________ 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Your classroom is __________(wide) and _________(bright) than ours. 2. There are __________(few) hours of sunlight a day in winter than in summer. 3. Which do you like _________(well), Maths or Chinese? 4. This is the _________(good) film I have ever seen. 5. Africa is the second _________(large) continent. 6. Of all the students, Bill is ______________(careful) 7. Tom is _________(tall) thanany other boys inhis class. He is _________(tall) 8. I didn’t know which one was _________(good), so I took them both. 三、单项选择 ( )1. I think than you need to eat _______ sweetsand more fruit. A. few B. fewer C. little D. less ( )2. Taking buses in Beijing is ________ than taking a taxi. A. cheap B. more cheap C. cheaper D. cheapest ( )3. When spring comes, it gets ________. A. warm and warm B. cold and cold C. warmer and warmer D. colder and colder ( )4. The Summer Palace is one of the _______ parks in Beijing. A.best beautiful B. much beautiful


Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister.类别课程标准要求掌握的项目 单元话题Talk about personal traits and compare people:In this unit, students learn to tal k about person al traits and use some adjectives to describe and compare people. 重点单词1.outgoing(adj.) 2.better(adj.&adv.) 3.loudly(adv.) 4.quietly(adv.) 5.hard-working(adj.) 6.which(adj.& pron.) 7.win(v.) 8.talented(adj.) 9.care(v.) 10.serious(adj.) 11.necessary(adj.) 12.both(pron.&adj.) 13.though(adv.&conj.) 14.reach(v.) 15.touch(v.) 16.break(v.) https://www.sodocs.net/doc/0919490438.html,ugh(v.&n.) 18.loud(adj.) https://www.sodocs.net/doc/0919490438.html,rmation(n.) 重点词组1.singing competition 2.have fun 3.be talented in… 4.the same as 5.be good at 6.be different from 7.make me do sth. 8.enjoy doing sth. 9.as…as 10.do the same things as me 11.be like 12.as long as 13.bring out 14.much less hard-working 15.in fact 16.talk about 17.care about 18.not as…as 19.be similar to 重点句式1.I’m more outgoing than my sister. 2.—Is Tom smarter than Sam?—No,he isn’t.Sam is smarter than Tom. 3.—Are you as friendly as your sister?—No,I’m not.I’m friendlier. 4.—Does Tara work as hard as Tina?—Yes,she does. 5.—Who’s more hard-working at school?—Tina thinks she works harder than me. 6.I think a good friend makes me laugh. 7.I think friends are like books. 8.It’s not necessar y to be the same. 9.I don’t really care if my friends are the same as me or different. 单元语法形容词、副词比较级的构成及用法课时分解

初中英语沪教版七年级上册Unit3《Reading 'Protect the Earth' 》优质课公开课教案教师资格证面试试讲教案

初中英语沪教版七年级上册Unit3《Reading 'Protect the Earth' & Speak up 'What can we do to protect the Earth?'》优质课公开课教案教师资 格证面试试讲教案 1教学目标 1.Understand the key words in the context: protect, pollute, kill, provide. 2.there be 句型。 3. Grasp the general idea, find out the specific information of the poster through matching, predicting, detailed reading and scanning. 4. Develop a high sense of responsibility for protecting the Earth . 2学情分析 我任课班级有XX名学生,他们从初一学习沪教版教材,该教材以文章为主,着重阅读策略培养,同时涵盖听,说,读,写四方面。所以在学习该文章时,学生对略读,找读,细读策略应用的比较好。 3重点难点 Learning important points(学习重点) 1. there be 句型 2. Use the reading strategies to understand the context. Learning difficult point(学习难点) Express opinions about saving the Earth. 4教学过程 4.1.1教学活动 活动1【导入】Warm up and lead in 1 Show a picture of Earth 2 Brainstorm T: What things are there on Earth? S: forest, animals, field, plants, people Then play a game. Show some pictures of the things on Earth. Students look at them for one minute, then three pictures wi ll disappear.Ask them what are missing. 设计意图:通过头脑风暴活动,活跃课堂气氛,调动学生思维。 3.T: The Earth is a beautiful place,but it is polluted.Let’s watch a video. (play a video and lead in.) 设计意图:通过播放污染的影片,让学生产生共鸣,导入本节课话题。 活动2【讲授】While-reading 1.Listen to the tape and put the pictures in the correct order.


20. nobody pron. 没有人 22. win v. (在比赛中) 获胜,赢 adv. 突然,忽然 n. 化石 n. 美元 19. suddenly 21. *fossil 23. dollar 10. intelligence n. 才智,智慧 12.ability n. 才能,能力 14. invention n. 发明 16. include v. 包括,包含 18. however adv. 然而 17. even adv. (强调出乎意料) 甚至 8. born (be born )出生 音乐家 n. adj. 人的 n. 意大利人 2. human 4 .*Italian 6. musician n. 百科全书 n. 恐龙 n. 发明家 n. 科学家 n. 乡村,农村 adj. 有天赋的 adv. 可能,大概 n. 笔记本 1.*encyclopedia 3. dinosaur 5. inventor 7. scientist 9. countryside 11. *artistic 13. perhaps 15. notebook 沪教牛津版八年级上册全册教案 Unit 1 Encyclopedia 一.必背词汇及短语 (1) 必备单词 (3) 重点句型: 1. Some dinosaurs were as small as chickens. 有的恐龙和鸡一样小。 2. Dinosaurs lived on Earth more than 60 million years before human beings. 恐龙早于人类生活在地球上六千多万年。 3. Suddenly dinosaurs all died out. 突然恐龙都灭绝了。 4. However, we can learn about dinosaurs from their fossils. 然而,我们可以从恐龙的化石了解它们。

初中英语牛津译林版八年级上册Unit8《Reading1An earthquake》优质课教案获奖教案公开课教师面试试讲教案

初中英语牛津译林版八年级上册Unit8《Reading1:An earthquake》优质课教案省级比赛获奖教案公开课教师面试试讲教案 【名师授课教案】 1新设计 8A Unit 8 Natural disasters Reading 1 An Earthquake 2教学目标 1.To read and get to know about the Taiwan earthquake with suitable reading strategies. 2.To learn how to face difficulties and never give up easily; also learn how to protect ourselves when a disaster comes. 3学情分析 本课时内容为牛津英语8A第六单元的阅读课文,是讨论自然条件和自然灾害的延续。本课通过“我”---Timmy叙述了1999年台湾大地震中被困的亲身经历。第一人称的叙述让学生在真实的情境中深刻感受到地震的恐惧不安和死里逃生的兴奋。对于地震这个话题,大家并不陌生,学生也曾感受甚至亲历过地震所带来的影响,所以学生非常急切地想知道文中的作者是如何面对地震结果又如何?学生带着这样的问题进入课堂,无疑增强了学生迫切求知的欲望。 4重点难点 To talk about a natural disaster and remember the key points To use the vocabulary and sentences related to natural disasters 5教学过程 5.1第一学时 学时重点 To talk about a natural disaster and remember the key points 学时难点 To use the vocabulary and sentences related to natural disasters 教学活动 1【讲授】8A Unit A Natural disasters Reading 1 Fast-reading (分段方便学生对课文的进一步学习) T: Now please read the story fast and divide the story into three parts. We can divide it according to three questions that we talked about just now. S: During the earthquake Para1 1-2

沪教牛津版八年级上册英语 Unit 4 period 1 教案

1. 写出下列形容词的比较级: cheap _____________ nice _____________ sad _____________ wet _____________ busy____________ wet _____________ good _____________ bad ____________ ill _____________ far _____________ many____________ much _____________ little _____________ old ____________ 2. 用所给词的适当形式填空: (1) The first computer was as_______ (big) as a room. (2) A candle does not produce as much as ______ (light) as a light bulb. (3) Belinda got a ______ (bad) mark in Science than Alice. (4) The Browns don’t throw away as many ______ ( bottle) as the Greens. (5) My ______ (old) sister went abroad last week. 2、出示学习目标: 3、探究点一: 一、(1) old (2) far

(3) bad 和ill 的比较级相同,都是__________, 最高级也相同,都是_________. My ______ (old) brother is two years________ (old) than I. Whose home is ________ (far), Alice’s or Daisy’s? Work out the rule : old 的比较级和最高级有两种,elder/ eldest用于__________, older/ oldest用于_________. far 的比较级和最高级有两种,farther/ farthest和further/ furthest 都可指__________,而 further/ furthest 又可指__________ 二、完成教材55,56页练习题 探究点二: (1)用括号内词的适当形式填空: 1.The first computer was as _____ (big) as a room. 2.With light bulbs, people can do as many ______ (thing) in the evenings as they can in the daytime. 3. A candle does not produce as much ______ (light) as a light bulb. Work out the rules: 1.We use (not) as…as with (the base form/ the comparative) of adjectives to compare things and people. 2.We use (not) as…as with _____+ the plural form of a countable noun or ______+ an uncountable noun to compare amounts. (2)完成教材57页练习题 探究点三: 形容词比较级和原级之间的转换: 1.Tom is taller than John. = John is ________ _______ Tom. = John isn’t ______ _______ _______ Tom. 2.The Greens throw away more glass than the Whites. = The Whites throw away ______ _______ than the Greens. = The Whites don’t throw away _______ _______ ______ the Greens. 3.Bill is the cleverest boy in my class. = Bill is ______ than _____ _______ boy in my class. = Bill is ______ than _____ ________ boys in my class.


Unit3 SectionA(1a-1c)优质课教案 Type: Listening &Speaking Run by: Zhang Lu Teaching Objectives By the end of this period, students will be able to: 1. Knowledge objectives 1) spell, read and recognize the following words (mainly about personal traits)and use them appropriately in speaking: outgoing, both, better, loudly, quietly; review and master the following words: tall, short, long, thin, heavy, hair, sing friendly. 2) learn and grasp the following sentence structures : ①That’s Tara, isn’t it? No, it isn’t. ②Tina is taller than Tara. ③And she also sings more loudly than Tara. 2. Ability objectives 1) learn and know the rules of comparatives of adjectives/ adverbs and use them to talk about personal traits. 2) role-play the conversation with correct and clear pronunciation. 3. Emotional objectives 1) have further understanding of their friends or families. 2) find out the good traits of others. Important Points and Difficult Points: Important points: 1. Target language above. 2. Key words: outgoing, both, better, loudly, quietly 3. The changing rules of comparative degree of adjectives and adverbs. Difficult points: 1. Compare people by using comparatives and target language. 2. The changing rules of comparative degree of adjectives and adverbs. Teaching Methods: Task-based Teaching Method, Situational Teaching Method, Interactive Teaching Method. Learning Methods: Preview(self-study), Cooperative learning, Drilling.


Unit3 Topic3 Section C 优质课教案(福建省) 教学设计 仁爱版八年级上Uni3 Our hobbies Topic 3 What were you doing at this time yesterday? Section C the little match girl 授课班级:Clas1 Grade8 授课者:厦门大学附属实验中学 教材分析 本节课的授课内容是本册书第三单元的第三个话题的section c部分,主要内容是一篇学生很熟悉的安徒生的童话故事《卖火柴的小女孩》得简易版。1a通过匹配图片和故事标题、分享故事的活动,激发学生的学习兴趣并激活已有背景知识,帮助学生更好的理解阅读文章。1b通过阅读1a完成表格。培养学生巡读的阅读技巧,获取故事的时间、地点、天气事件等细节信息,理解文章内容,巩固一般过去时和过去进行时的表达。1c再次阅读文章为图片写关键词并重写故事,培养学生重构文章结构的写作能力。 学情分析 授课对象是本校初二的学生。从七年级下学期开始,教师在学生的英语学习过程中开始展开文学简易读本和21世纪报的阅读。经过近一年的培养和训练,大部分学生能够在不借助词典的情况下,顺利完成适合低年级的《书虫》、《典范英语》系列作品的阅读,并在其中积累词汇、句式;分析故事情节、人物性格:归纳主题思想。 教学设计的指导思想 在现阶段的英语教学中,教师往往习惯性的把教学重点放语言的能力培养上,而忽视了语言背后的文化信息和情感态度的传递。 基于“阅读促发展”,借鉴“体验学习圈”和“文学圈”理论,黄远振、兰春寿、黄睿(2013)提出了文学体验阅读READ模式,教学模式中的READ由reading,

2021年八年级英语上册 Module3 Unit教案 上海牛津版

2021年八年级英语上册 Module3 Unit1教案上海牛津版 Ⅰ、Teaching Aims : 1、To understand the conversation about the space mission to Mars 2、To talk about space mission to Mars 3、To talk about the life at space station and the space research in Chin Ⅱ、Teaching key points: 1、Key vocabulary: earth, Mars, already, just, month, recently, several, discover 2、Key structures: 1)、Have they… yet? 2)、Yes, they have just / already…. No, not yet. (No, they haven’t yet.) 3、Grammar:The present perfect tense Ⅲ、Tasks :1、Information gap 2、Writing petition Ⅳ、Teaching methods: 1 Audio-lingual teaching method. 2 Task-based approach. 3 Cooperative learning . Ⅴ、Teaching aids Tape recorder, video, multi-media Ⅵ、Teaching Procedure:


Unit 3 My abilities 第一教时 一、教学说明: 1.经过一段时间的英语学习,在开展的教学活动中,学生参与活动的积极性明显提高。 2.学生已经能用简单的问候语来问候,用简单的介绍用语来介绍,能用Give me the … 来表达自己的意愿。 3.Unit 2学生已经学会数字1——6,并要求将数字拓展学习到10,可以为今天的年龄 学习打下基础。 二、教学内容 1)认知内容: a.能听懂会说祈使句Raise your hand. Put it down. Show me your book.。 b.能用” How old are you ?” 来询问对方年龄,并作出回答。 2)能力要求: 在学习和生活中能用所学祈使句表述自己的意愿,同时对这些命令做出反应。 3)情感态度: 能自然大方与人交流。 三、教学步骤:

四、教学提示: 1.媒体准备:树的年轮的图片(可以自己画),录音机等。 2.教学关注点: 1)关注How old are you? 和How are you? 这两个句子的区别。在平时的教学中,学生会很容易搞混淆。 2)关注“one year old” ,学生比较容易说错。 3)朗读及朗诵儿歌的时候能配上节奏感较强的音乐可以更好地激发学生的学习兴趣。4)指令性的动作应关注替换,关注动作串联之后的训练。 5)“调查”是本课时第一次出现,所以教师必须十分清晰地交代这种活动的过程与方法。 示范性地操作一遍是必不可少的。 3.资料分享: 1)节奏感强的音乐可以到电子琴的伴奏上录下来,而且可以根据班级实际情况调节节奏的快慢。 2)调查表 4.设计思路: 1) 我重新安排了教材P12和P13的学习顺序,使各个学习内容能够自然地过渡。 2) 由复习Unit2的Give me ______. 引出今天的学习内容,Show me _____; 由树的年 轮引出抽象的年轮;由统计学生年龄引出Raise your hand. Put it down. 再回到年龄的操练。 5.教学反思: 在教学中要多设计些形式多样的活动,让学生更多地参与到活动中来,提高学生对英语学习的兴趣。

沪教牛津版八年级上册英语 Unit 8 peroid 1 教案

1. 阅读教材125页短文,初步了解短文大意。 2. 写出下列词语的汉语意思: trap __________ set a trap ___________ castle____________ capture____________ hit _______________ duck___________ guard________________ sword_____________ belong to __________ scene ____________ in the end________________ 3.略读课文回答问题 (1)What was the relationship(关系)between Robin Hood and maid Marian? ______________________________________________________________ (2)What was the relationship between Robin Hood and Prince John? _____________________________________________________________ 1、预习反馈: 2、出示学习目标: 3、探究点一: (1)观察图片,了解单词duck ,trap 和sword 的含义。 duck _______________ trap ________________sword _______________

探究点三: 1.再次读文章完成A 练习 2.模仿录音的语音语调,分角色朗读课文 A.按要求完成各题 1.catch (过去式,过去分词)_____________________ 2.hit (过去式,过去分词) ________________________ 3.in the end (同义词) ________________________ 4.save 挽救(同义词) ________________________ 5.walk past (同义词) _______________________ B.用所给词适当形式填空 1.I threw a ball to her and she _______ (catch) it. 2.He _____ (set) food and drink before the travelers left. 3.The boy is _________ (hide) behind the sofa. He thinks nobody will find him. 4.Your idea is better than ________(my). 5.Tomorrow is my _________ (twelve)birthday. 6.Now the book _______ (belong) to me.

沪教版英语八年级上册精品教案Unit 1 period 6

1.阅读教材13页短文,初步了解短文大意。 2. 写出下列词语的汉语意思: attraction________________ be made in ___________ merino ____________ a type of _______________ be important to _________________ climb up __________________ look at the view _____________ 1、预习反馈: 2、出示学习目标: 3、探究点一:More practice 1)看图片,理解attraction

2)看13页插图,回答:What are they? 3)阅读第一篇短文,完成下表 4)阅读第二篇短文,完成下表: 5) 再次阅读文章,完成练习A。 探究点二:Culture corner 1)阅读《大英百科全书》概况的第一段,说说下列数字分别代表什么? 1768- 15- 32- 40000000- 500000- 2)阅读全文回答下列问题: What is the Encyclopaedia Britannica? Besides 15 printed editions, does the Encyclopaedia Britannica have other editions? What are they?

A 阅读短文,然后从ABCD中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Australia’s big attractions The Big Banana The Big Banana is in Coffs Harbour. It was made in 1964 by John Landy. Landy wanted something to make people come to his fruit shop, so he built the Big Banana. The idea worked. Many people visited his fruit shop and took pictures of the Big Banana. Soon people all over Australia began making big things. The Big Merino The Big Merino is in the city of Goulburn. Merinos are a type of sheep. They can live in dry weather. Some places in Australia are very dry, so these sheep are very important to the farmers there. Inside the Big Merino, there is a small museum about the history of wool in Australia. Visitors can also climb up to the Big Merino’s head and look at the view through its eyes. 1. How long has the Big Banana been in Coffs Harbour? A. For more than half a century B. For about forty years C. For nearly the whole century D. For less than fifty years 2. The text seems to tell us that making big things has been popular since_____. A. John Landy had a very good idea. B. the Big Banana attracted many people C. John Landy opened his fruit shop D. the Big Banana was soon built 3. Merinos are very important to the farmers living in______. A. the city of Goulburn B. Coffs Harbour C. some fruit shops D. some dry places 4. The underlined word “its” in the text refers to “______” A. the visitor’s B. the city’s C. the Big Merino’s D. the museum’s 5. What do you think the text is mainly about?

初中英语沪教版九年级上册Unit3《Reading Family life in cities》优质课教案公开课教师面试试讲教案

初中英语沪教版九年级上册Unit3《Reading: Family life in cities》优质课教案省级比赛获奖教案公开课教师面试试讲教案 【名师授课教案】 1教学目标 1、知识与能力:能够根据上下文猜测单词expect, business, personal和短语have no interest in的含义 2、过程与方法:能够根据插图,标题等内容,预测阅读文章的内容 3、情感态度价值观:通过运用插图,预测,找读。推断等阅读方法,初步了解阅读文章的内容。 2学情分析 九年级学生,词汇量也有一定积累,阅读量不足 3重点难点 1、初步了解阅读文章的体裁和主要内容 2、运用略读,预测,找读,推断等方法 3、重难点词组 1.on family life 关于家庭生活 2. expect sb to do sth指望某人做某事 3. a lot of 许多,大量 4. go out for dinner 出去吃饭 5. be abroad 出国 6. do our own personal things 做我们自己的事 7. set rules 制定规则 8. much bigger 大的多 9. feel lonely 感到孤单 10. be away from home 不在家 4教学过程 4.1第一学时 教学活动 1【讲授】9A UNit 3 (一) 读一读 学生朗读单词,课文重难点以及课文Part 1。回答问题:Where does this conversation take place?了解重难点并带着问题去阅读课文。 (二)议一议 What are the six questions about?/ What are the six questions?
