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剪纸(paper cutting)是中国最为流行的传统民间艺术形式之一。中国剪纸有一千五百多年的历史,在明朝和清朝时期(the Ming and Qing Dynasties)特别流行。人们常用剪纸美化居家环境。特别是在春节和婚庆期间,剪纸被用来装饰门窗和房间,以增加喜庆的气氛。剪纸最常用的颜色是红色,象征健康和兴旺。中国剪纸在世界各地很受欢迎,经常被用作馈赠外国友人的礼物。

参考译文Paper cutting is one of China?s most popular traditional folk arts. Chinese paper cutting has a history of more than 1,500 years. It was widespread particularly during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. People often beautify their homes with paper cuttings. During the Spring Festival and wedding celebrations, in particular, paper cuttings are used to decorate doors, windows and rooms in order to enhance the joyous atmosphere. The color most frequently used in paper cutting is red, which symbolizes health and prosperity. Chinese paper cutting is very popular around the world and it is often given as a present to foreign friends.


中国人民共和国,简称中国,位于东亚,与14个国家或地区接壤。它是世界上人口最多的国家,有13亿人口。中国有56个民族,汉族占总人口92%。汉语是世界上使用最广泛也是外国人最难懂的语言之一。汉语方言很多,使用最广的是普通话和粤语。汉语发源于象形文字(hieroglyph),有超过四万个汉字。受过良好教育的人能认识约六千个字。阅读报纸需要认识三千字左右。The People?s Republic of China, commonly known as China, is located in East Asia, and borders14 nations or districts in the world. It is the most populous state in the world with a 1.3 billion population. China?s made of 56 distinctive ethnic groups, with Han Chinese making up the 92% of its whole population. Chinese is the most widely spoken language in the world as well as one of the most complicated languages for foreigners. There are many regional dialects of Chinese, although the most widely spoken is Mandarin and Cantonese. Chinese characters evolved over time from earlier forms of hieroglyphs. Chinese contains over 40,000 characters, but a well-educated person can recognize around 6,000 characters. Some 3,000 are required to read a newspaper.


在中国月饼是一种特殊的食品,广受海内外华人的欢迎。中秋吃月饼就好比圣诞节吃馅饼(mince pies)。为了庆祝中秋节,中国人通常做两件事:一是观赏满月。二是品尝美味的月饼。中秋节是每年农历八月十五日。据说,这一天的月亮是一年中最圆的。而月亮正是庆贺中秋的全部主题。在中国人眼中,月饼象征着全家人的大团圆。

Moon cakes are a special kind of food in China. They are very popular with the Chinese at home and abroad. Moon cakes are to Mid-Autumn Festival what mince pies are to Christmas. To celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival, Chinese usually do two things: enjoy the full moon and eat delicious moon cakes. Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar. It is the time when the moon is said to be at its brightest and fullest. And the moon is

what this celebration is all about. In the eyes of the Chinese people, a moon cake symbolizes the reunion of all family members. 讲解:第二句中的“……就好比”可以用“……s like…”,但译文中所用句型更好地表达这个含义。如:“智力之于大脑,犹如视力之于躯体。“ Intellect is to the mind what sight is to the body.”



The shadow puppet play, also known as …shadow play?, is one of China?s famous folk opera forms. During the performance, players usually sing while holing/manipulating human figures, which are made of animal skin and paper board. The shadows of those human figures are reflected on a curtain through the light. This creates the illusion of moving images. Sometimes the performer needs to control three or four puppets. Shadow puppet play enjoys a long history in China. It was introduced to many countries during the Y uan Dynasty and attracted many foreign audience. They call the art form Chinese shadow play.

4.Chinese Dragon


Dragon totem worship in China has been around for the last 8,000 years. The ancients in China considered the dragon (or long) a fetish that combines animals including the fish, snake, horse and ox with cloud, thunder, lightning and other natural celestial phenomena. The Chinese dragon was formed in accordance with the multicultural fusion process of the Chinese nation. To the Chinese, the dragon signifies innovation and cohesion.

5. The Great Wall


The Great Wall is one of the wonders of the world created by human beings! If you come to China without climbing the Great Wall, it's just like going to Paris without visiting the Eiffel Tower; or going to Egypt without visiting the Pyramids! It is often said that "He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man." In fact, it began as independent walls for different states when it was first built, and did not become the "Great Wall" until the Qin Dynasty. However, the wall we see today, starting from Shanhaiguan Pass in the east to Jiayunguan Pass in the west, was mostly built during the Ming Dynasty.

6. Acupuncture


Acupuncture is an important part of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). In accordance with the “main and collateral channels” theory in TCM, the purpose of acupuncture is to dredge the channel and regulate qi and blood, so as to keep the body?s yin and yang balanced and achieve reconciliation between the internal organs. It features in traditional Chinese medicine the fact that “internal diseases are to be treated with external therapy”. The main therapy of acupuncture involves using needles to pierce certain acupoints of the patient?s body, or adopting mox ibustion to stimulate the patient?s acupoints so as to stimulate the channels and relieve pain. With its unique advantages, acupuncture has been handed down generation after generation and has now spread all over the world. Nowadays, acupuncture, along with Chinese food, kung fu (otherwise known as Chinese martial arts), and traditional Chinese medicine, has been internationally hailed as one of the “four new national treasures.”

7. Chinese Kung Fu


Chinese kung fu, or Chinese martial arts, carries traditional Chinese culture in abundance. It is a traditional Chinese sport which applies the art of attack and defence in combat and the motions engaged with a series of skill and tricks. The core idea of Chinese king fu is derived from the Confucian theory of both “the mean and harmony” and “cultivating qi” (otherwise known as nourishing one?s spirit). Meanwhile, it also includes thoughts of Taoism and Buddhism. Chinese kung fu has a long history, with multi-various sects and many different boxing styles, and emphasizes coupling hardness with softness and internal and external training. It contains the ancient great thinkers? pondering of life and the universe. The skills in wielding the 18 kinds of weapons named by the later generations mainly involve the skills of bare-handed boxing, such as shadow boxing (Taijiquan), form and will boxing (Xingyiquan), eight trigram palm (Baguazhang), and the skills of kung fu weaponry, such as the skill of using swords, spears, two-edged swords and halberds, axes, tomahawks, kooks, prongs and so on.

8. Beijing Opera



Praised as “Oriental Opera”, Beijing Opera is a g enuine national quintessence of China. It originated from many kinds of ancient local operas, especially huiban in southern China. At the end of the 19th Century, Beijing Opera evolved and took shape, becoming the greatest kind of opera in China. Beijing Opera is a blend of performing arts---song, speech, performance, acrobatix fighting and dance. Beijing Opera portrays and narrates the plot and characters through stylized acting. The main types of roles in Beijing Opera are sheng (male), dan (young female), jing (painted face, male), and chou ( clown, male or female).

9. The Four Treasures of the Study


The writing brush, ink stick, ink stone, and paper were requisite treasures in the study of the scholars of ancient China, and they are often referred to as the “Four Treasures of the Study.” The writing brush and ink stick have been used by the Chinese to write and paint since 5,000 years ago. In the Qin Dynasty (221BC---206BC), people already used feathers of different hardness and bamboo trunks to make brushes. During the Han Dynasty (206BC-220AD), man-made ink was used instead of natural ink. After paper was invented by the Chinese, bamboo slips, wooden tablets, brocade and silk, which originally functioned as writing surfaces, gradually faded out. The ink stone was first developed with the use of writing brushes and ink. After the Song Dynasty (960AD---1279AD), the “Four Treasure of the Study” particularly referred to hubi, the writing brush produced in Huzhou, Zhejiang province; huimo, the ink stick produced in Huizhou, Anhui province; xuan paper, a kind of paper produced in Xuanzhou, Anhui province; and duanyan, the ink stone made in Zhaoqing, Guangdong province (Zhaoqing was earlier called Duanzhou). Indeed, the Four Treasures of the Study” have written the whole Chinese civilization, as it is.

10. 北京介绍


Beijing is an ancient city with a history of 3,000 years. As early as the 11th century, B.C., it was the capital of the Kingdom of Yan; that's why Beijing is also known as Yanjing. In the few thousand years afterwards, Beijing again served as the capital for the Jin, Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties. Beijing is one of China's six ancient cap itals; the other five are Xi?an,Nanjing, Luoyang, Kaifeng, and Hangzhou. Beijing is a city both old and young, with many places of historic interest and scenic beauty. From the Forbidden City, the Temple of Heaven, and the

Summer Palace, you can see that Beijing has retained a lot of color of old Chinese life.


丝绸之路(the Silk Road)是历史上连接中国和地中海的一条重要贸易路线。因为这条路上的丝绸贸易占绝大部分,所以在1877年它被德国的一位地理学家命名为“丝绸之路”。这条古道从长安开始,经过河西走廊(the Hexi Corridor),到达敦煌后分成三条:南部路线,中部路线和北部路线。这三条路遍布新疆维吾尔自治区(Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region),然后扩展到巴基斯坦(Pakistan),印度,甚至罗马。

The Silk Road is a historically important international trade route between China and the Mediterranean. Because silk comprised a large proportion of trade along this road, in 1877, it was named the Silk Road by an eminent German geographer. This ancient road begins at Chang’an, then by way of the Hexi Corridor,and it reaches Dunhuang, where it divides into three, the Southern Route,Central Route and Northern Route. The three routes spread all over the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, and then they extend as far as Pakistan, India and even Rome.

12. 景德镇

景德镇,中国瓷都(ceramic metropolis),是世界瓷器艺术花园的耀眼明珠。它位于长江南部,是江南一个有活力的城镇。它制造瓷器(porcelain)的历史已经有1700多年,已经形成了丰富的瓷器文化。稀有的瓷器文物,一流的瓷器工艺,瓷乐器的优雅表演,以及优美的田园风光组成了景德镇特别的旅游文化,而且让景德镇成为中国唯一一个以瓷器旅游文化为特色的旅游城市。

Jingdezhen known as the ceramic metropolis of china is a brilliant pearl in the world?s art garden of ceramics. It is located on the south of the Yangtze River as a powerful town on the south of the Yangtze River. It has a porcelain making history of over 1700 years,which has been crystallized into its rich cultural tradition of ceramics. Rare ceramic relics, superb ceramic craftsmanship,unique ceramic customs, graceful performance of ceramic musical instruments and beautiful rural scenery make up the peculiar tourist culture of Jingdezhen and hence make Jingdezhen the only Chinese tourist city featuring ceramic culture.

13. 筷子


As the origin of chopsticks, China is the first country in the world to use chopsticks and has a history of at least 3,000 years to have meals with chopsticks. Chopsticks seems quite simple with only two small and thin sticks, but they are in possession of many functions, such as picking, moving, nipping, mixing and digging; moreover,and they are convenient for use and cheap in price. Besides, chopsticks are also unique tableware in the world. Anyone using chopsticks,no matter whether Chinese or foreigners, would without exception admire the inventor of chopsticks.

14. 中国的茶

中国是茶的故乡。据说早在五六千年前,中国就有了茶树(tea- shrub),而且有关茶树的人类文明可以追溯到两千年前。来自中国的茶和丝绸、瓷器(porcelain)—样,在1000年前为世界所知,而且一直是中国重要的出口产品。目前世界上40多个国家种植茶,其中亚洲国家的产量占世界总产量的90%。其他国家的茶树都直接或间接地起源于中国。

China is the homeland of tea. It is believed that China has tea- shrubs as early as five to six thousand years ago,and human cultivation of tea plants can date back two thousand years. Tea from China,along with her silk and porcelain, began to be known the world over more than a thousand years ago and has since always been an important Chinese export. At present more than forty countries in the world grow tea with Asian countries producing 90% of the world?s total output. All tea trees in other countries have their origin directly or indirectly in China.

15. 秧歌

秧歌是农历正月的主要的民族花市形式。在这种活动中,两人都盛装打扮,轮流唱歌跳舞,其他人作为唱歌和跳舞的搭档。锣(gong) 鼓按照节奏敲打;唢呐(suona)或其他传统的弦乐器、木管乐器作为背景音乐。

Yangge, which is one of the main forms of folk flower fair actions in the first month of the lunar year. In this activity, two people are dressed up, singing and dancing in antiphonal style, others act as singing and dancing partners. The gong and drum are beaten in rhythm, suona or other traditional stringed and woodwind instruments are dubbed in background music.

16. 保健食品

中国的保健食品(health food)市场首次出现于20世纪80年代。保健食品是指具有特定保健功能或补充维生素或矿物质的食品。保健食品适用于特定人群消费,具有调节人体功能的效果,但不用于治疗疾病的目的。保健食品有两种。一种是具有特定保健功能的食品,另外一种是营养补充剂。

China?s health food market first emerged in the 1980s. Health food refers to food products which claim to have specific health functions or supplement one?s vitamins or minerals. Health food is suitable for the consumption by specific groups of people and has the effect of regulating human body functions, but is not used for the purpose of treating diseases. There are two kinds of health food. One is food with specific health functions, the other is nutritional supplements.

17. 灵隐寺

灵隐寺(Lingyin Temple)位于浙江省杭州市西湖的西北部。它是江南著名古刹。该寺建于公元326年,有1600多年的历史。传说, 印度一个叫作慧理的和尚来到杭州,被这美丽的山区景色深深地吸引了。他认为这里有神佛,所以建了一座庙宇,取名“灵隐”,意思是隐藏的灵魂。据说著名的济公和尚也是在这座寺庙皈依的,这使灵隐寺更加有名。

Lingyin Temple is located in the northwest side of West Lake in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. It is a famous ancient temple in the south of the Yangtze River. The temple was built in 326 AD and has a history of over 1,600 years. Legend has it that an Indian monk named Huili came to Hangzhou and was deeply attracted by the beautiful mountainous scenery. He thought there lived immortals and then he built a temple and named it “Lingyin”,which means hidden

souls. It is said that the famous monk Jigong also took vows in the temple, which made Lingyin Temple even more famous.

18. 少林功夫

少林功夫(Shaolin Kungfii)是河南登封少林寺信奉佛教文化的和尚们练习的一种武术(martial arts)。少林寺,建于北魏(the Northern Wei Dynasty)太和期(Taihe Period)十九年,是少林功夫发展的文化空间。少林功夫最初是佛教僧侣练习的,他们的职责是保护寺庙。现在经过1500多年的发展,少林功夫已逐步发展成为一种完美技术和丰富含义相融合的艺术,在全世界享有声誉。

Shaolin Kungfu is a kind of martial arts practiced by monks under the special Buddhist culture of the Shaolin Temple in Dengfeng City, Henan Province. The Shaolin Temple, built in the Nineteenth year of Taihe Period during the Northern Wei Dynasty, is a cultural space for the development of the Shaolin Kungfu. The Shaolin Kungfii, which is originally practiced by the Buddhist monks whose duties were to protect the temple, has been gradually developed into an art of perfect technology, abundant meanings and high reputation in the whole world after more than 1500 years of development.

19. 茶马古道

茶马古道(Tea-horse Ancient Road)两边,生活着20多个少数民族。不同的地方有着各自美丽而神奇的自然风景和传统文化,比如:大理,丽江古城,香格里拉(Shangrila),雅鲁藏布江大峡谷和布达拉宫(Potala Palace)。古道的两旁有庙宇、岩石壁画、骚站(post house),古桥和木板路,还有少数民族舞蹈和民族服装。时至今天,虽然这条古道的踪迹都消失了,但它的文化和历史价值仍然存在。

Along the Tea-horse Ancient Road lived more than 20 minorities. Concentrations of beautiful and mysterious natural landscapes and traditional cultures developed in various sites,including Dali old city, Lijiang old city, Shangrila, Yarlung Zangbo River Grand Canyon, Potala Palace. The road features temples, rock paintings, post houses, ancient bridges and plank roads. It is also home to many national minorities and their dances and folk customs. Today, although the traces of the ancient road are fading away, its cultural and historic values remain.

20. 孔子

孔子(Confucius)是一位思想家、政治家,教育家,也是中国儒学(the Ru School)思想的创始人。儒学(Confucianism),这个道德和宗教哲学的大系统建立在孔圣人(Master Kung)的教学上。冯友兰,中国思想史上20世纪伟大的权威之一,把孔子在中国历史上的影响比作西方的苏格拉底。

Confucius was a thinker, political figure, educator, and founder of the Ru School of Chinese thought. Confucianism, the great system of moral and religious philosophy built upon the teachings of Master Kung. Fung You-lan, one of the greatest 20th century authorities on the history of Chinese thought, compares Confucius?influence in Chinese history with that of Socrates in the West.
