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合同编号:[Contract Number]

合同签订日期:[Contract Date]


地址:[Seller's Address]

联系人:[Seller's Contact Person]

电话:[Seller's Contact Number]


地址:[Buyer's Address]

联系人:[Buyer's Contact Person]

电话:[Buyer's Contact Number]



1.1 甲方同意向乙方出售以下货物:

货物名称:[Goods Name]

规格型号:[Goods Specification]

数量:[Goods Quantity]

单价:[Goods Unit Price]

1.2 货物将以[FOB/CIF/其他]方式交付至乙方指定的目的地:目的地:[Destination]

交货日期:[Delivery Date]


2.1 乙方同意按照以下价格支付采购货物的费用:

货物总价:[Total Price]

2.2 付款方式及条款:

首付款:[Initial Payment]

付款日期:[Payment Date]

尾款:[Final Payment]

付款日期:[Payment Date]

2.3 付款方式:乙方应根据本合同第2.2条款的约定,在付款期限内以合法货币形式支付。乙方负责承担所有相关的银行手续费、汇款费用以及汇率风险。


3.1 甲方保证所提供的货物符合合同约定的规格和质量标准,不包括任何瑕疵或缺陷。

3.2 乙方有权在收到货物后的[7/14/30]天内进行验收,如乙方在此期限内发现任何瑕疵或缺陷,应立即通知甲方。

3.3 如货物未能符合合同规定的质量标准或包含瑕疵或缺陷,甲方应承担必要的责任,包括更换货物或退还支付的货款。


4.1 货物应按照本合同规定的交货日期和方式交付至乙方指定的目的地。

4.2 甲方应负责将货物装运至乙方指定的目的地,并承担相应的运输费用和风险。

4.3 乙方有权要求甲方提供有关货物运输的文件和证明文件,如提单、发票等。


5.1 如甲方或乙方未能履行本合同约定的任何义务,应承担违约责任。

5.2 违约方应赔偿对方因违约而遭受的损失,包括但不限于合同价款的损失、利息、律师费等。


6.1 本合同的解释和争议解决应依据[国际贸易惯例/相关法律]。

6.2 如对本合同的解释和争议无法达成一致,双方应通过友好协商解决。如协商失败,应提交至有管辖权的仲裁机构进行仲裁,并选择[仲裁地点]作为仲裁地点,遵守该机构的仲裁程序。


7.1 本合同的任何修改或补充应以书面形式,并由双方的授权代表签署。

7.2 本合同自双方授权代表签署之日起生效,以传真、电子邮件等形式发送的签署文件具有同等法律效力。

7.3 本合同一式两份,甲方和乙方各持一份。







采购合同中英文范本 PURCHASE CONTRACT 采购合同 This Purchase Contract (hereafter referred to as the “Agreement”) is made and entered into on _________________ (date) by and between: 本采购合同(以下简称“协议”)于____________(日期)由以下双方签订: Party A: [Name and Address] 甲方:【名称及地址】 Represented by: [Name and Title] 代表人:【姓名及职务】 Party B: [Name and Address] 乙方:【名称及地址】 Represented by: [Name and Title] 代表人:【姓名及职务】 WHEREAS, Party A desires to purchase certain goods from Party B and Party B desires to sell such goods to Party A;

鉴于甲方需要从乙方购买某些货物,而乙方希望将这些货物出售给甲方; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and agreements set forth herein, the Parties agree as follows: 现在,为考虑本协议中所载的相互承诺和协议,双方达成如下协议: 1. GOODS 1. 货物 Party B agrees to sell and Party A agrees to purchase the following goods: 乙方同意出售以下物品,甲方同意购买: [Insert description of goods, including quantity, unit price, and total price] 【插入货物的描述,包括数量、单价和总价】 2. TERM 2. 期限 This Agreement shall be effective as of the date first above written and shall continue in full force and effect for a period of [insert number] months from the date of delivery of the Goods, unless terminated earlier in accordance with the terms hereof. 本协议自上述日期起生效,自货物交付日期起持续[插入数字]个月,除非按照本协议的条款提前终止。


采购合同中英文版范本 Purchase Contract (Sample in Chinese and English) 采购合同(中英文版) Party A: _______________(Name of Company)Address: _______________(Address)Legal Representative: _______________(Name)Contact: _______________(Phone/email/fax)Business License No.: _______________(Number) 甲方:_______________(公司名称)地址: _______________(地址)法定代表人:_______________(姓名)联系方式:_______________(电话/邮箱/传真)营业执照号:_______________(号码) Party B: _______________(Name of Company)Address: _______________(Address)Legal Representative: _______________(Name)Contact: _______________(Phone/email/fax)Business License No.: _______________(Number) 乙方:_______________(公司名称)地址: _______________(地址)法定代表人:_______________(姓名)联系方式:_______________(电话/邮箱/传真)营业执照号:_______________(号码)

采购合同范本 中英文

采购合同范本中英文 Purchase Contract Template 采购合同范本 Party A: [Your Name/Company Name] 甲方:[你的名字/公司名] Party B: [Supplier's Name/Company Name] 乙方:[供应商的名字/公司名] This Purchase Contract (hereinafter referred to as "the Contract") is entered into on [Date], between Party A and Party B. 本采购合同(下称“本合同”)由甲方和乙方于[日期]签订。 1. Scope of Contract 合同范围 1.1 Party B agrees to provide the following goods/services to Party A: 乙方同意向甲方提供以下商品/服务: [List of goods/services] [商品/服务清单] 1.2 The quantity, specifications, quality standards, delivery dates, and prices of the goods/services shall comply with the terms agreed upon by both parties.

商品/服务的数量、规格、质量标准、交货日期和价格应符合双方约定的条款。 2. Price and Payment Terms 价格和支付条款 2.1 The total price for the goods/services as listed in Clause 1.1 is [Amount in Currency]. 商品/服务的总价为[货币金额]。 2.2 Payment shall be made by Party A to Party B according to the following terms: 根据以下条款,甲方应向乙方支付款项: [Payment terms] [支付条款] 3. Delivery and Acceptance 交货与验收 3.1 Party B shall deliver the goods to the designated location specified by Party A. 乙方应将商品交付到甲方指定的地点。 3.2 Party A shall inspect and accept the goods/services within [number of days] after the delivery date. 甲方应在交货后[天数]内对商品/服务进行检查和验收。


采购合同模板中英文 采购合同模板 Purchase Contract Template 合同编号:[合同编号] Contract No.: [Contract Number] 甲方(买方):[甲方名称] Party A (Buyer): [Party A Name] 乙方(卖方):[乙方名称] Party B (Seller): [Party B Name] 根据《中华人民共和国合同法》及相关法律、法规的规定,甲乙双 方本着平等、自愿、互利的原则,经友好协商,就以下事项达成一致,并签订本合同: According to the Contract Law of the People's Republic of China and relevant laws and regulations, Party A and Party B, based on the principles of equality, voluntariness, and mutual benefit, have reached an agreement through friendly negotiations on the following matters and hereby enter into this contract: 一、产品信息 I. Product Information 1. 产品名称:[产品名称]

Product Name: [Product Name] 2. 规格型号:[规格型号] Specifications: [Specifications] 3. 数量:[数量] Quantity: [Quantity] 4. 单价:[单价] Unit Price: [Unit Price] 5. 交货地点:[交货地点] Delivery Location: [Delivery Location] 二、交货时间 II. Delivery Time 1. 甲方要求交货时间:[甲方要求交货时间] Requested Delivery Time by Party A: [Requested Delivery Time by Party A] 2. 卖方确认的交货时间:[卖方确认的交货时间] Confirmed Delivery Time by Party B: [Confirmed Delivery Time by Party B] 三、交货方式 III. Delivery Method


中英文代理采购合同 XXX agreement。including quantity。price。and shipping ns。XXX of the n. 5价格与结算方式 Price and XXX 甲、乙双方商定,商品的价格为_____,结算方式为_____。如有特殊情况,双方应协商解决。 Party A and Party B agree that the price of the commodity shall be _____ and the payment terms shall be _____。In case of any special circumstances。XXX issue. 6售后服务 After-sales Service 乙方应负责处理与商品质量有关的投诉,并及时向甲方汇报处理结果。 Party B XXX related to the quality of the XXX report the results of the handling to Party A. 7协议的有效期 Term of Agreement

本协议自签订之日起生效,有效期为_____。若任何一方需要终止协议,应提前_____通知对方。 This agreement shall come into effect from the date of signing and shall be valid until _____。If either party XXX agreement。they shall notify the other party in advance of _____. 8争议的解决 Dispute n 本协议在履行过程中,如发生争议,双方应协商解决。若协商不成,可向有关仲裁机构申请仲裁。 In case of any disputes during the performance of this agreement。XXX fails。either party may apply for XXX. 9协议的修改与补充 n and Supplement 本协议的修改与补充,应由双方协商一致,并以书面形式作出。 XXX. 10协议的生效 Effectiveness of Agreement 本协议一式两份,双方各执一份,自签字或盖章之日起生效。


中英文的采购合同 篇一:中英文的采购合同 Purchase Contract 合同编号(Cont ract No.): ______________ 签订日期(Date) : ____________________ 签订地点(Signed at) : ________ 买方: _____________________________________________________ The Buyer: ________________________________________________ 地址:____________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________ 电话(Tel): __________________ 传真(Fax): ___________________ 电子邮箱(E-mail): ___________________________________________ The Seller: _________________________________________________ 地址:______________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________ 电话(Tel): ________________ 传真(Fax): _____________________ 电子邮箱(E-mail): ___________________________________________ 买卖双方同意按照下列条款签订本合同: The Seller and the Buyer agree to conclude this Contract subject to the terms and conditions stated below: 1.货物名称、规格和质量(Name, Specifications and Quality of Commodity):


英文采购合同模板 Seller: [Seller's Name] Address: [Seller's Address] Phone: [Seller's Phone Number] Email: [Seller's Email] Buyer: [Buyer's Name] Address: [Buyer's Address] Phone: [Buyer's Phone Number] Email: [Buyer's Email] Date: [Date] 1. Product Description The Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to purchase the following product(s) according to the terms and conditions stated in this contract: - Product Name: [Enter product name] - Quantity: [Enter quantity] - Specifications: [Enter product specifications] - Unit Price: [Enter unit price] - Total Price: [Enter total price] 2. Delivery Terms

- Delivery Date: [Enter delivery date] - Delivery Location: [Enter delivery location] - Delivery Method: [Enter delivery method] - Shipping Terms: [Specify shipping terms, e.g., FOB, CIF, etc.] - Shipping Insurance: [Indicate if shipping insurance is included or if additional charges apply] 3. Payment Terms - Payment Method: [Specify payment method, e.g., bank transfer, letter of credit, etc.] - Currency: [Enter currency] - Payment Schedule: [Specify payment schedule, e.g., 30% deposit upon signing, 70% upon delivery] - Late Payment Charges: [Specify late payment charges, if applicable] 4. Quality Assurance - Quality Standards: [Specify applicable quality standards] - Inspection: [Indicate if the Buyer has the right to inspect the goods before acceptance] - Acceptance Criteria: [Specify acceptance criteria] 5. Warranty - Warranty Period: [Specify warranty period]


英文购销合同 英文购销合同「篇一」 Party A (Supplier):______________ Party B (purchaser):______________ Through friendly negotiation, Party A and Party B have reached the following agreement on the purchase of xx mobile phone from Party A: 1、 Party A provides product training, sales scheme and after-sales service to Party B. after Party B purchases Party A's products, it is strictly prohibited to collude with Party A without the permission of Party A。 2、 Party B shall pay RMB on the day when both parties confirm to sign the contract______ Yuan only (in words: ____). If after-sales service and repair are required in the future, the freight shall be borne by the shipper。 3、 Rights and obligations of both parties 1. Grant the right to operate - Party A only allows Party B to operate a single store (if it is necessary to authorize patent chain franchise, please note the additional terms on the next page and sign them together). Party B operates independently without Party A's interference and participation。


采购合同中英文范本 采购合同是供应商与采购方之间达成的一种商业合作协议,在合 同中明确了双方的权益和义务,保护了双方的合法权益。本文将为大 家介绍一份采购合同的中英文范本。 合同编号: PCT2021-001 一、合同目的: 本合同旨在确定采购方(以下简称“乙方”)与供应商(以下简称 “甲方”)之间的采购关系,明确双方的权益和义务,以确保交易的 顺利进展。 二、合同内容: 1. 产品详细信息: 甲方同意向乙方提供以下产品:(以下简称“产品”) 产品名称:XXXX 型号:XXXX 规格:XXXX 数量:XXXX 2. 产品质量: 甲方保证所提供产品的质量符合国家相关标准,并提供相关的质检 证书。如产品出现质量问题,乙方有权要求退换货或补偿。 3. 价格条款: 乙方同意按照以下价格标准购买甲方提供的产品: 单价:XXXX 总价:XXXX 支付方式:乙方将以分三期付款的方式支付甲方的款项,分别如下: - 第一期:签署合同后的3个工作日内支付40%的款项; - 第二期:产品送达乙方仓库后的5个工作日内支付30%的款项; - 第三期:验收合格后的7个工作日内支付剩余30%的款项。 4. 交货时间和方式:

甲方同意按照以下交货时间和方式供应产品: 交货时间:XXXX年XX月XX日 交货方式:甲方将产品送至乙方指定的仓库。 5. 运输和保险: 甲方将承担产品运输过程中的损失和风险,确保产品完好无损地送达乙方指定仓库。甲方应为产品购买适当的保险,以保障产品在运输过程中的安全。 6. 合作期限: 本合同有效期为自签署之日起一年。 7. 违约责任: 任何一方未履行本合同约定的义务,均视为违约行为。违约方应向守约方支付一定金额的违约金作为赔偿。 8. 争议解决: 本合同的解释和执行适用中华人民共和国法律。如发生争议,双方应通过友好协商解决;若协商未果,应提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会并按照其仲裁规则进行仲裁。 三、合同生效: 本合同的一式两份,甲方和乙方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。 甲方(供应商):乙方(采购方): 签名:__________________ 签名: __________________ 日期:__________________ 日期: __________________ 以上是一份采购合同的中英文范本,供大家参考。请在实际使用中根据具体情况进行修改和补充,并确保合同内容符合法律法规和商业规范。


英文采购合同范本 采购合同的英文版是怎么样的呢?下面为大家带来英文采购合同范本,希望对你们有所帮助。 Contract No.:XXX Sales and Purchase ContractFOR Manganese Ore This contract is made and entered into onXX, Febxxunder terms and conditions as per the international chamber of merce-600 (ICC UCP-600/xx revision) by and between: The Buyer: Address: Tel: The Seller : Address: Tel: Whereby seller agrees to sell to buyer and Buyer agrees to buy from seller Manganese Ore under following the terms and conditions stipulated below: Article 1 Commodity Concentrated manganese Ore Article 2 Specifications Concentrated Manganese Ore Size: 0-5mm (90% min) % Mn min. 40.0% % Fe max. 15.0%

% Silica ( SiO2 ) max. 1.0% % Aluminum ( Al ) max. 4.0% % S max. 0.20% % P max. 0.10% Moisture max. 7% Article 3 Quantity: 500 MT, partial shipment not allowed. Article 4 Origin and Port of loading 4.1 Republic of ABC 4.2 Loading port: Article 5 Packing/Delivery 5.1 In50 kg sack 5.2 Incontainer Shipment, more or less 20 tons. Article 6 Shipment/Delivery 6.1 500MT(+/-5%)partial shipment not allowed 6.2 Shipment will be 90 days after signing of this contract and after the aeptance of the Letter of Credit by seller’s bank. L/C will be opened after BuyerreceivingProforma Invoice from Sellerwith confirmation of the delivery schedule. 6.3 The Buyer has the right to appoint the independent surveyor or his representative to conduct the Pre-shipment Inspection and/or conduct the joint-inspection of the material with buyer for his own aount. Article 7 Contracted Price and Values


英文购货合同范本大全英文购货合同范本 PARTIES INVOLVED Seller: [Name of Company][Address][City, ST ZIP Code][Country][Phone][Email] Buyer: [Name of Company][Address][City, ST ZIP Code][Country][Phone][Email] 1. INTRODUCTION This contract is made between the Seller and the Buyer, for the sale and purchase of the goods described herein. 2. GOODS The Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to purchase the following goods: [Description of Goods][Quantity of Goods][Price per Unit][Total Price] 3. PAYMENT METHODS

The Buyer shall pay for the goods through [Method of Payment], and payment shall be made as follows: [Payment Schedule][Currency] 4. DELIVERY The Seller shall deliver the goods to the Buyer on or before [Date of Delivery], at the following location: [Delivery Address] 5. WARRANTIES The Seller warrants to the Buyer that the goods conform to the specifications set forth in this contract, and that the goods are free from defects in materials and workmanship. 6. INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE The Buyer shall have the right to inspect the goods upon delivery, and if the goods do not conform to the specifications set forth in this contract, the Buyer shall have the right to reject the goods. 7. TITLE AND RISK OF LOSS Title and risk of loss to the goods shall pass from the Seller to the Buyer upon delivery of the goods. 8. TERMINATION


采购合同英文 篇一:采购合同(中英文版) PURCHASE ORDER 采购合同 合同编号( Contract No.): 日期(Date): 卖方(Seller): 地址(Address): 电话(Tel): 传真(Fax):电子邮箱(E-mail): 买方(Buyer): 地址(Address): 电话(Tel):传真(Fax): 邮箱(E-mail): The undersigned seller and buyer have agreed to close the following transactions according to the terms and conditions set forth as below: 买卖双方经协商同意按下列条款成交: 1. Commodity, Quantity and Price: 结算总金额以实际发货数量计算。 1.2. The packing list should indicate the weight of a balk and the quantity of bales. 装箱单应表明规格,每包重量,数量和装箱的总重量。 1.3As seller's parking list indicated. 以卖方的装箱单为准. 2.Shipment 装运: 2.1 The seller is responsible to load products into the container. 卖方负责装入集装箱内。 2.2 Package: Pallet 包装: 托盘装 2.3 Loading site : Lai chen Industrial Park, Laiwu City, Shandong ,China 装货地点:中国,山东省,莱芜市 ,莱城工业园。


英文煤炭采购合同范本 Coal Purchase Contract。 This Coal Purchase Contract (the "Contract") is entered into as of [Date] by and between [Seller], a company organized and existing under the laws of [Country], with its principal place of business located at [Address] (the "Seller"), and [Buyer], a company organized and existing under the laws of [Country], with its principal place of business located at [Address] (the "Buyer"). 1. Quantity and Quality。 1.1 The Seller agrees to sell and deliver to the Buyer, and the Buyer agrees to purchase and accept from the Seller, [Quantity] metric tons of coal, with the following specifications: Calorific value: [Value] Moisture content: [Value] Ash content: [Value] Sulfur content: [Value] Size: [Value] 2. Price and Payment。 2.1 The purchase price for the coal shall be [Price] per metric ton, for a total purchase price of [Total Price]. 2.2 Payment for the coal shall be made in [Currency] and shall be made in [Payment Terms]. 3. Delivery。

【精编范文】样品采购合同,英文-优秀word范文 (14页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 样品采购合同,英文 篇一:采购合同(中英文版) PURCHASE ORDER 采购合同 合同编号( Contract No.):日期(Date): 卖方(Seller):地址(Address): 电话(Tel):传真(Fax):电子邮箱(E-mail):买方(Buyer): 地址(Address): 电话(Tel):传真(Fax):邮箱(E-mail): The undersigned seller and buyer have agreed to close the following transactions according to the terms and conditions set forth as below: 买卖双方经协商同意按下列条款成交: 1. Commodity, Quantity and Price: 结算总金额以实际发货数量计算。 1.2. The packing list should indicate the weight of a balk and the quantity of bales. 装箱单应表明规格,每包重量,数量和装箱的总重量。 1.3As seller's parking list indicated. 以卖方的装箱单为准. 2.Shipment 装运: 2.1 The seller is responsible to load products into the container. 卖方负责装入集装箱内。 2.2 Package: Pallet 包装: 托盘装


PROCUREMENT CONTRACT Date: xxxxxxxxx Contract No.: xxxxxxxxx Pursuant to demand and ability of each party, we consist: PARTY A: (The Buyer) Address: Tel: Fax: Account: Tax Code: Representative: Position: PARTY B: (The Seller) Address: Tel: Representative: Position: After mutual discussion, both Parties agree to sign the procurement contract with the following contents: ARTICLE 1: COMMODITIES AND CONTRACT VALUE: -Commodities, Dimension, Quantity and Price as below: -Quality: 100% Brand-new -Total contract value: USD 0.00 ARTICLE 2: DELIVERY TERM 2.1Delivery term: EXW 2.2Partial shipment: Allowed. 2.3Departure port: China ports. 2.4Destination port: Ho Chi Minh ports, Viet Nam. 2.5Delivery time: 30 days from the date of signing contract


Purchase Agreement 采购合同 Buyer: 买方: Seller : 卖方: Agreement Signed Date: 签约日期:

Purchase Agreement 采购合同 This Deed of Agreement is made and executed on英文日期 此协议由以下双方于2017年月日签订 买方名, hereinafter called the “Buyer” 买方名,以下简称买方。 AND 卖方名(the“selle r”). 卖方名以下简称卖方。 Now both of the above mentioned parties are signing this Deed of Agreement considering the below mentioned points, terms and conditions. 双方根据以下条款、条件签订此协议: 1.供货明细Supply Description 1.1 实际的供货明细表 1.2 D uring the duration of the agreement, the unit price is fixed; if the seller raises unit price, buyer has the right to terminate the agreement. 合同有效期内,单价保持不变。假设合同执行期间,卖方上调价格,买方有权终止协议。 2. Quantity 数量 The quantity mentioned above just for reference, the quantity shall be determined by the actual quantity. 订单数量是参考数量,以双方实际验收数量为准。


中英文采购合同范本 篇一:购销合同中英文版本。。】 产品购销合同 甲方(买方): (purchase contract) buyer 乙方(卖方):supplier 买卖双方同意成交下列产品,订立条款如下:the undersigned seller and buyer agree following transaction, terms and conditions are specified as below: 第一条定购产品:art.1 ordered products: 第二条质量要求及技术标准: and technical specifications: 2.1 按照本合同第一条约定的规格生产产品,质量标准按照生产厂商技术 标准。 2.1 in accordance with prescribed products description of art.1, the quality standard is based on manufacturer standard. s technical 第三条发货时间和发货方式: art. 3 delivery time and terms of shipment: 3.1 发货时间: 3.1 lead time: 3.2 发货方式: 3.2 terms of shipment: 第四条付款方式: art. 4 terms of payment: 第五条收货和验收条款: art. 5 goods reception and acceptance: 5.1 验收标准:按照本合同第二条约定的质量要求及技术标准。 5.1 acceptance criteria: according to the art. 2 quality requirements and technical specifications of the present contract 第六条违约责任: art. 6 liability for breach of contract: 6.1 甲方延期付款的,乙方交付产品的时间可相应顺延,甲方按照延期支 付金额的/日向乙方支付滞纳金,直至款项付清之日。甲方延期支付超过三 十日的,乙方有权选择解除合同,甲方按照合同滞纳金标准向乙方支付违 约金(支付至乙方提出解除日),向乙方返还产品,甲方已经支付的款项作 为赔偿,如不足以弥补乙方的损失的,由甲方另行赔偿。 6.1 should party a postpone payment, party b has right to delay shipment date;


国际贸易采购合同中英文 International Trade Purchase Contract 国际贸易采购合同 Contract No: XXXX 合同编号:XXXX This International Trade Purchase Contract (hereinafter referred to as "Contract") is made and entered into by and between Party A [Name of the buyer], a company incorporated under the laws of [country/region], with its registered office at [address], and Party B [Name of the seller], a company incorporated under the laws of [country/region], with its registered office at [address], collectively referred to as "the Parties". 本国际贸易采购合同(以下简称“合同”)由甲方[买方名称],根据[国家/地区]法律成立的公司,注册办事处位于[地址]和乙方[卖方名称],根据[国家/地区]法律成立的公司,注册办事处位于[地址],统称为“合 同双方”。 1. Product Description 1. 产品描述 1.1 Product Name: [Name of the product] 1.1产品名称:【产品名称】 1.2 Specifications: [Specifications of the product]
