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课程编号: 024222007


英文名称:Intermediate Business English Course Book

课程性质: 专业基础课





















David Cotton David Falvey Simon Kent主编《Market Leader》(第二版),高等教育出版社2012



2. 叶兴国、王光林总主编《高级综合商务英语》外语教学与研究出版社2012

3. 叶兴国主编《商务英语阅读教程》上海外语教育出版社2010







Unit 1 Brands

1、Discussion: Talk about your favorite brands; Discuss two authentic product promotions

2、Texts: Outsourcing production; Listening: An interview with a brand consultant

3、Language Work: Words that go with brand and product; Present simple and present continuous

4、Skills: Taking part in meetings 1

5、Case Study: Caferoma: Solve the problems of a leading brand; Writing: e-mail

Unit 2 Travel

1、Discussion: Talk about your travel experience

2、Texts: Air rage- Guardian; Listening: A business traveler’s priorities

3、Language Work: British and American travel words; Talking about future

4、Skills: Making arrangements on the telephone

5、Case Study: Work, rest and play: Choose a suitable hotel for a seminar in France; Writing: e-mail

Unit 3 Organization

1、Discussion: Rank status symbols in order of importance

2、Texts: Flexibility in the workplace; Listening: An interview with the partner of a management consultancy

3、Language Work: Words and expressions to describe company structure; Noun combinations

4、Skills: Socialising: introductions and networking

5、Case Study: Auric Bank: Choose the best way to reorganize customer services; Writing: report

Unit 4 Change

1、Discussion: Discuss attitudes to change in general and at work

2、Texts: Change in retailing; Listening: An interview with a business transformation director

3、Language Work: Words for describing change; Past simple and present perfect

4、Skills: Taking part in meetings 2

5、Case Study: Acquiring Metrot; Writing: action minutes

Unit 5 Money

1、Discussion: Do a quiz and discuss attitudes to money

2、Texts: Two financial reports; Listening: An interview with the founder of a finance firm

3、Language Work: Words and expressions for talking about finance; Describing trends

4、Skills: Dealing with figures

5、Case Study: Angel Investments: Choose a company to invest in; Writing: e-mail

Unit 6 Advertising

1、Discussion: Discuss authentic advertisements; Discuss good and bad advertising practices

2、Texts: Successful advertising; Listening: An interview with the head of planning at an advertising agency

3、Language Work: Words and expressions for talking about advertising; Articles: a, an, the, zero article

4、Skills: Starting presentations

5、Case Study: Focus advertising: Create and present an advertising campaign; Writing: summary

Unit 7 Cultures

1、Discussion: Discuss the importance of cultural awareness in business

2、Texts: Advice for doing business across cultures; Listening: An interview with a trainer in cultural awareness

3、Language Work: Idioms for talking about business relationships; Modals of advice, obligation, and necessity

4、Skills: Social English

5、Case Study: Visitors from China: Plan a visit by a Chinese; Writing: e-mail

Unit 8 Employment

1、Discussion: Choose the most important qualities for getting a job; Describe best worst experiences at work

2、Texts: Retaining good staff; Listening: An interview with an executive search consultant

3、Language Work: Words to describe the recruitment process and personal character; Indirect questions and statements

4、Skills: Managing meetings

5、Case Study: Slim Gyms: Choose the best candidate for the job of General

Manager; Writing: letter

Unit 9 Trade

1、Discussion: Discuss ideas about globalisation

2、Texts: Fair trade; Listening: An interview with an expert on negotiating

3、Language Work: Words for talking about international trade; Conditions

4、Skills: Negotiating

5、Case Study: Ashbury Guitars: Negotiate a deal with an overseas guitar

manufacturer; Writing: e-mail

Unit 10 Discuss ideas of quality

1、Discussion: Discuss ideas of quality

2、Texts: Old-fashioned quality; Listening: An interview with the Senior Vice President of a prestigious hotel chain

3、Language Work: Words for talking about quality control and customer service; Gerunds and infinitives

4、Skills: Complaining on the telephone

5、Case Study: Brookfield Airport: Work out an action plan following complaints from passengers; Writing: report

Unit 11 Ethnics

1、Discussion: Discuss questions of ethics at work; Rank a list of unethical activities

2、Texts: Business ethics; Listening: An interview with a bank executive

3、Language Work: Words to do with honesty or dishonesty; Narrative tenses

4、Skills: Problem-solving

5、Case Study: Profit or principle? Decide if a manger has acted unethically and what action to take; Writing: report

Unit 12 Leadership

1、Discussion: Discuss the qualities of good leadership

2、Texts: Profile of a leading Chief Executive; Listening: An interview with the an expert in leadership training

3、Language Work: Words to describe character; Relative clauses

4、Skills: Decision-making

5、Case Study: Orbit records: Discuss ideas to save a falling music retailer;

Writing: e-mail

Unit 13 Innovation

1、Discussion: Talk about innovations in your daily life and in the twentieth century

2、Texts: In-company innovation; Listening: An interview with an expert on presentations

3、Language Work: Words and expressions to describe innovations; Passives

4、Skills: Presentation techniques

5、Case Study: Style is everything: Prepare a product presentation for a

competition; Writing: short article or press release

Unit 14 Competition

1、Discussion: Do a quiz on how competitive you are

2、Texts: Losing competitive edge; Listening: An interview with the Marketing Manager of a credit card business

3、Language Work: Idioms from sport to describe competition; Modals of


4、Skills: Negotiating

5、Case Study: Beverley Watches: Choose the best supplier; Writing: e-mail





Unit 4 Advertising Part I Business Vocabulary Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. This part totals 20 points, one point for each sentence. C1 Outdoor advertising is one of the fastest growing _______________ in the market. A markets B sections C segments D sectors D2 The world of outdoor advertising billboards, transport and ‘street furniture’ is ______ about $18 billion a year, just 6% of all the worl d’s spending on advertising. A worthwhile B worthy C valued D worth C3 The soaring costs of TV are ______________ clients to consider alternatives. A making B driving C prompting D letting A4 BMW ran a ‘teasers’ campaign in Britain on bus shelters. A exclusively B largely C greatly D inclusively C5 Placing an ad on a bus shelter for two weeks ________________ at about £90. A works on B works away C works out D calculates D6 We are facing a ________________ with our market share. What are we going to do about it? A promotion B sale C order D crisis A7 Focus, a large advertising agency based in Paris, has a reputation for creating imaginative and ____________ campaigns. A effective B efficient C effect D efficacious C8 Focus now needs to ________________ potential clients that it still


《体验商务英语综合教程》课程教学大纲 一、基本信息 课程编号: 024222007 课程名称:体验商务英语综合教程3 英文名称:Intermediate Business English Course Book 课程性质: 专业基础课 总学时:72学时 学分:4学分 适用对象:商务英语专业本科3年级学生 先修课程:综合英语 二、编写说明 (一)课程的性质 《体验商务英语综合教程》是为商务英语专业学生开设的一门专业基础课。这门课程始于二年级下学期,与之前的综合英语课程衔接,使学生在掌握英语语言技能的同时,了解现代国际商务的现状,以达到在体验商务中学习语言、提高商务交际能力的目的。本课程横跨三个学期,分别使用《体验商务英语综合教程》的第三册、第四册和第五册。 (二)课程教学目标和基本要求 本课程作为商务英语专业的基础必修课之一,从培养高级应用型商务英语人才的目标出发,理论联系实际,旨在帮助学生在掌握英语语言技能的同时,了解现代国际商务的现状,以达到在体验商务中学习语言、提高商务交际能力的目标。 本课程要求学生能够掌握重点词汇的英文表达,熟悉现代市场经济条件下商务活动的各个方面和时代课题,如全球化、国际营销、技术创新、营销策略、企业文化、市场竞争、经营风险、危机管理、电子商务等等。为了达到这些目标,本课程要求学生积极参与课堂讨论,在阅读的基础上,通过角色扮演和案例学习等方式,在完成交际任务中复用所学语言知识,提高交际能力,将自己的经历和观点融入交际活动之中。 (三)课程的重点和难点 本课程的讲授时间为三个学期,分别使用《体验商务英语综合教程》的第三册、第四册和第五册。每册的学习量均为12个单元,单元设计以语言和商务技能为主线,商务词汇、语法的学习与讨论相结合,听力和阅读部分配有角色扮演等交际活动,最后是案例分析或技能运用。本课程重点涉及体验式的教学和学习方式,学生在形式多样的任务活动中,掌握相关的商务词汇、提高商务英语的听力、阅读和写作能力,达到语言水平和商务技能的同时提高。难点在于学生要能灵活地运用自己所学的语言和商务知识,将自己的经历和观点融入交际活动之中,在提高语言表达能力的同时还要提高自己的交际能力。 (四)课程教学方法与手段 (1)强调课堂教学应以学生为主体而以教师为主导,改变以教师为中心的教


UNIT1 Free Trade Has Enriched the World with More than Diverse Goods 自由贸易给世界带来的不仅是丰富多彩的商品 By Daniel Griswold Tune in to cable TV, talk radio, or the blogosphere and you will soon be hit over the head with the message that free trade is destroying America. According to the economic populists on the left and right, the wages, jobs, and futures of Main Street Americans are being sacrificed daily to the gods of globalization.只要打开有线电视、收音机或博客网,你很快就会惊讶地获悉:自由贸易正在摧毁美国。据左右两派经济民粹主义者所说,美国普通老百姓的工资、工作和未来天天都在被当作供品献祭给全球化的神明们。 On trade, as on so much else, the populists have it wrong again. Free trade and globalization are great blessings to American families. Trade is delivering lower prices and more variety to consumers, especially the poor, while creating better paying jobs for the middle class. Beyond the US shores, the spread of economic openness is building a more peaceful, democratic and humane world for our children.就像在其他许多事情上一样,这些民粹主义者们在贸易问题上又搞错了。自由贸易与全球化对美国家庭来说是种种福音。贸易在为中产阶级创造了许多薪酬丰厚的工作岗位的同时,也为消费者(尤其是穷人)带来了价格低廉、品种多样的商品。席卷美国内外的经济开放浪潮正在为我们的孩子们创建一个更为和谐、民主和人性化的世界。 Now it may seem an odd moment to tout the benefits of trade for Main Street America. After all, unemployment is nearing 10 percent, manufacturing is in a slump, and global poverty is rising. But those are all the result of the current recession, a downturn that was not caused by trade but by misguided monetary and housing policies that were “Made in the USA”.看起来,现在吹嘘贸易给美国百姓带来好处似乎并不合时宜。毕竟,目前的失业率几乎高达10%,制造业也处于萧条之中,而全球范围的贫困在不断加剧。但是,那些问题都是眼前的经济衰退所带来的后果,这是一种经济下滑现象,它不是由贸易、而是由“美国制造”的错误的货币政策和房地产政策造成的。 During difficult economic times, import competition allows American families to keep their heads above water by delivering lower prices on staples such as food, clothing, and shoes. The prices we pay for goods exposed to global trade tend to rise more slowly than inflation, or even fall. The expansion of product variety alone from trade delivers an estimated 400 billion a year in benefits to American families because of increased consumer satisfaction, according to a 2004 study by Christian Broda and David E. Weinstein for the National Bureau of Economic Research.在经济困难时期,进口竞争给美国家庭带来了大量诸如食品、服装和鞋类等物美价廉的日常必需品,才使得他们不致于陷入灭顶之灾。我们为受全球化贸易影响的物品所支付价格的上涨速度往往比通货膨胀的涨幅更慢,或者说,价格甚至反而下降。根据“(美国)国家经济研究局”克里斯汀·布洛达和大卫.E.威恩斯特于2004年所做的一项研究,由于消费者满意度的提升,仅产品的品种扩展这一项每年就给美国家庭带来约四千亿美元的实惠。 No consumer benefit proportionally more from trade than the poor, and nobody suffers more from existing trade barriers. The imported fresh fruit and vegetables, T-shirts and discounted sneakers sold at big-box retailers loom especially large in the budgets of poor and middle-class families. Perversely, the highest remaining US trade barriers are aimed at products that are disproportionately made by poor people abroad and consumed by poor people at home. The 25 billion the US government collects each year through import tariffs is the most regressive tax in the federal arsenal. According to a study by the Progressive Policy Institute, a single mother earning 20,000 a year pays a much higher share of her income for import duties than a manager


Unit 1 Company Profile 1.Translate the following Chinese terms into English. candidate patent industry personnel registered trademark core competency domain name intended market emerging market headquarter multinational corporation Chief Executive Officer stakeholder 2.Translate the following English terms into Chinese. 股本,股金总额 以人为本的解决方案 精于心简于形 对客户的深入了解 工业革命 回收利用 3.Translation: 宝洁公司始创于1837年,是世界上最大的日用消费品公司之一。2007财政年度,公司全年销售额达682亿美元。在《财富》杂志评选出的全球500家最大企业中,排名第74位。 宝洁公司在全球80多个国家设有工厂或分公司,所经营的300多个品牌的产品畅销160多个国家和地区,其中包括美容护理、居家护理、吉列产品等。每天,在世界各地,宝洁公司的产品与全球消费者发生着三十亿次亲密接触。宝洁大中华业务区包括1988年成立的中国大陆分公司、1987成立的香港分公司和1985年成立的台湾分公司。 一九八八年,宝洁公司在广州成立了在中国的第一家合资企业-广州宝洁有限公司,从此开始了其中国业务发展的历程。宝洁总部位于广州,目

前在广州、北京、上海、成都、天津、东莞及南平等地设有多家分公司及工厂,并在北京设立技术中心。 二十年来,宝洁取得了飞速的发展,主要表现在: 建立了领先的大品牌 宝洁公司是中国最大的日用消费品公司,年销售额超过二十亿美元。我们在参与竞争的领域内占据了最大的市场份额。飘柔、舒肤佳、玉兰油、帮宝适、汰渍及吉列等品牌在各自的护发、个人清洁、皮肤护理、婴儿护理、洗衣粉、男士美容等产品领域内都处于领先的市场地位。 业务保持了强劲的增长 中国宝洁是全球业务增长速度最快的区域市场之一。目前, 宝洁大中华区的销售量已位居宝洁全球区域市场中的第二位,销售额也已位居前五位。 建立了出色的组织结构 伴随着公司的业务发展,宝洁的中国员工得到了迅速的成长。中国籍的员工占员工总数的97%以上,宝洁大中华区已成为向宝洁其他市场的重要管理人才输出地。 承诺做模范企业公民 宝洁向中国的各项公益事业捐款的总额已超过八千万元人民币(一千万美元),希望工程是宝洁公司慈善捐赠的最大接受者。 4.略 Unit 2 Business Meeting 1.Translation: Honorable Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Good evening! It is a great pleasure for me to attend, among all of you here the opening ceremony of the 2005 FORTUNE Global Forum on this pleasant


Key to Unit Two Myths and Legends Overview Warm-up Activities Intensive Reading Extensive Reading Reading & Writing Warm-up Activities I. Starting up A.Decide from your common sense which of the following is a myth, a legend or a fable. Then compare them with your partner’s. ?Kua Fu Chases the Sun. (myth) ?Yu the Great Conquers the Flood. (legend) ?Nü Gua Mends the Sky. (myth) ?The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse. (fable) ?Zeus, Prometheus and Pandora. (myth) ?Mark the Boat for a Dropped Sword. (fable) ?Venus, the Roman goddess of love. (myth) ?King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. (legend) ?The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing. (fable) ?Robin Hood---Bold Outlaw of Barnsdale and Sherwood Forest. (legend) II. Listening Listen to the following three passages and then do the relevant exercises. A. Listen to Passage 1 and answer the questions. 1. Their names are Plan Ahead, Think Fast, and Wait and See. 2. Towards the same issue, the three fish made different responses: Plan Ahead said, “I'm swimming down the ri ver tonight!” Think Fast said, “I'm sure I'll come up with a plan.” Wait and See lazily said, “I just can't think about it now!” 3. When the fisherman cast his nets, Plan Ahead was long gone. But Think Fast and Wait and See were caught! Think Fast quickly rolled his belly up and pretended to be dead and so the fisherman threw him safely back into the water. But, Wait and See ended up in the fish market. B.Listen to Passage 2 describing the myth and legend which surround St George’s Day and complete the sentences below. 1.slayer, saviour, medieval texts and art, little information about


《商务英语综合教程》教学大纲 Comprehensive Business English 商务英语专业适用 一.课程的性质与任务 商务英语是在商务背景下使用的英语。就英语语法来讲,商务英语与普通英语并五不同之处,但掌握商务英语词汇以及在各种商务场合所使用的不同用语(行话)对商务工作人员是非常必要的。因此,商务英语课对经贸英语专业的学生来说是非常重要的一门课。学生可以通过该课的学习与练习来提高英语沟通技能,使学生在未来的商务活动中更自信,更流利,也更准确。 该课程旨在通过听、说、读、写、讨论、解决问题和角色扮演等教学手段培养学生从事国际商务专业所需的英语听力、口语、阅读理解和写作的基本专业英语技能。通过学习,学生能在未来国际商务常见的场景中熟练地进行口头交流,流利地阅读和书写有关文字材料,帮助学生不仅体会国际商务专业英语语体的一些特点,而且了解国际商务工作中常见工作环节。 二.课程的基本要求和教学目的 1、听力能力要求:能基本听懂正常语速(每分钟120-160个单词)的一般商务活动中的电话、对话、谈判、会议发言等,并能结合具体语言环境,理解所听内容的深层含义,把握说话者的态度和意图。 2、阅读能力要求:能读懂中等难度的商务英语文章,了解作者的观点和态度。阅读速度为每分钟100-140个单词,理解准确率在75%以上。 3、口语能力要求:能够用英语介绍公司状况,进行业务咨询,与客户交流,做简单的商务报告等。语音、语调正确,语流连贯顺畅,表达基本得体。 4、写作能力要求:能够运用所学语言知识,写出符合国际商务惯例、格式规范的一般性商务报告、商务信函、会议纪要和电子邮件等。要能够做到中心思想明确、结构合理、语言得体。 5、英汉互译能力要求:能够翻译一般性商务材料。英译汉,要求速度每小时200-250个单词;汉译英,要求速度每小时180-220个汉字。能够承担一般性商务活动中的口译工作。 6、词汇要求:认知词汇达到5,000左右单词,熟练掌握其中约2,500个词。 7、综合素质要求:要求学生具有乐观、积极、向上的心理素质和勇于创新、不断更新自身知识体系的精神。 三.课程内容 本课程共四册教材,内容如下: 第一册 1.学习外语 2.介绍 3.职业和职责 4.时间管理


新世纪商务英语综合教程第三册课文译文 第一单元 旅行开阔心智 课文1 小岛笔记1 比尔·布莱森 兰翠竹译 我头一次看见英国是在一九七三年三月的一个雾蒙蒙的夜晚,我搭上从加来港出发的午夜轮渡抵达多佛。有二十分钟光景,多佛港站头上沸反盈天,这头轿车卡车势如潮涌,那厢海关差役恪尽职守,人人都忙着赶路去伦敦。随后,突然间,一切归于沉寂,我漫步在睡意正浓、雾气迷蒙的昏暗街头,活像是置身于系列片《牛头犬德拉蒙德》。将一个英国小镇独揽入怀,这滋味实在绝妙。 有一件事叫人发慌,那天晚上好像所有的饭店和招待所统统关了门。我一路走到火车站,寻思着能赶上去伦敦的班车,可那车站也是黑灯瞎火、大门紧闭。我正站在那里不晓得如何是好,却发现马路对面一家招待所楼上的窗户里闪着电视的灰光。万岁,我想,好歹有人醒着,于是一边急忙穿过马路,一边打好腹稿,准备跟那个慈眉善目的老板客气一番,为自己的迟来而道歉,满以为会晤谈甚欢,甚至想好了下面的台词:“实在不敢劳您大驾在这个时候为我准备食物,但是如果不太麻烦的话,能否给我一份烤牛肉三明治、大份莳萝咸菜,一点土豆色拉,再加一瓶啤酒。”通往招待所的人行道漆黑一片,我心里怀着一腔渴望,脚下却对英式门廊的路不大习惯,在一级楼梯上绊了一跤,脸直直地砸在门上,撞上半打空奶瓶,立时哐啷哐啷地响起来。楼上的窗户几乎紧接着就打开了。 “谁啊?”有人尖着嗓子问道。 我后退一步,一边揉鼻子,一边抬眼凝视一个戴着发卷的侧影。“你好,我想找间房,”我说。 “我们关门啦。” “哦。可是在哪儿吃晚餐呢?” “试试丘吉尔吧。在前面。” “在什么前面啊?”我刚发问,那扇窗就已经砰地一声关上了。 “丘吉尔”富丽堂皇、灯火通明,看起来热情好客。透过一扇窗户,我能瞧见酒吧里有人西装笔挺,看上去温文尔雅,活像诺埃尔·考沃德戏里出现的人物。我在阴影中踌躇,感觉自己像个街头流浪儿。就我这阶层,就我这身打扮,跟这么一栋楼是格格不入的,而且,不管怎么说吧,我口袋里那几个寒碜的子儿,显然付不起这笔开销。就在昨天,我刚刚把一叠厚得出奇的花花绿绿的法郎交给一位目光如炬的饭店老板买单,换来的不过是在一张疙疙瘩瘩的床铺睡上一晚,吃到一盘希奇古怪的名叫“沙瑟”的玩意,里面包含着杂七杂八的小动物的骨头,其中有不少我还得用一大块餐巾偷偷包起来扔掉,付完帐后我下定决心,从今以后开支用度务必慎之又慎。于是我老大不情愿地转过身,离开“丘吉尔”那诱人的温暖,步履艰难地投入黑夜。 1译文选自https://www.sodocs.net/doc/146396340.html,/subject/3826575/discussion/18109779/,有改动和删节

商务英语综合教程 教学大纲

《商务英语综合教程》课程教学大纲 课程名称:商务英语综合教程 课程类型:专业基础课必修课 总学时:128 适用专业:商务英语专业 一.课程的性质、目的和任务 (1)教材内容具有较强的时代性、实用性、针对性与系统性 (2)介绍了国际贸易及商务英语专业知识、语言训练和文化背景知识 (3)通过解读课文来培养学生的英语思维力、创新力和语用能力 (4)运用任务型的教学方法,为学生自己学习提供平台 二.教学基本要求 本教材注重把语言技能的训练与专业知识有机结合起来。习题中有些问题属于开放式的,要求学生理论联系实际,认真独立的思考问题、深入探究问题、最终解决问题。在这一过程中学生的表达能力同时得以锻炼。 三、教学内容及要求 Unit 1 Text Advertising Supplementary Reading Sales Promotion (一)教学目的和要求 1.了解广告的定义,目的及未来的发展 2.要求学生提前预习课文,划分段落,并找出中心思想 (二)教学内容 1.广告的背景 2.广告的分类 3广告的用途 4.被动语态的用法 (三)重点 1.广告的用途 2.语法及课后练习题

3.商务英语知识扩展阅读 Unit 2 Text WTO in Brief Supplementary Reading Greater Wealth of Nations (一)教学目的和要求 1.了解世界贸易组织的创立的目的、主要的功能及取得的成就 2.要求学生按照课后阅读理解的问题来预习课文 (二)教学内容 1.世界贸易组织的主要功能 2.世界贸易组织的主要目标 3.世界贸易组织的内部结构 4.情态动词的用法 (三)重点 1.世界贸易组织的基本内容 2.语法及课后练习题 3.商务英语知识扩展阅读 Unit 3 Text IMF at a Glance Supplementary Reading Gold in the IMF (一)教学目的和要求 1.了解国际货币基金组织创立的目的及主要的功能 2.要求学生提前预习课文并掌握重点段落及基本句型的翻译(二)教学内容 1.国际货币基金组织的背景知识及法令宗旨 2.国际货币基金组织与世界银行的共同点及不同点 3.引起国际收支平衡赤字的原因及解决办法 4.不定式的用法



《商务英语综合教程》课程教学大纲 课程名称:商务英语综合教程 课程类型:专业基础课必修课 总学时:128 适用专业:商务英语专业 一.课程的性质、目的和任务 (1)教材内容具有较强的时代性、实用性、针对性与系统性 (2)介绍了国际贸易及商务英语专业知识、语言训练和文化背景知识 (3)通过解读课文来培养学生的英语思维力、创新力和语用能力 (4)运用任务型的教学方法,为学生自己学习提供平台 二.教学基本要求 本教材注重把语言技能的训练与专业知识有机结合起来。习题中有些问题属于开放式的,要求学生理论联系实际,认真独立的思考问题、深入探究问题、最终解决问题。在这一过程中学生的表达能力同时得以锻炼。 三、教学内容及要求 Unit 1 Text Advertising Supplementary Reading Sales Promotion (一)教学目的和要求 1.了解广告的定义,目的及未来的发展 2.要求学生提前预习课文,划分段落,并找出中心思想 (二)教学内容 1.广告的背景 2.广告的分类 3广告的用途 4.被动语态的用法 (三)重点 1.广告的用途 2.语法及课后练习题

3.商务英语知识扩展阅读 Unit 2 Text WTO in Brief Supplementary Reading Greater Wealth of Nations (一)教学目的和要求 1.了解世界贸易组织的创立的目的、主要的功能及取得的成就 2.要求学生按照课后阅读理解的问题来预习课文 (二)教学内容 1.世界贸易组织的主要功能 2.世界贸易组织的主要目标 3.世界贸易组织的内部结构 4.情态动词的用法 (三)重点 1.世界贸易组织的基本内容 2.语法及课后练习题 3.商务英语知识扩展阅读 Unit 3 Text IMF at a Glance Supplementary Reading Gold in the IMF (一)教学目的和要求 1.了解国际货币基金组织创立的目的及主要的功能 2.要求学生提前预习课文并掌握重点段落及基本句型的翻译(二)教学内容 1.国际货币基金组织的背景知识及法令宗旨 2.国际货币基金组织与世界银行的共同点及不同点 3.引起国际收支平衡赤字的原因及解决办法 4.不定式的用法


《商务英语综合教程(上)》课程理论教学大纲课程类型:专业基础课 总学时:128 理论学时:128 适用专业:商务英语与国际贸易专业 一.课程的性质、目的和任务 (1)教材内容具有较强的时代性、实用性、针对性与系统性 (2)介绍了国际贸易及商务英语专业知识、语言训练和文化背景知识 (3)通过解读课文来培养学生的英语思维力、创新力和语用能力 (4)运用任务型的教学方法,为学生自己学习提供平台 二.教学基本要求 本教材注重把语言技能的训练与专业知识有机结合起来。习题中有些问题属于开放式的,要求学生理论联系实际,认真独立的思考问题、深入探究问题、最终解决问题。在这一过程中学生的表达能力同时得以锻炼。 三、教学内容及要求 Unit 1 Text Advertising Supplementary Reading Sales Promotion (一)教学目的和要求 1.了解广告的定义,目的及未来的发展 2.要求学生提前预习课文,划分段落,并找出中心思想 (二)教学内容 1.广告的背景 2.广告的分类

3广告的用途 4.被动语态的用法 (三)重点 1.广告的用途 2.语法及课后练习题 3.商务英语知识扩展阅读 Unit 2 Text WTO in Brief Supplementary Reading Greater Wealth of Nations (一)教学目的和要求 1.了解世界贸易组织的创立的目的、主要的功能及取得的成就 2.要求学生按照课后阅读理解的问题来预习课文 (二)教学内容 1.世界贸易组织的主要功能 2.世界贸易组织的主要目标 3.世界贸易组织的内部结构 4.情态动词的用法 (三)重点 1.世界贸易组织的基本内容 2.语法及课后练习题 3.商务英语知识扩展阅读 Unit 3


体验商务英语综合教程3 第二版 双语对照版 Unit1 Made in Europe 欧洲制造 Almost every fashion label outside the top super-luxury brands is either already manufacturing in Asia or 5 thinking of it. Coach, the US leather goods maker, is a classic example. Over the past five years, it has lifted all its gross margins by manufacturing solely in low-cost markets. In March 2002 it closed its factory in Lares, Puerto Rico, its last company-owned plant, and outsources all its products. 除了顶级奢侈品牌外几乎所有的时尚品牌都已经在亚洲生产,或者正在考虑这么做。美国的皮革商品制造商蔻驰(Coach)就是一个经典的例子。在过去的五年中,它通过仅在低成本市场生产来提升毛利率。在2002年的3月,它关闭了在波多黎各拉雷斯的最后一间公司所属工厂,将所有产品全部外包。Burberry has many Asian licensing arrangements.In 2000 it decided to renew Sanyo's Japanese licence for ten years. This means that almost half of Burberry's sales at retail value will continue to be produced under license in Asia. At the same time however, Japanese consumers prefer the group's European-made products. 巴宝莉(Burberry)在亚洲持有许多许可授权安排。2000年它决定给日本三洋公司的特许授权延长十年。这意味着按零售价计算巴宝莉几乎一半的销售额将是亚洲授权生产的。但是同时,日本的消费者却偏好于该集团在欧洲生产的产


商务英语综合教程习题答案 Unit 1 Company Profile 1.Translate the following Chinese terms into English. candidate patent industry personnel registered trademark core competency domain name intended market emerging market headquarter multinational corporation Chief Executive Officer stakeholder 2.Translate the following English terms into Chinese. 股本,股金总额 以人为本的解决方案 精于心简于形 对客户的深入了解 工业革命 回收利用 3.Translation: 宝洁公司始创于1837年,是世界上最大的日用消费品公司之一。2007财政年度,公司全年销售额达682亿美元。在《财富》杂志评选出的全球500家最大企业中,排名第74位。 宝洁公司在全球80多个国家设有工厂或分公司,所经营的300多个品牌的产品畅销160多个国家和地区,其中包括美容护理、居家护理、吉列产品等。每天,在世界各地,宝洁公司的产品与全球消费者发生着三十亿次亲密接触。宝洁大中华业务区包括1988年成立的中国大陆分公司、1987成立的香港分公司和1985年成立的台湾分公司。 一九八八年,宝洁公司在广州成立了在中国的第一家合资企业-广州宝洁有限公司,从此开始了其中国业务发展的历程。宝洁总部位于广州,目前在广州、北京、上海、成都、天津、东莞及南平等地设有多家分公司及工厂,并在北京设立技术中心。 二十年来,宝洁取得了飞速的发展,主要表现在:



Unit 1 a cc ountant 会计会计师 ad agency (advertising agency) 广告代理 advertising n.广告业广告 advertise v. advertisement n. advertising永远是不可数名词。 有三个意思: 1、指整个广告业; 2、指广告活动(比如说某公司正在筹备做一个广告); 3、指所有广告的总称(例:All the advertising here in this chamber is brilliant. 这个屋子里的所有广告都很有创意。) 而advertisement则在第一个意思中是可数名词,第二个是不可数名词。 有两个意思: 1、一则广告,某一个具体的广告; 2、做一则广告或某一个具体广告的动作(例:A company plans to do an advertising which will do advertisement 10 times. 一个公司计划做一个广告,这个广告准备播出十次。) commercial 商业广告 agency 代理处行销处代理中介 agent n./v./adj. airway s航空公司 airline Aloha [?'l?u?, ɑ:'l?uhɑ:]欢迎再见 a nalyst 分析师 analyze v. Argentina 阿根廷 Beaverton 比佛顿 Brazil 巴西 Brazilian 巴西人巴西的巴西人的 Buenos Aires 布宜诺斯艾利斯 cashier 出纳 CEO(chief executive officer)首席执行官 officer一般指军官,或者有指挥权利的官员,比如警官,船长。 official一般指公务员,官方。 conference 会议 meeting consultant 顾问 adviser consulting n.咨询adj.顾问的资讯的 consult 查阅商量向请教当顾问 e-mail 电子邮件 executive [iɡ'zekjutiv] n.管理人员经理adj.经营管理的 finance 财政金融 financial analyst 金融分析师


How to Attend a Meeting会议妙诀 To really succeed in a business or organization, it is sometimes helpful to know what your job is, and whether it involves any duties. Ask among your coworkers. "Hi," you should say. "I'm a new employee. What is the name of my job?" If they answer "long-range planner" or "lieutenant governor," you are pretty much free to lounge around and do crossword puzzles until retirement. Most jobs, however, will require some work. There are two major kinds of work in modern organizations: Taking phone messages for people who are in meetings, and, going to meetings. Your ultimate career strategy will be to get a job involving primarily No. 2, going to meetings, as soon as possible, because that's where the real prestige is. It is all very well and good to be able to take phone messages, but you are never going to get a position of power, a position where you can cost thousands of people their jobs with a single bonehead decision, unless you learn how to attend meetings. The first meeting ever was held was back in the Mezzanine Era1. In those days, Man's job was to slay his prey and bring it home for Woman, who had to figure out how to cook it. The problem was, Man was slow and basically naked, whereas the prey had warm fur and could run like an antelope. (In fact it was an antelope, only nobody knew this.) At last someone said, "Maybe if we just sat down and did some brainstorming, we could come up with a better way to hunt our prey!" It went extremely well, plus it was much warmer sitting in a circle, so they agreed to meet again the next day,and the next. But the women pointed out that the men had not produced anything, and the human race was pretty much starving. The men agreed that was serious and said they would put it right near the top of their "agenda". At this point, the women, who were primitive but not stupid, started eating plants, and thus modern agriculture was born. It never would have happened without meetings. The modern business meeting, however, might better be compared with a funeral, in the sense that you have a gathering of people who are wearing uncomfortable clothing and would rather be somewhere else. The major difference is that most funerals have a definite purpose. Also, nothing is really ever buried in a meeting. An idea may look dead, but it will always reappear at another meeting later on. If you have ever seen the movie, Night of the Living Dead2, you have a rough idea of how modern meetings operate, with projects and proposals that everyone thought were killed rising up constantly from their graves to stagger back into meetings and eat the brains of the living.
