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TEM4 模拟题 (第一套)答案

TEM4 模拟题 (第一套)答案
TEM4 模拟题 (第一套)答案




As the pace of life continues to increase,/ we are fast losing the art of relaxation./ Once you are in the habit of rushing through life,/ it is hard to slow down./ But relaxation is essential for a healthy mind and body./ Stress is a natural part of everyday life./ In fact, it is not the bad thing it is often supposed to be./ A certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation./ It is only when the stress gets out of control/ that it can lead to poor performance./




Key for TALK:

1. invited

2. you have never been to

3. what to do

4. dress

5. arrive

6. make yourself at home

7. is all about

8. when they’re not

9. whether or not to 10. nervous


1. B

2. A

3. D


5. C


6. B

7. A

8. A

9. C 10. C


11-15: DBCCD 16-20: DAABA 21-25: BDADA 26-30: CCACC


31.K 32.D 33.L 34.O 35.H36.J 37.A 38.G 39.E 40.C


41-45 BACDB 46-50 BBDBC

51. Unpaid / uncompensated internships.

52. Relieving

53. She took an ice-cream bar without paying. / She ran away with an ice-cream bar without paying.

54. She heard her mother’s voice. / Her mother’s voice.

55. Sky bridges.



2017年江苏省专转本英语模拟试题1 第I卷(共100分) 注意事项: 1、答第I卷前,考生务必按规定要求填涂答题卡上的姓名、准考证号等项目及卷首和第7页上的姓名; 2、用铅笔把答题卡上相应题号中正确答案的标号涂黑。答案不涂在答题卡上,成绩无效。 Part I Reading Comprehension (共20小题,每小题2分,共40分) Directions: In this part there are four passages. Each passage is followed by four comprehension questions. Read the passage and answer the questions. Then mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. Passage One Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: Animals react to the changing seasons with changes in mood and behavior and human beings are no exception. Most people find they eat and sleep slightly more in winter and dislike the dark mornings and short days. For some, however, symptoms (症状) are severe enough to damage their lives and to cause considerable stress. These people are suffering from SAD. The symptoms tend to start from around September each year lasting until April, but are at their worst in the darkest months. The standard figure says that around 2% of people in Northern Europe suffer badly, with many more (10%) putting up with milder symptoms. Across the world the incidence (发生率) increases with distance from the equator (赤道), except where there is snow on the ground, when it becomes less common. More women than men are found having SAD. Children and young people can also suffer from it. The problem stems from the lack of bright light in winter. Researchers have proved that bright light makes a difference to the brain chemistry, although the exact means by which sufferers are affected is not yet known. As the cause is lack of bright light, the treatment is to be in bright light every day by using a lightbox or a similar bright treatment. (Going to a brightly-lit climate, whether skiing or somewhere hot, is indeed a cure). The preferred level


1、形成权责发生制和收付实现制不同的记账基础,进而出现应收、应付、预收、预付、折旧、摊销等会计处理方法所依据的会计基本假设是()。 A、货币计量 B、会计年度 C、持续经营 D、会计分期 解析:会计分期是应收、应付、预收、预付、折旧、摊销等会计处理方法所依据的会计基本假设。 2、企业资产以历史成本计价而不以现行成本或清算价格计价,依据的会计基本假设是()。 A、会计主体 B、持续经营 C、会计分期 D、货币计量 解析:企业资产以历史成本计价而不以现行成本或清算价格计价,依据的会计基本假设是持续经营。 3、下列各项中,属于流动资产的是()。 A、材料采购 B、实收资本 C、长期待摊费用 D、在建工程 解析:实收资本属于所有者权益;长期待摊费用、在建工程属于非流动资产。 4、会计科目和账户都是对()具体内容的分类,两者核算内容一致,性质相同。 A、会计对象 B、会计账簿 C、财务报表

D、会计凭证 解析:会计科目和账户都是对会计对象具体内容的分类,两者核算内容一致,性质相同。 5、以下表述不正确的是()。 A、总分类科目提供会计要素总括信息的会计科目 B、明细分类科目提供更详细和更具体会计信息的科目 C、明细科目较多的总账科目,可在总账科目下设立二级科目或多级明细科目 D、会计科目按所其所反映的经济内容不同分为资产类、负债类、所有者权益类、收入类、费用类和利润类六大类 解析:会计科目和账户都是对会计对象具体内容的分类,两者核算内容一致,性质相同。 6、某企业月初的短期借款账户为贷方余额60万元,本月向银行借入期限为6 个月的借款20万元,归还以前的短期借款30万元,则本月末短期借款账户的余额为()万元。 A、贷方80 B、贷方50 C、借方50 D、贷方30 解析:负债类账户期末贷方余额=期初贷方余额+本期贷方发生额(增加额)-本期借方发生额(减少额), 则短期借款期末贷方余额=期初贷方余额60+本期贷方发生额20-本期借方发生额30=贷方余额50万元。 7、以下关于“应交税费”账户,说法正确的是()。 A、属于费用类账户 B、借方登记各种应交未交税费的增加额 C、贷方登记实际缴纳的各种税费 D、期末余额若在贷方,反映企业尚未交纳的税费 解析:“应交税费”账户属于负债类账户,贷方登记各种应交未交税费的增加额,借方登记实际缴纳的各种税费。期末余额在贷方,反映企业尚未交纳的税费;期末余额在借方,反映企业多交或尚未抵扣的税费。 8、用银行存款支付销售商品广告费500元,该业务的正确会计分录为(D )。 A、借:管理费用 500 贷:银行存款 500


0 1 A =1 A=1 A=0 A=0 《数字电子技术》模拟题一 一、单项选择题(2×10分) 1.下列等式成立的是( ) A 、 A ⊕1=A B 、 A ⊙0=A C 、A+AB=A D 、A+AB=B 2.函数F=(A+B+C+D)(A+B+C+D)(A+C+D)的标准与或表达式是( ) A 、F=∑m(1,3,4,7,12) B 、F=∑m(0,4,7,12) C 、F=∑m(0,4,7,5,6,8,9,10,12,13,14,15) D 、F=∑m(1,2,3,5,6,8,9,10,11,13,14,15) 3.属于时序逻辑电路的是( )。 A 、寄存器 B 、ROM C 、加法器 D 、编码器 * 4.同步时序电路和异步时序电路比较,其差异在于后者( ) A 、没有触发器 B 、没有统一的时钟脉冲控制 C 、没有稳定状态 D 、输出只与内部状态有关,与输入无关 5.将容量为256×4的RAM 扩展成1K ×8的RAM ,需( )片256×4的RAM 。 A 、 16 B 、2 C 、4 D 、8 6.在下图所示电路中,能完成01=+n Q 逻辑功能的电路有( ) 。 A 、 B 、 C 、 D 、 7.函数F=A C+AB+B C ,无冒险的组合为( )。 A 、 B=C=1 B 、 A=0,B=0 C 、 A=1,C=0 D 、 B=C=O 8.存储器RAM 在运行时具有( )。 \ A 、读功能 B 、写功能 C 、读/写功能 D 、 无读/写功能 9.触发器的状态转换图如下,则它是: ( ) A 、T 触发器 B 、RS 触发器 C 、JK 触发器 D 、D 触发器 10.将三角波变换为矩形波,需选用 ( ) A 、多谐振荡器 B 、施密特触发器 C 、双稳态触发器 D 、单稳态触发器 二、判断题(1×10分) , ( )1、在二进制与十六进制的转换中,有下列关系: (001)B =(9DF1)H ( )2、8421码和8421BCD 码都是四位二进制代码。 ( )3、二进制数1001和二进制代码1001都表示十进制数9。 ( )4、TTL 与非门输入采用多发射极三极管,其目的是提高电路的开关速度。 ( )5、OC 与非门的输出端可以并联运行,实现“线与”关系,即L=L 1+L 2

TEM4 模拟题 (第一套)答案

专四模拟题答案(第一套) PART I DICTATION (10%) Stress As the pace of life continues to increase,/ we are fast losing the art of relaxation./ Once you are in the habit of rushing through life,/ it is hard to slow down./ But relaxation is essential for a healthy mind and body./ Stress is a natural part of everyday life./ In fact, it is not the bad thing it is often supposed to be./ A certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation./ It is only when the stress gets out of control/ that it can lead to poor performance./ (about10minutes) PART II LISTENING COMPREHENSION (20%) PART II LISTENING COMPREHENSION Key for TALK: 1. invited 2. you have never been to 3. what to do 4. dress 5. arrive 6. make yourself at home 7. is all about 8. when they’re not 9. whether or not to 10. nervous CONVERSATION ONE: 1. B 2. A 3. D 4.B 5. C CONVERSATION TWO: 6. B 7. A 8. A 9. C 10. C PART III LANGUAGEKNOWLEDGE (20%) 11-15: DBCCD 16-20: DAABA 21-25: BDADA 26-30: CCACC PART IV CLOZE (10%) 31.K 32.D 33.L 34.O 35.H36.J 37.A 38.G 39.E 40.C PART V READINCOMPREHENSION (20%) 41-45 BACDB 46-50 BBDBC 51. Unpaid / uncompensated internships. 52. Relieving 53. She took an ice-cream bar without paying. / She ran away with an ice-cream bar without paying. 54. She heard her mother’s voice. / Her mother’s voice. 55. Sky bridges. PART V WRITING (20%)


2021在职MBA英语第一套模拟试题及答案PART I Structure and Vocabulary (10% ) Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part.For eachsentence there are four choices marked A,B, C and D. Choose the ONEanswer that best Completes the sentence. Then blacken the correspondingletter on the Answer Sheet with a pencil. 1 . He didn't seem to mind ___________ TV while he was trying to study. A. their watching B. them watch C. they watching D. them to watch 2. It is said that more than one person in this department ___________ going to lose his job. A. are B. were

C. will D. is 3. When she ___________ all the magazines, she’ll come back home . A. has sold B. will sell C. sell D. would sell 4.Themanufacturer claimed that this engine is ___________ the Previous one. A. as twice pOwerfd8S B. powerful as twice as C. twice powerful as D.twice as powerfu1 as 5. Nowhere else in the world________________ more attractive scenery thanin Switzerland.

【最新】四级模拟试题Model Test1

Model Test One Model Test 1 Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Should Smoking Be Banned in Public Places? You should write at least 120words following the outline given below. 1.近年来越来越多的公共场所禁烟 2.这项举措在受到拥护的同时也引发了争议 3.你的看法 Should Smoking Be Banned in Public Places? ————————————————————————————————————— Part II Reading Comprehensive (Skimming and Scanning)(15 minutes) Low-carbon Future: We Can Afford to Go Green Tackling climate change will cost consumers the earth. Those who campaign for a green revolution are out to destroy our western lifestyles. Such are the cries of opponents of emissions cuts, and their message has political impact: a number of surveys have found that the enthusiasm of voters for policies to reduce climate change falls off as the price tag increases. However, a new modeling(模型化) exercise suggests that these fears are largely unfounded. It projects that radical cuts to the UK’s emissions will cause barely noticeable increases in the price of food, drink and most other goods by 2050. Electricity and petrol costs will rise significantly, but with the right policies in place, say the modellers, this need not lead to big change in our lifestyle. “These results show that the global project to fight climate change is feasible,” says Alex Bowen, a climate policy expert at the London School of Economics. “It’s not such a big ask as people are making out.” Although it is impossible to precisely predict prices four decrease from now, the exercise is one of the most detailed examinations yet of the impact of climate change policies on UK consumers. It provides a useful rough guide to our economic future. Though its results speak directly to the UK consumers, previous research has come to similar conclusions for the US. In June, one study found that if the US were to cut emissions by 50 per cent by 2050, prices of most consumer goods would increase by less than 5 per cent. The findings are also consistent with analyses by the Pew Center on Global Climate change in Washington DC. “Even cutting emissions by 80 per cent over four decades has a very small effect on consumers in most areas,”says Manik Roy of the Pew Center. “The challenge is now to convince consumers and policy-Makers that this is the case.” The Intergovernmental panel on Climate Change recommends that wealthy nations cut their emissions to between 80 and 95 per cent below 1990 levels by 2050 in order to avoid the 1


《数字电子技术》模拟题一 一、单项选择题(2×10分) 1.下列等式成立的是( ) A 、 A ⊕1=A B 、 A ⊙0=A C 、A+AB=A D 、A+AB=B 2.函数F=(A+B+C+D)(A+B+C+D)(A+C+D)的标准与或表达式是( ) A 、F=∑m(1,3,4,7,12) B 、F=∑m(0,4,7,12) C 、F=∑m(0,4,7,5,6,8,9,10,12,13,14,15) D 、F=∑m(1,2,3,5,6,8,9,10,11,13,14,15) 3.属于时序逻辑电路的是( )。 A 、寄存器 B 、ROM C 、加法器 D 、编码器 4.同步时序电路和异步时序电路比较,其差异在于后者( ) A 、没有触发器 B 、没有统一的时钟脉冲控制 C 、没有稳定状态 D 、输出只与内部状态有关,与输入无关 5.将容量为256×4的RAM 扩展成1K ×8的RAM ,需( )片256×4的RAM 。 A 、 16 B 、2 C 、4 D 、8 6.在下图所示电路中,能完成01=+n Q 逻辑功能的电路有( ) 。 A 、 B 、 C 、 D 、 7.函数F=A C+AB+B C ,无冒险的组合为( )。 A 、 B=C=1 B 、 A=0,B=0 C 、 A=1,C=0 D 、 B=C=O 8.存储器RAM 在运行时具有( )。 A 、读功能 B 、写功能 C 、读/写功能 D 、 无读/写功能 9.触发器的状态转换图如下,则它是: ( ) A 、T 触发器 B 、RS 触发器 C 、JK 触发器 D 、D 触发器 10.将三角波变换为矩形波,需选用 ( ) A 、多谐振荡器 B 、施密特触发器 C 、双稳态触发器 D 、单稳态触发器 二、判断题(1×10分) ( )1、在二进制与十六进制的转换中,有下列关系: (1001110111110001)B =(9DF1)H ( )2、8421码和8421BCD 码都是四位二进制代码。 ( )3、二进制数1001和二进制代码1001都表示十进制数9。 ( )4、TTL 与非门输入采用多发射极三极管,其目的是提高电路的开关速度。 ( )5、OC 与非门的输出端可以并联运行,实现“线与”关系,即L=L 1+L 2 ( )6、CMOS 门电路中输入端悬空作逻辑0使用。 ( )7、数字电路中最基本的运算电路是加法器。 ( )8、要改变触发器的状态,必须有CP 脉冲的配合。

音基模拟试卷 第一套

全国音乐等级考试《乐理·视唱练耳》 模拟考试卷(第一套) 一、单项选择题(该大题共40小题,每小题2分,共80分) 1、根据所给谱例,下列选项中适于填入“□”内的是() A. B. C. D. 2、根据所给谱例,下列选项中与“□”内音符时值相同的是() A. B. C. D. 3、下列“□”中与给定唱名一致的是() Re 4、所给谱例中,“□”内音符的正确唱名是() A. Do B. Mi C. La D. Sol

5、所给谱例中,“□”内符号的正确名称是() A. 二分休止符 B. 全休止符 C. 八分休止符 D. 四分休止符 6、所给谱例中,“□”内符号正确的含义是() A. 弱 B. 渐弱 C. 很弱 D. 强 7、根据所给的模进规律,下列选项中适于填入“□”内的是() A. B. C. D. 8、根据所给的模进规律,下列选项中适于填入“□”内的是() A. B. C. D.

9、下列“□”中与给定音程一致的是() 四度 A B C D 10、所给谱例中,“□”内音程的度数是() A. 三度 B. 四度 C. 二度 D. 六度 11、根据播放的音响,所给谱例中“□”内的部分是() A. B. C. D. 12、下列选项中,与播放的音响一致的是()

13、根据播放的音响,所给谱例中“□”内的音符是() A. B. C. D. 14、根据播放的音响,所给谱例中“□”内音符的唱名是() A. Do B. Re C. Mi D. Fa 15、根据播放的音响,所给谱例中“□”内的部分应是() A. B. C. D.

16、下列选项中,与播放的音响一致的是() 17、根据播放的音响,所给谱例中“□”内的部分是() A. B. C. D. 18、根据所给谱例,与播放的音响不一致的小节是() ①. ②. ③. ④. A. ①② B. ②③ C. ①④ D. ③④


大学英语四级考试模拟试卷及参考答案(第 一套) Part II Reading Comprehension (35 minutes) Directions: There are 4 reading passages in this part. Each passage is foll owed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are fou r choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and ma rk the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Passage One Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage. There is a difference between science and technology. Science is a method o f answering theoretical questions; technology is a method of solving practical problems. Science has to do with discovering the facts and relationships betwee n observable phenomena in nature and with establishing theories that serve to o rganize these facts and relationships; technology has to do with tools, techniq ues, and procedures for implementing the finding of science. Another distinction between science and technology has to do with the progr ess in each. Progress in science excludes the human factor. Scientists, who seek to comp rehend the universe and know the truth within the highest degree of accuracy an d certainty, cannot pay attention to their own or other people's likes or disli kes or to popular ideas about the fitness of things. What scientists discover m ay shock or anger people-as did Darwin's theory of evolution. But even an unple asant truth is more than likely to be useful; besides, we have the choice of re fusing to believe it! But hardly so with technology; we do not have the choice


以下为2015年9月外语专业教指委官方公布的TEM4 新题型样卷。 TEM 4 SAMPLE TEST (部分) TIME LIMIT: 130 MIN Part I DICTATION [10 MIN] Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 1 minute to check through your work once more. Please write the whole passage on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Part II LISTENING COMPREHENSION [20 MIN] SECTION A TALK In this section you will hear a talk. You will hear the talk ONCE ONLY. While listening, you may look at ANSWEER SHEET ONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap. Make sure the word(s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may use


C期末考试题及答案 Revised at 2 pm on December 25, 2020.

一、填空题(每空0.5分,共30分) 1、世界坐标系简称__WCS_用户自定义坐标系简称__UCS_。 2、工作空间的切换:“工具”/“工作空间”或“工作空间”工具栏。 3、工具栏包括30种,系统默认的显示工具栏包括:“标准”、“属性”、“绘图”和“修改”等工具栏。 4、多线的对正方式有_上(T)_、_无(Z)_和_下(B)_。 5、文字标注包括标注单行文字和标注多行文字。 6、渲染环境是指在渲染对象时进行的雾化和深度设置。 7、漫游和飞行用户可以通过键盘和鼠标来控制视图显示,并创建导航动画。 8、编辑实体的边的种类:压印边、复制边、着色边。 9、动态块是通过自定义夹点或自定义特性定义的块。在图形中使用动态块,用户可以随时对组成块的对象进行修改。 10、三维实体是具有体积、质量、重心、回转半径、惯性距等特征的三维对象。 11、在AutoCAD 2007中,用户可以创建的光源有电光源、聚光灯光源和平行光光源。 12、相切、相切、半径法是指:通过指定圆的两个切点和半径来绘制圆。 13、绘制圆环的步骤中,先输入圆环的内径和外径,后确定圆环的中心点。 14、计算机辅助设计是:工程技术人员在CAD系统的辅助下,根据产品的设计程序进行设计的一项新技术。 15、菜单栏包括11种,每一种菜单中都含有四种显示情况:命令后跟右三角 、后跟省略号、后跟快捷键或功能键或命令呈灰色。 16、要对图形对象进行编辑就必须选中图形对象,在AutoCAD 2007中,选择对象的方法很多,常用的有_直接拾取_、矩形框选择_、_不规则区域选择_和快速选择。 17、在设置显示精度时,如果设置的精度越高,即分辨率就越高,计算机计算的时间 也越长,显示图形的速度也就越慢。 18、三维基本实体的种类包括:多段体、长方体、楔体、圆柱体、圆锥体、球体、圆环体、棱锥面。 19、布尔运算中只留重复的一部分的运算是交集运算。从一个图形中去掉与另一个图形重复部分的运算是差集运算。




大学英语四级考试模拟试卷及参考答案(第 一套) Part II Reading Comprehension (35 minutes) Directions: There are 4 reading passages in this part. Each passage is foll owed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are fou r choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and ma rk the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Passage One Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage. There is a difference between science and technology. Science is a method o f answering theoretical questions; technology is a method of solving practical problems. Science has to do with discovering the facts and relationships betwee n observable phenomena in nature and with establishing theories that serve to o rganize these facts and relationships; technology has to do with tools, techniq ues, and procedures for implementing the finding of science. Another distinction between science and technology has to do with the progr ess in each. Progress in science excludes the human factor. Scientists, who seek to comp rehend the universe and know the truth within the highest degree of accuracy an d certainty, cannot pay attention to their own or other people's likes or disli kes or to popular ideas about the fitness of things. What scientists discover m ay shock or anger people-as did Darwin's theory of evolution. But even an unple asant truth is more than likely to be useful; besides, we have the choice of re fusing to believe it! But hardly so with technology; we do not have the choice


幼儿园课程论期末模拟试题参考答案 (07秋试题) 一、填空题(每空1分,共10分) 1.儿童的自然发展和一般能力,教师教学的学业知识、技能 2.日常生活活动,游戏活动,教学活动 3.斯坦豪斯 4.作业,秩序 5.幼儿园工作规程,幼儿园教育指导纲要(试行) 二、选择题(每题均有一个或一个以上的正确答案,多选、漏选、错选均不得分。每小题2分,共10分) 1.B 2.ABC 3.B 4.AD 5.A 三、名词解释题(每小题5分,共20分) 1.外系统是指发展的人并没有参与的、但又影响或受其中所发生的一切所影响的一个或多个环境。 2.目标模式是以对社会有实用价值的目标作为课程开发的基础和核心,并在此基础上选择、组织和评价学习经验的课程编制模式。 3.幼儿园课程评价是针对幼儿园课程的特点和组成成分,分析和判断幼儿园课程的价值的过程,即评估由于幼儿园课程的影响所引起的变化的数量和程度。 4.单元教学是从能引起儿童兴趣的专题或概念发展出单元,设计教育活动时将儿童发展的各个方面或者各个学科综合到单元之中,并在一段时间内围绕这个单元组织教育活动的课程形式。 四、简答题(每小题8分,共32分) 1.课程即科目:主要讨论以文化遗产和科学为基础组织教学的各种课程形态。 课程即经验:课程被认为是儿童在教师指导下的所获得的一切经验。 课程即目标:将课程界定为预期的学习结果和目标。 课程即计划:课程是学习者在学校指导下所获得全部经验的计划和方案。 2.(1)逻辑顺序与心理顺序:逻辑顺序指的是根据学科本身的系统及其内在的联系组织课程内容;心理顺序指的是以适合儿童心理特点的方式组织课程内容。

(2)纵向组织与横向组织:纵向组织指的是按照课程组织的某些准则,以先后顺序排列课程内容;横向组织指的是按“广义概念”组织课程内容,即打破传统的知识体系,使课程内容与儿童已有经验联为一体。 (3)直线式组织与螺旋式组织:直线式组织指的是将课程内容组织成一条在逻辑上前后联系的直线,使前后内容互不重复;螺旋式组织指的是在不同的阶段,课程内容会重复出现,但是这些重复出现的内容在深度和广度上都有所加强。 3.(1)所计划的教育活动的程度应尽可能与儿童的发展水平相当 (2)所计划的教育活动的次序应尽可能与儿童的发展程序相近 (3 )所计划的教育活动应尽可能与个体和群体儿童的需要相符合 4.方案教学的组织和实施过程没有固定的程式,一切应根据时间、地点和条件而灵活地确定活动的操作步骤。 一般而言,方案教学可以包括以下3个步骤: (1)方案的起始阶段:包括方案教学主题的选择;方案教学主题网络的编制。 (2)方案活动的展开阶段:在方案活动进行的过程中,教师和儿童双方始终处于积极互动状态之中,多种类型的活动保证了这种互动。家长的参与和社区资源的充分利用,在方案教学中也占有重要的地位。 (3)方案活动的总结阶段:回顾儿童在方案活动进行过程中运用过的技巧、策略以及儿童的探索过程。 五、论述题(每小题14分,共28分) 1.(1)涵义 教育活动的设计和实施在结构化程度上由低到高,形成一个连续体; 每种类型的教育活动本身的性质,决定了该教育活动结构化程度的基本状况; 同种类型教育活动的结构化程度也会有所不同; 幼儿园课程的教育取向反映在连续体的相对位置上。 (2)启示 能比较清晰地认识各种常见的幼儿园教育活动的基本性质,特别是这些教育活动的结构化程度; 在具体设计和实施教育活动时,能把握该教育活动性质及在结构化程度方面所具有的弹性范围; 幼儿园课程整体的价值取向确定以后,能比较清晰和理性地组合该课程的各种教育活动。 2


英语二级考试模拟第一套模拟题含答案 Part II: Vocabulary and Structure (35%) Section A (15%) Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part .For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B) ,C) ,and D).You must choose the one answer that best completes the sentence .Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 19.After a whole day of hard work I’m very tired. It’s time we _____home. A)go B)shall C)went D)should go 20.The continuous rain _____ the harvesting of the wheat crop by two weeks. A)set out B)set aside C)set off D)set back 21.In those two years, Professor Brooks often had us _____such oral presentations in class. A)did B)done C)to do D) do 22.It is quite necessary for a qualified teacher to have good manners and _____knowledge. A)intensive B)ineffective C)extensive D)expensive 23._____ I admire George as an artist ,I do not like him as a man. A)Only if B)Much as C)If only D)As much
