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1. 素质教育:Quality Education

2. EQ:分两种,一种为教育商数Educational quotient,另一种情感商数Emotional quotient

3. 保险业:the insurance industry

4. 保证重点指出:ensure funding for priority areas

5. 补发拖欠的养老金:clear up pension payments in arrears

6. 不良贷款:non-performing loan

7. 层层转包和违法分包:mutlti-level contracting and illegal subcontracting

8. 城乡信用社:credit cooperative in both urban and rural areas

9. 城镇居民最低生活保障:a minimum standard of living for city residents

10. 城镇职工医疗保障制度:the system of medical insurance for urban workers

11. 出口信贷:export credit

12. 贷款质量:loan quality

13. 贷款质量五级分类办法:the five-category assets classification for bank loans

14. 防范和化解金融风险:take precautions against and reduce financial risks

15. 防洪工程:flood-prevention project

16. 非法外汇交易:illegal foreign exchange transaction

17. 非贸易收汇:foreign exchange earnings through nontrade channels

18. 非银行金融机构:non-bank financial institutions

19. 费改税:transform administrative fees into taxes

20. 跟踪审计:foolow-up auditing

21. 工程监理制度:the monitoring system for projects

22. 国有资产安全:the safety of state-owned assets

23. 过度开垦:excess reclamation

24. 合同管理制度:the contract system for governing projects

25. 积极的财政政策:pro-active fiscal policy

26. 基本生活费:basic allowance

27. 解除劳动关系:sever labor relation

28. 金融监管责任制:the responsibility system for financial supervision

29. 经济安全:economic security

30. 靠扩大财政赤字搞建设:to increase the deficit to spend more on development

31. 扩大国内需求:the expansion of domestic demand

32. 拉动经济增长:fuel economic growth

33. 粮食仓库:grain depot

34. 粮食收购企业:grain collection and storage enterprise

35. 粮食收购资金实行封闭运行:closed operation of grain purchase funds

36. 粮食销售市场:grain sales market

37. 劣质工程:shoddy engineering

38. 乱收费、乱摊派、乱罚款:arbitrary charges, fund-raising, quotas and fines

39. 骗汇、逃汇、套汇:obtain foreign currency under false pretenses, not turn over foreign owed to the government and illegal arbitrage

40. 融资渠道:financing channels

41. 商业信贷原则:the principles for commercial credit

42. 社会保险机构:social security institution

43. 失业保险金:unemployment insurance benefits

44. 偷税、骗税、逃税、抗税:tax evasion, tax fraud and refusal to pay taxes

45. 外汇收支:foreign exchange revenue and spending

46. 安居工程:housing project for low-income urban residents

47. 信息化:information-based; informationization

48. 智力密集型:concentration of brain power; knowledge-intensive

49. 外资企业:overseas-funded enterprises

50. 下岗职工:laid-off workers

51. 分流:reposition of redundant personnel

52. 素质教育:education for all-round development

53. 豆腐渣工程:jerry-built projects

54. 社会治安情况:law-and-order situation

55. 民族国家:nation state

56. “台独”:"independence of Taiwan"

57. 台湾当局:Taiwan authorities

58. 台湾同胞:Taiwan compatriots

59. 台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分:Taiwan is an inalienable part of the Chinese territory.

60. 西部大开发:Development of the West Regions

61. 可持续性发展:sustainable development

62. 风险投资:risk investment

63. 通货紧缩:deflation

64. 扩大内需:to expand domestic demand

65. 计算机辅助教学:computer-assisted instruction (CAI )

66. 网络空间:cyberspace

67. 虚拟现实:virtual reality

68. 网民:netizen (net citizen )

69. 电脑犯罪:computer crime

70. 电子商务:the e-business

71. 网上购物:shopping online

72. 应试教育:exam-oriented education

73. 学生减负:to reduce study load

74. “厄尔尼诺”:(EL Nino)

75. “拉尼娜”:(La Nina)

76. “智商”:(IQ)

77. “情商”:(EQ)

78. “第三产业”:(third/tertiary industry,service sector,third sequence of enterprises)79.“第四产业”:(quaternary/information industry)

80.“军嫂”:(military spouse)




84.“xxx”:dancing outreach

85.“传销”:multi level marketing

86.“(计算机)2000年问题”:Y2K problem(y for year, k for kilo or thousand)

87.“白皮书”:white paper(不是white cover book)



89.“白条”:IOU note(IOU:债款、债务,由I owe you 的读音缩略转义而来)

90.“巡回招聘”:milk round(一种招聘毕业生的方式,大公司走访各大学及学院,向求职者介绍本公司情况并与报名者晤谈)。

91.“减员增效”:increase efficiency by downsizing staff;

92.“抓大放小”:manage large enterprises well while ease control over small ones;

93.“市政府要办的X件实事”:x major projects that should be given top priority as designated on the municipal government's working agenda;

94.“两个基本点”:two focal points,two of the major points of the line set by the 13th Congress of the CPC,I.e.upholding the four cardinal principles and the policies reform,opening to the outside world and invigorating domestic economy.

95.“投资热点”:a region attractive to investors,a muchsought piece of hand,popular investment spot


97.“三角债”:chain debts或debt chains

98.“拳头产品”:knockout product

99.“投诉热线”:dial-a-cheat confidential hotline(打电话告诉一件欺诈事件)

100.“三通”的现译文three links:link of trade,travel and post

101.“外资”:overseas investments

102.“开放”:open to the outside world


104.“三陪服务”:escort services(陪伴服务)。

105.“五讲四美”:five stresses and four points of beauty

106.“暴利”:excessive/extravagant/exorbitant/sudden huge profit(windfall profit也好)

107.“暴发户”:upstart,parvenu,noov(e),nouveau riche(new rich),jumped-up people(口语)

108.“快餐”:snack(food),quick meal,fast(food,meal),takeaway,carryout,MRE(meals ready to eat)


109.一次处理:single/primary treatment;

110.一次污染:primary pollution;


112.一次空气:fresh/primary air;


114.一次付清:pay in full;

115.一次消费:one-time-consumption;116.一次误差:first-order error;

117.一次成像照片:a Polaroid picture;118.一次偿还信贷:non-in-stallment;119.一次性杯子:sanitary cup;

120.一次性筷子:disposable chopsticks;121.一次性收入:lump-sum payment;122.一次用包装:non-returnable container;123.一次用相机:single-use camera

124.西部开发:Develop Western Regions

125.假日经济:Holiday Economy

126.手机的利与弊:Advantages and Disadvantages of the Cell Phone 127.传呼机不久将会被淘汰吗?:Can Beepers Be Soon Out of Use? 128.电脑病毒:Computer Viruses

129.网上犯罪:Cyber Crimes

130.旅游热:Tourism Wave

131.打拐:Cracking Down on the Abduction of Women and Children 132.反毒斗争:Anti-drug Battle


134.减负:Reduction of Students' Study Load

135.中国加入世贸组织:China's Entry into the WTO


137.告别1999:Farewell to the Special Year 1999

138.千年虫:The Millennium Bug

139.千禧年的梦想:My Millennium Dreams

140.拥抱新千年:Embracing the New Millennium

141.网上购物:Shopping on the Net

142.参考书的负面效应:My View on the Negative Effects of Reference Books

143.因特网的利与弊:Positive and Negative Aspects of Internet

144.人类第一张基因草图的意义:The Significance of the First Working Draft of Human Genome Map

145.高校合并:The Merging of Universities

146.网上求职:Hunting for A Job on Internet

147.何为新世纪的好老师?:What Is a Good Teacher in the Next Century?

148.中国的外资:China's foreign Investment

149.中国的人才流失:The Talent Flight in China

150.性教育:Sex Education

151.明天的因特网:The Future Tomorrows Internet

152.课堂是以教师为中心还是以学生为中心?:A Teacher-centered Class or A Student-centered Class?

153.现有的考试制度的利与弊:The Positive and Negative Aspects of Exams and the Existing Examination System

154.中国的因特网:Internet in China

155.中国的电脑:Computers in China

156.中国的大学英语教学:College English Teaching in China

157.新的收费政策把学生拒之门外了吗?:Does New Tuition Policy Keep Students Away?

158.家教的利与弊:Positive and Negative Aspects of Home Tutoring

159.教师,国家的未来:Teachers, A Nation's Future

160.电子词典:Electronic Dictionaries

161.教育应是应试教育还是素质教育:Education: Examination-oriented or Quality-oriented

162.提倡创新精神:Develop Our Creative Mind

163.计算机辅助教学:CAI/Computer Assisted Instruction

164.自动取款机的利与弊:Advantages and Disadv antages of the ATM

165.展望廿一世纪:Looking Forward to the 21st Century

166.盗版问题:Problem of Piracy

167.学会如何学习:Learn How to Learn

168.假文凭:Fake Diplomas

169.书的不良影响:My View on the Negative Effects of Books

170.人们为什么热衷于摸彩票?:Why Do People Like to Try Their Luck on Lottery?

171.兼职工作:My View on a Part-time Job

172.无偿献血:Blood Donation without Repayment

173.留学海外:Studying Abroad

174.发展经济还是保护环境?:Developing Economy or Protecting the Environment?

175.电子邮件:The Internet E-mail

176.拥抱知识经济的新时代:Embracing the Knowledge Economy Age

177.努力更新知识:Trying to Renew Knowledge

178.深化(中国的)改革:Deepen China's Reform

179.因特网的利与弊:The Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet

180.我们需要因特网吗?:Do We Need Internet?

181.大学英语考试:College English Test

182.大学英语四、六级考试有必要吗?:Is the College English Test Band 4/Band 6 Necessary?

183.廿一世纪的青年人:The Youth and the 21st Century


常用金融英语词汇的 翻译

常用金融英语词汇的翻译 acquiring company 收购公司 bad loan 呆帐 chart of cash flow 现金流量表 clearly-established ownership 产权清晰 debt to equity 债转股 diversity of equities 股权多元化 economy of scale 规模经济 emerging economies 新兴经济 exchange-rate regime 汇率机制 fund and financing 筹资融资 global financial architecture 全球金融体系 global integration, globality 全球一体化,全球化 go public 上市 growth spurt (经济的)急剧增长 have one's "two commas" 百万富翁 hedge against 套期保值 housing mortgage 住房按揭 holdings 控股,所持股份 holding company 控股公司 initial offerings 原始股 initial public offerings 首次公募 innovative business 创新企业 intellectual capital 智力资本 inter-bank lending 拆借 internet customer 网上客户 investment payoff period 投资回收期 joint-stock 参股 mall rat 爱逛商店的年轻人 means of production 生产要素 (the)medical cost social pool for major diseases 大病医疗费用社会统筹mergers and acquisitions 并购


翻译硕士考研英语翻译历年常考单词 丰富的词汇量会让我们在英语考试中占得优势,小编整理2011-2014年考研英语中真题中的常用词汇,希望大家认真背诵,集中记忆,相信会对大家的考研有很大帮助,也预祝大家考研成功。 2014年 1) articulate 清晰的表达, 2) by all accounts根据、根据报道;byone’s own account根据某人自己所说,letalone更别提, 3) intensity紧张,abruptly突然地,sudden突然,soft柔和的,passage段落,rarely很少、几乎不,composer作曲家,compose作曲、编写, 4) associate联系, 5) suffer遭受, inevitable不可避免, render转换、使变成; 2013年 1) strike打、震撼,for all尽管,style风格,urge需求、督促、鼓励,decoration装饰, 2)sacred神圣的,crude原始、粗糙,as opposed to与相反,shelter避难所, 3) ineffect实际上,urban城市,discernible容易看出的,discern看出、识别, 4)blame批评, 5)implicit隐含的,explicit明确的,reference谈到、提及、参考,synthetic人造的; 2012年 1) impulse冲动,unification统一、一致,generative生产的、生成的,generate产生, 2) constrain力劝、强迫、限制,constraint限制, 3) filter过滤, cognitive认知的, 4) empirical实证的、根据经验得到的,bias偏见, 5) track跟踪; 2011年 1) erroneous错误的,error错误, 2) sustain支持、维持,illusion幻觉,conscious有意识的, 3) justification合理,借口,justify证明是公正的,rationalization合理,exploitation剥削、开发, bottom底, 4) circumstance环境, 5) upside积极的、正面的,contain包含,be up to取决于,array展示、陈列、一系列; 丰富的词汇量会让我们在英语考试中占得优势,小编整理2006-2010年考研英语中真题中的常用词汇,希望大家认真背诵,集中记忆,相信会对大家的考研有很大帮助,也预祝大家考研成功。 2010年 1)rescue拯救,to the effect that大意是说,failed to不能, 2)intrinsic内在的、固有的,regardlessof不管,presence出席,absence缺席, 3)creature生物,species物种,


如果他一开始谈论过去,你就永远都没法从他那儿脱身。(get away from) If he starts talking about the past, you'll never get away from him. 2. 冬天失业率有上升的趋势。(tendency) There is a tendency for job losses to rise in the winter. 3. 在我不断地要求下,父亲终于同意和我一起去澳大利亚了。(frequent) Because of my frequent demands, father finally agreed to go to Australia with me. 4. 他把老店卖了,开了一家新店,以便赚更多的钱。(make money) He sold his shop and opened a new one to make more money. It is more than just clothing and hairstyles that are in style one year and out of date the next; it's a whole way of living. 迅速变化的不仅仅只是一年流行而第二年就过时的服饰和发型,而是整个生活方式。 2. In 1981, for example, an unknown elderly woman appeared in a TV advertisement in which she looked at a very small hamburger and complained loudly, "Where's the beef?" 比如,1981年,一位名不见经传的老妇人出现在一个电视广告里,她看着一只很小的汉堡包,大声抱怨道:“牛肉呢?” 3. Although clothing designers influence fads in fashion because they want to make money, this desire for money doesn't explain fads in other areas, such as language. 尽管时装设计师影响时装潮流为的是赚钱,但这种赚钱的欲望并不能解释其他方面的时尚,例如语言。 4. However, in the United States, there is an additional reason for fads: most Americans seem to feel that something is wrong if there isn't frequent change in their lives. 但是,在美国,时尚的发生另有原因:大多数美国人似乎觉得,如果他们的生活没有发生频繁的变化,那一定有什么地方不对劲了。 1. 我们应该从失败中吸取教训, 这是很重要的。(learn a lesson from) It is important for us to learn a lesson from the failure. 2. 他相信自己想当证券经纪人的梦想总有一天会实现。(come true) He believes that one day his dream of becoming a stockbroker will come true. 3. 很多学生最后从事的工作不需要用到所学的知识。(end up) Many students end up doing jobs that do not make use of what they have learnt. 4. 我一提到他的名字,母亲就变得很不开心。(as soon as) As soon as I mentioned his name, my mother became very unhappy. Helen was in her 60s, had red hair, and tons of self-respect—something I was really lacking. 海伦六十多岁,红头发,自尊心很强——这是我当时真正缺乏的东西。 2. When I helped out in the kitchen, for example, nothing made me feel better than preparing the eggs and serving them just the way the customers wanted. 比如,我在厨房里帮忙的时候,没有什么比完全按照顾客希望的方式做好鸡蛋、给他们端上更让我感到高兴的了。 3. Thanks to the confidence I picked up from Helen, I dreamed of having my own restaurant one day. 因为从海伦那里学到了自信,我梦想着有一天能拥有自己的餐馆。 4. I know I could do so much more if somebody would just have faith in me. 我知道,只要有人相信我,我还能做很多事情。 1. 只要你经常锻炼,你又会变得健康起来。(as long as) As long as you get regular exercise, you will become healthy again.


广告英语翻译常用词汇 产品远销英国、美国、日本、意大利和东南亚,深受消费者欢迎和好评Our products are sold in Britain, America, Japan, Italy and South East Asia and well appreciated by their purchasers. 畅销全球 selling well all over the world 典雅大方 elegant and graceful 定型耐久 durable modeling 方便顾客 making things convenient for customers 方便群众 making things convenient for the people; to suit the peo ple's convenience 方便商品 convenience goods 方便生活 bringing more convenience to the people in their daily life; prov iding amenities for the people; making life easier for the popula tion 各式俱全 wide selection; large assortment

顾客第一 Customers first 顾客是我们的皇帝 We take customers as our Gods. 规格齐全 a complete range of specifications; complete in specific ations 花样繁多 a wide selection of colours and designs 货色齐全 goods of every description are available. 客商第一,信誉第一 clients first, reputation first 款式多样 a great variety of models 款式活泼端庄 vivid and great in style 款式齐全 various styles 款式新颖 attractive designs; fashionable(in) style; novel (in) de sign; up-to-date styling 款式新颖众多 diversified latest designs 美观大方 elegant appearance 美观耐用 attractive and durable 品质优良,疗效显著,誉满全球,欢迎选购 excellent quality, evident effect, good reputation over the world, orders are welcome. 品种多样 numerous in variety 品种繁多 great varieties 品种齐全 complete range of articles; a great variety of goods



China raises interest rates to slow inflation The People's Bank of China, the central bank, raised key savings and lending interest rates from Sunday, March 18, the third time in 11 months in a bid to curb inflation and asset bubbles in the world's fastest-growing major economy. The one-year benchmark lending rate will be raised to 6.39 percent from 6.12 percent, and the one-year deposit rate will be increased to 2.79 percent from 2.52 percent, according to a statement on the bank's website (https://www.sodocs.net/doc/173206169.html,) . Central bank Governor Zhou Xiao chuan is concerned that cash from a record trade surplus is stoking excess investment, raising the risk of accelerating inflation and boom-and-bust cycles in asset prices. Zhou has resisted calls from Europe and the US to let the Yuan strengthen at a faster pace, making China's exports more expensive. The central bank said, said in a statement posted on its website, that this interest rates adjustment will be conducive to the rational growth of credit and investment; conducive to maintaining a stable price level; conducive to the steady operation of the financial system; conducive to the balanced economic growth and structural optimization, and conducive to promoting sound and fast growth of the national economy. "The data released in the past week suggests that the economy is not actually slowing and that the government is becoming quite


英语四级段落翻译常用词汇:中国历史与文化 京剧Peking opera 秦腔Qin opera 功夫Kungfo 太极Tai Chi 口技ventriloquism 木偶戏puppet show 皮影戏shadowplay 折子戏opera highlights 杂技acrobatics 相声witty dialogue comedy 刺绣embroidery 苏绣Suzhou embroidery 泥人clay figure 书法calligraphy 中国画traditional Chinese painting 水墨画Chinese brush painting 中国结Chinese knot 中国古代四大发明the four great inventions of ancient China 火药gunpowder 印刷术printing 造纸术paper-making 指南针the compass 青铜器bronze ware 瓷器porcelain; china 唐三彩tri-color glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty 景泰蓝cloisonne 秋千swing 武术martial arts 儒家思想Confucianism 儒家文化Confucian culture 道教Taoism 墨家Mohism 法家Legalism 佛教Buddhism 孔子Confucius 孟子Mencius 老子Lao Tzu 庄子Chuang Tzu 墨子Mo Tzu 孙子Sun Tzu 象形文字pictographic characters 文房四宝(笔墨纸观)the Four Treasures of the Study (brush, ink stick, paper, and ink stone) 《大学》The Great Learning


法律英语LEC翻译考试:立法文本翻译 关于名称翻译的若干思考 1 正确把握中国规范性法律文件的性质 所谓“规范性法律文件”,是指由国家机构制定和颁布,具有普遍法律效力的文件。需要特别指出的是,“普遍”包括两个层次的含义,一是在整个中国领域内;二是在中国特定区域内。 从法的渊源上分类,中国规范性法律文件有宪法、法律、行政法规、行政规章、地方性法规、特别行政区法、司法解释等7类。 对第一类,在施行成文宪法的国家,通常就称为“宪法”(Constitution),具有最高法律效力; 由全国人大或其常委会制定,在全国范围内普遍适用的规范性法律文件,一般称为“法”,但并不排除在某些情况下使用“通则”、“条例”、“决定”、“规定”、“补充规定”、“解释”、“办法”等的名称。相应的例子是:《公司法》、《民法通则》、《治安处罚管理条例》、《关于惩治违反公司法的犯罪的决定》、《关于县级以下人大代表直接选举的若干规定》、《关于惩治泄露国家秘密犯罪的补充规定》、《关于〈中华人民共和国刑法〉第九十三条第二款的解释》、《中国人民解放军选举全国人大和地方各级人大代表的办法》等。需指出的是,“决定”、“规定”、“补充规定”、“办法”等文件通常都具有临时性特点,并非永久性的法律,它们随时都有可能被后来通过的正式法律所代替或吸收。尽管如此,它们的效力仍在宪法之下,在行政法规、司法解释和规章之上。

由国务院、国务院各部委、地方人大、地方政府以及中央军委制定和颁布的行政法规、地方性法规、规章等多命名为“条例”、“实施细则”、“规定”、“办法”等。相应的例子是:《中外合资经营企业法实施条例》、《中外合作经营企业法实施细则》、《关于鼓励外商投资的规定》、《外商投资企业清算办法》等。论效力,国务院的行政法规高于国务院各部委的规章和地方法规; 由最高人民法院制定和公布的,在全国范围内的审判工作中具有普遍法律效力的规范性法律文件,包括“解释”、“规定”“批复”,统称为“司法解释”。相应的例子是:《关于适用〈中华人民共和国合同法〉若干问题的解释(一)》、《关于加强和改进委托执行工作的若干规定》、《关于农村合作基金会从业人员犯罪如何定性问题的批复》等,其效力自然低于宪法和法律。至于司法解释与行政法规、规章和地方性法规的效力孰高孰低,现行法律并没有规定。我以为,司法解释是自成一体规范性文件,不宜将之与行政法规、规章和地方性法规等强作比较。 准确理解规范性法律文件的效力等级,有助于为名称翻译选择恰当的英语格式词。 2 学习和研究英国法律规范性文件的名称 在法律名称的翻译方面,我首先提倡拿来主义,学习英国或其他英美法系国家、地区制定法的命名模式,这是理所当然的。我们翻译中国法律,目的就是让讲英语(English speaking)国家、地区的人士阅读,按照他们的模式去翻译、命名自然是最合符他们阅读与理解


经典英文广告语20条 经典英文广告语20条 1. Good to the last drop. 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦斯威尔咖啡) 2. Obey your thirst. 服从你的渴望。(雪碧) 3. The new digital era. 数码新时代。(索尼影碟机) 4. We lead. Others copy. 我们领先,他人仿效。(理光复印机) 5. Impossible made possible. 使不可能变为可能。(佳能打印机) 6. Take time to indulge. 尽情享受吧!(雀巢冰激凌) 7. The relentless pursuit of perfection. 不懈追求完美。(凌志轿车) 8. Poetry in motion, dancing close to me. 动态的诗,向我舞近。(丰田汽车) 9. Come to where the flavor is. Marlboro Country. 光临风韵之境——万宝路世界。(万宝路香烟) 10.To me, the past is black and white, but the future is always color.对我而言,过去平淡无奇;而未来,却是绚烂缤纷。(轩尼诗酒) 11. Just do it. 只管去做。(耐克运动鞋) 12. Ask for more. 渴望无限。(百事流行鞋) 13. The taste is great. 味道好极了。(雀巢咖啡) 14. Feel the new space. 感受新境界。(三星电子) 15. Intelligence everywhere. 智慧演绎,无处不在。(摩托罗拉手机) 16. The choice of a new generation. 新一代的选择。(百事可乐) 17. We integrate, you communicate. 我们集大成,您超越自我。(三菱电工) 18. Take TOSHIBA, take the world. 拥有东芝,拥有世界。(东芝电子) 19. Let’s make things better. 让我们做得更好。(飞利浦电子) 20. No business too small, no problem too big.


外国语学院 毕业论文 (2012级) 论文题目 广告英语的特点及其翻译 外国语学院 商务英语 12商务英语2 3120621204 骆飘 王习 2015.05.31 成 绩 作者姓名 专业 二级学院 班级 指导老师 完稿时间 学号

骆飘 摘要:随着经济全球化步伐的加快,广告英语越来越多的融入到我们的生活中。广告英语作为一种特殊用途的语言,有着自己鲜明的特点。本文首先从语言特点、句型特色和修辞特色方面对广告英语的特点进行分析并举例论证。然后从广告英语的词汇、句法、修辞特征说明其翻译原则。再从直译和互译以及套译这三个方面来探讨翻译的方法。最后从文化的不同和翻译者的态度这两个方面论述翻译中存在着的问题和产生的影响。 关键词:广告英语;特点;翻译原则;翻译方法;问题 Abstract: With the development of society, the accelerated pace of economic globalization, the advertising English more and more integrated into our lives. Advertising English as a as a kind of special use language, has its own distinctive features. This article from the aspects of vocabulary, sentence and rhetoric to the features of advertising English is analyzed and an example. Then from the vocabulary, sentence and rhetorical features of advertising English translation principles. From literal translation and translation and translation of these three aspects to explore the methods of translation. Finally from the attitude of the cultural differences and translators in translation of these two aspects exist problems and the impact of. Key words:The characteristics of advertising English; Characteristic; The principle of translation; translation method 一、引语 1


金融英语考试常用词汇翻译 1. 素质教育:Quality Education 2. EQ:分两种,一种为教育商数Educational quotient,另一种情感商数Emotional quotient 3. 保险业:the insurance industry 4. 保证重点指出:ensure funding for priority areas 5. 补发拖欠的养老金:clear up pension payments in arrears 6. 不良贷款:non-performing loan 7. 层层转包和违法分包:mutlti-level contracting and illegal subcontracting 8. 城乡信用社:credit cooperative in both urban and rural areas 9. 城镇居民最低生活保障:a minimum standard of living for city residents 10. 城镇职工医疗保障制度:the system of medical insurance for urban workers

11. 出口信贷:export credit 12. 贷款质量:loan quality 13. 贷款质量五级分类办法:the five-category assets classification for bank loans 14. 防范和化解金融风险:take precautions against and reduce financial risks 15. 防洪工程:flood-prevention project 16. 非法外汇交易:illegal foreign exchange transaction 17. 非贸易收汇:foreign exchange earnings through nontrade channels 18. 非银行金融机构:non-bank financial institutions 19. 费改税:transform administrative fees into taxes 20. 跟踪审计:foolow-up auditing 21. 工程监理制度:the monitoring system for projects


英语翻译资格考试/备考辅导 2016年英语翻译考试笔译高级高频词汇 (10) rural culture 乡村文化 native culture 当地文化 performing art 表演艺术 popular art, pop art 现代流行艺术 high art 纯艺术 refined art 高雅艺术 cinematographic art 电影艺术 theatrical art 戏剧艺术 male (the positive male role) 生(男性正面角色) female (the positive female role) 旦(女性正面角色)

a supporting male role with striking character 净(性格鲜明的男性配角) a clown or a negative role 丑(幽默滑稽或反面角色) painted role 花脸 monodrama; one-man show 独角戏 musical 歌舞喜剧 shtick 滑稽场面,搞笑小噱头 skit 滑稽短剧 amateur performer of Beijing Opera/Peking Opera fan 京剧票友 Peking Opera Mask 京剧人物脸谱 ventriloquism 口技 puppet show 木偶戏 voice over 旁白 shadow play; leather-silhouette show 皮影戏

story-telling 说书 make a human pyramid 叠罗汉 colors, primary 红、黄、蓝三原色 colors, secondary 合成色,间色 composition 构图 engraving 雕刻艺术,镌版术;亦指雕版印刷品,版画etching 蚀刻版画,蚀刻术,铜版画 foreshortening effect [绘画]通过透视原理表现立体空间 fresco [绘画]在灰泥的墙壁上作的水彩画,壁画 highlight [绘画]高光 high relief 高浮雕 impasto [绘画]厚涂颜料的绘画法,厚涂的颜料 inlaying 镶嵌 landscape 风景画,山水画


Mrs. Baroda was a little provoked to learn that her husba nd expected his frie nd, Gouvernail, up to spend a week or two on the pla ntati on. They had entertained a good deal during the win ter; much of the time had also bee n passed in New Orlea ns in various forms of mild dissipation. She was looking forward to a period of un broke n rest, now, and un disturbed tete-a-tete with her husba nd, when he in formed her that Gouvernail was coming up to stay a week or two. This was a man she had heard much of but never seen. He had been her husband's college friend; was now a journalist, and in no sense a society man or "a man about tow n," which were, perhaps, some of the reas ons she had n ever met him. But she had unconsciously formed an image of him in her mind. She pictured him tall, slim, cyni cal; with eye-glasses, and his hands in his pockets; and she did not like him. Gouver nail was slim eno ugh, but he was n't very tall nor very cyni cal; n either did he wear eyeglasses nor carry his hands in his pockets. And she rather liked him when he first presented himself. But why she liked him she could not expla in satisfactorily to herself whe n she partly attempted to do so. She could discover in him none of those brilliant and promising traits which Gast on, her husba nd, had often assured her that he possessed. On the contrary, he sat rather mute and receptive before her chatty eager ness to make him feel at home and in face of Gast on's frank and wordy hospitality. His


经典广告词中英文翻译2.Obey your thirst.服从你的渴望。(雪碧) 3.The new digital era.数码新时代。(索尼影碟机) 4.We lead.Others copy.我们领先,他人仿效。(理光复印机)5.Impossible made possible.使不可能变为可能。(佳能打印机) 6.Take time to indulge.尽情享受吧!(雀巢冰激凌) 7.The relentless pursuit of perfection.不懈追求完美。(凌志轿车)8.Poetry in motion,dancing close to me.动态的诗,向我舞近。(丰田汽车)9.Come to where the flavor is.Marlboro Country. 光临风韵之境——万宝路世界。(万宝路香烟) 10.To me,the past is black and white,but the future is always color.对我而言,过去平淡无奇;而未来,却是绚烂缤纷。(轩尼诗酒) 11. Just do it.只管去做。(耐克运动鞋) 12. Ask for more.渴望无限。(百事流行鞋) 13. The taste is great.味道好极了。(雀巢咖啡) 14. Feel the new space.感受新境界。(三星电子) 15. Intelligence everywhere.智慧演绎,无处不在。(摩托罗拉手机) 16. The choice of a new generation. 新一代的选择。(百事可乐) 17. We integrate, you communicate. 我们集大成,您超越自我。(三菱电工) 18. Take TOSHIBA, take the world. 拥有东芝,拥有世界。(东芝电子) 19. Let’s make things better.让我们做得更好。(飞利浦电子) 20. No business too small, no problem too big. 没有不做的小生意,没有解决不了的大问题。(IBM公司) 1 Good to the last drop 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽麦式咖啡Maxwell 2 Time is what you make of it 天长地久斯沃奇手表Swatch 3Make yourself heard 理解就是沟通爱立信Ericsson 4Start ahead 成功之路从头开始飘柔rejoice 5Diamond lasts forever 钻石恒久远,一颗永流传第比尔斯De Bieeres 6Things go better with Coca-cola 饮可口可乐万事如意 7Connecting people Nokia 科技以人为本诺基亚Nokia 9A Kodak moment 就在柯达一刻柯达Kodak 10Mosquito Bye Bye Bye,蚊子杀杀杀雷达牌驱蚊虫剂RADAR


4A 广告公司中常用英语词汇(zt) below-the-line advertising 线下广告除线上广告以外的各种广告形式。如促销广告(sales promotion advertising) 购物点广告 (P.O.Padvertising) ,直接邮递广告(direct mailadvertising) ,还包括举办展览会(exhibition) 和发起某项活动(sponsorship) 等。 billboard advertising 路牌广告 张贴或直接描绘在固定路牌上的广告。一般用喷绘或油漆手工绘制在路牌上。 brand advertising 品牌广告 宣传产品品牌的广告,旨在建立品牌忠诚度( brand loyalty ),使消费者或用户乐于认定或接受广告中的牌号。亦称产品广告( product advertising )。 brand preference 品牌偏好在同一类商品中,消费者对某一种品牌具有偏好而指定购买。其原因主要是使用后的满足感。品牌偏好与消费者的生活方式和消费习惯也有关。 brand insistence 品牌坚持 消费者购买某一种商品时指定要某一品牌,而其他品牌不能替代。先决条件是该品牌的产品质量好,广告有说服力,消费者用后感到满意。品牌坚持是产品广告的最高目标。 brand loyalty 品牌忠诚指消费者对某一品牌具有特殊的嗜好,因而在不断购买此类产品时,仅仅是认品牌而放弃对其他品牌的尝 brand name 产品名称产品的名称即“品牌名称”。好的品牌名称必须简洁、易读、易记、易写。美国有为产品取名的专业机构,他们利用电脑,把26个英文字母搭配成各种名称。有些品牌著名于世界,如克宁奶粉(Klim ),柯达(Kodak) 等。品牌名称可以作为注册商标,但应符合商标法的规定。 buyer 's market 买方市场或称买主市场。是以买方为中心的市场。当高超上卖主多买主少,商品供过于求,卖主竞相推销商品,买主呈观望态势,往往会导致商品价格下跌。在买方市场上买主处于支配地位。 Banner 横幅广告,一个表现商家广告内容的图片,放置在广告商的页面上,是互联网广告中最基本的广告形式,尺寸是480*60 像素,或233*30 像素,一般是使用GIF 格式的图像文件,可以使用静态图形,也可用多帧图像拼接为动画图像。除普通GIF格式外,新兴的RichMediaBanner (丰富媒体Banner)能赋予Banner更 强的表现力和交互内容,但一般需要用户使用的浏览器插件支持( Plug-in )。Banner 一般翻译为网幅广告、旗帜广告、横幅广告等。 brand share 品牌占有率


Opposite指“位置、方向、地位、性质、意义等对立的、相反的”, 如: 如: “True” and “ false ” have opposite meanings. “真”与“假”有着相反的意思。 Contrary指“两物朝相反的方向发展”, 含有“互相冲突, 不一致”的意思, 如: Your plan is contrary to mine. 你的计划与我的相反。 Inverse 颠倒的;倒数的 Evil is the inverse of good. Reverse 反过来,翻转 He reversed the car. 他倒车. 教育类 素质教育 education for all-round development 应试教育 the examination-oriented education 义务教育 compulsory education 片面追求升学率 place undue emphasis on the proportion of students' entering school of a higher level 高分低能 good scores but low qualities 扩招 expand enrollment 教书育人 impart knowledge and educate people 因材施教 teach students according to their aptitude 提高身心素质 improve the health and psychological quality 大学生创业 the university students' innovative undertaking 社会实践 social practice 文凭 diplomas and certificates 复合型人才 interdisciplinary talents 文化底蕴 the rich cultural deposits 适应社会的改变 adjust to the social changes 满足社会的急需 meet the urgent needs the society 工作类 人才流动和双向选择 talent flow and a dual-way selection 试用期 probationary period 跳槽 job-hopping 自由职业 freelance work 拜金主义 money worship 获得名利 achieve fame and wealth 充分发挥个人的潜力 develop fully one's potential and creativity 工作出色 excel in one's work 社会和个人的尊重 social and personal esteem 生计问题 a bread and butter issue 人才交流 talents exchange 培养人才 cultivate talents 人才外流 brain drain 失业问题 unemployment problems 下岗职工 the laid-off workers 自谋生路 be self-employed 劳动力短缺 shortage of manpower 医药卫生类 卫生环境 sanitary environment 营养不良 malnutrition
