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练习1 美国印象








☐或许,值得指出的是,被许多人指为美国式英语的其实是老的英国式表达,它们在我国已经消失,却在我们的殖民地里留存下来。许多人以为美国人常说的“I guess”(“我猜”)纯粹是一种美国式表达,但约翰∙洛克在他的The understanding (《理解论》)中就用过这种说法,就像我们现在使用“I think”(“我想”)一样。

☐(淡瀛洲译,略有修订)☐练习2 英国人的性格






☐在一天当中,英国人之间如此频繁地提到天气问题,自然让外国旅游者感到惊讶。英国人见面时,常以谈论天气代替通常的问候。人们很可能听到他们说:“今天天气可不错呀!” “是啊,好极了!” ,而不说“ 您早!您好吗?” 。虽然外国人可能认为这未免有点夸张,有点可笑,但值得指出的是,如能加以利用,那会对他们自己很有好处。如果他想和某个英国人(无论是男的或是女的)交谈,又不知从何谈起,他就蛮可以先谈谈天气。这个话题万无一失,即使是最沉默的英国人也会搭腔。









Drills 3.1

(1) crowd: 人群;mob: (常贬) 成群的暴徒

(2)praise: 称赞,赞扬,表扬,赞美,崇拜;boast:(贬)夸口,自夸,吹嘘,自吹自擂;(非贬)自豪,夸耀


(4)deep dealings:不正当的交易;a deep scholar: 造诣深的学者

(5)childlike: (常褒) 孩子般的,单纯的,天真无邪的;childish:(贬)幼稚的,傻气的,不成熟的。(6)statesman: (通常褒义)政治家;politician: (贬义) 政客,善于玩弄权术者;(中性)政治家。(7)peasant:无教养的人,粗野的人,乡下人,土包子,大老粗;(现尤其用于指发展国家或从前的)农民,农夫,小农,雇农.

农民: (无贬义)在农村从事农业生产的劳动者。


Compromise: (中性,无消极意义)settling an argument or difference of opinion by each side agreeing to some of the demands of the other: 通过解决争执或分歧,互让了结,妥协,折中,和解。


Dragon: an imaginary animal with wings and claws, able to breathe out fire; fierce person, esp. a woman


Goat:( (比喻贬义) a man who is very active sexually, 色鬼,色狼,淫荡的人,好色之徒


West wind:英国人对西风有好感,如英国著名诗人雪莱的名诗《西风颂》。

西风:(比喻贬义)日趋没落的腐朽势力,如李白的“西风残照”,毛泽东的“东风压倒西风”。(3)1. ①英雄的事迹是极为动人的。





2. ①他是个固执的孩子,不会听他母亲的话。


3. ①他们找到了爬山者的山间庇护所。


4. 他是个极爱读书的人。(书呆子/书蛀虫)

5. 宪法规定的一切权利都授予了一个独夫。

Drills 3.2

4. ①它既不园,也不方。(形容词)






5. 我用熨斗熨衣服。

6. 用这把发梳梳头吧。

7. 用白纸裱糊这些墙壁。

8. 你们必须用一艘大船运送这批货物。

9. 我点了灯,但灯光微弱。

10. 一瞬间,我有看见了一张图画。

11. 我看见他在锯木场用一把锯子在锯东西。

12. 愿望为思想之父。

13. “这么多苹果,你们要怎么办?”“我们尽量吃,吃不完就拿来着罐头。”

Drills 3.3









Drills 3.4

3. heavy (adj.)

A heavy rain 大雨heavy casualties 重大伤亡

A heavy load 重负 a heavy sea 迫逃汹涌的海面A heavy crop 丰收 a heavy buyer大主顾Heavy news 令人忧虑的消息 a heavy demand 苛求

A heavy note 大量的得票heavy sorrow 折磨人的悲哀

A heavy schedule 拍得很紧的日程表 a heavy thinker 思想深沉的人Heavy advertising 大登广告 a heavy politician 显要的政治家A heavy play 严肃的剧

This book is heavy reading. 这本书读起来枯燥乏味。

4. Good (adj.)

Good manners 得体的举止

A good king 公正的国王

A good Catholic 虔诚的天主教徒

Good soil 肥沃的土壤

A good hour 整整一个小时

Good humor 愉快的心情

Good living 讲究吃喝的生活

Good eggs 新鲜的鸡蛋

A good debt 有把握回收的债

A good question 不易回答的问题;难以立即回答的问题

Good sense 正确的判断力

A good eater and a good sleeper 能吃能睡的人

5. 为了得到大量的水力,我们需要高水压和强水流。

6. 简单地说,长而细的导线电阻大,短而粗的导线电阻小。

7. 这个国家那时正在恢复自己的本来面貌,既从自己的错误中吸取教训,又从敌人那里得到借鉴。

8. 陈列的商品价廉物美。

9. 他们俘获了五十名敌军,还缴获了许多武器。

Drills 3.5a

1. ①采用文言词语和句法结构,典雅畅达,效果毕肖,“文体如之”,追求神似、形似。

2. ①接近原文的口语体。

3. ②接近原文退休工人对小儿子说话的身份、口气、言辞和口语体。

4. ②较文雅,含蓄。

Drills 3.5b

5. 崇高莫过于为国牺牲。/为国捐躯,至高无上。/没有比为国牺牲更崇高的了。

6. 译者之麻烦与困惑,莫过于翻译社会科学与自然科学之专门术语。/没有比翻译社会科学与自然科

7. 学之专门术语更多的麻烦与困惑了。/最使译者感到头痛(伤脑筋)的是翻译社会科学与自然科学之专门术语。

8. “时间不等人”,这话一点也不假。/“时不我待”,确是至理名言。

9. 这件事没有什么奇怪的。/这件事没有什么可大惊小怪的。/此事不足为奇。

10. 没法子。/没法补救了。/无可奈何。

11. 那正是中秋节的时候。/时值中秋佳节。

12. 我整夜没睡。到了第二天,我既想见她,又怕见她。我想再听听她的的声音,但怕看到她的眼睛。/彻夜未眠(整夜未曾合眼)。次日,我想见她,又怕见她:想再听听她的的声音,但怕看到她的眼睛。悲莫悲兮生别离,乐莫乐兮结新知。

13. 因为想念你,我变老乐。/思君催人老。

14. 我天天抗重货,干得倒挺快活。

15. 沉溺于希望的幻想之中乃是人之常情。

16. 中国人死都不怕,还怕困难么?民不畏死,奈何以死惧之?

17. 冬天来了,春天还会远吗?/严冬如来时,阳春宁尚迢遥?(郭沫若译)


Hate Suddenly the war was over, and Hitler was captured and brought to Amsterdam. A military tribunal condemned him to death. But how should he die? To shoot or hang him seemed too quick, too merciful. Then someone uttered what was in everybody’s mind: th e man who caused such incredible suffering should be burned to death. “But,” objected one judge, “our biggest public square in Amsterdam holds 10,000 people, and 7,000,000 Dutch men, women and children will want to be there to curse him during his dying m oments.” Then another judge had an idea. Hitler should be burned at the stake, but the wood was to be ignited by the explosion of a handful of gunpowder set off by a long fuse which should start in Rotterdam and follow the main road to Amsterdam by way of Delft, The Hague, Leiden and Haarlem.Thus millions of people crowding the wide avenues which connect those cities could watch the fuse burn its way northward to Herr Hitler’s funeral pyre. A plebiscite was taken as to whether this was fitting punishment. There was 4, 981, 076 yeas and one nay. The nay was voted by a man who preferred that Hitler be pulled to pieces by four horses. At last the great day came. The ceremony commenced at four o’clock on a June morning. The mother of three sons who had been shot by the Nazis for an act of sabotage they did not commit set fire to the fuse while choir sang a solemn hymn of gratitude. Then the people burst forth into a shout of triumph. The spark slowly made its way from Rotterdam to Delft, and on toward the great square in Amsterdam. People had come from every part of the country. Special seats had been provided for the aged and the lame and the relatives of the murdered hostages. Hitler, clad in a long yellow shirt, had been chained to the stake. He preserved a stoical silence until a little boy climbed upon the pile of wood surrounding the former Fuhrer and placed there a placard which read, “This is the world’s great est murderer.” This so aggravated Hitler’s pent-up feeling that he burst into one of his old harangues. The crowd gaped, for it was grotesque sight to see this little man ranting away just as if he were addressing his followers. Then a terrific howl of derision silenced him. Now came the great moment of the day. About three o’clock in the afternoo n the spark reached the outskirts of Amsterdam. Suddenly there was a roll of drums. Then, with an emotion such as they had never experienced before, the people sang the Willhelmus, the national anthem. Hitler, now ashen-gray, futilely strained at his chains. When the Willhelmus came to an end, the spark was only a few feet from the gunpowder; five more minutes, Hitler would die a horrible death. The crowd broke forth to a shout of hate. A minute went by. Another minute. Silence returned. Now the fuse had only a few inches to go. And at the moment the incredible happened. A wizened little man wriggled through the line of soldiers standing guard. Everybody knew who he was. Two of his sons had been machine-gunned to death by the parachute troops; his wife and three daughters had perished in Rotterdam’s holocaust. Since then, the poor fellow had seemed deprived of reason, wandering aimlessly about and supported by public charity --- an object of universal pity. But what he did now made the crowd turn white with anger. For he deliberately stamped

广外翻译专业英译汉练习3(附参考译文)Golden Fruit

Golden Fruit https://www.sodocs.net/doc/1819302446.html,ne Of the fruits of the year I give my vote to the orange. In the first place it is a perennial -- if not in actual fact, at least in the greengrocer's shop. On the days when dessert is a name given to a handful of chocolates and a little preserved ginger, when macedoine de fruits is the title bestowed on two prune s西梅干and a piece of rhubarbs大黄, then the orange, however sour, comes nobly to the rescue; and on those other days of plenty when cherries and strawberries and raspberries 木莓and gooseberries 醋栗riot together upon the table, the orange, sweeter than ever, is still there to hold its own. Bread and butter, beef and mutton, eggs and bacon, are not more necessary to an ordered existence than the orange. It is well that the commonest fruit should be also the best. Of the virtues of the orange I have not room fully to speak. It has properties of health giving, as that it cures influenza and establishes the complexion. It is clean, for whoever handles it on its way to your table, but handles its outer covering, its top coat, which is left in the hall. It is round, and forms an excellent substitute with the young for a cricket ball. The pip can be flicked at your enemies, and quite a small piece of peel makes a slide for an old gentleman. But all this would count nothing had not the orange such delightful qualities of taste. I dare not let myself go upon this subject. I am a slave to its sweetness. I grudge every marriage in that it means a fresh supply of orange blossom, the promise of so much golden fruit cut short. However, the world must go on. ….. With the orange we do live year in and year out. That speaks well for the orange. The fact is that there is an honesty about the orange which appeals to all of us. If it is going to be bad -- for the best of us are bad sometimes -- it begins to be bad from the outside, not from the inside. How many a pear which presents a blooming face to the world is rotten at the core. How many an innocent-looking apple is harbouring a worm in the bud. But the orange has no secret faults. Its outside is a mirror of its inside, and if you are quick you can tell the shopman so before he slips it into the bag.


历年翻译真题原文及参考译文(1) 1.1990年英译汉试题及参考译文 People have wondered for a long time how their personalities,and behaviors are formed.It is not easy to explain why oneperson is intelligent and another is not,or why one is cooperative and another is competitive. Social scientists are,of course,extremely interested in these types of questions.(61)They want to explain why we possess certain characteristics and exhibit certain behaviors.There are no clear answers yet,but two distinct schools of thought on the matter have developed.As one might expect,the two approaches are very different from each other.The controversy is often conveniently referred to asnature vs.nurture. (62)Those who support thenatureside of the conflict believe that our personalities and behavior patterns are largely determined by biological factors.(63)That our environment has little,if anything,to do with our abilities,characteristics and behavior is central to this theory.Taken to an extreme,this theory maintains that our behavior is predetermined to such a great degree that we are almost completely governed by our instincts. Those who support thenurturetheory,that is,they advocate education,are often called behaviorists.They claim that our environment is more important than our biologically based instincts in determining how we will act.A behaviorist,B.F.Skinner,sees humans as beings whose behavior is almost completely shaped by their surroundings.(64)The behaviorists maintain that,like machines,humans respond to environmental stimuli as the basis of their behavior. Let us examine the different explanations about one human characteristic,intelligence,offered by the two theories.(65)Supporters of thenaturetheory insist that we are born with a certain capacity for learning that is biologically

广外翻译专业英译汉练习6(附参考译文)He was a man offifty

He was a man of fifty, and some, seeing that he had gone both bald and grey, thought he looked older. But the first physical impression was deceptive. He was tall and thick about the body, with something of a paunch, but he was also small-boned, active, light on his feet. In the same way, his head was massive, his forehead high and broad between the fringes of fair hair; but no one’s face changed its expression quicker, and his smile was brilliant. Behind the thick lenses, his eyes were small and intensely bright, the eyes of a young and lively man. At a first glance, people might think he looked a senator. It did not take them long to discover how mercurial he was. His temper was as quick as his smile; in everything he did his nerves seemed on the face. In fact, people forgot all about the senator and began to complain that sympathy and emotion flowed too easily. Many of them disliked his love of display. Yet they were affected by the depth of his feeling. Nearly everyone recognized that, though it took some insight to perceive that he was not only a man of deep feeling, but also one of passionate pride. 他五十岁,头秃了,头发也花白了,人们觉得他不止五十岁。但他给人的第一印象很迷惑。他又高又壮,肚子微凸,可是他骨架小,敏捷且步履轻盈。同时,他的头很大,两鬓间的额头又高又宽,而神情变化比任何人都快,笑起来很灿烂。厚镜片后是他那双小眼睛,格外明亮,年轻充满活力。乍一看,人们以为他是个参议员。人们很快发现他很善变,喜怒无常,瞬息万变。所做之事,牵动的神经都在脸上展露无遗。事实上,人们不记得什么参议员,反而怪他同情心泛滥,情绪易于波动。许多人都不喜欢他表露爱,却被他的深情感染。话虽如此,几乎有点洞察力的人都会觉察到他不仅深情,而且还有强烈的自尊心。


Father got holes in his socks even oftener than we boys did in our stockings. He had long athletic toes, and when he lay stretched out on his sofa reading and smoking, or absorbed in talking to anyone, these toes would begin stretching and wigging in a curious way by themselves, as though they were seizing on this chance to live a life of their own. I often stared in fascination at their leisurely twistings and turnings, when I should have been listening to Father’s instructions about far different matters. Soon one and then the other slipper would fall off, always to Father’s surprise, but without interrupting his talk, and a little later his busy great toe would peer out at me through a new hole in his sock. Father’s heavily starched shirts too, were a problem. When he put one on, he pulled it down over his head, and thrust his arms blindly out right and left in a hunt for the sleeves. A new shirt was strong enough to survive these strains without splitting, but life with Father rapidly weakened it, and the first thing he knew he would hear it beginning to tear. That disguised him. He hated any evidence of weakness, either in people or things. In his wrath he would strike out harder than ever as he felt around for the sleeve. Then would come a sharp crackling noise as the shirt ripped open, and a loud wail from Mother. 选自李亚丹主编《英译汉名篇解析》P134-136 [4] 李亚丹主编. 英译汉名篇赏析[M]. 武汉:湖北教育出版社,2005. 参考译文:父亲的袜子比我们孩子们的更容易长窟窿。父亲的脚指头儿长而好运动,每逢他靠在沙发上,看着书,抽着烟,或是专心和人说着话,这些脚指头就自动地开始欠伸和扭动,仿佛抓住了一个自由地生活一番的机会似的。我常常出神地看他们从容不迫地扭来扭去,父亲对我说的是些什么全然没有听见。一会儿,父亲的拖鞋落了下来,一只,两只,常常叫他瞿染一下,但是不足以打断他的谈锋;再过这么一会儿,他的忙碌的大脚指头儿就会在他的袜子上钻了一个新的窟窿出来朝我偷看。 父亲的浆得挺硬的衬衫也是一个问题。父亲穿衬衫的时候,先往头上套,然后两只胳膊一左一右盲目地冲刺,寻找那两只袖子。一件新衬衫自然结结实实,经得起这一番冲杀,可是在父亲手里过日子,不久就衰弱了,开始裂缝。这叫父亲生气。他最恨软弱的形迹,无论是见之于人还是见之于物。他一生气,两只胳膊冲击的更使劲儿。于是一声呱喇。衬衫开了个大口子,接着是母亲的大声哎呦。(吕叔湘译) 历史的道路,不会是平坦的,有时走到艰难险阻的境界。这是全靠雄健的精神才能够冲过去的。一条浩浩荡荡的长江大河,有时流到很宽阔的境界,平原无际,一泻万里。有时流到很逼狭的境界,两岸丛山迭岭,绝壁横断,江河流于其间,回环曲折,极其险峻。民族生命的进展,其经历亦复如是。人类在历史上的生活正如旅行一样。旅途上的征人所经过的地方,有时是坦荡平原,有时是崎岖险路。志于旅途的人,走到平坦的地方,因是高高兴兴地向前走,走到崎岖的境界,愈是奇趣横生,觉得在此奇绝壮绝的境界,愈能感到一种冒险的美趣。 The course of history is never smooth. It is sometimes beset with difficulties and obstacles and nothing short of a heroic spirit can help surmount them. A mighty long river sometimes flows through a broad section with plains lying boundless on either side, its waters rolling on non-stop for thousands upon thousands of miles. Sometimes it comes up against a narrow section flanked by high mountains and steep cliffs, winding through a course with many a perilous twist and turn. A nation, in the course of its development, fares likewise. The historical course of man’s life is just like a journey. A traveler on a long journey passes through now a broad, level plain, now a rugged,

广外翻译专业英译汉练习5(附参考译文) You've Changed

You’ve Changed John J. Ryan Don West had seen her wave and he came walking across the station toward her, a quizzical, surprised look on his tanned face. “Well, well, ” he said, with the same rugged smile. “What a nice surprise, ah… Jeanne.” She smi led in return. “Don West, you haven’t changed a bit.” It was true, a few pounds heavier, a little older, but the same Don West she had fallen in love with long ago --- and never quite got over. He stood back a way and looked down at her, his blue eyes crinkling at the corners. No use kidding herself, she thought, and say it had all been a kid crush. She still got weak just looking at him. “Jeanne,” he said. “Jeanne. You look good enough to eat.” He sighed and then frowned handsomely. “You don’t know how swell it is to see you. I’ve wondered so many times whatever became of you.” She hesitated for a moment, about to say something, but then she changed her mind. He took her arm and steered her expertly towards the cocktail lounge. But then he always had done things expertly, particularly where women were concerned. He settled back and studied her. “You do look different. You really have changed, Jeanne. But you’re lovelier, so much lovelier.” “Don,” she said softly, “it’s really been quite a long time since ’varsity.” He lit a cigarette. “I know, Jeanne. I enlisted right after I got my degree. It’s been some time, all right. But say, remember the ball and The Blue Danube? Remember that? ” She kept her eyes on her drink. She didn’t dare look up. “I heard it just the other day, Jeanne, and I thought of you --- couldn’t stop thinking of you, either.” He took her hand. “L ook, Jeanne, I’ve got a business appointment. I’ve just come in from the south, but I’ll be free by dinner time.” She glanced up now and his eyes were saying tender things. “Jeanne, it will be just like it was, just like that night at the ball. Just the two of us. Let’s make it seven o’clock at my hotel for diner.” He pressed her hand hard, didn’t wait for an answer. She watched him walk out the door. She knew that Don West would never change --- would never be quite an honest person. But the way she loved him wouldn’t change either. There was no mistaking the way he had looked at her. Don could be hers. Only she wouldn’t be there at seven, mostly beca use she had never been to the ball at ’varsity. She had never even had a date with Don. He was the rugby hero admired from afar. And, besides, her name wasn’t Jeanne. 初秋 年轻的时候,比尔和一个女人共坠爱河。长夜漫漫,他们相伴而行,谈笑晏晏。不久,两人之间发生了一些无关紧要的事,他们不再无话不谈。冲动之下,女人嫁了另一个男人,她以为自己爱这个男人。比尔离开了,从此对女人失去信


Unit 2 England before the industrial Revolution 工业革命前的英国状况 The country was a place(乡村)where men worked f rom dawn to dark, and the labourer lived not in the sun, but in poverty and darkness. 在乡村,人们从早到晚都在不停的干活,这些在田野间劳作的人们,并非沐浴在阳光之下,而是生活在贫困和黑暗之中。 The country a place : 是表语,表达主语的性质,功能,特点 Work : avoid ambiguity from dawn to dark :aliiteration 从早到晚 the labourer : 在田间劳作的人们lived in the sun : 沐浴在阳光下 but in poverty and darkness. 穷困潦倒,暗无天日 What aids there were to lighten labour were immemorial, like the mill, which There were what aids to lighten labour 整个句子主语(系表结构) was already ancient in Chaucer’s time. 能够减轻人体力劳动力的机器早就有了。例如:磨坊,早在乔叟的年代就不是什么新鲜的事了(乔叟13世纪中后期)。Definition 下定义法 What aids: n. 什么帮助lighten labour ---lessen 减轻劳动 immemorial :不知道从哪个年代都有了The mill:磨坊 was already ancient in + 时间time :在某个时代早就不是什么新鲜事了 The industrial revolution began with such machines; the millrights were the engineers of t he coming age. 这些机器都标志着工业革命的开始;这些最早搭建磨坊的工匠们,就成为工业革命时代的缔造者。 With : 以什么作为开始的标志millright s: 修磨坊的人the engineer :缔造者开创者 The coming age : 即将到来的新时代(工业革命) Jmaes brindley of Staffordshire started his self-made career in 1733 by working at mill wheels, 主语谓语 at the age of seventeen, having been born poor in a village. (现在分词完成式突出动作的先后顺序)伴随状语 Jmaes brindley詹姆斯·布林德雷生于斯塔夫郡,一个贫困的农村家庭。在1733年,也就是他十七岁那一年,从改良磨坊里的车轮白手起家,开创事业。 Jmaes brindley of Staffordshire =in a village Be born poor 生于一个贫穷的家庭。self-made career:自主创业,白手起家 by working at mill wheels :改良(根据下文)磨坊的车轮


课后作业(1) 请将下列短文翻译成汉语,特别注意标题的翻译: The Art of Dancing What does it take to dance? Your body must move with grace. And you must understand space, time, shape and motion. These are the most important factors for many professional dancers. First, the dancer must be aware of space, both inside and outside his or her body. A feeling for time is also very important. The rhythm or beat is the heart of the music. And the timing of a step must be precise. A sense of shape is needed as well. A dance must look graceful and controlled. The image of a dancer in motion stays in the viewer’s mind even after the dance is done. So, dancers practice for hours in front of mirrors to perfect the shapes their bodies form when they dance. Finally, motion is what dance is made of. All movements must be both smooth and expressive. The next time you see dancers perform, watch closely. Both their bodies and minds will be stretching to create their art for you.

第22届韩素音翻译大赛 英译汉 参考译文

隐藏在科技王国后的文学世界 当我还是一个“探索文学”的男孩,我曾想如果大街上每个人都熟知普鲁斯特、乔伊斯、T·E·劳伦斯、帕斯捷尔纳克和卡夫卡,那该多好。稍后我才明白平民大众对高雅文化有多么抵触。作为一个年轻的拓荒者,林肯读过普鲁塔克、莎士比亚和《圣经》,但是那时他是林肯。 后来,在中西部驾车、乘巴士或火车游历的时候,我经常去参观一些小城镇的图书馆。在爱阿华州基奥卡克县和密歇根州本顿港的图书馆里,我发现读者们都借阅普鲁斯特和乔伊斯的著作,甚至是斯威沃和安德烈·别雷的作品,D·H·劳伦斯也是他们的最爱之一。有时我会联想到上帝愿意放弃毁灭罪恶深重的索多玛城,只为了城里有十个义人。并不是说基奥卡克县和邪恶的索多玛城有任何相似之处,也不是说普鲁斯特笔下的夏吕斯男爵被引诱到密歇根本顿港定居。而是我似乎有种持久的民主的渴望——在最不可能的地方寻找高雅文化存在的证据。 我做小说作家已经有十几年了,而从一开始我就意识到这是个不太可取的职业。在二十世纪三十年代,一个芝加哥的旧邻居告诉我他写小说给通俗大众阅读。“邻居们都好奇为什么我不去找一份职业。他们看我总是到处闲逛,修剪树丛或者漆刷篱笆,而不是在工厂里工作。但我是一个作家,我的文章是卖给《商船队》小说期刊和《勇士骑兵》杂志的。”他十分愁闷地说,“他们不会认为那是一种职业。”他向我诉苦也许因为注意到我是个书呆子气的孩子,比较可能会同情他;又或者他是在告诫我不要特立独行。但那时候已经为时晚矣。 也是在一开始的时候,我就被警告小说已经接近了衰落阶段,就像城壁城市或者十字弓那样都是过时的事物。没有人喜欢和历史有分歧。奥尔斯瓦尔德·斯宾格勒是三十年代初最受广泛阅读的作家之一。他教育世人:我们疲倦老旧的文明已经非常接近终结,年轻人们应该避开文学和艺术,去拥抱机械化并成为工程师。 为了避免被淘汰,你挑战并蔑视那些进化论历史家们。我年轻的时候对斯宾格勒是非常尊重的,但即使是那时我也无法接受他的结论——带着尊重和仰慕,我在思想上让他别来烦我。 六十年后,在最近一期《华尔街日报》上我又看到了以当代形式出现的旧斯宾格勒理论之争。泰瑞·蒂乔特,不同于斯宾格勒,并没有把大量的使人崩溃的历史理论扔到我们身上。但还是有迹象可以看出他对那些证据做出了权衡、筛选和斟酌。 他提出“分裂的文化”的理论,还说他的观点是非常有责任感和与时俱进的,并且经过


评第十三届“韩素音青年翻译奖”英译汉参考译文朱志瑜(香港理工大学中文及双语系) 近年中国翻译研究发展很快,但翻译批评始终落后。理论界早就注意到了这一点,但到目前为止,对翻译批评却还是说得多做得少。其中原因是多方面的。要批评就要将原文、译文从头至尾或者至少将重要章节对照一遍,费时费力;批评写出来,可能牵涉到译者和译文出版者的利益(如译者声誉、译文销量等),学报是否支持发表,译文出版者是否欢迎──几年前听说过译文出版者打电话给学报编辑阻止评论发表的事情──这些都是在撰写批评之前需要慎重考虑的,否则费力不讨好,说得严重点,可能影响到评者的人际关系以至声誉。这本不是健康学术的表现,但在中国这个大的学术环境之下,批评始终难以开展确实是个事实。翻译批评的落后不但是中国翻译学科不成熟的反映,而且还会阻碍学科的发展。 本文仅就第十三届“韩素音青年翻译奖”英译汉“参考译文”(以下简称“译文”)和评者在“译文评析”(简称“评析”)中对参赛译文的评述提出一些看法,也算是一种翻译批评,希望对青年翻译家、学者能有所帮助。两篇文章都载于《中国翻译》2001年第一期。今年十月在广州开会的时候,我也顺便征求了广外部分参与奖项评议的同事的意见,回来又做了些修改,写成了这篇文章。我首先要指出的是,“译文”经过认真的研究、讨论,是了一篇相当优秀的译文;“评析”也指出了一些粗心的译者常犯的错误和应该注意的问题。“译文”和“评析”虽然有值得讨论的地方,但瑕不掩瑜,这恰恰说明了“译无止境”这个道理。我这里只是抱着精益求精、共同提高的态度,对评委的“评析”和“译文”提出一些意见。还有一点要指出的是,没有不犯错误的翻译家;尤其是比赛参考译文,一旦刊出,几万只眼睛挑毛病,实在不容易讨好;但是指出别人的翻译错误却是很容易的一件事情。 原文是一篇散文,属于文学类型。根据功能主义的原则,原文为“表情类”(expressive)。“评析”提出的“字斟句酌、形义并重”的原则,是正确的翻译策略,即译文不仅要表达原文的内容,而且要反映原文为了表达这个内容所使用的修辞、句法等手段。“译文”基本上达到了这个要求。“字斟句酌、形义并重”这八个字也是我这篇短文所要提倡的翻译态度。这篇散文翻译起来不容易,难的倒不是语言问题,主要还是其中很多美国特有的文化内容,在一般工具书中不易找到,如: “C-2 zoning”,“guerrilla war”等等。如果评析人员能在报告中指出参考资料和查找方法,则对于参赛的学者、译者都会有更大的益处。 下面的讨论分两部分,先谈“译文”,然后分析“评析”中的几点问题;个别问题在两处同时出现,就放到“评析”部分讨论。“译文”和“评析”都不长,我就不注出页数了。 一)参考译文 1、词汇 “译文”有的地方选词不够准确,不排除有理解上的误差。 原文第一段有这样一句话: 原文:We live in dusty houses (“D-U-S-T”, he once wrote with his finger on surface s all over the house).译文:我们住在灰蒙蒙的屋子里。
