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Billy bee第一课时 导学案

Billy bee第一课时 导学案
Billy bee第一课时 导学案

自我评价:? ? 小组评价:? ? 老师评价:? ?


新目标七年级上册StarterUnit1-3---Unit1导学案及答案 课题:StarterUnit1Goodorning 【学习目标】 学习并掌握下列字母:AaBbccDdEeFfGgHh 主要句型和交际用语: conversation1:conversation2: A:Goodorning,Helen!A:Goodorning,Dale. B:Hi.Bob.B:Hi,cindy.Hoareyou? A:Goodorning,Alice.A:I’fine,thans.Hoareyou? B:Goodorning,cindy!B:I’o. A:Hello,Fran. Hello,Eric. B:Goodorning,Dale. 课前预习 【预习目标】:StarterUnit1 【预习重点】: 试读下列字母: AaBbccDdEeFfGgHh 理解下列短语及句子的意义及用法: Goodorning!Hello!Hoareyou?

【课堂互动】 朗读下列字母: AaBbccDdEeFfGgHh .朗读下列对话: conversation1:conversation2: A:Goodorning,Helen!A:Goodorning,Dale. B:Hi.Bob.B:Hi,cindy.Hoareyou? A:Goodorning,Alice.A:I’fine,thans.Hoareyou? B:Goodorning,cindy!B:I’o. A:Hello,Fran. Hello,Eric. B:Goodorning,Dale. 仿照对话,进行对话练习。 【课后反馈练习】 一.写出下列字母相应的大小写. ADEGHB cbfdaf 二.写出下列字母相邻的字母. dBEf ceGb 三.从B栏中找出A栏的答语. Goodorning.A:I’fine.


导学案 七 年级 数学 学科 姓名 组名 201 年 月 日 编号 课题: 第六章《实数》小结 课型设置: 新课 学习目标: 1.了解算术平方根、平方根、立方根的概念,会用根号表示数的算术平方根、平方根、立方根; 2.了解开方与乘方互为逆运算,会用平方运算求百以内的平方根,会用立方运算求百以内整数(对应的负数)的立方根,会用计算器求平方根和立方根; 3.了解有理数和实数的概念,知道实数与数轴上的点一一对应,能求实数的相反数与绝对值; 4.能用有理数估计一个无理数的大致范围. 一、引入: 本章我们学习了平方根和立方根,并通过开平方,开立方运算,认识了一些不同于有理数的数,在此基础上引入 无理数,使数的范围由有理数扩充到实数,随着数的扩充,数的运算也有了新的发展,在实数范围内,不仅能进行加、 减、乘、除四则运算,而且对0和任意正数能进行开平方运算,对任意实数能进行开立方运算.本节课我们一起对本章 的知识作系统整理和回顾. 【板块一】基本概念回顾 【学习指导】自研教材P60内容。思考如下问题: 问题1:绘制本章知识结构图. 问题2:数的概念是怎样从正数逐步发展到实数的?随着数的不断扩充,数的运算有什么发展?加法与乘法的运算律 始终保持不变吗? 问题3:回顾平方根与立方根的概念,乘方运算与开方运算有什么关系? 问题4:无理数和有理数的区别是什么? 问题5:实数由哪些数组成?实数与数轴上的点有什么关系? 【板块二】专题综合突破 无理数与有理数的有关问题: 下列各数中,3.14159,38-,0.131131113…,-π25,17 -,无理数有( ) A 、1个 B 、 2个 C 、3个 D 、4个 与绝对值有关的化简: 已知实数a 、b 、c 在数轴上的位置如图所示 化简()()22 2a a c b c a - +-+-


七年级英语上册Starter Unit 1 Good morning 导学1、2 1a—2e 设计:贺静审核:课型:新授课使用时间:第1 周班级:姓名: 【学习目标】 1. 学会运用重点句型:“Good morning/ afternoon/ evening”及”Hello/ Hi”,培养学生口语交际能力。 2. 学会字母A—H的大小写写法及缩写词的含义。 【学习过程】 一、学(预习指导) (一)预习p s1—s2 1. 要记住:Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh 这8 个字母的正确读音、顺序和大小写形式,要会正确地书写; 2.单词:good 好的,morning 上午,早上,hi 喂,hello 你好,喂,afternoon 下午,evening 晚上 3. 会正确地向他人问候并能正确地书写: Good morning/ afternoon/ evening(早上好,下午好,晚上好) 4.Good night ! 晚安!再见! 知识点拨:Good night !并不是问候语,而是晚上分别时或就寝时的道别用语,它的含义是“晚安”“再见”! 5.用Hello. Hi 向别人打招呼 6. 要认识这些人名,分清姓别:Alice ,Bob, Cindy, Dale. Eric. Frank. Grace, Helen 7. 标出上面人名的第一个字,看一看有什么规律和特征? (二)预习检测: 1. 请在下面的四线格中写出字母Aa到Hh的大小写形式。 2、选择填空。 1)A:Good morning. B:____________ 。 A. Fine. B. Thank you. C. Good morning. 2).A:Good evening, ____________. B:Good evening. A. Dale B. to Dale C. dale 3). A:____________________ B:Good afternoon, Cindy. A. Good afternoon, Cindy. B. Good afternoon, Eric. C. How are you? 4). A:_________________ B:I’m fine. A. Good morning. B. I’m fine. C. How are you? 二、展,点


第1页 Where there is a will, there is a way. 课题 Unit 11 Friendship 学习目标: (一)知识目标:To train and improve the reading ability of the students. (二)能力目标:Have the students master some reading skills. (三)情感目标:Make the students know more about friendship and how to make friends. Step1: 导入(2 minutes ) Revision about the words of this unit. Step2: 自学(15 minutes ) ①Get the Ss to read the passage by themselves and decide T or F. ( ) 1.We may get on well with many people, but we make friends with only a few of them. ( ) 2.People have different kinds of friends. ( ) 3.Close friends are those who can share joys and sorrows with you. ( ) 4.A good friend is someone who will do anything for you. ( ) 5. A good friend is someone you can rely on when you are in need . ( ) 6.A chess partner is not a friend. ② Discuss the following questions in groups. 1. What should we do when our friends are in sorrow. 2. We may get on well with many people. But why do we usually make friends with only a few of them? 3. What kind of person do you think you can rely on? Step3:讨论 (10 minutes ) Discuss the answers in groups with your teammates. Step4:展示(8 minutes ) Please show your answers to the whole class. Step5:点评 Step6:检测(3 minutes ) Read the whole passage. Step7:反思 Write down what you have learned today on your notebooks (整理笔记) Step8:应用 Fill in the blanks. (7 minutes ) We may ______ ______ _______ ______ a number of people, and we usually make friends______ them. You may have many good friends but only _____ _____ ______ them are your “ close friends ”. A close friend is someone who is able to _______ joys and sorrows _______ you. This is a person you can ______ ______ when you need help, and this is a person to whom you ______ ________ ______ lend a helping hand. Friendship play ______ _______ _______ in our lives. And it is one of life ’s greatest __________. Yet it would be ________ ________ to expect a friend to do everything for you. So we must learn to make friends and cherish(钟爱;珍视) friendship.


Starter Unit 1 Good morning! 年级:7 年级学科:英语第1 课时课题:Unit 1 Good morning! 课型:听说课学习内容:1a-2e 【学习目标】: 1. 识别和掌握八个人名。 2. 学会早上见面打招呼的用语。 3. 正确认读Aa-Hh 八个字母。 4. 培养正确的交际观念。 【学习重难点】: 1. Hello! Good morning! 2. Alice, Bob, Cindy, Dale, Eric, Frank, Grace, Helen 3. A--H 八个字母的学习,能认读,会书写。学习过程 一、自主预习 1. 观看课本插图,听一听,读一读课本1a。 2. 小组练习打招呼,教师巡回指导。 A: Hello, Frank! B: Hello, Alice! A: Good morning, Frank!(早上好,Frank) B: Good morning, Alice!(早上好,Alice) 3. 学习字母Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh 的正确发音。 4. 正确书写字母。 二、合作探究 1. 小组训练早上见面打招呼。 2. 小组表演比赛。 3. 熟悉人名Alice, Bob, Cindy, Dale, Eric, Frank, Grace, Helen 4. 查词典为自己找一个喜欢的英语名字。 5. 完成句子。

——_______________ (早上好,Helen !) ——_______________ (Bob,早上好!) 6. 和同伴练习教材PS1上1a图片中的对话,并运用学过的表示打招呼的句型和同伴练习对话。 A:Good morning... B:Good morning... A:Hi... B:Hi... A:Hello... B:Hello... 展示提炼拓展延伸 1. 写出下列字母的相应大小写字母。 A _______ b _________ C _________ D _________ E ________ f ________ G _________ h __________ 2. 写出下列字母相邻的字母。 ___ Bb ___ ______ Cc ____ Ee ____ Gg Ff _____ Hh_ 3. _______ _______ (早上好),Mr. Wang! 4. ——Good morning, Mary. A. Good morning B. Good evening C. Good afternoon D. Hello 三、当堂检测 (一)根据所给的字母的音标,写出大、小写字母。 1. ___________ /si:/___ ______ 2./di:/ ______ 3./ef/ ______ 4./bi:/ ________ 5. __________ / ei / ______________ 6./eit / _______ 7./i:/ (二)写出下列大写字母的小写字母。 1) BEE _______ 2)BAG ________


6.2立方根导学案(第1课时) 一:回顾旧知 1.一般地,如果一个数的平方等于a ,那么这个数叫做a 的 或 这就是说,如果 a x =2 ,那么x 叫做 a 的 2.正数有 平方根,它们 0的平方根 , 负数 。 3.求下列各数的平方根: (1) 49 (2)25 4 (3)10 6 1 ( 4) 0.0016 二:自主探究 探究一 : 自学课本第49页探究前的内容,并回答下面的内容: 1、现有一只体积为8cm 3 的正方体纸盒,它的每一条棱长是多少? 2、如果一个数的立方等于- 27 8 ,这个数是多少? 3、说出立方根的定义:一般地,如果一个数x 的立方等于a ,即a x =3,那么这个数就叫做a 的( ), 也称为a 的三次方根;如果 x 叫做a 的立方根,数a 的立方根记作3a ,读作“( )” 例如:2的立方是8,所以___是____的立方根,记作283=,又如27 8 3 2 3 - =-)(,____是___的立方根,记作327 832-=- ;若a x =3 ,则x 叫做a 的_____,a 叫做x 的____。 练一练: 求下列各数的立方根:(1)64;(2)0.125;(3)0;(4)-1;(5)8 27 - . 4、开立方的定义: .5、开立方和立方互为逆运算,因此求一个数的立方根可以通过立方运算来求。 探究二: 自学课本第49页探究,根据立方根胡意义填空。你能发现正数.0.负数的立方根各有什么特点吗? (1)因为23 =8,所以8的立方根是( );(2)因为( )3 =0.064,所以0.064的立方根是( ); (3)因为( )3 =0,所以0的立方根是( );4)因为( )3 =-8,所以-8的立方根是( ); (5)因为( )3 =827- ,所以8 27 -的立方根是( ). 性质: 正数的立方根是 正 数; 0的立方根是 0 ;负数的立方根是 负 数; 练一练:1.填空1)因为( )3 =27所以27的立方根是 ;(2)因为( )3 =-27,所以-27的立方根是 (3)因为( )3= 64125,所以64125 的立方根是 ;(4)因为( )3 =64125-,所以64125-的立方根是 . 2.判断对错:对的画“√”,错的画“×”. (1)1的平方根是1. (2)1的立方根是1. (3)-1的平方根是-1. (4)-1的立方根是-1(5)4的平方根是±2. (6)27的立方根是±3.


Unit11 Sad movies make me cry. Section A 3a-3c Section B 1a-1e Name_________ Group________ 【自主学习】 1.What are you always worried about? 2.What makes you happy? 【合作共建】 people What he owned Why was he unhappy the prime minister a lot of _________ worried about ____________ the king’s banker a lot of _________ worried about ____________ the palace singer _________ worried about ____________ The general searched for two days but couldn’t find anyone. It seemed that everyone had their own problems and no one was truly happy. Just as he was about to give up, he saw a poor man on the street. He was eating some food with his hands and singing happily to himself. The general went up to him. General: Hello, I’m the king’s top general. Man: Hi, General. What can I do for you today? General: I heard you singing just now and you sound very happy. Man: That’s because I am happy. General: But I don’t understand. What makes you so happy? You have no power, money or fame. Man: I have everything I want and I d on’t want what I can’t have. So I’m happy, and my song comes from the happiness in my heart. General: Then I need to give your shirt to the king. Is it there in your bag? How much do you want for it? Man: Shirt? What shirt? I don’t own any shirts! 【合作共建】 Do you agree with the poor man’s thoughts about happiness? Discuss your ideas with your group.

新人教版七年级英语上册《Starter Unit 1-2》导学案.doc

课 题 课型预习展示 学习目标1.会认读英文人名。 2.会说会写会运用关于问候他人的句型:A: Good afternoon ,Cindy! B: Good afternoon ,Dale ! 学习过程 Step 1.自主学习 自主认真完成任务一至任务五,然后进行对学群学。 任务一:正确写英文字母Aa-Hh。(并归纳含有相同发音的字母)———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Aa _______ Ee _____ ______ ______ _______ 任务二:读一读下列人名然后根据人名的首字母进行人名排序。 Bob Grace Helen Alice Cindy Eric Frank Dale ——————————————————————————————————————— 任务三:会读会写会认人的名字 1海伦________2 艾丽斯_______ 3 辛蒂______4 格雷斯_____________ 5 戴尔_________ 6埃里克________7 弗兰克_______8鲍勃_______ 任务四:会说会写会运用下列单词或句子。 1.下午________ 2.下午好!_________________ 3.晚上_________4.晚上好!_________________ _ 任务五:大声朗读下列对话,并编写出自己的对话 1. A: Good afternoon ,Cindy! 1.A:______________________________ B: Good afternoon ,Helen!B:________________________________ 2. A: Good even ing, Alice! 2.A:________________________________ B: Good evening, Dale ! B:_____________________________ Step2.合作学习 首先对子组合作学习,互练互查互考,然后组内小展示,不仅要展示答案,还要说明原因,展示者声音适度,听展者做好质疑,补充。 Step3.展示。 各小组抽任务条,小组长根据任务条组织组员准备班内大展示。 要求:快,静,齐。展示的学生声音要洪亮,语句流畅,全员参与,倾听组认真倾听,思考,补

2019版七年级数学下册 6 实数 6.2 立方根导学案2(新版)新人教版

2019版七年级数学下册 6 实数 6.2 立方根导学案2(新版)新人教版 学习目标1、求立方根时,要求同学们掌握被开方数的任意性,理解 立方根的唯一性。 2、会用计算器求某数的立方根;通过增减被开方数的数位, 借助计算器估算近似值。 【重点】:被开方数的范围。 【难点】:借助计算器估算立方根。 时间 分配 合作交流展示20分、纠错讲析总结5分、检测15分 学习过程 学案(学习过程)导案(学法指导) 一、知识回顾 1、立方根的概念: 如果一个数的立方等于a,这个数就叫做a的, (也叫做数a的)。 2、换句话说,如果 ,那么x叫做a的立方根或三次方根。记 作:。读作“”,其中a是,3是, 且根指数3 省略(填能或不能),避免与平方根混淆。 3、开立方:求一个数的的运算叫做开立方。正如与平方互 为逆运算一样,与开立方互为逆运算:。 二、预习新知 1、-39= ,39 -= ,那么-3939 -;即3a - -3a。 2、3 8 1 = ,327= ,364= ;38 -= ,3125 -= ;30= ; 31= ;31 -= ;以上可说明开立方时,被开方数的范围是, 立方根是它本身的数有;被开方数具有性,立方根具有 性。 3、利用计算器计算下列各数的立方根: 1) 27 64 , 2)-216, 3)33+35(提示:每小组1人讲述步骤过程,小组内 或其他小组成员补充)。 三、合作探究 1、用计算器计算…,3000216 .0,3216 .0,3216,估算3216000≈ , 你能发现什么规律?(提示:组内讨论形成一致结果,通过展示组间互质) 结论:被开方数倍,则立方根就倍。 四、达标检测 1、判断正误: (1)、25的立方根是 5 ;() (2)、互为相反数的两个数,它们的立方根也互为相反数;() (3)、任何数的立方根只有一个;() (4)、如果一个数的平方根与其立方根相同,则这个数是1;() 一【知识回顾】: 巩固加新知预设, 以便于更好地导 入下一节新课。 二【预习新知】: 主要将本节所学 内容以填空形式 显现,主要考查学 生对教材的自学 驾驭能力和知识 迁移能力。 三【合作探究】: 以练习题的形 式承载本节课 所学的新知,让 学生在题中归 纳,生生互质, 组内同质,达成 一致,形成结 论。 四【达标检测】: 在规定时间完 成,目的在于检 阅学生掌握程 度。


Unit11第一课时导学案(1a-2d) 学习目标 重点词汇:rather, drive ,lately ,friendship 重点短语:would rather, drive sb crazy/mad, the more…the more.., be friends with sb, leave out ,have fun with sb, have …in common 重要句型:1 I’d rather go to Blue Ocean because I like to listen to quiet music while I’m eating. 2 Loud music makes John want to dance. 3 The more I got to know Julie, the more I’v realized that we have a lot in common. 语法:make 的用法 重点:make 的用法 一.预习导学: Translate:1.have fun with sb______________(做某事很开心)2. get to know_____________3.有共同点_____________4怎么了,出什么毛病了?_____________5.leave out__________6. 越。。。就越。。。___________7宁愿,宁可_____ 二.重要句型先预习 1. Waiting for Amy _______Tina_______.(等艾米是蒂娜疯狂) 2.Loud music makes John_______ ________ ________.(摇滚音乐使约翰想跳舞) 3.______ ______I got to know Julie, _______ ________I’ve realized that we have a lot in common.(我也是了解朱莉,就越意识到我们有多么相似) 合作解疑 一.“make+宾语+宾语补足语”结构中,可以作宾语补足语的有不带to的动词不定式、形容词、名词或介词短语。用于被动语态时,动词不定式的to不可省略。 1.His joke makes me ________(laugh) 2.I was made __________(finish) it on time. 3.坏消息使我很难过。 二would rather意为“宁可,宁愿”,后接动词原形,常缩写为’d rather。 would rather的否定形式是would rather not。 would rather+动词原形”,表示“宁愿……而不愿……,与其……不如……”,则用would rather do sth. than do sth.或would do sth. rather than do st 他们宁愿步行也不愿骑自行车(两种译法) 三.drive动词,意为“迫使”,其后可跟形容词、副词或动词不定式作宾语补足语。drive sb. adj.=make sb. adj.意为“使某人……”,drive sb. crazy/mad 译等车是我很无聊____________________________ 四“the+比较级…,the+比较级…”句型,表示“越……, 就越……”,它是一个复合句,其中前面的句子是状语从句,后面的句子是主句。 你越努力,成绩越好.________ __________you work hard,_______ _______grades you will get. 五.have …in common“有……共同点我和姐姐有一个共同点。My sister and I ______ one thing _______ _______. Summary小结 1)make sb./sth + adj. 2)make sb. do sth. 3).make构成词组:be made of/be made from/be made in/be made by 4)would rather do sth. 宁愿做某事(5)would rather do sth. than do sth. 宁愿做某事也不愿 1. ________(wait) for him made me annoyed. 2. ________(read) aloud in the morning is good when learning English. 3. He was made ________(leave) the company. 4. The good news ________(make) her sad yesterday. 5. This story made me ________(cry). 6. She said that the loud music made her ________(紧张). 7. Waiting for her made me ________(生气). 句型转换 1. He made me repair it.(改为被动语态) I ________ ________ ________ repair it. 2. I prefer to eat bananas rather than eat apples.(改为同义句) 1 / 5

Starter Unit1-3导学案

Starter Lesson1 -3 姓名:班级:教学目标: Lesson1 1.掌握问候、介绍和告别的英语表达方式。 2.学会运用人称代词提问和回答。 3.学会用适当的形容词描述他人。 4.学会写简单描述同学的小短文。 Lesson2 1.能够就家庭成员的职业和年龄进行熟练问答。 2.掌握100以内基数词的表示方法。 3.学会写简单描述家庭成员的小短文。 Lesson3 1.学会一些课堂指示语。 2.数练掌握there be句型。 3.能够运用基数词描述学校。 4.学会写简单介绍学校的小短文。 综合练习: 一、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分) ( )1.早晨见到王先生,你向他问好,你应该说:“” A. Mr. Wang, good morning! B. Wang Mrs. , good morning! C. Good morning, Wang Mr.! D. Good morning, Mr. Wang! ( )2.---What your name? ---I’m Millie. A. is B. am C. be D. are ( )3.---How are you? --- . A. How are you? B. Yes,I am. C. I’m fine, thank you. D. Thank you. ( ) 4.---Jill, this is Mr. Wu. --- . A. This is Mr. Wu. B. Are you Mr. Wu? C. Hello, Mr. Wu. Nice to meet you. D. What’s your name? ( ) 5. --- is she? ---She is my sister. A. Where B. Who C. What D. How ( ) 6. ---What’s that woman? --- A. She is thirty. B. She is my mother. C. She is a nurse. D. Her name is Maria.


2019-2020学年人教版英语九年级 Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry Section A (1a-2d) 【学习目标】 重点词 1. Drive 2. lately adv. 3. friendship n; 重点词组 1. make me sleepy 2. drive sb crazy 3. the more…, the more 4. yes and no 5. be friends with sb 6. feel left out 句子:1. The movie was so sad that it made Tina and Amy cry. 2. Sad movies don’t make John cry. They just make him w ant to leave quickly. 【自主预习】 一、用所给词的适当形式填空 1.They have been spending more time together (late). 2.The bette r you understand, the(much) you get. 3.Why don’t you(buy) a birthday card for your friend? 4.Waiting for her (drive) me mad yesterday. 5.The quiet music makes me (sleep). 二、根据汉语提示完成句子 1.I (忽略) two words in the sentence. 2.Lily and Lucy (是我的朋友). We often play together. 3.Many people are (等待) the train at the railway station. 4.The movie was (如此悲伤以至于) it made me cry. 5.I realized that we (我们有很多共同点). 【课文重难点详解】 【1】’d rather 是would rather 的缩写形式,“宁愿;宁可;更喜欢”,后跟 常用来表示选择的意愿。没有人称和数的变化,其中would 常缩写成’d 形式 肯定句:would rather do sth. =prefer to do sth. 【否定句:would rather not do sth 宁愿不做某事 【拓展】would rather do sth than do sth (than 所连接的词语必须与前面的词语在词性和结构上保持一致) 【2】make 构成的短语 make friend … 与……交朋友 make a living make up 组成,编造be made up of 由……组成 make one’s mind 下定决心 【拓展2】make 构成的词组 (1) be made of +材料(看得出原材料) “被用……制成” , The table is made of wood. Be made +材料(看不出原材料) ( ) In the old days, Dai people usually lived in the traditional buildings. This kind of buildings were______bamboo and wood. A. made in B .made of C. made out D. made from The bread is made wheat(小麦). (3) be made +产地“在某地制造……” This watch is made China 【拓展3】make 构成的句型 (1) make sb/sth + 形容词“让某人或某物…” (2) make sb./sth do sth “使某人/物做某事” make me laugh. (3)be made to do sth “被让去做某事” 【3】.Waiting for Amy drove Tina mad. 等待艾美令缇娜有点抓狂。( 2b ) 【解析1】动名词做主语,谓语动词用第三人称单数 wait for 等待 ______ (say) is easy, ______(do) is difficult. 说起来容易,做起来难 (1)drive sb. crazy/mad =make sb. crazy使某人发疯/发狂 (2)drive sb. to do sth 驱使某人做某事 ( ) Hunger drove him ______. A.steal B.stealing C.to steal D.steals 【4】so… that … /so that (1)so+形容词或副词+that ...引导的肯定的结果状语从句“如此……以至于……” (2)so that“以便……;为了……”,引导目的状语从句。 从句中常使用can /could /may /might /will /would /should等情态动词或助动词; I study so hard that I have little sleep everyday. . I study hard so that I can have a good future. . 【5】be sure to do sth 一定要做某事 be sure not to do sth 千万不要做某事 be sure +that 从句相信;对......有把握 be sure about /of+n/pron 确信......., 对.......有把握 【6】(1) happen v “发生” 不及物动词,没有被动语态,主语是物,强调某事发生的偶然性 (1) “sth.+happen+地点/时间”,“某地/某时发生了某事” (2) sth. happen to sb. 某事发生在某人身上 A car accident happened to him yesterday. 昨天他发生了交通事故。 (3) sb. happen to do sth. 某人碰巧做某事 She happened ________(be) out when we called. 【拓展】take place 发生,指事情有计划有安排地发生 【7】have …in common “有共同点;相似” 【8】Why don’t +sb.+do sth.? =Why not + do sth.? 为何不……? 用来提出建议或劝告。 【9】each time 名词词组, 充当连词引导时间状语从句, 意为“每一次……”, 类似的词组还有every time, next time, last time, the first time等。 【10】leave out 不包括;不提及;忽略 to be /feel left out (感觉)被遗忘;(感觉)被忽略 Section A (3a-4b) 【教学要求】 1.掌握本节课的重点单词和词组。 【学习目标】 1单词: fame n. ; pale adj. ; examine v. wealth n. 2.重点词组:睡眠很差不想吃东西毫无理由 .既不…也不…应召进宫有很大的权力 替代我的职位 3. .重点句式 1.) He found nothing wrong with his body. 。 2.)It’s all in his mind, neither medicine nor rest can help him. 3.) Although I have a lot of power, it doesn’t make me happy. 4. )I have a lot of wealth, but I’m always worried about losing my money. 【自主预习】 根据汉语提示完成单词。 1. Both the tiger and the lion want to be the (国王)of this forest. 2. My brother dreams of being a (银行家)when he grows up. 3. The singer got great (名誉) after singing at the concert. 4. There is a saying that knowledge is (力量). 5. The queen wanted to ask the soldier to build a great (宫殿) for herself. 【课文重难点详解】 1.A long time ago, in a rich and peaceful country,there lived an unhappy king 很久很久以前,在一个的国家,一个不快乐的国王。 【解析】there lived 曾经住着

新目标七年级上册StarterUnit1 3 Unit1导学案及答案

新目标七年级上册 StarterUnit1-3---Unit1导学案及答案 课题:StarterUnit1Goodorning 【学习目标】 学习并掌握下列字母:AaBbccDdEeFfGgHh 主要句型和交际用语: conversation1:conversation2: A:Goodorning,Helen!A:Goodorning,Dale. B:Hi.Bob.B:Hi,cindy.Hoareyou? A:Goodorning,Alice.A:I'fine,thans.Hoareyou? B:Goodorning,cindy!B:I'o. A:Hello,Fran. Hello,Eric. B:Goodorning,Dale. 课前预习 【预习目标】:StarterUnit1 【预习重点】: 试读下列字母: AaBbccDdEeFfGgHh 理解下列短语及句子的意义及用法:

Goodorning!Hello!Hoareyou? 【课堂互动】 朗读下列字母: AaBbccDdEeFfGgHh .朗读下列对话: conversation1:conversation2: A:Goodorning,Helen!A:Goodorning,Dale. B:Hi.Bob.B:Hi,cindy.Hoareyou? A:Goodorning,Alice.A:I'fine,thans.Hoareyou? B:Goodorning,cindy!B:I'o. A:Hello,Fran. Hello,Eric. B:Goodorning,Dale. 仿照对话,进行对话练习。 【课后反馈练习】 一.写出下列字母相应的大小写. ADEGHB cbfdaf 二.写出下列字母相邻的字母. dBEf ceGb
