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9月20日雅思听力真题(新东方) 2014年9月20日雅思听力真题(新东方) Section 1 题目题型:选择+配对+填空 题目场景:一个音乐老师与家长通电话 机经版本号:V08146S1 (红色为答案,蓝色的为解析) 1-3 Multiple Choices 1. What the teacher praise student Emma for: A. Good performance in public show B. Set example to others C. Get start quickly Emma 在学校的表现好,是其他同学的role model 2. Why did the course need to change in time? A. Falling enrolment B. Size of the classroom C. Availability of music room 注册的人太多了,地方space room limited不够大了 3. When dies the new class begin? A. 3.15pm B. 4.15pm C. 4.45pm

原来顶的是3.15,女的说了a quarter to 5,男的说这个时间没空,女的说只有这个时间有空,男的说好吧 4-6 Matching: What is the reason that Emma cannot have the course? A. the course is full B. the course fee is too expensive C. she has another activity at that time D. she has another activity at that evening 4. dance class A I have to put you in the waiting list 5. singing class D Emma has drama class in Friday evenings, it is too late in the evening 6. vocal class B 老师说Emma’s voice很好,但是家长说太贵了 7-10 Completing 7. teach children to play instruments and to write music compose music, at last, performance music, having lot of fun 8. course fee: $85 包括多加的22 dollar


新东方四级词汇笔记(非常完整版)第4课 第4课 主谓一致:指的就是给出主语,要求判断谓语动词是用单数还是复数的问题。 一、就近原则: 指句子的主语由两部分单词或短语构成时,由离谓语动词近的那部分主语来决定谓语动词的单复数。 只有当以下单词或短语连接主句的两部分时就近原则才适用: 1. or 或者; 2. either … or … 不是…就是… ,…或… ; 3. neither … nor … 既不…也不…; 4. not only … but also … 不但…而且… ; 5. not … but … 不是…而是… 例如:主语1 or 主语2 谓语动词。此时由主语2决定谓语动词。 10. _C_ either he or his accountants going to claim for the loss? A Are B Where C Is D Does 如果题目改变为:Either he or his accoun tants ___ going … 则应选A 二、句子谓语动词一定用复数的两种情况: 1. 集合名词做主语,集合名词没有复数形式,因为他本身就代表一个复数概念。 常见的几个复合名词:people 人民,人们;police 警察;cattle 牛;poultry 家禽。 2. 表示数量的复数名词+ 不可数名词,整体做主语时 例如:去年出口了八百万顿煤。Eight million tons of coal were exported last year. 三、谓语动词一定用单数的六种情况: 1. 句子的主语是由从句充当的、动词不定式短语作主语、动名词短语作主语; 2. 表示时间、重量、长度、价值四方面的词做主语; 399. -- “How many days?” 0 -- “Did you say that five days _C_ required to complete that work?” A are B were C was D is 3. 表示单数概念的主语,短语,谓语动词,此时谓语动词也用单数; 因为此结构中短语只是对主语提供附加说明情况,所以谓语动词也用单数。 当以下这些标志性的介词或介词短语出现在此结构中时可以不管中间的附加说明情况:with, together with, like, except, besides, in addition to, rather than, as well as 注意:表示复数概念的主语,短语,谓语动词,此时谓语动词应用复数。 4. each, every, either, some, any, no,由以上六个词中任何一个所构成的复合代词作主语时; some经常构成的三个复合代词:something, somebody, someone; no经常构成的三个复合代词:nothing, nobody, no one;either of + 短语; 5. 通常由and连接两部分这种形式做主语谓语动词要用复数,但在以下两种情况下则应用单数; 1> and连接的两部分指的是同一事物; 2> and连接的两部分被no, each, every中任何一个词修饰时; 例如:每位男士和女士都要着装得体。be supposed to do sth. 理应,应该做某事。 Every man and every woman is supposed to dress properly. 11. Many an airplane _B_ in the exhibition. A are shown B has been shown C has shown D show them


2019英语四级备考:听力课堂笔记(10)消磨时间 kill time pass time count one’s thumbs 用完、缺少 run out of be short of be lack in lack of / in a little 一点 not a little 很多 a bit 一点 not a bit 一点也没有 短对话中常用单词和句型 1.表示期待、希望、渴望做某事的说法 expect / hope / wish be eager / anxious /dying to look for ward to wait / yean / thirst / long for can not wait counting the days 2.下列词语与“but”一样含有转折的的意思

actually well really in fact as a matter of fact to tell you the truth 3.表示建议的句型 how about…… 做……如何 I heard about…… 我听说…… If I were you …… 如果我是你…… It seems to me that…… 在我看来似乎…… Let’s …… shall we ? 让我们……怎么样? Let us …… will you ? 让我们……怎么样? Shall I / we …… What about …… 做……如何 Why don’t you …… 你为什么不…… Why not + 动词原型为什么不…… Would you like …… 你要……吗? Wouldn’t …… be better / wiser 做……不是更好吗?


听力 ·时间与题量(40)40分钟,40道题 40分钟包括做题和填卡,用三十分钟听题,10分钟答题抄答案,填卡。 训练方式:平时每天不停的听30-40分钟的听力,中间不能停 考前的两个月要集中训练 Tips:记单词时要注意发音和音标 背住200-300个地名或人名 碰到这种题先通过名字判断性别,再通过声音特质判断每个人分别是谁 下面分别分别介绍4个section Section1 主要考的生存场景 咨询信息银行服务学校了解购房信息保险申请医疗健康工作面试购物活动旅游计划 Section 2 主要考文化背景 旅游介绍、节目介绍、培训课程介绍、社交生活 Section 3 学术研究 ·形式:对话 ·内容:学术讨论 作业讨论、学术经验交流、请教咨询、调查研究、如何写论文 Section4 课堂学习 形式:独白 内容:学术讲座 环境、资源能源、天文考古、生物、历史、健康、其他 难点主要在section2、3 Tips:这些分类平时要一个个准备好而难点主要在section 2、3 若考试时间允许,先看section3 若时间不允许,顺着看 训练方式:听读结合法 1、不看原文先听n遍(2≤n≤5) 2、n+1遍时看解析 2、n+2遍时检验n+3 n+n …跟读知道读的一样 训练的基本原则:先看题,带着问题听录音,有的放矢 三大元素1、单词(·新单词·搭配主要词组·习语) 3、结合语法3、注意语音

搭配take (up off over) Show(up off around) 习语(自己多收集一些)like: Cross you fingers for me 祝我好运 Get cold feet 后怕 Get under ones skin 让某人非常生气 语调的差别比如what a man 这个词组不同的语调来说会有好和坏的意思 音标d+j →d?t+j→t?(收集音标的差别) 跟读的资源(no Cambridge!美式口语跟读VOA 英式口语跟读 BBC 下载VOA的一些网站:旺旺音乐可可听力 slierles 39 注意其他的口音比如印度口音 r读成 l 清浊音部分元音短促 ?老师推荐电影法国一个购物狂的自白米国时空线索 俄国夺宝奇兵天生一对消防犬 Tips:so long是指后会无期的意思 雅思听力的特点: 1、口音多(英美澳为主,要适应这三种口音)甚至会有日本口音 方法:听真题,听广播,看西片(适应口音) 2、场景多(常考的场景有十种)旅游、租房…后面会提到 方法:熟悉场景词汇(听力词汇熟悉) 3、题多(常考的体型十种) 方法:熟悉题型,熟能生巧 4、顺序原则 方法:练习快速阅读(tips:如果没听到就放弃那一部分而且也有可能出现乱序 5、出题思路固定 6、所听到的就是所得到的,但是要注意单词的拼写 Tips :注意一个单词多种的意思 like: Stable adj 1、稳定的 n 2、马厩 Pen 1、钢笔 2、猪圈 3、母天鹅 雅思听力常考的内容 数词(日期,电话,邮编等)、名词(人名,地名)、修饰词 △雅思解题原则:定位核心词(不可替换的) 关于pronunciation 的一些tips: 1、升降调找到重音,向上读,后面轻音结束 eg: important[im?p?:t?nt]p 往上读 2、关于爆破 Ask bob to sit together with us K 不读t连读 前一个单词以/p,b,t,d,k,g/结尾,后一单词以不同的辅音开头,此时/p,



Part II Listening Comprehension Section A News Report One 【话题预测】由college students,sleep,problem,stress,psychological 等词可推断,本则新闻与大学生 睡眠或心理健康有关。 【正确答案】1—2 B D 听力原文 You probably think college students are experts at sleeping, but parties, preparations for tests, personal problems and general stress can wreck a student’s sleep habits, which can be bad for the body and the mind. Texas Tech University is even offering a class called “Improving Your Sleep Habits”. People suffering from sleep loss are at an increased risk from obesity, psychological problems and car crashes. Students who don’t get enough sleep have poor attendance and lower grades. On top of all that, a new study published in the journal Learning and Memory finds you are probably better off

雅思 全套新东方ielts笔记 最新新东方听力笔记 ★【汉魅】

最新新东方听力笔记 概述: 一.雅思听力基本情况 可做任何标记。 分数段:12-18:4分19-24:5分25-30:6分 31-35:7分 36-38:8分39-40:9分根据难易要乘系数 二.两个误区 听懂核心词汇,掌握拼写。 极少考理解,多考记录信息点,所听即所得。 三.两个基本范围 1. survival english (社会生活,人际交往等) 2. academic english (学术类,教育类,热点话题) 四.问题 1.利用停顿时间抢读后面题目 2.直接书写答案 3.区分考试安排者声音,根据指导做题 4.手眼耳并用,听看写一体 五.雅思听力四大特点 1. 国际口音:(英、美、澳)(英音50%,澳20%,美20%,其他10%) 不利:习惯美音,不习惯英音,必须熟悉英音; 有利:新口音(大西洋口音,适于中国人);动词短语不是考试重点(掌握一般程度:第一个意思即可),去掉了很多地域性的方言。 2. 四段叙述:1、3section是对话,2、4section是陈述,一般来说难度递增。 不利:a.不知道听力磁带和题目间如何建立关系——采用顺序原则(85%):答案顺序和问题顺序一致。 b.无法集中注意力(听力中不包含问题,无法对大脑产生刺激)——改变听力学习习惯,练习时应聚精会神,忌跑神和恐慌。 有利:不是每句话都要听懂,应试图听懂每一句包含答案的句子(先看题,再猜答案,然后做题) 3. 边听边做: 不利:a.阅读量大——要求快速阅读(技巧+能力)——速读 b.写量大——要求手眼耳并用(加强听写能力,掌握四级单词听写) 有利:a.不考推理、总结、归纳题,主要考查细节,所听即所得。 4. 题型多样:10种题型 不利:不熟悉题型 有利:难度较低 六、听力应试策略 短期目标:1.紧扣9套题,十种题型,十种场景。 2.记补充的单词和地名。四级词汇(大学英语四级速听速记)。 3.精听六盘磁带。 中期目标:1.短期任务。 2.再做一点题。听力强化最新指南,雅思听力课外强化教程,英语中级听力(关于hotel/resta urant,news不听)。 3.背单词。 长期目标:1.加强发音以及听音的训练。 2.再做一些题目。


一、概括: 1.写作考试介绍: Time: 60mins 20mins TASK1 150words 40mins TASK2 250words 2.考试题型: TASK1 Process 和Introduction 题目罕见出现。 TASK2 I. Discuss Eg: 2005年7月9日 Some people think the government should pay for health care and education, but other people do not think it the government’s responsibility. Discuss both and give your opinion. II. Advantages and Disadvantages Eg: 2005年5月14日 Some school leavers go to travel or work for a period of time instead of going directly to university. What are the advantages and disadvantages for their studies? III. Agree or Disagree Eg: 2005年6月25日 People think that the news media has influenced people’s lives nowadays, and it is a negative development. To what extent do you agree or disagree? IV. Your Opinion Eg: 2005年3月5日 Some academic subjects are useful for children’s future career while others such as music and sports are not so useful. What is your opinion. Give your reasons. V. Problem, Reasons and Solutions Eg: 2005年1月22日 Statistics suggest that nowadays an increasing number of crimes are committed by the young people. Explain the reasons for this and give solutions. 二、小作文解析(T ASK 1): 1.通用格式: ⑴OPENING—1SENTENCE--- A. Paraphrase 5W & B. Overall trend Ⅰ.Line phases Ⅱ.Pie classification Ⅲ.Bar the gap between A&B e.g. The graphs and charts tell us a clear overview of the characteristics and trends of…… It can be seen from the table that….. 详细见白书P6/下,“Referable IELTS Writing opening &writing” ●RULE 1: A.不可以抄题目 B.不可以写“According to ….”,只能写“In that figure….” C.不可以写“below/following” D.不可以写“that/this” E.第一段不出现数据


雅思高频词汇完整版 copy 复印 clock 钟 letter 信,字母ticket 票transportation 交通goals 目标 energy 能量experience 经验January1月 Second第二America美国 Britain英国 London伦敦England英格兰Scotland苏格兰Queensland昆士兰Sydney悉尼Adelaide阿德莱德Melbourne墨尔本Perth珀斯组讨论 fire 火灾,解雇college 学院 teams 小组membership 会员资格difficulties 困难beach 海滩underground 地下spending 花费 site 位置 recreation 娱乐property 财产 learn 学习computers 电脑 plant 植物 table 桌子 support 支持 choice 选择 glass 玻璃 survey 调查passport 护照 range 范围service 服务 exams 考试 failure 失败 demonstration 示威 festival 节日 Belfast贝尔法斯特 Ireland 爱尔兰 Dublin都柏林 Australia澳大利亚 narrator 叙述者 costs 成本 background 背景 kindergarten Avenue 大街 senior 高级的,大四学生 deposit 押金 extra 额外的 tape 磁带 title 标题 culture dark 黑暗的 regular 规律的幼儿园 project 项目 December12月 November11月 beginning 开始 purpose 目的 interest 兴趣 decoration 装修,装饰 migration 迁徙,移民 party 晚会 relationship 关系 environmental 环境的 disease 疾病 Monday周一 Wednesday周三 century 世纪 equipment 设备 methods 方法 location 地理位置 transport 交通 campus 校园 ideas 观点 world 世界 coffee 咖啡 Third第三 Fourth第四 cause 起因 social 社会的 session 课程,时间 female 女性 station 车站 kitchen 厨房 club 俱乐部 American美国人 March3月 February2月 New Zealand新西兰文化 Cambridge 剑桥 media 媒体 Scottish苏格兰人 weekend 周末 traveling 旅游 park 公园 October10月 record 记录,唱片 professor 教授 team 队伍 seat 座位 May5月 August8月 child 儿童 September9月 Tuesday周二 Friday周五 Thursday周四 surname 姓 trousers 裤子 subjects 主题 drinking 饮水 mail 邮件 male男性 safety 安全 --


英语四级听力解题技巧之“一二三四” 一个中心:A部分以大学校园生活为中心 四级听力的A部分试题中,有很多都直接来自托福(TOEFL)听力A部分,还有部分是托福听力试题改编的。托福考试的目的就是检测非英语国家学生是否到美国接受高等教育的语言能力,其中听力的测试范围主要是大学校园生活(campus life)。通过对87年以来的历年试题的研究可以看出,四级听力A部分大多数试题涉及到大学校园生活。谈话的话题大多涉及大学生活中的各个场景,诸如吃饭、学习、借书、做作业、考试、开车、生病、找工作等等。每一类场景都有特定的词汇和固定谈话思路,我们可以通过选项的一些词汇,推测谈话的话题。带着托福情结的部分四、六级听力试题,答案是很有规律的。 在四级听力中,常见的场景有:(1)作业场景;作业包括assignment,paper,essay,presentation,experiment 等形式,作业一般很多,很难。(2)课程及考试场景;课程(course)一般很难,very challenging,好让有志于赴美读书的各国青年才俊们三思而后行。(3)授课场景;教授的课(含lecture,presentation等)讲的极为枯燥,很难听懂但是学生却对教授评价甚高;(4)考试场景;考试一般很难,女生比男生用功,考的好,还很爱帮助男生上进。(5)放假场景;大家思乡心切,急于回家。(7)打工找工作场景:工作难找,面试要做充分准备。(8)事故场景:学生一般命大,遇到交通事故(甚至飞机坠毁),往往车(包括自行车)毁而人无大碍,受点轻伤或者毫发未伤。(9)看show场景;一般人多票难买。(10)噪音场景;一般是嫌原来的住处too noisy,不利于安心学习。(11)找人一般找不到。(12)教授、医生、学生一般都很忙。(13)飞机、火车一般都晚点。(14)遇事不要着急,要耐心,要等待。 两类选项分析技巧: 一)排除一个选项的技巧,下列选项,可以排除: 1. 所属类别和其他选项相距甚选的选项,例如: (A) The choice of course. (C) An evening course. (B) A day course. (D) Their work. 其中的D选项,明显和其它三个选项属于不同类别,因而对的可能性极小。 2. 所涉及的人物和其他选项不同的选项,例如:1999年1月 A) The arrangement of the Wednesday meeting. B) Where they are going to meet Mr. Johnson. C) The necessity of writing to Mr. Johnson. D) Who is going to contact Mr. Johnson. 其中的A选项,明显和Mr. Johnson.没直接关系, 因而对的可能性极小。 3. 四个选项中,仅有一个选项含有数字或专用名词,则该选项一般不对,例如: A) They are both anxious to try Italian food. B) They are likely to have dinner together. C) The man will treat the woman to dinner tonight. D) The woman refused to have dinner with the man. 其中有且仅有A选项,含有专用名词Italian, 因而对的可能性极小。 又例如: A) Take the GRE test again in 8 weeks. B) Call to check his scores. C) Be patient and wait. D) Inquire when the test scores are released. 其中有且仅有A选项,含有专用名词GRE, 有含有数字,因而对的可能性更小。 4. 四个选项中,仅有一个或者两个选项含有听力中很少涉及的词汇,则该选项一般不对。例如: A) He was kept in hospital for a long time. B) He was slightly injured in a traffic accident. C) He was seriously wounded in a mine explosion. D) He was fined for speeding. C选项含有mine explosion在听力和日常口语中很少涉及,因而对的可能性很小。 5. 内容不合常理、比较荒谬的选项一般不对。例如: A) Most people killed in traffic accidents are heavy drinkers. B) She doesn’t agree with the man.


详细总结雅思听力笔记缩写技巧 雅思听力笔记缩写技巧是什么?雅思听力笔记缩写技巧有哪些?今天给大家带来了详细总结雅思听力笔记缩写技巧,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 【高分必看】详细总结雅思听力笔记缩写技巧 一、雅思听力笔记缩写技巧: 1、缩写符号 在雅思听力考试中,时常会有一些速记符号,这样可以很快节省自己的时间。速记符号有固定缩写的用固定缩写,没有固定缩写的就自己创造是一个非常实用的原则。例如organization:org,这个固定缩写比较常见,但是如果出现诸如handkerchief 这样的词,大家可以记成hdkf、handkch等各种形式。 2、杂交式速记 所谓杂交式,就是说速记的时候英文缩写、英文字母、其他符号、中文都是要混合运用的,一般不太有全篇英文速记到底的情况。哪种速记方式更快,那么下笔就用哪种,这是从大家提高雅思听力备考效率角度来讲的。 二、雅思听力笔记缩写

下面总结了一些前人的雅思听力笔记缩写,大家可以参考一下,当然也可以自己总结一套雅思听力笔记缩写,总之雅思听力笔记缩写的目的就在于能快速记录内容,当然更重要的是自己能看懂。 听力缩略词写法1:拿掉所有元音 MKT: market MGR: manager MSG: message STD: standard RCV: receive 听力缩略词写法2:保留前几个字母 INFO :information INS :insurance EXCH exchange I owe you IOU In stead of I/O 听力缩略词写法3:保留开头和结尾个发音字母

WK:week RM:room PL:people 听力缩略词写法4:根据发音R :are THO:though THRU:through 听力缩略词写法实例 缩略词原词 APT :Apartment ACC:Accountant ACDG :According ACPT: Accept AD :Advertisement ADS :Address ADV:Advice

新东方雅思全真模拟试题 听力原文

LISTENING TEST 2 - SCRIPTS NARRATOR: You will hear a number of different recordings and you will have to answer questions on what you hear. There will be time for you to read the instructions and questions and you will have a chance to check your work. All the recordings will be played once only. The test is in four sections. At the end of the test you’ll be given 10 minutes to transfer your answers to an answer sheet. Now turn to Section 1. SECTION 1 You’ll hear a travel agent talking to a client. First, you’ll have some time to look at questions 1-5. seconds] [20 You’ll see that there is an example which has been done for you. On this occasion only, the conversation relating to this will be played first. A GENT: Good morning, Global Travel, How can I help? C LIENT: Oh hello, yes, I’d like to speak to someone about booking a flight to Ireland. NARRATOR: The client wants to book a flight to Ireland, so Ireland is written in the space. Now we shall begin. You should answer the questions as you listen because you will not hear the recording a second time. Listen carefully and answer questions 1 to 5. A GENT: Good morning, Global Travel, How can I help? C LIENT: Oh hello, yes, I’d like to speak to someone about booking a flight to Ireland. A GENT: Right, I can help with that. Er, what would you like to know? C LIENT: Um, what kind of prices and specials do you have? A GENT: Well, there’s a couple of options when flying to the UK. You can fly through America and have a stopover there to break up the journey, although you would require a visa for that. The application process is quite straightforward though so there shouldn’t be any problem. C LIENT: Oh, I’m not really interested in stopping off anywhere; I just want to get to Ireland quickly. My sister’s getting married and the whole family will be there.


真题: 2009年12月大学英语四级【真题】听力录音下载 1993年1月-2008年6月大学英语四级听力原文+试题+答案+mp3(33套) [原创]大家版收藏级大学英语四级历年真题大全(89-07年39套)文本及听力 cet4考试必备英语四级听力[原文mp3下载汇总 新书: 长喜英语四级听力必备知识及各类词汇 2010版长喜《英语4级标准听力》电子书及MP3 新东方大学英语考试四级听力笔记电子书及mp3下载 《星火英语新题型大学英语4级考试听力题源精选720题(2010下)》(PDF+MP3)下载《星火英语新题型大学英语4级考试听力高分特训(2010下)》(PDF+MP3)下载 长喜2011年6月英语四级标准听力4套文本及mp3下载 [大家网首发]星火2011年6月英语四级听力高分突破-5套模拟电子书及MP3含字幕2010年12日(CET4)英语四级听力精练汇总 [原创]大家版收藏级大学英语四级历年真题大全(89-2010年)文本及听力 大学英语四级考试巅峰听力2007版(MP3含字幕)[王长喜编] 2010年12月英语四六级听力快速提高必经五个阶段及资料 [CET4新题型]听力16.0课时[张杨Flash] 听力备考专题

听力资料: [CET4新题型]听力16.0课时[张杨Flash] 大学英语四级考试巅峰听力2007版(MP3含字幕)[王长喜编]星火4级听力满分15天音频 4级听力满分15天五套模拟题音频 新东方语音教练笔记1-2 CET4新题型听力张杨教案 跟听15天大学英语四级听力得满分mp3 大学英语四级最新题型-听力理解(mp3+pdf文本) 新东方_大学英语四级_听力特训之附赠MP3光盘-430分钟全外研社《四六级备考宝典》听力试题MP3下载 上海新东方四级听力笔记下载 技巧方法: 英语四级听力30天学习笔记word下载 英语四级听力60个必考习语word下载 2009年英语四级听力复合式听写攻略:应试技巧 2009年6月四级听力备考:调整心态及快速记忆 2009年6月英语新四级考试听力长对话应试策略 过关斩将:大学英语四级听力得分秘笈 大学英语四级短文听力解题对策

高分笔记 雅思听力(新东方版本)

雅思听力讲义 第一讲雅思听力应注意的问题 1,学习英语的基本方法2,考试与技巧3,计划4,机经 1, 如何习得英语 ?学习英语的5个方面: ?听,说,读,写,译. ?其中读和听是基础,而读是最基础的,是习得的主要方法 2,四门考试之间的关系 听,读---被动 说,写---主动 听,读---平均分比 说,写---高半分 ?SOUNDS-SYLLABLES-WORDS-PHRASES-SENTENCES-PARAGRAPHS-PASSAGES ?语音-词汇-语法-记忆-走神 ?同时,听懂的过程正好是说的逆过程 3,问题及解决问题方法 1,语音: 1)48个基本音素 英语与汉语发音的不同/元音/辅音/易混音 2)吞音和连读 相邻辅音,前者有口型不送气/例外 一般连读/辅音连读/元音连读/例外 3)口音和语调 英音/美音/澳音/杂音 句子重音/单词重音/结构与节奏 1),2),3)问题的解决方案 纠音: 1,学过的配有磁带的3-5篇课文 2,录下自己的声音,与磁带反复对比,模仿 3,同性的声音 4)读音规则 一个字母组合发不同的音 不同的字母组合发同一个音

读音规则问题的解决方案 1, 找到读音规则 2, 多举不同的例子 2,词汇: 1)内涵和外延 不要只记一个意思,否则在其它地方遇到就不认识了2)用法 要记住单词的语境,否则即便记住了也不会用 3)同义词 听说读写都需要同义词 听力中有20-40%的题目需要听同义词 4)派生词 熟悉单词:词根/词缀 3,语法: 1)句子结构 只有抓住句子结构才能抓住完整的含义. 2)代词还原 这需要我们更强的短时记忆 3)动词形式的含义 熟悉动词的含义以及每一种形式的含义 词汇和语法问题解决方案 快速阅读: 1,每天1-2篇学过的课文(10+遍) 2,养成抓句子结构的习惯 3,180+WPM 4,记忆---听写 1)单句 2)边听边写和听完再写 3)两遍一句 5,走神: 1)边听边走---听着玩 每一部分犯的错误都不少 2)先走后不走---躺着听 S1没有进入状态 S2刚刚开始 S3,S4比前面两部分好 3)先不走后走---边听边译 S1不走神 S2累了,开始走神 S3,S4太累了一直在走神


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled How long should the national holiday be? You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below. 1. 有些人认为长假好,有些人认为短假好 2. 我认为...... 3. 我建议有关部门…… How long should the national holiday be? Part II Reading (skimming and scanning) (15 minutes) Directions:In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For question 1-7,choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C),and D).For questions 8-10,complete the sentences with the information given in the passage. The Modern Olympic Games The Modern Olympic Games might have remained just a part of history without the dream of one Frenchman, Pierre de Coubertin. Coubertin believed that sport and exercise were very important for the health and happiness of every man and also for the nation. He therefore tried, in 1892, to interest other Frenchmen in his dream of starting a modern form of the early Greek Games. His ideas were strongly criticized by many people, who did not really understand what he was trying to do. It is perhaps sad that the great work Pierre de Coubertin did to bring back the Games was never properly recognized during his lifetime. Gradually, however, people all over the world became interested in his ideas and at a meeting in Paris in 1894, with representatives from twelve different countries; plans were made to hold the first modern Games in Athens in 1899. Organizing the first modern Games, however, was not without problems. The Greek government was unhappy with the decision to hold the Games in Athens, as they had serious economic problems at the time and did not feel they were in a position to spend the necessary money. It seemed therefore that the Games would be finished before they had even begun. Prince Constantine of Greece, however, gave his support to Coubertin and the newly-formed Olympic Committee and other rich Greeks soon followed his example. Enough money was collected in Greece and abroad to build a new stadium and pay all the other costs. On 5th April, 1896, a crowd of over 60 000 people watched the King of Greece open the first modern Olympic Games. There were, however, very few competitors -only two hundred and eighty-five. Australia, Austria, Britain, Bulgaria, Chile, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Sweden, Switzerland and the USA, were the only countries to send athletes to the Games and most of the athletes who did come had to pay for their own travel and other costs. There were ten sports in the first program -cycling, gymnastics, tennis, swimming, athletics, fencing, weight-lifting, rowing, wrestling and shooting; there were also other non-sporting events, such as concerts and ballet, just as there had been at the early Games. At the first modern Olympics almost all the gold medals were won by American sportsmen, but the most famous of all the first medal winners was a young Greek named Spyros Louis, who came from a small village in the mountains near Athens. It was he who won the long and difficult race, the Marathon, and gave the Greeks the national win they had hoped for. The Greeks would have been happy to keep the Games in Greece but Coubertin believed strongly that the Olympics should be truly international and would not allow this to happen. It was therefore decided to hold the next Games in Paris in 1900. Sadly, however, the Paris Games and
