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L3. Pub Talk and the King’s English(酒吧闲谈与标准英语)

Henry Fairlie (亨利·费尔利)

1.Conversation is the most sociable of all human activities.And it is

an activity only of humans. However intricate the way in which animals communicate with each other, they do not indulge in anything

that deserves the name of conversation.


1.And it is an activity only of humans. (para1) 并且它是人类特有的一种活动。

And conversation is an activity which is found only among human being.

Sociable [?so???bl] adj.随和的,好交际的,友善的friendly or agreeable,eapecially in an easy,informal way(用书)

intricate (adj) : hard to follow or understand because full of puzzling parts,details,or relationships错综复杂的;难以理解的,难懂的

Indulge: 任凭自己沉溺于……;耽于to allow yourself to have or do sth that you like,eapecially sth that is considered bad for you ----indulge in sth, indulge yourself.

例:Women do not indulge in to the same extent as men.

deserve: 值得;应得

2.The charm of conversation is that it does not really start from

anywhere, and no one has any idea where it will go as it meander s or leap s and sparkle s or just glow s. The enemy of good conversation is the person who has “something to say.”Conversation is not for making a point. Argument may often be a part of it, but the purpose of the argument is not to convince. There is no winning in conversation.

In fact, the best conversationalist s are those who are prepared to lose.

Suddenly they see the moment for one of their best anecdote s, but in a flash the conversation has moved on and the opportunity is lost. They are ready to let it go.

2. 闲谈的引人入胜之处就在于它没有一个事先设定好的主题。它时而迂回meander前进,时而奔腾leap起伏,时而火花四射sparkle,时而热情洋溢glow,话题最终会扯到什么地方去谁也拿不准。感觉“有话想说”的人是一个“完美闲谈”的最大敌人。闲谈不是为了争论,尽管争论常常是闲聊的一部分,不过其目的并不是为了说服对方。闲谈之中是不存在什么输赢胜负(convince说服)的。事实上,真正的闲聊高手往往是随时准备让步(lose输掉)的。他们也许会偶然间觉得该把自己最得意的奇闻轶事anecdote选出一件插进来讲一讲,但一转眼in a flash大家已谈到别处去了,插话的机会随之丧失,他们也就听之任之了。meander: n. (比喻)proceed in an aimless way ; ramble漫谈,闲聊

例:The discussion meandered on for hours.讨论会漫无边际的进行了几个小时。

make a point: explain fully what one is proposing. 表明一种看法,证明一个论点例:All fight,you’ve made your point;now keep quiet and let the others say what they think.好啦,你已经把话说清楚了;那就别说了,让别人谈谈看法。Conversationalist: n. 健谈的人

Sparkle: v. be full of life and wit活力和才智换发。She always sparkles at parties.在聚会上,他总是神采奕奕。

Glow: glow with pride/joy/pleasure.

Anecdote: [??n?kdo?t] n.奇闻轶事(关于真人真事的短小有趣的事)

in a flash: suddenly,very quickly瞬间,非常突然。Without any delay

例:Just wait here.I’v be back in a flash.就在这儿等我,我马上就回来。

2.Conversation is not for making a point.(para2)交谈并不是为了表明一种看法。

Conversation is not for persuading others to accept our idea or point of view.(说服convincing, taking sb. over)

3.In fact, the best conversationalists are those who are prepared to lose.(para2) 实际上,最好的交谈者,是那些准备输的人。

In fact a person who really enjoys and is skilled at conversation will not argue to win or force others to accept his point of view.

meander (v.) : wander aimlessly or idly;ramble漫步;闲逛

conversationalist (n.) : a person who converses;esp.,one who enjoys and is skilled at conversation交谈者;(尤指)健谈者

anecdote (n.) : a short,entertaining account of some happening,usually personal or biographical 轶事,逸事

3.Perhaps it is because of my upbringing in English pubs that I think

bar conversation has a charm of its own. Bar friends are not deeply involved in each other’s lives. They are companions, not intimate s.

The fact that their marriages may be on the rock s, or that their love affair s have broken or even that they got out of bed on the wrong side is simply not a concern. They are like the musketeer s of Dumas who, although they lived side by side with each other, did not delve into each other’s lives or the recess es of their thoughts and feelings.

3. 或许是从小混迹于(upbringing n. 培养,养育)英国小酒吧的缘故吧,我觉得酒馆里的闲聊是别有韵味的。酒馆里的朋友们对彼此的生活毫不了解(involve in 使牵扯到),他们只是临时的伙伴,相互之间并无深交(intimate密友,知己)。这些人之中,也许有人的婚姻面临破裂(on the rock婚姻的破坏),有人恋爱受挫,有人碰到别的什么不顺心的事儿(go out of bad on the wrong side),但这些都无关紧要。他们就像大仲马笔下的三个火枪手(musketeer火枪手)一样,虽然朝夕相处,却从来不过问(delve 发掘)彼此的私事(recess 私事),也不去打探别人内心的秘密。

4. Bar friends are not deeply involved in each other's lives. (para3)酒吧友人没有深层次地涉及彼此的生活。

People who meet each other for a drink in the bar of a pub are not intimate friends for they are not deeply absorbed or engrossed in each other’s lives.(close friends密友)

intimate (n.) : a close friend or companion密友,知己

on the rocks :in or into a condition of ruin or catastrophe(婚姻)破坏的,失败的

例:Tim’s marriage is on the rocks.提姆的婚姻亮起了红灯。

delve (v.) : investigate for information;search发掘;调查(研究)

recess (n.) : a secluded,withdrawn,or inner place幽深处

get out the bed on the wrong side: to be cross or grouchy早晨起来便心情不好

Love affair: n a romantic sexual relationship,usually between two people who are not married to each other.

4.It was on such an occasion the other evening, as the conversation

moved desultorily here and there, from the most commonplace to thoughts of Jupiter, without any focus and with no need for one, that suddenly the alchemy of conversation took place, and all at once there was a focus. I do not remember what made one of our companions say it –she clearly had not come into the bar to say it, it was not something that was pressing on her mind – but her remark fell quite naturally into the talk.


desultorily (adv.) : aimlessly;at random随意地;无目的地

alchemy (n.) : an early form of chemistry,whose chief aims were to change baser metals into gold:a method or power of transmutation; esp. the seemingly miraculous change of a thing into something better炼金术;变化物质的方法或魔力

5.“Someone told me the other day that the phrase, ‘the King’s

English,’was a term of criticism, that it means language which one should not properly use”


6.The glow of the conversation burst into flame s. There were

affirmations and protests and denials, and of course the promise, made in all such conversation, that we would look it up on the morning.

That would settle it; but conversation does not need to be settled; it could still go ignorantly on.

6.此语一出,谈话氛围立即热烈起来burst into flames。有人表示赞成affirmation,也有人怒斥protest,还有人则不以为然denial。最后,当然少不了像处理所有这种场合下的意见分歧一样,大家约好次日一早去查证一下。问题就这样解决settle了。不过,闲聊并不需要解决什么问题,大家仍旧可以糊里糊涂地继续闲扯下去。

5.It could still go ignorantly on(para6)大伙仍旧可以糊里糊涂地扯下去。

The conversation could go on without anybody knowing who was right or wrong.

burst into: 突然进入(某种状态)

flame: n.火焰

affirmation: n.肯定,确认

protest:n. 反对,抗议

denials: 否定,拒绝接受

7.It was an Australian who had given her such a definition of “the

king’s English,” which produced some rather tart remarks about what one could expect from the descendants of convicts. We had traveled in five minutes to Australia. Of course, there would be resistance to the King’s English in such a society. There is always resistance in the lower classes to any attempt by an upper class to lay down rules for “English as it should be spoken.”

7. 告诉她“标准英语”应做这种解释的原来是个澳大利亚人。知道这个后,有些人便说起刻薄话来了,说什么囚犯的后代这样说倒也不足为奇。就这样,不到5分钟,大家便扯到了澳大利亚。在那个地方,“标准英语”自然是不受欢迎的。因为下层人民总是会抵制上流社会给“规范英语”制定的条条框框。

tart(adj.) : sharp in taste;sour;acid辛辣的;尖酸的;刻薄的

lay down : to assert or declare; 声明,颁布例:He had already clearly lain down his view in his opening speech.

例:The regulations lay down a rigid procedure for checking safety equipment.法令规定了一套严格的安检程序。

8.Look at the language barrier between the Saxon churl s and their

Norman conquerors. The conversation had swung from Australian convict s of the 19th century to the English peasant s of the 12th century.

Who was right, who was wrong, did not matter. The conversation was on wings.

8.想想撒克逊农民(churl) 与征服他们的诺曼统治者之间的语言隔阂barrier吧。于是闲聊的主题又从19世纪的澳大利亚囚犯(convict) 转移到【swung(使)摇摆】了12世纪的应该农民(peasant) 身上。谁对谁错,并没有关系。闲聊依旧热火朝天地进行着。

barrie r: n. 屏障;妨碍roadblock

churl (n.) : a farm laborer;peasant农民;庄稼人,乡下人

Conqueror: n. 征服者,占领者

Swung: v. (使)摇摆

convict (n.) : a person found guilty of a crime and sentenced by a court罪犯

Peasant: n.农夫

on wings : in flight;continually moving about像飞一样地,飘飘然

例:The birds are on wings in the sky.鸟儿在空中展翅高飞。

She went home on wings.她高高兴兴地回家。

9.Someone took one of the best – known of examples, which is still

always worth the reconsidering. When we talk of meat on our tables we use French words; when we speak of the animals from which the meat comes we use Anglo – Saxon words. It is a pig in its sty; it is pork (porc) on the table. They are cattle in the fields, but we sit down to beef (boeuf). Chickens become poultry (poulet), and a calf becomes veal(veau ). Even if our menus were not written in French out of snobbery, the English we used in them would still be Norman English.

What all this tells us is of a deep class rift in the culture of English after the Norman Conquest.


rift (n.) : an open break in a previously friendly relationship分裂;失和

Sty: sties [C]a place where pigs are kept=pigsty

Poultry :n. hens,ducks,geese,turkeys,etc. Kept for eating or for their eggs;domestic fowls 家禽Veal: flesh of a calf used as meat(使用的)小牛肉

6. They are cattle in the fields, but we sit down to beef (boeuf). (para9)地里放牧着的牛叫cattle,席上吃的牛肉则叫beef。

These animals are called cattle when they are alive and feeding in the fields; but when we sit down at the table to eat.We call their meat beef.

10.The Saxon peasant s who tilled the land and reared the animals

could not afford the meat, which went to Norman tables. The peasants were allowed to eat the rabbits that scamper ed over their field and, since that meat was cheap, the Norman lords of course turned up their noses at it. So rabbit is still rabbit on our tables, and not changed into some rendering of lapin.

10.撒克逊农民peasant种地养殖rear牲畜,自己出产的肉自己却吃不上,全部送到了诺曼人的餐桌上。农民们只能吃在地里乱窜scamper的兔子。因为兔子的肉便宜,诺曼贵族自然不屑turn up one’s noses at去吃它。因此,活兔子和兔子肉共用rabbit这个词表示,而没有换成由法语lapin转化(rendering翻译)而来的某个词。

scamper (v.) : run or go hurriedly or quickly (儿童及某些小动物)奔跑,蹦蹦跳跳

例:The rabbit scampered away in fright.兔子惊慌地抛了

rendering (n.) : a translation翻译

turn up one’s nose at : to sneer at,scorn嘲笑,轻蔑

例:The children turned up their noses at my home cooking.孩子们嘲笑我的厨艺。

11.As we listen today to the arguments about bilingual education, we

ought to think ourselves back into the shoes of the Saxon peasant. The new ruling class had built a cultural barrier against him by building their French against his own language. There must have been a great deal of cultural humiliation felt by the English when they revolted under Saxon leaders like Hereward the Wake. “The king’s English”-if the term had existed then-had become French. And here in America now, 900 years later, we are still the heir s to it.

11.如今,当我们听着有关双语bilingual教育问题的争论时,我们应该设身处地into the shoes of替当时的撒克逊农民想一想,新的统治阶级ruling用法语来对抗撒克逊农民自己的语言,从而在农民周围筑起一道文化壁垒。当英国人在像觉醒者赫里沃德这样的撒克逊领袖领导下起来造反时,他们一定深深地感受到了文化上的屈辱humiliation。“标准英语”-如果那时候有这个名词的话-已经变成法语了。而九百年后我们在美国这个地方仍然继承了这种影响。

bilingual (adj.) : of,in or using two languages(用)两种语言的

in the shoes of : in another’s position站在别人的立场上,设身处地

例:I’m glad I’m not in his shoes with all those debts to pay off.我庆幸不用像他那样去偿还所有的债务。

Heir :n. (to sth) 继承人

7. The new ruling class had built a cultural barrier against him by building their French against his own language. (para11) 新的统治阶级用法语来对抗其他语言,这样就建立起了对抗这些农民的文化壁垒。

The new ruling class by using French instead of English made it difficult for the English to accept or absorb合并the culture of the rulers.

12.So the next morning, the conversation over, one looked it up. The

phrase came into use some time in the 16th century. “Queen’s English”

is found in Nashe’s “Strange News of the Intercept ing of Certain Letters” in 1593, and in 1602, Dekker wrote of someone, “thou clipst the King’s English.” Is the phrase in Shakespeare? That would be the confirmation that it was in general use. He uses it once, when Mistress Quickly in “The Merry Wives of Windsor” says of her master coming home in a rage, “…here will be an old abusing of God’s patience and the King’s English,” and it rings true.

12.那晚闲聊过后的第二天一大早便有人去查阅了资料。这个名词在16世纪已有人使用过了。纳什作于1593年的《截获intercept信函奇闻》中就有过“标准英语”(Queen’s English)的提法。1602年德克写到某人时有句话说:“你thou把‘标准英语’(King’s English)简化了”。莎士比亚作品中是否也出现过这一提法呢?如出现过,那就证明这个词在当时既已通用。他用过一次,在《温莎的风流娘们》中,女仆Quickly在讲到她家老爷回来后将会有的盛怒情形时说,“……少不了一通臭骂,骂得昏天暗地,“标准英语”不知要给他糟蹋成个什么样子啦。”后来的事实果然被她说中了。

intercept (v.) : seize or stop on the way,before arrival at the intended place拦截;截断;截击。例:Reporters intercepted him as he tried to leave by the rear entrance.他想从后门溜走,记者把他截住了。

abuse (v.) : use wrongly;use insulting,coarse or bad language;scold harshly滥用;辱骂,口出恶言


13.One could have expected that it would be about then that the phrase

would be coin ed. After five centuries of growth, of tussling with the French of the Normans and the Angevin s and the Plantagenets and at last absorbing it, the conquered in the end conquering the conqueror, English had come royally into its own.

13.我们有理由认为这个词就是那个时候产生(coin杜撰)的。经过前后五百年的发展和与诺曼人、安茹王朝(Angevin)及金雀花王朝(Plantagenets)的法语的竞争,英语最终同化absorbing了法语。被统治者成了统治着,英语取得了国语的地位come into its own。

coin (v.) : make up;devise;invent(a new word,phrase,etc.)编造;杜撰(新词、新短语等) tussle (v.) : to fight or struggle without using any weapons,by pulling or pushing someone rather than hitting them. 斗争,搏斗;竞争

词组Tussle with 例:He was tussling with the other boys.

come into one’s own : to receive what properly belongs to one,esp.acclaim or recognition 得到自己该得的东西,如荣誉或世人的口碑

Royally: adv. 像王族,庄严地

8. English had come royally into its own. (para13) 英语取得了国语的地位。

The English language received proper recognition and was used by the King once more.

14.There was a King’s (or Queen’s) English to be proud of. The

Elizabethans blew on it as on a dandelion clock, and its seeds multiplied, and floated to the ends of the earth. “The King’s English”

was no longer a form of what would now be regarded as racial discrimination.

14.这样便有了一种英国人值得引以为傲的“标准英语”。伊丽莎白时代的人没费吹灰之力便使其影响日盛(multiplied(使)增加、相乘),遍及全球(blew吹)。“标准英语”再也不带有今天所谓的种族歧视racial discrimination的性质了。

dandelion (n.) : any of several plants of the composite family,common lawn weeds with jagged

leaves,often used as greens,and yellow flowers蒲公英(属)

15.Yet there had been something in the remark of the Australian. The

phrase has always been used a little pejoratively and even facetiously by the lower classes. One feels that even Mistress Quickly-a servant-is saying that Dr. Caius-her master-will lose his control and speak with the vigor of ordinary folk. If the King’s English is “English as it should be spoken,” the claim is often mock ed by the underling s, when they say with a jeer“English as it should be spoke.”The rebellion against a cultural dominance is still there.

15.不过,那个澳大利亚人的解释也有一定道理。下层阶级在使用这一名词时总带着一点轻蔑pejorative、讥讽facetious的味道。我们会发现,就连Quickly这样一个婢女(servant 佣人)也会说她的主子凯厄斯大夫管不住自己的舌头,而讲起平民百姓ordinary folk们所讲的那种粗话。如果说“标准英语”就是所谓“规范英语”,这种看法常常会受到下层人民的嘲笑mock讥讽jeer,他们有时故意开玩笑地把它称做“规反英语”。下层人民对于文华上的专制还是颇有(抵制rebellion反抗)心理的。

pejorative (adj.) : disparaging or derogatory轻蔑的;贬低的

facetious (adj.) : (usu derog通常作贬义)joking or trying to be jocular,esp.at an imappropriate time滑稽的;诙谐的;(尤指在不适当的时候)开玩笑的例:a facetious young man 耍贫嘴的小伙子

underling (n.) : a person in a subordinate position;inferior disparaging(通常作蔑词)下属;jeer: n. Jeering remark; taunt揶揄的言语;嘲讽;

例:He ran off ,their jeers ringing in his ears.他一跑了之,耳边仍回响着他们的冷嘲热讽。mock: (~ at sb/sth) make fun of,eap by mimicking him/it contemptuously; ridicule取笑(某人、某物);尤其指模仿嘲弄,愚弄mocking smile,voice ,laugh 嘲弄的微笑、声音、大笑

9. The phrase has always been used a little pejoratively and even facetiously by the lower classes. (para15) 下层阶级使用这个短语时,常带有贬义,甚至讥讽的味道。

The phrase,the King’s English,has always been used disrespectfully 无礼地;不恭地and jokingly开玩笑地by the lower classes.(or: The working people very often make fun of the proper and formal language of the educated people.)

10.The rebellion against a cultural dominance is still there. (para15) 对文化支配的对抗仍然存在。

There still exists in the working people,as in the early Saxon peasants,a spirit of opposition to the cultural authority of the ruling class.在劳动人民中仍然存在着,就像早期的撒克逊农民一样,反对统治阶级文化权威的精神。

16.There is always a great danger, as Carlyle put it, that “words will

harden into things for us.”Words are not themselves a reality, but only representations of it, and the King’s English, like the Anglo-French of the Normans, is a class representation of reality.

Perhaps it is worth trying to speak it, but it should not be laid down as an edict, and made immune to change from below.


edict (n.) : an official public proclamation or order issued by authority;decree法令;命令;布告Immune:(adj.) : exempt from or protected against something disagreeable or harmful不受影响的;可避免的

harden: v. (cause sth to) become hare,strong,etc(使某物)变硬;变坚强,变鉴定

11. There is always a great danger, as Carlyle put it, that"words will harden into things for us." (para16) 正如卡莱尔提出的,“对我们而言,词语会变成具体的事物”,这始终会有极大的危险。

There is always a great danger that we might forget that words are only symbols and take them for things they are supposed to represent.For example,the word“dog”is a symbol representing a kind of animal.We mustn’t regard the word“dog”as being the animal itself.总是有一个很大的危险,我们可能会忘记,单词只是符号sign/mark,并把他们的东西,他们应该代表的话,例如,“狗”是一个象征,代表一种动物,我们不能把“狗”这个词本身作为动物本身。

17.I have an unending love affair with dictionaries-Auden once said

that all a writer needs is a pen, plenty of paper and “the best dictionaries he can afford”-but I agree with the person who said that dictionaries are instruments of common sense. The King’s English is a model-a rich and instructive one-but it ought not to be an ultimatum. 17. 我一向对词典有着始终不渝的酷爱-奥登曾经说过,一支笔、够用的纸张“他所能弄到的最好的词典”就是一个作家的全部所需-但其实上我更赞同另一种说法,即把词典看成是一种常识工具。标准英语是一种范本-一种丰富而又指导作用的范本-但并不是一种绝对的权威。

ultimatum (n.) : a final offer or demand,esp.by one of the parties engaged in negotiations,the rejection of which usually leads to a break in relations and unilateral action,the use of force etc.by the party issuing the ultimatum最后通牒accept, reject, issue , deliver an ultimatum 几首、拒绝、发出、送交最后通牒。

18.So we may return to my beginning. Even with the most educated

and the most literate, the King’s English slips and slides in conversation. There is no worse conversation than the one who punctuates his words as he speaks as if he were writing, or even who tries to use words as if he were composing a piece of prose for print.

When E. M. Forster writes of “the sinister corridor of our age,” we sit up at the vividness of the phrase, the force and even terror in the

image. But if E. M. Forster sat in our living room and said, “We are all following each other down the sinister corridor of our age,” we would be justified in asking him to leave.

sit up : (colloq.)to。become suddenly alert;be surprised or startled吃惊,警觉

例:I called her a damned hypocrite and that made her sit up.我骂她惺惺作态,她马上警觉起来

Sinister: suggesting evil, or that sth bad may happen 邪恶的,险恶的。A sinister motive,action, place 邪恶的动机,不详之处。

Corridor: n. Long narrow passage,from which doors open into rooms or compartments过道,走廊

18.由此我们可以回到我先前的话题上。即便是那些学问再高、文学修养再好的人,他们所讲的标准英语在闲聊中也常常会离谱走调。要是有谁闲聊时也像做文章一样句逗分明,或像写一篇要发表的散文般咬文嚼字的话,那他说的话就一定极为倒人胃口。看到 E.M.福斯特笔下写出“如今这个时代阴森恐怖的长廊”时,我们可以深刻体会到语言的生动、比喻的张力。但假若福斯特坐在我们的会客室里说“我们大家正一个接一个地步入这个时代阴森恐怖的长廊”时,我们肯定会让他离开。

19.Great authors are constantly being asked by foolish people to talk as

they write. Other people may celebrate the lofty conversations in which the great minds are supposed to have indulge d in the great salon s of 18th century Paris, but one suspects that the great minds were gossiping and judging the quality of the food and the wine. Henault, then the great president of the First Chamber of the Paris Parlement, complained bitterly of the “terrible sauces”at the salons of Mme.

Deffand, and went on to observe that the only difference between her cook and the supreme chef, Brinvilliers, lay in their intentions.

indulge (v.) : give way to one’s own desire尽情享受;从事于

Lofty : adj. Lofty ideas,beliefs,attitudes etc show high standards or high moral qualities- use this

to show approval.崇高的想法


19. 常常会有一些愚人要求大文豪们在交谈时也像写文章一样字字珠玑,也有人对18世纪巴黎的文艺沙龙salon里那些文人雅士的高谈阔论极表称羡。可是,说不定那些文人雅士们在那里也只不过是闲谈gossip,谈论酒食的好坏哩。当时的巴黎大法院第一厅厅长亨奥尔特在德芳侯爵夫人家的沙龙作客时就曾大叫到“调料糟糕透了”,接着还大发议论说侯爵夫人家的厨子和总厨师长布兰维利耶之间的唯一差别不过就是用心不一而已。

20.The one place not to have dictionaries is in a sitting room or at a

dining table. Look the thing up the next morning, but not in the middle of the conversation. Otherwise one will bind the conversation; one will not let it flow freely here and there. There would have been no conversation the other evening if we had been able to settle at once the meaning of “the King’s English.”We would never have gong to Australia, or leaped back in time to the Norman Conquest.


21.And there would have been nothing to think about the next morning.

Perhaps above all, one would not have been engaged by interest in the musketeer who raised the subject, wondering more about her. The bother about teaching chimpanzee s how to talk is that they will probably try to talk sense and so ruin all conversation.

(from The Washington Post, May 6, 1979)


摘自1979年5月6日《华盛顿邮报》musketeer (n.) : (formerly)a soldier armed with a musket火枪手

chimpanzee (n.) anthropoid ape of Africa,with black hair and large,outstanding ears(非洲)黑猩猩

engage:v. 从事于

综合英语课文重点讲解(Unit 4)

Unit 4 An unusual job 课文重点讲解: 1) It’s all in a day’s work when you’re a stuntwoman. all in a/the day’s work: (colloquial) not unusual; as expected 家常便饭,不足为奇 e.g. (1) Coping with the paparazzi at any time is all in a day’s work for the celebrity.对于明星来说,随时应对狗仔队已经成为家常便饭。 (2) When the machine broke down, Mary said it was all in a day’s work. 2)it’s a profession that badly lacks female participation lack 的用法:可以做动词(及物和不及物),也可以做名词 e.g. a lack (n.)of money; the lack (n.)of time You will not lack (vi)in support from me.你将得到我的帮助。 The plant died because it lacked (vt.) moisture. 这株植物因为缺乏水分而死。 3) A stuntperson is a man or woman who does all the hair-raisingly dangerous bits of acting work in films or on TV. "hair-raisingly": n. + adv.的复合词形式 ,意思是: 令人毛骨悚然的 e.g. heart-breakingly bad news bone-bitingly cold wind ear-deafeningly loud noise bits: small pieces 少许,少量 4) This can be anything from a relatively simple fall into a swimming pool, to tripping off the top of a skyscraper building. 本句中最主要的结构是:from …to…需要用平行结构,from 后面用的是名词a fall, 那么to 后面也要用名词,动名词或者名词词组, 这里tripped off是动名词词组. trip off: jump from 从…跳离 5) It sounds like a crazy profession that only the crazy would attempt, but it’s actually a job that many people think about -few people actually go through with it. the crazy: 定冠词+形容词表示一类人. e.g. the weak the ordinary the young the rich think about: consider doing 考虑 e.g. I would like to think about your suggestion before I give a definite reply. go through with: to complete or pursue (sth. which has been agreed or planned) to the end (often with difficulties)完成, 把...进行到底


高级英语第三版第一册课后英译汉答案 Unit1Paraphrase: 1.We’re23feet above sea level. 2.The house has been here since1915,andno hurricane has ever caused any damag e to it. 3.We can make the necessary preparations and survive the hurricane without much damage. 4.Water got into the generator and put it out.It stopped producing electricity,so the lights also went out. 5.Everybody goes out through the back door and runs to the cars! 6.The electrical systems in the car(the battery for the starter)had been put out by w ater. 7.As John watched the water inch its way up the steps,he felt a strong sense of guilt because he blamed himself for endangering the whole family by deciding not to flee i nland. 8.Oh God,please help us to get through this storm safely 9.Grandmother Koshak sang a few words alone and then her voice gradually grew di mmer and finally stopped. 10.Janis displayed the fear caused by the hurricanerather late. 1.每架飞机起飞之前必须经过严格的检查。(check out) Each and every airplane must be checked out thoroughly before taking off. 2.居民坚决反对在附近建立垃圾焚烧厂,因为他们担心工厂排放的气体会污染周围的空气。(waste incineration plant,concerned about) The residents were firmly against the construction of a waste incineration plant in th eir neighborhood because they were deeply concerned about the air pollution emitt ed by the plant. 3.在这个地区,生态工程的投资额高达数十亿。(mount to) In this area,investment in ecological projects mounted up to billions of yuan. 4.干枯的河道里布满了大大小小的石块。(strewn with) The dry riverbed was strewn with rocks of all sizes. 5.虽然战争给这个国家造成巨大的损失,但当地的文化传统并没有消亡。(perish)Although war caused great losses to this country,its local cultural traditi ons did not perish. 6.为了建筑现代化的高楼大厦,许多古老的、具有民族特色的建筑都被拆毁了。(demolish) To make space for modern high rises,a lot of ancient buildings with ethnic cultural fe atures had to be demolished. 7.在地震中多数质量差的房子的主体结构都散架了。(disintegrate) The main structures of most of the poor-quality houses disintegrated in the earthqua ke. 8.他为实现自己的目标付出了最大的努力,但最后美好的梦想还是化为了泡影。


高级英语课后练习答案(上下全册) Rock Superstars What Do They Tell Us About OurSelves and Our Society? 课后练习(Exercises on the text) A.Answer the following questions on the text: 1.They emphasize the theme of the article and they are appropriate. 2.The author attempts to illustrate that there are completely different ideas about Rock Music between the young people and the adult. 3.Rock music can express its times. He sees it as a debating forum where American society struggles to define and redefine its feelings and beliefs. 4.Elvis managed to embody the frustrated teenage spirit of the 1950s. 5.Bob Dylan spoke of civil rights, the Beatles urged peace and piety, and the Rolling Stones demanded revolution. 6.Apart from politics, the rock music also deals with feelings. 7.They got applause, praise and money. 8.No, he hasn’t. He wants the readers to think it carefully. B.Translate the following into Chinese: 1.他说:“贾格尔拿着装有半加仑水的罐子沿着舞台前沿跑动,把水洒到


高英课内考点:第一课:Paraphrase 1、we’re elevated 23 feet. Our house is 23 feet above sea level. 2、The place has been here since 1915,and no hurricane has ever bothered it. The house was built in 1915,and since then no hurricane has done any damage to it. 3、We can batten down and ride it out. We can make the necessary preparation and survive the hurricane without much damage. 4、The generator was doused,and the lights went out. Water got into the generator,it stopped working.As a result all lights were put out. 5、Everybody out the back door to the cars! Everyone go out through the back door and get into the cars! 6、The electrical systems had been killed by water.

The electrical systems in the cars had been destroyed by water. 7、John watched the water lap at the steps,and felt a crushing guilt. As John watched the water inch its way up the steps,he felt a strong sense of guilt because he blamed himself for endangering the family by making the wrong decision not to flee inland. 8、Get us through this mess,will You? Oh,God,please help us to get through this dangerous situation. 9、She carried on alone for a few bars;then her voice trailed away. She sang a few words alone and then her voice gradually grew dimmer and stopped. 10、Janis had just one delayed reaction. Janis didn’t show any fear on the spot during the storm,but she revealed her feelings caused by the storm a few nights after the hurricane by getting up in the middle of the night and crying softly. 英译汉: 1、But,like thousands of others in the coastal communities,John was reluctant to abandon his home unless the family----his wife,Janis,and their seven children,aged 3 to 11---was clearly endangered.

21世纪大学英语英语课文讲解unit1( B )

Text B Little Sister of the Poor 1.Mother Teresa (1910~1997) Mother Teresa, a Roman Catholic nun, was born to Albanian parents in Yugoslavia. She is known as “the Saint of the Gutters” for bringing comfort and dignity to the destitute贫穷的. She founded an order (Missionaries of Charity) which is noted for its work among the poor and the dying in Calcutta, India, and throughout the world. Mother Teresa was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. 2. Roman Catholic Church The Roman Catholic Church, also called the Catholic Church or the Church of Rome, is the Christian Church with administrative headquarters in the Vatican, of which the pope, or the Bishop of Rome is the supreme head. 3.John Paul II (1920~) John Paul II is the first non-Italian Polish Pope in the history of the Roman Catholic church. He was elected pope on Oct. 16, 1978. John Paul II is a conservative pope who firmly holds traditional Catholic views. 4. Chernobyl The world’s worst nuclear-reactor accident occurred at the Chernobyl (Ukraine) nuclear power plant on Apr. 26, 1986. The accident caused the immediate death of 31 people, while many others suffered radioactive contamination污染. 6. the Nobel Prize Any of the prizes (five in number until 1969, when a sixth was added) that are awarded annually by four institutions (three Swedish and one Norwegian) from a fund established under the will of Alfred Bernhard Nobel. Distribution was begun on Dec. 10, 1901, the fifth anniversary of the death of the founder, whose will specified that the awards should annually be made “to those who, during the preceding year, shall have conferred the greatest benefit on mankind.” The five prizes established by his will are: the Nobel Prize for Physics; the Nobel Prize for Chemistry; the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine; the Nobel Prize for Literature; and the Nobel Prize for Peace. An additional award, the Prize for Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, was set up in 1968 by the Bank of Sweden, and the first award was given in 1969. Text Analysis: Part I (Para 1-3) death of the Mother Teresa and the public response 1.(para.1) Mother Teresa served the dying and desperate all over the world. 2.(para.2) Mother Teresa died of illness and many people felt personal grief over her death. 3.(para.3) Mother Teresa was regarded as a living saint and what she did transcended the boundaries of religion and nationality. Part II(para.4~8) The development of Mother Teresa’s cause and countless acts of mercy Part III(para.9~11) Mother Teresa gained fame and honor as well as criticism. Her act will be remembered by people. Words & Expressions: 1. Hospitalize vt. (usu. pass.) put (a person) into hospital [常被动] 送…进医院治疗 He hospitalizes patients for minor ailments. 他把只有小病的患者也送进医院。 Mrs Smith seriously ill already hospitalize. 史密斯夫人病重已住院。 You must hospitalize right now. 你必须立即住院。


Lesson One 1. And it is an activity only of humans. And conversation is an activity found only among human beings. 2. Conversation is not for making a point. Conversation is not for persuading others to accept our ideas or points of views. 3. In fact, the best conversationalists are those who are prepared to lose. In fact , people who are good at conversation will not argue to win or force others to accept his ideas. 4. Bar friends are not deeply involved in each other’s lives. People who meet each other for a drink in the bar of a pub are not close friends for they are not deeply absorbed in each other’s private lives. 5. ....it could still go ignorantly on ... The conversation could go on without anybody knowing who was right or wrong. 6. There are cattle in the fields ,but we sit down to beef. These animals are called cattle when they are alive and feed in the fields , but when we sit down at the table to eat, we call their meet beef. 7. The new ruling class had built a cultural barrier against him by building their French against his own language. The new ruling class by using French instead of English made it hard for the English to accept or absorb the culture of the rulers. 8. English had come royally into its own. English received proper recognition and was used by the King once more. 9. The phrase has always been used a little pejoratively and even facetiously by the lower classes. The phrase , the King’s English ,has always been used disrespectfully and jokingly by the lower classes.(The working people often mock the proper and formal language of the educated people.) 10. The rebellion against a cultural dominance is still there. As the early Saxon peasants , the working people still have a spirit of opposition to the cultural authority of the ruling class. 11. There is always a great danger that “ words will harden into things for us. “ There is always a great danger , as Carlyle put it , that we might forget that words are only symbols and take them for things they are supposed to represent. Translation


高级英语第1册修辞练习第3版 Point the rhetorical devices used in the following sentences Lesson 1 1.We can batten down and ride it out. (Metaphor ) 2.Wind and rain now whipped the house. ( Metaphor ) 3.Stay away from the windows. (Elliptical sentence ) 4.--- the rain seemingly driven right through the walls. ( Simile) 5.At 8:30, power failed. (Metaphor ) 6.Everybody out the back door to the cars. (Elliptical sentence ) 7.The children went from adult to adult like buckets in a fire brigade. ( Simile ) 8…the electrical systems had been killed by water.( metaphor ) 9.Everybody on the stairs. ( elliptical sentence) 10.The wind sounded like the roar of a train passing a few yards away. ( simile ) 11. A moment later, the hurricane, in one mighty swipe, lifted the entire roof off the house and skimmed it 40 feet though the air. ( personification ) 12…it seized a 600,000-gallon Gulfport oil tank and dumped it 3.5 miles away. ( personification ) 13.Telephone poles and 20-inch-thick pines cracked like guns as the winds snapped them.( simile ) 14.Several vacationers at the luxurious Richelieu Apartments there held a hurricane party to watch the storm from their spectacular vantage point. ( Transferred epithet ) 15. Up the stairs --- into our bedroom. ( Elliptical sentence ) 16.The world seemed to be breaking apart. ( Simile ) 17. Water inched its way up the steps as first floor outside walls collapsed. (Metaphor ) 18.Strips of clothing festooned the standing trees.. (Metaphor ) 19…and blown-down power lines coiled like black spaghetti over the road.( simile ) 20…household and medical supplies streamed in by plane, train, truck and car. (metaphor ) 21.Camille, meanwhile, had raked its way northward across Mississippi, dropped more than 28 inches of rain into West.( metaphor ) Lesson2 1 Hiroshima—the”Liveliest”City in Japan.—irovy 2 That must be what the man in the Japanese stationmaster’s uniform shouted,as the fastest train in the world slipped to a stop in Hiroshima Station.—alliteration 3 And secondly.because I had a lump in my throat and a lot of sad thoughts on my mind that had little to do with anything in Nippon railways official might say.—metaphor 4 Was I not at the scene of crime?—rhetorical question 5 The rather arresting spectacle of little old Japan adrift amid beige concrete skyscrapers is the very symbol of the incessant struggle between the kimono and the miniskirt.—synecdoche,metonymy


1 Rock music began in America in the late 1950's ? It was not only a new musical form , but a forum for the American youth to express their ideas of the world and life . In this foiiini, the stars sang out the attitudes of the youth towards civil rights , war and peace ,the disaffection of their society , and a range of emotions between love and hate ? Allin all, in this forum , the American youth redefined the beliefs and feelings of their society ? The typical representatives of the early rock music were Elvis Presley , singer and poet Bob Dylan , the Bealtles , the rolling Stones and so on ? They were the culture heroes whom the young people worshipped ? 2 The American young people in 1960,s were a generation of rebellion ? Tliey found that the affluent American society was filled with poverty , injustice and gypocrisy . They didn't tmst the adult world that didn't belong to them and revised to take theii' beliefs and values . Many young people took active part in the struggle which protested against poverty , racial discrimination and Vietnam War ? Some young people even tried to overthrow this world by armed revolution. Many other young took passive ways to show their disaffections ? They took drugs , refused to take any responsibilities and lived a parasitic way of life ? Or they escaped to the frontiers and lived a primitive way of life ? 3 Mathilda had been ill for three days ? Her mother had given her some medicine, but it didn^t do any good ?So they had to ask the doctor to come ? There had been a number of cases of diphthena in Mathildaschool and two of them had been dead ? When the doctor anived at Olson's home . he wanted to examine Mthilda's tluoat first ? But no matter how he coaxed ”She wouldn't open her mouth ? So the doctor had to get the tongue depressor into her mouth ? But Mathilda reduced it to splinters .In order to protect Mathilda herself and other children , the doctor had to make sure whether she had diphtheria or not, so that he could treat her in time ? Letting Mathilda c s father hold her wrists lie tned his best to open her mouth and found she really had diphtheria. Tliis stoiy made us can think such a question that something in life can^ only depend on self willingness ? Under some circumstances , certain force seems necessary ? 4


第一课Face to face with Hurricane Camille Translation (C-E) 1. Each and every plane must be checked out thoroughly before taking off. 每架飞机起飞之前必须经过严格的检查。 2. The residents were firmly opposed to the construction of a waste incineration plant in their neighborhood because they were deeply concerned about the plant’s emissions polluting the air.居民坚决反对在附近建立垃圾焚烧厂,因为他们担心工厂排放的气体会污染周围的空气。 3. Investment in ecological projects in this area mounted up to billions of Yuan. 在这个地区,生态工程的投资额高达数十亿元。 4. The dry riverbed was strewn with rocks of all sizes.干枯的河道里布满了大大小小的石块。 5. Although war caused great losses to this country, its cultural traditions did not perish.虽然战争给这个国家造成巨大的损失,但当地的文化传统并没有消亡。 6. To make space for modern high rises, many ancient buildings with ethnic cultural features had to be demolished.为了建筑现代化的高楼大厦,许多古老的,具有民族特色的建筑物都被拆毁了。 7. In the earthquake the main structures of most of the


自考高级英语近义词辨析题 上册(共128题) 1. The whole nation watched the two candidates (arguing,debating) the issue of raising taxes on TV. Argue:(transitive) to state,giving clear reasons,that something is true,should be done etc Debate:(transitive) to discuss a subject formally when you are trying to make a decision or find a solution 2. It was a (proud,arrogant) moment for my cousin when she shook hands with the President. Proud:feeling pleased about something that you have done or something that you own,or about someone or something you are involved with or related to Arrogant:behaving in an unpleasant or rude way because you think you are more important than other people 3. Even if you (mix,blend) oil and water,they will not (mix,blend)。 Mix:if you mix two or more substances or if they mix,they combine to become a single substance,and they cannot be easily separated Blend:to combine different things in a way that produces an effective or pleasant result,or to become combined in this way 4. Some people watch television so much that they cannot (conceive,imagine) of living without it. Conceive:(formal) to imagine a particular situation or to think about something in a particular way Imagine;to form a picture or idea in your mind about what something could be like 5. As it was an informal dinner,most people (wore,were dressed) in their comfortable clothes. Wear:[transitive] to have something such as clothes,shoes,or jewellery on your body Dress:to put clothes on yourself or someone else (一般跟IN搭配) 6. Do you think those young people are (idealistic,ideal) or pragmatic? Idealistic:believing that you should live according to high standards and principles,even if they cannot really be achieved,or showing this belief Ideal:the best or most suitable that something could possibly be 7. Filled with great (adulation,admiration) for their integrity and courage,e was determined to be a man like them. Adulation:praise and admiration for someone that is more than they really deserve Admiration:a feeling of great respect and liking for something or someone
