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I'm sorry I'm __________________ class.


What a nice day! It's _________ cold _________ hot.


Your parents are busy working. Why __________________ it yourself?


Mr Li was _______ excited ________ say anything when he heard this piece of good news.


I' ll tell your uncle about it ____________________________ I get your e-mail.


How long _________ it _________ the workers _________ build this hospital.

7. 英语和数学一样重要。

English ____________________________________ maths.

8. 郝老师不仅是我们的老师而且也是我们的朋友。

Mr Hao _____________________________________________.

9. 哈里·波特的故事真有意思,我们都喜欢。

The story of Harry Porter _____________ interesting _________________________ like it. 10. 工人们仅用七天的时间就建成了一座新医院。

________ the workers __________________________________ build a new hospital.

11. 别扔了它,还有用呢。

Don’t ___________________ as it is still useful.

12. 奥运会期间,国家体育场每天都有成千上万的观众观看比赛。

During the Olympic Games, ________________ audience watched the games in the National Stadium.

13.该吃晚饭了。It's time to ________________.


Would you ____________ some _____________ ?


Ann is ________ young ________ go to school.


John runs ________ fast ________ me.


Mrs. Black often ________ us ________ our English .


How long ________ it ________ you to do your homework yesterday?


The teacher tells us ________________ English every day.


________________ let the children do what they like?


When the teacher came into the classroom, the students ________________ at once.


I ________________ your answer _______right.


We have a lot of homework today._____________________it first.


Could you tell me _____________________ this dictionary?


The film Cell phone is _____________________ I have seen it three times.


I _________________Jack ________________outing with us tomorrow.He is too busy these days.


I like ________ beef ________ pork but I like fish very much.


Things are getting ________________________.


The garden ________________________________ a worker named Tony.


He _______________________ the TV ________ it was two o'clock in the morning.

31. 您能帮我解出这道题吗?

___________________ help me ________________ the problem?

32. 我有点累了,想休息一会儿。

I feel ______________ tired. I want to __________________.

33. 天黑了,你最好回家吧。

It’s dark now. _________________________________________________________.


I have no time to see them today. __________________________________________? 35.这架照相机太旧,不能用了。

The camera is __________________________________________________________. 36.刘翔和姚明一样闻名全国。

Liu Xiang ___________________________________________Yao Ming all over China. 37. 在上海她有几个朋友,所以一点儿也不孤独。

She has ______________ friends in Shanghai so she doesn’t _________________.

38. 六点钟了,该吃晚饭了。

It’s six o’clock. __________________ supper.

39. 博物馆很近,为什么不走着去呢?

The museum is quite near. __________________ on foot?

40. 我的电脑坏了,你能帮我修一下吗?

_________________________________ my computer. Could you help me mend it?

41. 很抱歉让你久等了。

I’m sorry ___________________________ for a long time.

42. 他过去玩电脑游戏的时间太多,结果对学习不感兴趣了。

_________________________________________ he was not interested in his lessons.

48. 他们每天花半小时进行体育锻炼。

_________________ to do sports every day.

49. 他们一到,我就告诉他们。

____________________________, I’ll tell them about it.

50. 她太小,自己上不去汽车。

She is _______________________________ the bus by herself.

51. 他虽然只有七岁,但英语说得非常好。

Although he is only seven,_________________________________.

52. 我觉得恶劣的天气不会妨碍他去参加运动会的。

I _______________ the terrible weather _______________________ the sports meeting.

59. 有很多人来看我们的演出。

_______________________ people have come to watch our performance.

60. 老师让我反复地读课文。

My teacher told me _____________the text ___________________.

61. 我们大家都同意去帮助那位老人。

We all __________________________________ the old man.

62. 今天一大早,她像往常一样骑车去上班了。

Early in the morning today, she went to work _________________________________.

63. 老师对我就像我是他的孩子。

My teacher treats me __________________ I were her child.

64. 妈妈对我很严格,但是她为我自豪。

Mum __________________________me, but she ______________________ me.

65. 除英语外,我的数学也很好。

I _________________________ maths _________________ English.

66. 今天Tom 病好了。他来上学了。

Tom felt ______________ today and he came to school.

67. 城里到处都是鲜花。

There are fresh flowers ______________________ the city.

68. 我爷爷和奶奶都喜欢看京剧.

__________ my grandpa ________ my grandma _____________________ Beijing Opera.

69. 今年元宵节,中央电视台的新址的配楼发生一起特大火灾.

A terrible fire ____________________ at the building of the new CCTV station on Lantern Festival.

70. 昨天我过生日,妈妈做了一蛋糕。

Yesterday was my birthday and Mum ___________________________ me.

71. 请您一见到他就告诉他这好消息.

Please ___________________________ him ____________________ you see him.

72. 在非游泳区游泳很危险.

____________________________________________swim in non-swimming areas.

73. 老师要求我们尽快交论文.

Our teacher ______________________ our papers ________________________.

74. 晚上天黑,我不敢一个人出门.

I ________________________ out because it is dark __________________.

75. 很多同学开学前夜以继日地忙着写作业.

Many students are ______________________________________ before school begins.

76. 门头沟以潭柘寺而闻名.

Mentougou District __________________________________ Tanzhesi Temple.

77. 没通过驾照考试而遗憾.

I __________________________ not passing the driving test.

78. 天越来越暗了.

It is ________________________________.

79. 做完练习一,老师让我们做接着做练习二。

The teacher asked ________________________________ Exercise 2 after finishing Exercise 1.

80. 出门在外多带点钱。

Please _________________________________ when you are away.

81. 你最好别让小狗和幼儿在一床上睡觉。

You ___________________________________ with your baby.

82. 我每天用3个小时才能完成作业。

I _____________________________________________________ homework every day.

83. 我父母都不喜欢做家务。

_________ my father _______ my mother _______________________ housework.

84. 咱们已锻炼了一个小时了,休息一下吧。

We have ___________________________ for an hour. Now let’s _____________________. 85. 吃完晚饭再写作业。

You _______________________ homework ____________________________ supper.

86. 走时关灯。

____________________________ the lights __________ you leave.

87. 一定要拦住他,别让他去跟人家打架。

Do __________________________________________ fighting with them.

88. 看!广场上挤满了人。有些人在拍照,有些人在欣赏花卉,有些人在放风筝。

Look! The square ________________________ people. _______________________ photos; __________________ enjoying the flowers; ________________________kites.

89. 你都准备好了吗?

Have you __________________________________?

90. 毕业生每天晚上都连续学习4个小时。

School leavers ____________________ 4 hours every night.

91. 这些老照片使我想到了我的童年。

These old photos _________________________________________ my childhood.

92. 为什么不去机场接我?

__________________________________ the airport?

93. 我们晚上经常听到楼上的人跳绳。

We often ______________________ upstairs __________ the rope in the evening.


I ___________________________________ in the evening.


He ________ often ______________________ by the river.

96. 为了让花园更漂亮,我们决定多种些花。

We _______________________________ flowers _____________________________.

97. 老师告诉我不要在阳光下看书,因为对眼睛不好。

My teacher _______________________________ because __________________ my eyes. 98. 练琴时总是不认真,因为她根本就不喜欢。

She is always _________________ about ____________________ piano because she ______________________________________.

99. 她写作比我好但她的英语口语没我好。

Her writing is _________________________ but she ________________________.

100. 书读得越多,人越聪明。

______________________ you read, __________________ you are.


九年级英语完成句子专练 1.令我惊奇的是,他已改了他的生活 _____ my surprise,he has _____ _____ _____ already. 2.在最后,全体人作出了一个的决定。 _____ _____ _____ ,the staff made a difficult _____. 3从今年开始,学生不再他的学担心了。 From this year on students won't _____ _____ their study _____ _____. 4中国政府要求人注意保境 The Chinese government asks people to _____ _____ _____ protecting the environment. 5 爸爸已决定戒烟了Father has _____ _____ _____ _____smoking. 6.尽管我学不好,但我从未放弃。 I didn’ t do well in my lessons, I gave up. 7.勃将跳的世界保持了多久 How long did Bob __________ the world __________ in the long jump 8.听到那悲的消息,他忍不住哭了。 He couldn ’ t ________ ________ when he heard the sad news. 9.当我到达火站火已开走了。 The train ________ ________ when I got to the train station. 10.如果每个人都能保境做出自己的献,个世界将得更加美好。 The world will become much more beautiful if everyone ________ a contribution to ________ the environment. 11.我排等候上公共汽。 We should to get to the bus. 12.杰克喜与人交朋友。 Jackson likes with others. 13.学生在校必穿校服。 Students wear school uniforms school days. 14.上星期天我玩得很痛快。 15.到目前止,些士兵已救了一百多人。 ______ _______, these soldiers have saved more than one hundred people. 16.雨下得么大,你最好呆在家里。 It is raining hard, and you _____ _at home. 17. 我中国将主第29 届奥运会而感到自豪。 th We __________________ China which will host the 29 Olympic Games. 18.如果我明天有空,就和你下棋。 If I __________________ tomorrow, I ______________________ with you. 19.当你学遇到困,不要放弃。 Please ______________________ when you have difficulties in study. (收到??来信 )her pen friend yesterday.


初中英语完成句子练习一.附详解 10. 这幅画很美,让我看看吧。 The picture is beautiful. Let‘s ______ 根据中文意思完成句子,每空限填一词。 ______ ______ at it. 1. 来吧,孩子们!该吃晚饭了。「答案与解析」 have ______ to Come on, children. ______ , 1. It‘s time.表示“该做……”或“是lunch做……的时候了”用句型It's time to do sth或 2. 这些新汽车是中国制造的。 It‘s time for sth ______. ______ are ______ cars These new 2. made in China.表示“(由)某地制造”用be made in,注意make用过去分词made. 每天多喝水对你有好处。 3. 3. good for you.表示“对……有好处”用 To drink more water every day is ______ be good for sb,若表示“对……有害处”就用be ______ ______. bad for. 昨天因为交通拥堵,他们上学迟到了。 4. 4. were late for.表示“……迟到了”用be late for.主语they是复数,由yesterday可知because ______ ______ school They ______ 用一般过去式,所以be用were. of the heavy traffic yesterday. 5. on,reading.表示“继续做某事”用go 5. 稍微休息一下后,他又继续看英文报纸。 on doing sth. he went ______ After a short rest, 6. was,busy,getting, for.表示“忙于______English newspapers. 做某事”是be busy doing sth或be busy with sth;表示“为……做准备”是get ready for sth或昨天晚上我在忙于为考试做准备。 6. prepare for sth. ______ Yesterday evening ______ ______ I 7. Let‘s help them.用以提出建议,表示ready ______ the examination. “让我们做……吧”用句型let's do sth. 他们遇到了很大的麻烦,让我们来帮助 7. 8. as soon as,reach.表示“一……他们吧,就……”用连词as soon as引导一个时间状语从句;需要注意的是在时间状语从句中用一般现在时代替 They are now in great trouble. ______ 一般将来时。 ______ ______. 9. to smoke,given,up.表示“过去常常 8. 你一到长沙就给我打个电话好吗?做某事”用used to do sth,若表示“习惯做某事”则用be used to doing sth;表示“放弃 / 戒掉” Will you please call me______ ______ 用give up. ?______ you ______Changsha10. Let me have a look (at it)。或Let me 9. 我父亲过去常常抽烟,但最近已经戒了。look at it.表示请求允许,“让某人做某事”就用句型let sb do sth. but he , My father used ______ ______has______ it ______ recently. 附详解.初中英语完成句子练习二 根据中文意思完成句子,每空限填一词。 10. 李明是个热心肠的人,他经常帮助那些有困难的人。 这个八岁的男孩酷爱弹钢琴,以致于他 1. 坚持练琴叁年了。 Li Ming is a warm-hearted man and he often ______ the people in trouble ______.


Unit 1 1.How do you study for a test? 你是怎么备考的? 2.I study by asking teachers for help. 我通过向老师请教 3.Do you ever practice conversations with friends? 你曾和朋友们一起练习对话吗? 4.What about listening to tapes? 听录音磁带怎么样? 5.What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation? 打算朗读练习发音怎么样? 6.It’s too hard to understand the voices. 那些话太难了听不懂 7.This week we asked students at New Star High School about the best ways to learn more English. 这周,我们就学习更多英语的最佳方法询问了新星中学的一些学生 8.Some students had more specific suggestions. 有的学生有更具体的建议 9.Wei Ming feels differently. 魏明感受不同 10.He also thinks that watching English movies isn’t a bad way because he can watch the actor say the words. 他还认为看英语电影是个不错的方法,因为他可以看到演员说话 11.However, he finds watching movies frustrating because the people speak too quickly. 但是,他发现看电影很令人沮丧,因为那些人说话太快 12.We get excited about something and then end up speaking in Chinese. 我们会因某事变得兴 奋起来,然后以说中文结束。 13.I can’t pronounce some of the words. 有些单词我不会发音 14.I don’t have a partner to practice English with. 我没有一起练习英语的伙伴 15.Why don’t you join an English language club to practice speaking English? 为什么不加入一 个英语俱乐部练习说英语呢? 16.First of all, it wasn’t easy for me to understand the teacher when she talked. 首先,当老师讲 课的时候,我很难听得懂。 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/2b1281749.html,ter on, I realized that it doesn’t matter if you don’t understand every word. 后来,我意识 到,听不懂每个单词也没有关系。 18.I was also afraid to speak in class, because I thought my classmates might laugh at me. 我也 害怕在课堂上发言,因为我想同学们可能会笑话我 19.I couldn’t always make complete sentences, either. 我也不是总能造出完整的句子。 20.She had trouble making complete sentences. 她造完整的句子有困难 21.If you don’t know how to spell new words, look them up in the dictionary. 如果你不知道如 何拼写新单词,查字典 22.How do we deal with problems? 我们怎么处理我们的问题 23.Worrying about our problems can affect how we do at school.担心问题可能会影响我们在学 校的表现 24.Most of us have probably been angry with our friends, parents, or teachers. 我们大多数人可 能都同我们的朋友、父母或老师生过气。 25.Time goes by, and good friendships may be lost. 随着时间的消逝,可能会失去珍贵的友谊 26.Sometimes they have disagreements and decide not to talk to each other. 有时他们产生争 执,并且决定不再互相说话 27.Many students often complain about school. 许多学生经常抱怨学校 28.As young adults, it is our duty to try our best to deal with each challenge in our education with the help of our teachers. 作为青年人,我们的责任是尽力在老师的帮助下去应付我们教育中的每一个挑战 29.Think about Stephen Hawking, who regards his many physical problems as unimportant. 想


九年级英语翻译(完成)句子专项练习(含参考答案) 一、根据所给汉语意思,完成下列句子。 1.同学们,请考马路右边走。 Boys and girls,please walk side of the road. 2.离开教室的时候记着关灯。 Remember to the lights when you leave the classroom. 3.马良想为那个孩子画一匹马。 Ma Liang wanted to for the child. 4.明天的大雨可能会阻碍我们外出。 The heavy rain may us from out tomorrow. 5.我想知道明天我们在哪里见面。 I wonder meet tomorrow. 6.我昨晚看的那场电影真搞笑! movie I saw last night! 7.下一站我得下车了。 I have to the bus at the next stop. 8.你应该学会礼貌地拒绝别人的邀请。 You are supposed to learn others` invitation politely. 9.当我们赶到书店时,他们已经卖光了《哈利·波特》这本书。 By the time we arrived at the bookstore,they Harry Potter. 10.志愿者们正在努力地为俄罗斯世界杯提供更好的服务。

The volunterrs to provide Russia World Cup with better service. 二、句子翻译 1.这个暑假你打算做什么? 2.我已经决定读一些书并游览一些名胜古迹。 3.养成一个良好的阅读习惯对我们来说很重要。 4.旅游被认为是放松的最好方式之一。 5.阅读和旅游能给我们打开一个全新的世界。 6.我们一到学校就会交作业。 7.制作风筝对你来说容易吗? 8.你最好不要在公园里采花。 9.我想知道你是怎样和汤姆保持联系的。 10.上周这家博物馆的一些艺术品被偷了。


简单完成句子 1.对不起,我上课迟到了。 I'm sorry I'm __________________ class. 2.今天天气真好啊!既不冷也不热。 What a nice day! It's _________ cold _________ hot. 3.你父母正忙于工作。为什么不自己做呢? Your parents are busy working. Why __________________ it yourself? 4.当李先生听到这个好消息时,兴奋得说不出话来。 Mr Li was _______ excited ________ say anything when he heard this piece of good news. 5.我一收到你的电子邮件,就告诉你叔叔。 I' ll tell your uncle about it ____________________________ I get your e-mail. 6.工人们建成这所医院花费了多长时间? How long _________ it _________ the workers _________ build this hospital. 7. 英语和数学一样重要。 English ____________________________________ maths. 8. 郝老师不仅是我们的老师而且也是我们的朋友。 Mr Hao _____________________________________________. 9. 哈里·波特的故事真有意思,我们都喜欢。 The story of Harry Porter _____________ interesting _________________________ like it. 10. 工人们仅用七天的时间就建成了一座新医院。 ________ the workers __________________________________ build a new hospital. 11. 别扔了它,还有用呢。 Don’t ___________________ as it is still useful. 12. 奥运会期间,国家体育场每天都有成千上万的观众观看比赛。 During the Olympic Games, ________________ audience watched the games in the National Stadium. 13.该吃晚饭了。It's time to ________________. 14.你想来点儿面包吗? Would you ____________ some _____________ ? 15.安娜太小,还不能上学。 Ann is ________ young ________ go to school. 16.约翰跑得和我一样快。 John runs ________ fast ________ me. 17.布莱克太太经常在英语上帮助我们。 Mrs. Black often ________ us ________ our English . 18.你昨天花了多长时间做作业? How long ________ it ________ you to do your homework yesterday? 19.老师让我们每天说英语。 The teacher tells us ________________ English every day. 20.为什么不让孩子们做他们喜欢的事情? ________________ let the children do what they like? 21.当老师走进教室时,学生们立刻停止了谈话。


1. 你不应该感到沮丧You shouldn’t _____________. 2. 你得定期复习你的功课You ______________________. 3. 你应该使用彩色的笔加亮重要的部分 You should ___________________highlight the important parts . 4. 这将在两个方面帮助你This will help you _____________________. 5. 它将帮助你把注意力集中在最重要的部分 It will ______you ________________ the most important parts. 6. 这将使复习更容易This will ______ reviewing ________. 7. 你不必复习所有的材料 You __________________ all the material. 8. 如果你在睡觉之前考虑这些信息,你也许能够记得更好 If you __________the information before you _____________, you might ____________remember it better. 9. 另外一个记忆信息的好时间是在早晨 __________________information is in the morning. 10. __________people go traveling on holidays. 许多人假日外出旅游 11. _______ tell your father the thing. 记得告诉你爸爸这件事 12. You ________________ in the morning. 早上你得早起134. They 13. ____________________ their lessons before the exam. 考试前他们必须要复习功课 14. You _________________ you can remember the words easily. 你会发现你能够很容易的记住单词 15._______________________ the key points. 记住关键点是很容易的 16.You _______________ remember the words better. 你将能够更好的记住单词 17.You should __________________ in the morning. 你应该尽量在早晨读英语 18.I always ___________________________ new words. 我总是记单词有困难。 19.说实话,这没有一个正确的答案___________, ____________one correct answer. 20.他们将学得更好,如果他们有机会使用他们的手 They will learn better, if they ____________________their hands. 21.图片或者照片能够帮助他们记住新单词 22.Pictures or __________________________new words. 23.对于他们来说记住知识很难,除非他们听到有人谈论这个知识 24.______________________memorize the knowledge________ they ___________someone _____________ it. 25.她更喜欢单独学习She ________________________. 26.他们将会觉得不舒服,除非他们在一个安静的房间里学习 27.They _________________unless they study __________. 28.我喜欢和他人交流I like to _____________. 29.一旦他们有机会和别人讨论这个内容,他们会理解得更好 30._____they have a chance to _______the subject ______other people, they __________. 31.他们使用不同的方式学习They _______________. 32.我每天早晨练习说英语I _____________every morning. 33.老师告诉我们上学不要迟到The teacher ________________school. 34.不要担心犯错误Don’t ________________. 35.请把这个故事翻译成英文Please _______the story ______ English. 36.我们太累了,让我们停下来休息吧We are so tired, ________________. 37.老师来了,不要说话了The teacher is coming, _________. 38.我的爸爸妈妈都是医生______________________doctors. 39.这本书使人们感觉更好The book can ______people __________. 40.如果你努力学习,就能通过考试_______________if you study hard. 41.你对自己有信心吗?Do you ____________________.


英语句子成分 The students of Class Two are seriously reading the book written by Lu Xun. 按句子成分划分,此句为: The students of Class Two are seriously reading the book written by Lu Xun. (主语) (定语) (谓语)(状语) (谓语) (宾语) (定语) 按意群划分,此句为: The students of Class Two are seriously reading the book written by Lu Xun. 一、英语各种成分的基本含义及用法 (一)、主语 主语是全句谈论的中心话题。我们在说一句话的时候,首先要明确我们讲的是“哪个人”?或者是一件“什么事”?或者是一件“什么物体”,等。这些代表“哪个人”、“什么事”、“什么物体”等的部分就是句子的主语。 主语是指句子的某个部分,它可能是一个词,也可能是一个词组,还有可能是一个从句,甚至一句话中会有几个并列的主语等等。所以,英语中很多词类(或词组、从句)都可以做主语。另外,英语中还有一种特殊的主语形式叫“形式主语”,例如:It .... that ...句式等。 1. Peter is a well-known pianist. (名词作主语) 2. Two-thirds of the students are boys in our school. ( 数词词组作主语) 3. He likes reading storybooks. (代词作主语) 4. To swim in Kunming Lake is a great pleasure. (不定式短语作主语) 5. What we shall do next is not yet decided. (从句作主语) 6. It took us two hours to travel around the city by subway. (It 是形式主语, to travel...部分是真正的主语) 请指出下列句中主语的中心词。 1. The teacher with two of her students is walking into the classroom. 2. There is a bird flying in the sky. 3. The useful dictionary was given by my mother last year. 4. It is very difficult to do today's homework without your help. (二)、谓语


初三英语句子翻译精选练习及答案 导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《初三英语句子翻译精选练习及答案》的内容,具体内容:句子翻译大家可能会有一定的难度,加强练习翻译,找到答题方法很重要。下面我整理了初三英语句子翻译精选练习及答案,希望对你的学习有帮助!初三英语句子翻译:1. 你一到那里请...句子翻译大家可能会有一定的难度,加强练习翻译,找到答题方法很重要。下面我整理了初三英语句子翻译精选练习及答案,希望对你的学习有帮助! 初三英语句子翻译: 1. 你一到那里请就打电话给我。 _______________________________________________________________ _________ 2. 她决定不把这令人震惊的消息告诉他人。 _______________________________________________________________ _________ 3. 将来有一天,我将亲自去看看长城。 _______________________________________________________________ _________

4. 好好休息,你会好些的。 _______________________________________________________________ _________ 5. 整个世界都呈现在我们面前。 _______________________________________________________________ _________ 6. 在我们学校图书馆里有好几千本书。 __________________________________________________________ 7. 扬州园林(Yangzhou Gardens)不仅在中国出名,而且在全世界也很有名。 __________________________________________________________ 8. 谁将应邀主持下周的演出? __________________________________________________________ 9. 在这个公园里,除非你有地图,否则很容易迷路。 __________________________________________________________ 10. 对他们来说,像以前那样经常见到这样的美景不容易了。 __________________________________________________________ 初三英语句子翻译参考答案 1. Please call me as soon as you arrive there. 2. She decided to tell nobody the exciting and amazing news.



句子成分 ? 1.汉语的句子成分 ?1.什么是句子 ?句子是由词或词组构成的,是具有一定语调并表达一个完整意思的语言运用单位。根据用途和语气,句子可以分为陈述句、疑问句、祈使句、感叹句。根据结构可分为单句和复句。 ? 2.什么是句子成分? ?组成句子的各个部分叫做句子的成分。

?汉语中句子成分的名称及符号 ?名称:主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语、补语。 ?符号:主语=谓语-宾语~ ?定语()状语[ ]补语< > ?句子的基本成分是:主语、谓语、宾语。 ?补充成分是:定语、状语、补语。 ?英语中的句子成分 英语的基本成分有七种:主语(subject)、谓语(predicate)、表语(predicative)、宾语(object)、定语(attribute)、状语(adverbial) 和补语(complement)。 句子主体部分:主语和谓语(在英文中一般的句子必须有主语和谓语)。 表语、宾语和宾语补足语是谓语里的组成部分。 句子的次要部分:定语和状语。

句子成分的划分(汉语) ?.(1)划分句子成分,首先要研究主语、谓语、宾语。 ?主语:是谓语陈述的对象,指明说的是“什么人”或“什么事物”。?谓语:是陈述主语,说明主语的,说明主语“是什么”或“怎么样”。?宾语:在动词后面,表示动作、行为所涉及的人或事物,回答“谁” 或“什么”一类问题。 ?句子一般有两种情况:写人、写物(写事、写物)。分析句子时,首先判断是“写人”还是“写物”。 ?①.写人格式:“谁”+“干什么” ?(主语)(谓语)(宾语) ?例:杨亚‖写字 ?主谓宾 ?注意:处理复杂的单句时,要抓主干。 ?例:一中的杨亚║在课桌上写着毛笔字。 ?主谓宾 ?


九年级上册英语完成句子专项练习 一.完成句子。 1. I _____ _____ ______ to talk with her. 我没机会和她谈话。 2.Everybody has strong points . We should _____ _____ each other. 每个人都有优点,我们应该互相学习。 3. I can't help you _____ ______ . --I'm too busy. 我现在不能帮你--我太忙了。 4. He decided to _____ ______ English , because he just failed the exam. 他决定专攻英语,因为他刚考试不及格。 6.He ______ doing the homework_________supper. 晚饭之后他开始做作业。 7.Fruits and vegetables ______ _____ _____ you. 水果和蔬菜对你有益。 8.His parents _____ _____ _____ him. 他的父母对他要求非常严格。 9. ____ _____ him two hours to do the homework . 他花了两个小时做作业。 10.John has a lot of family rules. _____ _____ Peter. 约翰家有许多家规,彼得家也是这样。 11.We ________ about something and then _______ _________ in Chinese. 在某些事情上我们越谈越起劲,最后干脆用中文说。 12. I ____________ ____________ in grammar. 在语法方面,我屡次出错。 13. Students in Grade Nine are allowed ________ ________ ________ until late at night. 九年级的学生应该被允许熬夜(读书)。 14.So I ________ ______ ________ lots of grammar ________ in every class. 因此我决定每节课多做些语法笔记。 15.Also I ________ ________ ________ ________ in class, because I thoughtmy classmates might _____ ________ me. 我也害怕在课堂上发言,因为我以为同学们会笑话我。 16.They talk _____________ ______ ________ homework. 他们不是做作业而是闲聊。 17.Time ________ _________,good friendship may be lost. 随着时间的消逝,友情也会淡漠消失。 18.How do we _________ ________ our problems? 我们要如何处理这些棘手的事情呢? 19.But now I ________ ________ __________ ________ sports. 但是我现在对运动更感兴趣。 20.I've tried to make my mother _______ ________ _________me. 我努力想让母亲更多地注意到我。 21. Luckily, his mother was very patient, and didn't________ ________trying to help him. 幸运的是,他的母亲很有耐心,并且从不放弃对他的帮教。 22. I hope you can _____________ me ___________ some information about the kinds of vacations that your firm can offer.


初三英语句子翻译 初三英语句子翻译初三英语句子翻译1. 这些是什么?are ? 误:these what 正:what these 英语中的特殊疑问句,其结构是特别疑问词+一般疑问句 2. 请问,你是美国人吗? . do you come from america? 误:please ask 正:excuse me excuse me是一个习惯用语,不可分开单独理解。 二、根据所给的空格数,以确定应用的句式,或单词是否缩写 1. 他已加入泰山队两个月了。in mountain tai team for two months. 填he has been。如果留两个空,则填he s been。 2. 如果天不下雨,我们将继续比赛。 we ll keep having the match . 填unless it rains。如果留四个空,则填if it doesn t rain。 三、注意所填单词的正确形式和整个句子保持一致 1. 冲浪运动是我最喜欢的体育运动。 my favourite sport. 填surfing is。动词不能充当句子的主语,要用其动名词形式;动名词作主语,系动词用is。 2. 我们成功地完成了那项工作。

we finished the work . 填have successfully。该句用现在完成时,主语we,助动词填have;第二个空应该用副词作状语修饰谓语部分。 ⅲ. 单元针对性训练 1. 神舟6号载人飞船将在XX年发射升空。 shenzhou 6 spaceship people will space in XX. 2. 无论这项工作有多难,我们都不能放弃它。 hard the work is, we should it . 3. 我宁愿写些东西也不愿打牌。 i write something play cards. 4. 他写信来抱怨此事。 he wrote to me and it. 5. 你送给我的作为生日礼物的项链被偷了。 the necklace you gave me for my birthday has stolen. 6. 不必言谢,我只是履行职责。 there s to thank me. i m only doing my . 7. 知道答案的同学请举手! those who know the answer, ! 8. 那个小偷长什么样? what did the thief ? 9. 这些问题与他的课程无关。


初中英语句子结构分析 一.句子的种类 (一)根据结构划分: ①简单句:(5种基本句型) S+Vi(主+谓) S+V系+ P (主+谓+表) S+Vt+O(主+谓+宾) S+Vt+IO+DO(主+谓+间宾+直宾) S+Vt+O+OC(主+谓+宾+宾补) ②并列句and, but, or ③复合句:名词从句(宾,主,表,同) 副词从句(状语从句) 形容词从句(定语从句) (二)根据功能划分:陈述句, 祈使句, 感叹句,疑问句(一般疑问句,特殊疑问句, 选择疑问句,反意疑问句等) 二.简单句的基本句型介绍: 1. 基本句型一:S+Vi (主+不及物动词) 主语:可以作主语的成分有名词,主格代词,动词不定式,动名词等等。主语一般在句首。 谓语:谓语由动词构成,是英语时态、语态变化的主角,一般在主语之后。 不及物动词(vi.)没有宾语,形成主谓结构, 如:1. We │come. 2. The sun│rose. 此句型的句子有一个共同特点:即句子的谓语动词都能表达完整的意思。这类动词叫做不及物动词,后面可以跟副词、介词短语、状语从句等。 2. 基本句型二:S+ V系+ P(主+系+表) 此句型的句子有一个共同的特点:句子谓语动词都不能表达一个完整的意思,必须加上一个表明主语身份或状态的表语构成复合谓语,才能表达完整的意思。这类动词叫做连系动词。 如:1. This │is │an English-Chinese dictionary. 2. The dinner │smells │good.

3. He │is growing │tall and strong. 系动词主要是起到连系主语和表语的作用。 可分四类:1. 表“是” 如:be“是”(am, is, are, was, were) 2.表“感觉” 如:look看起来feel感到,sound听起来,smell闻起来,seem似乎 3. 表“变” 如:get变得, turn变得, grow变得,go变得, come变得, become成为 4. 表“保持” 如:keep保持, stay保持 常用连系动词的用法: ①变成,变得:become, come, fall, get, go, grow, run, turn 口诀:好是come,坏是go; 天气、外貌慢慢grow; 流水、金钱缓缓run; 颜色、天气大不同turn;get / become口语化,如果要说就用它. 口诀解读: Come 一般表示事物由坏变好,结果是好的。如:Dreams come true.梦想成真。 Go 一般表示事物由好变坏,结果是不好的。 如:It's such a hot day today that this dish has gone smelly. 今天太热了,菜都馊了。 Grow 表示逐渐变化,强调的是缓慢变化的过程,后面往往接表示天气或外貌 变化的静态形容词。如:I want to grow old with you. 我想和你一起慢慢变老。 Run 与grow 是对应的,其主语多为能流动,能消耗的东西。 如:Still water runs deep.静水深流。 Turn多接表示颜色和天气的形容词,侧重于表达与之前大不相同。 如:The weather suddenly turned hot.天气突然变热了。 In spring the trees turn green, the flowers come out. 春天树变绿了,花开了。 Get / become在口语表达时用得比较多,但这二者相比,become相对正式些, 其主语既可以是人也可以是物。 如:He got angry on hearing the news.听到这个消息,他变得很生气。 总之,不管英语多么“ 变”化多端,万“ 变”不离其宗。英语学习的终极目标还是为了与人交流,所以多在交流中使用这些“变化”词,才能真正掌握其内涵。 ②保持某种状态:continue, keep, lie, remain, stand , stay. ③看起来,好像:appear, look, seem. ④感官动词:feel, smell, sound, taste. 注意:There be 结构:There be 表示‘存在有’。这里的there没有实际意义,不可与副词“there那里”混淆。此结构后跟名词,表示“(存在)有某事物”。
