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中图分类号:TP183 文献标识码:A

Development and Future of Artificial Intelligence

ABSTRACT:There is no doubt that artificial intelligence is a broad prospect and huge commercial value, because the sound of a real smart tool to achieve almost all of the capabilities. What an attractive ah! However, things do not we think of as simple, in fact, this involves the person to the philosophical definition of problem, is fundamentally speaking, we can not with ice-cold of inorganic creating an intelligent humanoid Yi Shi machine problems. To this end, the father of the computer Turing machine is given its own thinking on the way to judge: &uot;Do not ask whether the thinking machine, but should ask whether the machine intelligent behavior through the test.&uot; He made the famous &uot;Turing test&uot;: invisible to each other under the conditions that the interrogators were with a uestion and answer session and a computer test, if a certain period of time that the interrogators can not tell the other side is human or machine, is illustrated with a smart miracle. KEYWORDS:Artificial Intelligence; Prospect; Intelligent

一. 人工智能概述。




人类,是大自然进化的最高产物;智能,是人类发展的至上精髓。在这个星球上。人类的许多能力(如体质和体力),都可以被其他许多生命系统(包括人造系统)所超越;唯独人的智能,是其他一切生命系统(包括人造系统)所难以望其项背的“奇妙禁区”。 ―钟义信


