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翻译与写作 答案
翻译与写作 答案

Key to Exercises:

Unit 1

Exercise I:

1. 普通教育除了专业训练的内容外,还指对人的全方位的培养过程。

2. 从严格意义上来说,大学是为了把普通学生教育成为有文化修养、具备优秀专业技能的人。

3. 大学是一个推动探索、使各种发现得到不断完善和证实的地方; 在那里,轻率和鲁莾变得无伤大雅,错误通过思想与思想之间、知识与知识之间的碰撞会暴露无遗。

4. 以科研作为主要的教学手段,教授的作用在于把科研和教学结合起来——科研活动转变成为一种学习的模式。

5. 获取信息和理解信息是最基本的人权,而我们现在拥有人类历史上前所未有的信息量。

6. 信息对个人和社会的发展都非常重要,信息技术将使那些能够获取并利用它的人拥有相当大的力量。

7. Men are not always made thoughtful by books; but they are generally made thoughtful by association with men who thinks.

8. Basic education is currently funded primarily by the state in most countries.

9. The impact of globalization is not just on trade and production, it also has an important impact on education.

10. A new challenge to teaching is the pressure to internationalize curriculum offerings.

Exercise II:

1. Translate the following passage from English into Chinese.






2. Translate the following passage from Chinese into English.

I often hear university presidents say, "I treat my students as if they were my own children." And indeed they act just like strict but loving parents, telling the students that they should get at least eight hours of sleep, that everyone must get up for morning exercises at six a.m., that they aren't allowed to walk around campus in slippers.

I have always considered university presidents to be visionary policymakers who set the course of academic research and education rather than mere nannies in charge of feeding steamed bread and porridge to infants. Some educators might say, "If these students had learned a bit of independence and self-discipline before they came to college, I wouldn't need to spoon-feed and discipline them like this. It is because they were not taught all these things in primary and secondary school that I, a university president, have to teach them now.”

These remarks sound reasonable, yet in fact they are quite illogical. Since it is because the students have all along been taught in a spoon-fed manner that they haven't acquired independence and self-discipline after 12 years of schooling, wouldn't it merely result in an endless vicious circle if this sort of "babysitting" is continued at university level? Besides, what are the aims of our university education? To turn out submissive and rule-abiding students, or students who are able to independently assess a situation, make decisions and pass judgments?

Unit 2

Exercise 1.







When talking about China-US trade, we should not overlook one fundamental fact, that is, in the past 25 years, two-way trade has experienced a tremendous expansion … Does such a huge increase benefit only one side at the expense of the other? … In fact, both countries have reaped tremendous benefits from the rapid expansion of China-US trade.

…china is the world’s largest developing country with a huge market, fast development and a low cost of labor, but short in capital and relatively backward in technology and management. …such diversity and complementarity will remain for a long time, and are likely to feature more prominently in the ongoing economic globalization.

Unit 3

Exercise 1.






There is a population of over 1,200 million in China, among which rural population is over 900 million. Although further differentiation is taking place in rural society, its population is increasing rather than decreasing. According to a survey by Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the rural population increased by over 8 million compared with 1978. A survey report points out: “Without the development of urbanization, the problem of rural areas, agriculture and farmers cannot be solved. In the past, it was often said that farmers’ problem was in the final analysis a problem concerning land, which has been basically solved now. The present problem of farmers is one of obtaining employment.”Therefore, it is urgent that urban and rural social problems should be regulated, urbanization should be accelerated, the serious situation of urbanization lagging behind industrialization should be changed. Some economists estimated that in 2005, the surplus rural labor in China would rise to 200 million, which needed to be absorbed by cities.

Big cities are far from enough in realizing the shift of the large rural population, because the employment pressure in big cities is universally heavy. Some experts consider that the outlets for the shift of rural population are mainly small cities and towns. The life expense and children’s education expense of urban citizens are far higher that those of rural ones, hence more employment opportunities.

Unit 4

Exercise 1.





High and new technology represents up-to-date productivity and a strong driving force for the progress of human society. Constant innovation of knowledge and rapid progress in science and technology have substantially promoted global economic development, and changed and enriched people’s life in a deeper way.

Science and technology development in China is inseparable from that in the rest of the world, and the progress of world science and technology also needs China’s contribution. As a WTO member, China is actively moving with the tide of globalization with all-around opening up. As an important force in the international high-tech field, China will bring into play its rich resources in science, technology and knowledge, conduct broader and deeper exchanges and cooperation in the international high-tech area and contribute further to the cause of world science and technology development and human progress.

Unit 5

Exercise 1.

你是否曾在开会时走神,是否曾在电脑前猛然醒过神来,或者在看电视节目时打瞌睡? 成千上万的美国人都这样,这就令人关注了。华盛顿的一个非赢利性的研究机构——国家睡眠基金会最近一项民意调查显示,三分之二的美国人夜间睡眠都达不到专家建议的时间。斯坦福大学医学院睡眠障碍中心主任威廉·迪蒙特医生说,这意味着睡眠不足“在这个国家已到了流行病的地步。”


For a long time, Westerners have been skeptical about the efficacy of China’s patent drugs made of medical herbs. In the past few years, traditional Chinese medicine has been subject to rigorous scientific scrutiny worldwide.

To prove and enhance the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine, the mainland of China has poured huge amounts of money into hard research on this field. While Hong Kong has been endeavoring to make itself the world leader in research on traditional Chinese medicine, Taiwan has put forward a plan to transform itself into a traditional Chinese medicine technology center. Research into traditional cures is also blossoming at universities and other institutions outside Asia. These efforts to unlock the secrets of traditional remedies could produce benefits for sufferers of diseases that have confounded both Western and traditional Chinese medicines.

Unit 6

Exercise 1




A country with a large population, relative insufficiency of natural resources and an expanding economy, China suffers an increasingly outstanding disparity between economic development on the one hand and natural resources and the environment on the other. We, therefore, must correctly handle the relationships between economic development on the one hand, and population growth, natural resources consumption and the environmental protection on the other. We should exploit our natural resources more rationally and make use of them in an integrated manner. We should do our best to protect and improve our ecological environment, so as to ensure that our economic development will not only meet the current needs of this generation, but benefit future generation.

Unit 7

Exercise I








Exercise II

1. Since the publication of Lost Horizon by James Hilton fifty years ago, Shangri-La has become the dreamland for many tourists and adventure lovers.

2. A web of waterways, tiled houses and stone bridges holds together Zhouzhuang, a small canal town located on the picturesque shores of the Dianshan Lake, west of Shanghai.

3. Around West Lake, the air is clean, the landscape green and tranquil, and the avenues of willows and arched stone bridges conform to everyone’s idea of what Chinese scenery should look like.

4. The Jianhu Lake in Shaoxing is also known as the Mirror Lake for its crystal clear water and picturesque landscapes around.

5. Vast lawns extend like sheets of vivid green, with here and there clumps of gigantic trees, heaping up rich piles of foliage.

6. Within the bounds of Yueqing City are the Northern Yandang Mountain and the Central Yandang Mountain, both of which are among the first group of the

key national scenic resorts designated by the State.

7. As a favorite itinerary , the two scenic mountains have become famous summer and tourist resorts as well as sanitaria.

8. Zhejiang is located in the south wing of the Yangtze River Delta on the southeast coast of China. It borders Shanghai, the country’s largest city, on the northeast with Hangzhou as its capital.

Exercise III

1. Huangshan

Huangshan, a well-known tourist mountain resort, occupies an area of 1200 square kilometers in South Anhui Province. Boasting 72 peaks, including the best known Lianhua, Tiandu, Shixin and Qingluan Peaks, Huangshan blends the grandeur of Mount Tai, the awe of Huashan Mountain and the elegance of Mount Emei. Huangshan is most noted for its four attractions unparalleled elsewhere, namely, extraordinary pines growing out of rock crevices, grotesque rocks, seas of clouds swirling around the peaks, and hot springs. The world-famous Visitor-Greeting Pine has long been known for its singular build.

2. Chinese Gardens

An important characteristic feature of the Chinese garden is that no one point gives an overall view of the garden. It is made up of more or less isolated sections which have to be discovered gradually.

As the composition is never entirely revealed, it retains some of the charm of the unknown.

The variety among Chinese gardens is due to differences in climate, vegetation and location. A garden in Shanghai cannot resemble one in Beijing. City gardens are different from gardens in the country, or mountain retreats as illustrated by the painters.

In Yu Garden, elements of both the Northern style and Southern style of architecture and landscaping are here happily married into a magnificent unified whole. Due to the artistic attainment of the architects, the garden has been well known in southeast China for its harmony, symmetry, proportion and balance in layout.

Unit 8

Exercise 1




The Tang Dynasty

The Tang dynasty (A.D. 618-907), with its capital at Chang’an, is regarded by historians as a high point in Chinese civilization——equal, or even superior to, the Han period.

Its territory, acquired through the military expansion of its early rulers, was greater than that of the Han. Stimulated by contact with India and the Middle East, the empire saw a flowering of creativity in many fields. Buddhism became a permanent part of Chinese traditional culture. Block printing was invented, making the written word available to a vastly greater public.

The Tang period was the golden age of literature and art. A government system supported by a large class of Confucian literati selected through civil service examinations was perfected under Tang rule.

New Year’s Eve

New Year’s Eve is the time when people bid farewell to the old year and welcome in the new. When they bid farewell to the old year, they hope bad luck and misfortune will be left behind; when they welcome in the new year, they wish for a happier year ahead.

Usually New Year’s Eve is the busiest day of the year. Within one day people must finish all the work that is taboo to do in the following days, such as the slaughtering of pigs and cattle, replacing the old with the new, cleaning the house and all the other jobs that need to be done with knives and scissors. Most importantly, the family reunion dinner must be well prepared. This is an auspicious and the most sumptuous meal of the year, and part of the food must be left over for the coming year, symbolizing that the family have food enough

to spare from year to year.

Such a bountiful feast is known as the “Crossing-the-Year Meal”. When the meal is prepared, the food is first used as a sacrificial offering to the gods and ancestors.

Unit 9

Exercise 1



New Beijing, Great Olympics

Reform and opening up to the outside world have brought about great changes in Beijing, a city with a 3,000-year history. The city has taken on a completely new look as it enters the new century. It will embrace the athletes and friends from the rest of the world attending the Olympic Games with great enthusiasm. The great modern Olympic Movement has gone through many changes in the past 100 years. Should the Olympic Games be held in China, the most populous nation in the world, the Olympic spirit will be even further disseminated and a new page will be turned in the Olympic history; and the Olympic Movement will show its unique splendor to the world in the new millennium?

Unit 10

Exercise 1





Mr. Chairman, it is with great pleasure that I am here to attend this annual meeting. On the occasion of this opening ceremony, I would like to express my deep appreciation to the host for this opportunity to address the topic of peace and development, and pay my high respect for all the representatives present at the meeting.

This meeting provides us with an ideal arena where we will exchange views, clear up misunderstandings and reach common ground. I would like to take this opportunity to elaborate on the position and views of my government on the issues concerning the establishment of a new international political and economic order at the turn of the century, the prospects of world peace and development, and the role of the United Nations.


A: 我深感荣幸,欢迎你们今天出席这个历史性的场合。我代表教职员工以及商学院的学生一起欢迎你们来到我们的校园。今天是一个非常重要的日子,哈佛人有机会和一个来自不断改革,不断发展的国家的总理进行面对面的交流。这个国家的未来与我国的未来紧密相关。在这个全球化的时代,大学的作用越来越重要。我们是和世界不同地区的朋友进行联系好交流的纽带。尊贵的客人,哈佛大学非常荣幸地欢迎各位。

B: Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to begin by sincerely thanking the President for his kind invitation. Harvard is a world famous institution of higher learning, attracting the best minds and bringing them up generation after generation. In its 367 years of history, Harvard has produced seven American presidents and more than 40 Nobel laureates. You have reason to be proud of your university. It is my great pleasure today to stand on your rostrum and have this face-to-face exchange with you.

A: 谢谢您。作为一名历史学家,我有很多问题想要问您,但是现在不是我问问题的时候。我们的学生递上来一些问题,我想告诉您的是学生们的问题恐怕比主任们的问题更难回答,所以请允许我念一个我们学生提出的问题。


实用英文写作与翻译2-1作业及参考答案 第一次作业: Americans Eat Out More often and Less Healthfully Although food cooked at home is far more healthful than meals eaten at restaurants, Americans are dining out more than ever, the U.S. Agriculture Department said Tuesday. Restaurant food accounted for([在数量,比例方面] 占) 39 percent of U.S. meals bought in 1996, up from 26 percent in 1970, the department said in a report, ``Away-From-Home Foods Increasingly Important to Quality of American Diet.'' ``While(尽管)the nutritional quality(营养质量)of foods consumed by Americans has improved overall, foods prepared at home are generally much more healthful than away-from-home foods,'' the department said. ``Despite nutritional gains at home, Americans will find it difficult to improve their diets because they purchase so many meals outside the home,'' the study said. While (尽管)the nutritional content of food prepared both at home and in restaurants has improved in recent years, food eaten out contains more of the nutrients Americans typically(一般地;通常)eat too much of, including fat and saturated fat(饱和脂肪), and less of what is lacking from most diets, such as calcium, fiber and iron. The department recommended nutrition education programs should place more emphasis on teaching U.S. consumers about how to order healthful meals when dining out. Improved diets have been found to prevent risk of heart disease, stroke(中风), cancer, diabetes(糖尿病), osteoporosis-related hip fractures(与骨质疏松症有关的髋关节骨折) and neural tube birth defects(神经管先天缺损). Osteoporosis-related hip fractures cost up to $10.6 billion each year in the United States in medical care expenses, missed work and premature deaths(早亡), the department said. 参考译文:美国人外出用餐频繁而饮食健康水准美况愈下 据美国农业部星期二称尽管在家煮烧的食物远比餐馆里所用之餐有益于健康,美国人外出用餐更频繁。餐馆里的食物占1996年美国人购餐的39%,比1970年增长了26%。该部门在报告中称:“外出所用之餐对于美国人饮食质量日益重要”。该部门还称:“虽然美国人消费的食物的营养质量总体改善了。但是,一般来说,家里所备的食物远比外出用餐的食物有益于健康。”研究表明:“尽管在家里用餐能获取养份,美国人发觉他们难以改善自己的饮食,因为他们多次在外购餐。”近年来在家里和餐馆里所备的食物的营养结构都得到了改善,然而,外出用餐的食物包含了较多典型的美国人汲取过多的养份,包括脂肪和饱和脂肪,也包含了较少多数饮食中所缺少的,如钙,纤维和铁。该农业部提议营养教育计划应更着重于教导美国消费者外出用餐时如何预定有益于健康的一餐。人们发现改善后的饮食结构能预防心脏病,中风,癌症,糖尿病,与骨盆炎相关的髋部骨折以及试管婴儿的神经缺陷所带来的危险。该部门称,在美国与骨盆炎相关的髋部骨折每年在医疗照料费用,医疗失误和早产死亡之上的耗费高达106亿美元。 第二次作业 1、Kill one’s appetite ?Kill time ?Kill the peace ?Kill the mood ?Kill the proposal ?Kill the engine ?Kill the child with kindness 2、If the doctor had been available, the child would not have died. 3、This ticket is available in all parks. 4、I’ll have Mr. Perkin call you back as soon as he is available.


四种翻译方法 1.直译和意译 所谓直译,就是在译文语言条件许可时,在译文中既保持原文的内容,又保持原文的形式——特别指保持原文的比喻、形象和民族、地方色彩等。 每一个民族语言都有它自己的词汇、句法结构和表达方法。当原文的思想内容与译文的表达形式有矛盾不宜采用直译法处理时,就应采用意译法。意译要求译文能正确表达原文的内容,但可以不拘泥与原文的形式。(张培基) 应当指出,在再能确切的表达原作思想内容和不违背译文语言规范的条件下,直译有其可取之处,一方面有助于保存原著的格调,另一方面可以进新鲜的表达方法。 Literal translation refers to an adequate representation of the original. When the original coincides or almost tallies with the Chinese language in the sequence of vocabulary, in grammatical structure and rhetorical device, literal translation must be used. Free translation is also called liberal translation, which does not adhere strictly to the form or word order of the original.(郭著章) 直译法是指在不违背英语文化的前提下,在英译文中完全保留汉语词语的指称意义,求得内容和形式相符的方法。


单句翻译训练 1. The threat of any kind of power failure usually puts fear into the hearts of many people. 2. I once came near being drowned in the attempt to swim across this river. 3. The tape recorder can be a very effective aid to teaching if it is used imaginatively. 4. The time of the hot summer weather lasted so long that the old could scarecely bear it. 5. Good English skills help you express yourself so that others can understand exactly what you mean. 1. 任何一种类型的断电都会给人们造成内心的恐慌。 2. 在试图渡过这条河时,我差点被淹死。 3. 如果使用得当,录音机可以起到很好的教学辅助作用。 4. 炎热的夏天持续的时间太久,使老人几乎无法忍受。 5. 流畅的英语表达能力可以使你准确地表达你的观点 6. Now television pictures can be sent from one side of the world to the other by

means of satellites. 7. Since human beings depend to some degree on forests, every effort must be made to preserve trees. 8. She worked very hard; otherwise she could not have passsed the entrance examination. 9. In many developiing countries, cigarette smoking is even seen as a sign of economic progress. 10. Since Altantic College is on the coast, many of the activities for the students are related to the sea or water in general. 1. 电视图像现在可以借助于卫星来进行传递了。 2. 因为人类依赖于森林,因此应竭尽全力保护树木。 3. 她学习非常刻苦,否则将无法通过入学考试。 4. 在许多发展中国家,吸烟甚至被看作是经济进步的标志 5. 因为大西洋学院坐落在沿海地区,所以学生的各种活动都和海或水有关。 11. After long negotiation, the firm contracted to build a double-purpose bridge across the river.


翻译及写作练习汇总 一、 翻译练习: 写句子时先写主干,再写零碎 主谓宾 S+V+O +how_when+where 尽量不要写祈使句 中文: 我和JACK 这个星期天要去野餐。如果你能来的话,我们将非常高兴。 JACK得去购物,这样的话我们每个人都会有我们爱吃的东西。为了保护环境, 我们就不会用纸杯子,相反我们会用玻璃杯。天气会很不错,我们会在那散步。 顺便说一句,希望你不介意MIKE跟我们一起来。他非常可爱我们都喜欢他。 虽然他是一只特别可爱的狗,但是我们不会让它吃太多。因为这个对它的健康没好处。 我们将会非常高兴地看到这么多的好朋友聚在一起。 翻译例文: Jack and I will go for a picnic this Sunday. We will be pleased if you can join us. Jack will do some shopping so that every one of us can have our favorite food. In order to protect the environment, we won't use paper cups. Instead, we will bring some glass ones. The weather will fine enough for us to have a walk. By the way, I hope you don't mind Mike's coming with us. He is so lovely that we all love him. Though he is a nice dog, we won't allow him to eat to much. It's bad for his health. We will be glad to see so many friends getting together. 状从的常用写作句型: 1.没有事情是不可能的,只要你全力以赴。 Nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it. 2.他如此的善良以至于常帮助别人。 He is so kind that he is always ready to help others. 3.他如此的对音乐感兴趣,以至于他花费尽可能多的时间练习弹钢琴。 He is so interested in music that he spend s as much time as he can practicing playding the piano. 4.读的书越多,收获越大。 The more books you read, the more you can get/gain/achieve. 5.为了提高英语,你要尽可能的使用它。


英语翻译方法和技巧归纳 一、词汇方面 ㈠.词义选择 大多数英语词汇是多义的,翻译时必须选择正确的词义。词义选择的方法有三:根据上下文和词的搭配选择、根据词类选择、根据专业选择。 ㈡.词义转换 在理解英文词汇的原始意义基础上,翻译时可根据汉语的习惯按引伸义译出;或用反义词语译出,即所谓的正文反译、反文正译。 ㈢.词类转换

英语中很多由动词转化而成的名词、以及动名词、非谓语动词等,汉译时可将它们转换成动词。 ㈣.补词 是指原文已有某种含义但未用词汇直接表达,译文中需将这些含义补充进去,这样才更通顺易读,如:英语中数词与名词之间没有量词,而译成汉语时可酌情增加。 ㈤.省略 是指原文中某些词在译文中省略不译,只要并不影响意义的完整。如:上面讲的汉语“量词”,译成英语时则可以省略;又如:英语中大量使用物主代词而汉语中往往省略不用。 ㈥.并列与重复

英语在表达重复含义的并列结构中常采用共享、替代、转换等形式来避免重复,而汉语却常常有意重复表达以加强文字的力度,如:英语的物主代词替代前面的名词,短语动词只重复介词而省略主动词,汉译时可考虑重复表达。 二、句子结构方面 子结构方面的翻译技巧,主要有三种类型:语序类、组合类和转换类。 ㈠.语序类 1. 顺译法与逆译法 英语时间状语可前可后。不仅如此,英语在表达结果、条件、说明等定语从句、状语从句也很灵活,既可以先述也可以后述。而汉语

表达往往是按时间或逻辑的顺序进行的,因此,顺译法也罢逆译法也罢,其实都是为了与汉语的习惯相一致。英语表达与汉语一致的就顺译,相反的则逆译。 有时候顺译法与逆译法的差别,就象前面谈的正译与反译,依译者的爱好而定。 2. 前置法 英语中较短的限定性定语从句、表身份特征等的同位语在译成汉语时,往往可以提到先行词(中心词)的前面。 3. 分起总叙与总起分叙 长句子和句子嵌套现象在英语中比较普遍,这是因为英语的连词、关系代词、关系副词等虚词比较活跃、生成能力强,可构成并列句、复合句以及它们的组合形式。


主语从句翻译句子练习: 1.显然,到2000年这两个国家依赖于不同的主要燃料源。 2.据报道每年有成千上百万人死于和水有关的疾病。 3.谁应该对老年人负责这个问题在社区里被广泛讨论。 4.不论谁污染环境都应该受到惩罚。 5.It is probable that the nocturnal trades(夜间的谋生)go way back in the ancestry of all mammals(哺乳动物).(剑7 Test 1 Reading1) 6.It should be no surprise then that among mathematicians and architects, left-handers tend to be more common and there are more left-handed males than females. 7.现在,人们普遍认为没有一所大学能够在学生毕业的时候教给他们所需要的所有知识。 8.这档节目是否成功在接下来的几十年将会揭晓。 9.人们普遍认为计算机和其他机器已经成为社会必不可少的一部分。 10.无可争辩,寄宿学校正在发挥越来越重要的作用,尤其是最近几年。 11.采取有效的措施来结束日益恶化的空气污染势在必行。 12.无可争辩,现在有成千上万的人过着挨饿受冻的痛苦生活。 13.人们普遍认为太空探索能够促进科学事业的发展。

14.值得注意的是农村和城市的生态环境都在不断恶化。 15.众所周知,环境污染问题是中国乃至世界面临的最为严重的问题之一。 宾语从句翻译句子练习: 1.许多专家怀疑英语是否应该作为全球唯一的官方语言。 2.大部分学生相信业余工作使他们有更多的机会发展人际交往能力,而这对他 们未来找工作是非常有好处的。 3.有些人认为旅游业的发展会对传统文化产生一些负面的影响。 4.一项调查显示,许多农民工认为在城市打工不仅有较高的收入,而且能学到 一些新技术。 5.越来越多的专家认为农民工(farmer laborers/rural emigrants)对城市的建设起 到积极作用,然而,越来越多的城市居民却怀疑这种说法,他们抱怨农民工给城市带来了许多严重的问题,比如犯罪。 6.说到教育,大部分人认为其是终生的学习。 7.越来越多的专家开始相信这种状况将对当地的经济发展产生不利影响。 8.一些人认为政府应对环境污染负主要责任。 9.许多专家指出这是现代社会发展必然的结果,无法避免。 表语从句翻译句子练习: 1.一个迫切的问题是许多稀有物种正处于灭绝的边缘。


英汉翻译的基本方法和技巧 翻译是信息交流过程中极其复杂的社会心理现象。语言知识是翻译的基础。此外,翻译还涉及到推理、判断、分析和综合等复杂的心理认识过程。翻译的方法和技巧是翻译工作者在长期的实践中根据两种语言的特点总结归纳出来的一般规律。这些规律可以指导我们的翻译实践,使我们能更自觉、更灵活地处理翻译过程中所遇到的各种语言现象。下面就英译汉中的一些方法和技巧结合翻译实例作一概述。 1.词义的选择 ? 一词多义和一词多类是英汉两种语言都有的一种语言现象。因此,在平日的翻译练习和测试中,我们在弄清原文句子结构后,务必注意选择和确定句中关键词的词类和词义,以保证译文的质量。通常可从以下三个方面来考虑词义选择: 1)根据词在句中的词类来选择词义 例如:Censorship is for the good of society as a whole. Like the law, it contributes to the common good. [译文]:审查是为了整个社会的利益。它像法律一样维护公众利益。 [注释]:本句中like作介词,意为"像……一样"。但like作动词用,则意为"喜欢;想要"。例如:He likes films with happy endings. (他喜欢结局好的电影。)又如:Would you like to leave a message (你要不要留个话儿)此外,like还可以作形容词用,意为"相同的",如:Like charges repel; unlike charges attract.(电荷同性相斥,异性相吸。) 2)根据上下文和词在句中的搭配关系选择词义 例1According to the new school of scientists, technology is an overlooked force in expanding the horizons of scientific knowledge. [译文]:新学派的科学家们认为,技术在扩大科学知识范围过程中是一种被忽视的力量。 [注释]:school一词常被误译为"学校",其实,school还有一个词义"学派"。可见,正确选择词义对译文质量有重要影响,而文章的上下文和逻辑联系是翻译中选择词义的重要依据。 例2Now since the assessment of intelligence is a comparative matter we must be sure that the scale with which we are comparing our subjects provides a "valid" or "fair" comparison. [译文]:既然对智力的评估是比较而言的,那么我们必须确保,在对我们的对象进行比较时,我们所使用的尺度要能提供"有效的"和"公平的"比较。

高中英语句子翻译与写作 第1章 时态

第一章时态 历届试题 1.在过去的几年里,这加工厂用塑料代替木头来降低成本。(substitute…for) (S99) 2.尽管有很多困难,我们仍将努力执行我们的计划。(in spite of) (Ss00) 3.小组讨论有助于更好地理解课文。(help) (S04) 4.他们的新房子离学校很远。(far) (S07) 5.各色阳伞给夏日街头平添了活泼的气氛。(add to) (S07) 6.前天我们订购了二十台洗衣机。(order) (Ss07) 7.网球运动在上海越来越流行了。(popular) (S09) 8.尽管山高林密,医护人员还是迅速地赶到出事地点,实施救援。(despite) (S09) I. 一般现在时 1.在公共汽车上李先生总是设法匆匆浏览一下报纸的标题。(glance at) 2.一条装有邮件和食物的小船一星期一次航行到那岛上。(go over to) 3.我根本不喜欢这个铜的框架。(not…at all) 4.晚饭后,我总是在厨房里洗碗碟。(wash up) 5.我认为你找到男生宿舍不会有困难的。(have trouble in) 6.不同的国家有不同的问候形式。(form) 7.我们中3/5以上的人喜欢田径运动。(love) 8.大多数学生住在学校附近。(a stone’s throw) 9.有了一台计算机,我们就能更快地做各种各样的工作。(all kinds of) 10.一艘现代化轮船可以在几天内横渡大西洋。(cross) 11.音乐在人类生活中起着重要的作用。(play a … part in) 12.那些孩子中没有一个会演奏乐器。(instrument) 13.他坚持正确的,反对错误的。(persevere) 14.你看起来很累,这音乐将有助于你放松。(relax) 15.缺乏先进的科学技术是一个严重的问题。(1ack) 16.我们用无线电和电视和世界各国人民保持联系。(keep in touch with) 17.巴金全集主要由小说和散文组成。(consist of) 18.那家工厂提供我们各种各样的塑料产品。(provide) 19.每一个人,无论老幼,必须向周围的人学习。(old or young) 20.像英语一样,汉语也有许多谚语。(proverbs) 21.那些学生把大部分零用钱花在书上。(spend) 22.一定有人把我的自行车拿走了,我找不到了。(take) 23.这不仅是我们的卧室,事实上我们什么都在这里干的。(more than) 24.这些年轻人自愿贡献大量时间为老人服务。(volunteer) 25.电脑在科学研究的许多方面替代了人脑。(substitute) 26.我的丈夫和我对音乐有相似的爱好。(similar) 27.有些学生不理解这首诗的含义。(make out) 28.千里之行,始于足下。(start) 29.尽管意见有分歧,他们对维护世界和平有着共同的利益。(in spite of) 30.旅游不仅是一种很好的锻炼形式,也为各国人民之间的文化交流提供了一种重要手段。(in addition to) 31.知识的共享将造福于四面八方的人们。(benefit)


高一英语翻译技巧和方法完整版及练习题及解析 一、高中英语翻译 1.高中英语翻译题:Translation: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.究竟是什么激发小王学习电子工程的积极性?(motivate) 2.网上支付方便了客户,但是牺牲了他们的隐私。(at the cost of) 3.让我的父母非常满意的是,从这个公寓的餐厅可以俯视街对面的世纪公园,从起居室也可以。(so) 4.博物馆疏于管理,展品积灰,门厅冷落,急需改善。(whose) 【答案】 1.What on earth has motivated Xiao Wang’s enthusiasm/ initiative to major in electronic engineering? 2.Online payment brings convenience to consumers at the cost of their privacy. 3.To my parents’ satisfaction, the dining room of this apartment overlooks the Century Park opposite the street and so it is with the sitting room. 或者What makes my parents really satisfy is that they can see the Century Park from the dining room of this apartment, so can they from the living room. 4.This museum is not well managed, whose exhibits are covered with dust, and there are few visitors, so everything is badly in need of improvement. 或The museum whose management is reckless, whose exhibits are piled with dust and whose lobby is deserted, requires immediate improvement. 【解析】 1.motivate sb to do sth 激发某人做某事,on earth究竟,major in 以…为专业,enthusiasm/ initiative热情/积极性,故翻译为What on earth has motivated Xiao Wang’s enthusiasm/ initiative to major in electronic engineering? 2.online payment网上支付,brings convenience to给…带来方便,at the cost of以…为代价,privacy隐私,故翻译为Online payment brings convenience to consumers at the cost of their privacy. 3.To my parents’ satisfaction令我父母满意的是,后者也那样so it is with。也可以用主语从句What makes my parents really satisfy 表语从句thatthey can see the Century Park from the dining room of this apartment。overlooks俯视,opposite the street街对面,living room 起居室。故翻译为To my parents’ satisfaction, the dining room of this apartment overlooks the Century Park opposite the street and so it is with the sitting room.或者What makes my parents really satisfy is that they can see the Century Park from the dining room of this apartment, so can they from the living room. 4.not well managed/ management is reckless疏于管理,be covered with dust/ be piled with dust被灰尘覆盖,few visitors游客稀少,be badly in need of improvement/ requires immediate improvement亟需改善。故翻译为his museum is not well managed, whose exhibits


1. 该表格描述了在...年之...年间...数量的变化。 2. 该柱状图展示了... 3. 该图为我们提供了有关...有趣数据。 4. 该图向我们展示了... 5. 该线形图揭示了... 6. 这个曲线图描述了...的趋势。 7. 数据(字)表明... 8. 该树型图向我们揭示了如何... 9. 该数据(字)可以这样理解... 10. 这些数据资料令我们得出结论... 11. 如图所示... 12. 根据这些表(数字)... 13. 如表格所示... 14. 从图中可以看出,...发生了巨大变化。 15. 从图表我们可以很清楚(明显)看到... 16. 这个图表向我们展示了... 17. 该表格描述了...年到...年间a与b的比例关系。 18. 该图描述了...总的趋势。 19. 这是个柱型图,描述了...

20. 如图所示,两条曲线描述了...的波动情况。 21. 在...至...期间,...基本不变。 22. 在...年到...的期间 23. 1995年至1998三年里... 24. 从那时起... 25. ...月(年)至...月(年)...的数量基本不变。 26. 数字急剧上升至... 27. ...至...期间...的比率维持不变。 28. ...的数目在...月(年)达到顶点,为... 29. 比率维持在... 30. ...的比例比...的比例略高(低)。 31. ...与...的区别不大。 32. 该图表表明...的数目增长了三倍。 33. ...逐年减少,而...逐步上升。 34. ...的情况(局势)到达顶(高)点,为...百分点。 35. 数字(情况)在...达到底部。 36. 数字(情况)达到底部(低谷)。 37. a是b的...倍。 38. a增长了...


研究生入学测试英语翻译及作文考题和答 案 一、翻译部分:46. Television is one of the means by which these feelings are created and conveyed-and perhaps never before has it served so much to connect different peoples and nations as in the recent events in Europe. 在加强不同的民族和国家之间的联系方面,电视也许还从来没有像在最近的欧洲事件中那样起过如此大的作用。47. In Europe ,as elsewhere,multi-media groups have been increasingly successful;groups which bring together television, radio,newspapers, magazines and publishing house that work in relation to one another. 在欧洲就像在其他地方一样多媒体集团越来越成功了,这些集团把相互关系密切的电视台、电台、报纸、杂志、出版社组合到了一起。48. This alone demonstrates that the television business is not an easy world to survive in, a fact underlined by statistics that show that out of eighty European television networks, no less than 50% took a loss in


托福写作备考之长句翻译练习 1. It is inevitable for the old to have generation gap with their children. 对老年人来说,和他们的孩子有代沟是不可避免的。 2. It is sagacious that all relevant factors should be taken into account before taking any action. 在采取任何行动之前,应该考虑所有相关的因素,这是明智之举。 3. A fear has arisen among some people that the more machines will be used, the more workers will be unemployed and the lower our living standard will become. 恐惧在一些人当中出现了。那就是,机器用得越多,失业的工人就越多,而我们的生活水平就会越低。 4. Before airing my opinion, I will analyze the hot issue from diverse perspectives. 在表明观点之前,我将从不从的角度来分析这个热门话题。 5. As soon as a child becomes old enough to communicate with other children, he begins having friends, who sometimes influence him more rapidly than his family. 当一个孩子长到足以和其他人交流时,他便开始交朋友,这些朋友对他的影响有时比家庭更快 6. They spend too much time in front of the television, ignoring their study, outdoor activities and even their families. 他们在电视机前面花费了太多的时间,忽略了学习、户外活动,甚至他们的家庭。 7. But the disadvantage of this solution lies in the fact that too much land that could be used for farming or housing will inevitably be occupied by more and more roads.(同位语从句) 但此种方案的不足之处在于这样一个事实:修建越来越多的道路会不可避免的占用过多的土地,而这些土地原本是可以用于耕种或建房的。 8. In the countryside, the air is clean, the food is fresh and houses are totally spacious with large yards around them. (并列句) 在乡村,空气清新,食物新鲜,房子四周通常有宽敞的庭院。 9. Then couldn’t we live in the fresh air while enjoying the mobility of cars? 否定疑问句我们在享受着汽车带来的行动自如的同时,难道就呼吸不上新鲜的空气了吗? 10. If students are forced to wear uniforms every day, how can they develop their individuality and creativity? 特殊疑问句如果学生被迫每天都穿校服,那他们怎么发展个性和创造力呢? 11. Today when the global economy is in depression, how will you make the choice to domesticate animals with an empty stomach or to solve the living problem with animals as the source of food and clothing? 在全球经济并不景气的今天,你会选择饿着肚子驯养宠物,还是把它们当作衣物和食物的来源,以求解决自身生存的问题呢? 选择疑问句 12. In addition, the huge amounts of money spared may be poured into the construction of many highways, factories, hospitals and schools, which is of immense benefit to individuals as well as to the society. 此外,所节省的大笔资金可以用来建高速公路、工厂、医院和学校,这无论是对个人还是社会都有很大的好处。 13. They are printed in our newspapers and shown on our television screens as a visible proof of the man’s newest achievements. 它们作为人类最新成就的明证被登在报纸上,而且出现在电视屏幕上。 14. It is true that the whole world is witnessing China’s construction of modernization. 中国的现代化建设确实正为全世界所关注。 15. It is the controversial question, which has aroused heated discussion among people. 这是一个有争议的问题,它引起了人们的激烈讨论。(名词作表语+定从) 16. When we grow old enough to earn a living, it does not surprise us to discover that success is measured in terms of the money you earn. 当我们长大了,可以自谋生计的时候,我们毫不惊奇地发现,成功是用一个人挣多少钱来衡量的。


2005年考研英语翻译和作文试题答案 一、翻译部分: 46. Television is one of the means by which these feelings are created and conveyed-and perhaps never before has it served so much to connect different peoples and nations as in the recent events in Europe. 在加强不同的民族和国家之间的联系方面,电视也许还从来没有像在最近的欧洲事件中那样起过如此大的作用。 47. In Europe ,as elsewhere, multi-media groups have been increasingly successful; groups which bring together television, radio, newspapers, magazines and publishing house that work in relation to one another. 在欧洲就像在其他地方一样多媒体集团越来越成功了,这些集团把相互关系密切的电视台、电台、报纸、杂志、出版社组合到了一起。 48. This alone demonstrates that the television business is not an easy world to survive in, a fact underlined by statistics that show that out of eighty European television networks, no less than 50% took a loss in 1989. 仅这一点就表明在电视行业里生存不那么容易,这个事实通过统计数字也是一目了然,统计表明在80家欧洲电视网中1989年出现亏损的不下50%。 49. 创造一个将要组成旧大洲联系纤维并且尊重不同文化和传统的统一体不是一项容易的任务,需要策略性的选择。


2019届高考英语一轮复习专项提升训练 概要写作与翻译专项提升训练 (上海卷适用) 一、阅读表达 1.Summary Writing Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60wonds. Use your own words as, far as possible. Every time there is a mass shooting, the debate surrounding guns tends to flare up in America. The abuse of guns has been a serious problem in the US all along, but why doesn’t the US government just dismiss owning guns privately? The right to own a gun and defend oneself is central to American society. As early as the1600s, when the first Europeans set foot on the continent of North America, they had to face a lot of dangers. They could only rely on themselves. Therefore, guns played a significant role in self-defense. Guns were also important in American’s Independent War and the Civil War. Secondly, the American founding fathers believed that gun ownership was necessary for a truly free country. If the government distrusts the people and disarms them, then that government no longer represents the people. The Second Amendment to the US Constitution specifies that the American people cannot be deprived of the “right to keep and bear arms.” So the sale and purchase of firearms are legal in the United States according to law. The importance of guns is also derived from the role of hunting in American culture. In the nation’s early years, hunting was essential for food and shelter. Today, guns are a vital part of hunting, which remains very popular as both a sport and a way of life in many parts of the country. People spend time with friends, sharing the pleasure that the sport brings. For those reasons, when critics say guns mean violence, they miss a large part of the picture, and they misrepresent the complex nature of America’s diverse gun culture. Most people who own guns privately, are actually part of the gun culture. They have rational and thoughtful reasons to own and use guns. 2.Summary Writing Quiet Virtue: The Conscientious The everyday signs of conscientiousness(认真尽责)—being punctual, careful in doing work, self-disciplined, and scrupulous (一丝不苟的) in attending to responsibilities—are typical characteristics of the model organizational citizen, the people who keep things running as they should. They follow the rules, help out, and are concerned about the people they work with. It’s the conscientious worker who helps newcomers or updates people who return after an absence, who gets to work on time and never abuses sick leaves, who always gets things done on deadline. Conscientiousness is a key to success in any field. In studies of job performance, outstanding effectiveness for almost all jobs, from semi-skilled labor
