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1 .Powerful shocks exploded up through the underground layers of dirt and rock. All across the city, streets ripped(撕裂)open. Buildings swayed. Walls crumbled(坍塌)and houses came crashing down. Broken glass, hunks of wood, and piles of bricks tumbledd到塌)into the streets.强烈的冲击通过地下的泥土和岩石层爆炸。整个城市的街道都撕裂了。建筑物在摇晃。墙壁倒塌了,房屋也倒塌了。碎玻璃、大块的木头和成堆的砖块砸到街上。

2.Blood dribbled(滴落)from Leo's mouth. His head throbbed(抽动).But the worst was the searing pain from somewhere deep inside, like something had been ripped out of him.血从Leo的嘴里滴落。他的头抽动。但最糟糕的是从内心深处剧烈的痛苦,就像有什么东西将他撕扯。

这两句话出自于I Survived the San Francisco Earthquake, 1906o




Consume英[kon' sju: m]美[k^n, su: m] v.消耗;吞噬;充满(感情);吃喝;烧毁;



1.to use sth, especially fuel, energy or time 消耗,耗费(燃料、能量、时间等)

The electricity industry consumes large amounts of fossil fuels. 电)J工业?肖耗大量的矿物燃料。

Some of the most efficient refrigerators consume 70 percent less electricity than traditional models.一些极为节能的冰箱比传统型号耗电减少70%。

Nearly all the cultural objects we consume arrive wrapped in inherited opinion; our preferences are always, to some extent, someone else's.我们消费的几乎所有文化物品都是以继承的观点来包装的;在某种程度上,我们的偏好总是来自他人。

2.to eat or drink sth 吃;喝;饮

Before he died he had consumed a large quantity of alcohol.他死亡前喝了大量的酒。

We suggest regularly consuming fresh vegetable juices.我们建议有规律地食用新鲜的蔬菜汁。

He served chocolate ice-creams for the children to consume in the kitchen. 他端上巧克力冰激凌让孩子们在厨房里吃。

3.〜sb (with sth)[常用被动态]to fill sb with a strong feeling 使充满(强烈的感情); (使)沉迷

The memories consumed him.他沉浸在回1 忆中。

He was consumed with guilt after the accident.在那场意外后他充满了愧疚。

But I, consumed with intense anger at her sudden appearance in my doorway, just cast her an indifferent glance, ignored her pleading look and uttered no word.但我对她突然出现在我门口感到非常愤怒,只是冷漠地看了她一眼,没有理会她恳求的目光,一句话也没说。

补充:be consumed/overcome/overwhelmed with 充满强烈情感

With the dog figurine in his hand, the little boy paced up and down in front of the door. Overwhelmed/Overcome/Consumed by fright, he felt his heart beating/pounding so fiercely that it almost jumped out of his chest.小男孩手里拿着狗雕像,在门前踱来踱去。他吓得心惊胆战,觉得自己的心怦怦直跳,几乎要跳出胸膛了。

4.(of fire ^<) to completely destroy sth 烧毁;毁灭

The hotel was quickly consumed by fire.那座旅馆很快被大火吞噬。

The fire soon consumed the wooden buildings.大火很快就把那些木制建筑物烧毁To


1.Heathcliff slowly entered the room, and at once Cathy jumped up, ran to him and threw

her arms round his neck, laughing with delight and kissing his cheek over and over again.希斯克利夫慢慢进入房间,凯茜立刻跳起来,跑到他跟前,用胳膊搂住他的脖子,高兴地笑着,一遍又一遍地吻他的脸颊。

2.She slid from the bed and walked very uncertainly to the window, threw it open and leant out. The frosty air blew in, cutting like a knife.她从床上下来,犹豫地走到窗前,打开窗户,探出身子。寒冷的空气吹来,像刀割一样刺痛。


第一句话是动作描写,展现了甜美的爱情。这里描写凯茜拥抱用的是throw her arms round his neck就是搂着他的脖子。其实拥抱还有很多种表达方式:hug; embrace; cuddle; hold/clasp/wrap sb. in one's arms; in a clinch(恋人之间);可以多多积累,大胆表达。



Register 英「redj I sta(r)]美['red3 I star] n.登记本;音域;语域;调风口;v. 登记;给…注册;显示;表示;流露;引起注意;把.•・挂号邮寄;

变形过去分词:registered 复数:registers 过去式:registered 现在分词:registering 第三人称单数:registers

Register 一般学的都是登记,注册等意思在应用文中常用,比方在网站或学生会登记注册等,但它也常常用于情绪表达,应学会加以仿写运用。

1(at/for/with sth) | 〜sth (in sth) | ~ (sb) as sth to record your/sb's/sth's name on an official list 登记;注册

If you accept our invitation, we will be more than pleased to welcome you to register at the Student Union.如果您接受我们的邀请,我们将非常高兴地欢迎您在学生会登记。

2.[动词+名词短语](formal) to make your opinion known officially or publicly (正式地或公开地)发表意见,提出主张

China has registered a protest over foreign intervention. 中国对夕卜国干涉正式提出了抗议。

Workers stopped work to register their protest. 工人罢工以示抗议。

3」无被动态](formal) to show or express a feeling流露出;显得;表达出

With a shy smile registering on his face, Roman found it rather difficult to mutter any word appropriate enough to respond.罗曼脸上露出了害羞的微笑,他发现很难说出任何合适的词来回应。

Shock registered on everyone's face.人人都面露震惊之色。

Her face registered disapproval.她脸上流露出不赞同的神色。

Surprise again registered on Rodney's face.罗德尼的脸上再次露出惊讶的神情。

1.If a piece of information does not register or if you do not register it, you do not really pay attention to it, and so you do not remember it or react to it.弓| 起注意;(被)意识到;(使)留下印象

What I said sometimes didn't register in her brain...有时我说的话她根本没听进去。

The sound was so familiar that she didn't register it.这个声音如此耳熟,她根本没怎么留意

5.[可数名词]an official list or record of names, items, etc.; a book that contains such a list登记表;注册簿;登记簿

Could you sign the hotel register please, sir?先生,请在酒店登记簿上签字好吗?

6.[可数名词]the range, or part of a range, of a human voice or a musical instrument 声区;音区

in the upper/middle/lower register 在高/中/低声区(三)


1.With each word his father sang, Dj stood a little taller. The color came back to his face, and his eyes began to sparkle. He opened his mouth and began to sing along, his little voice growing stronger with each word.随着父亲每唱一个字,Dj就站得更高。他的脸上又恢复了颜色,他的眼睛开始发光。他张开嘴,开始跟着唱,他的声音越唱越强烈。

2.The show ended to thunderous applause, with the kids bowing dramatically, accepting

their praise for a job well done.演出在雷鸣般的掌声中结束,孩子们鞠了大躬, 接受对他们极好演出的赞扬。

这两句话出自chicken soup中《The Angel's Voice》




Race英[rei s]美[rei s] n.赛跑;竞争;人种;民族;v.参加比赛;使比赛;快速移动;剧烈跳动;

变形过去分词:raced复数:races过去式:raced现在分词:racing第三人称单数:races Race这个词我们一般学的是比赛,竞争,偶尔会在阅读中碰到种族的意思,然而其作为动词也可以经常用于读后续写之中。

1.[可数名词]〜(between A and B) | 〜(against sb) a competition between people, animals, vehicles, etc. to see which one is the faster or fastest 赛跑;速度竞赛

Their horse came third in the race last year.他们的马在去年的比赛中获得了第三名。

2.[可数名词,不可数名词]one of the main groups that humans can be divided into according to their physical differences, for example the color of their skin 人种;种族This custom is found in people of all races throughout the world. 这一习俗在全世界各种族中都有。

3.〜(against) sb/sth to compete against sb/sth to see who can go faster or the fastest, do sth first, etc.; to take part in a race or races (和…)比赛; 参力口比赛

Who will he be racing against in the next round?下一轮他和谁比赛?

They raced to a thrilling victory in the relay.他们在接力赛中取得了激动人心的胜利。

4.[+副词或介词短语]to move very fast; to move sb/sth very fast (使)快速移动,快速运转

He raced up the stairs.他飞快地冲上楼去。

The days seemed to race past.日子似乎很快就过去了。

She raced her car through the narrow streets of the town.她开着车在小镇狭窄的街道上飞快地穿行。

5.[单独使用的动词]to function very quickly because you are afraid, excited, etc.(因为害怕、兴奋等)急速跳动,快速转动

Mary felt her heart race.玛丽感到她的心跳加速。

My mind raced quickly and people's names flooded in.我的思绪飞快,人们的名字涌入。

She took a deep breath to calm her racing pulse.她深深地吸了口气,想使急速跳动的脉搏平静下来。

Her brain quickened/raced and all her senses were alert.她的大脑快速运转,所有的感官都处于戒备状态。

My mind raced as I tried to work out what was happening.我拼命地转动脑筋,想要搞清楚发生了什么事儿。


高考英语读后续写情感描写素材 一、奋斗励志 【素材积累】 1.With a strong determination to succeed, she worked tirelessly towards her goal, even when faced with numerous setbacks. 凭借对成功的坚定决心,即使面临无数挫折,她也孜孜不倦地朝着自己的目标努力。 2.Despite the challenges that lay ahead, he refused to give up and continued to strive towards his dreams. 尽管面临挑战,他拒绝放弃,继续朝着自己的梦想努力。 3.Setting realistic goals and staying focused on her studies, she was able to achieve academic success and pursue her desired career path. 通过设定切合实际的目标并专注于学习,她能够取得学业成功并追求自己想要的职业道路。 4.Having overcome numerous obstacles in his life, he remained steadfast in his pursuit of success and never lost sight of his goals. 在克服了生活中的无数障碍后,他仍然坚定不移地追求成功,从未忘记自己的目标。 5.Through hard work and perseverance, she was able to turn her dreams into reality and achieve great success in her chosen field. 通过努力工作和毅力,她能够将梦想变为现实,并在她选择的领域取得巨大成功。 6.It was with her teacher's encouragement that Jane eventually accepted the fact that she would have to get around in a wheelchair. 在她老师的鼓励下,简最终接受了必须坐轮椅的事实。 7.No matter what happens I will insist on chasing my dream and making every effort. 不管发生什么,我会坚持追逐我的梦想,竭尽全力。 8.It's a golden rule that he who has aims and purposes will be successful.有目标和目的的人会成功,这是一条黄金法则。 9.Everyone can be a useful person only if he would never give up and do something for society. 只要永不放弃和奉献社会,每个人都能成为一个对社会有用的人。 10.The only way out of despair and negativity for me was to put one foot in front of the other. 对我来说,走出绝望和消极的唯一方法就是脚踏实地前进。 11.There are angels all around us, not just spiritual ones, but real ones that we can see. 我们周围都有天使,不仅是精神上的,而且是我们可以看到的真实的天使。 12.I never thought that my little act of kindness should light her up greatly, which, indeed, encouraged me to carry on spreading kindness under any circumstance. 我从来没有想过我的一个小小的善举会给她带来巨大的鼓舞,这确实鼓励了我在任何情况下都要继续传播善良。 13.Despite facing countless obstacles, she never lost sight of her goals, and worked tirelessly towards achieving them. 尽管面临无数障碍,但她从未忘记自己的目标,并为实现这些目标而不懈努力。 14.With a burning desire to succeed, he pushed himself to the limits and never gave up, even when the going got tough. 怀着对成功的强烈渴望,他将自己推向极限,即使情况变得艰难,他也从未放弃。 15.With an unwavering determination to succeed, she refused to let setbacks and failures hold her back, and continued to push forward.


高考英语读后续写作文素材积累9——声音篇 01音乐声 1. The melody resounded through the hall, as if chasing away all the darkness. (旋律回荡在大厅里,仿佛驱散了所有的黑暗。) 2. With delicate harmonies, the music transported me to a world full of dreams and imagination. (优美的和谐声音,将我带入了一个充满梦想和想象力的世界。) 3. The crescendo of the orchestra was an eruption of emotion, sweeping the audience off their feet. (乐团的高潮渐入,情感如火山爆发般席卷观众。) 4. The solo violinist played with such precision that every note hung in the air, mesmerizing the listeners. (独奏小提琴手演奏得如此精准,每个音符都停留在空中,令人着迷。) 5. As the choir's voices intertwined harmoniously, a sense of unity and serenity filled the cathedral. (合唱团的声音和谐交织,教堂充满了一种团结和宁静的感觉。) 6. The gentle strumming of the guitar created a serene atmosphere, as if whispering secrets to the night. (吉他轻柔的弹奏创造出一种宁静的氛围,仿佛向夜晚耳语着秘密。) 7. With a touch of melancholy, the pianist evoked a wave of nostalgia that embraced the entire audience. (钢琴家带有一丝忧郁,唤起了一阵怀旧情感,涵盖了整个观众。) 8. The syncopated rhythm reverberated through the room, infecting everyone with an irresistible urge to dance. (此起彼伏的节奏在房间中回荡,使每个人感染上无法抗拒的跳舞欲望。) 9. The smooth jazz melody floated delicately on the evening breeze, soothing our weary souls. (柔和的爵士旋律在夜风中轻轻飘荡,舒缓了我们疲惫的心灵。) 10. The pounding drums and electrifying guitar riffs created a whirlwind of energy that consumed the stage. (重击的鼓声和充满电能的吉他旋律创造出一阵能量的旋风,席卷了整个舞台。) 11. With its lively tempo and infectious beat, the music set the dance floor ablaze with passion. (以活泼的节奏和具有感染力的节拍,音乐让舞池充满了激情的火焰。)12. The haunting voice of the opera singer filled the auditorium, leaving a trail of chills down everyone's spine. (歌剧歌手那悦耳悲伤的声音填满了礼堂,每个人都被吓出了一身鸡皮疙瘩。) 13. The symphony painted vivid soundscapes, taking the listeners on a sensory journey of emotions and colors. (交响乐绘出生动的声音景观,将听众带入一场感官之旅,感受情感和色彩的交织。) 02噪音 1. The noise, which seemed to echo through the entire building, made it impossible to concentrate. (噪音似乎回响在整个建筑里,使得集中注意力变得不可能。) 2. Despite wearing earplugs, the constant droning noise infiltrated her thoughts.


高考英语读后续写 情感描写素材 一、开心 Her eyestwinkled with merriment. 她高兴得双眸闪闪发亮。 Mackwent into raptures and burst into laughter. 麦克欣喜若狂,大笑起来。 A ripple of laughter went through the crowd. 人群中传来一阵笑声 Lily'slaughter lingered in the room for a long time. 丽丽的笑声萦绕在房间里久久不能散去。 Her hands weretrembling with excitement as she opened the letter. 当她打开信时,她的手激动得发抖。 After heard thissatisfactory outcome, Steve felt a sense of joy and happiness surging through him. 在听到这个令人满意的结果后,史蒂夫感到一种喜悦和幸福的感觉涌上心头。 Overwhelmed withgaiety, he jumped up and ran excitedly around the tree. 他欣喜若狂,跳起来并绕着那棵大树跑了几圈。 In his excitement he couldn't remember her name. 他兴奋得甚至把他自己的名字都给忘了。 Rosefelt blissful as if she was in possession of everything. 罗丝感到很幸福,好像她拥有了全世界一样。 She wascarried away by pleasure. 她被快乐冲昏了头脑。 I nodded, with abig smile spreading across my cheek. 我点点头,脸上露出灿烂的笑容。 Shecouldn't conceal the excitement and rushed home to tell her mother the good news. 她掩饰不住兴奋,急忙回家告诉母亲这个好消息。 She is alwaysready to help others in need and always wears shining smile on her face, so many classmates are willing to make friends with her. 她总是乐于助人并且脸上总是挂着灿烂的笑容,因此很多同学都愿意和她交朋友。 I'mover the moon. 我太开心了 It is easy toinfer that he is in rapture through his big smile. 从他那灿烂的笑容很容易推断出他是兴高采烈的。 He woke up that morning witha feeling of excitement. 他一起床就感到很兴奋。 Herexcitement grew as the day of the wedding came nearer. 随着结婚的日子越来越近,她越来越兴奋。 I amoverflowing with happiness. 我洋溢着幸福。 Every time we mentioned the funny incidents of the journey a pleasant smile wouldspread over Mom's face. 每次我们提到旅途中的趣事,妈妈的脸上就会浮现出愉快的笑容 A sudden wave of joy swept over her.


高考考前读后续写情感类表达浓缩版 一、紧张、宽慰、紧张、激动、开心、快乐 I.Gaokao is around the corner.Though looking calm, I am literally having butterflies in my stomach.Sometimes, my heart will fly into my mouth at the thought of it.Nevertheless, I can study with efficiency most of the time and I have a sound sleep at night. 高考就在眼前了。我虽然看起来很平静,但实际上我很紧张。有时,一想到高考,我的心就会提到嗓子眼儿。尽管如此,我大部分时间都能高效地学习,晚上我睡得很香。 1.around the corner/approaching即将来临 2.literally: actually实际上 3.have/ with butterflies in one’s stomach/ one’s stomach be full of butterflies 心里发慌 4.sb’s heart flies into one’s mouth 心提到嗓子眼儿 5.nevertheless: however然而 6.with efficiency=efficiently 7.have a sound sleep=sleep like a log睡得很香、睡得很沉 II.While my brother was preparing for the marathon, he came down with a rare type of disease.I tended to him carefully, accompanying him to special training with great patience.Much to my relief, he soon recovered.He participated in the race as scheduled.At the sight of all the competitors, I felt my palms sweating and my heart pounding.Ultimately, my brother got the title of the best runner of the year.When I saw my brother’s eyes shone with excitement, tears of joy streamed down my cheeks.“I take pride in you, dear brother.” I exclaimed.He grinned from ear to ear with delight. 当我哥哥准备参加马拉松比赛时,他得了一种罕见的疾病。我细心地照顾他,耐心地陪他参加特殊训练。令我宽慰的是,他很快就康复了。他如期参加了比赛。一看到所有的参赛者,我就感到手心冒汗,心跳加速。最终,我哥哥获得了年度最佳跑步者的称号。当我看到哥哥的眼睛里闪烁着兴奋的光芒时,喜悦的泪水顺着我的脸颊流了下来。“我为你感到骄傲,亲爱的兄弟。”我惊叹。他笑得合不拢嘴。 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/3519239150.html,e down with 得了(病) 2.tend to 照看 3.with great patience: very patiently非常耐心地 4.much to my relief令我非常宽慰的是 5.as scheduled: as planned按计划 6.at the sight of一看到 7.I feel my palms sweating手掌心冒汗 8.sb’s heart pounds/beats/races/ thumps/ hammers wildly/ violently / loudly/ hard/心怦怦直跳得厉害 9.ultimately=eventually最终 10.sb’s eyes shone/twinkled with joy/ delight/ excitement/ thrill 双眼因开心而闪闪发光


读后续写好句小词素材积累 距离高考还有一段时间,不少有经验的老师都会提醒考生,愈是临近高考,能否咬紧牙关、学会自我调节,态度是否主动积极,安排是否科学合理,能不能保持良好的心态、以饱满的情绪迎接挑战,其效果往往大不一样。以下是本人从事10多年教学经验总结出的以下学习资料,希望可以帮助大家提高答题的正确率,希望对你有所帮助,有志者事竟成! 养成良好的答题习惯,是决定高考英语成败的决定性因素之一。做题前,要认真阅读题目要求、题干和选项,并对答案内容作出合理预测;答题时,切忌跟着感觉走,最好按照题目序号来做,不会的或存在疑问的,要做好标记,要善于发现,找到题目的题眼所在,规范答题,书写工整;答题完毕时,要认真检查,查漏补缺,纠正错误。总之,在最后的复习阶段,学生们不要加大练习量。在这个时候,学生要尽快找到适合自己的答题方式,最重要的是以平常心去面对考试。英语最后的复习要树立信心,考试的时候遇到难题要想“别人也难”,遇到容易的则要想“细心审题”。越到最后,考生越要回归基础,单词最好再梳理一遍,这样有利于提高阅读理解的效率。另附高考复习方法和考前30天冲刺复习方法。 (一) 好句 1.A queer look came over John Arable’s face. He seemed almost ready to cry himself. 约翰·阿拉布尔的脸上露出一种奇怪的表情。他自己似乎几乎准备好哭了。 2.So while the children swam and played and splashed water at each oth er, Wilbur amused himself in the mud along the edge of the brook, where it was warm and moist and delightfully sticky and oozy. 因此,当孩子们互相游泳、玩耍、泼水时,威尔伯在溪边的泥里自娱自乐,那里温暖潮湿,黏糊糊的,软软的,让他很开心。 这两句话出自《夏洛的网》前两个章节。 第一句话是对约翰·阿拉布尔的神态描写,这里运用了无灵主语,queer 意为奇怪的,反常的,由于英文爱用无生物作主语,可以奉行把人作为主语,把无生物的主语当作副词来译的原则(出自英文疑难详解-钱歌川)。由此,将look前的形容词修改一下,便可以加以运用。


高考英语读后续写素材积累(最全面的续 写句式整理) Recently。I read a book about a group of survivors who were XXX I read。I looked at the characters with great surprise。XXX saying a word。I observed their every move。noticing how they built shelter and found food。I was amazed at their XXX. As time passed。I saw the XXX。They would often glance around。checking for any potential XXX。and the XXX。they also gave a glimpse of n。as they tried to find a way to coexist with the animal. Throughout the book。the characters talked with each other about their XXX to each other in low voices。and XXX debated and argued about the best course of n。but XXX. As I read。I felt a sense of sadness for the characters。XXX I also felt a sense of joy and hope。as they persevered and


高中英语读后续写素材积累1 环境描写是通过客观和主观两种角度来描绘环境的,通常会交替进行,而主观描写的比重稍大。 客观环境描写方面,需要注意的是要有声、有色、有质感、有味道。例如蓝天、鸟鸣、电光闪雷鸣、娇嫩的花、雨夜交加的夜晚、青草、艳丽的玫瑰、落日/冉冉升起的太阳等等。 在动词方面,对于风,可以使用blow、click、howl、wail、roar等词汇来描写。例如一阵风吹,吹起了弯柳的低垂枝条, 就像卷起的窗帘;风轻柔却寒冷,轻点着树枝,搅动着斜坡下的灌木丛;凉爽的微风吹拂着寂静的公园;冷风吹拂过头发。对于水,可以使用flow、XXX、move、meander、enter等词 汇来描写。例如在某处,潺潺的水声在山谷中奏响。 总之,在环境描写方面,需要注意细节,让读者能够感受到环境的真实感和美感。 颜色:

The water was a deep shade of blue。and the XXX its crystal-clear surface. A XXX。XXX. The sky was a heavy。curdled gray。XXX。lumpy clouds. XXX。seeming to go on forever. 主观环境描写: XXX. I saw the kite soaring high above。its bright colors standing out against the clear blue sky. XXX。XXX with their sweet fragrance. The sight of the majestic mountains left me spellbound。XXX.


高中英语读后续写积累素材积累 续写积累 姓名:______________ 班级:_______________ 一、环境描写的素材 环境描写可以从客观和主观两种角度进行,客观描写从环境事物本身入手,主观描写则从观察者角度出发。通常在描写时主客观交替进行,主观描写比重稍大。 客观环境描写: Part 1 环境描写的形容词要求:有声、有色、有质感、有味道 蓝天、鸟鸣、电光闪雷鸣、娇嫩的花、雨夜交加的夜晚、青草、艳丽的玫瑰、落日/冉冉升起的太阳等。

Part 2 环境描写的动词要求 一) 风(吹、轻点、搅动、带动) 一阵风吹,吹起了弯柳的低垂枝条,就像卷起的窗帘。凉爽的微风吹拂着寂静的公园。冷风吹拂过我的头发。今日正是放风筝的好天气,强劲的风力带动了风筝的上升。 二) 水(流、行进、移动、蜿蜒、进入) 在某处,潺潺的水声在山谷中奏响。 The water was a deep shade of blue。with the ___ its looking-glass clear surface。The little way off。there was a small brook rushing and sparkling een green banks。murmuring in a soft voice like a little ___. The sky was a curdled gray burdened with lumps of clouds。giving the n of a heavy weight pressing down upon the world。However。amidst the gloom。the ___。a beautiful shade of blue that ___.


高考英语读后续写素材积累 一、单词替换成短语 like--------have a passion for begin--------get down to decide--------make up one’s mind cry--------burst into tears remember--------bear...in mind come--------draw near important--------of importance refuse--------turn down finally--------in the end/ at length see-------- catch sight of about---------with regard to affect--------have an effect/influence on usually--------more often than not meet--------come across solve--------work out/ figure out 二、句子表达 1.情绪、神态描写 1).Hearing this, he was wild with joy,tears of happiness flooding his eyes. 听到这话,他欣喜若狂,喜悦的泪水充满了他的眼睛。 2).A smile of joy and satisfaction lit up her face. 她微笑着,脸上呈现出快乐与满意的神色。 3)Seeing the beautiful sight, he could hardly conceal his excitement. 看到这样的美景,他几乎无法掩饰自己的兴奋。 4)Hearing that he was coming, the children yelled with excitement and could hardly wait to see him.听说他要来,孩子们兴奋得喊叫起来,都迫不及待地想见他。 5)Mary’s face turned to thunder.玛丽的表情变得愤怒起来。 6)A flush of anger spread across his cheeks.一抹愤怒的红晕掠过他的面颊。 7)Thousands of eyes fixed upon him, the speaker felt very nervous so that his mind went blank.几千双眼睛盯着他,演讲者感到非常紧张以至于他的大脑一片空白。 8)All the people present stared at him in amazement.在场所有人都惊异地盯着他。 9)He was so astonished that he was at a loss what to say他是如此吃惊以至于不知道说什么好。 10)He hugged me tightly, tears of gratitude welling up in his eyes. 他紧紧地拥抱着我,眼里涌出感激的泪水。 11)Unwillingly, I accompanied her to the cinema.我不情愿地陪她去了电影院。 12)My mother was content with what I had done and I was proud of it as well. 我妈妈对我所做的事很满意,我也为此感到骄傲。 2.动作描写 1)She got up in a rage and stormed out.她愤怒地站起来,气冲冲地走了。 2)I stopped where I was, trembling with shock.我停在原地,吓得发抖。 3)I was speechless with horror and unable to move.我吓得说不出话来,动弹不得。 4)A boy with a cheery face bounded into the room,laughing. 一个兴高采烈的男孩笑着蹦蹦跳跳地走进房间。


读后续写小词好句积累素材 (一)好句 1 .Powerful shocks exploded up through the underground layers of dirt and rock. All across the city, streets ripped(撕裂)open. Buildings swayed. Walls crumbled(坍塌)and houses came crashing down. Broken glass, hunks of wood, and piles of bricks tumbledd到塌)into the streets.强烈的冲击通过地下的泥土和岩石层爆炸。整个城市的街道都撕裂了。建筑物在摇晃。墙壁倒塌了,房屋也倒塌了。碎玻璃、大块的木头和成堆的砖块砸到街上。 2.Blood dribbled(滴落)from Leo's mouth. His head throbbed(抽动).But the worst was the searing pain from somewhere deep inside, like something had been ripped out of him.血从Leo的嘴里滴落。他的头抽动。但最糟糕的是从内心深处剧烈的痛苦,就像有什么东西将他撕扯。 这两句话出自于I Survived the San Francisco Earthquake, 1906o 第一句话是环境描写,生动形象地写出了地震发生时候,整个城市的场景,冲击波爆炸,建筑物摇晃,房屋墙壁坍塌,各种碎块木头等砸到街上。 第二句话描写的是Leo被打后的场景。流血,头抽动以及内心的痛苦等,可以看出他的极度痛苦和受伤之重。 小词 Consume英[kon' sju: m]美[k^n, su: m] v.消耗;吞噬;充满(感情);吃喝;烧毁; 变形过去分词:consumed过去式:consumed现在分词:consuming第三人称单数:consumes Consume这个单词我们一般都学了它消耗,吃等基本释义,但其实还有别的意思。 1.to use sth, especially fuel, energy or time 消耗,耗费(燃料、能量、时间等) The electricity industry consumes large amounts of fossil fuels. 电)J工业?肖耗大量的矿物燃料。 Some of the most efficient refrigerators consume 70 percent less electricity than traditional models.一些极为节能的冰箱比传统型号耗电减少70%。


高考考前英语读后续写好词好句必背 1、He stood silently, tears rolling down his cheeks. 他静静地站着,眼泪顺着面颊流了下来。 2、Hearing what she said, I was wild with joy. 听到她的话我欣喜若狂。 3、Excitement and admiration welled up within me. 激动和钦佩涌上心头。 4、Hearing his words, I couldn’t help bursting into tears. 听到他的话,我忍不住哭起来。 5、All of a sudden, a good idea occurred to Tom. 突然,Tom想到了一个好主意。 6、Seeing his grandsons, Grandpa was wild with joy and tried to get up with all his strength from the chair but in vain. 爷爷看见孙子们,高兴得要命,拼命想从椅子上站起来,但是没有成功。 7、What an important thing it is to keep our promise! 遵守诺言是多么重要的事! 8、Just then there came a knock at the door.

就在这时,有人敲门。 9、Dad gave them a thumbs-up and praised them happily. 爸爸向他们竖起了大拇指,高兴地表扬了他们。 10、What touched him most was that I protected his dignity. 最让他感动的是我保护了他的尊严。 11、Tears of joy welled up in her eyes. 她的眼睛里涌出了喜悦的泪花。 12、Tears of joy flooded her eyes. 她的眼睛充满了喜悦的泪水。 13、After a bit of an argument, he stormed out. 一次小小的争吵,他就气冲冲地走出去。 14、He stood silently, tears rolling down his cheeks. 他静静地站着,眼泪顺着面颊流了下来。 15、The thief froze when he heard the footsteps approaching. 小偷听到走近的脚步声,吓得呆住了。 16、He tried to fight back his tears. 他强忍住眼泪。 17、I will cherish the fond memories for the rest of my life.


读后续写好句好词素材积累 (一) 好句 1.Suddenly, we heard a familiar, roaring voice. “Hey, you there! wait!” A figure came lumbering(笨拙地行进) up like a bad-tempered bear. It was Professor Challenger. 突然,我们听到一个熟悉的咆哮声。“嘿,你!等等!” 一个像一只脾气暴躁的熊一样的身影笨重地走了过来。是查林格教授。 2.He came swaggering(大摇大摆地走) in, his hands in his pockets, as if he’d just strolled up the street. 他大摇大摆地走了进来,两手插在口袋里,好像刚在街上散步似的。 这两句话出自《失落的世界》 第一句话是语言描写和动作描写,把查林格教授比作脾气暴躁的熊,表现了他的生气。 第二句话是动作描写,表现了他大摇大摆的走姿,无所顾忌的样子。 好词 Bubble 英[ˈbʌbl] 美[ˈbʌbl] n.气泡; 肥皂泡; 泡沫; v.冒泡; 活跃; 滔滔不绝; 洋溢着(某种感情); 变形过去分词: bubbled 复数: bubbles 过去式: bubbled 现在分词: bubbling 第三人称单数: bubbles Bubble这个单词我们一开始是在教材中学习它水泡,气泡的意思,然后我们生活中常见的珍珠奶茶也是bubble tea,此外它还有其他丰富的意思。 1.to form bubbles 起泡;冒泡 The water in the pan was beginning to bubble. 锅里的水开始冒泡。 Add the white wine and let it bubble up. 加入白葡萄酒,让它产生泡沫。 2.[usually+副词或介词短语] to make a bubbling sound, especially when moving in the direction mentioned (移动时)发出冒泡的声音 A stream came bubbling between the stones. 一条小溪沿着石缝汩汩地流过来。 I could hear the soup bubbling away. 我能听到汤在咕嘟咕嘟地响。 3.~ (over) with sth to be full of a particular feeling 洋溢着(某种感情) She was bubbling over with excitement. 她兴奋不已。 She was bubbling over with happiness and enthusiasm. 她洋溢着喜悦和兴奋。 4.[+副词或介词短语] (of a feeling 感情) to be felt strongly by a person; to be present in a situation 强烈感受;充溢;存在 An excited feeling bubbled up inside of Jane as she searched the sky. 当简在搜寻着天空时,她心里有一种兴奋的感觉。


高中英语作文积累-读后续写好词好句 XXX盯着他的车子,愤怒地颤抖着。(tremble with anger/rage愤怒地颤抖)13.The sun was setting。XXX.太阳正在 落山,照耀在田野上,散发着温暖的光芒。(XXX投射出光芒/阴影)14.The sound of the XXX.海浪拍打着海岸,发出震耳欲聋的声音。(the sound of。发出。的声音)15.The smell of freshly baked bread filled the air.新鲜出炉的面包香气弥漫在空气中。(the XXX。弥漫在空气中)16.She felt a pang of guilt as she lied to her XXX.她对朋友说谎,内心感到一阵内疚。(a XXX内心 的愧疚)17.The old man XXX.老人缓缓地拖着步子走在街上。(shuffle one's XXX慢慢拖着步子走)18.The baby'XXX.婴儿的哭声划破了夜晚的寂静。(XXX silence打破寂静)19.The wind howled through the trees。making them XXX.风呼啸着穿过树林,使得树木猛烈地摇晃着。(XXX。穿过。呼啸/尖叫/吹 哨)20.The sun was XXX。XXX.阳光明媚,照亮了整个房间。(illuminate/light up照亮) Forrest XXX. XXX XXX. His face XXX red with anger.

The child was quivering in her arms. As she XXX。XXX. I was lying there。quivering with fear. His voice was XXX. Luck had finally come her way. XXX。XXX. XXX his face. Bill realized he was still holding his glass. He had time to contemplate his successes and failures. XXX XXX. 25.He was startled to find that his car was missing。(startled 表示惊讶,有点害怕的感觉) 26.Tim was a clumsy boy。always knocking into the XXX(knocking 表示不小心撞到,与 bumping 同义) 27.I struggled out of bed and made my way to the bathroom。(struggled 表示吃力地,有点费力的感觉) 28.XXX 表示暂停一下,稍作休息) 29."No," he replied XXX。XXX("XXX" 表示很快就回答了,与 XXX 同义) 30.Charles XXX 表示被淹没,被压垮,与 e 同义)


英语读后续写素材 【名著优美句段】 1.But if a man would be alone,let him look at the stars.The rays that come from those heavenly (adj.天堂的)worlds will separate between him and what he touch. 但是如果一个人想要独处,就让他看看星星吧。那些来自天堂的光线会把他和他所触摸的东西分开。 ——《Nature》2.But every night come out these envoys(n.使者)of beauty,and light the universe with their astonishing smile. 但是每天晚上,这些美丽的使者都会出现,用他们惊人的微笑照亮宇宙。 ——《Nature》3.The stars awaken a certain reverence(n.敬畏),because though always present,they are inaccessible. 星星唤醒了某种敬畏,因为尽管它们总是存在,却难以企及。 ——《Nature》4.In a calm sea every man is a pilot. 在平静的海面上,每个人都是领航员。 ——《The true nobility》5.But all sunshine without shade,all pleasure without pain,is not life at all.Take the lot of the happiness-it is a tangled yarn.Losses and blessings,one after another,make us sad and blessed by turns.Even death itself makes life more loving.Men come closest to their true selves in the sober moments of life,under the shadows of sorrow and loss. 但是所有的阳光都没有阴影,所有的快乐都没有痛苦,这根本就不是生活。接受幸福吧——这是一个纠缠不清的故事。失去和祝福,一个接一个,让我们悲伤和祝福。甚至死亡本身也让生活更有爱。人们在清醒的时刻,在悲伤和失去的阴影下,最接近真实的自己。
