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abandon 指完全、永远地放弃,尤指对之负有责任或义务者,放弃一个项目或计划

desert 强调故意违背自己的义务、责任或誓言等(擅离职守)

forsake 指遗弃以前所爱的人或事物,着重于断绝情感上的依恋eg.forsake one's wife and children遗弃妻儿;forsake bad habits摈弃坏习惯

quit 指突然或出其不意地放弃,现一般指"停止" eg.quit work停止工作

2、accessory,decoration,ornament 都含有一定的"装饰品"之意

accessory [常作pl.]指(女性的)装饰品,(手提包,些,手套,帽子,项链,耳环等)

decoration 指为了装饰某物所使用的艳丽好看的装饰品

ornament 指一般装饰品(ornament在作动词时常可和decorate互换)

3、accomplish,complete,end,finish 都含有"完成"之意

accomplish 指成功地完成预期的计划或达到预期的目的或成果

complete 指完成一件指派或预定的任务,或完善、完整未完成的部分

end 指一个动作或一件事情的结束或终止

finish 指把一件事或一个动作做完,强调事情的了结、终止


accurate 准确的,精确的,指某人或某事不仅不出错,而且与事实无出入,强调准确性

correct 正确的,指某人或某事合乎事实或公认的标准或规则,没有错误

delicate 精美、精细的、雅致的

exact 确切的、精确的,语气较accurate强,指某人或某事数量或质量完全符合事实或标准,而且在细致末节上也丝毫不差

precise 精密的,指具有高度的精确性和准确性,强调范围界限的鲜明性或细节的精密,有时略带"吹毛求疵"的贬义


accuse accuse sb. of doing sth.为…指责某人,控告某人

charge charge sb. with doing sth.指控某人…


achieve 强调由于极大的努力,克服困难后达到目标

acquire 指经过不懈努力才获得的技术,知识等抽象的东西,也指养成习惯等

attain 正式用语,指经过艰苦努力才使人达到完美境地

gain 指需要做出比obtain更大的努力,往往指通过竞争获得某些有价值的东西

obtain 指经过努力或付出代价或经过很长时间儿得到所需要的东西


acknowledge 着重”公开承认”,常用来指过去曾隐瞒或否认的事

admit 是指在压力下不得不承认已经证实或难以否认的事实,供认(事实,错误等)

concede (不情愿地)承认,(在结果确定前)承认失败

confess 着重承认自己的过错或罪恶

recognize 指正式承认主权、权利等

8、affirm,assert,allege,claim都含有一定的"宣称,断言"之意affirm 断言,肯定,指根据事实坚定不移地宣称,有无可争辩之意assert 宣称,坚持,指不管事实如何,主观自信地宣称

allege 宣称,断定,指在无真实凭据情况下宣称,硬说

claim 声称,主张,往往表示说话者反对或不同意某一观点


英语四六级各题型考前备考方法 听力 建议各位考生朋友在冲刺阶段,要保证每天听上至少三十分钟的真题听力,不要计较能听懂多少,首先要保证听,其次才是精听。具体的做法就是: (1)第一天:完整的听一套真题听力。不要在乎结果,尽量听,哪怕只能听懂其中的几个词也可以接受。 (2)第二天:把之前一天听过的听力再听一遍。要求同上,也不是急于全文听懂。在这次听过之后,可以把原文拿出来朗读一遍。 (3)第三天:还是之前的材料,这次听一句,停顿一下,尽量重复说一遍,至于对错与否,也不要太过执着。 (4)第四天:材料同上,完整的听一遍即可,这次通常会有点感觉到能听懂较多了。 (5)第五天:材料同上,听一句,重述一句,对着原文检查一下,再听,再复述,到完全正确为止。 这就是一份真题应该做到的精听。如果第五天还不能做到,就按照上述步骤的4,5重复做到完全正确为止。 复合式听写 题目序号:36-46 (前八题每题分,后三题每题2分) 及格数量:6分 (写对至少5个单词,至少写出2句话的大意) 核心技巧: 1. 一定要挤出至少2分钟的时间,预览整个文章。(考前时间或者DIRECTION时间)特别关注高频词汇,因为他们会出现在后三空中! 例如:2010年12月真题: Writing keeps us in touch with other people. We write to communicate with relat ives and friends. We write to preserve our family histories…… growing importance of computers, however, there will always be a place and need for the personal lette


[url=https://www.sodocs.net/doc/3b14054732.html,/readtopic.php?forumid=40&topicid=458010]最新四六级历年真题在线听力[并非幻觉][/url] [url=https://www.sodocs.net/doc/3b14054732.html,/readtopic.php?forumid=40&topicid=458000]======四级重要词汇分类记忆======[yinio][/url] [url=https://www.sodocs.net/doc/3b14054732.html,/readtopic.php?forumid=40&topicid=458005]===========四级阅读超精读===========[yinio][/url] [url=https://www.sodocs.net/doc/3b14054732.html,/readtopic.php?forumid=40&topicid=458008]======新东方四、六级写作背诵范文选======[yinio][/url] [url=https://www.sodocs.net/doc/3b14054732.html,/readtopic.php?forumid=40&topicid=453585]大学英语四、六级考试[应试篇]----请不要回帖!!![紫莜][/url] [url=[url=https://www.sodocs.net/doc/3b14054732.html,/readtopic.php?forumid=40&topicid=458017]************六级常考词频(新东方老师总结)**********[紫莜][/url] [url=https://www.sodocs.net/doc/3b14054732.html,/readtopic.php?forumid=40&topicid=458029]***********大学英语CET六级词汇总结***********[[紫莜][/url] [url= https://www.sodocs.net/doc/3b14054732.html,/readtopic.php?forumid=40&topicid=457061]上海交大预测作文卷[cxx8108][/url] [url=https://www.sodocs.net/doc/3b14054732.html,/readtopic.php?forumid=40&topicid=456044]大学英语140页[xjjxyjy] [/url] [url=https://www.sodocs.net/doc/3b14054732.html,/readtopic.php?forumid=40&topicid=430147]六级综合改错题应对策略[忘海悦人][/url] [url=https://www.sodocs.net/doc/3b14054732.html,/readtopic.php?forumid=40&topicid=438738] **************短期突破:王长喜六级资料[标准阅读60篇]***********[紫莜] [/url] [url=https://www.sodocs.net/doc/3b14054732.html,/readtopic.php?forumid=40&topicid=422000]CET-4常考、常用短语![短期突破][/url](紫莜) [url=https://www.sodocs.net/doc/3b14054732.html,/readtopic.php?forumid=40&topicid=421937]六级单词不用愁,尽在此帖中![/url](cxx8108) [url=https://www.sodocs.net/doc/3b14054732.html,/readtopic.php?forumid=40&topicid=423163]【推荐】四级技巧集合[/url](叶随风) [url=https://www.sodocs.net/doc/3b14054732.html,/readtopic.php?forumid=40&topicid=421992]HOT~《大学英语四级语法精要》附:EBOOK下载![/url](紫莜)


非牛人备考--四六级过五百 注意!英语牛人们不要看,想靠买答案通过的也不要看!因为这不值得你们看,还会浪费你们时间&这只是英语非牛人,SB,像我这样的高考150分满分考70几分的搓人备考四六级经验加上我个人体会而已,如有不当之处诚心望各位指出好加以修正,如果对你有用哪怕你只记得一句对你有用的话,那我就满足了^_^ 本来是写给自己同学的备考经验,写完之后觉得还有点可以参考的地方,大家看一看吧! 首先所一下我同学的英语基础。今年十二月份第二次考四级,上也就是说上一次只有400分左右。 我自己, 高考英语70,高三一年学英语真是痛苦, 第一次四级356,在考场上一片空白…… 努力后的cet-4 440,…英语兴趣开始大增…… cet-6 520裸考。好了,言归正传 在开始方法讲述的时候,请先回答我一个问题: 是不是还在捧着单词书背呢? 如果你的答案是的话,有没有突破A的魔掌呢?如果你胸有成竹的告诉我:我已经背到B了,那么,现在,孩子,听我的话,放下单词书,立

如果你仰着你微红的小脸说,我没背下来或者是我还在准备开始背的话,那么我下面的话会让你欢欣不已--- 不要再背单词书了!!!! 那么,你要问我,不背单词书,我都不认识,怎么考四级呢? 好了,请接着看我下面的话,不要跨区,要认真看。 现在,我们一起来回忆一下中国四六级的发展史,考了这么多年你有没有听说一年一个大变化呢?有没有说每年一个改革从题型到词汇要 求通通和原来的不一样?答案是,没有!为什么没有?你可以想一下,如果真是那样做的话,是不是说明出题组每一年都搬起一块大石头狠狠的砸自己脚一下呢?出题组也是人,谁都要面子的是不是?所以,我们得出的结论是,从题型,到词汇要求,尤其是词汇要求,其实都是没有怎么变过的。那好,我们下一个问题就是,就算它不变,我们还是不知道他要考的是那些啊。好,我们接着分析,我们拿十年作为一个时间段,每年两次,一共二十次,词汇要求就那么多,那么,重复率就不是一般的高啊孩子,今年考阅读的明年搬到翻译里去考,明年考听力的搬到词汇去考,就是这样啊,所以呢,这里就引出了我们复习四级的方法---真题。最大范围内玩烂四级!!! 总之一句话,真题是王道!!!! 接下来,有人可能会说,我真题早就在老师的带领下做完了,也讲完了,我都开始做模拟了! 好了,我先要问一句,孩子你四级是不是就只是想过,能上五百就会高


新东方老师强调:四六级考前最后一天必须重温的100个最高频词汇(绝密)!!!! 1 accelerate vt. (使)加速,增速【例】accelerate the rate of economic growth 加速经济增长【派】acceleration n. 加速accelerating a.加速的 2 account n. 账户、考虑【考】take sth. into account 把…考虑在内 3 accustom vt.使习惯【考】be accustomed to 4 adapt vi. 适应【考】adapt to…适应 5 adjust vi.适应【考】adjust to...适应… 6 advocate vt. 宣扬 7 affluent a.富裕的【派】affluence n.富裕 8 annoy vt.使烦恼, 使恼怒【派】annoying a. 令人恼人的; annoyance n. 烦恼;?anno yed a.颇为生气的 9 ascribe vt.把…归咎于【考】ascribe..to 归因于 10 assess vt.评估【派】assessment n. 评估 11 assign vt.指派,选派;分配,布置(作业)【派】assignment 作业 12 assume vt.假象、假定 13 attain vt.获得【考】attain one's ideal 达到理想 14 attribute vt. 把…归因于【考】attribute sth.? to 把...归咎于 15 attribute vt.归咎于【考】be attributed to? attribute sth. to … 16 automatically ad. 自动地 17 boost vt.提高,推动,使增长n. 推动,增长【例】boost the economy 推动经济增 长【派】booster n.支持者,推动器 18 brilliant a.光辉的、辉煌的【派】brilliance n. 19 collaborate vi.合作【考】collaborate with. sb. 20 comprehensive a. 综合的【考】综合性大学


1、abandon,desert,forsake,quit都含有一定的"放弃"之意 abandon 指完全、永远地放弃,尤指对之负有责任或义务者,放弃一个项目或计划 desert 强调故意违背自己的义务、责任或誓言等(擅离职守) forsake 指遗弃以前所爱的人或事物,着重于断绝情感上的依恋eg.forsake one's wife and children遗弃妻儿;forsake bad habits摈弃坏习惯 quit 指突然或出其不意地放弃,现一般指"停止" eg.quit work停止工作 2、accessory,decoration,ornament 都含有一定的"装饰品"之意 accessory [常作pl.]指(女性的)装饰品,(手提包,些,手套,帽子,项链,耳环等) decoration 指为了装饰某物所使用的艳丽好看的装饰品 ornament 指一般装饰品(ornament在作动词时常可和decorate互换) 3、accomplish,complete,end,finish 都含有"完成"之意 accomplish 指成功地完成预期的计划或达到预期的目的或成果 complete 指完成一件指派或预定的任务,或完善、完整未完成的部分 end 指一个动作或一件事情的结束或终止 finish 指把一件事或一个动作做完,强调事情的了结、终止 4、accurate,correct,delicate,exact,precise都含有一定的"正确,精确"之意 accurate 准确的,精确的,指某人或某事不仅不出错,而且与事实无出入,强调准确性 correct 正确的,指某人或某事合乎事实或公认的标准或规则,没有错误 delicate 精美、精细的、雅致的


英语四六级考前一天心态调整 来源:文都教育 距离2014年6月14日的英语四六级考试仅剩一天时间了,考前一天,作为考生,除了必要的复习外,最主要的就是调整好自己的心态,以一个积极的心态面对即将到来的考试,那么考前一天如何让自己保持轻松的心态呢,下面来看看文都四六级的老师给出的建议吧。 放弃题海战术,回顾重点词汇和作文模板 考前一天,时间有限,考生不要再像之前复习的时候那样每天做大量的练习题,这一天的时间应该拿来回顾一下之前复习的重点高频词汇和作文模板,这个时候来看以前背诵过的词汇,记忆会非常深刻,一些高频词汇是第二天考试中很有可能出现的单词。另外,我们一直说作文是考前突击的重点目标,考前一天,对作文最有效的突击也就是掌握重要的作文模板,由于考前一天这个特殊的时间点,这个时候回顾作文模板可以让考生的记忆更加鲜明,明天写作文时可以很轻松的运用。 不要盲目依赖解题技巧 四六级考试说到底还是拼的实力,虽然解题技巧也起一部分作用。解题技巧能够帮助考生提高答题速度,一些“绝招”甚至能让考生在关键时刻绝处逢生。但是对于听力训练少,语法基础弱,词汇量不达标的考生来说,解题技巧只能在有限程度上帮助考生多拿分,实际上并不是有了解题技巧就一定万事大吉。在距离考试仅剩一天的情况下,考生不要把全部希望寄托在自己之前掌握的解题技巧上,考试情况要具体问题具体分析,还是要沉下心来再看看重点词汇和作文模板,这才是加分关键。 不要有心理负担,轻松看待四六级 考试除了拼实力,也同样拼考生的心态。要学会放松,调整好心态是考生顺利考过的一大关键,尤其一些屡考不过,心理压力大、基础薄弱、分数比较低的考生,要调整好自己对于四六级考试的看法,四六级不与毕业证挂钩,毕业后找的工作很有可能与英语无关,也不是所有用人单位都看重考生有没有四六级证书的,只要自己专业知识过硬,四六级证书只是帮助我们就业的一个工具,但是它并不直接决定我们能不能就业,抱着这样的心态看待四六级考试,也许你就轻松很多。


四六级写作精华第一弹 ——考前必看句型 我是陈曲,考神团队写作主讲老师。 祝大家四六考试一切顺利 我会连续5天给大家发放考前资料,大家按照我的资料去准备,相信能攻克写作和翻译难关。 第一部分:天龙八部 1. 描述类经典句 句型: _______ plays an extremely important role. ____ is of utmost importance. Nothing plays a more important role than _______. 替换词: Important可以替换词汇:significant(意义深远的)essential(关键的)indispensable(不可替代的)pivotal(中枢作用的)等等。 注意:indispensable 不可替代,本身就代表了非常重要,所以千万不要写extremely indispensable. 结合经典开头: There is little doubt that … It cannot be denied that … It is beyond doubts that …

It is generally accep ted that … There is a growing recognition that … It has been widely noted that … It goes without saying that … 综合版: (1) 阅读经典书籍非常重要 It is generally accepted that nothing can play a more indispensable role than reading classic books. (2) 从网络中获取信息很重要,但是阅读传统书籍也很必要。 It is very important to acquire useful information online, but it is still of great necessity to read traditional books. (3) 大学排名My View on University Ranking It has been widely noted that university plays a fundamental role i n one’s cultivation and provides a platform for higher education. 2. 重视类经典句 句型: pay attention to … attach importance to … lay emphasis on … 综合版: (1) 我们应该重视教育。 We should pay special attention to education. (2) 我们应该重视好习惯的培养。


考前必看!英语四六级听力高分技巧 英语四六级听力技巧之学渣篇 1、千万不要边听边涂卡,这会导致你没有时间看下一题。最佳方案是利用每段题目开头的direction的时间进行涂卡; 2、大部分人容易纠结听不懂的东西,但是听力的答案往往存在于最简单的语句中。听懂yes和no, 要比拼了老命听懂后面莫名其妙的话有用多了; 4、长对话和短篇新闻的第一题答案,一般都在前三句就出现,所以,我们比谁反应更快,不比谁更聪明; 5、视听一致即听到什么选什么,是长对话及短篇新闻的最佳做题方式。裸考的亲们,这个方法是你们逆袭听力的唯一机会; 6、当然,你可能会发现,有的题目中,几个选项都被读到了,别哭,冷静一下,看看哪个选项被读到的最多即可; 7、除了被广泛知道的but, however之外,first, in fact, 最高级,比较级,情态动词后方,也容易出现答案; 8、保持冷静与自信,做完试卷! 更多技巧看公众号: wdlenglish 英语四六级听力技巧之通用篇 首先须知,在题目设置上,命题常见3大原则: 1. 顺序原则

听力出题的顺序和听到的内容顺序一致:都是从前往后顺序出现的。做题时应该根据顺序原则定位。 2. 同义替换正确选项和对应的听力原文答案句存在同义替换现象,六级听力中尤其常见。 3. 转折处常设出题点语音语调变化,如升降调表疑问、表转折等处常设考点。 相应地在做题时,应该注重抓听以下标志词: 最高级标志词 The most/ chief / primary / main / leading 唯一级标志词 only / unique / prefer / perfect 逻辑关系词 1)注意表示转折和对比的逻辑词:but,however,nevertheless,while,in fact,whereas,unexpectedly,unfortunately,yet,except,on the other hand,compared to,unlike,instead,in contrast to等 2)注意表示因果的逻辑词:as a result;since,due to;because of;therefore,thus,so 3)注意表示否定的逻辑词:not,no,rarely,seldom,never 4)表让步的逻辑词:despite, in spite of, although, though 转折、因果、否定部分的内容一般是说话人强调的内容,也是考试的重点,所以当我们听到表示这些逻辑关系的词汇时,一定要注意记笔记,一般就是答案区间所在。 序数项标志词


四六级考前作文背诵第1篇(老人倒了扶不扶) 参考范文 As is realistically demonstrated in the drawing above, a man is in a dilemma. Innate knowledge motivates him to help an elderly man who falls down, while fears of being later accused of knocking him down prevents him from helping the elderly man. The case leaves people with mixed feelings and is most thought-provoking to all of us. Altruism has been an integral part of Chinese culture, and there has been no dearth of good Samaritans in the country. But of late, some instances of good Samaritans being blackmailed by the very people they helped have made altruism a complicated issue. People begin to hesitate and think whether it is worthwhile to help people in need. If people are forced to indulge in such calculations, social and moral standards in China will be further lowered. Fortunately, there are still people who venture to help others; they reinforce our belief in altruism and kindheartedness by continuing to help others despite knowing that the existing system and rules in the country do not offer enough protection for good Samaritans The discussion of such a moral issue cannot be separated from the complicated reality we live in or from people's individual situations. But one thing is for sure that, Samaritans have made greater contribution to social virtue than people who only indulge in empty talks and use the Internet to criticize everyone. Samaritans deserve our sincere respect and appreciation. (北京?宫东风英语教学团队编写) 重点写作词语点睛 dilemma n.进退两难的境地innate knowledge 良知 motivate v.激发;驱使 while conj.而 fear n.担心;害怕 accuse v.指控;指责prevent…from…阻止…做某事leave v.留下 altruism n.利他主义 integral a.必需的;完整的dearth n.缺乏,稀少Samaritan n.同情并援助苦难者的善人of late 近来 instance n.事例 blackmail v.敲诈;勒索complicated a.复杂的 issue n.问题;事情indulge in 耽于;放纵;尽情享受calculation n. 推算;慎重考虑moral a.道德的 venture v. 敢做;敢说;敢于去reinforce v. 加强kindheartedness n. 善良despite prep.尽管 existing system 现存的体制protection n.保护 separate v.分开,分离 reality n.现实 contribution n.贡献 virtue n. 美德;优点 criticize v.批评 deserve v.应受;应得;值得appreciation n.感谢;欣赏 四六级考前作文背诵第2篇(提倡动手用笔写字) 参考范文 As is humorously revealed in the drawing above, a Chinese man, who is sweating all over, does not know how to write Chinese characters with a pen since both of his hands have become mouse. Perhaps he has been so obsessed with new electronic devices that he has gradually lost his writing ability with a pen. At present, what is conveyed in the drawing is both realistic and thought-provoking. 1


英语四六级考前最好要 背的六篇作文 Company Document number:WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998

英语四六级考前最好要背的六篇作文 英语四六级考试马上就要来临了,现在为大家推荐以下6篇作文及其范文,这些范文都写得不错并且含概的范围也比较广泛,所以你们可以结合自己的情况在考前进行练习或者背诵! 1. Career or Family: which is more important? When asked about their opinion of career and family, people always respond differently. Some people deem it more important to pursue their career, while there are always other people who argue that family should be the number one in one’s life. It goes without any question that career plays a key role in our life. In the very first place, career can give us an aim to live on. Without career, much of our living time will be certainly wasted. What’s more, career can provide us with a means to live on. Most of the people earn their income from a job. On the other hand, family is also an indispensable part of life, as many people will admit. Family is always regarded as a place where we can escape from troubles in life. In addition, we can obtain a sense of belonging to from family. Without it, anyone will feel lonely and desperate. In my opinion, career and family are not in opposition to each other. Rather, they can enhance each other so that one’s life can become better and better. Th erefore, it’s not a choice between right and wrong, but one between ideal and practical. 2. Olympics and I Dear friend, I have a great news to inform here. Through long efforts, Beijing has been granted the right to host 2008 Olympic games.


四六级考前必背——四六级写作终极模板 考神曲老师备考三部曲: 1.天龙八部 2.最强模板 3.终极押题 本篇为三部曲的简洁版,但是建议大家还是需要知其然并知其所以然,寝室人较多的需要去完整版里面研究替换句。 模板1:描图类(1) 如果题干提示写解释现象,即用这个模板。 第一段:描图 The picture captures a very special scene: ____________(描图图片). Simple as it is, what the picture conveys to us is thought-provoking. _____(图片含义). 第二段:现象解释 Strikingly, in contemporary society, this sort of phenomenon is becoming increasingly common and eye-catching. Two fundamental factors could account for this social phenomenon. First and foremost, this problem stems from ________(原因1名词). _______(具体阐述). Moreover, this situation can be seen as a consequence of ________(原因2名词). _______(具体阐述). 第三段:提倡解决(如果觉得长,两种解决方法选一种即可) The following ways can be adopted to advocate(好现象)/curb(坏现象) this social phenomenon. On the micro level, I believe it is every individual’s duty and it is high time that we should take action. Since my own voice is


考前必读:12月英语四六级写作模板和套句 随着社会的不断发展,出现了越来越多的问题,其中之一便是____________。'' As to whether it is a blessing or a curse, however, people take different attitudes. 然而,对于此类问题,人们持不同的看法。 Hold different attitudes 持不同的看法(观点、态度) Come up with different attitudes 有不同的看法。 As society develops, people are attaching much importance to…. 随着社会的发展,人们开始关注………… People are attaching more and more importance to the interview during job hunting 求职的过程中,人们慢慢意识到面试的重要性。 As to whether it is worthwhile ….., there is a long-running controversial debate. It is quite natural that people from different backgrounds may have divergent attitudes towards it. 关于是否值得___________的问题,一直以来争论不休。当然,不同的人对此可能持不同的观点。

In the process of modern urban development, we often find ourselves in a dilemma. 在都市的发展中,我们往往会陷入困境。 Recently the phenomenon has aroused wide concern, some people are in alarm that…. 最近,这种现象引起了人们的广泛关注,有人开始担心______________。 The human race has entered a completely new stage in its history, with the increasingly rapid economic globalization and urbanization, more problems are brought to our attention. 人类进入了一个历史的崭新的阶段,经济全球化、都市化的速度不断加快,随之给我们带来了很多问题。 ……plays such an important role that it undeniably becomes the biggest concern of the present world, there comes a question, is it a blessing or a curse?” _______显得非常重要而成为当今世界所关注的最大的问题,这是无可厚非的。不过,问题是:“我们该如何抉择?” Now we are entering a new era, full of opportunities and challenges, 现在我们正在进入一个充满机会和挑战的新时代。 展现问题篇 问题的常用词:question, problem, issue


2009年6月英语四六级考试考前必看范文(二) 六、 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Social Practice. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese: 1. 大学生越来越重视参与社会实践 2. 社会实践对大学生学习和生活的影响 3. 如何正确看待社会实践 【范文】 Social Practice Social practice is a bridge between their theory and reality. So, in recent years, more and more college students choose to take part-time jobs in or outside school. In the social practice, students are sure to learn more than their textbooks. Their participation in social practice might strengthen their sense of social responsibility. Their close contact with the working people might help them to apply their knowledge to the solution to the practical problem. But many teachers complain that there are fewer and fewer students who pay attention to their study. In my view, it’s an undenied fact that students break the balance between their jobs and studies, especially when they fall into conflict. But I think students should spend their spare time taking part-time jobs. Timely participation in social practice will benefit them all through their life. 七、 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic How to Keep Psychologically Healthy? You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese: 1.心理健康问题往往是导致疾病的原因


XX英语四六级考试考前注意事项汇总英语四六级考试就要来了,在考试前应该注意什么呢,下面小编为大家搜集的一篇“XX英语四六级考试考前注意事项汇总”,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友! 1、考试必备物品:准考证、身份证(学生证)、2B铅笔(2支以上,笔不要削得平一些)、橡皮、圆珠笔或钢笔(两支以上)、能听广播的随声听(检查电力是否充足,最好再多备两节电池,带MP3功能的不要带)、手表(手机不允许带入考场)、小刀(开试题册)、直尺(备用)、水笔(备用)以上这些东西考前晚上准备好,和钥匙放一起。涂改液不用带了! 2、关心天气冷暖:是否有寒潮?(多穿点)是否会下雨?(记得带伞)如果有条件的话,准备一些小小的卸寒物品,比如可以写字的手套、可以放在口袋里的暖宝宝等,两个多小时在考场里是需要注意防寒的哦!带些纸巾以备不时之需(打喷涕时)。 3、考场路线:四级考生注意啦,冬天比较容易睡懒觉,千万要早起一些时候,给自己充足的准备时间,早20-25分钟到考场(不用太早,太早考场未必进得去),社会考生一定要提前熟悉路线,查好行程。在校生和社会考生都要留有足够的时间前往考场(把堵车、抛锚的因素全考虑进去),万一时间来不及,及时叫TAXI(随身也可携带叫车电话)。

4、考前饮食:周五晚上吃得清淡一些,以清爽、可口、易消化吸收为准(蔬菜、清蒸鱼等)。四级早饭一定要吃(热豆浆/牛奶+馒头等面类食物等),带上几颗巧克力(甜食有助于兴奋,让自己发挥得更好)。 5、心理准备:以自信的心态去对待一次新的挑战,不高估自己,也不贬低自己,认真对待,尽吾志而无悔。 6、特别准备:考试前听一套真题听力,把耳朵叫醒 考中: 1、开考前去一次洗手间,不要再喝过多的水。 2、进入考场,醒自己作到“四心”一是保持“静心”,二是增强“信心”,三是做题“专心”,四是考试“细心”。如果自己还是觉得很紧张,捏紧你的拳头,再放松,找到那种感觉。 3、发答题卡,仔细填好个人资料,姓名、准考证号、A 卷或B卷这三点要反复核查是否填写正确。 4、考试中涂卡,仔细看好题号,边做题边涂卡,做完一部分,再核对一下题号是否正确,如果不对,也只需要改一部分,改答案时,一定要用橡皮擦干净,并且注意有没有擦到其他题目,涂的时候深浅适中,不用太用力去涂。


必看英语四六级考试阅读技巧:选项规律 巨微英语四六级 兴趣部落选项规律: 一:选项中含有不十分肯定的语气词一般是正确答案项。这些语气词有:can,could,may,should, usually, might, most,more or less, relatively, be likely to, possible 等。二;答案项中有绝对语气词的一般不是正确答案项。这些语气词有: must,always,never,the most, all, only, have to, any, no, none, hardly等。三;较全面、有针对性地表达文章中心思想的,选项一般是答案项。 四:选项中表达意义较具体的、肤浅的(字面意思)一般不是答案项,而概括性的、抽象的、含义深刻的是答案项。 五;选项中较符合常识的,易明白的一般不是选项;而似乎不太合理,一时较难理解的往往是正确选项。

干扰项特点: (一)主旨大意题干扰项特点。 (1)虽覆盖全文意思,但显得太笼统; (2)其内容太窄,不能覆盖全文内容,只是文章内容的一部分,或只是文章内容的一个细枝未节; (3)与文章内容毫不相干,或与文章内容相悖。 (二)细节题干扰项特点。 (1)与原句内容相反; (2)与原文内容一半相同一半不同; (3)与原句内容相似但过于绝对化; (4)原文中根本没提到。 (三)逻辑推理题干扰项特点 (1)不是在文章事实或上下文(句)逻辑基础上进行推理而得出了观点。 (2)虽然可以以文章提供的事实或内在逻辑为基础进行推理,但推理过头,概括过度。 (四)观点态度题干扰项特点纵观历届四级阅读理解试题在考查学生揣测作者观点态度时,正确选项要么是肯定、赞扬、褒义性的(positive, support, useful, interesting, admiring等)要么是否定、批评、贬义性的(如disgust, critical,


英语四六级考试技巧 四级听力冲刺核心技巧 四级听力占分248.5(35%),正常情况下,你需要至少作对24道题。以下举例说明。 Short Conversations 题目序号:11-18 及格数量5-6 推荐准确数量:6-7题 重点场景:restaurant hotel 重点主题:Campus life job-hutting 核心技巧: 1、后句比前句重要,回答比提问重要 2、若选项中个别单词或短语被明显播读,此项多为错项;同义词替换选项正确可能性大。 3、同义词替换(最保险考点) 4、关注对话潜在规则: 例如东西断货、房间爆满、考试失败、课程作业抱怨、交通工具迟到、邀约失败... 例一:2010年12月

A) her new responsibilities in the company B) what her job prospects(前景) are C)what the customers’ feedback is D)the director’s opinion of her work KEY:D 原文: M: How’s the new job going? W: Well, I’m learning a lot of new things, but I wish the director would give me some feedback。 Q:What does the woman want to know? 本题中,第二句为考点,feedback 直接换成答案的opinion,而C项的feedback是明显干扰。 例二:2009年12月第16题 A) She must have paid a lot for the gym. B) She is known to have a terrific figure. C) Her gym exercise has yielded good results. (她的健身房练习取得好的结果) D) Her effort to keep fit is really praiseworthy. 原文: W: I’ve been working out the gym since January. I was a bit out of shape. M: You look terrific. It seems that your effort has paid
