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这段考生总体表现较好,部分考生熟练度不够,语法小错误较多。“开展”这类常规词考生应十分熟练并常备几个词替换,如:launch, conduct, carry out等;“为期”因与时间短语搭配常用作前置修饰语,建议使用如译文提供的简单表达方式,以节约时间。专题活动、会议等名称英语惯用语多为名词或介词短语,极少出现动词结构或完整句形式,否则易出现语法错误。除约定俗成的专有名称,其他地名一般按拼音译即可。“就……问题/主题进行讨论/交换意见/交流”也是口译常用句型,须脱口而出,如:“hold talks / exchange views on issues concerning…/ on such issues as…”。


这段有的考生受中文字词表面意义的影响过多,如“依依惜别、深厚”,译文中式英语痕迹重;有的过于简化,信息遗漏多,如:“健康成长”等。“克服、超越”这类近义词应尽量用比“overcome”搭配力更强的一个词统领,从而把重点放在并列的宾语信息上,即:“语言和文化障碍,习俗和偏见”。“通过”这类表示方法和手段的词,可采用两种译法,一是用介词短语置于句末,如:“forge…with / through / by…”。二是按原句顺序译,调换主从关系,把后半句译成结果,如:“they communicate and interact with each other, forging…”。“惜别/告别”常用表达为“part”,不熟悉这个词的人较多,需平时多积累。


This month American and Chinese students joined in a 15-day program entitled “China in the Eyes of American and Chinese City Students”. They visited farmers

in Bagualing of Hebei Province, did volunteer work in rural communities and taught each other English and Chinese. They visited the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and other tourist attractions, and had discussions on topics such as campus life, admission to college and job hunting.

During the program, the students went beyond language and cultural barriers, differences in customs and views, and forged friendship through communication and interaction. When it came to the time of parting, the students promised to each other that they would study hard, keep fit and meet again in the future.

I see in these students the profound friendship between Chinese and American peoples and the bright prospect of Sino-U.S relations.



部分考生未透彻理解“相斥、交融”含义,或未注意中文重复结构与英文之间的转换,译文拖沓冗长,意义重叠。“相斥”可译为“go against / exclude each other”,“交融”可译为“coexist in harmony / accommodate / integrate into each other”等。“虽然”建议多使用介词“despite”,可使语句简短。“姊妹城市”这类词不必死译,其含义为“友好城市”,此句可意译为“163 pairs of cities have built up friendly relations”。另外,基本的数字须译得准确、迅速,免得占用太多时间,影响其他部分的翻译。平时可多做数字练习加强。


“和为贵”、“和而不同”意思近似“和平共处、和谐而不必完全一致”,此句也可合并译为“Chinese people have always cherished the values of peace / peaceful coexistence / coexistence in harmony”。对于“求同存异、取长补短”这类常见词,虽然译法多样,也需根据信息多少、句式长短灵活处理,合并意义重复部分(“相互学习”),可译为:“recognize our similarities and differences, and learn from each other’s experience / draw on each other’s strength / advantages…”。“为……作出贡献”也属常用句型,可直译为“contribute to / make contribution to”,也可意译为“促进/推动”之意,如:“facilitate / propel / drive / press forward / promote”等。


We have always held that the Chinese and U.S. civilizations can get along with instead of repelling each other despite our differences. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States, there

are more extensive contacts between the two peoples, and 163 pairs of sister cities have been twinned. More than 1.82 million Americans visited China last year while 540,000 Chinese went to the States for family reunion, education or business.

Since ancient times, Chinese people have treasured the values of “peace as most precious” and “harmony without uniformity.” As major countries of globa1 influence, China and the United States should respect each other and draw upon our respective strengths, seek common ground while recognizing our differences. In so doing, we can set a good example for civilizations to coexist in harmony for constructive cooperation, hence contributing to the common development of humanity.


Most of China’s growth over the past 30 years can be explained by high rates of investment and the movement of workers from subsistence farming to more productive use in industry. But China’s growth is n ot based simply on cheap labor. It also has the advantages of good infrastructure, an educated workforce, a high rate of savings available to finance investment and, most important of all, an extremely open economy.

“can be explained by…”为英语常用句型,表原因,译为“是因为……”。这句考生理解上没问题,但表达速度略慢,对句型熟练度不够。另外,考生对划线部分的口译经济类常用词也不够熟悉,减慢了信息理解和处理速度;“available to…”等惯用表达在中文对应词找得较慢,一时转换影响不过来,整体译文。平时训练需注重积累,并多做、常做视译练习,加快中、英文语言和思维转换速度。

China has the lowest tariff protection of any developing country. Moreover, China has welcomed foreign direct investment, which has bolstered growth by increasing the stock of fixed capital and providing new technology and management know-how. Joint ventures with foreign firms produce 28 percent of China’s industrial output. As a latecomer, China does not need to reinvent the wheel, but merely to open its economy to ideas from the rich world – which it has done with great enthusiasm.







Napol eon left with the world his famous saying that “Let China sleep, for when she awakes she will shake the world.” He was ahead of his time, but now the dragon is certainly awake. Since 1978, when Deng Xiaoping first set his country on a path of economic reform, its GDP has grown by an average of 9.5 percent a year, three times the growth rate in the United States, and faster than in any other economy. In fact, China was the largest economy for much of the recorded history.

本句除经济类常用词和数字、倍数的理解和表达外,还应注意中文表达地道,语句间的衔接连贯,如:“was ahead of his time” ,以及关系从句“when”的译法。

Until the l5th century, China had the highest income per head and was the technological leader. But then it suddenly turned its back on the world. Its rulers imposed strict limits on international trade and tightened their control on new technology. Measured by GDP per person it was overtaken by Europe by l500. Much to the surprise of the world, China is now rejuvenating itself, making up lost ground and catching up.

本句主要是熟练掌握划线部分经济和改革类常用词的理解和表达,另需关注固定词组如:“turned one’s back on”。另外,像“measured by”这类主要起语法作用的表达可直译为“按照/根据”,也可融合在上下文里略去不译。






Asia’s success was the result of economic policies that encouraged business investment. It tells that domestic economic policies must continue to be geared toward building resilient and competitive economies. This requires, in particular, strengthening domestic sources of growth, including by vigorously tackling incomplete reforms in the financial and corporate sectors. It also requires pursuing policies that make economies more capable of absorbing economic shocks more easily. Next, growing regional and global interdependence requires that policy makers pay increasing attention to the international context of their decisions. A regional focus that remains open to the rest of the world holds great promise for Asia’s long-term growth.

本句考生主要失误的地方是划线词语和句型的表达,如:“be geared toward, corporate sectors”,虽算不上完全陌生,但因平时自己使用不多,看到或听到时仅满足于大致理解,因此出现理解慢半拍,表达词穷的现象。另外,最后一句中的关系从句以及短语“holds great promise”也是给考生造成困难的部分,训练时这类句型要多关注,不断进行中、英文转换。




The published economic data is igniting fears of a serious U.S. economic downturn. However, economic recovery has come full circle. The growth propped by the US economic recovery reached its peak last year. The engines to that growth

have been weakened and left almost powerless heading into the next half. Second, the US government will begin imposing more taxes on businesses. More signals are indicating a lack of growth motivation.

本句一开始的“ignite”一词就给考生理解上带来些小麻烦,在加上对“downturn”和“come to full circle”两个表达理解不够透彻,所以译文出错。同时因为理解链暂时中断,影响到对后面几句逻辑关联的理解和笔记跟进。而其他如:“prop, engine, heading into the next half”等划线词语和结构也延缓了考生的反应速度。其实翻译时若能选择“避开”战略,跳过“下半年”这部分,句子还是可以译得比较通顺的,但大多数考生纠结于听懂或译出每个词句,被字词束缚住了手脚,未能从上下文确定意义。因此以后考生需注意培养根据上下文推测词义、句意,并按照逻辑关系把握全篇的意识。







Cultural differences arise from a difference in region, race, history, environment and the development of economy, science and technology, and call for cultural exchanges. They also present us a diverse world and a colourful life, reducing the geographical distances and drawing us closer. In fact, we are living at a time when different cultures are merging into each other. It is true that different cultures do not always come together without conflicts or collision.



本句难度也不高,只是有些考生听到“压轴表演”以及稍微花哨一点的中文就开始头痛,未能积极思考对策,错失通过良机。这句完全可以避开“压轴”,只译“表演”,虽不精确,但至少意义接近,远比胡译乱译好。“划上完美句号”也可译为“provide … with / give … a perfect ending”等。“连续十一年”还可译成“for 11 consecutive years”。还需理解并学会绕过“一年比一年”而专注于一般比较结构。“精彩”也可译为“wonderful, fantastic”等近义词,不过“engaging”词义更贴切,因含有“吸引注意力”之意。“肆虐”本为虚指,作用是加强语义,所以可以选择不译。“软实力”也可理解为无形的实力,译成“intangible strength”,甚至还可以笼统地译成综合实力“overall strength”,只要达意即可。高口的汉译英部分要尤其注意“达意”的目标,避免“一叶障目”,“只见树木,不见森林”。


It is a pleasure to join you for this year’s China Shanghai International Arts Festival. The performance tonight concludes the Festival with a high note. The Festival has been held for 11 years in a row, with the performances more engaging. During the current economic turmoil, the Festival has lifted our spirits, reminding us of the beauty of art and life. It also enhances Shanghai’s appeal and soft power as a cultural hub in Asia.


Stanford University is a university that is very open and inclusive to persons of all faiths, all races, all over the country and the world. But we still have a long way to go if we are going to get the benefits that diverse perspectives provide. We must cast our net for excellence as widely as we possibly can. There has not been a single period in Stanford’s history that it has achieved so remarkably. It is because we see the potential of what is going to come. We take the long view and increase our investment, and bring in the best scholars, let them follow their imaginations, and don’t try to direct them. In the long run, it is their knowledge that will pay off.

本句主要问题是考生对“inclusive to + sb.”这个结构把握不准确,致使翻译时思维受阻,对略带比喻含义的“cast our net”短语意义也不很确定。至于其后的几个划线短语,均因中文表达不畅,一时找不到合适的对应词而失分。从本句看,考生在学习英语的过程中也应注重中文语言能力的提高。





On behalf of my fellow honorary graduates and myself, I wish to express our heartfelt gratitude to the University for the high honors which have been conferred on us and for the generous citations today. With its global vision and its mission to combine tradition with modernity, this university is a unique institution that makes an invaluable contribution. The University must be commended on what it has achieved. I trust that you will do your part to contribute to the development of your Alma Mater in future years. Youth is the trustee of posterity. Looking into the future, our young people should, as much as possible, prepare themselves for the exciting challenges ahead.

本句较难,主要问题是不熟悉的词汇多,考生听到较陌生的词时仍会习惯性停下来思考,因而错过其他部分。如首句的“honorary”这个词,一旦词义理解受阻,考生似乎就自动停止,不再向前了。实际上,像“confer, citations”这些词时都可以依据上下文猜测大致含义。很多考生把“commend”误听成“comment”或“recommend”,说明对英语惯用法掌握不牢固。对于像“Alma Mater”和“trustee of posterity”这种使用频率并不很高的短语,在不确定词义的情况下可以选择不译,以免出现重大错误,但选择不译时,要对译文进行适当调整或合理补充,如:“必定会竭尽全力为未来的发展做贡献”和“青年是未来的希望”等。





本句难度不高,关键依然是词义理解和意义转换。“不可逆转”不一定非得译成“irreversible”,如果不知道这个词,或者一时想不起来,也可用其他词替换,改句合在一起可以译成“the integration of world trade is definite / certain”或“world trade is definitely / certainly moving towards integration”。“不可或缺”还可译成“essential / crucial”等意义接近的表达。“交易主体”也可译成

“traders / business people”等类似表达。“中间环节”还可意译成“steps”或合译为“simplify the trading procedure”等。


Alongside the rapid development of telecommunication technologies, the trend of the integration of world trade is irreversible. Today, based on network technology, electronic commerce is an indispensable means of trade. Making full use of high technology such as information and Internet technology, E-commerce has its remarkable features and advantages. It offers all trading bodies advanced trading pattern and equal trading opportunities; it reduces intermediate links of trading and saves trading time, thus breaking the limitations on resources and improving business efficiency.


Every year, road traffic injuries are the leading cause of death for persons aged between 15 and 44. The estimated cost of death and injuries on the road is a staggering US$ 518 billion. We will encourage countries to implement the International Red Cross Plan of Action. We look forward to working with all concerned to find effective ways of addressing the terrible loss of life and resources which the global road traffic crisis has produced. As the old saying goes, "All roads are covered with good intentions". Let us work together to make these intentions a reality.

本句除数字仍使有些考生头痛外,主要难点还是如何利用篇章逻辑确定常用词在上下文中的含义,如:“concerned”或“staggering”。此外,考生应牢记,在遇到熟悉的动词谓语出现在不熟悉的搭配中时,要依据“先宾后动”的原则,根据宾语转化动词表达,即先确定“good intentions”词义及其与主语“all roads”之间的关系,然后再联系全篇思考有什么词可与这个含义搭配,如可译成“道路安全需要/依赖于人们的良好愿望/善意”等。








Since its establishment, the Women’s Commission formulated strategies for the advancement of women development, identifying women's needs and addressing all matters of concern to women. The Government has rendered its full support to the Women's Commission and will strive to eliminate any gender bias in the society. I hope that we will continue to maintain close liaison with the friends from around the world, and to exchange and learn from each other to achieve the goal of promoting women's rights and interests. Let us build upon the spirit of the World Conference on Women, continue to foster a favorable environment for women’s development and join our hands to strive for gender equality.



本句初听似乎有点难,但实际上大多有难点的地方都可以通过避让或换词的方法解决。如只译“热带气候”,避开“海洋”;用“volcanoes that are no longer active”替代“extinct volcanoes”;用“hot springs for medical purpose / for the treatment of diseases”表达“治疗性温泉”的含义。“被……所吸引”也可译为“be enchanted by / be drawn to”;“流连忘返”还可译成“find it hard to leave”等。


Hainan, a beautiful island located at the southern tip of China, enjoys distinctively tropical maritime climate. Along the 1528-kilometer-long coastline of Hainan, the sandy beaches take about 50%. The ample and enchanting sunshine on the beaches allows the tourists to enjoy sunbathing during most time of the year. The volcanic eruptions in the history have left many extinct volcanic vents on the island. Hot springs are widely distributed there, most of which therapeutic ones, which renders it an ideal place to develop integrated

tourism that combines sightseeing, recuperation as well as research. Those who visit Hainan are usually so fascinated by this charming island that they feel reluctant to leave.


The Indian tradition develops ways of describing the body as it is experienced, from the inside out. The Western tradition looks at the body from the outside in, and peels it back one layer at a time, and it believes only what it can see. The East treats the person; the West treats the disease. Yoga relaxes you and, by relaxing, heals. When you do yoga, you initiate a process that turns the fight system off and turns the relaxation response on. The body seizes this chance to turn on the healing mechanisms. Yoga offers modern men and women a moment of relaxation when noise and agitation are everywhere.


框框,准确达意,如第一、二句中划线部分的处理。其余部分的表现依然取决于考生对类似“initiate, mechanism”等常规词语的熟悉程度。












历年英语翻译初级口译考试真题及答案 上午卷: 英译中: (1) New Zealand is a South Pacific country located midway between the Equator and the South Pole, with a land of 268,105 square kilometers and a population of over three million. (第63页-黄) 新西兰是一个南太平洋国家,位于赤道和南极洲之间,国土面积为268105平方公里,人口为300多万。 简析:纵观口译考题,出题者十分聪明地将有关课文的每篇的首句作为考题来出,真是用心良苦。试想每篇文章的首句或每段文章的第一句话不是有提纲挈领的作用吗?理解了首句往往就能了解文章的大概。这和阅读理解的要求有着很大的相通性。所以加强平日对英语句子的敏感性十分有必要。 2) When the washing cycle is over, the machine fries the plates and glasses with its own heart, and indeed they can be left inside until they are needed for the next meal. (P.367) 洗涤过程完成后,洗碗机用自身的热量将盘子和杯子烘干。杯盘还可以留在机内待下一餐使用时再取出。 中译英: (1)为了过好学校里的公寓生活,学生应该学会自己洗衣服,整理房间,甚至于买菜做饭。(第355页) To manage apartment living in school successfully, the students must learn to do their own washing and cleaning, and even buy and cool their own food. (2)据估计,全球毒品的贸易额以达到每年4000亿美元之巨。吸毒者约占全世界人口的3%。(p36蓝)


2011中高级口译口试十大话题之中国经济·All things about GDP 据媒体报道,中国已经取代了日本成为了世界第二大经济体(surpass Japan to become the second largest economy in the world)。这个消息的确让人欢欣鼓舞,这是中国改革开放以来,发展的又一里程碑式的事件(another milestone since the opening and reform of China) 但是,仅仅是GDP并不能说明中国经济的全部(GDP alone does not give a full picture of the Chinese economy). 首先,中国的贫富差距在拉大(the widening wealth gap),中国的经济发展也很不平衡China’s economic development is imbalanced.这些都给社会的稳定造成了潜在威胁( pose potential threat to social stability) 如果按照人均GDP (GDP per capita)来算,中国排在世界124位ranked behind 100th position globally,远远落在很多发达国家之后lagged far behind . 此外,中国的发展也付出了惨重的代价China’s development comes at a price。我们居住的环境极具恶化。environmental degradation. 资源的枯竭energy exhaustion 以代工为主的劳动密集型产业(labor intensive, low-end manufacturing industry)也让我们的劳动者不看重负。 这些问题已经得到了国家领导人的高度重视top government agenda,在中国的第十二五规划中in the Twelfth Five-Year Plan,中国现在需要做的必须是改变经济发展模式change the mode of economic development. 这是一个艰巨而迫切的任务a pressing and difficult task.


上海市高级口译第二阶段口试真题2008年3月 (总分:5.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、口语题(总题数:1,分数:1.00) 1.Topic: Should we stop bank loans to businesses which disregard environmental protection? Questions for Reference: 1. In some cities in China, local banks have stopped giving loans to those businesses which have caused pollution to the environment. Do you think the banks are doing the right thing or not? 2. What should the local governments or banks do- to shut the businesses which pollute the environment, or help these businesses "reduce the damage to the environment? 3. Could you recommend some effective measures to tackle the problem? (分数:1.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:() 解析:(略) 二、口译题(总题数:0,分数:0.00) 三、Part A (总题数:1,分数:2.00) (分数:2.00) (1).Passage 1(分数:1.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:() 解析:我很高兴能向建校60周年的贵校表示问候。贵校是一所名校,已培养了6万多名外语专门人才,包括许多联合国译员。他们运用自己的技能跨越语言和文化障碍,促进交流。毕业生中还有成百上千的外交官,他们一直致力于不断加强中国与世界各国的联系,增进中国与世界各国的了解。// 确实,文明历来是通过知识交流而得到充实,无论是在科学、文化还是在经济领域,都是如此。在全球化 和信息高速传递的时代,知识和进步之间的联系更加密切了。知识是发展、社会进步和人类自由的关键因素,在任何领域中,必须允许知识跨越国家界限。知识本身必须全球化。你们正在为实现这个目标而努力,这是十分令人高兴的。 [解析] It gives me great pleasure to send my greetings to your university on the 60th anniversary of its founding. Your esteemed institution has trained more than 60,000 specialists in foreign languages, including many United Nations interpreters and translators, who have used their skills to facilitate communication across linguistic and cultural barriers. Graduates of the University also include hundreds of diplomats, who have worked to build stronger ties and better understanding between China and the world. // Indeed, civilizations have always been enriched by the exchange of knowledge, whether in the scientific, cultural and economic spheres. In an era of globalization and high-speed communication, the relationship between knowledge and progress has become even stronger. As a key ingredient in development, social progress and human freedom, knowledge in all fields must be allowed to reach across nations. Knowledge itself must be globalized. It is gratifying to know that the University is doing its part in this endeavor. (2).Passage 2(分数:1.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:() 解析:显然中美经济关系正在步入一个新阶段。首先,中美经济的互相依赖程度正在加深。在越来越多的 经济问题方面,我们都更加需要彼此。过去五年间,据美国方面的数据,美国对中国的出口额已经从180 亿美元增加到520亿美元,而美国从中国的进口额也从1000亿美元增加到2900亿美元。此外,美国和中


上海市英语中级口译资格证书第二阶段考试(试卷一) A卷 口语题 Directions: Talk on the following topic for at least 5 minutes. Be sure to make your points clear and supporting details adequate. You should also be ready to answer any questions raised by the examiners during your talk. You need to have your name and registration number recorded. Start your talk with “My name is…, “ “My registration number is…”. Topic: The Importance of Transportation for Shanghai’s Economic Development Questions for Reference: 1. Give a general picture of transportation in Shanghai and then compare it with that in other cities in China or abroad. 2. What are the causes of the most serious transportation problems in the city? 3.Why is transportation more important in Shanghai today? 4.How to improve Shanghai’s transportation system? 口译题 Part A Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. After you have heard each passage, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal…and stop it at the signal…You may take notes while you are listening. Remember you will hear the passages only once. Now let’s begin Part A with the first passage. Passage 1: Thank you very much for your gracious speech of welcome. China is one of the earliest cradles of civilization and a visit to this ancient civilization has long been my dream. // This visit will give me an excellent opportunity to meet old friends and establish new contacts. // I wish to say again that I am so delighted and privileged to visit your great country and this lovely town. // I am deeply grateful for everything you have done for me since my arrival in China. // Passage 2: I'm very glad to have the opportunity to work in your company with a group of brilliant people in China's automobile industry. //I had been looking forward to this job for many years and you have made my dream come true. //I appreciate all you have done for me. I really love my new house that you have


2003年12月全国英语专业八级口试参考答案 1. We’ve published some very impressive articles, each month somehow surpassing the quality and depth of the previous month’s edition. 2. Our creative and talented staff won five writing awards and seven photographic awards. This year some 119,000 people subscribed to our magazine. 3. About six years ago we had an idea for a nature-oriented magazine, but we all had doubts about the general acceptance of the idea, whether there would be enough interest from people to sustain us. 4. Today, it’s a wonderful feeling to know that we have succeeded, and everyone here shares the credit for making this magazine what it has become. 5. While it is a formidable task for us all, I’m sure that next year at this time we’ll have more awards, and more subscribers, and feel an even greater sense of accomplishment and fulfillment. 1. 会议期间,来自不同国家和地区的专家、学者畅所欲言、各抒己见,积极为搞好老城保护和更新献计献策。(10%) During the meeting, the experts and scholar from different countries and areas speak out their minds and offer suggestions to help the ancient city preserve and renew. 2. 在此,我代表市委、市政府对各位专家的辛勤劳动表示衷心的感谢。(10%) Here, on behalf of Municipal Committee and Municipal Government, I would express my sincere thanks to every hardworking expert. 3.龙城是座古老而美丽的城市,已有2500年的建城史,是国务院公布的首批历史文化名城。(10%) Longcheng, an ancient and beautiful city, has had 2, 500 years’ history, being one of the first batch of historical and cultural cities which the State Council announced. 4. 这座城市最大的特色在于它有丰厚的文化内涵,其中精髓在老城。(10%) The greatest characteristic of this city is its rich cultural connotations, and its essence is in the ancient city. 5、这是前人留给我们的遗产,是一笔宝贵的资源,她属于龙城、属于中国、属于世界。(10%) This is the heritage from our ancestors and precious resources. She belongs to Longcheng, to China, even to all over the world. 2006年度全国英语专业八级口试参考答案及评分标准 English-Chinese: 1. Today, in almost every industry in almost every part of the world there are many examples of enterprises applying information technology to increase their competitiveness. 如今,几乎在世界上每个地方、每个行业,都有许多将信息技术用于提高企业竞争力的例子。 2. I think we’re seeing this technology reach the point that all transformational technologies reach when they are no longer controlled by just a small group of skilled professionals. 我认为,这种技术正在到达所有转变性技术都会达到的阶段,一个不再只被一小群专业人士所控制的阶段。 3. Networking technology is still in its infancy, yet it has already reached the point where we can call it a new mass medium. 虽然网络技术还处于初级阶段,但是它已经达到了一个阶段,可以被称为新的大众媒体。 4. Less than 5 years after the birth of the Internet, some 90 million people are online around the world, and that number will soon be hundreds of millions.


专四口试真题 Taskl: Retelling a story ①I once knew an old man whose bad memory made him famous? John Smith was so forgetful that he sometimes forget what he was talking about in the middle of a sentence? His wife had to constantly remind him about his meetings, his classes - even his meals! ②Once he forgot he had eaten breakfast twice, at home and at school? His wife liked to remind her neighbors, “ If John didn* t have his head tied on. He would forget that too!n③Since Smith was a professor at a well-known university, his forgetfulness was often an embarrassment ? It wasnt that he was not clever, as some critical people tended to say, but just very, very absent-minded?@0ne hot summer day, Professor Smith decided to take his children to a seaside town about a three~hour train ride away. To make the trip more interesting for his young children, he kept the name of the town a secret.


上海英语中级口译完全自学通过心得(口试部分)转载 这个世界上牛人很多,但我坚信,根据正态分布原则,大多数人还是和我一样的。本着这一原则,我才敢在这里以过来人(而不是成功者)的身份发表一点感想。牛人们就没有必要看了,以免让你们见笑。考证的实质是确立一个目标,然后尽自己最大的努力去完成,做到价值实现,是一个磨砺心志、走向成功的过程。如果有人认为我写得太浅显、没用,看到这里就可以点击页面右上方的“×”了,不必为此拍砖。我不指望这篇文章万人分享,但也不想花一晚上时间整理出来的、旨在希望像我一样的非牛人都能取得令自己满意的成绩的东西得到的尽是些负面评价。文章是给非牛人写的,就好比在市场中,法拉利和奇瑞一样能生存,只是分别抓住了不同层次的市场。 一、简介 口试在每年5月和11月,分为口语与口译两部分。口语部分要求考生就指定话题作三分钟左右的命题发言,话题后面有三个提示问题,但不要求一定要按照问题阐述观点。考生拿到口语试题后有五分钟的准备时间。口译分英译汉和汉译英两部分,每部分均要求口译主题各不相同的两个段落。各两段,每段四断,每断两或三句。每断单独评分,2/3及以上翻译对即算对,翻译对11断及以上可以通过。 建议大家笔试结束后马上开始复习,不要等到笔试成绩公布,时间肯定来不及。考试委员会为了赚口试报名费,笔试一般都会让你过的。再者一鼓作气,再而衰,三而竭,第一次的通过概率其实最大。

口试全程共会接触到三个教室:备考区、侯考室和考场。备考区是大教室,供考生等待考试用;侯考区是中型教室,在这里考生将得到口语试题并准备5分钟;考场就是上课的教室或教师休息室。 (1)备考区。因为口试分批进行,每批的考题是一样的。为防止作弊,从进入备考区直到参加完口试离开教学楼,考生不准使用任何通讯工具,否则将取消考试资格,这一点一定要切记。进入备考区出示必要的证件,然后带手机的同学会被要求将手机关闭并封存在一个信封内。然后考生会拿到一张“承诺书”,下半部分签个字裁下来,上半部分不要扔,留着记口语题目(这个后面要谈到)。考试的先后顺序根据口试号,分为多批同时进行。具体什么时候参加口试事先并不知道,所以建议带一些干粮,以免最后一批考在等待3个多小时后饥肠辘辘。但是少喝水,理由就不用我多说了吧。 (2)侯考区。在备考区被考官叫到考号后会被带到侯考区。监考人员发下一张A4纸,上面有口语的题目和提示问题,有5分钟时间准备,可以使用字典和电子词典,但是不能和周围同学讨论(和外面同学讨论当然更不可以啦)。另外考卷不能带入考场,上面也不能作任何标记,所以你必须记住考题。不要记在口试证后面,据说有的考官看到会反感,写在“承诺书”后面好了。 (3)正式考试。离开侯考区,考生按照顺序找到属于自己的考试教室。因为前一个人可能还在考试,所以你可能要在教室外等。开门进去,在你面前是两位考官和两台录音机,一台放口译试题,另一台录下你的口译。检查证件、发记录纸,然后开始录音,口试正式开始。在进行口语部分前要说“My name is…., my registration number is…”。接着就是口语和口译……


上海市高级口译第二阶段口试真题2010年3月 (总分:9.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、口语题 Directions:Talk on the following topic for 5 minutes. Be sure to make your points clear and supporting details adequate. You should also be ready to answer any questions raised by the examiners during your talk. You need to have your name and registration number reco rded. Start your talk with "My name is…," "My registration number is… ". (总题数:1,分数:1.00) 1.Topic: Will petty criminals get light punishment? Questions for Reference: 1. A new prosecution guideline was recently released: people convicted of petty crimes may get light punishment if they are minors, the elderly people, and people who have slightly breached the law because of poverty. What do you think of this new law? 2. This new law is said to be a humane practice and it will help them put their lives back in order and better serve their families. Do you think it can achieve its end? 3. Some people think that if petty crimes are not punished in a timely way, more serious consequences will follow. What do you think of this argument? (分数:1.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:() 解析: 二、口译题 (总题数:0,分数:0.00) 三、Part A Directions:In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. After you have heard each paragraph, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal… and stop it at the signal… You may take notes while you are listening. Remember you will hear the passages ONLYONCE. Now let's begin Part A with the first passage. (总题数:1,分数:4.00) (分数:4.00)


1上海市英语中级口译证书第二阶段考试试题集锦 (201009) 口语题 Directions: Talk on the following topic for at least 3 minutes. Be sure to make your points clear and supporting details adequate. You should also be ready to answer any questions raised by the examiners during your talk. You need to have your name and registration number recorded. Start your talk with “My name is…”,”My registration number is…” Topic: Can shopping vouchers increase consumption? Questions for Reference: 1.To stimulate consumption, which is more effective, tax reduction or shopping vouchers? 2.What are the major purposes of issuing shopping vouchers? 3.In what way can the shopping vouchers best be distributes? Shall every citizen be given the same amount of shopping vouchers or should the vouchers be limited to the lower-income people only? 口译题 Part A Directions:In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. After you heard each paragraph, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal…and stop it at the signal…You may take notes while you are listening. Remember you will hear the passages ONLY ONCE. Now let’s begin Part A with the first passage. Passage 1 As for us Americans, you may think that we give too much importance to individualism and personal gains, so much so that it might sacrifice collective benefits, and even bring harm to the harmony of the society.// Yes, but you don’t have to be worried. American work ethic is more individual-oriented. We often value the results and accomplishments of work more than its process.// If I am not mistaken, the traditional Chinese work ethic is based on Confucianism, which stresses the benefit of communal harmony rather than individual freedom.// It’s really very hard to say which is better because if the cultural differences. With the economic globalization, cultural exchanges have become more and more extensive and Americans and Chinese will know and understand each other better. 至于我们美国人,你们会感到我们太看重个人主义,太看重个人利益,这样可能会牺牲集体的利益,甚至会损害社会的和谐。// 是的,但你们不必担忧。我们美国人的工作理念更强调个人主义。我们一般重视的是结果和成就,而不是过程。// 如果我没理解错的话,中国传统的够工作理念是以儒家学说为基础的,这种思想强调整体和谐高于个体自由。// 由于文化差异的存在,真的很难说哪种理念更好。随着经济全球化,文化交流也随之变得越来越广泛,美国人民和中国人民将会更加互相了解和理解。


高考英语口试材料 第一套 1.Do you often go picnicking on Sundays? Why? Why not? 2.Which subject do you like best in senior high school? Why? 3.How do you find your English teacher? 第二套 1.What are you going to learn in the university? 2.Do you like your hometown? Why or why not? 3.What’s your favourite food? 第三套 1.Do you like Chinese food or western food? Why? 2.How do you celebrate your patents’ birthday? 3.Would you please say sth about your hobby? 第四套 1.What TV programme do you like best? Why? 2.What are you going to do during the Summer vacation? 3.What’s your favourite university? 第五套 1. Do you often go picnicking on Sundays? Why? Why not? 2. Which subject do you like best in senior high school? Why? 3. How do you find your English teacher? 第六套 1.Who is your favorite film star? Why? 2.Can you tell us sth about either of your parents? 3.Are you active in social service? What do you usually do? 4.What are you going to be in the future? 5.Do you like surfing the net? Why or why not? 6.How do you improve your English writing? 7.What great changes have taken place in your hometown in the past tea years? 8.What do you think of studying abroad? 第七套 1.Who’s your favourite singer?Why? 2.How do you improve your English reading /writing/ oral English? 3.Would you please say sth about one of your best friends? 第八套 1.Do you like traveling? Where have you been? Which place impressed you most? Why? 2.How do you improve your English listening? 3.How do you like your school? 第九套 1

高级口译口试 真题集锦

高级口译口试真题集锦(转载) 上海市英语高级口译资格证书第二阶段考试 ORAL TEST Directions: Talk on the following topic for at least 3 minutes. Be sure to make your points clear and supporting details adequate. You should also be ready to answer any questions raised by the examiners during your talk. You need to have your name and registration number recorded. Start your talk with “My name is …”. Topic: The real estate market in China Questions for Reference: 1. What do you know about the real estate market trend in Shanghai as well as in China? 2. Why are people becoming more active in buying their own houses in recent years? 3. If you have enough money, what kind of house would you like to buy? Why? 4. What conclusions could you draw from the booming real estate business? 上海市英语高级口译资格证书第二阶段考试 INTERPRETAION TEST (Paper 33) Part A Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. After you have heard each sentence or paragraph, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal…and stop it at the signal…You may take notes while you are listening. Remember you will hear the passages only once. Now let us begin Part A with the first passage. Passage 1: There are 2 types of social communication intelligence. The first one refers to the ability to understand oneself. Children with the intelligence for self-understanding know how to make plans and arrangements, and know how to bring their ability into full play. They can do things on their own in a well-organized way without their parents’ supervis ion.//



上海中级口译考试全攻略(笔试+口试) 两周前风尘仆仆地考完中级口译,常有人问我考得怎么样。我的答复总是:美女很多+非常紧张。 在参加考试之前,我常听到两种说法:中级口译太简单了,根本是没用的证,不如去考高口;中级口译太难了,只有高手才能拿到证。这两种说法都没错,对不同英语程度的人来说,中级口译的地位也不尽相同。我当初想到考中级口译并不是为了那一纸证书,因为我对于口译兴趣很小。想到报名完全是为了提高听力。上海交大去年做的一项调查显示,65%的同学认为经过口译训练,听力水平得到了大幅提高。当时我在《外国语》上看到这篇论文,马上想到经过中级口译提高我可怜的听力。复习之后我还发现,口译对拓宽词汇量特别是生活词汇作用巨大。 下面我就来谈谈怎么准备中级口译。 首先你需要买中级口译的教材,一共五本《中级听力教程》《中级阅读教程》《中级口语教程》《中级翻译教程》《中级口译教程》,可是,这五本中只需要买三本,那就是《中级翻

译教程(第三版)》,《中级听力教程(第3版)》,《中级口译教程(第3版)》,另外两本千万别买,和考试根本没关系,除了这三本,我还推荐买《中级口译真题解析》,《中高级口译口试备考精要(附MP3)--新东方大愚英语学习丛书》,《英语口译资格考试分类词汇精编》。 书买好了,就能够开始准备了。 在准备之前,先确定打算何时考中级口译。中级口译一年两次,一次在3月笔试(同年5月初口试),另一次在9月(同年11月初口试),笔试部分考点较多,能够去上海中级口译官网查找,在哪个城市报名就在哪个城市考笔试,可是你也能够网上报名,网上报名必须在上海考试。注意报名时间:9月的考试在6月报名,3月的考试在12月报名,一定要随时关注官网的通知。 中级口译的笔试满分250分,149.5分以上经过笔试。一旦经过笔试,你就获得了接下来四次参加口试的机会(即两年有效期),我推荐在9月参加笔试,因为暑假时间较多,而寒假有春节的干扰,复习不充分,很多人都会放
