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(2)李叔叔家5月底的水表读数是99 ,请问李叔叔家6月份至10月份总的用水量是多少?


里程/千米28 27 31 29 28



高考英语专题主谓一致知识点易错题汇编及答案解析 一、选择题 1.As long as there are still flames inside the museum, no one but member of the fire department ______ to go inside. A.is allowed B.has been allowed C.are allowed D.have been allowed 2.At the foot of the hill ________ a big lake surrounded by trees. A.lays B.is laying C.lies D.is lying 3.Wine is the world's favorite drink enjoyed on almost every occasion where great times_________ with friends. A.are being shared B.is shared C.shares D.share 4._____ of the students who took part in the military training is 450. A.A number B.A lot C.A few D.The number 5.In addition to John and Helen, their cousin ______ visit us next month. A.is coming to B.are coming to C.are to D.is likely 6.Susan, as well as her friends, ______ a warm welcome when they arrived yesterday. A.is given B.are given C.were given D.was given 7.Every possible means ________ to prevent the air pollution, but sky is still not clear. A.is used B.are used C.have used D.has been used 8.Typically, with high-status and well-paid jobs ________ far more pressure than assumed. A.are coming B.is coming C.come D.comes 9.We admire Susan for her persistence, the only one of the young girls who __________ in the rock band for 3 years so far. A.played B.play C.have played D.has played 10.About _______ of the workers in that steel works _______ young people. A.third-fifths; are B.three-fifths; are C.three-fifths; is D.third-fifths; is 11.Between the two streets _______ a modem building where you can see many famous brands of clothes. A.have B.has C.stand D.stands 12.Linda, together with her brothers, _______spending the holiday in Chile when the strong earthquake broke out. A.was B.were C.is D.are 13.The coach, together with his players, __________ to the party held last Friday night, aiming to celebrate their win in the match. A.was invited B.were invited C.has been invited D.have been invited 14.Not only the students but also the teacher ______ against the plan in yesterday's meeting. A.is B.was C.are D.were 15.No one in the department but Tom and I ______ that the director is going to resign.


2017改错专项训练五(谓语动词) 真题演练: 1.I will write again and send you the photos we take together.(05) 2.There are a lot of advantages for students to work while studying at school. One of them was that they can earn money. (05) 3.Earning their own money allow them to spend on anything as they please.(05) 4.We had guests last night who have not stayed in a B&B hotel before.(06) 5.High over the water, they discover a hole in the balloon. The hole became bigger and bigger.(06) 6.I took it in mine and we walked. Then I ask him, “Grandpa, how come you have so many lines on your hand?”(07) 7.I meant to write a long letter and tell you all the things I’m doing at school, but the bell was ringing, so I just have to stop here.(07) 8.I win a national prize for painting last week.(08) 9.There exist now a park that has a small river running through.(09) 10.I meant to give it back to you before four in the afternoon, butI was hold up on my way back.(09) 11.She said it was the best gift she has ever had.(10) 12.I feel very happy that I could change my clothes at last.(11) 13.However, my father had to return to work on Monday so we fly back last Saturday afternoon.(11) 14.I was happy when the toys worked, but when things did wrong, I got angry and broke them.(12) 15.When I tear apart my fifth birthday toy train, my father said, “That’s it. No more toys for you.”(12) 16.The funny thing were that I forgot to turn on the camera.(12) 17.For example, how many times have you walked out of a room and leave the lights or television on when no one else was there.(12) 18. Water is important. Yet it seemed water is becoming less and less.(12) 19. I was only four when she passes away.(13) 20. This custom soon becomes another meal of the day. Tea in China was traditionally drank from cups without handles.(13) 21. At home my father often thinks I’m silly. He said if I decide to do something, it takes him much time to stop me.(13) 22.Since then- for all these years-we had been allowing tomatoes to self-seed where they please.(14) 23.There are three lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon. We didn’t need to do so much homework.(14) 24. Both Dad or I planned to do something on Mother’s Day.We get up early in the morning. Dad cleaned the house(16) 25.Tony was scared and began to cry. Awoman saw him crying and telling him to wait outside the shop. (15) 26. It is always crowded with customers at meal times. Some people even had to wait outside. My uncle tells me that the key to his success is honest. (16)


语文现代文阅读能力训练一:基础辨识能力 参考答案 (一) 1海底“黑烟囱”2.逻辑顺序 3记叙、描写、说明 4比喻 5列数字、举例子、摹状貌、作比较等 (二) 1.老太太 2.明线是杉田卖菜,暗线是老太太生活日益穷困 3.交代故事发生的环境,为人物的塑造、情节的发展作好铺垫 4.“她清瘦……女人”,老太太年老体衰,变得贫穷、孤独,过着无依无靠的生活 5.好,因为“纽扣”既是文章情节发展的线索,又是小说人物命运的写照.以“纽扣”为题简要、含蓄。 (三) 1学问与智慧是相辅为用,缺一不可的 2.事实论据 3.比喻论证、对比论证 4.主运用比喻的修辞手法,使文章的论证生动形象 5.指出学问与智慧的区别,具体分析学问与智慧的关系,总结论点。 (四) 1.指心灵与他人隔膜而变得冷漠、世故。(答案不惟一,意思相近即可) 2.①——⑨⑩;第一层:叙述家人教育孩子的两件事,第二层:发表自己的感慨 3.记叙、议论;对比中外教育观念的差别,为后文作铺垫 4.在竞争中既要争做强者、力争胜利,又要对失败者、弱小者充满同情,可以举学习、生活中的例子进行分析 5.“父亲”:轻视体力劳动者,看不起下层人民;“妻子”:认为天真、善良是要吃亏的;“我”:愿孩子有一颗善良的心。(意思对即可) 6.答案不惟一,言之成理即可。

语文现代文阅读能力训练二:基本分析能力训练参考答案 (一) 1.导语部分,标题和导语都是对消息核心事实的概括,只不过导语比标题更具体详细。 2.主体部分为第②段;分两层:①②③④⑤ 3.③、④ 4.介绍三峡工程的重大意义;是消息的结语部分。 (二) 1.冰雹的形成,冰雹的分类,冰雹的预报 2.分两层;第①段为一层。总说降水的两种形态;第②③④为一层,具体解说冰雹的形成、分类以及如何预报。 3.不能颠倒,这三段依次说明冰雹的形成、分类以及预报,符合人们对事物的认识过程,顺序合理。 4.表格略 5.只要所写句子能起到承上启下的作用即可例如:冰雹的危害很大,预报冰雹就很重要 (三) 1.①②段是故事的开端,写兄弟俩偷羊受到村民的惩罚;③④⑤段是故事的发展,写其中一个兄弟尽心弥补自己所犯的错误。⑥⑦⑧段是故事的高潮和结局,写老人成了人们心中的圣徒 2.高潮在文章的最后,老人弥补了自己所犯的错误,成了人们心中的圣徒 3.所有的村民经过老人的身旁,都会停下脚步与老人说上几句话,表达他们的敬意;小孩子也会停止玩耍,给老人一个温暖的拥抱 4.这一生,他似乎是为了他人而活 5.老人是一个知错能改的人 6.人难免会犯错误,关键在于要用自己的行动来改正错误,弥补过失。(意思对即可) (四) 1.①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩ 2.文章主体部分采用并列结构,从不同角度对中心论点展开论述,且每一层都用“我现在就付诸行动”开头,构成排比 3.一切的一切毫无意义——除非我们付诸行动 4.文段以议论为主,其中不乏哲理深刻的句子,可以选择自己感受最深的语句来回答 5.这是一个自由表述题,可从语言优美、哲理深刻、结构清晰等角度选一个进行赏析。


条件分析 1甲、乙两队进行象棋对抗赛,甲队的三人是张、王、李,乙队的三人是赵、钱、孙。按照以往的比赛成绩看,张能胜钱,钱能胜李,李能胜孙,但是第一轮比赛他们都没有成为对手。第一轮比赛的对手分别是谁对谁? 2A, B, C, D四名学生猜测自己的数学成绩。 A说:“如果我得优,那么B也得优。” B说:“如果我得优,那么C也得优。” C说:“如果我得优,那么D也得优。” 结果大家都没说错,但是只有两个人得优。谁得了优? 3某校五年级三个班举行乒乓球混合双打表演,每班男女生各出一名,男生是甲、乙、丙,女生是A,B,C。规定:同班的男女生不能配对。已知: 第一盘:甲和A对丙和B; 第二盘:丙和C对甲乙的同班女生。 问:甲的同班女生是谁? 4有三对夫妇在一次聚会上相遇,他们是X,Y,Z先生和A,B,C女士,其中X先生的夫人和C女士的丈夫是初次见面,B女士的丈夫和A女士也是初次见面,Z先生认识所有的人。问:哪位先生和哪位女士是夫妇? 5甲、乙、丙三位老师分别上语文、数学、外语课。 (1)甲上课全用汉语; (2)外语老师是一个学生的哥哥; (3)丙是一位女教师,她比数学老师活泼。 问:三位老师各上什么课? 6刘刚、马辉、李强三个男孩各有一个妹妹,六个人进行乒乓球混合双打比赛。事先规定:兄妹二人不许搭伴。 第一盘:刘刚和小丽对李强和小英;

第二盘:李强和小红对刘刚和马辉的妹妹。 问:三个男孩的妹妹分别是谁? 7徐、王、陈、赵四位师傅分别是工厂的木工、车工、电工和钳工,他们都是象棋迷。 (1)木工只和车工下棋,而且总是输给车工; (2)王、陈两位师傅是邻居; (3)陈师傅与电工下棋互有胜负; (4)徐师傅比赵师傅下的好; (5)木工的家离工厂最远。 问:徐、王、陈、赵四位师傅各是什么工种? 8甲、乙、丙三位老师分别讲授数学、物理、化学、生物、语文和历史,每位老师教两门课。化学老师和数学老师住在一起,甲老师最年青,数学老师和丙老师爱下象棋,物理老师比生物老师年长、比乙老师年青,三人中最年长的老师住家比其他二位老师远。问:三位老师各自分别教哪两门课? 9甲、乙、丙、丁每人只会中、英、法、日四种语言中的两种,其中有一种语言只有一人会说。他们在一起交谈非常有趣: (1)乙不会说英语,当甲与丙交谈时,却请他当翻译; (2)甲会日语,丁不会日语,但他们却能相互交谈; (3)乙、丙、丁找不到共同会的语言; (4)没有人同时会日、法两种语言。 问:甲、乙、丙、丁各会哪两种语言? 10一天,老师让小马虎把甲、乙、丙、丁、戊的作业本带回去,他见到这五人后就一人给了一本,结果全发错了。现在知道: (1)甲拿的不是乙的,也不是丁的; (2)乙拿的不是丙的,也不是丁的; (3)丙拿的不是乙的,也不是戊的;


高考英语新主谓一致知识点易错题汇编及答案解析 一、选择题 1.Regular exercise along with proper diets____our health in the long term. A.benefits B.has benefited C.benefit D.have benefited 2.When and where we shall bulid a larger home for the aged ________ to be discussed by the local government. A.remains B.remain C.is remained D.are remaining 3.The father,along with his four children,_____hangzhou.When they will be back_____fixed. A.have gone to;isn’t B.had gone to;is not C.went to;aren’t D.has gone to;has not been 4.On arriving home from the ancient city with a high level of civilization, the archaeologist unpacked his suitcase and was greatly amazed to see the silver-plated cup and saucer _____ still in _____ good shape. A.was; a B.were; a C.was; /D.were; / 5.Every possible means ________ to prevent the air pollution, but sky is still not clear. A.is used B.are used C.have used D.has been used 6.Actually, the garden, as well as the trees around it, a man living across the street. A.is belonged to B.are belonged to C.belongs to D.belong to 7.It is reported that another new school ______ at present in the poor mountain area. A.are building B.is being built C.is building D.are being built 8.E-mail as well as telephones ______ more and more popular in daily communication. A.have become B.become C.are becoming D.is becoming 9.One-fifth of the area ________ covered with trees. About seventy percent of the trees ________ been planted recently. A.is; has B.are; have C.is; have D.are; has 10.We have decided that either you or the headmaster ______ the prize to those gifted students at the meeting tomorrow. A.is handing out B.are to hand out C.are handing out D.is to hand out 11.A great number of small power stations _____ up in their province since 1960. A.are set B.have set C.have been set D.will have been set 12._____ of the students who took part in the military training is 450. A.A number B.A lot C.A few D.The number 13.As long as there are still flames inside the museum, no one but member of the fire department ______ to go inside. A.is allowed B.has been allowed C.are allowed D.have been allowed 14.Peter, as well as my other classmates, _____ going to attend a lecture next Sunday. A.was B.is C.are D.were 15.Once environment damage ________, it takes many years for the government to recover. A.has done B.is to do C.does D.is done 16.—How can I live my dreams in a short time?


A级 1. Mr. Smith and Mrs. Smith are teacher. 2. Both coffee and beer is on sale in the shop. 3. Either the students or the teacher are to blame. 4. Not only the students but also their teacher don't know about it. 5. Mr. Green besides his sons like sports. 6. Each of the books costs five yuan. 7. More than 30 percent of the surface are covered by water. 8. A new type of machine are on show now. 9. She is one of the teacher who have been to America. 10. Four hours are enough to do the work. 11. Katia, like many other Russian girls, are nice and lively. 12. As is known to us all, remembering English words are not easy. 13. The police was looking for the murderer everywhere in the city. 14. It is the parents and their son who wants to buy the bicycle. 15.What he said at the meeting were very important to us. B级 1. The questions raised by the boy is very important. 2. The teacher and writer are her friend. 3. Tom, together with Mary and Alice, are going to swim this afternoon.


第1课文言文两则 1.我发现“之”的意思不一样,我能写出不同的意思。 (1)弈秋,通国之善弈者也。(的)(2)惟弈秋之为听。(的) (3)一人虽听之。(弈秋的教导)(4)思援弓缴而射之。(它,指天鹅) (5)虽与之俱学。(他,指前一个人)(6)弗若之矣。(他,之前一个人) 2.我发现下列带点字古今意思完全不一样,我能分别写出来。 (1)及其日中如探汤。古义:热水今义:食物煮后所得的汁水 (2)我以日始出时去人近。古义:距离今义:从所在地到别的地方 (3)孰为汝多知乎?古义:智慧今义:知识 3.请根据课文内容填空。 (1)虽与之俱学,弗若之矣。为是(其智弗若与)?曰:(非然也)。 (2)我以日始出时(去人近),而日中时(远也)。 4.请根据课文意思填空。 (1)《学弈》告诉我们(学习或做事情都应该专心致志,不可三心二意的道理,就像我们听过的《小猫钓鱼》故事告诉我们的道理一样。 (2)两小儿的问题“孔子不能决也”,反而被“两小儿笑曰:‘孰为汝多知乎?’”从这里,我们可以看出孔子是一个(实事求是、诚实谦虚)(或:知之为知之不知为不知,不知为不知,是知也)的人。(用一两个成语或一句名言表达) 5.解释加点字。 (1)通国之善弈者也。善于(2)使弈秋诲二人弈。教导 (3)思援弓缴而射之。拉、古时指带有丝绳的箭 (4)我以日始出时去人近。认为、离 (5)孔子不能决也。判断(6)孰为汝多知乎。谁、你

6.用自己的话说说下列句子的意思。 1.一人虽听之,一心以为有鸿鹄将至,思援弓缴而射之。 一个人虽然也听弈秋的教导,心里却总想着有天鹅飞过,想拉开弓箭射下它。 2.孰为汝多知乎? 谁说您多智慧呢? 3.我以日始出时去人近,而日中时远也。 我认为太阳刚出来时离人近,而到了中午时离人远。 4.此不为远者热而近者凉乎? 这不是远的热而近的就凉吗? 5.根据课文内容填空: (1)一个小孩认为“日始出时去人近”的原因是: 日出初大如车盖,及日中则如盘盂。 (2)另一个小孩认为“日初出远,而日中时近”的原因是: 日出初沧沧凉凉,及其日中如探汤。 (3)两个小孩在认识上产生分歧的最主要的原因是: 看问题的角度不同,当然结论就会大不一样,这就告诉我们对待问题要多角度去观察、思考。 8.读下面的句子,说说它们分别用了什么修辞方法。 (1)为是其智弗若与?曰:非然也。(设问) (2)日初出大如车盖,及日中则如盘盂。(比喻) (3)此不为远者小而近者大乎?(反问) (4)孰为汝多知乎?(反问)


排列 39 某铁路线共有14个客车站,这条铁路共需要多少种不同的车票? 40 有红、黄、蓝三种信号旗,把任意两面分上、下挂在旗杆上表示不同信号,一共可以组成多少种不同信号? 41 有五种颜色的小旗,任意取出三面排成一行表示各种 42(1)有五本不同的书,分别借给3名同学,每人借一本,有多少种不同的借法?(2)有三本不同的书被5名同学借走,每人最多借一本,有多少种不同的借法? 43张华、李明等七个同学照像,分别求出在下列条件下有多少种站法: (1)七个人排成一排; (2)七个人排成一排,张华必须站在中间; (3)七个人排成一排,张华、李明必须有一人站在中间; (4)七个人排成一排,张华、李明必须站在两边; (5)七个人排成一排,张华、李明都没有站在边上; (6)七个人排成两排,前排三人,后排四人; (7)七个人排成两排,前排三人,后排四人,张华、李明不在同一排。 44甲、乙、丙、丁四人各有一个作业本混放在一起,四人每人随便拿了一本。问: (1)甲拿到自己作业本的拿法有多少种? (2)恰有一人拿到自己作业本的拿法有多少种? (3)至少有一人没拿到自己作业本的拿法有多少种? (4)谁也没拿到自己作业本的拿法有多少种? 45用0,1,2,3四个数码可以组成多少个没有重复数字的四位偶数? 46用数码0,1,2,3,4,可以组成多少个小于1000的没有重复数字的自然数?

47在所有的三位数中,各位数字之和是19的数共有多少个? 48某管理员忘记了自己小保险柜的密码数字,只记得是由四个非0数码组成,且四个数码之和是9。为确保打开保险柜至少要试多少次? 49恰有两位数字相同的三位数共有多少个? 50自然数8336,8545,8782有一些共同特征,每个数都是以8开头的四位数,且每个数中恰好有两个数字相同。这样的数共有多少个? 51在1000到1999这1000个自然数中,有多少个千位、百位、十位、个位数字中恰有两个相同的数? 52从1,3,5中任取两个数字,从2,4,6中任取两个数字,共可组成多少个没有重复数字的四位数? 53从1,3,5中任取两个数字,从0,2,4中任取两个数字,共可组成多少个没有重复数字的四位数?其中偶数有多少个? 54用1,2,3,4,5这五个数码可以组成12020有重复数字的四位数,将它们从小到大排列起来,4125是第几个? 55在所有的三位自然数中,组成数字的三个数码既有大于5的数码,又有小于5的数码的自然数共有多少个? 56在前2020个自然数中,含有数码1的数有多少个? 57在前10000个自然数中,不含数码1的数有多少个? 58用1~7可以组成多少个没有重复数字,且能被11整除的七位数?


高考英语主谓一致知识点难题汇编及答案(3) 一、选择题 1.We are going to spend the Spring festival in Guangzhou, _____ my grandparents and some relatives. A.which live B.that lives C.where live D.who lives 2._____ of the students who took part in the military training is 450. A.A number B.A lot C.A few D.The number 3.We believe ________ you have been devoted to ________ naturally of great necessity. A.that; being B.all that; be C.that all; are D.what; is 4.On arriving home from the ancient city with a high level of civilization, the archaeologist unpacked his suitcase and was greatly amazed to see the silver-plated cup and saucer _____ still in _____ good shape. A.was; a B.were; a C.was; /D.were; / 5.Actually, the garden, as well as the trees around it, a man living across the street. A.is belonged to B.are belonged to C.belongs to D.belong to 6.We have decided that either you or the headmaster ______ the prize to those gifted students at the meeting tomorrow. A.is handing out B.are to hand out C.are handing out D.is to hand out 7.Please feel free to tell me if you don’t think two days’ holiday _____ enough. A.is B.was C.are D.were 8.A great number of small power stations _____ up in their province since 1960. A.are set B.have set C.have been set D.will have been set 9.As is well known, our success in life depends on our determination to grasp opportunities that ________ to us. A.present B.are presenting C.are presented D.have presented 10.— How does Jane put on so much weight? — Large quantities of fat ____ recently. A.are consumed B.is being consumed C.has been consumed D.have been consumed 11.The dictionary as well as the grammar books that ________ bookmarks in them ________ Jane. A.has; belong to B.have; belongs to C.have; is belonged to D.has; are belonged to 12.Linda, together with her brothers, _______spending the holiday in Chile when the strong earthquake broke out. A.was B.were C.is D.are 13.Tom, as well as his friends who________ football, _________very popular among the students. A.likes; are B.likes; is C.like; is D.like; are 14.The number of teenagers who commit crimes _________ 20% over the past years.


高考英语主谓一致单句改错专练 下面每个句子中有一处错误,请标出并改正。 1.There are lots of money left. 2. One thousand dollars are enough to live on. 3.Neither of the books are difficult to read. 4. The police works hard day and night for the safety of the people. 5. Three-fourths of the apple were eaten by the rat. 6. I don't think it one of the best films that has ever been shown here this year. 7. Several pairs of new shoes has been sent to the poor old woman.

8. Mathematics are the science of numbers. 9. More than one person were injured in the accident. 10. Women's position in the family have been improved as well . 11. Mary is one of the girls who is always on time. 12. What caused the accidents remain unknown. 13. The singer and the dancer is to attend our party. 14. Anyone can borrow books if he or she wish. 15. When I got back, it were already 6 p. m.

最新命题题库2005高考英语试题分项解析汇编 专题12 数词与主谓一致

最新命题题库2005高考英语试题分项解析汇编专题12 数 词与主谓一致 专题12 数词与主谓一致 third of the country ______covered with trees and the majority of the citizens_______black people. A. is; are B. is; is C. are; are D. are; is 【答案】A 【考点】考查主谓一致。 【解析】整个国家为整体,三分之一的部分当然也应用单数;而the majority of citizens 主要指人,是可数名词,此时的谓语动词用复数,表示“大多数,大部分”。 which _____ saved for other purposes. A. is B. are C. was D. were 【答案】D 【考点】考查主谓一致和时态。 【解析】定语从句中先行词是the raw materials,故定语从句应与先行词数的一致,用复数,上文时态为过去式,故选D。句意为:工厂用了这种原材料的65%,剩余部分节省出来作他用。 to loud music at rock concerts caused hearing loss in some teenagers. A. is B. are C. has D. have 【答案】C 【考点】主谓一致 【解析】根据动名词短语作主语, 句子的谓语动词用单数形式, 由此排除B、D两项, 根据主语与caused的主动关系, 排除A项 Such poets as Shakespeare widely read, of whose works, however, some difficult to understand. A. are;are B. is;is C. are;is D. is:are 【答案】A 【考点】考查主谓一致。 【解析】主句中的主语应为poets, 谓语动词用复数, 其后的非限制性定语从句的主语应为some of whose works, 谓语动词也应是复数。故选A。 is easy to recognize as she’s the only one of the women who _______ evening dress. A.wear B.wears C.has worn D.have worn 【答案】B 【考点】考查主谓一致和时态。


非谓语动词 一、区分简单句与复合句,判断式谓语动词还是非谓语动词 1.That was definitely not an attractive idea, so I politely declined her invitation, _____(close) my book and walked away. 2.We also have to consider the feeling of the person_______( receive) the gift. 3.Although he has been told many times, he still (make) the same mistake.

4.He won the first prize and (surprise) all of us. 5.With so many people (communicate) in English every day, it will become more important to have a good knowledge of English. 6.Nowadays, almost everyone_ (realize) that smoking is harmful to people’s health. 7.There (be) no bus, I had to walk home. 8. (spend) more time on your study, and you are likely to make bigger progress. 9. (spend) more time on your study is necessary for you to make progress in study. 10.He totally devoted himself to science study, which (make) his family very upset. 11.What the shop (sell) now attracts a lot of customers. 12.The belief is that everyone (depend) on themselves, and the choice they make is of great importance. 二、判定为谓语动词,则去看它在句中所起的作用--名词(主,宾,表);定语;或者状语。 考点突破 一、单句填空:用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. _____________ (walk) is a good form of exercise for both young and old. (全国)


《知识与能力训练?生物学》七年级下册参考答案 (2015年春季) 第四单元生物圈中的人 第一章人的由来第一节人类的起源和发展 基础练习 单选题:1.B 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.B 9.C 10.B 11.B 12.C 能力提高 双选题: 13. BD 14.AD 填空题: 15.达尔文森林古猿非洲、亚洲、欧洲 16.(1)树栖地面地形和气候的变化(2)前大脑制造和使用工具 (3)人类不但会使用还会制造工具 拓展练习 17.(1)①使森林古猿从树栖生活转变为地面生活;②前肢解放并使用工具。 (2)直立行走使人类的前肢解放,双手通过使用和制造工具变得更加灵活,同时促使人 类大脑越来越发达,越来越适应地面环境。 第二节人的生殖 基础练习 单选题:1.D 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.B 9.D 10.B 11.B 12.D 能力提高 双选题:13.AD 14. AC 填空题: 15.(1)B 四肢(2)脐带胎盘物质(3)不对,造成男女比例失调 (4)卵细胞显微镜蝌蚪游动 16.(1)[7]睾丸(2)[1]卵巢雌性激素(3)[3]输精管不会 拓展练习 17.(1)[2]卵巢(2)[1] 输卵管(3)[3]子宫新生命(4)胎盘和脐带(5)分娩 第三节青春期 基础练习 单选题:1.B 2.D 3.B 4.B 5.D 6.C 7.C 8.A 9.C 10.D 11.D 12.C 能力提高 双选题:13.CD 14.AD 填空题: 15.喉结增大长胡须、阴毛腋毛(或月经来潮乳房增大) 16.青春精液子宫内膜脱落,血管破裂出血 17.突增神经系统智力发展 拓展练习 18.(1)缓慢,几乎处于停滞状态(2)青春迅速发育(3)月经遗精 (4)胚胎发育的场所分泌黏液(5)b c d (6)生理心理
