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Lesson 5 The facts 确切数字

Listen to the tape then answer the question below.


What was the consequence of the editor's insistence on facts and statistics?

Editors of newspapers and magazines often go to extremes to provide their readers with unimportant facts and statistics. Last year a journalist had been instructed by a well-known magazine to write an article on the president's palace in a new African republic. When the article arrived, the editor read the first sentence and then refused to publish it. The article began: ‘Hundreds of steps lead to the high wall which surrounds the president's

palace. ’The editor at once sent the journalist a fax instructing him to find out the exact number of steps and the height of the wall.

The journalist immediately set out to obtain these important facts, but he took a long time to send them. two more faxes, but received no reply. He sent yet another fax informing the journalist that if he did not reply soon he would be fired. When the journalist again failed to reply, the editor reluctantly published the only had the poor man been arrested, but he had been sent to prison as well. However, he had at last been allowed to send a fax in which he informed the editor that he had been arrested while counting the 1,

084 steps leading to the fifteen-foot wall which surrounded the president's palace. New words and expressions生词和短语

editor(1. 1)/'edit+/ n.编辑

publish(1. 6) /'p)bli M/ v.出版

extreme(1. 1) /ik'stri:m/n.极端

fax(1. 7) /f$ks/ n.传真

statistics(1. 2) /st+'tistiks/ n.统计数字

impatient(1. 10) /im'pei M+nt/adj. 不耐烦的journalist(1. 3) /'d{*:n+list/ n.新闻记者

fire(1. 12) /'fai+/v.解雇

president(1. 4) /'prezid+nt/n.总统

originally(1. 13) /+'rid{in+li/adv.起初,原先,从前palace(1. 4) /'p$lis/ n.王宫;宏伟的住宅

Notes on the text课文注释

1 go to extremes. 走极端。

2 provide…with…作“向……提供……”解。

3 to write an article on, 写一篇有关的报道。

4 lead to …作“通往……”、“导致……”解

5 go to press, 付印。

6 Not only had the poor man been arrested, but he had been sent to prison as well. 这是 not only… but… as well 引导的并列句子,如果将not only 置于句首,后面主谓语应采取倒装结构。



记者立即出发去核实这些重要的事实,但过了好长时间不见他把数字寄来。在此期间,编辑等得不耐烦了,因为杂志马上要付印。他给记者先后发去两份传真,但对方毫无反应。于是他又发了一份传真,通知那位记者说,若再不迅速答复,将被解雇。但记者还是没有回复。编辑无奈,勉强按原样发稿了。一周之后,编辑终于接到了记者的传真。那个可怜的记者不仅被捕了,而且还被送进了监狱。不过,他终于获准发回了一份传真。在传真中他告诉编辑,就在他数通向15英尺高的总统府围墙的 1,084级台阶时,被抓了起来。

Summary writing摘要写作

In not more than 80 words describe what happened from the time the journalist set out to get the facts. Do not include anything that is not in the last paragraph.

Answer these questions in note form to get your points:

1 Did the journalist immediately set out to get the facts after receiving instructions from his editor or not?

2 Did he send them at once or not?

3 Was the editor getting impatient or not?

4 How many faxes did the editor send?

5 What did the editor threaten to do?

6 Was the last fax answered or not?

7 Was the article omitted from the magazine, or was it printed in its original form?

8 When did the journalist send a fax?

9 Why had he been imprisoned?


instructed(1. 3); well-known(1. 3); publish(1. 6); surrounds(1. 7); fired(1.

12); reluctantly(1. 12).


Describe how the journalist was arrested and what happened afterwards. Expand the following into a paragraph of about 150 words.

The journalist counted the number of steps as he… On arriving outside the main gate, he… He then… in order to measure the wall. While he was busy measuring the wall, a policeman… Though the journalist…, the policeman refused to believe him. He was arrested and sent to prison because the police thought that… When the journalist… he made things worse for himself. This proved to the police that…(69 words)

Letter writing书信写作

Write a letter of about 80 words to a friend who has recently got married. You read about the wedding in your local paper. Supply a suitable Introduction and Conclusion. Use the following ideas to write the Purneighbourhood----hope to see them soon.

Key structures关键句型

A, The and Some. (IKS 78) (参见第2册第 78课关键句型)


A Underline the words a(n) and the in the passage and note how they have been used.

B Write sentences using the following words and phrases:

1 Hudson river.

2 information.

3 cinema.

4 industry.

5 flour and milk.

6 newspaper.

Special difficulties难点

Not only had the poor man been arrested…(11. 13-14)

在英文中,如果表示否定的副词或副词词组放在句首,就必须后接“助动词+ 主语+ 句子的其他部分”。这种倒装结构特别用来加强语气。

Study these pairs of sentences:

I have never seen so many people.

新概念英语第三册第5课The facts

新概念英语第三册第5课:The facts Lesson 5 The facts 确切数字 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 What was the consequence of the editor's insistence on facts and statistics? Editors of newspapers and magazines often go to extremes to provide their reader with unimportant facts and statistics. Last year a journalist had been instructed by a well-known magazine to write an article on the president's palace in a new African republic. When the article arrived, the editor read the first sentence and then refuse to publish it. The article began: 'Hundreds of steps lead to the high wall which surrounds the president's palace'. The editor at once sent the journalist a fax instructing him find out the exact number of steps and the height of the wall. The journalist immediately set out to obtain these important facts, but he took a long time to send them Meanwhile, the editor was getting impatient, for the magazine would soon go to press. He sent the journalist two more faxes, but received no reply. He sent yet another fax informing the journalist that if he did not reply soon he would be fired. When the journalist again failed to reply, the editor reluctantly published the article as it had originally been written. A week later, the editor at last received a fax from the journalist. Not only had the poor man been arrested, but he had been sent to prison as well. However, he had at last been allowed to send a fax in which he informed the editor that the he had been arrested while counting the 1,084 steps leading to the fifteen-foot wall which surrounded the president's palace. 参考译文 报刊杂志的编辑常常为了向读者提供成立一些关紧要的事实和统计数字而走向极端。去年,一位记者受一家有名的杂志的委托写一篇关于非洲某个新成立共和国总统府的 文章。稿子寄来后,编辑看第一句话就拒绝予以发表。文章的开头是这样的:“几百级 台阶通向环绕总统的高墙。”编辑立即给那位记者发去传真,要求他核实一下台阶的 确切数字和围墙的高度。 记者立即出发去核实这些重要的事实,但过了好长时间不见他把数字寄来,在此期间,编辑等得不耐烦了,因为杂志马上要复印。他给记者先后发去两份传真,但对方 毫无反应。于是他又发了一份传真,通知那位记者说,若再不迅速答复,将被解雇。 但记者还是没有回复。编辑无奈,勉强按原样发稿了。一周之后,编辑终于接到记者


New concept English Lesson 4 The facts 确切数字 What was the consequence of the editor's insistence on facts and statistics? 编辑坚决要求的确切数据和统计数据的结果是什么? consequence,结果 insistence,坚决要求 statistics,统计数据 Editors of newspapers and magazines often go to extremes to provide their readers with unimportant facts and statistics. 报纸和杂志的编辑常常在为他们的读者提供不重要的确切数据和统计数据方面走极端 go to extremes,走极端 Last year a journalist had been instructed by a well-known magazine to write an article on the president's palace in a new African republic. 去年,一个新闻记者接到一个知名杂志的指令,写一篇关于一个新的非洲共和国的总统府的文章journalist,新闻记者 instruct,指示;命令;吩咐;教授,传授(技能等);告知;通知 When the article arrived, the editor read the first sentence and then refuse to publish it. 当文章送达,编辑读了第一个句子就拒绝刊登 publish,出版;发行;(在报刊)发表,刊登,登载;(在互联网上)发表,公布 The article began: 'Hundreds of steps lead to the high wall which surrounds the president's palace'. 文章开头:“数百级楼梯通向围绕总统府的高墙”。 lead to,通向 The editor at once sent the journalist a fax instructing him to find out the exact number of steps and the height of the wall. 编辑立刻给记者发传真,指示他查明楼梯的确切数以及墙的高度 find out,(尤指通过刻意努力)发现,找出,查明;查出……行为不轨 The journalist immediately set out to obtain these important facts, 记者马上着手获得这些重要数据 set out,着手开始(做……工作) but he took a long time to send them. 但是他花了很长时间才发出这些数据 Meanwhile, the editor was getting impatient, for the magazine would soon go to press. 同时,编辑变得不耐烦了,因为杂志马上要交付印刷了 impatient,不耐烦的


Step 1 单词都在文中标出了,大家发挥一下想象和推理能力,猜猜那些生词都是什么意思 吧。阅读中非常需要这种猜测推理能力的哦。 An unknown goddess Some time ago, an interesting discovery was made by archaeologists on the Aegean island of Kea. An American team explored a temple which stands in an ancient city on the promontory of Ayia Irini. The city at one time must have been prosperous, for it enjoyed a high level of civilization. Houses -- often three storeys high -- were built of stone. They had large rooms with beautifully decorated walls. The city was even equipped with a drainage system, for a great many clay pipes were found beneath the narrow streets. The temple which the archaeologists explored was used as a place of worship from the fifteenth century l0 B.C. until Roman times. In the most sacred room of the temple, clay fragments of fifteen statues were found. Each of these represented a goddess and had, at one time, been painted. The body of one statue was found among remains dating from the fifteenth century B'C. Its missing head happened to be among remains of the fifth century B.C. This head must have been found in Classical times and carefully preserved. It was very old and precious even then. When the archaeologists reconstructed the fragments, they were amazed to fin, that the goddess turned out to be a very modern-looking woman. She stood three feet high and her hand rested on her hips. She was wearing a full-length skirt which swept the ground. Despite her great age, she was very graceful indeed, but, so far, the archaeologists have been unable to discover her identity 不久之前,在爱琴海的基亚岛上,考古工作者有一项有趣的发现。一个美国考古队在阿伊亚?依里尼海角的一座古城里考察了一座庙宇。这座古城肯定一度很繁荣,因为它曾享有高度的文明,房子一般有 3 层楼高,用石块修建。里面房间很大,墙壁装饰华丽。城里甚至还敷设了排水系统,因为在狭窄的街道底下 发现了许许多多陶土制作的排水管道。 考古工作者考察的这座庙宇从公元前l5 世纪直至罗马时代一直是祭祀祈祷的场所。在庙中最神圣的一问 殿堂里发现了 l5 尊陶制雕像的碎片。每一尊雕像代表一位女神,而且一度上过色。其中有一尊雕像,她的 躯体是在公元前l5 世纪的历史文物中发现的,而她那身首异处的脑袋却碰巧是在公元前 5 世纪的文物中找 到的。她的脑袋一定是在古希腊罗马时代就为人所发现,并受到了精心的保护。即使在当时,它也属历史 悠久的珍奇之物。考古工作者把这些碎片重新拼装起来后,惊奇地发现那位女神原来是一位相貌十分摩登 的女郎。她身高 3 英尺.双手叉腰,身穿一条拖地长裙,尽管上了年纪,但体态确实优美。不过,考古工 作者至今未能确定这位女神的身份。 Step 2 词汇的意思都在这里了哦。看看你都猜对了么? goddess女神promontory海角drainage排水archaeologist考古学家prosperous繁荣的worship崇拜 Aegean爱琴海的civilization文明sacred宗教的explore考察storey楼层fragment碎片remains遗迹rest倚放graceful优雅的classical古文化的hip屁股identity身份reconstruct修复full-length拖地长的 Step 3特别的单词总是要特别的待遇,下面的单词最好记住,有空多练习。) 1.explore 探索to search for discovery; examine 形近词 explode 爆炸 exploit 开发 ,利用 ,剥削 expedite 加速 ,迅速的 expedition 探险词组例句 explore outer space 太空勘探 explore ancient temple 考察古庙 explore every possibilities系统地研究每一个可能性 The archaeologists are exploring the cave.


Smash-and-grab 砸橱窗抢劫 The expensive shops in a famous arcade near Piccadilly were just opening. At this time of the morning, the arcade was almost empty. Mr Taylor, the owner of a jewellery shop was admiring a new window display. Two of his assistants had been working busily since 8 o'clock and had only just finished. Diamond necklaces and rings had been beautifully arranged on a background of black velvet. After gazing at the display for several minutes, Mr Taylor went back into his shop. The silence was suddenly broken when a large car, with its headlights on and its horn blaring, roared down the arcade. It came to a stop outside the jeweler's. One man stayed at the wheel while two others with black stockings over their faces jumped out and smashed the window of the shop with iron bars. While this was going on, Mr Taylor was upstairs. He and his staff began throwing furniture out of the window. Chairs and tables went flying into the arcade. One of the thieves was struck by a heavy statue, but he was too busy helping himself to diamonds to notice any pain. The raid was all over in three minutes, for the men scrambled back into the car and it moved off at a fantastic speed. Just as it was leaving, Mr Taylor rushed out and ran after it throwing ashtrays and vases, but it was impossible to stop the thieves. They had got away with thousands of pounds worth of diamonds. Language points (Attention:The following points are may not covered by the video. It is better for you to watch the video or listen to the MP3 first and try to take notes on your own. Then you may check here to get more details. ) 1, The expensive shops in a famous arcade near Piccadilly were just opening. in a famous arcade near Piccadilly介词短语修饰shops e.g. The shoe shop in my neighborhood was just opening.我家附近的鞋店刚刚开们营业。 2, After gazing at the display for several minutes, Mr. Taylor went back into his shop. after gazing...=after he gazed... 本句运用-ing形式结构,表明其逻辑主语要和主句的主语是一致的。


Lesson 5 The facts 确切数字 欧阳家百(2021.03.07) Listen to the tape then answer the question below. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 What was the consequence of the editor's insistence on facts and statistics? Editors of newspapers and magazines often go to extremes to provide their readers with unimportant facts and statistics. Last year a journalist had been instructed by a well-known magazine to write an article on the president's palace in a new African republic. When the article arrived, the editor read the first sentence and then refused to publish it. The article began: ‘Hundreds of steps lead to the high wall which surrounds the president's palace. ’The editor at once sent the journalist a fax instructing him to find out the exact number of steps and the height of the wall. The journalist immediately set out to obtain these important facts, but he took a long time to send them. two more faxes, but received no reply. He sent yet another fax informing the journalist that if he did not reply soon he would be fired. When the journalist again failed to reply,


Hello everybody, today we will come to lesson 5, The Facts, a humorous story about an editor and a journalist. 大家好,今天我们要讲的是第五课,《确切数字》,一个关于一位编辑和记者的幽默故事。 §Lesson 5 The facts 确切数字 let’s first go through new words and expressions.先看看单词和语法。请大家跟我念: 【New words and expressions】生词和短语 ◆editor n. 编辑 ◆extreme n. 极端 ◆statistics n. 统计数字 ◆journalist n. 新闻记者 ◆president n. 总统 ( ◆palace n.王宫;宏伟的住宅 ◆publish v. 出版 ◆fax n. 传真 ◆impatient adj. 不耐烦的 ◆fire v. 解雇 ◆originally adv. 起初,原先,从前 这里我们要重点讲几个单词和词组。 ★editor n. 编辑 edit vt. 编辑 ( edition n.编辑,版本 editorial adj. 编辑的,主编的;n. 社论,评论invent vt. 发明 inventor n. 发明家 visit vt. 拜访 visitor n. 拜访者 ★extreme n. 极端adj. 极端的extremely adv.极端地 go to extreme(s) to do 走极端 Eg: He went to extreme to say that the play was the best one.他很极端地说这部剧是最好的。 & go too far做得过火,走极端,走太远 Don’t go too far or you will get lost. 别走太远,你会迷路的。 You went too far! 你做得太过分了。 go so far as to 竟然到……的地步,甚至 She wouldn’t go so far as to refuse to attend school. ★journalist n. 新闻记者 journalist 新闻工作者,以新闻工作为职业的人 A journalist collects and distributes news and other information. 他们的主要职责是收集并发布新闻及其它信息。 { 根据不同情境,新闻工作者可以包含各种类型的工作人员,如编辑、作家、专栏作家等。 reporter 新闻故事的作者、调查者或主持人,泛称记者 A reporter is a type of journalist who researches, writes, and reports on information to be presented in mass media, including print media (newspapers and magazines), electronic media (television, radio, documentary film), and digital media (such as online journalism).通讯员是记者的一类,负责印刷、电子及数字媒体等大众媒体信息的调查、编写并报道。correspondent 记者,通讯员,被报社或广播媒介雇佣用来提供新闻故事或文章的人,一般是驻外的。全球最大的通讯员网络是德国的ard和英国的bbc。 而且correspondent相对于reporter的写实来说更具有主观性,比如在英国,correspondent一般指在某方面有专业经验的,如最常见的war correspondent,战事通讯员,reporter则没有专向性的,一般是给什么题材报什么题材。 ★publish v. 出版 Eg: They have already published the magazine. = print vt. ! Eg: the book has already been published. The book has gone to press. ★fax n. 传真 send a fax ★impatient adj. 不耐烦的 patient adj. 有耐心的n. 病人 be patient with The doctor is very patient with his patients.这位医生对他的病人十分耐心。 & patiently adv. 有耐心地 impatient adj. 不耐烦的 impatiently adv. 不耐烦地 patience n. impatience n. ★fire v. 解雇 He was fired from his job. 他被解雇了。 dismiss (正式) The manager disissed him from his company.他经理把他辞退了。 } sack(俚语) vt. 解雇,辞退 Eg: If you do it wrong again you will be sacked. 如果你再做错你就走人。 ★originally adv. 起初,原先,从前 original adj. ok, now we finished the words and expressions, then we can come to the passage. However, I wouldn’t suggest u guys to read the passage first, instead, I suggest you read the questions first. 单词讲完了,现在我们来听听文章。虽然大学平时在学习过程中多数的习惯是先看或听文章再做题,但在实际的考试过程中,为了节省答题时间以及加快阅读或听力时对文章的理解,我建议先看题再看文章。现在让我们先看看

新概念英语第三册lesson 5 The facts课文翻译

新概念英语第三册lesson 5 The facts课文翻译 What was the consequence of the editor's insistence on facts and statistics? Editors of newspapers and magazines often go to extremes to provide their readers with unimportant facts and statistics. Last year a journalist had been instructed by a well-known magazine to write an article on the president's palace in a new African republic. When the article arrived, the editor read the first sentence and then refused to publish it. The article began: 'Hundreds of steps lead to the high wall which surrounds the president's palace.' The editor at once sent the journalist a fax instructing him to find out the exact number of steps and the height of the wall. The journalist immediately set out to obtain these important facts, but he took a long time to send them. Meanwhile, the editor was getting impatient, for the magazine would soon go to press. He sent the journalist two more faxes, but received no reply. He sent yet another fax informing the journalist that if he did not reply soon he would be fired. When the journalist again failed to reply, the editor reluctantly published the article as it had originally been written. A week later, the editor at last received a fax from the journalist. Not only had the poor man been arrested, but he had been sent to prison as well. However, he had at last been allowed to send a fax in which he informed the editor that he had been arrested while counting the 1084 steps leading to the 15-foot wall which surrounded the president's palace.


新概念英语第三册课后练习答案第5课 Multiple choice questions 多项选择 1… C excuse n.理由, 借口 beyond prep.除…以外 satisfy vt.满足, 使满意 dissatisfy vt.使感觉不满, 不满足 factual adj.事实的, 实际的 content n.内容 2… B 3... A activity n.行动, 行为 / suspicious adj.可疑的, 怀疑的 4… B 课文中的and then强调动作的先后。 -- Having seen the movie, they went for a walk. 6... D a reply表示“任意”的一个答复 7... B? unless = if?not 一般过去时

8… C inform sb of/about sth 9… C pu blic n.公众, (特定的)人群 audience n.听众, 观众 lecture n.演讲 10… B print = publish press n.压, 按 go to press 交付印刷 pressing adj.紧迫的;迫切的 impress vt.盖印, 留下印象 11... D innocent adj.清白的, 无罪的, 天真的, 无知的unfortunate adj.不幸的 12...D 请求允许做某事:ask?for?permission?to?do?sth 允许某人做某事:be?given?permission?to?do?sth admit + 名词/动名词/that从句


Lesson5 MR. BLAKE: Good morning. STUDENTS: Good morning, Mr. Blake. MR. BLAKE: This is Miss Sophie Dupont. Sophie is a new student. She is French. MR. BLAKE: Sophie, this is Hans. He is German. HANS: Nice to meet you. MR. BLAKE: And this is Naoko. She's Japanese. NAOKO: Nice to meet you. MR. BLAKE: And this is Chang-woo. He's Korean. CHANG-WOO: Nice to meet you. MR. BLAKE: And this is Luming. He is Chinese. LUMNG: Nice to meet you. MR. BLAKE: And this is Xiaohui. She's Chinese, too. XIAOHUI: Nice to meet you. 布莱克先生:早上好。 学生:早上好,布莱克先生。 布莱克先生:这位是索菲娅·杜邦小姐。 索菲娅是个新学生。 她是法国人。 布莱克先生:索菲娅,这位是汉斯。 他是德国人。 汉斯:很高兴见到你。 布莱克先生:这位是直子。 她是日本人。 直子:很高兴见到你。 布莱克先生:这位是昌宇。 他是韩国人。 昌宇:很高兴见到你。 布莱克先生:这位是鲁明。 他是中国人。 鲁明:很高兴见到你。 布莱克先生:这位是晓惠。 她也是中国人。 晓惠:很高兴见到你。

新概念英语第三册第5课听力:The facts

新概念英语第三册第5课听力:The facts Lesson 5 The facts 确切数字 Listen to the tape then answer the question below. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 What was the consequence of the editor's insistence on facts and statistics? Editors of newspapers and magazines often go to extremes to provide their reader with unimportant facts and statistics. Last year a journalist had been instructed by a well-known magazine to write an article on the president's palace in a new African republic. When the article arrived, the editor read the first sentence and then refuse to publish it. The article began: 'Hundreds of steps lead to the high wall which surrounds the president's palace'. The editor at once sent the journalist a fax instructing him find out the exact number of steps and the height of the wall. The journalist immediately set out to obtain these important facts, but he took a long time to send them Meanwhile, the editor was getting impatient, for the magazine would soon go to press. He sent the journalist two more faxes, but received no reply. He sent yet another fax informing the journalist that if he did not reply soon he would be fired. When the journalist again failed to reply, the editor reluctantly published the article as it had originally been written. A week later, the editor at last received a fax from the journalist. Not only had the poor man been arrested, but he had been sent to prison as well. However, he had at last



Lesson 5 The facts 确切数字 Listen to the tape then answer the question below. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 What was the consequence of the editor's insistence on facts and statistics? Editors of newspapers and magazines often go to extremes to provide their readers with unimportant facts and statistics. Last year a journalist had been instructed by a well-known magazine to write an article on the president's palace in a new African republic. When the article arrived, the editor read the first sentence and then refused to publish it. The article began: ‘Hundreds of steps lead to the high wall which surrounds the president's palace. ’The editor at once sent the journalist a fax instructing him to find out the exact number of steps and the height of the wall. The journalist immediately set out to obtain these important facts, but he took a long time to send them. two more faxes, but received no reply. He sent yet another fax informing the journalist that if he did not reply soon he would be fired. When the journalist again failed to reply, the editor reluctantly published the only had the poor man been arrested, but he had been sent to prison as well. However, he had at last been allowed to send a fax in which he informed the editor that he had been arrested while counting the 1, 084 steps leading to the fifteen-foot wall which surrounded the president's palace. New words and expressions生词和短语 editor(1. 1)/'edit+/ n.编辑 publish(1. 6) /'p)bli M/ v.出版 extreme(1. 1) /ik'stri:m/n.极端


Editors of newspapers and magazines often go to extremes to provide their reader with unimportant facts and statistics状语. Last year a journalist had been instructed by a well-known magazine to write an article on the president's palace in a new African republic主补. When the article arrived, the editor read the first sentence and then refuse to publish it. The article began: 'Hundreds of steps lead to the high wall which surrounds the president's palace定语'. The editor at once sent the journalist a fax instructing him find out the exact number of steps and the height of the wall状语. The journalist immediately set out to obtain these important facts, but he took a long time to send them.Meanwhile, the editor was getting impatient, for the magazine would soon go to press. He sent the journalist two more faxes, but received no reply. He sent yet another fax informing the journalist that if he did not reply soon he would be fired状语. When the journalist again failed to reply, the editor reluctantly published the
