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(考试范围: 至牛津初中英语8下 Unit4)





A) 听下面10段对话。每段对话后有1个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳


1. Which sign didn’t the woman notice?


2. What does David need?






5. What is the woman worried?

A. It will be too hot.

B. They will leave too early.

C. There will be too many people if they don’t leave early.

6. How much did the woman pay for all those things?

A. 25 yuan.

B. 18 yuan.

C. 32 yuan.

7. What does Betty spend her money on now?

A. Clothes.

B. Shoes.

C. Books.

8. Who thinks diving is more exciting?

A. Diana.

B. Betty.

C. Ricky.

9. Why is the woman against the plan?

A. Because the plan is necessary.

B. Because the shoe factory will bring a lot of money.

C. Because the environment will be harmed(损伤).

10. What does the woman mean?

A. She has enough notes for both of them.

B. She has another pen for him.

C. She herself has no more pens.

B) 听对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选


11. Where is the man going?

A. To the city library.

B. To the railway station.

C. To the new park.

12. Why can’t the man find his place?

A. This is his first time to come here.

B. He has a wrong map.

C. Things have changed a lot.


13. A. Two B. Three C. Four

14. A. at 5:00 B. at 4:30 C. at


15. A. near the door B. next to the window

C. by the flower table


16. Why is a bicycle sometimes better than a car in

the town?

A. It has a basket at the front.

B. It is much cheaper

than a car. C. It is often faster than a car.

17. Who can the speaker take to school and the library

by bicycle?

A. Her little son.

B. Her little daughter.

C. Her husband.

18. In which season does the speaker use her bike most?

A. In summer.

B. In winter.

C. In autumn.

19. When does the speaker’s husband use the bicycle?

A. When he goes for a picnic.

B. When he goes to his office.

C. When he goes to see his friends.

20.What can we learn from what the speaker said?

A. Riding saves her a lot of money.

B. Riding is good for her daily life and her health.

C. Riding is her favourite sport.


从A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

21. _________ a long history, Nanjing is famous _________ its

natural and cultural sights.

A. With; as

B. For; for

C. For; as

D. With; for

22. --- _________ your father to drink coffee?

--- Yes, but he has been used to _________ milk now.

A. Use; drink

B. Used; drink

C. Used; drinking

D. Use;


23. --- Where is your father?

--- He _________ Australia and he _________ Sydney for two weeks.

A. has been to; has been in

B. has gone to; has been in

C. has been in; has been to

D. has gone to; has been to

24. If you go to London by air, you’d better _________a place

ticket early on the Internet.

A. look

B. order

C. book

D. find

25. --- Must I return the dictionary today?

--- No, you _________. You _________ keep it until next week.

A. mustn’t; can

B. don’t have to; can

C. needn’t;

should D. don’t have to; should

26. The reporter’s alread y back from Malaysia safely,

_________ he?

A. is

B. hasn’t

C. has

D. isn’t

27. --- How do you like Hanhan’s books?

--- _________. I fell asleep while reading them.

A. Exciting

B. Excited

C. Boring

D. Bored

28. --- Would you like to tell me something about Jiangsu?

--- All right. Jiangsu is _________ thirteen big cities.

A. made up of

B. made from

C. made with

D. made into

29. The computer rooms in your school are much larger than

_________ in our school.

A. it

B. that

C. ones

D. those

30. --- I think Jurassic World is the best film this summer.

--- _________. I have never seen a better one before.

A. I can’t agree more

B. I don’t think so

C. I am

afraid not D. I hope so




An old man lived in a nice house with a large garden. He took care of his

31 all the time, watering and fertilizing(施肥)them.

One day a young man went by, amazed at the beautiful flowers. He even began to imagine(想象) how 32 he could be if he lived in such a beautiful place. Then, suddenly he found the old gardener was 33 . He was very surprised about it and asked, “34you can’t see these flowers, why are you busy taking care of them every day?”

The old man smiled and said, “I can tell you four 35 . First, I was a gardener when I was young, and I really like this job. Second, although I can’t see these flowers, I can touch them. That’s another kind of feeling lives. Third, I can smell the sweetness of them. As to t he last one, that’s 36.”

“Me? But you don’t know me.” said the young man.

“Yeah, it’s 37that I don’t know you. But I know that flowers are angels that everybody knows. We enjoy the happiness these flowers have brought us.”

The blind man’s work opened our eyes and 38 our hearts, which also made his life happier. It was just like Beethoven, who became deaf(耳聋的) in his later life and wrote many great musical works. Beethoven himself couldn’t 39 his wonderful music, but his music has 40 millions of people to face their difficulties bravely. Isn’t it one kind of happiness?

31. A. flowers B. trees C. vegetables

D. grass

32. A. moved B. happy C. funny D.


33. A. blind B. famous C. smart D.


34. A. Because B. Since C. For D.


35. A. stories B. reasons C. excuses D.


36. A. me B. you C. my mother

D. my son

37. A. true B. hard C. cool D.


38. A. broke B. hurt C. pleased D.


39. A. write B. hear C. play D.


40. A. changed B. let C. encouraged

D. made

四、阅读理解(共12小题;每小题1.5分, 满分18分)



We asked you to share a funny, unusual, brave or loving thing that your pet has done. Here are just a few we received.

Every time I go outside, my chicken is looking out of the window of their

“room”. When I go to feed the chickens, she makes a funny sound and all the chickens go to the door for the food.

--- Sarah

I have a cat named Timmy. Every morning when my mum drinks her coffee, he will jump up onto the table, jump down into my mum’s legs, and try to drink the coffee in her cup.

--- Allison Milkshake is the best rabbit in the world. He is friendly and loves doing tricks. Once, just when my grandma had a stroke, he quickly ran to me and then into my grandma’s bedroom. So I called 911. It was my rabbit that saved my grandma!

I also entered him in a Best Pet Competition, thinking he would win. But he failed. Even though Milkshake didn’t win, he taught me to always do my best.

--- Rosie Once, my pet cat jumped onto a car and hugged the luggage rack(行李架). The driver didn’t know it. She drove all the way down the road until another car behind her honked(按喇叭). People walking by were looking at her funny action. She stopped and got the cat down and brought him home.

--- James

41. When does Sarah’s chicken make a funny sound?

A. When Sarah goes outside.

B. When Sarah goes back home.

C. When Sarah goes to feed the chickens.

D. When Sarah

goes to play with the chickens.

42. What is TRUE about James’s cat?

A. He likes drinking coffee.

B. He once helped Rosie’s grandma.

C. He hid himself in the driving room.

D. He experienced an exciting car


43. What does the word “stroke” proba bly stand for?

A. A walk.

B. An illness.

C. A tool.

D. A ride.

44. Where is the passage probably from?

A. A notice.

B. A novel.

C. A magazine.

D. A



The Great Fire of London started in the very early hours of September 2nd, 1666. In four days it destroyed(破坏) more than three-quarters of the old city, where most of the houses were wooden and close together. One hundred thousand people became homeless, but only a few lost their lives.

The fire started on Sunday morning in the house of the king’s baker (面

包师) in Pudding Lane. The baker, with his wife and family, was able to get out through a window in the roof. A strong wind blew the fire from the bakery into

a small hotel next door. Then it spread(蔓延) quickly into Thames Street. That was the beginning.

By eight o’clock three hundred houses were on fire. On Monday nearly a kilometer of the city was burning along the River Thames. Tuesday was the worst day. The fire destroyed many well-known buildings, old St. Paul’s and the Guildhall among them.

Samuel Pepys, the famous writer, wrote about the fire. People threw their things

into the river. Many poor people stayed in their houses until the last moment. Birds fell out of the air because of the heat.

The fire stopped only when the king finally ordered people to destroy hundreds of buildings in the path of the fire. With nothing left to burn, the fire became weak and finally died out. After the fire, Christopher Wren, the architect (建

筑师), wanted a city with wider streets and fine new houses of stone. In fact, the streets are still narrow; but he did build more than fifty churches, among them new St. Paul’s.

The fire caused great pain and loss, but after it London was a better place:

a city for the future and not just of the past.

45. It seems that the writer of the text was most sorry for

the fact that _________.

A. some people lost their lives

B. the birds in the sky were killed

by the fire

C. many famous buildings were destroyed

D. the king’s

bakery was burned down

46. Why did the writer cite (引用) Samuel Pepys?

A. Because Pepys was among those putting out the fire.

B. Because Pepys also wrote about the fire.

C. To show that poor people suffered(遭受) most.

D. To give the reader a clearer picture of the fire.

47. How was the fire put out according to the text?

A. The king and his soldiers came to help.

B. People pulled down houses standing in the direction of the fire.

C. People managed to get enough water from the river.

D. All the wooden houses in the city were destroyed.

48. Which of the following is TRUE according tot he passage?

A. The Great Fire of London ended on September 4th, 1666.

B. Many birds were burned in the fire because they couldn’t fly away in time.

C. The King’s baker caused the great fire.

D. No loss, no gain. London became a better place because of the great fire.


Once there was a piano player in a bar. People came just to hear him play. But one night, a lady asked him to sing a song.

“I don't sing.” said the man.

Bu t the lady told the waiter, “I'm tired of listening to the piano. I want the player to sing!”

The waiter shouted across the room, “Hey, friend! If you want to get paid, sing a song!”

So he did. He had never sung in public before. Now he was singing for the very first time! Nobody had ever heard the song Mona Lisa sung so beautifully!

He had talent(天赋) that he was sitting on! He may have lived the rest of his life as a no-name piano player in a no-name bar. But once he found, by accident, that he could sing well, he went on working hard and became one of the best-known singers in the US. His name was Nat King Cole.

You, too, have skills, abilities and talent. You may not find it or feel your

talent is little, but it may be greater than you think. With hard work, most skills can be improved. However, you may have no success at all, if you just sit on your talent.

49. The lady asked the player to sing a song because


A. she had paid him for this

B. she

knew him very well

C. she wanted to have a change

D. she enjoyed

his singing

50. Nat King Cole succeeded because _________.

A. the lady helped him a lot

B. he caught

the chance(机会)

C. he continued to play in the bar

D. he

stopped playing the piano

51. The phrase “sit on” in the passage probably mean s


A. fail to realize

B. forget to use

C. try to

develop D. manage to show

52. Which could be the best title for the passage?

A. Sing in the Bar

B. Become

Successful in Life

C. Never Lose Heart

D. Find

Your Hidden Talent

五、任务型阅读(共5小题;每小题1分, 满分5分)


Dear Nick,

Do you like to shop on the Internet? I like to buy books online.

The price is usually lower. When I want to know something about a book, I write an email to the online shop for an answer. I am shy. It is difficult for me to talk to the shopkeepers in real shops.

Sometimes online shops have pictures of the book. They can show you some pages of the book too. I think this is very helpful. Besides, I can shop at midnight if I want to. Real shops close at nine in the evening. Some people worry that the postman may lose or damage(破坏)the things they buy from online shops, but I don’t worry about that. I think it is hard to damage a book and my postman is very careful.

Some people say that shopping is good because you can go with your friends and look at many different things. They call it window shopping. I don’t have any friends and I don’t like to talk too much — it makes me tired.

I am teaching my grandmother how to shop online. She cannot walk very far so it will make shopping easy for her if she shops online. My brother wants to learn how to do it too. He is very busy most of the time. When he has a little free time, he can shop online.

What do you think of online shopping?

Your friend,



第一卷 (共63分)






53. 54. 55.56. 57.


六、词汇运用(共10小题;每小题1分, 满分10分)

(A) 根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空

58. The skirt may be one of these

_____________ (work).

59. I don’t like this apple pie because

it looks much _____________ (ugly).

60. Do you know Hainan is in the

_____________ (south) part of our country?

61. Could you give us some _____________

(advise) on learning English?

62. Jack’s always dreaming of

travelling around the _____________ (Europe) countries.

(B) 根据句意及所给汉语提示完成单词拼写

63. Listen! The rain is beating

_____________ (撞) the window, making a loud sound.

64. ---You mean somebody in this room

must be the thief. --- _____________ (正是).

65. _____________ (知识) of the past is

very important for us to learn more about today.

66. It is amazing to know that the cows

have three more _____________ (胃) than humans.

67. The young couple have been to

several countries since they _____________ (结婚) .

七、请用所给动词的适当形式填空(共6小题;每小题1分, 满分6分)

68. This morning, the Greens

____________(fix) the pipe, but I am not sure if they have completed it.

69. ---You mustn’t swim in the river.

C an’t you see the sign?

--- Sorry, I _____________ (not see) it.

70. Look! The snow ___________ (stop).

Let’s go outside to make a snowman.

71. --- Have you taken the medicine yet? --- Yes. I _____________ (take) it this morning.

72. _____________ (relax) after a

day’s hard work, he usually goes for a walk in the park.

73. I feel a little cold. Do you mind

_____________ (close) the windows?

八、句子翻译(共6小题;每小题1.5分, 满分9分)

74. 格林先生去国外出差两周半了吗?

_____________ Mr.


75. 在因特网的帮助下,人们的生活条件改


With the help of the Internet, ______________________________________________________.

76. 你花了多长时间把这篇文章译成法语的?

How long ________________________________ the article ____________________________?

77. 自从他离开家乡后我就没有听说过他的消息。

I _________________________________________ since _____________________________.

78. 我想知道如何与我德国的朋友保持联系。

I want to know__________________________________________________________________.

79. 众所周知,梵高直到去世后才出名。

As we all know, Van Gogh ________________________________________________________.






Last week, we held a class meeting. In the meeting, we talked about how to spend the weekend meaningfully.

____________________________________________________________________________ (10 词)

____________________________________________________________________________ (20 词)

____________________________________________________________________________ (30 词)

____________________________________________________________________________ (40 词)

____________________________________________________________________________ (50 词)

____________________________________________________________________________ (60 词)

____________________________________________________________________________ (70 词)

____________________________________________________________________________ (80 词)

____________________________________________________________________________ (90 词)

___________________________________________________________________________( 100 词)

___________________________________________________________________________( 110 词)

2018 人教版八年级英语下册期末测试卷(含答案)

人教版八年级英语下册期末测试卷 1.本试卷共10页。满分120分,考试时间120分钟。 2.请用钢笔或圆珠笔直接答在试卷上。 3.答卷前请将密封线内的项目填写清楚。 一、 听力理解(20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 第一节听对话,选出正确答案。(5分) 1. Which floor does Mary live on? A. On the fourteenth floor. B. On the twelfth floor. C. On the tenth floor 2. What’s the date tomorrow? A. February 29 B. February 28 C. March 1 3.What’s Jim’s favourite subject? A. English B. Chemistry C. History 4.What was wrong with the woman ? A. She had a cough. B.She had a headache. C. She felt cold. 5. How much did Peter spend on all the things? A. 50 yuan B. 15 yuan C. 35.yuan. 第二节 听下面几段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并将其标号填入题前括号内。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第6至第7两个小题。 6. Where does the woman want to go? A. The Police Station. B. The English Corner. C. Center Street. 7. In which direction(方向) does the woman have to turn at the next corner? A. To the right. B. To the left. C. To the south. 听下面一段对话,回答第8至第10三个小题。 8. Who are the two speakers? A. Husband and wife. B. Teacher and student. C. Shopkeeper and buyer. 9. What colour trousers did he buy? A. Black trousers. B. Brown trousers. C. White trousers. 10. How much are the trousers? A . $ 45. B. $35. C. $46.

人教版初二英语下册 练习题

2018人教版初二英语下册第一单元练习题 一、完成下列短语。 感冒胃痛躺下看牙医 量体温做X-光检测在周末玩电脑游戏 休息几次去看医生在路边下车 等待幸亏及时立刻 惹麻烦下次摔倒回家 休息流鼻血在……上敷药 使……惊讶的对……感兴趣被打伤/晒伤 因为冒险切除 离开患有心脏病考虑二.填空 1There are too many children ____( 咳嗽)in her class today 2Ben is ___(躺)-on the grass and enjoying the sunshine. 3Everyone has two ____(脚) 4If you have a _____(胃疼),you should not eat anything 5A few ____(乘客)got on the bus just now 6The traffic lights are ____(控制)by a central computer 7My sister is a ____(.护士)She works in a hospital. 8Lucy often plays tennis to relax ____(她自己)after school you take _________(you ) temperature ? 10. If you cut yourself , you should _________(put ) some medicine on it . ______(get ) off and helped the blind man cross the road . (thank ) to Mr Wang and the passengers , the doctors saved the man in time . Mary cut ________(she) ? Yes , she did . 14. To ________(he) surprise , great changes have taken place in China three years . 15.—Do I need ________(see) a doctor?—No. You needn’t ________(see) a doctor. 16. Mr Green _______(leave)here a moment ago. teenagers are afraid of ______(take) risks which is not good for their future . 18. Doctors often tell us___________(drink) more water every day. 19.. Could you give me some _____________ ( advice ) about my math? 20. ________(not eat)too much tofu. 21. It’s important for us _____________ ( keep ) in good health. 22. After that, ,Aron climbed down the mountain ______(find ) help . 23. I have a _____________ ( tooth ). I have to see the dentist. 24. He was not ready _______(die) that day . 25. I brush my _____________ ( tooth ) every morning and night. 26. I don’t feel _____________ ( good ). I think I have a cold. 27. Jack hurt his back ________(play) football (make ) good decisions is extremely important when we are in danger . are ________ (surprise) at the news. 30The old man lived in the house _________ (die ) on a cold night. used to be a good doctor. He saved many _________(life) kept on ______ (work) though his leg hurt. 33No one can be successful ___________ (with) hard work. 二、选择题。 1.I guess Peter and his sister Sally enjoyed __________ at the dancing party. A. myself B. himself C. herself D. themselves 2. I’m feeling much better now so you ____________ call the doctor. A. needn’t B. shouldn’t C. can’t D. wouldn’t 3. Linda bought a house___________ a swimming pool. A. on B. in C. with D. from 4. ---Emma failed her exams. I think she should work harder. --- I agree. _________she does, she’ll get good grades. A. If B. Because C. Before D. Though 5. --- It’s too cold today. --- Yes, why don’t you __________ your coat? A. put on B. put up C. take off D. get on 6. I got up too late this morning so I went to school _________ breakfast. A. without B. through C. by D. for 7. ---- Were you at home at 9:00 last night? I called you but nobody answered. ----- Sorry, I _________ a shower at that time. A. take B. took C. was taking D. am taking 8. You have to leave now_________- so that you can catch the early bus. A. so that B. as soon as C. because D. although 9. I’ m really ______________ all the time and I don’t have enough time to rest. A. happy B. busy C. excited D. relaxed 10. She’ outgoing. She never minds ______ to a boy. A. speak B. spoke C. speaking D. to open 11. Mr. Li asks the students ____________ in the river, because it’s too dangerous. A. swim B. to swim C. not to swim D. to not swim


初二英语水平测试题 一.按要求写出下列各词的相应形式(共10小题,每小题3分,共30分) 1.old (反义词) 2.was not (缩略形式) 3. brush (复数) 4. play (单三人称) 5.go (过去式) 6.shop (现在分词) 8五月(汉译英)9在家(汉译英)10.life (英译汉)二、单项选择(共10小题,每小题3分,计30分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入句中空白处的最佳答案。 ( )1. —Why are you in such a hurry, Mike? —There_______ a friendly basketball match in ten minute s. A. is going to have B. will have C. will be D. are going to ( )2. T om is too short the leaves on the tree. A. to reaching B. to reach C. reaching D. not to reach ( )3. —Our school basketball team won the match. —_______ exciting news! A. What B. How a C. What an D. How ( )4. —Daniel, remember to turn of the lights before leaving the classroom. —________. A.Yes, please B. It's hard to say C. OK, I will ( )5. —Shall we go camping this weeken d ? —_______. I will see my grandparents in my hometown. A. I think so B. I'm afraid so C. I'd like to D. I'm afraid not ( )6. —Could you teach me how to search the information on the Internet ?


第二学期期中质量调研 八年级英语试题 (考试范围: 至牛津初中英语8下 Unit4) 注意事项:1.本试卷共10页,满分100分。考试时间90分钟。 2.请将答案全部填写在第7—10页的答题纸上,在1—6页上答题无效。 第一卷(共63分) 一、听力(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) A) 听下面10段对话。每段对话后有1个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳 选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。 1. Which sign didn’t the woman notice? A B C 2. What does David need? A B C 3. A B C 4. A B C 5. What is the woman worried? A. It will be too hot. B. They will leave too early. C. There will be too many people if they don’t leave early. 6. How much did the woman pay for all those things? A. 25 yuan. B. 18 yuan. C. 32 yuan.

7. What does Betty spend her money on now? A. Clothes. B. Shoes. C. Books. 8. Who thinks diving is more exciting? A. Diana. B. Betty. C. Ricky. 9. Why is the woman against the plan? A. Because the plan is necessary. B. Because the shoe factory will bring a lot of money. C. Because the environment will be harmed(损伤). 10. What does the woman mean? A. She has enough notes for both of them. B. She has another pen for him. C. She herself has no more pens. B) 听对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选 出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟。听完后,每小题你仍有5秒钟的时间来选择你认为最合适的答案。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第一段对话,回答第11—12小题。 11. Where is the man going? A. To the city library. B. To the railway station. C. To the new park. 12. Why can’t the man find his place? A. This is his first time to come here. B. He has a wrong map. C. Things have changed a lot. 听第二段对话,完成信息记录表第13—15小题。 13. A. Two B. Three C. Four 14. A. at 5:00 B. at 4:30 C. at 5:30 15. A. near the door B. next to the window C. by the flower table 听第三段独白,回答第16—20小题 16. Why is a bicycle sometimes better than a car in the town? A. It has a basket at the front. B. It is much cheaper than a car. C. It is often faster than a car. 17. Who can the speaker take to school and the library by bicycle? A. Her little son. B. Her little daughter. C. Her husband. 18. In which season does the speaker use her bike most? A. In summer. B. In winter. C. In autumn. 19. When does the speaker’s husband use the bicycle? A. When he goes for a picnic. B. When he goes to his office.


八年级英语期末测试卷 注意事项: 1.本试卷满分120分,考试时间120分钟。 2.请用钢笔或圆珠笔直接答在试卷上。 题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 总分 分数 评卷人 一、 单项选择(20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 从A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,将其标号填入题前括号内。 ( )1.Those terrible things happened _______ me again. A.to B.in C.on D.with ( )2. ---Have you ever been back to place where you were born,Ma Yun --- No, It ’s shame, but I ’m too busy with my work all the time. A. a;a B.a;the C.the;a D.the;an ( )3.How ________the result is! We can ’t believe it. A.amazing B.interested C.difficult D.annoyed ( )4.________ of them is good at English,but they both do well in Chinese. A.Both B.Neither C.Each D.All ( )5.We must work harder next term. There will be ________ subjects, so we will_______ time for each subject. A.less;more B.less;less C.more;less D.more;fewer ( )6.Those boys broke Mr Read ’s window.When they saw Mr Read get out of his house, they ________at once. A.climbed up B.took away C. ran away D.called back ( )7.There is ________meat in the fridge(冰箱),is there Let ’s go to buy some. A.a little B.a few C.little D.few ( )8.—Can I go to the party with you —Of course you can.________you go,I am sure you will make some new friends. 得分 评卷人


人教版八年级下册英语测试题附答案 文件编码(008-TTIG-UTITD-GKBTT-PUUTI-WYTUI-8256)

Ⅴ.单项选择。(15分) ( )21.Thomas Edison invented ________ light bulb (灯泡).He was ________ unusual man. A.a;a B.an;the C.the;an D.a;/ ( )22.Most of my friends have heard _____ this piece of news.Only a few don't know about it. A.on B.at C.of D.to ( )23.—Which ________ do you come from—Hubei. A.country B.city C.town D.province ( )24.The baby lion ________ can catch a chicken. A.it B.its C.itself D.it's ( )25.________ she comes,she always brings a friend. A.Because B.Although C.So D.Whenever ( )26.Alexander Bell ________ the telephone in 1876. A.invented B.discovered C.found out D.looked for ( )27.I've ________ seen Tina,so I am sorry I can't recognize (认出) her. A.never B.already C.ever D.either ( )28.—What do you ________ most—I'm afraid of snakes very much. A.like B.argue C.fear D.beat


广州市西关外国语实验学校 2015学年度第一学期初二英语开学测试题 一、单项选择(共50小题, 每小题0.5分,满分25分) 1. Could you please give some________ to the ________teachers? A.advice; man B.advices; men C.suggestion; man D. suggestions; men advice 不可数名词,不准加s, suggestion是可数名词。男老师复数形式为:men teachers.两个名词在一起组成复数名词,都应该用复数。 2.Mrs. Bond is an old friend of________. A. Jack mother B. Jack mother’s C.Jack’s mother D. Jack’s mother’s a friend of (。。的)Jack’s mother’s Jack的(Jack’s) 妈妈的(mother’s) 3.I’m so hungry. Please give me_______ to eat. A.three bread B.three piece of bread C. three pieces of bread D.three breads piece是量词,“片”,三片要加s, bread是不可数名词。 4---What’s in the fridge? ---A few________, but a little________. A.apple; milk B. apple; milks C. apples; milks D.apples; milk a 有,li 不,few 可。a有:a little, a few 有一点;li不:a little和little都加不可数名词。few可:a few和few后都加可数名词。 5.Mr. Green has a ________ son _______ David. A.five-years-old; named B.five-year-old; named被称为。。。 C.five-year-olds; name D.five-year-olds’; name five-year-old 是形容词,5岁的... five years old, 5岁。 6.---Excuse me, I’m looking for my umbrella. ---Oh, sorry, I took_______ by mistake. A.yours=your umbrella B.mine C.hers =her umbrella D.his 7.I think_______ not difficult_______ English every morning. A.that; keep reading B. it; keep to reading C.that; to keep reading D. it; to keep reading it是形式宾语,是think的宾语。特殊句型要熟记。Keep doing sth. I think it adj. to do sth. 我认为做。。。是。。。 8.You can take _______ of the two toy cars and leave the other for your brother. A.both 两者都 B. none 三者都不 C. either 两个任选一个 D. neither 两个都不 9.We can’t always think of _______ more than_______. https://www.sodocs.net/doc/619861726.html,; other B. us; the others C. ourselves; others D.ourselves; the other Ourselves我们自己,是反身代词。Others=other +pl.n. 其他人,其他东西 10.Mrs. Brown is very nice. Every day she tried to cook_______ for me during my stay in Canada. A.something different B. anything different C.different something D.different anything 不定代词something, anything等放在adj. 前面。something important 11.There are ________ teachers in our school, _______of them are female teachers. A.two hundred s; three fourth B.two hundred; three fourths C. hundreds of; three fourth D.hundred of; three fourths


初二英语测试卷参考答案 一、听力(本大题共20 分,每小题1分) 1—5 CBBAB 6—10 BCCCB 11—15 BAAAB 16—20 BCABC 二、单项选择(共15 小题;每小题1 分,计15 分) 21---25 DACBC 26---30 DDBDC 31—35 ACBAC 三、完形填空(共15小题;每小题 1 分,计15 分) 36~40 DBADA 41~45 ACDDB 四、阅读理解(本大题共15小题;每小题2分,计30分) 46~48 ABB 49—51 CDC 52—56 DBACC 57—60 BDCA 五、词汇运用(共10 小题:每小题 1 分,计10 分) 61-65 experience against accident several explaining 66-70 ugliest correctly French fortieth him 71-75 is writing; have seen; will visit ; worked; was chatting 六、句型转换(5分) 76 too to 77 has had 78 How far 79 Don’t play 80 What an 七短文填空(5分) 81-84 until looked size tiny 85-90 careful ready pick noise full reach 八任务型阅读(5分) 91.The writer felt lonely. 92.Korea. 93.Her English wouldn't have improved at all. 94.They teach each other different languages. 95.Two. 九、书面表达(计10 分) As a middle school student, we should have good manners. Firstly, it’s necessary for us to respect our parents, and we can help them do some housework. Secondly, we should be polite and friendly to others. Everyone should be honest. It’s good to help others when they are in trouble. It can also make ourselves happy. Thirdly, we should pay more attention to our behaviour in public. Don’t speak loud ly, and never throw litter around., What’s more,we should save food and water. Don’t take more food than we need and always remember to turn off the tap. Last but not least, it’s important and necessary for us to help protect the environment. In a word, good manners can make a difference and lead to a better future.


四川省成都七中2013-2014学年八年级英语上学期入学考试试题 亲爱的同学,请阅读以下提示: 1.试卷分A卷和B卷,满分100分。考试时间80分钟。 2.请用2B铅笔,将A卷1-50小题的答案填涂在机读卡相应的位置。用钢笔或签字笔将B 卷一至五大题的答案按编号写在答题卷上。 A卷 一、选择填空。(共25小题;每题l分,计分25分) A.选出与下列各句中画线部分意思相近或相同的选项。(共4小题,每小题1分,计4分) A. near here B. had fun C. did some reading D. kind of ( )1. The weather is a little bit cold. Can you bring a coat to me? ( )2. I read some books in the school library last night! ( )3. Is there a h otel in the neighborhood? ( )4. They really had a good time on their summer vacation in Beijing. B. 从以下各题的A, B,C, 三个选项中选择正确的答案。(共17小题,每小题1分,计17分) ( )5. ---Where is Bob? --- He ______ in the library. A. reads B. is reading C. read ( )6. --- Could you tell me ______ you did it so well? --- With my parents’ help A. who B. when C. how ( )7. --- Did you ______ any vegetables on the farm yesterday? --- No, I didn’t. But yesterday I ______ some apples in the garden. A. grew; pick B. grow; pick C. grow; picked ( )8. It’s getting ______ to have long noodles on birthdays. People think they’re a ______ of long life. A. popular; symbol B. popular; lot C. exciting; lot ( )9. Selina is good _____ playing basketball, but she doesn’t know how to play _____ guitar. A. at; with B. at;the C. with; a ( )10. This kind of tiger is ______ great danger. Please don’t ______down trees in the forest. A. at; cut B. in; cut C. in ; put ( )11. His daughter often eats ice-cream before going to bed, but never ______ after eating it . A. takes a shower B. goes to bed C. brushes the teeth ( )12. When Kate see snakes, she runs away quickly. She ______ the snakes. A. is happy to see B. is interested in C. is afraid of ( )13. He tried many ______ , and in the end he found the answer to the question. A. ways B. places C. roads ( )14. There are ______ students and teachers in front of the school. The number of teachers ______ five.


Ⅴ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( )21. Liu Jing’s mother is very kind and she often speaks _______ a kind way. A. for B. by C. in D. of ( )22. Her own twelve pictures sold very well, _______ to friends and family. A. usually B. Mostly C. Hardly D. recently ( )23. I don’t like this house with only two small bedrooms. Let’s ask for _______. A. one B. another C. the other D. others ( )24. —Susan, I went to the 31st International Ice and Snow Festival in Harbin. —Really? I have _______ heard about it. A. already B. ever C. never D. yet ( )25. I forgot to take the _______ with me to Portugal, so I didn’t take any photos. A. camera B. alarm C. report D. record ( )26. Sally is interested in English. Her teacher encouraged her _______ it well. A. learn B. learning C. to learn D. learned ( )27. —Linda, is that man your English teacher Mr. Huang? —No, it can’t be him. He _______ Beijing for training. A. has gone to B. has been to C. was in D. goes to ( )28. About _______ of the students in that village go on a ropeway to cross the river to school. A. two fifth B. two fifths C. second five D. second fives ( )29. The car is five years old but is in almost _______ condition. A. poor B. perfect C. serious D. typical ( )30. As soon as the iPhone 6 came out, _______ people couldn’t wait to buy one. A. thousand B. thousands C. thousand of D. thousands of ( )31. I got there early so that I _______ others’ ideas about the plan before the meeting began. A. introduced B. protected C. collected D. controlled ( )32. When I left the hospital, the doctor said to me, “Don’t be worried. You’ll be all right in _______ days.” A. a couple of B. a kind of C. a piece of D. a bit of ( )33. —What is the best time of day for us _______ you? —Oh, any time is OK. A. visit B. to visit C. visiting D. visited ( )34. Health experts _______ that lots of people would have flu this winter because the weather is unusual. A. discussed B. promised C. feared D. advised ( )35.—I haven’t been to the Bird’s Nest. What about you? —_______. I am planning to go there this weekend. A. Me too B. Me neither C. So did I D. Neither did I Ⅵ. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 When I was young, I liked climbing mountains with my father. When we walked together,


八年级英语测试卷及答 案 Standardization of sany group #QS8QHH-HHGX8Q8-GNHHJ8-HHMHGN#

八年级英语测试卷 1.Ihopeyourdreamwill . https://www.sodocs.net/doc/619861726.html,etrue https://www.sodocs.net/doc/619861726.html,eout https://www.sodocs.net/doc/619861726.html,ein https://www.sodocs.net/doc/619861726.html,eon 2.The arebuyingsome inthesupermarket. A.womanteachers,tomatoes B.womanteachers,tomatos C.womenteachers,tomatos D.womenteachers,tomatoes 3.There is going a class meeting this Friday. A.to have B.to be C.to has D.to is 4.I always tell my students on the road because it’s really dangerous. A.not to play B.to play not C.not playing D.not play 5.I want to go . A.somewhere warm B.to somewhere warm C.to warm somewhere D.warm somewhere 6.Please the light when you leave the classroom. A.turn up B.turn off C.turn down D.turn on 7.Look ! The piece of meat is too large,let’s cut . A.them up B.it up C.up them D.up it 8.He usually gets up early the morning but Sunday morning he often gets up late . A.on; on B.in ;in C.on ;in D.in ;on 9.I look forward to money to the poor people . A.give B.gave C.gives D.giving 10.She says she is going to a new hobby in the coming year. A.make up B.take up C.put up D.dress up 11.------- will you finish doing the work -------In a few weeks. A.How long B.How far C.How soon D.How often 12.The moonlight(月光)goes the window and makes the room bright.
