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①If you capture someone or something, you catch them or take possession of them, especially in a war, or after a struggle or chase.

②If you capture something that you are trying to obtain in competition with other people, you succeeding obtaining it.

③If something captures your attention or imagination, you begin to be interested in it or excited by it.

④If something or someone captures a particular quality,

feeling, or atmosphere, they represent or express it successfully.

⑤If an event is captured in a photograph or on film, it is photographed or filmed.


①If you do something through a particular channel, that is the system or organization that you use to achieve your aims or to communicate.

②If you channel money or resources into something, you arrange for them to be used for that thing, rather than for a wide range of things.

③If you channel your energies or emotions into something, you concentrate on or do that one thing, rather than a range of things.


①To check something, usually something bad, means to stop it from spreading or continuing.

②If someone or something is held or kept in check, they are prevented from becoming too great or powerful.


新托福TPO22阅读原文(三):The Allende Meteorite TPO22-3:The Allende Meteorite Sometime after midnight on February 8,1969, a large, bright meteor entered Earth's atmosphere and broke into thousands of pieces, plummeted to the ground, and scattered over an area 50 miles long and 10 miles wide in the state of Chihuahua in Mexico. The first meteorite from this fall was found in the village of Pueblito de Allende. Altogether, roughly two tons of meteorite fragments were recovered, all of which bear the name Allende for the location of the first discovery. Individual specimens of Allende are covered with a black, glassy crust that formed when their exteriors melted as they were slowed by Earth's atmosphere. When broken open, Allende stones are revealed to contain an assortment of small, distinctive objects, spherical or irregular in shape and embedded in a dark gray matrix (binding material), which were once constituents of the solar nebula—the interstellar cloud of gas and dust out of which our solar system was formed. The Allende meteorite is classified as a chondrite. Chondrites take their name from the Greek word chondros—meaning "seed"—an allusion to their appearance as rocks containing tiny seeds. These seeds are actually chondrules: millimeter-sized melted droplets of silicate material that were cooled into spheres of glass and crystal. A few chondrules contain grains that survived the melting event, so these enigmatic chondrules must have formed when compact masses of nebular dust were fused at high temperatures—approaching 1,700 degrees Celsius—and then cooled before these surviving grains could melt. Study of the textures of chondrules confirms that they cooled rather quickly, in times measured in minutes or hours, so the heating events that formed them must have been localized. It seems very unlikely that large portions of the nebula were heated to such extreme temperatures, and huge nebula areas could not possibly have lost heat so fast. Chondrules must have been melted in small pockets of the nebula that were able to lose heat rapidly. The origin of these peculiar glassy spheres remains an enigma.


托福三个月复习计划 很多人对托福考试的时间很迷茫, 下面说说三个月复习计划吧,下面我为你整理了,希望对你有帮助。 篇一 STEP 1:在整个托福复习计划之前,安排一周到三周不等的时间用来背托福单词(点击下载)。一提到背单词,很多同学都会皱眉头,觉得单词很难背,而且背了容易忘,另外一些同学则苦于无法记住单词的拼写或者发音,但是实际上我们在背单词的过程中往往是自己给自己的压力过大。我们不妨在背诵的过程中给单词的重要性进行评级。例如,accordion,意思为"手风琴";adobe,意思为"土坯,砖"等词只是在过去的托福考试中出现过一次,并且作为特殊名词,一般在写作,听力中很难遇到,即便是在阅读中遇到,往往也不影响解题。也可以参考词频字典来分配重要性,这样可以在最短时间内获得最大效果。这一阶段的目标即是大量反复看单词,达到"眼熟"的目标即可。 STEP 2:第二步骤,大概要安排出三周左右的时间来大量的做托福阅读练习。我们把阅读安排在整体复习计划之前主要有两个原因,其一是因为阅读是我们中国学生最熟悉的科目,比价容易入手而且进步快,在初期可以建立较强的自信心;其二是因为托福单词中有接近四分之三的单词直接来源于阅读文章,并且服务于阅读,通过大量做托福阅读,可以最好的巩固前段时间背托福单词的成果,保证不会遗忘。

做托福阅读时要注意三点: 1. 不要在做托福阅读的同时查字典或者文曲星,因为这样会打乱阅读的思路。考场上我们也不可能认识所有的单词,所以要锻炼在有陌生词汇的情况下通过上下文来处理生词。可以做完所有题目之后再通过查字典来解决生词。 2. 做托福阅读的时候一定要计时间,很多同学自己不计时做练习的时候正确率很高,但是到了考场上,由于时间压力而导致错误频出或者未能完成题目的情况也很多。所以平时就要练习在有时间压力的情况下完成任务,并同时争取提高准确率。 3. 托福阅读是最好的写作模版,一篇文章做完了不要只对一对答案就了事,把每一段的核心句都仔细看一看,如果有很好的句型结构,可以自己进行学习模仿。为后面复习写作奠定基础。 STEP 3:接下来复习托福听力。听力的复习最根本的方法还是练习听写。但是听写之后的处理方法能够看出复习的效率差别。很多同学听写完之后就万事大吉了,将材料扔在一边。其实,我们在听写完成后,不要将听写材料扔掉,而是要跟着音频朗读几遍,可以练习发音,效果尤为好。因为刚才的听写阶段使得我们对每一个词的发音都很熟悉了,然后再进行朗读,这样提高就比较快。接下来,将听写材料收起来,在不对照材料的情况下用口语对刚才听写的小段子进行复述,则可以迅速提高口语能力。而且在复述的时候会自觉地去使用刚刚在听写中学到的新句型和词汇,这个过程是自然而然的,效率很高。听说不分家嘛! STEP 4:练习托福写作。写作可练习的题目很多,但是不可能全部都写


Pm 4th Feb 阅读 一、托福阅读文章三种类型 解释说明型/立论性/历史题材的文章 托福阅读文章的结构 分类/比较对比/原因结果/问题解决方法 二、平时练习过程中不限时,不查字典,标出不认识的单词,总结文章结构,主要讲的什么观点,之后对完答案后再查生次,分析长难句,总结错题,判断题型. 三、快速阅读第一阶段: 1,N1,N2,N3…..并列复合转折(有转折词)递进顺逞 2, N1 of N2 核心词是N1,意思就是N2的N1。 N1of N2of N3……also….同上 3,N1 or N2 N1and N2 是顺逞关系N1和N2一样重要。 4,A such as B,C,D Such A as B,C,D 5,in addition to/in addition/It is not just…../rather than/)while/though 遇到此类联系词,直接空过去,读“,”以后的内容。 Example: Cooperation rather than evoking characteristic at the opposite extreme of human nature from competition ,is in reality a necessary factor in competition. 只读逗号后面的,表示层次上顺成补充说明. 否定的地方一般不会出题. 四、more A than B “than” 之后的不读。核心是A。 五、also/therefore/and/as well很重要 Other/this n….表示前面肯定出现过同类名词。 As well as=and Tips: 1,平时背单词不仅仅是抱着词汇书背,平时做练习的时候遇到的生单词要注意积累. 2,”also”之类的小词不能轻视. 3,按照以上的快速阅读法则,阅读会变的简单无比. Reading 这部分老师就具体分析讲义上具有代表性文章,他带着我们一起读这篇文章,根据他的句子结构法读文章,才发现阅读文章是这样读,并且巨简单.而且考试的时候千万不要先通读文章,直接看着题目进去找答案.下面这写东西全是讲义上的东西,他是分好几节课讲的.我现在在这边全部发出来,以后的阅读笔记会少很多. 题型分析和讲解 TYPE1: FACTUAL INFORMATION QUESTIONS 讲义P.7 题型特征四个选项中一般只有一个被原文提及,被提及的那个就是正确答案。 解题方法题干中的关键词回原文定位,读该句即可,一般是题干中的名词或形容词。 提问方式OG P.20 ACCORDING……


托福阅读写作必备抽象词汇总解析(3) capture: ①If you capture someone or something, you catch them or take possession of them, especially in a war, or after a struggle or chase. ②If you capture something that you are trying to obtain in competition with other people, you succeeding obtaining it. ③If something captures your attention or imagination, you begin to be interested in it or excited by it. ④If something or someone captures a particular quality, feeling, or atmosphere, they represent or express it successfully. ⑤If an event is captured in a photograph or on film, it is photographed or filmed. channel: ①If you do something through a particular channel, that is the system or organization that you use to achieve your aims or to communicate. ②If you channel money or resources into something, you arrange for them to be used for that thing, rather than for a wide range of things. ③If you channel your energies or emotions into something, you concentrate on or do that one thing, rather than a range of things. check: ①To check something, usually something bad, means to stop it from spreading or continuing. ②If someone or something is held or kept in check, they are prevented from becoming too great or powerful.


新托福TPO23阅读原文(三):Rock Art of the Australia Aborigines TPO23-3:Rock Art of the Australia Aborigines Ever since European first explored Australia, people have been trying to understand the ancient rock drawings and cavings created by the Aborigines, the original inhabitants of the continent. Early in the nineteenth century, encounters with Aboriginal rock art tended to be infrequent and open to speculative interpretation, but since the late nineteenth century, awareness of the extent and variety of Australian rock art has been growing. In the latter decades of the twentieth century there were intensified efforts to understand and record the abundance of Australian rock art. The systematic study of this art is a relatively new discipline in Australia. Over the past four decades new discoveries have steadily added to the body of knowledge. The most significant data have come from a concentration on three major questions. First, what is the age of Australian rock art? Second, what is its stylistic organization and is it possible to discern a sequence or a pattern of development between styles? Third, is it possible to interpret accurately the subject matter of ancient rock art, bring to bear all available archaeological techniques and the knowledge of present-day Aboriginal informants? The age of Australia’s rock art is constantly being revised, and earlier datings have been proposed as the result of new discoveries. Currently, reliable scientific evidence dates the earliest creation of art on rock surfaces in Australia to somewhere between 30,000 and 50,000 years ago. This in itself is an almost incomprehensible span of generations, and one that makes Australia’s rock art the oldest continuous art tradition in the world. Although the remarkable antiquity of Australia’s rock art is now established, the sequences and meanings of its images have been widely debated. Since the mid-1970s, a reasonably stable picture has formed of the organization of Australian rock art. In order to create a sense of structure to this picture, researchers have relied on a distinction that still underlies the forms of much indigenous visual culture—a distinction between geometric and figurative elements. Simple geometric repeated


新托福阅读真题全解析最新3篇 新托福阅读真题全解析篇一 文章内容小结题 这是托福阅读考试中经常出现的题目。顾名思义,是对全文内容的总结,考察的是对文章主旨和段落主旨的把握。正确选项是一些总结性的选项,错误选项的特点是:与原文不符,原文没有提到,或者是次要信息。次要信息也就是文中提到的某个细节性的信息,次要信息的选项具有极大的干扰,在做题时应注意识别。 句子简化题 这种题型的主要考查目的是:考查理解文章中某一特定复杂句子所传达的基本内容,并不受细枝末节的干扰,用简化的句子表达原句基本内容的能力。因此,语法水平在解题过程中就显得尤为重要。这种题目在托福阅读中的具体表现是题目中有“high sentence”。 修辞目的题 这是托福阅读题型中比较难得分的题目,这种题目注重考察单词,短语或句子在句子之内或句子之间起到的作用,这就要求平时阅读时,在涉猎原文细节信息的基础之上,要有意识地注意句子之间的逻辑关系以及段落的结构。 事实否定题 在解答这种题目的时候首先要注意的是避免惯性思维的影响。平时在做题习惯当中,看到与原文相符或者和原文一样的选项就选,但是到了这个题目,需要选择不属于题干内容或者与原文相反的选项,这是需要注意的一点。 插空题 这些题目中的一些较为复杂的逻辑关系会可能会造成失分。在解答托福阅读插空题,首要任务就是要找到线索词。也就是能够让了解句子之间逻辑或者语法联系的词,线索词亦是解题的关键。 如何快速完成托福阅读插句题: 1. 在段落之前的空,99%错误率!因为每段的中心容易出现在第一句,如果把第一句改变了,也就改变句意了。但同时请注意【两段式的插句题】,第二个段落前面或第一个段落后面的空反而容易是正确的! 2. 空后有代词this, these, that, those, he, she, they, it, such, each, other, one, another, both, each, anybody, none, some, any….的,一般来说是不对的,缘由是【代词不能跨距!】,如果在代词前面加了一句话,就会改变代词的指代对象。但是也是有例外的,比如该段只有一个主语,其他各句出现连续指代前句,就无法排除后有代词的选项。 3. 插入句中存在指代关系this, these, that, those, he, she, they, it, such, each, other, one, another, both, each, anybody, none, some, any….,一般不选择整段最前面的空!这是根据插入句本身无足轻重的地位决定的,一般不会考核段间承接关系,但【两段式插句题除外】! 4. 优先考虑【段落最后的空】,注意!这里说的是段落最后的,而不是最后一个空!(因为有时候最后一个空在段中)。因为放在最末尾,本身对文章没什么影响,所以,优先考虑这个空! 5. 空后有时间点,例如■ In 1832, ….,而本句又不强调事件,一般不做选择,时间一般和前句发生的时间承接较为紧密,不可拆分。 6. 空后出现转折however/ but...因果Because, as...递进what#39;s more/ in addition/ first/ second….【90%】高频情况下作为最次要的考虑位置!因为插入句承起不到那么强悍的、连接句间逻辑关系作用的!但经过详细排查位置之后,无奈之下但能对应或前或后的信息,则可放入!


一、要如何去取悦评卷人 1 必须要有清晰的整体脉络 2 必须要有自然的段间衔接 3 需要熟悉经典的用词用句 经典用词用句的锻造: 用词:动词 核心动词的动词的使用是写作能力的标志 e.g,: eat ---consume 英语写作表达的美在于用不同的单词表达相同的含义 e.g.:show ---display --- demonstrate 近义词的积累 英语中“好”的词有: Good / ok Perfect / glorious / terrific / fantastic Superb 用句: It 作形式主语或形式宾语 e.g. : It is easy to learn English there be 倒装、虚拟、强调 名人名言(不要使用c-e)(记住:千万不要胡编乱造) ***said + 直接引用———不用 ***believed + 自由表述-----用 可用人物: Kand & Nietzsche 只用于道德和爱心之类的话题 二、因文化差异而对应试写作所产生的影响 1 必须有较清晰的结构 2 必须有统一的中心思想 3 文章内容段落衔接要自然(衔接就是文章的生命) 逻辑关键词 衔接方法:1 重复词:概括重复直接重复和齐头重复 2 序数词:first…second… 3 关联词:并列and 转折but 让步although 递进in addition 因果because e.g. Because of having rain ,he developed a high fever , and thus has to sleep at home .his absense resulted in the reduction of his pay. 4 转折和让步之间的区别 让步好于转折democracy 民主 e.g. they are poor ---they suffer from poverty They are hungry ---they strggle against atarvation ------they suffer form poverty ,struggling against https://www.sodocs.net/doc/7619300479.html, starvation e.g: 我们不会把所有秘密告诉其他人


生命中,不断地有人离开或进入。于是,看见的,看不见的;记住的,遗忘了。生命中,不断地有得到和失落。于是,看不见的,看见了;遗忘的,记住了。然而,看不见的,是不是就等于不存在?记住的,是不是永远不会消失? 首先介绍我的老师 阅读:金鑫听力:马骏口语:周华章作文:李笑来 以下我主要按照两部分.为了方便,我只把内容按一二三的列下来,有的可能加一些我自己的想法,第二部分 为Tips,是我在老师讲课过程中抓住的一些重要的小提示.有的会有第三部分,就是老师上课讲到的生词.这 是他们总结出来一些频率比较高的单词. 1th Feb 今天是作文,最令我意外的就是作文老师居然是传说中的李笑来.他首先提醒我们,没有经过充分准备的考生千万别进考场,如果参加了考试的,确定自己肯定拿不到自己理想的分数的.请在考试最后记得cancel 掉自己的考试成绩,因为ETS的评分是按照平均水平来的,如果你confirm了你的成绩,在无形中就提高了别人的成绩. 一. 1,评分标准要one by one的仔细研读.这个我也觉得很重要,他花了好长时间分析了评分标准,我觉得 这个直接影响你的写作思路和方向.大家要抓住评分标准里面的关键词.更重要的是,在评分过程中,是一个 找宝的过程,他给我们看了一篇1分—2分的作文.这篇作文貌似组织良好,但是里面隐藏着许多逻辑错误. 2,Sample response from ETS and the readers comments.后者更加重要,要抓住comments里关键词 3,关于展开论点.OG,P259—260 要很好的展开论点,运用恰当清晰的解释,例证和细节.评分人员会评估考生的作文是否切题,文章中的细节,事例,理由在多大程度上支持论点.不要光为了增加文章字数而死记 硬背一些冗长的首,末段. 4,TWE185的题目要反复阅读至少7遍. 二. 1,在综合写作部分,要快速阅读给出段子的首句,第一段要读前两句,尽量笔记下关键词. 2,关注名词概念.主要靠平时积累 三.在阅读部分如何作笔记: 1,用缩写代替名词概念 2,用符号代替逻辑关系 四.不要在以下四方面浪费时间: 1,不要在意美英之间的差异. 2,不要在意口语和书面语之间的差异 3,不必在意任何文化差异. ,例如同性恋问题,185中不涉及文化问题. 4,不必在意语言是否地道,只写acceptable writing English. 他的意思就是,以我们大家现在的水平是不可能写的出地道的英文,写出能让人接受的正规格式的英文就足够了. 五.Step by step 1,列大纲,落实具体细节.根据心理学,人类思考并不一定依赖语言,所以列大纲并不一定要用美国人思维方式,记得一定要用中文列大纲.并且大纲内容一定要平实朴素无修饰.(在写作过程中如果遇到不会写的专有名词时,可用拼音代替,在后面用一句话来解释一下即可) 2,永不轻言放弃.在遇到不会表达的地方可用同位语解释. 3,具体具体再具体.这一点在口语中也有提到.一定要具体到具体的时间地点.可把大纲扩充成分,也可变强调句.老美就爱这个,没办法.所以一定要具体具体再具体. 六.排比句的技巧:


托福阅读写作必备抽象词汇总解析(9) Define 用法:If you define something, you show, describe, or state clearly what it is and what its limits are, or what it is like. 例句:If we define residence time as the average time for a water molecule to pass through one of the three reservoirs-atmosphere,continent, and ocean-we see that the times are very different. Deliberate 用法:① If you do something that is deliberate, you planned or decided to do it beforehand, and so it happens on purpose rather than by chance. ② If a movement or action is deliberate, it is done slowly and carefully. ③ If you deliberate, you think about something carefully,especially before making a very important decision. 例句:①On this perfect surface, the artist would sketch a composition with chalk, refine it with inks, and then begin the deliberate process of applying thin layers of egg tempera paint (egg yolk in which pigments are suspended) with small brushes. ② Every step in the process was slow and deliberate. The quick -drying tempera demanded that the artist know exactly where each stroke be placed before the brush met the panel, and it required the use of fine brushes.


托福考试阅读试题及解析 托福考试阅读试题及解析 学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。以下是店铺为大家搜索整理的托福考试阅读试题及解析,希望能给大家带来帮助! 考题1 The phrase "this respect" in the passage refers to A. enormous variations B. being smaller C. number of inhabitants D. shared characteristics 解析: 难点一,很多考生误以为这是词汇题,而词汇题的通常问法是:The word/phrase "…" is closest in meaning to。这道题题干中的“refers to”表明这是代词指代题,需要读懂句子找清前后指代关系; 难点二,很多人不知道respect有名词用法,=aspect,表“方面”; 难点三,回到原文读考句,读不懂。该句为:One may call them towns because even though they varied enormously in numbers of inhabitants, and some were smaller than large villages in this respect, they shared certain characteristics that set them off from rural settlements. 表明从居民数量的方面来看,一些城镇比大村庄的居民数量还少,但它们仍然是城镇,共享着区别于村庄的某些特征。所以此题正确答案是C。 考题2 Because what distinguished towns from villages was not so much size as the density of economic and social activities, one writer has argued that an important criterion for town is the existence of traffic jams—the hustle and bustle of oxcarts, long lines of wagons bringing fruits and vegetables, raw materials, and


托福阅读写作必备抽象词汇总解析(16) Evolve 用法:① When animals or plants evolve, they gradually change and develop into different forms. ②If something evolves or you evolve it, it gradually develops over a period of time into something different and usually more advanced. 例句:In the face of this onslaught, living things have evolved a variety of defense mechanisms for protecting their bodies from invasion by other organisms. • Exceed 用法:① If something exceeds a particular amount or number, it is greater or larger than that amount or number.(FORMAL) 例句:In 1872 only two daily newspapers could claim a circulation of over 100,000,but by 1892 seven more newspapers exceeded that figure. ② If you exceed a limit or rule, you go beyond it, even though you are not Exert 用法:①If someone or something exerts influence, authority, or pressure, they use it in a strong or determined way, especially in order to produce a particular effect.(FORMAL) 例句:Like tree roots breaking up a sidewalk, the growing crystals exert pressure on the rock and eventually pry the rock apart along planes of weakness, such as banding in metamorphic rocks,bedding in sedimentary rocks, or preexisting or incipient fractions, and along boundaries between individual mineral crystals or grains. ②If you exert yourself, you make a great physical or mental effort, or work hard to do something.


托福阅读同义词大全 为了帮助考生对托福阅读考试内容更加熟悉,在考试中取得更加理想的成绩,店铺为大家带来托福阅读同义词大全,希望对大家备考冲刺有所帮助。更多精彩尽请关注店铺 ! 托福阅读同义词大全 1 abandon = give up 放弃,中止 2 abrupt = sudden 突然的,出其不意的 3 abundant = plentiful, ample 充裕的,丰富的 4 accede = assent, agree 同意,答应 5 accessible = reachable 易使用的 6 account for = explain 解释,说明 7 accumulate = collect 积累,集聚 8 acquit = release 宣判…无罪 9 adequate = enough 足够的,充分的 10 adhere = stick, cling 黏附,附着 11 adroit = dexterous 灵巧的 12 advent = arrival 出现,带来 13 affluent = wealthy, better-off 富裕的,富足的 14 aimless = purposeless 无目的的,没有目标的 15 aggravate = worsen, exacerbate 使恶化 16 agile = quick and active (思维)机敏的 17 alternate = rotate 轮流,交替 18 amplify = enlarge 放大 19 ample = sufficient 充足的,充裕的 20 analogous = similar 相似的,类似的 21 ancient = early 古老的,年代久远的 22 apart from = except for 除…以外 23 arid = dry, barren 干燥的,干旱的 24 aroma = fragrance 芳香,香气,香味


托福高级写作词汇积累 托福写作离不开大量的词汇积累,现在小编给你们整理了一些高频词汇,希望你们喜欢。 托福高级写作词汇积累1 1. alert 2. allocates=designates v分派,指派 3. altered=changed 4. alternative=differentadj可选择的,不同的 5. alternative=optionn选择,选择权 6. ambition=goal 7. amenity=facilities(amenity: n.宜人, 礼仪) answer: facilities 8. ample=abundant 9. amusement=entertainment 10. analogous=similar 11. analysis=examination 12. anchor=hold in a place(anchor n.锚v.抛锚, 锚定) 13. ancient=old 14. annoying=bothersome 15. annually=yearly 16. anonymous 17. antecedent=predecessor n.先辈 adj.先行的,先前的 18. anticipated=expectedadj预先的,预期的 19. anticipated=predicted 20. antiquated=outmoded 21. anxious=eageradj渴望的,焦急的 22. apart from=except 23. apparently=seeminglyadv显然的,表面上的 24. apparently=visibly 25. appeal=attraction/popularity


托福写作题型:综合写作解题技巧解析 托福综合写作是托福写作题型中的第一项,主要考察考生的阅读、听力和归纳力量。今日我给大家带来了托福写作题型:综合写作解题技巧解析,盼望能够关心到大家,一起来学习吧。 托福写作题型:综合写作解题技巧解析 一.托福综合写作考察哪些技能 1. Note taking:同学在阅读和听力过程中应当有效记录重点信息,这些信息在接下来的写作任务中将起到特别重要的作用。 2. Outlining:合理规划笔记形成提纲可以关心考生有规律地组织信息,并能够关心考生将阅读信息和听力信息有效联系起来。 3. Summarizing:针对230-300字左右的两篇文章,考生不行能 记录全部的信息,所以考生需要去筛选重要的信息进行总结,最终完成写作。 4. Paraphrasing:考生在写作过程中不行以照抄阅读中的原句, 听力中的句子考生也不行能完全记录下来,所以考生需要用自己的语言去表述相关信息。 5. Citing:综合写作不要求考生给出任何自己的观点,全部的内 容都是引用阅读和听力中的信息。 6. Connecting/Linking:恰当地使用连接词或词组可以使得文章更加连贯。考生需要使用肯定的连接手段将听力中的有效信息和阅读中的主要信息联系起来,最终完成写作。 二.托福综合写作解题技巧

1.合理规划笔记:将笔记区域分成左右两个版块,分别对应记录阅读和听力相关内容;记笔记时,尽量使用字母缩写或符号,考生可通过课下练习形成自己的笔记形式。 2.在阅读的时候,要留意记录主要信息。一般来说,阅读由四个自然段组成,其中阅读的主要观点位于第一自然段的最终一句话,但假如最终一句话有代词,需要指出代词的详细指代对象;接下来的三个自然段肯定要分别读完整个自然段再去总结每一个自然段的内容 要点,不要只看第一句话。 3.在听力中要带着问题去听,同时去记录一些重点信息。听力中一般反对阅读中的观点,因此会给出一些细节或是例子,在听力中重点去听教授是如何使用一些证据去反对阅读中的信息,对于类似于for example,for instance,another explanation等表达后面的内容我们要尤其留意。 4.写作中不能带有自己的观点,也不能只去写阅读或听力中的内容,要写出听力中的信息是如何与阅读中的信息联系起来的。 5.熟识官方真题Official上的综合写作。托福综合写作的内容往往具有重复性,所以多做题能够关心我们熟识一些相关信息。例如,阅读中常常会提到北极地区特别寒冷会影响到X.X.X,听力中一般会指出当时北极并不是很冷,从而会怎么样。再例如,阅读中会提到某种动物或植物会影响到X.X.X,听力中会指出在某地没有该种动物或植物但X.X.X依旧受到影响。 托福综合写作其实难度并没有那么大,只要大家在平常学习备考时,多加练习,熟识答题的套路和模式,并且把握肯定的做题技巧,信任大家肯定能考出不错的成果。 托福考试作文独立写作范文:拥有多项技能的人更胜利 People who develop different skills are more successful than people who develop one skill only.
