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Campaign in the history of the sport can be considered as a young sport, it was only 100 years ago. In 1890, several stationed in India (India), the British navy (navy) found that officers occasionally played table tennis in a fairly modest boost. Later, they switch to the small ball instead of a flexible hollow little solid ball and shoot with wooden planks instead of the Internet, on the table for new kind of "game", which is named for the origin of table tennis.Table tennis there soon, it has become a popular movement that was all the rage. The early 20th century, the United States has begun to set the table tennis competition appliances production. Initially, the table tennis has other names, such as Indoor tennis. Later, an American table tennis manufacturers to create the sound of impact ping-pong when the new term, as he created the "ping-pong" patent registered trademarks. Another Ping-pong became the official name of table tennis. When it reached the top, it is also creating a "ping-pong" of the new terms。The game was popular in Central Europe in 1905-10, and even before this is a modified version had been introduced to Japan , where it later spread to China and Korea.

One of the first public hints of improved U.S.-China relations came on April 6, 1971, when the American Ping-Pong team, in Japan for the 31st World Table Tennis Championship, received a surprise invitation from their Chinese colleagues for an all-expense paid visit to the People's Republic. Time magazine called it "The ping heard round the world." On April 10, nine players, four officials, and two spouses stepped across a bridge from Hong Kong to the Chinese mainland, ushering in an era of "Ping-Pong diplomacy." They were the first group of Americans allowed into China since the Communist takeover in 1949.

T his sport is my favourite one because is very easy to play and you dont need to be a very fort person, so people of all years can do this sport without problems. Another reason is that you can have a good time with a friend, parent or to meet someone, also you move your body what is good for you and your body, so you help yourself to have a good health. Maybe not every body like this sport, because if needs ability with the hands and they dont have it, but I think that the most important think for a person who does sport is that he or she must like it, so I play ping-pong because I like it ,like a footballer plays football because he or she likes it.

During my secondary school years I often liked to go to the recreation room to play table tennis. Some of my classmates were very good at this game and I often tried to compete with them to improve my skill. I like playing table tennis, playing table tennis not only because of physical activity, eye protection also have a role, especially for students, better prevention of myopia. Lengthy close-up look at things, the two will be very tired if we do not rest The vision that we dropped so that the eye muscles oppression of the eyeball, a long time will result in short-sighted. From https://www.sodocs.net/doc/765024406.html,.Playing table tennis, eyes to the ball as the goal, kept around from top to bottom-conditioning exercise, can improve the ciliary muscle tension to relax and contraction; eye muscles can also continue activities to promote blood circulation eyeball organizations to improve the eye As sensitivity to eliminate eye fatigue, thus play a role in the prevention of myopia So I like playing table tennis. I suggest that the s t u d e n t s h a v e t i m e t o p l a y t a b l e t e n n i s!

在运动史上,乒乓球运动可以算是一项年轻的体育运动,它只有100多年的历史. 1890年,几位驻守印度(India)的英国海军(navy)军官偶然发觉在一张不大的台子上玩网球颇为刺激。后来他们改用空心的小皮球代替弹性不大的实心球,并用木板代替了网拍,在桌子上进行这种新颖的“网球赛”,这就是table tennis得名的由来。 Table tennis出现不久,便成了一种风靡一时的热门运动。20世纪初,美国开始成套地生产乒乓球的比赛用具。最初,table tennis有其它名称,如Indoor tennis。后来,一位美国制造商以乒乓球撞击时所发出的声音创造出ping-pong这个新词,作为他制造的“乒乓球”专利注册商标。Ping-pong后来成了table tennis的另一个正式名称。当它传到中国后,人们又创造出“乒乓球”这个新的词语。在十九世界初期的中欧,乒乓球运动很热,后来其运动方式稍加修改,传入日本,而后来又传入中国和韩国。




乒乓球Table Tennis竞赛规则中英文介绍

乒乓球Table Tennis竞赛规则中英文介绍奥运会乒乓球比赛的规则使用国际乒联最新的竞赛规则。奥运会乒乓球比赛的竞赛方法是根据国际乒联奥林匹克委员会(国际乒联奥林匹克小组)制定的并经国际乒联理事会批准后实施 的。 规则要点 发球 (1)发球开始时,球自然地置于不持拍手的手掌上,手 掌张开,保持静止。 (2)发球时,发球员须用手将球几乎垂直地向上抛起,不得使球旋转,并使球在离开不执拍手的手掌之后上升不少于16厘米,球下降到被击出前不能碰到任何物体。 (3)当球从抛起的最高点下降时,发球员方可击球,使球首先触及本方台区,然后越过或绕过球网装置,再触及接发球员的台区。双打中,球应先后触及发球员和接发球员的右半区。 (4)从发球开始,到球被击出,球要始终在台面以上和发球员的端线以外,而且不能被发球员或其双打同伴的身体或衣 服的任何部分挡住。

(5)在运动员发球时,球与球拍接触的一瞬间,球与网柱连线所形成的虚拟三角形之内和一定高度的上方不能有任何遮挡物,并且其中一名裁判员要能看清运动员的击球点。 击球 对方发球或还击后,本方运动员必须击球,使球直接越过或绕过球网装置,或触及球网装置后,再触及对方台区。 失分 (1)未能合法发球; (2)未能合法还击; (3)击球后,该球没有触及对方台区而越过对方端线; (4)阻挡; (5)连击; (6)用不符合规则条款的拍面击球; (7)运动员或运动员穿戴的任何物件使球台移动; (8)运动员或运动员穿戴的任何物件触及球网装置; (9)不执拍手触及比赛台面; (10)双打运动员击球次序错误; (11)执行轮换发球法时,发球一方被接发球一方或其双打同伴,包括接发球一击,完成了13次合法还击。


乒乓球英语词汇 乒乓球在1988年首次进入奥运会成为正式比赛项目。乒乓球是中国的国球,在历届奥运会上都为中国军团贡献了金牌。自从1988年汉城奥运会乒乓球首次成为正式比赛项目以来,在已经产生的20枚金牌中,中国队获得了16枚! 2008年北京奥运会上,王励勤、王皓、张怡宁、郭跃等人都将是金牌的有力争夺者。 乒乓球的英文叫“table tennis”,中文最早是“桌上网球”。到1900年左右,出现了赛璐珞制的球,由于拍与球撞击发出“乒”而落台时发出“乓”的声音,故而又称“乒乓球”。 下面我们就来看看乒乓球项目的有关词汇: 人员规则发球与接球握拍击球抽杀旋转推挡远近与快慢打法场地与器材 1.乒乓球运动:table tennis; ping-pong; paddle 2.乒乓外交:ping-pong diplomacy 3.团体赛:team event 4.男子团体赛:men's team event 5.女子团体赛:women's team event 6.单项比赛:individual event 7.单打:singles 8.男子单打:men's singles 9.女子单打:women's singles 10.双打:doubles 11.男子双打:men's doubles 12.女子双打:women's doubles 13.混合双打:mixed doubles 14.斯韦思林杯(男子团体奖杯):Swaythling Cup 15.考比伦杯(女子团体奖杯):Marcel Corbillon Cup

16.勃莱德杯(男子单打奖杯):St. Bride Vase 17.盖斯特杯(女子单打奖杯):G. Geist Prize 18.伊朗杯(男子双打奖杯):Iran Cup 19.波普杯(女子双打奖杯):W. J.Pope Trophy 20.赫杜赛克杯(混合双打奖杯):Heydusek Prize 人员 21.乒乓球运动员:table tennis player; paddler 22.裁判员:umpire 23.主裁判;裁判组长:chief umpire 24.裁判长:referee 25.副裁判长:deputy referee 26.检录长:chief recorder 规则 27.团体赛两队之间的一场比赛:team match; tie 28.团体赛两队队员之间的一场比赛:individual match 29.每局11分制:11-point scoring system 30.轮换发球法:expedite system 31.主队队员抽签代号:ABC 32.客队队员抽签代号:XYZ 33.选择方位与发球权:choice of ends and service 34.交换场地换边:change sides 35.换发球:change service 36.发球违例:service fault


两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/765024406.html,/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0美联英语提供:乒乓球用英语怎么说

pingpong 乒乓球的英语说法2: Table Tennis 乒乓球相关英语表达: 乒乓球拍table tennis bat 乒乓球台table tennis table 乒乓球网table tennis net 乒乓球的英语说法例句: 1. We usually go to play table tennis out of hours. 我们在工作时间之外常常打乒乓球. 2. Wang Nan was the No. 1 seed in the table - tennis championship. 王楠是这次乒乓球锦标赛中的第一号种子选手. 3. New recruits to our table tennis club are always welcome. 我们的乒乓球俱乐部随时欢迎新成员的参加. 4. I like playing football best, but occasionally I play table tennis, too. 我最喜欢踢足球, 偶尔也打打乒乓球. 5. Playing ( at ) chess is no fun; let's go to play table tennis. 下棋没劲, 还是去打乒乓球吧. 6. She watched the children play table tennis.

她看孩子们打乒乓球. 7. He is a very good table - tennis player. 他那手乒乓球可不含糊. 8. He likes playing table tennis best of all sports. 所有运动项目中,他最喜欢打乒乓球. 9. Not all the students go in for table tennis. 不是所有的学生都爱打乒乓球. 10. The table - tennis game ought to / should have finished by now. 乒乓球比赛现在应该已经结束了. 11. Xiao Li is no match for his younger brother at table tennis. 打乒乓球,小李打不过他的弟弟. 12. The pingpong player undisturbedly struck back at his opponent. 那个乒乓球运动员不慌不忙地回击对手. 13. Familiar man - sized " particles " include bowling balls, golf balls, and table tennis balls. 我们所熟悉的人体尺度“ 粒子” 有滚木球、高尔夫球、乒乓球. 14. Do you like to play table tennis? 你爱打乒乓球吗? 15. Football, swimming and ping - pong are popular sports. 足球、游泳和乒乓球是大家喜爱的运动.


乒乓球运动table tennis 男子单打men's singles 单打singles 女子单打women's singles 双打doubles 男子双打men's doubles 团体赛team event 女子双打women's doubles 混合双打 mixed doubles 男子团体men's team 女子团体women's team 乒乓球运动员paddler ['p?dl?] 裁判umpire['?mpai?] 连击double hit 两跳double bounce 出界out 擦网net ball 擦网出界net out 擦网重发 let 擦边edge ball 发球serve 无遮挡发球no-hiding service 旋转发球spin service 发球不转 knuckle service 发球得分service ace 发球失误missed service 发球下网fall 接发球service reception 直握球拍pen-hold grip

横握球拍tennis grip 击球hit; stroke 追身球 body hit 扣球 smash 旋转 spin 上旋 topspin 下旋 backspin 侧旋 sidespin 削球 chop 弧旋球 loop 前三板 first three strokes 提拉 lift 发球抢攻attack after service 推 push 相持sustained rally 挡 block 挡板barriers 球台 table 网net 胶皮 gum 胶粒pimple 海绵胶拍sponge 40毫米球40millimeter ball 台面 playing surface 边线side line 底线 end line 中台 middle court 准备---发球 ready-serve 搓球 push 决胜局 deciding game


In table tennis, China is widely regarded as the world champion, because at the Olympic Games we have never lost a gold medal in this sport. We have many top athletes in this sport, such as retired Wang Nan and Deng Yaping. Table tennis is very popular all over the world, especially in China. It is fast and intense and requires highly developed skills. Because it is an indoor sport, it can be carried out regardless of the weather. This is an advantage in places where it often rains. Moreover, the equipment needed to play table tennis is not expensive. All you need is a ball, two rackets, a net and a table of the right size. Table tennis is a social sport. Many people of all ages like to play with it.


以介绍乒乓球为题的英语作文 乒乓球确实是中国最强的奥运项目,下面是xx为大家整理的优秀英语作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢! 篇一:打乒乓球 Our classmates played pingpong well. Sometimes I also wanted to play with them. But I couldn't play it. Then my best friend, Xiao Qi, taught me patiently to play it. After a period, I could play pingpong together with my classmates. 我的很多同学乒乓球打得非常好,有时我也想和他们一起玩,但我不会打。后采我的好朋友小齐课下耐心地教我打,一段时间后,我也可以和同学们一起打了。 篇二:有趣的乒乓球比赛 Our grade had pingpong matches after school last Friday. There were three pairs taking part in the matches on that day. The finals are the most exciting. Many students went to watch them and cheered for their classmates. At last Qi Li of our class got the first place. How happy we were! 有趣的乒乓球比赛我们年级有乒乓球比赛上星期五放学后。那天有三对参加比赛。决赛是最激动人心的。许多学

my hobby英语作文带翻译-打乒乓球

my hobby英语作文带翻译-打乒乓球 Everyone has one of their own a unique world, in this world, you can go full play to their strengths, so that others of their admiration. My hobby is playing table tennis. A home every day, I will come up with a good table tennis table tennis racket, aligned walls playing, doing warm-up it should be said, is to wait for our father and his fight to the death. Now, table tennis for me, should be indispensable things right, every time I have an unhappy incident when, for example, test scores it. Once the test worse was training home mom, a training is one hour, even Superman can not stand, this time, I immediately grabbed a tennis racket, angrily ran downstairs and saw someone playing table tennis, now with inside. When playing, I intently staring at the ball, then spotted fight back, the results of the whole thing has been forgotten, kick, relaxed mood, the trouble with the sweat away. I do not know why, when I came into contact with tennis, had several times to give up, to eventually like to play table tennis. It may be affected by his father's? It may be because of my tennis life was destined to have it? Recalls ago, my father taught me when I was playing junior tennis, of course, a clumsy start, several times to close the network received a request, the people lying on the table, then the nose to hit the desktop. I was really pissed off, throw the tennis racket 往桌子上一 left. Dad still several times invited me to play, can every time broke up. On one occasion, my father and I said: "Why every unhappy?" I


乒乓球英语术语大全 aggressive | 具有进攻性的| a. agile | 灵活的| a. all-round | 全能的,技术全面的| a. It’s good to have an all-round game and play all the strokes properly. || anti- (anti-topspin; anti-loop) | 防(上旋,弧旋,旋转) | pref. arc | 弧线| n. arm | 手臂| n. upper arm | 大/上臂| attack | 进攻| v. a devastating ~ (?) attacker | 攻击型选手, 进攻方| n. back | 背| n. back | 后面的| a. backhand | 反手| n. A shot done with the racket to the left of the left elbow for a backspin | 下旋, 下转| n. A type of spin used mostly on defensive shots. When you chop the ball, you produce backspin. The bottom of the ball will move away from you. This is also called chop or underspin. backward | 向后| adv. balance | 平衡| n. a good ~ of speed and spin ball | 球| n. bat | 球拍| n. be down | 落后| v. beat | 打败| v. BEL | 比利时| Belgium blade | (乒乓球)底板| n. The racket, usually without covering shakehand ~ | 横握式底板| penhold ~ | 直握式底板| block | 挡球,推挡| v. n. A quick, off the bounce return of an aggressive drive done by holding the racket in the ball’s path. blocker | 推挡型选手| break | 打破,破坏| v. to break the looper’s rhythm || brush | 摩擦| v. n. captain | 队长| n. center line | 中线| np. change line | 变线| chest | 胸| n. chop | 削球| v. n. A defensive return of a drive with backspin, usually done from well away from the table. (see backspin) chopper | 削球选手| n. A of play where chopping is the primary shot. closed | (球拍)前倾,(球拍)下压| a. closed racket | 前倾的/下压的球拍,压拍型| np. Racket position in which the hitting surface is aimed downward, with the top edge leaning away from you. [参看open racket |亮拍型|] coach | 教练| n. comeback | 追上, 扳回| n. concentration | 注意力集中| n. confidence | 自信| n.


Campaign in the history of the sport can be considered as a young sport, it was only 100 years ago. In 1890, several stationed in India (India), the British navy (navy) found that officers occasionally played table tennis in a fairly modest boost. Later, they switch to the small ball instead of a flexible hollow little solid ball and shoot with wooden planks instead of the Internet, on the table for new kind of "game", which is named for the origin of table tennis.Table tennis there soon, it has become a popular movement that was all the rage. The early 20th century, the United States has begun to set the table tennis competition appliances production. Initially, the table tennis has other names, such as Indoor tennis. Later, an American table tennis manufacturers to create the sound of impact ping-pong when the new term, as he created the "ping-pong" patent registered trademarks. Another Ping-pong became the official name of table tennis. When it reached the top, it is also creating a "ping-pong" of the new terms。The game was popular in Central Europe in 1905-10, and even before this is a modified version had been introduced to Japan , where it later spread to China and Korea. One of the first public hints of improved U.S.-China relations came on April 6, 1971, when the American Ping-Pong team, in Japan for the 31st World Table Tennis Championship, received a surprise invitation from their Chinese colleagues for an all-expense paid visit to the People's Republic. Time magazine called it "The ping heard round the world." On April 10, nine players, four officials, and two spouses stepped across a bridge from Hong Kong to the Chinese mainland, ushering in an era of "Ping-Pong diplomacy." They were the first group of Americans allowed into China since the Communist takeover in 1949. T his sport is my favourite one because is very easy to play and you dont need to be a very fort person, so people of all years can do this sport without problems. Another reason is that you can have a good time with a friend, parent or to meet someone, also you move your body what is good for you and your body, so you help yourself to have a good health. Maybe not every body like this sport, because if needs ability with the hands and they dont have it, but I think that the most important think for a person who does sport is that he or she must like it, so I play ping-pong because I like it ,like a footballer plays football because he or she likes it. During my secondary school years I often liked to go to the recreation room to play table tennis. Some of my classmates were very good at this game and I often tried to compete with them to improve my skill. I like playing table tennis, playing table tennis not only because of physical activity, eye protection also have a role, especially for students, better prevention of myopia. Lengthy close-up look at things, the two will be very tired if we do not rest The vision that we dropped so that the eye muscles oppression of the eyeball, a long time will result in short-sighted. From https://www.sodocs.net/doc/765024406.html,.Playing table tennis, eyes to the ball as the goal, kept around from top to bottom-conditioning exercise, can improve the ciliary muscle tension to relax and contraction; eye muscles can also continue activities to promote blood circulation eyeball organizations to improve the eye As sensitivity to eliminate eye fatigue, thus play a role in the prevention of myopia So I like playing table tennis. I suggest that the s t u d e n t s h a v e t i m e t o p l a y t a b l e t e n n i s!


乒乓球运动词汇 The words about table tennis 团体赛team event 男子团体men's team 女子团体women's team 男子双打men's doubles 女子双打women's doubles 男子单打men's singles 女子单打women's singles 混合双打mixed doubles 发球serve 擦网重发let 擦边edge ball 擦网出界net out 擦网net ball 出界out 准备---发球ready-serve 连击double hit 上旋topspin 下旋backspin 旋转spin 侧旋sidespin 弧旋球loop 削球chop 提拉lift 推push 无遮挡发球no-hiding service 旋转发球spin service 发球不转knuckle service 发球得分service ace 发球失误missed service 发球下网fall 接发球service reception 追身球body hit 直握球拍pen-hold grip 横握球拍tennis grip 击球hit; stroke 扣球smash 前三板first three strokes 发球抢攻attack after service

相持sustained rally 挡block 挡板barriers 球台table 网net 胶皮gum 胶粒pimple 海绵胶拍sponge 台面playing surface 40毫米球40millimeter ball 乒乓球运动员paddler ['p?dl?] 裁判umpire ['?mpai?] 决胜局deciding game 五局三胜Best of 5 games 边线side line 底线end line 中台middle court 两跳double bounce 橙色球orange ball 白色球white ball 拦击volley 反胶拍pimples-in bat 反手削球backhand chop 擦边球edge ball 球拍racket 正胶拍pimples-out bat 反手击球backhand strokes 接球员的左半区receiver's left half court 打乒乓球需要速度speed, 协调balance 灵敏agility 柔韧flexibility 良好的步法good footwork


乒乓球术语中英对照表 技术篇: 中文术语=日式术语=英文术语[若是要强调正反手请于开头再加上forehand(正手)或backhand(反手)] 发球= =service 接发球= =receiving 正手拉球= =forehand(counter) spin、forehand(counter) drive 反手拉球= =backhand(counter) spin、backhand(counter) drive 正手拉下旋= =forehand spin against cut defence 反手拉下旋= =backhand spin against cut defence 反拉= =counterdrive 加转弧圈=loop =loop、topspin loop 前冲弧圈=speedo =speed 正手击球= =forehand(counter) stroke 反手击球= =backhand(counter) stroke 正手攻球= =forehand(counter) attack 反手攻球= =backhand(counter) attack 正手推挡= =forehand(counter) block 反手推挡=秀斗=backhand(counter) block 反手切推球(滑拍)= =backhand cut block 封球= =block 快攻扣杀= =drive、counter、counterdrives、mash 放高球= =lob 加转放高= =high loop defence 摆短= =drop shot 点= =flick 台内拨= =flip 旋转= =spin、rotation 上旋球= =topspin 下旋球= =backspin、underspin


When it comes to China sports, what is the first word in your mind? I think we can’t avoid mentioning table tennis. This sport has helped China win countless world championships, bringing Chinese people a lot of happiness and a sense of pride. In addition, table tennis has always been one of the favorite sports of the Chinese people. You will see table tennis and its players everywhere, no matter in schools, residential [?rez??den?l] areas, parks or squares. Both elder people and children are able to play it more or less. This is a reason why it is called the “Chinese National Ball”. And now let me introduce the history of table tennis first. In fact, when I prepare for this English presentation, a question has confused me for a long time. The question is that why this sport sometimes is called ping-pang, while sometimes is called table tennis? So, I consulted for information on the Internet and found that it has something to do with the history. Table tennis can be considered as a young sport because it only has a history of about 100 years. In 1890, several British naval[?ne?vl] officers stationed in India occasionally found to paly tennis in a small table is quite stimulating. Then they switch to a small hollow ball instead of a little elastic solid ball, and use wood plank instead of the racquet[?r?k?t], on the table for a new kind of “tennis”, which is the origin of the name of the table tennis. Table tennis there soon, has become a popular sport all the rage. The early 20th century,


介绍乒乓球的英语作文 篇一:乒乓球 What's your hobby?Do you know my hobby?Well,let me tell you.My hobby is playing ping-pong.I think that is very interesting.I play it every day.In our school,after class and after school.I stayed at school to play ping-pong.My teacher and my parents always ask me not to play it,try to study hard.But I really love it. 【参考译文】 你有什么业余爱好?你知道我的爱好吗?好吧,让我告诉你。我的爱好是打乒乓球。我认为这是非常有趣的。我每天都玩。在我们学校,放学后,我在学校玩ping-pong.my老师和我的父母总是不让我玩,努力学习,但我真的爱它。 篇二:乒乓球 PingPong is the traditional activity in China.It has long time development,and has got the attention of our nation.Almost many years passed,it has improved our natinal role in the world. Now there are many perfect players in nation team.If they take part in the game,the first is achieved by them.There is no doublt that every one support our team and their performance.


打乒乓球的英文 打乒乓球的英文 1.play table tennis 2.play ping-pong play table tennis造句 1. we usually go to play table tennis out of hours. 我们在工作时间之外常常打乒乓球. 2. i like playing football best, but occasionally i play table tennis, too. 我最喜欢踢足球, 偶尔也打打乒乓球. 3. playing ( at ) chess is no fun; let's go to play table tennis. 下棋没劲, 还是去打乒乓球吧. 4. she watched the children play table tennis. 她看孩子们打乒乓球. 5. do you like to play table tennis? 你爱打乒乓球吗 ? 6. he loves to play table tennis. 他喜欢打乒乓球. 7. we often play chess, swim and play table tennis together. 我们经常一起下棋, 游泳和打乒乓球.

8. almost all people in china, old and young , men and women, like to play table tennis. 在我国, 几乎所有的人, 男女老少, 都喜欢打乒乓球. 9. sometimes, i also play table tennis, or go swimming. 有时, 我也打乒乓球, 或游泳去. 10. she can roller blade, play the piano and play table tennis. 她会滑旱冰, 弹钢琴,打乒乓球. play ping - pong的例句 1. of course kaka will learn to play ping - pong. 当然也会在中国学打乒乓球. 2. although i can't play ping - pong, i can learn it. 尽管我不会打乒乓球, 但是我可以学. 3. this table is for you to play ping pong on. 这桌子是让你们打乒乓球用的. 4. we play ping pong after school from monday to friday. 我们星期一到星期五放学后在学校打桌球. 5. in the army holpital, forrest is learning to play ping - pong. (在战地医院中, 阿甘正在学打乒乓球. ) 6. perhaps you can invite your friend to play ping pong together. 那么回到上面的句子,如何翻译“也许你可以邀请这朋友和你一起打乒乓球. ”


介绍乒乓球的英语作文 乒乓球作为我们的国球,你喜欢乒乓球吗?下面是xx为大家整理的优秀英语作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢! 篇一:乒乓球 What's your hobby?Do you know my hobby?Well,let me tell hobby is playing think that is very play it every our school,after class and after stayed at school to play teacher and my parents always ask me not to play it,try to study I really love it. 你有什么业余爱好?你知道我的爱好吗?好吧,让我告诉你。我的爱好是打乒乓球。我认为这是非常有趣的。我每天都玩。在我们学校,放学后,我在学校玩老师和我的父母总是不让我玩,努力学习,但我真的爱它。 篇二:乒乓球 PingPong is the traditional activity in has long time development,and has got the attention of our many years passed,it has improved our natinal role in the world. Now there are many perfect players in nation they take part in the game,the first is achieved by is no doublt that every one support our team and their performance.
