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119. grand a. 宏伟大,壮丽的,重大的

The museum that we visit is very grand. 我们参观的博物馆是非常雄伟的。

120. invade v. 侵入,侵略,侵袭

When Balrogs invade the ship, you better avoid them. The cabin is the safest place!


121. acid n. 酸,酸性物质a. 酸的;尖刻的

Aluminum is the main factor limiting plant growth on acid soil .


122. acknowledge v. 承认;致谢

“Yeah, we’re playing the merit game,” acknowledges Tom Lancaster, associate dean for undergraduate education.(2009年12月大学英语四级考试试题)

123. balcony n. 阳台

You can see the sea from our balcony. 从我们的阳台,你可以看到大海。

124. calculate vt. 计算,核算

He must calculate the probability of failure. 他必须计算一下失败的概率。

125. calendar n. 日历,月历

He patiently waited , then when I was done , he said he would like Chinese New Year did not begin January first , and that Chinese New Year ,which is tied to the lunar cycle ,is one of the most celebrated holidays on the Chinese calendar .(2009年6月英语四级考试真题与答案)

126. optimistic a. 乐观

The man is quite optimistic about human nature.


127. optional a. 可以任选的,非强制的

Some courses in college are required while others are optional.


128. outstanding a. 杰出的,突出的,显著的

She made outstanding contributions to children’s education.


129. export n. 出口(物)v. 出口,输出

We export to many countries. 我们向许多国家出口货物。

130. import n. 进口(物)v. 进口,输入

importing low-price prescription drugs from Canada

131. impose vt. 把……加强(on);采用,利用

You ought not to impose your thoughts on others. 你不应该总是把自己的想法强加于别人。132. religion n. 宗教,宗教信仰

He deceived them under the cloak of religion. 他打着宗教的幌子欺骗他们。

133. religious a. 宗教的

And Taoism is a religious sect. 而道教是一个宗教派别。

134. victim n. 牺牲品,受害者

Scientists have devised a way to determine roughly where a person has lived using a strand(缕) of hair , a technique that could help track the movements of criminal suspects or unidentified murder victims .


135. video n. 电视,视频a. 电视的,录像的

Applying for artistic merit scholarships usually requires that students submit a portfolio(选辑)of some sort, whether that includes a collection of artwork, a recording of a musical performance or a video of them dancing.(2009年12月大学英语四级考试试题)

136. videotape n. 录像磁带v. 把……录在录像带上

When the children were 2, researchers videotaped them at home in free-play sessions with both parents, all of their speech. ( 2009年12月大学英语四级考试)

137. offend v. 冒犯,触犯

He was offended by her unreasonable quarrel.


138. bother v. 打搅,麻烦

A survey found an overwhelming pessimism about privacy, with 60 percent of respondents saying they

feel their privacy is “slipping away, and that bothers me.”(2008年6月大学英语四级考试真题) 139. interfere v. 干涉,干扰,妨碍

This is my life, no one can interfere.


140. internal a. 内部的,国内的

If we do not confront and overcome these internal fears and doubts, if we protect ourselves too much, then we cease to grow.

假如我们不敢面对并消除这些内心的恐惧和疑惑,如果我们对自己保护太多,我们就不再成长了。141. beforehand ad. 预先,事先

Rooms booked beforehand can be discounted by up to 50%.


142. racial a. 人种的种族的

This pattern of human rights violations against enslaved African-Americans continued under racial segregation for nearly another century. ( 2006年6月17日大学英语四级(CET-4)真题试卷(A卷)) 143. radiation n. 放射物,辐射

The use of radiation disinfection could solve some sticky problems.


144. radical a.根本的;激进的

They wish to adopt more radical methods.


145. range n. 幅度,范围v. (在某范围内)变动

I needed to present the full range of duties, responsibilities and expectations to all candidates.


146. wonder n. 惊奇,奇迹v. 想知道,对……感到疑惑

In the late 19th century, Jules Verne, the master of science fiction, foresaw many of the technological wonders that are today. (2006年6月17日大学英语四级(CET-4)真题试卷(A卷))

A) transient

B) commonplace

C) implicit

D) elementary

147. isolate vt. 使隔离,使孤立

These conditions are increasingly observable around the world. For instance, cultures that were previously isolated and homogeneous(同种类的) ,such as Japan, Denmark and Greece (45).

( 2008年12月大学英语四级考试)

148. issue n. 问题,争论点;发行,(报刊)一期

Retailers who’re responsive and friendly are more likely to smooth over issues than those who aren’t so friendly.( 2008年12月大学英语四级考试真题)

149. hollow a. 空的,中空的,空虚道

This is a hollow tree.


150. hook n. 钩vt. 钩住

I hooked his foot when he passed me and he staggered but didn't fall. 他从我身边走过时我勾住了他的脚,他被绊了一个趔趄可并没摔倒。

Put your coat on the hook.


151. adequate a. 适当地;足够

The panda is an endangered species, which means that it is very likely to become without adequate protection.

A) intact

B) insane C) extinct

D) exempt

152. adhere vi. 粘附,附着;遵守,坚持

We adhered to our original plan of swimming in spite of the bad weather.尽管天气恶劣,我们仍然坚持按预定计划游泳。

153. ban vt. 取缔,禁止

The police lifted the ban against parking in the street.


154. capture vt. 俘虏,捕获

They captured this city from the enemy last week.


155. valid a. 有效的,有根据的;正当的

Each of these philosophies is valid and, it has to be said, my son loves visiting his aunt’s house. (2008年12月大学英语四级考试真题)

156. valley n. 山谷,峡谷

In a mountain valley of Spain

157. consistent a. 坚固定;一致的,始终如一的

Her parents’ consistent moral support

158. continuous a. 继续的,连续(不断)的

Firstly, no accomplishment can be achieved in a short time, and success asks for continuous industrious work and efforts.


159. continual a. 不断地,频繁的

Continual conflict among city-states caused the eventual decline of Greek civilization.城邦间不断的冲突导致了希腊文明最终的衰落。

160. explode v. 爆炸;爆发;激增

Something was ready to explode inside of her because she could not make people understand her.她的内心深处有什么东西要爆发,因为她的举止已难以让人理解。

exploit v. 剥削;利用,开采

China make a great effort to develop marine enterprise, exploit and protect ocean.中国为发展海洋事业,开发和保护海洋作出了积极努力。

162. explore v. 勘探

To explore strategies for lowering production costs

163. explosion n. 爆炸;爆发;激增

If only the explosion had not happened!


164. explosive a. 爆炸的;极易引起争论的

That is explosive news. One of my colleagues admires her.


165. remote a. 遥远的,偏僻的

And ever since, I have never hesitated to head for even the most remote of places, without guides or even bookings, confident that somehow I will manage.

166. removal n. 除去,消除

It is also ideal for water removal.


167. render vt. 使得,致使

They couldn't resist any more and decided to render up the city.


168. precaution n. 预防,防备,警惕

The bank takes another precaution as well.


169. idle a. 懒散的,无所事事的

An idle man never succeeds in anything.


170. identify vt. 认出,鉴定

You’ll move one step closer to your ideal work li fe if you identify how much risk you are willing to take and the sacrifices you are willing to make.

171. identify n. 身份;个性,特性

172. poverty n. 贫穷

We need economic growth unless we condemn the world’s poor to their present poverty and freeze everyone el se’s living standards.

173. resistant a. (to) 抵抗的,抗……的,耐……的

But it can get rid of fat resistant to traditional methods of losing weight.


174. resolve vt. 解决;决定,决意

To resolve the dilemma in the health-care system

175. barrel n. 桶

Oil prices are nearing 50 a barrel, a level not seen since the beginning of the year.


176. bargain n. 便宜货vi. 讨价还价

The man made a bargain with the landlady over the rent

177. coarse a. 粗的,粗糙的,粗劣的

Homespun is a cloth of coarse weave.


178. coach n. 教练;长途公共汽车

Recommendation for these scholarships is required, since exceptional athletic performance has to be recognized by a coach or a referee(裁判).

179. code n. 准则,法规,密码

A code of conduct is hard to create when you’re living in a world in which everyone is exhausted from

overwork and lack of sleep, and a world in which nice people are perceived to finish last.


180. coil n. 线圈v. 卷,盘绕

He coiled the rope on the deck.


The greatest field is right adjacent to the coil.


181. adult n. 成年人

It’s very important for improving the lives of individuals, however, it is estimated that 880 million adults around the world are illiterate, that is, they are unable to read or write.

182. advertise v. 为……做广告

They advertised that a position was open.


183. advertisement n. 广告

After determining the target audience for a product or service, advertising agencies must select the appropriate media for the advertisement.

184. agency n. 代理商,经销商

But in March 2001,the Russian Aerospace Agency brought Mir down into the Pacific Ocean.

185. focus v. (使)聚集n. 焦点,中心,聚焦

Throughout this long, tense election, everyone has focused on the presidential candidates and how they’ll change America.

However, a new strategy and a new focus is not enough.


186. forbid vt. 不许,禁止

She forbade her children sweets.


187. debate n. /v. 辩论,争论

Generational tensions are being fueled by continuing debate over Social Security benefits, which mostly involves a transfer of resources from the young to the old.

188. debt n. 欠债

He couldn’t pay his gambling debts.

189. decade n. 十年

There are already several space tourism companies planning to build suborbital vehicles and orbital cities within the next two decades.

190. enclose vt. 围住;把……装入信封

She enclosed a check for 50 with the letter.



英语单词造句十个练习一:what’s this? 单词:兔子rabbit 钟表clock 洋娃娃doll 枪gun 什么what 这个this 那个that what s = what is 句型:Is this a cake? Yes, it is。 What’s this? It ’s a bun。 What’s that? Is it a doll? No ,it’s a rabbit。 What’s this? It s a box。 What’s in it? Is it a clock? No, it’s a gun。 二:He has a red cap 单词:床bed 猪pig 便帽cap 苹果apple 七seven 有has 有have 朋友friend 丹男名Dan 莉莉Lily 小的little 句型:I have seven big apples.我有七个大苹果。 She/He has seven big apples. 她/他有七个大苹果。 I have a red cap.我有一顶红色的便帽。 She/He has a red cap.她/他有一顶红色的便帽。 I have a little dog.我有一只小狗。 She/He has a little dog.她/他有一只小狗。 She is my friend.她是我的朋友。 三:What colour is the book? 单词:书book 颜色colour 妇女woman 母亲mother

医生doctor 这个the 看look 好的good 句型:What’s in de bag? It’s a book。 What colour is it ? It’s red .It’s a good book。 Look at the woman. Is she a doctor? Yes ,she’s a doctor .She is my mother。 四:What can you see? 单词:树tree 绿色的green 房间room 兄弟brother 你(们)you 看见see 谁who 请please 来come 句型:What can you see?I can see a tree。 What colour is it? It’s green。 Can I come in? This is my room。 Come in , please. Who’s he? He’s my brother。 五:Are you in class Two? 单词:小汽车car 小鸡chick 女孩girl 一one 二two 教师teacher 下午afternoon 是are 班级class 珀尔女 名Pearl 在…下面under 对话:Good afternoon。 Are you in Class Two? No,I'm in Class One。 Who's that girl? She's Pearl。 Who's in the car? A teacher。


英语整句造句举例(积木式英语造句法) 经过前面6章的讲解,英语语法的基本现则已全部讲解完毕了。 英语语法,是英语造句的法则,学好英语语法,为的是学会英语造句。学完了前面的造句法则以后,接下来大家就应该自己进行英语造句练习了。若只看造句法则而不练习造句,就好像只学足球比赛规则而不下场踢足球,最终还是学不会踢足球。为了引领大家进行英语造句,本章将以举例的方式讲解一种练习英语造句的奇妙方法,这个方法可谓“精、准、快”练习效果很好。它启发大家如何从一个最简单的根零件开始造句,一步一步地造出各种复杂的句子。 本章当中所举的例句,将有一定的长度和难度,因为若举太短或太简单的句子为例,不足以说明复杂句子的造句过程。读者在阅读这些例句时,遇到生词可以边查字典边阅读。对于年龄太小的、认识单词尚少的儿童,也可以不看本章的内容,转而先去学习英语发音、背单词等快步英语的其他课程,等有了一定的词汇积累后再回到这里看本章的内容。 以下的讲解仅是英语造句步骤的一般简单讲解,目的在于引领读者入门。要想彻底学会英语语法,仅靠阅读本章的几个例句是远远不够的,还要具体分析一些文章实例才行。快步英语课程里另外还有专门的《英语语法练习课程》,其中结合各种难度的大篇幅文章来讲解文章中的具体语法细节,带领大家进行英语语法练习,因此请读者看完本书后,趁热打铁地去使用快步英语的《英语语法练习课程》。 第一节积木式造句的基本步骤 1.第一步:挑选根零件 一个完整的英语句子,无论它多长,多么复杂,都含有最基本的主谓宾三大成分,交代“谁做了什么事”,而且这三大成分按照固定的三种位置排列,即按照三个根零件排列,英语造句的第一步就是造出句子的根零件,即首先把句子的最重要的主谓宾三大块找出来,并挑选一个根零件将其造出,形成句子的最初步结构。 比如要造一个英语句子,它的汉语意思如下: 一天,一个想喝点水的倒霉的狐狸掉进了一个深井里。 这个句子的最简单的“谁做了什么事”是什么呢?经过分析后发现是“一个狐狸、掉到、井里”,这是句子最基本的主谓宾三部分,将这三部分用根零件l表达出来就是: A fox fell into a well. 一个狐狸掉到井里。这里谓语fell的语态是“过去时态”( 2—l公式)。 2. 第二步:添加、替换新零件 找出根零件后的第二步,就是添加新的零件,可以用一个更大的零件替换原来的小零件,比如用一个大的名词短语替换根零件中主语位置上的小名词短语,使根零件的主语复杂起来。还可以给句子中的一个名词添加定语零件、状语零件、补语零件等。添加新零件没有先后次序,哪个零件添加起来容易就先添加哪个零件,还可以同时添加两个或多个零件。 比如用an unlucky fox(块4:一个倒霉的狐狸)替换根零性中的主语A fox , 同时用a deep well (块4:一个深井) 替换根零件中的宾语a well,则句子变成:An unlucky fox fell into a deep well. 一个倒霉的狐狸掉到一个深井里。 3. 第三步及后面步骤:重复第一、二步 反复重复第二步,逐步向句子中添加零件,就像搭积木一样逐步造出最终想要的复杂的英语句子。


12-1 1.Lift(V): to remove and end restrictions 解除;撤销;停止(限制) E.g. Martial laws has been lifted now.戒严令现在已经解除。 ①Since the Emancipation Proclamation had been enacted by President Lincoln, the Slavery was lifted in the U.S. ②China has lifted the Labor Reform in view of its irrationality that labors offenders under labor reform are put into jail without due law process. 2.Check(V): to stop oneself from saying or doing something or from showing a particular emotion 克制;抑制(做某事或表露感情) E.g. She wanted to tell him the whole truth but she checked herself-it wasn’t the right moment. ①Even though he suffers great pain from his disease, he checks himself to ease his parents’ worry. ②He has been checked his enmity against his enemy, awaiting an opportunity to take revenge. 3.Outgoing(adj.): (only before none)leaving the position of responsibility mentioned 将卸任 的;离职的 E.g. This book belongs to the outgoing president. 这本书是即将下台的总统的。 ①The outgoing president has been dedicated to improve his people’s life for more than 30 years. ②People in the city caught the last opportunity to visit their outgoing mayor who has earned good reputation and respect. 4.Tough(adj.) having or causing problems or difficulties 艰苦的;艰难的;棘手的 E.g. She’s been having a tough time of it lately. 他最近的日子一直很难熬。


英语造句 英语造句是怎么回事呢?很显然就是把多个单词放在 一起组成一个英语句子。英语造句的能力很重要,如果学英语而不会英语造句,你的英语水平就会卡在单词的级别上,永远也达不到出口成章、下笔成文的级别。那么英语造句难不难呢?这就要看你是否掌握了其中的诀窍,不掌握诀窍难死你,学一辈子英语也不会造句,掌握了诀窍简单得要命,甚至觉得是好玩的游戏。今天我就要告诉你这个诀窍了,为了牢牢吸引住你的眼球,我一开始就抛给你一个特难特长的汉语大长句子,请相信看完了这篇文章后,你立刻就能掌握英语造句的诀窍,并立刻把下面这个“巨难”的句子说成英语,请认真看,这个大句子就是: 中国政府赞扬了非洲共同组织在帮助非洲国家赢得民族独 立和政治解放中所做的贡献。 把这个大句子翻译成英语,不会把你吓坏吧?其实仔细研究一下就会发现,这句话里的英语单词并不是难得吓人,比如“中国、政府、赞扬、贡献、非洲、解放、政治、独立”,这些单词均是中国的高中同学就学过的单词,只是要把这些单词连成英语句子,就觉得无从下手,比登天

还难。别害怕,请跟我一步一步地做一个造句游戏,叫“积木式英语造句法”,这个游戏做完了,以上大句子不知不觉就变成英语句子了。 首先,把以下四个小零件翻译出来,这一定巨简单,它们是: 第一个零件:中国政府赞扬贡献,翻成英语是: Chinese government praised the contribution。 第二个零件:非洲共同组织的,翻成英语是: of Africa Union。 第三个零件:在帮助非洲国家当中,翻成英语是: in helping African countries。 第四个零件:赢得民族独立和政治解放,翻成英语是:to win national independence and political liberation。 把以上四个零件翻译成英语绝对简单得一塌糊涂,因为他们都是最标准的英语语法零件,什么主谓宾啊、介词短语啊,to v结构啊,都是简单得不能再简单的东西,只要会了其中的单词,马上都可以翻译出来。但你是否相信,前面那个大句子就是由这四个小零件连接起来组成的。不信的话,就请你把上面的四个零件顺序连接起来,看看会是什么,那就是:


He did not contradict his attorney's comment. 他没有反驳律师的意见。 The report contradicts what we heard yesterday.这个报道与我们昨天听到的有矛盾。 Ask your sister to stitch the badge onto your blazer.让你姐姐将徽章缀在你的校服。 He found contentment in reading novels.他从看小说当中得到满足。 Black and white shows a striking contrast. 黑和白形成明显的对比 I try to convince him of the reality of the danger.我试图使他相信危险的确存在。 The reforms of enterprises are now at the critical moment.现在企业的改革正处在紧要关头 They believed she had been possessed by devils. 他们认为她是受魔鬼控制了。 We decided to delay our wedding until next year.我们决 定把婚礼推迟到明年 You ought to diet and take more exercise.你应该节食并多做运动。 distinct: Those two ideas are quite distinct from each other.这两种观点截然不同。

frame :This athlete has a powerful frame.这位运动员有着魁梧的体格。 freak :People think she's a freak just because she's religious.就因为她信教,人们就把她当成怪人 jog :(v)He goes jogging for health every night.为了健康他每晚慢跑。 lank :The old man has lank hair. 那位老人头发稀疏 loose -fitting:a loose -fitting garment that is worn over other clothing . 穿在其它衣服上面的一种宽松的衣服。 she was searching feverishly for her missing jewels 她正在心急火燎地寻找她丢失的珠宝. With that kind of man you will plead in vain.你恳求那种人将是白费力气 I wonder whether the whole premise is right.我怀疑整个前提是否正确 She wishes to pursue a medical career.她希望从事医学工作。 The most annoying quirk of his is wearing a cap all the time.他最令人感到厌恶的怪癖就是无论何时都戴著帽子Only a saint can put up with her children.只有圣人才


1、adapt适应,使适应 I study hard in order to adapt to the social competition. 我努力学习以适应社会竞争。 2、appreciate 欣赏,感激 He is very happy that his teacher highly appreciates his works. 他很高兴他的老师能欣赏他的作品。 3、bother打搅 Nothing can bother me when I am sleeping. 我睡觉的时候没什么事情能打扰. 4、ban禁止,禁令 There is a ban on smoking in our classroom.

在我们的教室里禁止吸烟。 5、diverse不同的,多种多样的 In the world there are few countries as diverse as China. 世界上很少有哪个国家象中国这么多元化。 6、gratitude 感激、感激的心情 I send him a small gift expressing my gratitude to his help . 为表示我对他帮助的感谢,我送给他了一个小礼物。 7、frustrate 挫败、使灰心;挫败的

We will never be frustrated no matter what happened. 无论发生什么事,我们都不会灰心丧气。 8、outstanding杰出的 He has a good paid because of his outstanding abilities. 因为他杰出的才干,他的工资很高。 9、witness 目睹、见证 This tree has witnessed the changes of the past few decades. 这棵大树目睹了近几十的变化。


v1.0 可编辑可修改 第一单元:Hello,my name is 'm a student. 第二单元:Excuse me,where's my pencil,eraser,dictionaryand my ruler 第三单元:My family have five are mysister,my bother,my parents and my grangparents. 第四单元:The chairis near the dresser,and the plant is on the table. 第五单元:Let's join the sports think it's interesting and relaxing. 第六单元:I like eating bananas,hamburgers and also like to drink the oranges.第七单元:I want to buy the blue T-shirt and the black much are they 第八单元:Today is School will be basketball game,volleyball game and the speech contest. 第九单元:I went to a movie saw a it's really funny. 第十单元:I want to be a I an joining the guitar club,sing club,piano club and the violin club. 第十一单元:At around eight o'clock,I go to starts at nine o'clock,and I do my homework at six thirty in the evening. 第十二单元:My parter's favorite subject is he wants to be a 1


1.time英音:[taim]时间n. Time after time 一次又一次 Time's up 时间到了 Lunch time 午饭时间到了 Do you have time tomorrow? 你明天有时间吗? When was the last time? 最近一次是什么时候? The future is our time. 未来是我们的时代。 2.what time[ ]几点;什么时候 What time did your plane land? 你的飞机几时到达的? What time did you get here? 你什么时候到这里的? What time will he is back? 他将于何时会回来呢? 3.go to school []去上学 Where did you go to school? 你是在哪里上学的? I usually go to school at seven. 我通常七点上学。 I go to school on Thursday. 星期四,我上学。 4.get up[ ]起床 All students must get up. 所有的学生必须起床。 When will you get up tomorrow? 你明天什么时候起床? I usually get up at six. 我一般六点起床。 5.shower英音:['?au?] 淋浴;淋浴器n. Cold shower 冷水淋浴

Shower bath 淋浴 A hot shower 一个热水澡 Does the bathroom have a shower? 洗澡间有淋浴吗? I want a room with a shower. 我要一个带淋浴的房间。 6.take a shower[]淋浴;洗澡 He went into the bath to take a shower. 他进浴室去洗淋浴 Less time to take a shower 用更少的时间洗淋浴 I take a shower in the bathroom. 我在浴室里冲澡 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/7b7671038.html,ually 英音:['ju:?u?li] 通常adv. I usually walk 我通常步行 Usually not. 不常晕 Usually uninvited 通常未被邀请 We usually go by train. 我们通常坐火车去。 She usually sings in the shower. 她常常边冲澡边唱歌 Usually, I get up at six. 平时我一般6点起床。 8.o’clock [](只用于正点)……点钟 Why are you here at eight o’ clock in the morning? 你为什么早晨8点钟就来这儿? Her bedtime is nine o’ clock. 她的就寝时间是九点钟。 It began to rain at five o’clock. 5点钟开始下雨。


英语和英语造句大全 英语和英语造句大全 篇一: 英语常用句子大全英语常用句子大全 1. I see.我明白了 2. I quit! 我不干了! 3. Let go! 放手! 4. Me too( 我也是。 5. My god! 天哪! 6. No way! 不行! 7. Come on( 来吧(赶快) 8. Hold on( 等一等。 9. I agree。 我同意。 10. Not bad( 还不错。 11. Not yet( 还没。 12. See you( 再见。 13. Shut up! 闭嘴! 14. So long( 再见。 15. Why not? 好呀! (为什么不呢?) 16. Allow me( 让我来。 17. Be quiet! 安静点! 18. Cheer up! 振作起来! 19. Good job! 做得好! 20. Have fun! 玩得开心! 2 1. How much? 多少钱? 2 2. I m full( 我饱了。 23. I m home( 我回来了。 24. I m lost( 我迷路了。 25. My treat( 我请客。 我也一样。 26. So do I( 27. This way。

这边请。 28. After you( 您先。 29. Bless you! 祝福你! 30. Follow me( 跟我来。 3 1. Forget it! 休想! (算了!) 3 2. Good luck! 祝好运! 3 3. I decline! 我 拒绝! 34. I promise( 我保证。 35. Of course! 当然了! 36. Slow down! 慢点! 37. Take care! 保重! 38. They hurt( (伤口)疼。 39. Try again( 再试试。 40. Watch out! 当心。 4 1. What s up? 有什么事吗?4 2. Be careful! 注意! 4 3. Bottoms up! 干杯(见底)! 4 4. Don t move! 不许动! 4 5. Guess what? 猜猜看? 4 6. I doubt it 我怀疑。 47. I think so( 我也这么想。 48. I m single( 我是单身贵族。49. Keep it up! 坚持下去! 50. Let me see(让我想想。 5 1. Never mind(不要紧。 52. No problem! 没问题! 53. That s all! 就这样! 54. Time is up( 时 间快到了。 55. What s new? 有什么新鲜事吗? 56. Count me on 算上我。 57. Don t worry( 别担心。 58. Feel better? 好点了吗? 59. I love you! 我爱你! 60. I m his fan。


1.guitar[] 英音:[gi'tɑ:]吉他n. She sang to the guitar. 她和着吉他歌唱。 He played the guitar every night. 他每天晚上弹吉他。 I like to play guitar. 我喜欢弹吉他 Pluck the guitar 弹吉他 Play the guitar. 演奏吉它 2.join[] 英音:[d??in]参加;加入v. Welcome to join our ranks. 欢迎加入我们的行列. Why don't you join us? 你要不要干脆加入我们? Please join our reading group. 请加入我们的读书会。 Join the Party 入党 Join the Army 参军 Please join us 参加党 3.dance[] 英音:[dɑ:ns]跳舞;舞蹈v. Who will you dance with? 你要和谁跳舞? You can dance like this. 你可以像这样跳 They not only sing but also dance. 他们不但唱还跳 Country dance 乡村舞 Modern dance 现代舞

Dance music 舞蹈音乐 4.swim[] 英音: [swim]游泳v. Have you learned to swim? 你学会游泳了吗? I can swim two miles. 我能游2英里 I often swim in a river. 我常在河里游。 Swim the river 游过河 Not swim 不会游泳 Fishes swim 鱼游泳 5.sing[] 英音:[si?]唱;唱歌v. We can dance and sing. 我们可以唱歌、跳舞。 Sing a song of abc. 唱一首字母歌。 I sing along with music. 我伴随着音乐唱歌。 Sing beautifully 唱得动听 Sing out 高声唱 Sing loudly 放声高歌 6.chess[] 英音:[t?es] 国际象棋n. He is a chess master. 他是国际象棋大师。 Chess is played by two people. 国际象棋是两个人玩的。 He's bad at chess. 他象棋下得不好。


11-17 1.Vaguely: in a way that is not detailed or exact 不详细地,含糊地,不确切地 Eg: I can vaguely remember her face. 2.Miscarry: to give birth to a baby before it is fully developed and able to live. 流产 Eg: the shock caused her to miscarry. 3.Assault: the crime of attack sb physically.倾犯他人身体(罪) Eg : Both men were charged of assault. 4.Couch:to say or write words in a particular style or manner.(用于某种文体)表 达,措辞。 Eg: this letter was deliberately couched in very vague term. 5.Antiquated: (things or ideas)old-fashioned and no longer suitable for modern conditions过时的,陈旧的 Eg: they attempt in vain to modernize these antiquated industries. 1.Vaguely: in a way that is not detailed or exact 不详细地,含糊地,不确切地 ①Students could hardly make sense of the professor’s speech because he presented it vaguely without any examples. ②He made an attempt to get away from the teacher’s blame by narrated his mistake vaguely. 2.Miscarry: to give birth to a baby before it is fully developed and able to live. 流产 ①She was pregnant and went to hospital for medical examinations in case she miscarries. ②she might unfortunately miscarry in the car accident without the first aid of a kind passer-by. 3.Assault: the crime of attack sb physically.倾犯他人身体(罪) ①During the Anti-Japanese War, Chinese civilians were fearful of Japanese troops’ intruding into their houses and assaulting them. ②He was sentenced to death owning to his assaulting the victim deadly while conducting a holdup. 4.Couch:to say or write words in a particular style or manner.(用于某种文体) 表达,措辞。 ①To arouse reader s’interest in the essay, the author couched it with rhetoric skills including simile, metaphor, etc. to make it more vivid. ②When you intent to comfort a person who suffers lovelorn pain, you are


英语造句大全English sentence 在句子中,更好的记忆单词! 1、(1)、able adj. 能 句子:We are able to live under the sea in the future. (2)、ability n. 能力 句子:Most school care for children of different abilities. (3)、enable v. 使。。。能句子:This pass enables me to travel half-price on trains. 2、(1)、accurate adj. 精确的句子:We must have the accurate calculation. (2)、accurately adv. 精确地 句子:His calculation is accurately. 3、(1)、act v. 扮演 句子:He act the interesting character. (2)、actor n. 演员 句子:He was a famous actor. (3)、actress n. 女演员 句子:She was a famous actress. (4)、active adj. 积极的 句子:He is an active boy. 4、add v. 加 句子:He adds a little sugar in the milk. 5、advantage n. 优势 句子:His advantage is fight. 6、age 年龄n. 句子:His age is 15. 7、amusing 娱人的adj. 句子:This story is amusing. 8、angry 生气的adj. 句子:He is angry. 9、America 美国n.


119. grand a. 宏伟大,壮丽的,重大的 The museum that we visit is very grand. 我们参观的博物馆是非常雄伟的。 120. invade v. 侵入,侵略,侵袭 When Balrogs invade the ship, you better avoid them. The cabin is the safest place!当蝙蝠魔侵入船的时候,你更好避开它船舱是最安全的地方! 121. acid n. 酸,酸性物质a. 酸的;尖刻的 Aluminum is the main factor limiting plant growth on acid soil . 铝是酸性土壤中植物生长发育的主要限制因子。 122. acknowledge v. 承认;致谢 “Yeah, we’re playing the merit game,”acknowledges Tom Lancaster, associate dean for undergraduate education.(2009年12月大学英语四级考试试题) 123. balcony n. 阳台 You can see the sea from our balcony. 从我们的阳台,你可以看到大海。 124. calculate vt. 计算,核算 He must calculate the probability of failure. 他必须计算一下失败的概率。 125. calendar n. 日历,月历 He patiently waited , then when I was done , he said he would like Chinese New Year did not begin January first , and that Chinese New Year ,which is tied to the lunar cycle ,is one of the most celebrated holidays on the Chinese calendar .(2009年6月英语四级考试真题与答案)126. optimistic a. 乐观 The man is quite optimistic about human nature.(2007年6月23日大学英语四级(CET-4)真题试卷(A卷)) 127. optional a. 可以任选的,非强制的 Some courses in college are required while others are optional. 大学里有的课程是必修的,有是是选修的。 128. outstanding a. 杰出的,突出的,显著的 She made outstanding contributions to children’s education.(2006年6月17日大学英语四级(CET-4)真题试卷(A卷)) 129. export n. 出口(物)v. 出口,输出 We export to many countries. 我们向许多国家出口货物。 130. import n. 进口(物)v. 进口,输入 importing low-price prescription drugs from Canada(2006年6月17日大学英语四级(CET-4)真题试卷(A卷)) 131. impose vt. 把……加强(on);采用,利用 You ought not to impose your thoughts on others. 你不应该总是把自己的想法强加于别人。 132. religion n. 宗教,宗教信仰 He deceived them under the cloak of religion. 他打着宗教的幌子欺骗他们。 133. religious a. 宗教的 And Taoism is a religious sect. 而道教是一个宗教派别。 134. victim n. 牺牲品,受害者 Scientists have devised a way to determine roughly where a person has lived using a strand(缕) of hair , a technique that could help track the movements of criminal suspects or unidentified murder victims .(2009年6月英语四级考试真题与答案) 135. video n. 电视,视频a. 电视的,录像的 Applying for artistic merit scholarships usually requires that students submit a portfolio(选辑)of some sort, whether that includes a collection of artwork, a recording of a musical performance or a video of them dancing.(2009年12月大学英语四级考试试题) 136. videotape n. 录像磁带v. 把……录在录像带上


1 Publicity attracts friends , prosperity attracts friends, but adversity is the acid test of true friend. 名声能吸引朋友,富贵易交友,但苦难才能考研出真正的朋友。 (acid test本指“严峻的考验”,在此处指“试金石”。 2 It's a long lane that has no turning . 路必有弯(意指“凡事都是有变化的”) 英语中含"It is ... that..."结构的英语谚语为数不少,在翻译成汉语时切不可按现代英语的结构和语法去分析、理解、翻译; It is a long lane that has no turning. 路必有弯;凡事必有变化.it is ...that 是一种特殊的否定形式。eg:It is a good horse that never stumbles. 凡马皆有失蹄时;凡人皆有错误;金无足赤,人无完人 4 Then I will follow you , comrade , and be drunken and go to the dogs . 那么我就要跟随你,伙伴,喝得烂醉走向堕落灭亡。 ("go to the dogs" ,意思是“江河日下,一蹶不振,毁灭,堕落”) comrade “同志”。 comrade~“某同志” 8 The French called it“ apple of love , " the Germans "the apple of paradise. 在法国,番茄被称为“爱情果”,德国称之为“苹果的天堂”。 apple of love 番茄的别称 9 If you don't slow down to do things you enjoy, you can easily descend into a state of exhaustion and depression. 如果你不放慢速度做些你喜欢的事情,你会很容易就落入一种疲惫沮丧的状态中。 10 More often than not it is these moments that separate the victors from the rest – because they never despair, and press on when others fade. 往往就是这些时刻将成功者与其他人区分开来——因为成功者从不绝望,会在他人放弃时选择坚持下去 11 The reward money does not matter much to me - though it is sizeable - but being the one to get credit for solving the mystery…that's what drives me on. 奖赏的金钱对我来说并不重要——尽管它是很大一笔数目——而是解决秘密事件所获得的名誉……它们驱使着我。 get credit for 因。。受到好评,隔天credit for sth 赊东西


It does not matter where you came from,what matter is who you choose to be. 1.There is a pen on the table. 2.Those who abandon themselves to despair(令人绝望的)can not succeed. 3.She has the ability to keep clam in an emergency. 4.We shall be able to deal with all sorts of problem. 5.At one time,she is fine,but at another,she is abnormal. 6.All passengers aboard fell into the river. 7.Applicants(申请者) must be above the age of 18. 8.He lived abroad for many years. 9.His long absence raised(凸起的) fears about his safety. 10.Many students were absent,notably(尤其) the monitor(班长). 11.Motion(运动)is absolute,while stillness(静止) is relative(相对 的). 12.I trust his discretion(判断力) absolutely. 13.Dry sand absorbs water. 14.He has some abstract notion(想法、意图) of wanting to change the world. 15.The agricultural commodities(产品) are abundant this year.
