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阅读理解---- 【细节理解题】



1. 以what, who, which, when, where, why, how 等特殊疑问句的方式来提问,针对文章中的具体事物、人物、时间、地点、原因(目的)、方式等来设问考查。解这类题时,大家可以带着问题去阅读文章,最后采


真题摘选【1】(2013 江苏卷D篇)

I say clever because anti-slavery fiction had been the important part of the literature in the years before the

Civil War. H. B. Stowe ’s Uncle Tom is’o s n l C y a t h b e i n m o s t famous example. These early stories dealt directly with slavery. With minor exceptions, Twain planted his attacks on slavery and prejudice into tales that were on the surface about something else entirely. He drew his readers into the argument by drawing them into the story.

65. How do Twain ’s novels on slavery differ from Stowe ’s?

A. Twain was more willing to deal with racism.

B. Twain ’s attack on racism was much l e o s p s e n.

C. Twain ’s themes seemed to agree with plots.

D. Twain was openly concerned with racism.




Part of a research study,by scientists at McMaster university ,which is ongoing into the influence of drinking milk after heavy weightlifting ,has observed that milk helps exercisers burn more fat.

The scientists took three groups of young men 18 to 30 years of age,56 in total ,and put them through a strict ,

five- day-per-week weightlifting program over a 12- week period.Following their workouts ,study participants drank either two cups of skim milk ( 脱脂奶),or a soy beverage with equivalent amounts of protein and energy ,or a carbohydrate beverage (碳酸饮料) with an equivalent amount of energy.

Upon the study ’s concl,u sisocnientists observed that:the milk drinking group had lost nearly twice as much fat—two pounds—as those in the carbohydrate beverage group,who lost one pound of fat.Those drinking soy lost

no fat.At the same time ,the gain in muscle was much greater among the milk drinkers than either the soy or carbohydrate beverage participants.

As published in the first stage of the study ,the milk drinking group came out on top in terms of muscle gain with an estimated 40 percent or 2.5 pounds more muscle mass than the soy beverage drinkers.In addition ,this group gained 63 percent or 3.3 pounds more muscle mass than the carbohydrate beverage drinkers.

―I think the evidence is beginning to increase,‖says Stuart Phillips —the leader of t h M e i l s k t u m d a y y.be best ―

known for its calcium ( 钙) content in supporting bone health ,but our research,and later others ,can’continually

support milk ’s ability to aid in muscle growth and also promote body fat https://www.sodocs.net/doc/8e13286191.html,k is the ideal post-workout drink for

recreational exercisers and athletes alike. ‖

1.According to the study ,which is the best drink for exercisers to lose weight?

A.Fruit juice. B.Soy beverage.

C.Skim milk. D.Carbohydrate beverage.


答案: C

2.From the passage we can learn that milk has a good effect on all of the following EXCEPT________.

A.muscle gain B.brain development

C.bone health D.fat loss

解析:细节理解题。根据前三段可知,牛奶可以gain muscle 和lose fat,故A、D 正确;根据最后一段中

的―Milk may be best known for its calicium content in supporting bone health 可知 C 也正‖确,所以答案为B。

答案: B

3.According to the passage,we can know that________.

A.the scientists chose people aged 18,30 and 56 as participants of the research

B.the weightlifting program which study participants attended was 84 days in total

C.people who drink milk every day are always healthier and thinner than others

D.soy beverages are better than carbohydrate beverages for exercisers to gain muscle

解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的―The scientists book three groups of young men 18 to 30 years of age,56 in total,‖可知 A 错误;根据第二段中的―put them through a strict ,five- day-per-week weightlifting program over a

12-week period. 可知‖B 错误;文章提到喝牛奶可以gain muscle 和lose fat,但是并没有提到每天喝牛奶的人

会比其他人健康、苗条,故 C 也错误。

答案: D

4.What does Philips want to tell us?

A.More evidence is needed to strengthen their research.

B.Milk has more calcium than soy or carbohydrate beverages.

C.The calcium in milk can also help gain muscle and lose fat.

D.Athletes should be forbidden to drink other beverages except milk.

解析:细节理解题。由―...but our researc,h and later others ,ca’n continually support milk ’s ability to aid in muscle growth and also promote body fat loss. 可知答案。‖

答案: A

- 2 -

5.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A.What exercisers should do to lose weight.

B.How milk influences people ’s health and figure.

C.The differences between milk and soy or carbohydrate beverages.

D.A research on the effect of drinking milk —gain muscle and lose fat.

解析:主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章介绍了一项关于喝牛奶的最新研究成果,即喝牛奶可以gain muscle

和lose fat,所以答案为D。

答案: D.

真题摘选【2】(2013课标卷I A 篇)

Some people will do just about anything to sa ve money. And I am one of them. Take my family ’s last vacation. It was my six-year- old son ’s winter break from school, and we were heading home form Fort

Lauderdale after a weeklong trip. The flight was overbooked, and Delta, the airline, offered us $400 per person in

credits to give up our seats and leave the next day. I had meetings in New York, so I had to get back. But that

didn ’t mean my husband and my son couldn ’t stay. I t o-m o k o n m t h y-n o i l n d e a n d took off for home.

56. Why did Delta give the author s family cr’edits?

A. They took a later flight.

B. They had early bookings.

C. Their flight had been delayed.

D. Their flight had been cancelled.


值,从而理性消费。利用关键词查询可以在第一段中找到The flight was overbooked, and Delta, the airline,

offered us $400 per person in credits to give up our seats and leave the next day 这些相关信息。由该句可知,因


选A 项(他们乘坐了较晚的航班)。


【2016 届石家庄市高中毕业班质量检测(二)试题】阅读理解。阅读下面短文,选择最佳答案填空。 C You use her as a shoulder to cry on. She texts you back with casual jokes. But she, Xiaoice, is only a virtual


Xiaoice, Microsoft ’s latest artificial intelligence robot, was briefly released in 2014, and returned to WeChat

in 2015, where she became a big hit. Millions of young Chinese now exchange messages with her daily, The New

York Times reported. On WeChat, Xiaoice is an official account. After following it, users can start text-based

conversations with Xiaoice.

―Her incredible learning ability was why people loved to talk with Xiaoice, ‖Liu Jinchang, a re

High-tech Research and Development Center under the Ministry of Science and Technology, told China Daily.

Apart from her ability to identify photos and send emojis ( 表情符号) in conversations, Xiaoice gains 45 percent

of her knowledge from interacting with users, China Daily reported.

Chatbot programs first appeared in the mid-1960s in the US. Driven by top tech companies, they are

becoming smarter and more common. For instance, IBM ’s l a i n t e t e s l t l i a g r e t i n f i c c e i a p l rogram served as an

academic consultant at Australia ’s Deakin University, answering students ’questions about course sch

financial aid. Apple ’s Siri and Amazon ’s Alexa have been used as voice assistants who can read news, play musi

and even make jokes for their users.

These programs are expected to move beyond smartphones, into televisions, cars and living rooms, The New

York Times pointed out. However, it may take decades before scientists develop a ―Samantha ‖, th

chatbot seen in the fiction film Her. In the film, Samantha sparks a romantic relationship with her user played by

US actor Joaquin Phoenix. Many viewers were enthusiastic about this fantasy of virtual soul mates.

1. What does the underlined part in paragraph two mean?

A. She became a best seller.

B. She became very powerful.

C. She became a money maker.

D. She became very popular.

2. Which of the following can Xiaoice do?

A. Do housework.

B. Spread messages.

C. Identify various photos.

D. Read news to its users.

3. Which company ’s chatbot program can act as an academic consultant?

A. Microsoft.


C. Apple.

D. Amazon.

4. What can be learned from the last paragraph?

A. Chatbots mainly run on smartphones now.

B. It ’ll take decadesaptoply chatbots to cars.

C. Samantha is played by a US actor in the film.

D. The film Her doesn ’t interest many audience .


2. 以不完整的句子形式,针对文章的某个细节设题,考查考生对此事实细节的认定和理解能力。如:

真题摘选【1】(2013课标卷I B 篇)

Or do newborns simply prefer more to fewer? The same experiment, but with three spots shown before two,

shows the same return of interest when the number of spots changes. Perhaps it is just the newness? When slightly

older babies were shown cards with pictures of objects (a comb, a key, an orange and so on), changing the number

of objects had an effect separate from changing the objects themselves. Could it be the pattern that two things

make, as opposed to three? No again. Babies paid more attention to squares moving randomly on a screen when

their number changed from two to three, or three to two. The effect even crosses between senses. Babies who

were repeatedly shown two spots became more excited when they then heard three drumbeats than when they

heard just two; likewise ( 同样地) when the researchers started with drumbeats and moved to spots.

61. Babies are sensitive to the change in ______.

A. the size of cards

B. the colour of pictures

C. the shape of patterns

D. the number of objects

解析:本文为科普类说明文,主要讨论了婴儿是否能感知数量这一问题。根据第二段中When slightly

older babies were shown cards with pictures of objects (a comb, a key, an orange and so on), changing the number

of objects had an effect separate from changing the objects themselves 可知,卡片上物品的数目而不是物品本身



阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项(A 、B、C 和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。

体裁:记叙文话题:公共服务时间:7 分钟

The world of taxi drivers is dominated by men.But there is one small taxi company in Delhi ,where all the drivers

and passengers are female.Women's safety is a hot topic in India at the moment,so it's proving a very popular


―When I'm on the road driving our taxi I feel very proud ,because this is the first taxi service only for women ,‖says

31-year-old Shanti Sharma,who is one of eight female drivers with a taxi service called Cabs for Women by


The last couple of months ,since the rape and murder in the city of a college student travelling on a bus ,have been particularly busy for her and her colleagues.

―After this case,our workload has increased so much,‖says Sharma. ―Women who used other cab services are also turning to u s now. ‖

Most women in Delhi say they routinely face harassment( 骚扰),and worse,especially on public transport.

Sharma,a single parent with three daughters ,has been working as a taxi driver since 2011 ,when the service was

first set up,and it has changed her life.This is the first time that she has earned enough —about 250 a month—to

support her family.

Of course,she and the other female taxi drivers are completely outnumbered by male

cabbies. ―When

somewhere there are always men there and inevitably five or six of them get together and hang out ,‖she says. ―I'm usually the only woman in the parking lot ,so I just stay inside the car. ‖

It's not much better when she is out on the road.Sharma says the male drivers give her a hard time.

see a woman at the wheel they start honking( 按喇叭) for no reason.They'll try to overtake you.I'm always worrying

about how to avoid getting hit by someone. ‖

The company behind Cabs for Women by Women ,Sakha Consulting Wings ,had a number of goals when it set up

the service.It wanted to give women from poor backgrounds an opportunity to earn money.By putting women in

charge of technologies,it also wanted to change people's attitudes,and open up boundaries for women.

【语篇导读】德里一家出租车公司专门推出了女性司机只为女性乘客提供服务的Cabs for Women by

Women 出租车业务。生意异常火爆。

1.The taxi service Cabs for Women by Women ______.

A.is greatly needed at present in India

B.causes a hot debate in India

C.was set up in 2012

D.is free of charge for women

解析细节理解题。根据第一段第三句中的―it's proving a very popular service 可知,这‖项女性出租车服务在


答案 A

2.Why are women who used other cab services turning to Cabs for Women by Women?

A.Because it is cheap. B.Because it is safe.

C.Because it is famous. D.Because it is convenient.

解析推理判断题。根据第三、四段内容可推知,那些以前乘坐其他出租车的女性现在选择Cabs for Women

by Women,是因为这种由妇女驾驶的出租车能为女性乘客提供安全保障。

答案 B

3.What do we know about Sharma?

A.She is the first female taxi driver in Delhi.

B.She lives in harmony with her husband.

C.She has regretted becoming a taxi driver.

D.She has a better salary after becoming a taxi driver.

解析细节理解题。根据第六段可知,从2011 年Sharma成为出租车司机后,她才赚了足够多的钱来养家糊


答案 D

4.What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

A.The opportunities Cabs for Women by Women provides for women.

B.The main purposes of Cabs for Women by Women.

C.People's attitudes towards Cabs for Women by Women.

D.The background information of Cabs for Women by Women.

解析段落大意题。根据本段的主题句―The company behind Cabs for Women by Women,Sakha Consulting

Wings,had a number of goals when it set up the service. 可知,本段主要讲‖开展Cabs for Women by Women 出


答案 B


原文Sharma,a single parent with three daughters ,has been working as a taxi driver since 2011 ,when the service

was first set up,and it has changed her life.

译文Sharma是一个独自抚养三个女儿的单亲母亲,自从2011 年首次开展这项服务以来,她一直是一名出


分析and 前后为两个并列分句。在第一个分句中, a single parent with three daughters 是Sharma 的同位语。

when 引导一个定语从句,修饰2011。

【2016 届石家庄市高中毕业班质量检测(二)试题】阅读理解。阅读下面短文,选择最佳答案填空。 D If you watch British television on March 15, you might be surprised to see celebrities ( 名人) wearing funny

red noses and joking aro und. But don ’t worry. They ’re not mad. It ’s all part of a money raising event called Red

Nose Day.

Founded in 1985 by two British comedians, the aim of the event is to raise money to fight poverty and

injustice in the UK and Africa. Celebrities and public figures support the event by making appearances on comic

TV shows. For example, UK Prime Minister David Cameron once appeared in a music video by One Direction,

which the band produced for the event.

Britons don ’t just raise money for charitable c a u s e s o n o e n day a year, but they do it all year round. One way

of doing so is by shopping in charity shops. These small shops sell clothes, books and household goods just like

any other shop except that it ’s all secondhand.

There are nearly 10,000 charity shops in the UK. Their business model is simple: Anybody who has things

they don ’t want anymore can donate them to a charity shop, where they are checked for damage, cleaned and

priced. The money that is made by selling them is used for a charitable cause.

The idea of buying used clothes may sound unpleasant, but for shoppers who have less spending money, it

has been a welcome option. Now, shopping at charity shops is also becoming popular with young people looking

for alternative fashion. ―You can find v e c r l o y t h u e n s i q f u o e r a very cheap price. It doesn ’t bother me that other

people may have worn them, I simply wash them before I wear them, ‖s a i-d y e A a n r-n o e l d M f a r o r m i e,t a h e19


So next time you spot a charity shop, why not go inside? Who knows, you might find a lovely dress for just a

few pounds. Even better, you can enjoy wearing it in the knowledge that your money helped a good cause.

1. Why did Cameron appear in One Direction ’s music video?

A. To earn a living.

B. To support the band.

C. To help raising money.

D. To entertain the audience.

2. Where are the goods of charity shops from?

A. Local bands.

B. People ’s donation.

C. British comedians.

D. The UK government.

3. What ’s Anne Marie ’s attitude to charity shops?

A. Favorable.

B. Particular.

C. Doubtful.

D. Disapproving.

4. What is the text mainly about?

A. Red Nose Day.

B. British celebrities.

C. Charity in Britain.

D. Secondhand shops.


【2016 年沈阳市高中三年级教学质量监测(一)】阅读理解。阅读下面短文,选择最佳答案填空。 A

British International Schools in China

Harrow International School Beijing

The mission statement of the school is ―Leadership for a better world ‖, which draws on the great famous leaders studying in Harrow School such as Winston Churchill and Pundit Nehru. Established in 2005, the

Harrow International School Beijing is known for its reputation for having the highest academic standards and

close personal tutoring. All students have a personal tutor to take care of their personal concerns. The tuition fee

per year ranges from 80,100 to 258,400 yuan ($12,600 –40,600) for half day, pre-nursery to year 13. Read more via


Dulwich College Shanghai

Dulwich College Shanghai is made up of about 1,500 students from age 2 to age 18, with over 40 different

nationalities. Dulwich College Shanghai opened in 2003 and has been recognized as one of the best international

schools in Shanghai. About 70 percent of the school ’s teachers are British. The school ’s annual

from 225,500 to 269,500 yuan ($35,500 –42,000) from year 1 to year 13. Click here to know more.

Wellington College International Shanghai

Wellington College, UK, is one of the world ’s top coeducational day and boarding schools founded by royal sponsor on behalf of Queen Victoria in 1859. Wellington College International Shanghai opened its doors in 2014

and now has over 600 students, aged 2 to 18 years old. Annual tuition ranges from 234,000 to 285,000 yuan

($36,800 –44,800) for year 1 to year 13. Wellington College also has a campus in Tianjin. Click here to learn

more about both locations.

The British School of Guangzhou

Established in 2005 for students aged 2 to 18, The British School of Guangzhou has gained a reputation for

academic excellence. The school ’s two campuses are located about 25 minutes north of

Guangzhou ’

overlooking scenic South Lake. The annual tuition ranges from 157,840 to 197,690 yuan ($24,800 –31,100) for

year 1 to year 13. Click here to know more.

1. If you want to make friends with students from different countries, you may choose _____.

A. Harrow International School Beijing

B. Dulwich College Shanghai

C. Wellington College International Shanghai

D. The British School of Guangzhou

2. What do the last two schools have in common?

A. They both have two campuses.

B. Their annual tuitions are the same.

C. They are both sponsored by the royal family.

D. They are both the world ’s best boarding schools.

3. In which section of a website can we probably read this passage?

A. Lifestyle

B. Opinion

C. International News

D. Culture Exchange



―Stop making excuses for him ,Mom ,‖I said. ―But maybe he is feeling unwell... ‖Mom sa,i d‖. ―Maybe I interrupted.I had been tending Mom since her health began to decline and this would be the first time in a year that my husband and I had a night out together.Jerry had promised to stay with Mom.But again he let us down.And more

often than not,his drinking had a lot to do with it.His irresponsibility upset me.

I remembered our happy growing- up years in a small town in West Virginia.With good family education ,Jerry had

been a kind kid.He was only 15 when Dad died.Unlike him ,I got over the sorrow soon ,but he started drinking.Soon

he began hanging out with bad guys.

Jerry and I didn ’t see each oth,er b o u f t e w n e talked on the https://www.sodocs.net/doc/8e13286191.html,ually ,though,we ended up fighting.When

Mom came to live with us ,Jerry dropped in regularly at first ,but after a while his visits became sporadic.He

explained he couldn ’t handle seeing Mom in such a bad condition.Another ex,cuIstehought.

One day I went to see the doctor about my back.It had been aching for months. ―I can ’t find anything

physically ,‖the doctor said. ―But I can tell youtense.Is’s o r m e e v t e h r i y n g bothering you ?‖I poured out my story

about Jerry. ―Do you think he ’s likely?t o‖c h h a e n a g s e k e d.I shrugged. ―Probably,noyt.ou ca‖n,―‖B u h t e

said gently.

Me?Why did I have to change ?He was the one who constantly let us down.But what had I done ?Maybe the

doctor was right.I couldn ’t love his,b e b h u a t v I i c o o r u ld love him —the way I did when we were little.As I

walked into the house I sensed a relief.

Jerry died young due to drinking.I miss him.But I ’m grateful I was given t h s e h o o w p p h o i m r t u I n l i o t y v e t o d

him—as he was,not as I wanted him to be.


1.When Jerry failed to carry out his promise that night ,his mother________.

A.felt very angry B.tried to defend him

C.was indifferent about it D.phoned him to ask him to come back

解析:推理判断题。根据第一段―Stop making excuses for him,Mom ,‖I said. ―But maybe he is feeling unwell... ‖


答案: B

2.Jerry got into the habit of drinking mainly because________.

A.he was influenced by bad guys

B.his mom left to live with his sister

C.nobody cared for him after his father died

D.he couldn ’t get over the sadness of losing his father

解析:细节理解题。根据第二段Unlike him ,I got over the sorrow soon ,but he started drinking 可知,答案为D。

答案: D

3.The underlined word ―sporadic ‖in Paragraph 3 probably means .―________ ‖A.occasional B.frequent

C.formal D.unpleasant

解析:词义猜测题。根据句中Jerry dropped in regularly at first ,but...可判断,刚开始Jerry 经常来看望妈妈,但不久就很少来了,故答案为 A 。

答案: A

4.What did the author think of the doctor uggestion ’a t fsirst?

A.It was acceptable. B.It gave her much hope.

C.It was unreasonable. D.It made her confused.

解析:推理判断题。根据第五段Me?Why did I have to change ?He was the one who constantly let us down. 可推断,答案为C。

答案: C

5.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A.Love can help a person give up bad habits.

B.Too much tension will destroy a person ’s health.

C.We shouldn ’t expect too much of a person.

D.We should try to love a person as he is.

解析:主旨大意题。根据末段But I ’m grateful I was given the opportunity to show him I loved him —as he was,not as I wanted him to be 可推断,爱一个人,要爱他本人,而不是因为他是你期望的那样,故答案为D。

答案: D

- 10 -


话题七:生态环保类 (一 The need to feed a growing population is putting much pressure on the world's supply of water. With 97% of the world's water too salty to be drunk or used in agriculture, the worldwide supply of water needs careful management, especially in agriculture. Although the idea of a water shortage(短缺 seems strange to someone fortunate enough to live in a high rainfall country, many of the world's agricultural industries experience constant water shortages. Although dams can be built to store water for agricultural use in dry areas and dry seasons, the costs of water redistribution(重新分配 are very high. Not only is there the cost of the engineering itself, but there is also an environmental cost to be considered. Where valleys(山谷 are flooded to create dams, houses are lost and wildlife homes destroyed. Besides, water may flow easily through pipes to fields, but it cannot be transported from one side of the world to the other. Each country must therefore rely on the management of its own water to supply its farming requirements. This is particularly troubling for countries with agricultural industries in areas dependent on irrigation (灌溉 . In Texas, farmers' overuse of irrigation water has resulted in a 25% reduction of the water stores. In the Central Valley area of southwestern USA, a huge water engineering project provided water for farming in dry valleys, but much of the water use has been poorly managed. Saudi Arabia's attempts to grow wheat in desert areas have seen the pumping of huge quantities of irrigation water from underground reserves. Because there is no rainfall in these areas, such reserves can only decrease, and it is believed that fifty years of pumping will see them run dry. 1. From the first two paragraphs we learn that________.


2017年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(江苏卷) 英语试题 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分) 第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 例:It is generally considered unwise to give a child _________ he or she wants. A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. whenever 答案是B。 21.Many Chinese brands, __________their reputations over centuries,are facing new challenges from the modern market. A.having developed B.being developed C. developed D. developing 22. __________not for the support of the teachers,the student could not overcome her difficulty. A.It were B.Were it C. It was D. Was it 23.Located_________the Belt meets the Road,Jiangsu will contribute more to the Belt and Road construction. A.why B.when C.which D.where 24.The publication of Great Expectations,which_________both widely reviewed and highly praised,strengthened Dickens,status as a leading novelist. A.is B.are C.was D.were 25.Working with the medical team in Africa has_________the best in her as a doctor. A.held out B.brought out C.picked out D.given out 26.We choose this hotel because the price for a night here is down to $20,half of_________it used to charge. A.that B.which C.what D.how 27.He hurried home,never once looking back to see if he_________. A.was being followed B.was following C.had been followed D. followed


阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A To American visitors, Iceland is a very interesting country, partly because it is different in so many ways from what he or she is used to seeing at home. There are quite a few things that are not done, or that do not exist on the island —quite a few "No's". There is no pollution, for instance. No dogs are permitted in Reykjavik, the capital. There is no television on Thursdays or during the entire month of July, and only three hours of black-and-white TV the rest of the time. There is no hard liquor on Wednesdays and no beer at any time. There are no handguns; only one jail of thirty-five cells in the entire land —an admirable figure, even for a small country of 313,376 people. There is no army, air force or navy. There is no tipping for anything. There are no large stores open on Saturdays or Sundays. Since Iceland is situated just under the Arctic Circle, there is no darkness in summer and no daylight in winter. But thanks to Gulf Stream, the climate is rather mild, with temperatures ranging from 34 degrees Fahrenheit to 52 degrees in July. The rules on television, liquor, and guns are the result of governmental decision. But the absence of pollution is due in great part to the fact that Iceland gets its power from the enormous geyser(间歇泉and the thousands of hot springs that come out of the ground. They provide all the energy needed by the country. In fact, Iceland uses only 3 percent of all its available power. Iceland has been described as a democratic independent country where more fish are caught and more books published per person than anywhere else in the world. The Icelanders have always felt a particular love for literature. They composed their first works in the ninth and tenth centuries AD. These works were poems and tales about the kings, heroes, and heroines of Iceland and Norway. At first the stories were memorized


2017年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(全国卷Ⅲ) 英语答案解析 第一部分:阅读理解 第一节 1.【答案】A 【解析】题干问的是三月份可参加的旅行,而第一个项目San Francisco Winery Tour的时间是从2月1日到4月30日。故选A。 【考点】冠词,细节理解。 2.【答案】C 【解析】第二个项目Back to the Fifties Tour中提到在San Francisco你能免费品尝冰淇淋。而其他选项在这个旅行中没有被提到。故选C。 【考点】介词辨析,细节理解。 3.【答案】D 【解析】第四个项目Holiday Lights Tour的最后一句话提到”Advance reservations required”,由此可知,该旅行需要提前预定。故选D。 【考点】代词,细节理解。 4.【答案】B 【解析】根据第一段的最后一句”As one group of workers carried out the rubbish,another group began removing seats and other theater equipment in preparation for the buildings end”可推断出工人们清理垃圾和清除座位及其他剧院设备是在为剧院的关闭做准备。故选B。 【考点】副词辨析,推理判断。 5.【答案】D 【解析】根据第二段中的”Theater owner Ed Bradford said he chose the movie because it seemed appropriate”可知,剧院的老板亲自选定了The Last picture Show这部电影,因为他认为这部电影很合适。原文中的“appropriate”和D选项的“suitable都表示“合适的”。故选D。 【考点】细节理解。 6.【答案】C 【解析】第四段最后一句说剧院被卖给了当地的开发公司,该公司计划在剧院所在地建综合购物大楼,因此可推断出剧院将被推倒拆除。故选C。 【考点】动词的时态,推理判断。


2017江苏高考英语日清测试 姓名_______________ 班级得分________ Ⅰ、单词英汉互译(10分,每小题0.5分) 1.行李______ 2.援助______ 3.作用______ 4.压______ 5.连接______ 6.使弯曲______ 7.流动______ 8.事情______ 9.发明家______ 10.instruction ______ 11.wise______ 12.reluctant______ 13.overweight______ 14.transport______ 15.passenger______ 16.advice______ 17.theory______ 18.expert______ 19.found______ 20.gradually______ Ⅱ、词组英汉互译(10分,每小题1分) 1.对...起作用______ ______ ______ 2.采取措施做某事______ ______ ______ ______ ______ 3.逐步地______ ______ ______ 4.减肥______ ______ 5.和...有联系______ ______ ______ 6.early stage____________ 7.take pride in ____________ 8.be expert in____________ 9.press conference____________ 10.cost sb sth____________ Ⅲ、完成句子(5分,每小题1分) 1.我们必须立即采取措施来应付这一局面。 We must ______immediate ______ to cope with the situation. 2.新税法到1月份才生效。 The new tax law will not______ ______ until January. 3.他已去过巴黎十多次了,这一点我不相信。(以下三题用适当的关系代词和介词填空) He has been to Paris more than ten times,______I don’t believe.


2017年高考英语阅读题 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Attending college can be expensive, and applying to college can be costly as well. With today’s college application fees averaging around $ 80, you can expect to spend hundreds of dollars on college before you are even accepted into a school. One of the easiest ways to save money on college application fees before you begin applying is to narrow down your list of schools. To save money, try to limit the schools to which you apply to about 2- reach schools and 2- safety schools. At some schools, being a relative of a graduate can secure you a free application. If you are applying to a school where one of your parents or grandparents is a former graduate, check to see if you’re qualified for it. Research the preferred method of applying for each school on your list. Some schools offer free online applications, yet charge a fee for paper submissions. This is because online applications save schools the cost of employing a staff member to physically enter the application information. Several states, such as Michigan and North Carolina, take part in College Application Week, where many schools in the participating states cancel their application fee for the week. Be sure to contact the schools to I j which you are applying to see if they participate in College Application Week and when the program takes place in that state. Apply for early admission. If you have already decided on which college is your top choice, consider applying under an Early Action or Early Decision admission program. If you are accepted, you won’t have to submit application fees to other schools. For more information regarding college applications and the fees associated with them, contact your high I school advisor or the admissions department at your school(s) of interest. 21.The passage is mainly written to______. A.introduce famous universities in the United Stales B.show some practical ways to apply an ideal college C.advertise for successful applications and advisors D.offer tips to save money on college application fees


徐老师 2017年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 英语 (考试时间:120分钟试卷满分:150分) 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号 涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。 3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A. £ 19.15. B. £ 9.18. C. £ 9.15. 答案是C。 1. What does the woman think of the movie? A. It’s amusing. B. It’s exciting. C.It’s disappointing. 2. How will Susan spend most of her time in France? A. Traveling around. B. Studying at a school. C. Looking after her aunt. 第1页

3. What are the speakers talking about? A. Going out. B. Ordering drinks. C. Preparing for a party. 4. Where are the speakers? A. In a classroom. B. In a library. C. In a bookstore. 5. What is the man going to do? A. Go on the Internet. B. Make a phone call. C. Take a train trip. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. What is the woman looking for? A. An information office. B. A police station C. A shoe repair shop. 7. What is the Town Guide according to the man? A. A brochure. B. A newspaper. C. A map. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8. What does the man say about the restaurant? A. It’s the biggest one around. B. It offers many tasty dishes. C. It’s famous for its seafood. 9. What will the woman probably order? A. Fried fish. B. Roast chicken. C. Beef steak. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10. Where will Mr. White be at 11 o’clock? A. At the office. B. At the airport. C. At the restaurant. 11. What will Mr. White probably do at one in the afternoon? A. Receive a guest. B. Have a meeting. C. Read a report. 第2页



高考英语阅读 文体类型及阅读理解答题技巧 一、英语阅读文体类型简析 高考英语阅读常见的文体类型有:记叙文、议论文、说明文和应用文。 1、记叙文 英语记叙文以描写叙述为主,主要描写人物、事件、地点、或过程。特点是,其主题往往潜伏在字里行间,没有直接地表白出来;文章主旨要透过体察所揭示的人物、事件来进行提炼。描写手法大多按时间跨度、空间顺序、上下顺序来展开。阅读记叙文体应采取略读和扫读的方法,快速抓住文中描写的主要内容,从整体上去把握文章的连贯性,进而大体上揣测出作者的写作意图及情感主线。高考阅读就记叙文设题大多以细节理解为主。 2、议论文 英语议论文通常为三段式,即“论点、论据、结论”三部份组成。首先借助某一现象引出论点,然后通过一定论据从各个层面上加以推理论证,最后得出结论。议论文体主要考查学生对论点及论据的把握。因此,遇到议论文体时,应采取抓主题句的方法来把握文章主旨,弄清作者的观点。一般来说,作者的论点通常在文章首段被引出,接着是对这一论点的逻辑推理和论证,最后为结论。还应注意的是:在对论点论证的过程中,每一段的首句都是该段的主题句。把握全文论点、弄清论证各段的主题句、理解文章层次、找出中心论点的位置是理解议论文的关键。 就议论文而言,其论证的常见结构方式有: 1,总分式总---分;分----总;总----分---总; 2,并列式几个论据之间属于平等关系; 3,递进式几个论据之间属于递进关系; 4,对照式把两种事物加以对比,以彰显其中一种。 3、说明文 英语说明文的总体结构通常为三部份,说明对象、说明过程和归纳总结。常见的说明方法: 1,定义与诠释说明; 2,举例与引用说明; 3,分类与图表说明; 4,比较与比喻说明; 5,分析与综合说明; 就高考英语说明文的阅读而言,首先要抓住文章说明的要点,也就是要抓住被说明对象的实质性特征;弄清作者从哪个角度、哪个层面开始说明;并明白文章最后的说明结论。高考说明文阅读材料通常介绍最新科技、重大成就、生活时尚、流行现象等。了解说明文的写作手法、说明方法,理清短文结构及段落中心思想是答题关键。 4、应用文


2017年江苏省高考英语试卷 第一部分听力(共两节,满分20 分) 1.(1分)What does the woman think of the movie? A.It's amusing.B.It's exciting.C.It's disappointing. 2.(1分)How will Susan spend most of her time in France?A.Traveling around. B.Studying at a school. C.Looking after her aunt. 3.(1分)What are the speakers talking about? A.Going out. B.Ordering drinks. C.Preparing for a party. 4.(1分)Where are the speakers? A.In a classroom.B.In a library.C.In a bookstore. 5.(1分)What is the man going to do? A.Go on Internet.B.Make a phone call.C.Take a train trip. 6.(2分)听第6段材料,回答第6、7题. 6.What is the woman looking for? A.An information office.B.A police station C.A shoe repair shop.7.What is the Town Guide according to the man? A.A brochure.B.A newspaper.C.A map. 7.(2分)听第7段材料,回答第8、9题. 8.What does the man say about the restaurant? A.It's the biggest one around. B.It offers many tasty dishes. C.It's famous for its seafood. 9.What will the woman probably order? A.Fried fish B.Roast chicken.C.Beef steak.


2017届全国高考英语阅读理解汇编(1)英语试卷SYS201708100601 一、阅读理解 详细信息 1. 难度:中等 阅读理解。 Many of us still tend to think that emotions can affect reasonable thought,and sometimes land us in trouble. But in recent years psychologists have taken quite a different view. Keith Oatley,Professor of Psychology at Glasgow University,is involved in the research which shows the fundamental importance of emotions. He believes we are very ambivalent about them:we think of our emotions as being unreasonable,but we also consider them as essential to being human.For example,Mr Spock,a character in the television series Star Trek,is superintelligent and he has no emotions at all.However,he is never made captain of the spaceship.Maybe,this is because Mr Spock is not the kind of person you can share your feelings with—a person who shows his emotions. As Professor Oatley points out,our emotions have very important functions,for example,fear.If we cross the road and a car approaches,we usually stop moving or step back.We stop what we are doing,check what we have done and pay very careful attention to the environment.The emotion of fear makes us take this small series of actions which,on average,help preserve our safety. On the other hand,if things are going well and small problems come up,we find we can solve them with the resources we have to hand.As a consequence,we tend to feel happy and usually continue doing the job. Anger is an emotion that tends to occur when someone is preventing us from doing something.Then this small “kit” of reactions enables us to prepare ourselves to be quite aggressive to that person,or to try harder,and so on. Professor Oatley believes emotions generally occur at these important moments in actions.With fear and anger our emotions make us decide to start doing something else,while with happiness they “suggest” we continue what we are already doing. 1.What’s Keith Oatley’s opinion about emotions? A.They affect reasonable thought. B.They get us into trouble. C.They are helpful to us. D.They are reasonable. 2.What does the underlined part “we are very ambivalent about them”in Paragraph 2 mean? A.We have contradictory feelings towards emotions. B.We have similar ideas of emotions.


绝密★启封前试卷类型A 2017 年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(全国 1 卷)

英语 (考试时间: 120 分钟试卷满分:150分) 第一部分听力 (共两节,满分 30 分)略 第二部分阅读理解 (共两节,满分 40 分 ) 第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A 、 B、 C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Pacific Science Center Guide ◆Visit Pacific Science Center ’s Store Don’ t forget to stop by Pacific Science Center’ s Store while you are here to pick up a wonderful science activity or remember your visit. The store is located(位于 ) upstairs in Building 3 right next to the Laster Dome. ◆Hungry Our exhibits will feed your mind but what about your body? Our caf offers aécomplete menu of lunch and snack options, in addition to seasonal specials. The caf is located upstairs in Building 1 and is open daily until one hour before Pacific Science Center closes. ◆Rental Information Lockers are available to store any belongings during your visit. The lockers are located in Building 1 near the Information Desk and in Building 3. Pushchairs and wheelchairs are available to rent at the Information Desk and Denny Way entrance. ID required. ◆S upport Pacific Science Center Since 1962 Pacific Science Center has been inspiring a passion(热情) for discovery and lifelong learning in science, math and technology. Today Pacific Science Center serves more than 1.3 million people a year and beings inquiry-based science education to classrooms and community events all over Washington State. It an amazing accomplishment and one we connot achieve without generous support



话题七:生态环保类 (一 The need to feed a growing population is putting much pressure on the world's supply of water. With 97% of the world's water too salty to be drunk or used in agriculture, the worldwide supply of water needs careful management, especially in agriculture. Although the idea of a water shortage(短缺 seems strange to someone fortunate enough to live in a high rainfall country, many of the world's agricultural industries experience constant water shortages. Although dams can be built to store water for agricultural use in dry areas and dry seasons, the costs of water redistribution(重新分配 are very high. Not only is there the cost of the engineering itself, but there is also an environmental cost to be considered. Where valleys(山谷 are flooded to create dams, houses are lost and wildlife homes destroyed. Besides, water may flow easily through pipes to fields, but it cannot be transported from one side of the world to the other. Each country must therefore rely on the management of its own water to supply its farming requirements. This is particularly troubling for countries with agricultural industries in areas dependent on irrigation (灌溉 . In Texas, farmers' overuse of irrigation water has resulted in a 25% reduction of the water stores. In the Central Valley area of southwestern USA, a huge water engineering project provided water for farming in dry valleys, but much of the water use has been poorly managed. Saudi Arabia's attempts to grow wheat in desert areas have seen the pumping of huge quantities of irrigation water from underground reserves. Because there is no rainfall in these areas, such reserves can only decrease, and it is believed that fifty years of pumping will see them run dry. 1. From the first two paragraphs we learn that________.
