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Ladies and gentlemen,

Today, I stand before you to talk about something that holds a special place in my heart: rap music. Rap, or as some may call it, hip-hop, is an art form that has the power to captivate and inspire. It has transcended boundaries and become a global phenomenon, with artists from all corners of the world embracing this genre.

Rap music has its roots in African American culture, emerging in the 1970s as a form of expression for marginalized communities. It became a voice for the voiceless, shedding light on social issues and sparking conversations that were necessary but often swept under the rug.

One of the most powerful aspects of rap is its ability to tell stories. Through clever wordplay, metaphors, and storytelling techniques, rappers have the power to convey powerful messages that resonate with listeners. Whether it's Kendrick Lamar's introspective lyrics or Eminem's raw and sometimes controversial storytelling, rap music has the power to provoke thought and ignite change.

Furthermore, rap music serves as a platform for artists to express their

thoughts and opinions on a wide range of topics, from political issues to personal struggles. It is a powerful medium for social commentary and serves as a mirror to reflect the world we live in. Artists like N.W.A. brought attention to police brutality and racial inequality, while Jay-Z addresses topics such as poverty and the struggles of African Americans in America.

Rap music is not just limited to the streets or the clubs; it has found its way into classrooms and academia as well. Educators are utilizing rap as a teaching tool, recognizing its impact and influence on students. Rap lyrics can be analyzed for their poetic devices, dissected for their meaning, and studied for their cultural significance. It is a testament to the power of art to educate and inspire.

However, it is important to acknowledge that not all rap music may be positive or uplifting. Like any art form, rap encompasses a wide range of messages and styles. While some artists choose to focus on materialistic pursuits and excessive lifestyles, others use their platform to spread messages of empowerment and social change.

In conclusion, rap music is more than just a form of entertainment; it is a language that speaks to the struggles and triumphs of individuals and

communities around the world. It is a powerful tool for expression, providing a voice for those who have been silenced. Let us celebrate the artistry and impact of rap music, embracing its ability to educate, inspire, and incite change.

Thank you.

you were my everything史上最经典英文说唱

(Talking)This goes out to someone that was Once the most important person in my life 曾经她是我生命中最重要的一个人I didn’t realize it at the time 但当时我却没有意识到 I can’t forgive myself for the way I treated you so 当时那样的对你,直到现在我无法原谅我自己 I don’t really expect you to either 我从来没有真正想过要你投入另一个人的怀抱从来没有 It’s just... I don’t even know 我只是…我只是…我真的不知道结果会那样…Just listen… 你…你能听我讲吗 You’re the one that I like, the one that I need 你是我想要的那个唯一,也是我需要的那个唯一 The one that I gotta have just to succeed 是唯一我想要赢得的 When I first saw you, I knew it was real 当我第一次看到你的时候,我知道你是我真正的唯一 I’m sorry about the pain I made you feel 但我却让你陷入了痛苦的境地,对不起,真的对不起 That wasn’t me; let me show you the way 那不是我!那不是真正的我!但是世事就是这样无奈 I looked for the sun, but it’s raining today 就像我想要太阳,天空却偏偏下起了雨一样的无奈。 I remember when I first looked into your eyes 我还记得第一次凝望你眼眸时的情景, It was like God was there, heaven in the skies 我仿佛看到了上帝,仿佛看到了天堂 I wore a disguise 'cause I didn’t want to get hurt 我害怕受到伤害,所以我总是披着伪装来保护自己 But I didn’t know I made everything worse 但我却不知道,这样的我让每一事变得更加糟糕 You told me we were crazy in love 你告诉我我们疯狂地相爱着 But you didn’t care when push came to shove 但是在紧要关头你却总是那样不在乎 If you loved me as much as you said you did 如果你像你所说的那样爱我Then you wouldn’t have hurt me like I ain’t shit 那你一定不会像对待一个傻瓜那样地伤害我 Now you pushed me away like you never even knew me 可如今你却一把将我推开,好像你从来就没有认识过我 I loved you with my heart, really and trul我爱你,真真正正、完完全全、全身心的爱你、 I guess you forgot about the times that we shared 我想你是忘记了我们曾经一起渡过的美好时光 When I would run my fingers through your hair Late nights, just holding you in my arms


bigbang英文简介 导读:本文是关于bigbang英文简介,希望能帮助到您! bigbang英文简介1 bigbang, a Korean portfolio. By five individuals.Captain, G-Dragon. Born August 18, 1988.. Specialty is Rapping, Dance, Beat Box, lyricist, composer, singing, English, Chinese .. responsible for the Rapper, Vocal.Members of the sun. Born May 18, 1988. Talent is singing, Dance, English, Japanese, composer, lyricist, piano, Rapping, Beat box .. is responsible for Main Vocal, Main Dancer.Members, TOp. Born November 4, 1987. Specialty is Rapping, Beat Box, wrote the lyrics .. responsible Rapper, Vocal.Members, Dacheng. Born April 26, 1989. Talent is singing. Responsible for the Main Vocal.Old and young, victory. Born December 12, 1990. Talent is singing, Dance, swimming, English, Japanese, MC. Responsible for the Main Vocal, Dancer. bigbang、韩国组合。五个人。 队长,G-Dragon。1988年8月18日,出生的。特长是rap,跳舞,拍子、作词、作曲、唱歌、英语、中文. .负责说唱歌手,震撼人心。 成员,太阳。1988年5月18日,出生的。特长是唱歌、舞蹈、英语、日语、作曲家、作词,钢琴,rap,拍子. .负责主要声乐、主要的舞蹈担当。 成员,TOp。1987年11月4日,出生的。特长是rap,拍子,写的词,震撼人心。负责说唱. .

《忧伤还是快乐》 英文版+Rap说唱版

《忧伤还是快乐》英文版+Rap说唱版Just Seek Her 【Talk】 this rap is just for my girl, the one who never know how much I love her. We've met for a couple of years, it's time I told her SO I write down this rap, wishing she could hear me, but all I need is one thing God just bless me. 【I】 My life used to be filled with countless of darkness Until the day I saw you, I remembered it was s raining heavily When I wanted to take you to kill times with Sukiyaki But For sure, I am happy to be

major in Fantasy Especially Everyday I saw your pretty smiling face Ya digg! How on earth I wish we were 2 peas that in the pod Motivated by love with the blessings of the God uh! Talking to you in your ear, conversation well equipped I used to see you smile,why I used to see you cry But what whipped me was you ain't mine, neither a pass-by. What it do, sweet encounter with you, plus trying to be cool Never being rule, You never knew, like I'm a fool Everyday I woke up with that regular mentality of despondency It's not your fault, 'cause I never succeeded. Including this time when I set off

My favorite English songs

1. Backstreet boys 后街男孩的几乎所有的歌曲我都很喜欢,他们的歌曲发音都很清晰很纯正很有磁性很阳光很干净很好听,很适合初学者,歌曲也非常的阳光和积极向上,我从大学室友那里借了盒磁带,拿复读机去听,曾一度听到废寝忘食,因为他们,我渐渐喜欢上了英语。哪怕到现在,每次听到他们的歌,我都能感受到英文歌曲带给我的感动。我最喜欢的歌曲是seasons in the sun表现的是一个即将离开人世的人对父亲、好朋友和妻子的感情, 其他有as long as you love me, seasons in the sun,I want it that way, I still, never gone, show me the meaning of being lonely, incomplete, inconsolable, larger than life, more than that, when you believe, get down, I’ll never break your heart, shape of my heart, unbreakable, evergreen, you raise me up, need you tonight, unmistakable,(all I have to give, anywhere for you, the call, drowning, we will rock you, just want you to know, everybody 听过,还算喜欢) 2. Westlife 西城男孩的歌比后街男孩的曲风更自由多变,风格比较类似,我经常把这两个组合的歌曲混淆了,我最喜欢的有don’t say it’s too late, queen of my heart, fool again, my love , I have a dream, nothing gonna change my love for you(这首歌,我同样喜欢方大同的版本), flying without wings, the rose, I lay my love on you, soledad, when you tell me that you love me, angel, only love, world of our own , what about now, I believe I can fly, swear it again, against all odds, if, (us against the world, amazing, 还可以.) 3.Avril Lavigne complicated 最喜欢这首歌的节奏,艾薇儿的歌曲节奏感都很强,MV都拍得很帅气,气场很强大我还喜欢她的其他歌曲如when you’re gone, innocence, my happy ending, girlfriend(看过非诚勿扰的亲们对这首歌印象应该很深), wish you were here, I will be, nobody’s home, (tomorrow,the best damn thing, anything but ordinary, my world还好)最近我表妹迷上了艾薇儿,说自己喜欢的理由是她穿的很朴素很平易近人,歌也很好听,央求我教她下载艾薇儿的MV、歌曲mp3和照片。事实上她未读完高中,完全听不懂她在唱什么,让我不禁感叹音乐无国界的强大魅力。 4. Miranda Lambert the house that built me 人长大后对家都有着一种眷恋,特别是在受伤之后,累了之后,这首歌就写对家的一种感觉。 5. Brad Paisley Letter to me 如果让你给17岁的自己写信,你会写什么呢? 6. The carpenters close to you 喜欢这首歌的起因是看了舒淇、赵薇和莫文蔚主演的《夕阳天使》这部电影,很喜欢这首歌里对人的描写,调子很悠闲也很好听。听着总有一种正在度假的感觉。莫文蔚演绎的版本也别有一种韵味。另一首yesterday once more 逝去的年华,谁不怀念?谁不想重来? 7. linkin park leave out all the rest喜欢这首歌的节奏,节奏感非常强。“我离开的时候,希望你能忘记我曾做过的事,仍把我留在你心中”。 8. S club 7 never had a dream come true “我从未梦想成真过,直到遇见你。” 9. Just One Last Dance love to be loved by you Sarah Connor和Marc合作了几首歌,Sarah Connor 的声音比较有爆发力,而我更喜欢Marc的声音。


说唱英文演讲稿 Ladies and gentlemen, Today, I stand before you to talk about something that holds a special place in my heart: rap music. Rap, or as some may call it, hip-hop, is an art form that has the power to captivate and inspire. It has transcended boundaries and become a global phenomenon, with artists from all corners of the world embracing this genre. Rap music has its roots in African American culture, emerging in the 1970s as a form of expression for marginalized communities. It became a voice for the voiceless, shedding light on social issues and sparking conversations that were necessary but often swept under the rug. One of the most powerful aspects of rap is its ability to tell stories. Through clever wordplay, metaphors, and storytelling techniques, rappers have the power to convey powerful messages that resonate with listeners. Whether it's Kendrick Lamar's introspective lyrics or Eminem's raw and sometimes controversial storytelling, rap music has the power to provoke thought and ignite change. Furthermore, rap music serves as a platform for artists to express their


10首世界上唱的最快的歌 【原创版】 目录 1.引言:世界上唱得最快的歌曲 2.歌曲列表:10 首最快歌曲的简介和演唱者 3.结论:这些歌曲展示了音乐的多样性和才华 正文 【引言】 在音乐世界中,有时候速度就是一切。一些歌曲因为其快速的节奏和歌词而备受瞩目。这些歌曲往往需要歌手具备极高的演唱技巧和肺活量。今天我们将为您介绍 10 首世界上唱得最快的歌曲。 【歌曲列表】 1."Rap God" - Eminem (2013) 这首歌曲是 Eminem 在 2013 年发行的专辑《The Marshall Mathers LP 2》中的一首歌。这首歌以每分钟 156 个单词的速度被认为是最快的说唱歌曲之一。 2."Thriller" - Michael Jackson (1982) 这首由 Michael Jackson 演唱的歌曲是一首经典的流行歌曲,以其快速的节奏和令人印象深刻的音乐视频而广受好评。 3."Lose Yourself" - Eminem (2002) 这首歌曲是 Eminem 的另一首代表作,歌曲中包含了许多复杂的韵脚和快速的说唱。 4."Bohemian Rhapsody" - Queen (1975) 这首由 Queen 演唱的歌曲被认为是 20 世纪最具代表性的摇滚歌曲

之一,以其复杂的编曲和快速的演唱而闻名。 5."We Will Rock You" - Queen (1977) 这首歌曲是 Queen 的另一首经典作品,以其简单的节奏和快速的合 唱部分而备受喜爱。 6."The Message" - Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five (1982) 这首经典的嘻哈歌曲被认为是最早的说唱歌曲之一,以其快速的节奏 和极具感染力的歌词而闻名。 7."Hot for Teacher" - Van Halen (1984) 这首歌曲是一首充满活力的摇滚歌曲,以其快速的吉他独奏和演唱而 备受赞誉。 8."Give It Away" - Red Hot Chili Peppers (1991) 这首由 Red Hot Chili Peppers 演唱的歌曲以其快速的节奏和主唱Anthony Kiedis 独特的演唱风格而著名。 9."Mama Said Knock You Out" - LL Cool J (1990) 这首歌曲是一首经典的嘻哈歌曲,以其快速的节奏和极具感染力的歌 词而备受好评。 10."Rapper"s Delight" - The Sugarhill Gang (1979) 这首嘻哈歌曲被认为是最早的嘻哈歌曲之一,以其快速的节奏和令人 难忘的旋律而闻名。 【结论】 这些歌曲展示了音乐的多样性和才华,同时也展示了歌手们在速度和 技巧方面的实力。


篇一:-英语演讲稿chapterten chapterten long live the understand when we teenagers are rocking our bodies with the beat of rock music, when we enjoying a glass of coke, when we are surfing on the internet, our parents always show their disapproval. in parents’ points of view, we teenagers always go astray and do not pay enough attention to our studies. we teenagers, however, always want to lead our own ways of life. that’s why there are so many disagreements between parents and us. on the other hand, we teenagers are always treated as kids, even though we are already “young adults.” we have to accept their points of view on the world, for they want to protect us from making any mistakes. this kind of appearance is what we called the generation gap. thanks for your attention. 理解万岁 当我们青少年随着摇滚乐节奏摆动身体的时候,当我们享受着一杯可乐的时候,当我们上网冲浪的时候,我们的父母总是现出不耐烦的神色。在父母的眼睛里,我们青少年总是“离经叛道”,并且不把学习当一回事,而我们自己又总是想按自己的方式生活,于是,家长与孩子之间就产生了分歧。另一方面,在一些父母的眼里,孩子是永远长不大的,为了防止我们犯错误,父母会强迫我们接受他们的世界观。人们把这样的现象称之为代沟。 现实社会中,有很多青少年都为自己与家长之间的代沟而苦恼。为什么会有这样的分歧呢?在我看来,产生这些问题的真正原因是一些家长和孩子之间的交流和信任越来越少。 实际上,有许多事情难以分出实际上,有许多事情难以分出对错。我们能说古典音乐就一定比摇滚乐好吗?我们能说可口可乐比其他饮料更好吗?而且上网冲浪并不意味着我们会轻视功课,因为网络本身也可以成为扩展知识,提高学习成绩的途径。如果我们的家长和孩子之间能够多一些理解、信任和沟通,如果家长能够学习理解孩子们的想法和做法,并且在适当的时候做出让步,代沟也许能够被缩小。同样重要的是,如果家长能够容忍我们犯一些错误,我们可以得到一定的经验教训。俗话说得好:错误事使人成长的营养。总之,我想说,让我们向着更好的交流、信任和理解而努力。理解万岁!篇二:英语演讲介绍伦敦的 介绍伦敦的,你自己再改改吧,用别人的说起来别扭。翻译没好好弄,大体看看吧。 with a population of just under eight million, london is europes largest city, spreading across an area of more than 620 square miles from its core on the river thames. ethnically its also europes most diverse metropolis: around two hundred languages are spoken within its confines, and more than thirty percent of the population is made up of first-, second- and third-generation immigrants. despite scottish, welsh and northern irish devolution, london still dominates the national horizon, too: this is where the countrys news and money are made, its where the central government resides and, as far as its inhabitants are concerned, provincial life begins beyond the circuit of the citys orbital motorway. londoners sense of superiority causes enormous resentment in the regions, yet its undeniable that the capital has a unique aura of excitement and success – in most walks of british life, if you want to get on youve got to do it in london. for the visitor, too, london is a thrilling place – and in the last few years, the city has been in a relatively buoyant mood. thanks to the national lottery and the

keep real

keep real指保持真实,其意思可以理解为做真实的自己(be yourself)。 keep real的意思在嘻哈圈就是表达自己想表达的,不过分在意他人眼光,做自己喜欢的事,即使挣不到钱,即使不体面,只要开心就好,做人真诚,是一种态度。 词汇分析: real,英语单词,主要用作为名词、形容词、副词,作名词时译为“现实;实数”,作形容词时译为“实际的;真实的;实在的”,作副词时译为“真正地;确实地”。 real双语例句相关延伸: 1、Real power belongs to the few. 真正的权力掌握在少数人手中。 2、I find beards a real turn-off. 我觉得胡子确实令人厌恶。 嘻哈圈里的英文词汇 1、Flow:是说唱歌曲里文字咬字、发音、韵律和踩拍,大概来说就是流畅度,也是节奏和词的完美融合程度。 2、Beat:指歌曲内的节拍,背景音乐。

3、Acappella:无伴奏合唱、无伴奏清唱。 4、Diss: 可以理解为英文单词Disparage(蔑视,贬低,批判)和Disrespect(不尊重)的简称,Rap比赛中双方往往会互相贬低和批判对方,但初衷还是为了体现出自己的说唱技巧和作词功底及临场反应,并不是张口就骂。 5、Hook :直译的意思为挂钩,但在说唱中是指整首歌中旋律最舒畅的部分,一般可以理解成副歌部分。 6、Verse :Verse直译过来是诗句的意思,而在说唱中一般指主歌部分。 keep real的详细释义 英[kiːp ˈriːəl] 美[kiːp ˈriːəl] 梦想与现实 keep real的双语例句 1、We must keep real RMB exchange rate stable and try our best to transform FDI from export-oriented FDI to market-oriented FDI. Then we can promote our restructuring of economy and upgrading of an industrial structure. 因此,必须保持人民币实际汇率稳定,引导外商直接投资由出口导向型向市场导向型转变,以促进经济结构调整和产业结构升级。


演讲稿关于rap 尊敬的评委、亲爱的观众们: 大家好!今天我要和大家分享的主题是“RAP”。 RAP,全称为Rhythm And Poetry,是一种以说唱为主的音乐形式,它通过快速的节奏和押韵的歌词,表达出对社会现象、个人经历和情感的独特见解。RAP 作为一种音乐形式,已经在全球范围内获得了广泛的认可和喜爱。 首先,RAP是一种表达自我的方式。通过RAP,人们可以用自己的声音和文字来表达内心的情感和思想。无论是对社会问题的关注,还是对个人经历的诉说,RAP都能够成为一个平台,让人们用自己的声音发出自己的声音,传达自己的观点。 其次,RAP是一种文化的传承。RAP起源于美国黑人社区,它承载着黑人文化的独特精神和价值观。RAP歌词中的押韵和节奏感,展现了黑人社区的创造力和艺术才华。随着时间的推移,RAP已经成为了一种全球性的文化现象,它不仅仅是一种音乐形式,更是一种文化的传承和交流。 此外,RAP也是一种社会的呼声。许多RAP歌曲都关注社会问题,如贫困、种族歧视和不公正。通过RAP,艺术家们用自己的声音和文字,呼吁社会关注这些问题,并寻求解决之道。RAP不仅仅是一种娱乐形式,更是一种社会意识的

唤醒和社会变革的推动力。 最后,RAP也是一种艺术的表达。RAP歌曲中的押韵和节奏感,展示了艺术家们的创造力和才华。RAP歌手通过精心编排的歌词和独特的声音,创造出令人难以忘怀的音乐作品。RAP不仅仅是一种音乐形式,更是一种艺术的表达和创作。 总结一下,RAP是一种表达自我的方式,一种文化的传承,一种社会的呼声,也是一种艺术的表达。它通过快速的节奏和押韵的歌词,让人们用自己的声音和文字,表达内心的情感和思想。RAP不仅仅是一种音乐形式,更是一种文化的传承和交流,一种社会意识的唤醒和社会变革的推动力,以及一种艺术的表达和创作。 谢谢大家!


我想当一个说唱歌手英语作文 have a dreamEverybody has a dream. Do you want to know what I want to be in the future?Well, I want to be a singer. Because I love singing very much .I think that I can sing on the stage. I will move to New York and be a singer there。And I will sing my favorite English songs there . Although it is a tired job, I still love it . Because when I sad, I can sing songs to be happy and I will become very popular . That`s so interesting and exciting .For my dream, I will sing every day and sing well. I hope that day come quickly , I can`t wait! How about you? What`s your dream ? 有一个梦想每个人都有一个梦想。你想知道我将来要做什么?嗯,我想成为一个说唱歌手。因为我非常的喜欢唱歌。我认为我能在舞台上唱歌。我将要搬到纽约,成为一个歌手那里。我会唱我最喜欢的英文歌。虽然这是一个很累的工作,我仍然爱它。因为当我难过,我能唱的歌是快乐的,我就会变得很流行。这`如此有趣和令人兴奋的。我的梦想,我会每天唱歌唱得好。我希望这一天快点来,我可以`等!你觉得呢?`什么是你的梦想吗?


莱温斯基ted经典演讲稿中英文版 莱温斯基在ted演讲里陈述了网络语言欺凌受害者的苦楚,以下是我整理的莱温斯基ted演讲稿,供应中英文两种版本。一起来看看吧。 莱温斯基ted演讲稿 站在你们面前的这个女性曾在公众面前缄默了十年。明显,现在不一样了,不过这只是最近的事。几个月前在福布斯30位30岁以下创业者峰会上,我首次公开发表演讲,峰会上有1500位杰出人士,全部不到30岁。这就意味着在1998年,其中最年长的人也只有14岁,最年轻的则只有4岁。我同他们开玩笑,有些人好像只是从说唱音乐中听过我的名字。没错,说唱音乐唱过我,几乎有40首这样的说唱音乐。 在我演讲当晚意外的事情发生了,作为一个41岁的女性,竟然有一个27岁的小伙子勾搭我。我知道,难以信任吧?他很有魅力,说了不少奉承的话,结果我拒绝了。知道他的搭讪不胜利在哪吗?他说他能让我感到又回到了22岁那天晚上我意识到,40岁时不想回到22岁的人或许就只有我了。22岁时,我爱上了我的老板,在24岁那年,我明白了其毁灭性的后果。 能否请大家举手告知我,假如你觉得自己22岁时没有犯过错,没有做过让自己懊悔的事,请举手?同我想的一样,

和我一样,22岁那年,你们中的一些人也许也犯过错,爱上过错误的人,或许也正是你的老板。不过和我不同,你的老板八成不是美国总统。当然,生活充溢了意外。每一天我都被提示这个错误,我每天都在深深懊悔。 1998年在卷入一段不行能的爱情之后,我被卷入政治、法律和媒体的漩涡中心,一场前所未见的漩涡。记得吧,就在几年前,新闻只有三个来源:读报刊杂志、听收音机和看电视,就这些了。但我的命并没这么好,这起丑闻通过数字革命被公之于众。数字革命意味着我们能获得全部想要的信息,不管何时何地。丑闻在1998年1月被首次揭露就是通过互联网。这是传统媒体第一次在重大事务报道上被因特网抢先,一个点击的声音响彻了全世界。 对我个人而言,它让我一夜间从一个完完全全的无名人士变成一个被全世界公开羞辱的对象。我成了零号病人,第一个经验如何在全球范围内瞬间失去个人声誉。 这种由科技促进的草率道德审判导致我在网络世界里被投石暴民围攻。诚然,这是在社交媒体出现之前,不过人们还是可以在线评论,邮件转发故事,当然,也能转发残忍的笑话。新闻媒体将我的照片贴得到处都是,借此销售报纸,为网站吸引广告商,为电视吸引眼球。 记得我那张照片吗?戴着贝雷帽的那张?我承认,我犯了错误,特殊是不该戴那顶贝雷帽。在关注故事之外,人们对

To The World英语演讲比赛作文

To The World英语演讲比赛作文 Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, today my topic is “go to the world”. When I was a child, I just know one country in the world, that's china. With time passing by, I know there is a colorful world in addition to my motherland. There are England Japan America and so many other countries in the distant areas. I think the process I get to know the world is just like our ancestors. As we all know, we closed our door and enjoyed the Celestial Empire position until we got aggression from other countries. It's in Qing dynasty when we start to open our eyes to observe the world . And It's in that time we started to mix into the world. That means we go to the world. With so many years developing, China plays an important role in the world now. As we all know, we always hold out our hands when other countries suffer from natural disasters;we always try our best to maintain world peace as one of five permanent membership of security council;And we always take positive measures to promote world economic development. That means the world needs China. At the same time, China benefits a lot from going to the world. We can see this from some small things around us. There are more and


说唱英语串词 合:Good afternoon , everyone! 男:尊敬的各位老师 女:亲爱的同学们 合:大家好! 男:火红的六月,红色的激情,我们相聚在一起欢庆中华人民共和国建党90周年。 女:在这个幸福洋溢的日子里,让我们共同为我们的党献上生日的祝福,共同为我们的党献出我们的智慧,献出我们绚烂的青春。男:今天,因为党的光辉,我们走到一起。 女:今天,因为对党的热爱,我们欢聚一堂。 男:今天,让我们把祝福献给伟大的党。 女:今天,让我们用歌声和诗歌庆祝党的生日 男:今天,我们聚集在此,美好的祝愿是我们共同的心声。 女:为了庆祝中华人民共和国建党90周年,歌颂党所走过的光辉历程,今天,我们在这里隆重举行“”比赛! 男;Let’s listen, let’s watch. 女: Let’s sing, let’s enjoy. 合:Wish you have a good time today! Wish you happy everyday! 女:让我们聆听,祝福因为英语而更加真挚! 男:让我们歌唱,生活因为英语而更加精彩!

女:让我们起舞, 愿我们校园之花越开越艳! 男:让我们祈祷,让我们的生活因为英语变得更加喜气洋洋! 合:Show your English, fly your dreams.让我们伴着动感的韵律,一起动起来,展示我们每个年级的英语风采吧! 女:本次说唱英语大赛的参赛内容有英语朗诵、英语短剧、英语歌曲。本次比赛本着“公平、公开、公正”的原则,采取现场评分、亮分制,去掉一个最高分,去掉一个最低分,其余之和为最后得分。比赛总分为10分,评分标准1英语才艺展示整体效果2分,2. 英语表现力 2分,创新能力 2分,服装道具效果 2分,现场驾驭能力2分。比赛次序由选手抽签决定。奖励办法:各年级分别设团体一等奖、二等奖、三等奖1名,并设优秀演员奖10名。 男:担任本次说唱英语大赛的评委有:张瑞老师,袁春春老师,贾红艳老师,高红梅老师,杨晓峰老师,白亚玲老师,张艳梅老师。 让我们代表全校同学向所有的评委老师老师表示衷心的感谢。合:Thank you. 女: More English, more passion. 男: 更多英语、更多热情! 合:红彦中学现在开始。 女:同学们的热情点燃了的激情,下面就让我们怀着快乐的心情去欣赏接下来的节目吧。

kanye 有关的自信英文名言

自信是每个人在成长的道路上都需要不断培养和加强的一种品质。而在当今社会,以自身实力和个性鲜明著称的美国说唱歌手坎耶·韦斯特(Kanye West)更是对自信这一品质给予了极大的注重和表达。在他的音乐作品中,经常能听到他对自信的歌颂和表达,同时他在接受采访或社交媒体上也经常通过名言去表达他对自信的看法。以下就是一些关于自信的英文名言,即Kanye有关的自信英文名言。 1. "Believe in your flyness, conquer your shyness." 这句话出自Kanye West的歌曲《Good Life》中,他鼓励人们要相信自己的与众不同,克服内向,敢于表现自己。 2. "I am not a fan of books. I would never want a book's autograph. I am a proud non-reader of books." 这句话出自Kanye West在接受VH1 “Storytellers”节目采访时的一段对话。这句话犀利地表达了他对自己独特性的自信,他认为不需要通过阅读书籍来获得知识,他可以通过自己的方式获得启发和灵感。 3. "I feel like I'm too busy writing history to read it." 这句话同样出自Kanye West在VH1 “Storytellers”节目采访中的一段对话。他认为自己在创造历史,没有时间去阅读别人的历史。这句话再次彰显了他对自己的自信和独特性的坚定信念。

4. "I’m going down as a legend, whether or not you like me or not. I am the new Jim Morrison. I am the new Kurt Cob本人n." 这句话出自Kanye West在某次采访中,他自称为新的吉姆·莫里森和库尔特·科本,将自己定位为传奇人物。他的这种自我定位和自信堪 称是前无古人后无来者。 5. "I am a god." 这句话出自Kanye West的歌曲《I Am a God》中,展现出了他对自己的极致自信和自尊。他坚信自己无所不能,有着神一般的存在。 这种言论颇具争议性,却也充分展现出了他对自己的自信和自尊。 Kanye West作为一个饱受争议的音乐人和公众人物,无论是在音乐 上还是在社交媒体上,他对自信的表达和追求都是前所未有的。通过 以上几句名言,可以清晰地看到他对自信的坚定信念和追求。这种自 信不仅是他音乐创作和表演的动力,更是他在社会中不断成长和超越 的动力。也许我们无法完全认同他的言行,但是可以从中受到启发, 让自信成为我们成长道路上的一种有力支持。Kanye West,这位美国说唱歌手以其鲜明的个性和对自信的极大表达而闻名。他的音乐作品 中充满了对自信的歌颂和表达,同时他的名言也充分展现了他对于自 信的坚定信念和追求。虽然有些人对他的言行持有不同的看法和意见,但是无可否认的是,他的自信和追求在当今社会对于其粉丝和追随者 都起到了一定的启发和激励作用。


introduction of aids(艾滋病的介绍) 1. what is aids?(什么是艾滋病) 【aids full name acquired immunodeficiency syndrome,is a great harm to the infectious diseases,aids is the disease caused by the hiv virus . hiv virus will unknowingly invade the human body. because the hiv virus in the human body has an incubation period. so before suffering from aids, people can not have any symptoms of normal life.】 艾滋病简称aids,全称acquired immunodeficiency syndrome(获得性免疫缺陷综合征) 是一种危害性极大的传染病,由感染艾滋病病毒(hiv病毒)引起。有时,hiv病毒进入人体 是无声无息的,因为hiv病毒在人体具有潜伏期,患艾滋病以前,没有任何症状正常生活。 2. what are the symptoms of aids(艾滋病有什么症状) 【the reason why people because of fear of aids aids will destroy the human immune system,make the human body immunity reduce,which causes many diseases,cause great harm to the human body.】 艾滋病之所以那么让人惶恐是因为艾滋病可能会破坏人体免疫系统,然后人体免疫力下 降,从而引起很多疾病,从而对人体造成大的伤害。 3. how aids is spread(艾滋病是如何传播的) 【aids is spread through four main ways. which consist of mother-baby transmission, blood transmission and sexual transmission. daily life contact is not infected with the virus】 在艾滋病中,性接触传播是主要的传播途径,还有血液传播、母婴传播等,这些都是传 染上艾滋病的原因。艾滋病虽然可怕但是,日常生活是不会传染艾滋病的。 4.how to prevent aids?(我们应该如何预防艾滋病) 【there is no cure for hiv and aids yet. however, treatment can control hiv and enable peopleto live a long and healthy life. so we should do a good job of preventive measures. for example, with a condom in the sex life,preventing the spread of blood…】目前还没有治疗艾滋病和艾滋病的治疗方法。然而,治疗可以控制艾滋病毒,使人们能 够过上健康的生活所以我们就应该做好预防措施,例如,在性生活时带上避孕套;防止与艾 滋病人血液接触。 5. 【all in all ,aids is a serious infectious disease. we should learn to prevent. daily life contact is not infected with the virus,when we face people with aids, we should gather up our courage to help them actively,to embrace them.】 总而言之,艾滋病是一种危害极大的传染病,我们应当学会预防。艾滋病不会通过日常 生活传播,所以我们也不要排斥艾滋病人,我们应当伸出我们的双手去拥抱他们。 6.thank you篇二:英语演讲稿 you never know what you can do till you try. changing and growing dear ladies and gentleman,good evening.my name is zhao shu juan,just call me susie.l graduated from nanjing university of technology and majored in chemistry.my hometown is the beautiful city wenzhou,in zhejiang province.i am optimistic,patient,outgoing and creative.i am very glad to join hisun and to be a new here,l hope we can have a good time in hisun. today,my topic ischanging and glowing first of all,pinpoint my position.when we graduated from school into the the second,have the courage to accept the challenge.
