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A /C Air Conditioning 空调

A /T Automatic Transmission 自动变速器

ACC Air Condition Clutch 空调离合器

ACT Air Charge Temperature 进气温度

AFC Air Flow control 空气流量控制

AFS Air Flow Sensor 空气流量传感器

AI Air Injection 二次空气喷射

ACL AirCleaner 空气滤清器

AIV Air Injection Valve 空气喷射阀

ALCl Assembly Line Communication Link 总装线测试插座ALDl Assembly lne Diagnostic Link 总装线诊断插座

ALT Alternator 交流发电机

APS Absolute Pressure Sensor 绝对压力传感器

ATS Air Temperature Sensor 空气温度传感器

AP Accelerator Pedal 加速踏板

ABS Anti-lock Brake System 防抱死刹车系统

ATF Automatic Transmission Fluid 自动变速箱油液

A /F Air Fuel Ratio 空气燃料混合比

AMP Ampere(S) 安培( 电流强度)

APPROX Approximately 大约,近似

ATDC After Top Dead Center 上止点后

AUTO Automatic 自动

ATT Attachment 附件

ALR Automatic Lock Return 自动馈回缩器


B+ Battery Positive Voltage 蓄电池正极

BARO Barometric Pressure 大气压力

BARO Sensor Barometric Pressure Sensor 大气压力传感器BP Barometric Pressure Sensor 大气压力传感器

BAT Battery 电瓶

BTDC Before Top Dead Center 上死点前

BDC Bottom Dead Center 下死点


CMP Camshaft Position 凸轮轴位置

CARB Carburetor 化油器

CCC Converter Clutch Control 转换离合器控制

CDI Capacitive Discharge Ignition 电容放电式点火

CMFI Central Multiport Fuel lnjectoion 中央多点燃油喷射CES Clutch Engage Switch 离合器接合开关

CFI Central Fuel lnjection 中央燃油喷射

CFI Continous Fuel Injection 连续燃油喷射

CID Cylinder Identification Sensor 汽缸传感器

CIS Continous Fuel lnjection 连续燃油喷射

CKP Crank shaft Position 曲轴位置

CKP Sensor Crank shaft Position Sensor 曲轴位置传感器

CL Closed Loop 闭环控制

CP Crank shaft Position 曲轴位置

CPP Clutch Pedal Position 离合器踏板位置

CPS Camshaft Position Sensor 凸轮轴位置传感器

CPS Crank shaft Position Sensor 曲轴位置传感器

CTP Closed Throttle Position ,节气门关闭位置

CTS Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor 发动机水温传感器

CYP Cylinder Position 汽缸位置

CAT Catalytic Converter 触酶转换器

CO Carbon Monoxide 一氧化碳

CYL Cylinder 汽缸

CPC Clutch Pressure Control 离合器压力控制

CARB Carburetor 汽化器,化油器

CPU Central Processing Unit 中央处理器

CHG Charge 充电


D — Jetronic Multiport Fuel Injection D 型多点燃油喷射

DLC Data Link Connector 数据传递插接器

DFI Direct Fuel Injection 直接燃油喷射

DI Direct lnjecton 直接喷射

DI Distributor lgnition 分电器点火

DID Direct lnjection — Diesel 柴油直接喷射

DTM Diagnostic Test Mode 诊断测试模式

DTC Diagnostic Trouble Code 诊断故障码

DLI Distributorless Ignitioo 无分电器点火

DS Detonation Sensor 爆震传感器

DIFF Differential 差速器

DOHC DoubleOverhe~IdCamshaft 顶置双凸轮轴

DPI Dual Point lnjection 两点喷射

DRL Daytime Running Light 白天行驶灯


E2PROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory 可以擦写的只读存储器

EATX Electronic Automatic Transmission /Transaxle 电控自动变速器

EC Engine Control 发动机控制

ECA Electronic Control Assembly 电子控制总成

ECT Engine Coolant Temperature 发动机冷却水温E

DIS Electronic Distributorless lgnition System 电子无分电器点火系统

EEC Electronic Engine Control 电子发动机控制

EEPROM Electrially Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory 可电擦写的只读存储器

EFI Electronic Fuel lnjection 电控燃油喷射

EGOS Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor 氧传感器

EGR Exhaust Gas Recirculation 废气再循环

EGRV ExhaustGasRecirculationvalve 废气再循环阀

EGS Exhaust Gas Sensor 氧传感器

EPROM Erasable PrOgrammable Read Only Menory 可擦写的只读存储器

ESA Electronic Spark Advance 点火提前

ESAC Electronic Spark Advance Control 点火提前控制

EST Electronic Spark Timing 点火正时

EVAP Evaporative Emission 蒸发排放污染

EX Exhaust 排气

ELD Electrical Load Detector 电子负载检测器

EPS Electrical Power Steering 电子动力转向


FC Fan Control 风扇控制

FP Fuel Pump 燃油泵

FWD Front Wheel Drive 前轮驱动

FR Front Right 右前

FSR Fail SafeRelay 失效安全继电器

FIA Fuel lnjection Air 燃油喷射进气


GEN Generator 交流发电机

GND Ground 搭铁

GAL Gallon 加仑


H /B Hatchback 掀背式

H02S Heated Oxygen Sensor 加热型氧气传感器

HC Hydrocarbons 碳氢化合物


lA Intake Air 进气

IAT Intake Air Temperature 进气温度

IATS Intake Air Temperature Sensor 进气温度传感器

lAC Idle Air Control 怠速控制

IACV Idle Air control Valve 怠速空气控制阀

ISC Idle Speed Control 怠速控制

lAB Intake Air Bypass 进气歧管

IAR Intake Air Resonator 进气共鸣器

IMA IdleMixtureAdjustment 怠速混合比调整

IMPS Intake Manifold Pressure Sensor 进气歧管压力传感器

IN Intake 进气

IG or IGN Ignition 点火燃烧

ID Identification 辨证,识别

ID or I .D .Inside Diameter 内径


KAM Keep Alive Memory 磨损修正系数存储器

K — Jetronic Continous Fuel lnjection 机械式连续喷射

KE — Jetromc Continous Fuel lnjection 机电结合式连续喷射

KS Knock Sensor 爆震传感器

KOEO KEY — ONEngine — OFF 点火开关ON 发动机不启动

KOER KEY — ONEngine — Running 点火开关ON 发动机运转


L — Jetronic MultiportFuellnjeetion L 型多点燃油喷射

LH — Jetronic MultiportFuel lnjection LH 型多点燃油喷射

LHD Left Handle Drive 左侧驾驶

L /C Lock — up Clutch 锁定离合器

LF Left Front 左前

LSD Limited Slip Differential 防滑差速器

LR Left Rear 左后

L 一4 In — Line Four Cylinder(engine) 直列式4 汽缸( 发动机) LED Light Emitting Diode 发光二极管


M /C Mixturure Control 混合气控制

MAF Mass Air Flow 质量空气流量

MAP Manifold Absolute Pressure 歧管绝对压力

MAT Manifold AirTemperature 歧管空气温度

MCS Mixture Control Solenoid 混合气控制电磁线圈

MCU Microprocessor Control Unit 微处理器控制单元

MFI Muhipoint Fuel lnjection 多点燃油喷射

MFE MultipointFuel lnjection 多点燃油喷射

Mil Malfunction lndicator Lamp 故障指示灯

M /S Manual Steering 手( 机械式) 转向

MAF Mass Air Flow Sensor 空气流量计

M /T Manual Transmission 手动变速箱

MCK Motor Check 马达检示

MAX Maximum 极大值

MIN Minimum 极小值

MPI Multi Point lnjection 多点喷射


NPS Neutral Position Switch 空挡开关

N Neutral 空转位置( 空挡)

NOX Nitrogen Oxides of 氮氧化合物

02S Oxygen Sensor 含氧传感器


P /N Park /Neutral Position 停车/空挡位置

P /S Power Steering Pressure Switch 动力转向压力开关PCM Power train Control Module 动力控制模块

PCV Positive Crankcase Ventilation 曲轴箱强制通风

PFI Port Fuel lnjection 进气门口燃油喷射

PIP Position lndicator Pulse 曲轴位置传感器

PNP Park /Neutral Position 停车/空挡位置

PROM Programmable Read Only Memory 可编程只读存储器PSP Power Steering Pressure 动力转向压力

PSPS Power Steering Pressure Switch 动力转向油压开关

p Park 停车

PSAI Pulsed Secondary Air lnjection 脉动式二次空气喷射PGM — FI Programmed — fuel lnjection 程式控制燃料喷射PGM — IG Programmed lgnition 程式化点火

PMR Pump Motor Relay 由泵马达继电器

PSW Pressure Switch 压力开关

PSF Power Steering Fluid 动力转向油

Qty Quantity 数量


RAM Random Access Memory 随机存储器

RM Relay Module 继电器模块

ROM Read Only Memory 只读存储器

RR Rear Right 右后

RHD Right Handle Drive 右侧驾驶

REF Reference 参考

RL Rear Left 左后


SBEC Single Board Engine Control 单板发动机控制

SEFI Sequential Electronic Fuel lnjection 次序电控燃油喷射SFI Sequential Fuel lnjection 次序燃油喷射'

SMEC Single Module Engine Control 单片发动机控制

SPI Single Point lnjection 单点喷射

SAE Society of Automotive Engineers 美国汽车工程师学会SOHC Single Overhead Camshaft 顶置单凸轮轴

SOI Solenoid 线圈

SPEC Specification 规格

S /R Sun Roof 遮阳板

SRS Supplemental Restrgint System 安全气囊

STD Standard 标准

SW Switch 切换开关

SCS Service Check Signal 维修检示信号

SEC Second 秒、第二


TB Throttle Body 节流阀体

TBI Throttle Body Fuel lnjectlon 节流阀体燃油喷射

TC Turbocharger 涡轮增压器

TCM Transmission Control Module 变速器控制模块

TP ThrottlePosition 节气门位置

TPS Throttle Position Sensor 节气门位置传感器

TPS Throttle Position Switch 节气门位置开关

TPI Tuned Port lnjection 进气口喷射

TWC Three Way Catalytic Converter 三元催化反应器

T Torque 扭力

TDC Top Dead Center 上死点

TDCL Test Diagnostic Communication Link 自诊接头

T /N Tool Number 工具编号

TCC Torque Convertor Clutch 变扭器离合器

TRC Traction Control 牵引控制


VAF Volume Air Flow 体积空气流量

VAT Vane AirTemperature 进气温度

VCC Viscous Converter Clutch 变扭离合器

VSS Vehicle Speed Sensor 车速传感器

VSV Vacuum Solenoid Valve 真空电磁阀

VTEC Variable Valve Timing Valve Lift 可变式气门正时VC Viscous Coupling 粘性偶和

VIN Vehicle ldentification Number 车身号码( 出厂号码) VVIS Variable Volume Intake System 可变进气系统



unit1 body 车身chassis 底盘enclosure外壳、套hood车棚、车顶sway 摇摆frame车架steering转向、操作brake 制动weld焊接rivet铆钉bolt螺钉washer垫圈vibration 振动stabilizer稳定器ride乘坐舒适性handling操作稳定性linkages转向传动机构plier钳子distributor分电器alternator交流发电机regulator调节器carburetor化油器radiator散热器、水箱defroster除冰装置sludge金属碎屑transmission变速器differential 差速器power train 传动系unitized body 承载式车身suspension system 悬架系统steering system 转向系braking system 制动系shock absorbers减震器control arms控制臂steering wheel 转向盘steering column转向管柱steering gears 转向器tie rod 横拉杆idler arm随动臂brake shoe制动蹄disc brake 盘式制动器drum brakes 鼓式制动器ignition system 点火系统exhaust system 排气系统lubrication system 润滑系oil filters 机油滤清器drive(or propeller)shaft传动轴universal joints 万向节dynamo发电机horn喇叭swived 旋转steering box转向器timing gear 正时齿轮bevel gear 锥齿轮mesh with与啮合leaf spring 钢板弹簧stub axle 转向节 unit2 longitudinal纵向的transverse横向的reciprocate往复spin旋转piston活塞ignite点火rub摩擦quart夸脱reservoir油箱mechanical机械的enclosed被附上的gallon加仑stroke冲程camshaft凸轮轴combustion燃烧disengaged脱离啮合的flywheel飞轮internal-combustion engine内燃机diesel-fuel柴油LPG=Liquefied Petroleum Gas液化石油气体CNG=Compressed natural gas压缩天然气spark ignition火花点火compression ignition压缩点火spark plug火花塞gas-turbine engine蒸汽机Stirling engine斯特灵发动机lubricating system润滑系统oil pan油底壳oil pump机油泵exhaust system排气系统emission-control system排放控制系统energy conversion能量转换air/fuel ratio空燃比connecting rod连杆TDC=Top Dead Center上止点BDC=Bottom Dead Center 下止点intake stroke进气冲程compression stroke压缩冲程power stroke作功冲程exhaust stroke排气冲程compression ratio压缩比lifter挺柱rocker摇臂retainer弹簧座seal密封件tappet 推杆lobe凸起gasket垫圈valve train配气机构cam follower气门挺柱rocker arm摇臂combustion chamber燃烧室intake valve进气阀exhaust valve排气阀valve stem气门杆valve cover气门室盖valve port阀口valve guide气门导管 unit3


第一章汽车总论 1)Today’s average car contains more than 15,000 separate, individual parts that must work together. These parts can be grouped into four major categories: body, engine, chassis and electrical equipment 。P1 现在的车辆一般都由15000多个分散、独立且相互配合的零部件组成。这些零部件主要分为四类:车身、发动机、底盘和电气设备。 2)The engine acts as the power unit. The internal combustion engine is most common: this obtains its power by burning a liquid fuel inside the engine cylinder. There are two types of engine: gasoline (also called a spark-ignition engine) and diesel (also called a compression-ignition engine). Both engines are called heat engines; the burning fuel generates heat which causes the gas inside the cylinder to increase its pressure and supply power to rotate a shaft connected to the power train. P3 发动机作为动力设备,常见的类型是内燃机,其原理是通过发动机缸内的液体燃料燃烧而产生能量。发动机可分为两类:汽油机(点燃式)和柴油机(压燃式),都属于热力发动机。燃料燃烧产生热量使缸内气压上升,产生的能量驱动轴旋转,并传递给动力传动系。 第二章内燃机 1)Power train system: conveys the drive to the wheels 2)Steering system: controls the direction of movement 3)Suspension system: absorbs the road shocks 4)Braking system: slows down the vehicle P4 传动系把发动机输出的扭矩传递给驱动轮。传动系包括离合器(对应机械变速器)或液力变矩器(对应液力自动变速器)、变速器、驱动轴、主减速器、差速器和驱动桥。 5)Drum brakes have a drum attached to the wheel hub, and braking occurs by means of brake shoes expanding against the inside of the drum. With disc brakes, a disc attached to the wheel hub is clenched between two brake pads. P6 鼓式制动器的制动鼓和轮毂连接,制动蹄张开压紧制动鼓内侧从而产生制动。在盘式制动器上,连着轮毂的制动盘被紧紧夹在两个制动块之间。 1)Linking the piston by a connecting rod to a crankshaft causes the gas to rotate the shaft through half a turn.The power stroke"uses up"the gas,so means must be provided to expel the burnt gas and recharge the cylinder with a fresh petrol-air mixture:this control of gas movement is the duty of the valves;An inlet valve allows the mixture to enter at the right time and an exhaust valve lets out the burnt gas after the gas has done its job . P10 活塞通过连杆和曲轴连接,使得气体带动曲轴旋转半圈。作功冲程耗尽了所有的气体,这样就必须采取相应的措施排出废气并且向气缸内充入新的可燃混合气:气体的运动由气门来控制。进气门使可燃混合气在恰当的时刻进入气缸,排气门使燃烧后的废气排出气缸。 2)The spark-ignition engine is an internal-combustion engine with externally supplied in ignition,which converts the energy cntained in the fuel to kinetic energy.The cycle of operations is spread over four piston strokes. To complete the full cycle it takes two revolutions of the crankshaft. P11 火花点火式发动机是由外部提供点火的内燃机,从而将含在燃料内的能量转化成动能。发动机的一个工作循环分布在活塞的四个行程中,一个完整的工作循环曲轴需要转动两圈。 3)The oil pump in the lubricating system draws oil from the oil pan and sends it to all working parts in the engine. The oil drains off and runs down into the pan. Thus,there is constant circulation of oil between the pan and the working parts of the engine. P15


汽车专业英语 主编:李崑 课后专业词汇汇总(带音标) 汇总:徐艳民 1 automobile ['?:t?m?ubi:l, ,?:t?m?'bi:l]汽车(美) assembly line [?'sembli]装配线 petroleum refining [pi'tr?uli?m, p?-]石油提炼 body and frame车身与车架 engine ['end?in] 发动机、引擎 drive line 传动系统 running gear 控制装置 suspension[s?'spen??n]悬架系统 unitized body ['ju:nitaizd]整体式车身 gasoline engine ['ɡ?s?li:n]汽油机 diesel engine ['di:z?l]柴油机 gas turbine['t?:bain, -bin]燃气轮机 battery ['b?t?ri]电池、电池组 fuel cell燃料电池 hybrid power ['haibrid][pau?]混合动力系统 piston ['pist?n]活塞 rotary engine ['r?ut?ri]转子发动机 vehicle ['vi:ikl, 有时发'vi:hi-]交通工具、车辆 transmission [tr?nz'mi??n, tr?ns-, trɑ:n-]变速器 drive shaft传动轴 differential [,dif?'ren??l]差速器 rear axle ['?ks?l]后轴、后桥 rear-wheel drive后轮驱动 front-wheel drive 前轮驱动 braking system 制动系统 wheel车轮 tire 轮胎 steering system 转向系统 spring [sp ri?]弹簧 shock absorber [??k] [?b's?:b?]减震器 Macpherson strut [m?k'f?:sn] [str?t]麦弗逊式悬架 torsion bar ['t?:??n]扭力杆 strut rod 支撑杆 stabilizer bar ['steibilaiz?]横向稳定杆 2 internal combustion engine [in't?:n?l] [k?m'b?st??n] ['end?in]内燃机 fuel 燃料 external combustion engine [ik'st?:n?l]外燃机 steam engine 蒸汽机 intermittent combustion engine[,int?'mit?nt]间隔燃烧式发动机 continuous combustion engine [k?n'tinju?s]连续燃烧式发动机 turbine engine ['t?:bain, -bin]涡轮发动机 rocket engine ['r?kit]火箭发动机 jet (or reaction) engine喷气式发动机 Wankel engine汪克尔发动机、转子发动机 stroke [str?uk]冲程、行程 cooling system冷却系统 fuel system燃料系统 ignition system [iɡ'ni??n]点火系统 spark-ignition engine 火花点燃式发动机 compression-ignition engine 压燃式发动机 liquid-cooled 用液体冷却的、水冷的 air-cooled 用空气冷却的、风冷的 3 cylinder block 气缸体 cylinder ['silind?]气缸 connecting rod 连杆 crankshaft['kr??k,?ɑ:ft]曲轴 cylinder head气缸盖 combustion chamber[k?m'b?st??n] ['t?eimb?]燃烧室 valve气门、阀 camshaft['k?m?ɑ:ft]凸轮轴 flywheel ['flaiwi:l]飞轮 intake manifold 进气歧管 exhaust manifold ['m?nif?uld]排气歧管 carburetor [,kɑ:bju'ret?, 'kɑ:-]化油器 fuel injector 燃料喷射器 cast iron ['ai?n]铸铁 aluminum [?'lju:min?m]铝 cooling fluid 冷却液 spark plug [pl?ɡ]火花塞 intake valve进气门 exhaust valve[iɡ'z?:st]排气门 cam凸轮 gear齿轮 belt皮带 chain链条 overhead camshaft (OHC) 凸轮轴上置式 rpm=revolutions per minute[,rev?'lju:??n]转速、转数/分钟 horsepower ['h?:s,pau?]马力、功率 intake system 进气系统 sensor ['sens?, -s?:]传感器 oxygen sensor ['?ksid??n]氧传感器 fuel induction system[in'd?k??n]燃料吸入系统 4 fuel tank 燃料箱、油箱 fuel line燃料管路 fuel pump 燃料泵、燃油泵 fuel filter [filt?]燃料滤清器 PCM (power train control module) 动力系统控制模块(计算机)


About car engine Of all automobile components,an automobile engie is the most complicated assembly with dominant effects on the function of an autombile.So, the engine is generally called the"heat"of an automobile. 在汽车的所有部件中,汽车发动机是最复杂的组件,其对整车性能有着决定性的作用。因而发动机往往被称作发动机的“心脏”。 There are actually various types of engines such as electric motors,stream engines,andinternal combustion engines.The internal combustion engines seem to have almost complete dominance of the automotive field.The internal combustion engine,as its name indicates,burns fuel within the cylinders and converts the expanding force of the combustion into rotary force used to propel the vehicle. 事实上,按动力来源分发动机有很多种,如电动机、蒸汽机、外燃机等。然而内燃机似乎在发动机领域有着绝对的统治地位。就像其字面意思一样,内燃机的染料在气缸内燃烧,通过将燃烧产生气体的膨胀力转换成转动力来驱动发动机前进。 Engine is the power source of the automobile.Power is produced by the linear motion of a piston in a cylinder.However,this linear motion must be changed into rotary motion to turn the wheels of cars or trucks.The puston attached to the top of a connecting rod by a pin,called a piston pin or wrist pin.The bottom of the connecting rod is attached to the crankshaft.The connecting rod transmits the up-and-down motion of the piston to the crankshaft,which changes it into rotary motion.The connecting rod is mounted on the crankshaft with large bearings called rod bearing.Similar bearings, called main bearings,are used to mount the crankshaft in the block. 发动机是整部车的动力来源。能量来自于活塞在气缸内的(往复)直线运动。然而这种(往复)直线运动必须要转换成旋转运动才能驱动车轮。活塞与连杆通过一个销来连接,这个销称为活塞销。连杆的下部连接于曲拐。连杆把活塞的上下往复运动传递给曲拐,从而将往复直线运动转变成旋转运动。连杆和曲拐的连接使用大的轴承,称之为连杆轴承,类似的轴承也用于将曲轴连接到机体,称之为主轴承。 They are generally two different types of cooling system:water-cooling system and air-cooling system.Water-cooling system is more common.The cooling medium, or coolant, in them is either water or some low-freezing liquid, called antifreeze.A water-cooling system consists of the engine water jacket, thermostat, water pump, radiator, radiator cap, fan, fan drive belt and neccessary hoses. 主要有两种类型的冷却系统:水冷和风冷。水冷系统更为普遍。系统所用冷却介质或是冷却液常委水或其他低凝固点液体,称为抗凝剂。一个完整的水冷系统包括机体水套,节温器,水泵,散热器,散热器罩,风扇,风扇驱动皮带和必需的水管。 A water-cooling system means that water is used as a cooling agent to circulate through the engine to absorb the heat and carry it to the radiator for disposal.The ebgine is cooled mainly through heat transfer and heat dissipation.The heat generated by the mixture burned in the engine must be transferred from the iron or aluminum cylinder to the waterin the water jacket.The outside of the water jacket dissipates some of the heat to the air surrounding it, but most of the heat is carried by the cooling water to the radiator for dissipation.When the coolant temperature in the system reaches 90°,the termostat valve open fully, its slanted edge shutting off


汽车专业英语 A /C Air Conditioning 空调 A /T Automatic Transaxle (Transmission) 自动变速器ACC Air Condition Clutch 空调离合器 ACT Air Charge Temperature 进气温度 AFC Air Flow control 空气流量控制 AFS Air Flow Sensor 空气流量传感器 AI Air Injection 二次空气喷射 ACL AirCleaner 空气滤清器 AIV Air Injection Valve 空气喷射阀 ALCl Assembly Line Communication Link 总装线测试插座ALDl Assembly lne Diagnostic Link 总装线诊断插座 ALT Alternator 交流发电机 APS Absolute Pressure Sensor 绝对压力传感器 ATS Air Temperature Sensor 空气温度传感器 AP Accelerator Pedal 加速踏板 ABS Anti-lock Brake System 防抱死刹车系统 ATF Automatic Transmission Fluid 自动变速箱油液 A /F Air Fuel Ratio 空气燃料混合比 AMP Ampere(S) 安培( 电流强度) APPROX Approximately 大约,近似 ATDC After Top Dead Center 上止点后 AUTO Automatic 自动 ATT Attachment 附件 ALR Automatic Lock Return 自动馈回缩器 B+ Battery Positive Voltage 蓄电池正极 BARO Barometric Pressure 大气压力 BARO Sensor Barometric Pressure Sensor 大气压力传感器BP Barometric Pressure Sensor 大气压力传感器 BAT Battery 电瓶 BTDC Before Top Dead Center 上死点前 BDC Bottom Dead Center 下死点 CMP Camshaft Position 凸轮轴位置 CARB Carburetor 化油器 CCC Converter Clutch Control 转换离合器控制 CDI Capacitive Discharge Ignition 电容放电式点火 CMFI Central Multiport Fuel lnjectoion 中央多点燃油喷射CES Clutch Engage Switch 离合器接合开关 CFI Central Fuel lnjection 中央燃油喷射 CFI Continous Fuel Injection 连续燃油喷射


INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE 引擎燃烧室 1. principle of operation 原理 Engine and power : Engine is used to produce power. The chemical energy in fuel is converted to heat by the burning of the fuel at a controlled rate. This process is called combustion. If engine combustion occurs with the power chamber. ,the engine is called internal combustion engine. If combustion takes place outside the cylinder, the engine is called an external combustion engine. Engine used in automobiles are internal combustion heat engines. Heat energy released in the combustion chamber raises the temperature of the combustion gases with the chamber. The increase in gas temperature causes the pressure of the gases to increase. The pressure developed within the combustion chamber is applied to the head of a piston to produce a usable mechanical force, which is then converted into useful mechanical power. 译: 引擎和能量: 引擎为汽车提供能量,燃料的化学能通过燃烧,转化为热能,这个过程叫燃烧。假如燃烧在燃烧室,这样的发动机叫内燃机。假如燃烧在气缸外,这样的发动机叫外燃机。 用在汽车上的一般是内燃机,热能在燃烧室释放,燃烧室气体温度升高。气体温度的升高使气体的压力曾加,燃烧室内的高压气体作用在活塞头部产生可以利用的化学能,化学能转化为机械能。 Engine T erms : Linking the piston by a connecting rod to a crankshaft causes the gas to rotate the shaft through half a turn. The power stroke “uses up” the gas , so means must be provided to expel the burnt gas and recharge the cylinder with a fresh petrol-air mixture :this control of gas movement is the duty of the valves ;an inlet valve allows the new mixture to enter at the right time and an exhaust valve lets out the burnt gas after the gas has done its job. Engine terms are : TDC(Top Dead Center):the position of the crank and piston when the piston is farther away from the crankshaft. BDC(Bottom Dead Center):the position of the crank and piston when the piston is nearest to the crankshaft. Stroke : the distance between BDC and TDC; stroke is controlled by the crankshaft. Bore : the internal diameter of the cylinder. Swept volume : the volume between TDC and BDC Engine capacity : this is the swept volume of all the cylinder e.g. a four-stroke having a capacity of two liters(2000cm) has a cylinder swept volume of 50cm. Clearance volume: the volume of the space above the piston when it is at TDC. Compression ratio = (swept vol + clearance vol)\(clearance vol) Two-stroke : a power stroke every revolution of the crank.


汽车专业英语复习题 名词翻译: 1、活塞环 piston ring 2、电控系统electronic control system 3、里程表speedometer 4、发动机排量engine capacity 5、自动变速器automatic transmission 6、机油表oil gauge 7、方向盘steering wheel 8、做功冲程power stroke 9、exhaust gas废气 10. electric current电流 11. high gear高速档 12. automobile dealing汽车贸易 13. sports car 跑车 14. instrument panel仪表板 15. accelerator pedal加速踏板 16. physical property 物理性能 17、电子燃油计量系统electronic fuel metering system 18、减速slow down 19、刹车蹄brake shoe 20、General Motor 通用 21、wheel drum 车轮毂 22、TDC 上止点 23、BDC 下止点 翻译(中译英): 上海汽车工业总公司已与德国大众和美国通用两大汽车公司建立了合资公司。 The Shanghai Auto Industry Corportion has established joint ventures with German V olkswagen and American General Motors. 四冲程发动机—曲柄旋转两圈做功一次。 Four stroke —a power stroke every other revolution of the crank. 液体冷却系由水泵、水套、发动机风扇、散热器等组成。 The liquid cooling system consists of water pumps,water jackets,engine fan ,radiator and so on. 在仪表板上,我们能看见几个显示发动机运转情况的仪表。


汽车专业英语常见词汇 A accelerator加速者,加速器accelerometer加速计 air filter空气滤清器air flow meter 空气流量计air flow sensor空气流量传感器alternator 交流发电机 ammeter电流表antifreeze 防冻剂antiknock 抗爆剂 antilock 防抱死 armature电枢assemble 装配axle 轮轴,车轴 B backbone 支柱;骨干baffle 挡板;隔板baffle plate 缓冲板,折流板 ball joint球形接头band 传送带,传动Basic advance angle 基础点火提前角 beam 梁,横梁earing journal 支承轴颈boil 沸点,沸腾bolt螺钉 booster 助力器,加力器;附加装置 ,辅助装置bore 孔,口径;钻孔,凿孔 bottom dead center下止点brake band 制动带brake booster 制动助力器 brake caliper 制动卡钳brake fluid 制动液buffer 缓冲器 bypass valve 旁通阀 bumper 汽车保险杠;防撞器,缓冲器 C caliper 卡钳cam lobe 凸轮的凸角Cam Position Sensor 凸轮轴位置传感器 camshaft 凸轮轴端隙carburetor 化油器center electrode中央电极 centrifugal fan离心式鼓风机,离心式风扇chamfer 锥角;切角面;圆角 charging system 充电系统chassis 底盘circuit 电路 clamp 夹子;夹紧clog 阻塞clutch 离合器clutch fork离合器分离叉clutch housing 离合器壳clutch linkage 离合器操纵杠杆机构 clutch pack 离合器压盘 clutch pedal 离合器踏板 coil spring螺旋弹簧,圈弹簧combustion chamber 燃烧室 component元件 ,组 compression ratio 压缩比 compression ring 压缩环,气环compressor 压缩机 condenser冷凝器;电容器contact point 触点 contra-rotating gears反转齿轮 cooling jacket 冷却水套 cork 软木塞,软木制品counter-balanced weight 配重 countershaft中间轴 crank arm曲柄臂crankcase 曲柄箱,曲轴箱 crankshaft 曲轴 crash sensor 碰撞传感器cushion 垫子,软垫,衬垫 cylinder block 汽缸体cylinder head 气缸盖 D dashboard 仪表盘destruction损坏detonation 爆震,爆燃 diaphragm 膜片;膜片泵;隔板;遮光板;薄膜diesel 柴油机,内燃机 differential差速器diode 二极管dipstick 油尺,水 [油 ] 位指示器 disc brake 盘式制动器distortion变形,扭曲;扭转 distributor cap分电器盖diverter valve 分流阀 dog clutch 牙嵌 [爪式 ]离合器double helical 人字齿轮drag link 转向直拉杆


(6)Maintain correct viscosity (free flowing at all temperatures). 保持正确的粘度(在所有温度下自由流动)。 When the brake fluid boils, it becomes vapor. A vapor can be compressed, but a liquid cannot be compressed. Pressing on the brake pedal will compress the vapor in the lines instead of transferring the pressure through the fluid. This can lead to partial or complete braking system failure, sometimes called brake pedal fade. Mountain driving puts increased duty on brakes and brake fluid. The boiling point drops at high altitude. This naturally increases the tendency towards vapor lock. In fact, vapor lock in the hydraulic braking system is the primary reason for brake pedal fade. 当制动液沸腾时,它变成蒸汽。可以压缩蒸汽,但不能压缩液体。按压制动踏板将压缩管线中的蒸汽,而不是将压力传递通过流体。这可能导致部分或完全制动系统故障,有时称为制动踏板褪色。山地驾驶增加了刹车和制动液的使用。沸点在高海拔下降。这自然增加了气体锁定的趋势。事实上,液压制动系统中的汽油锁是制动踏板褪色的主要原因。 Vehicle manufacturers recommend brake fluid that meets or exceeds SAE (Societyof Automotive Engineers)andDOT (Department of Transportation) specifications. 车辆制造商推荐符合或超过SAE(汽车工程师协会)和DOT(运输部)规格的制动液。 Standard brake fluid (DOT 3) is composed chiefly of equal parts of alcohol and castor oil. This combination of fluids works well under normal conditions but it easily boils and becomes a vapor under heavy-duty applications. It also tends to separate when exposed to low temperatures. 标准制动液(DOT 3)主要由酒精和蓖麻油组成。这种流体组合在正常条件下工作良好,但在重载应用下容易沸腾并成为蒸气。暴露于低温时也容易分离。The increasing requirements of brake fluid led to the development of silicone brake fluid,such as DOT 5. This fluid achieved low water pickup and good corrosion protection and also provides good lubrication qualities and rubber compatibility. 制动液的要求越来越高,导致了DOT 5等硅胶制动液的开发。该液体实现了低吸水率和良好的防腐蚀性能,并且还具有良好的润滑性能和橡胶相容性。 5.Brake valves 5.闸阀 There are typically five types of valves in vehicle braking system to adjust the braking force distribution. 车辆制动系统中通常有五种类型的阀门来调节制动力分布。 (1)Metering valve (1)计量阀 Most vehicles that have front disc and rear drum brakes are equipped with metering valve. This metering valve controls, or delays the flow of brake fluid to the front brakes. The rear drum brakes take longer to respond than the front disc brakes. The valve ensures that front disc brake do not act before the rear drum brake. The delays is long enough to allow the rear drum brakes time to react. This delay is particularly necessary during light braking and on slick road surfaces.


1.an understanding of how the systems work help you understand how the automobile works .了解各系统如何工作有助于了解汽车是如何工作的。 2.these support the vehicle and cushion it from road bumps for better ride and handling.它们支撑着车身,并缓解由于路面不平引起的颠簸,以获得更好的乘坐舒适型和操作稳定性。 3.The purpose of an automobile engine is to supply the power needed to move the vehicle. 汽车发动机的功用是提供汽车行驶所需的动力 4.The internal combustion engine is a device used to convert the chemical energy of the fuel into heat energy .and then convert this heat energy into usable mechanical energy .内燃机是一种将燃料的化学能转化为热能,再把热能转化为可利用的机械能的装置。 5.The amount of air/fuel mixture allowed to enter the cylinder determines the power and speed developed by the engine .进入汽缸中的可燃混合气体的数量,决定了该发动机的功率和转速。 6.Reducing friction to minimize wear and loss of power is the primary job a lubrication system must perform.减少摩擦,降低磨损和动力损失是润滑系统必须完成的主要工作。 7.The clutch which includes the flywheel ,clutch disc ,pressure plate ,springs , cover and the linkage necessary to operate the clutch is a rotating mechanism between the engine and transmission .离合器是位于发动机和变速器之间的一个旋转装置,它包括飞轮,离合器摩擦片,压盘。压紧弹簧。离合器盖以及操作离合器所需要的连接杆件等。 8.To start the engine Or shift the gear ,the driver has to depress the clutch pedal with the purpose of disengagement the transmission from the engine .at that time .the driven members connected to the transmission input shaft are either stationary or rotating at a speed that is slower or faster than the driving members connected to the engine crankshaft .为了启动发动机或换挡,驾驶员必须踩下离合器踏板以便于实现变速器和发动机的分离,此时。与变速器输入轴相连的离合器从动件可能处于静止状态,也可能以一定的速度旋转,这一速度可能高于或低于与发动机相连的离合器主动件的旋转速度。 9.either way .pushing the pedal down operates the disengagement mechanism which puts pressure on the fingers of the clutch diaphragm via a release bearing and cause the diaphragm to release the clutch plate .无论采用哪种方式,踩下踏板,操纵分离机构,通过分离轴承对离合器膜片弹簧施加压力。均可以解除膜片弹簧对离合器盘的压紧! 10.The modern automatic transmission consists of many components and systems that are designed to work together in a symphony of planetary gear sets ,the hydraulic system ,seals and gaskets .the torque converter ,the governor and the modulator or throttle cable and computer control that has evolved over the years into what many mechanically included individuals consider to be an art form .自动变速器由许多的部件和系统组成,它们有行星齿轮组,液压系统,密封圈,和密封衬垫,变矩器,油压调节器,调制器,节气门拉索,电子控制装置等,经过精心设计,运作协调,其中的电子控制装置经历了多年的发展,已经巧妙的形式融入了许多人性化的设计。 11..in this scenario ,when we turn the ring gear ,the planets will walk along the sun gear (which is held stationary )causing the planet carrier to turn the output shaft in the same direction as the input shaft but at a slower speed causing gear reduction (similar to a car in the first gear ) .在这种情况下,当转动齿圈,行星齿轮将沿着被固定的太阳轮运行,从而行星齿轮架带动输出轴以与输入轴相同方向的旋转但速率较小,来实现减速(类似于普通变速器的一档)
