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Unit 1

A. Translate the following into Chinese.

1.Two noted Americans explain why it’s not what you earn-it’s what you learn.


2.I have never thought I was better than anyone else, but I have always believed I couldn’t be ou tworked.


3.Watching my money grow was more rewarding than anything I could have bought.


4. I took a genuine interest in their questions and was able to translate what they wanted into makeup ideas.


5. I ended up selling a record amount of cosmetics.


B. Translate the following into English.

1. She plans to set up her own bussiness

她计划自己创业(set up)

2.Attitude also matters.

2. 态度也很重要(matter)

3. she had polished all the furniture before the gusets arrived. (Host 主人hostess )

3.她在客人们到达之前把所有家具都擦亮了. (polish)

4.Some managers have no idea how to handle people. Conminute沟通


5.We finished the work in record time.


6.she likes everything to be in place before she starts working.(in place)

6.她喜欢东西都摆好以后再开始工作。(put in)

7.She often puts in 12 hours’ work a day.


8. He acquired the information frome the newspapers.


9. There’s an opening for an assistant in our department.

( Associate prefessor 副教授lecturer 讲师)


10.the organization works to promote friendship between nations.



(l) According to the time table, the train for London ____ at seven o'clock in the evening.

A. was leaving B, has left C. leaves D. will leave

(2) You needn't hurry her. She ____ it by the time you are ready.

A. will have finished

B. would finish

C. will have been finishing D will be finishing

(3) Darwin proved that natural selection ____ the chief factor in the development of species.

A. has been

B. had been

C. was

D. is

(4) While Peggy ____, her brother is playing records.

A. reads

B. is reading

C. has read

D. has been reading

(5) It's been a long time since I ___, How are you?

A. had last seen you

B. saw you last

C. have last seen you

D. last was seeing you

(6) We ____ on it for several hours, but we have not yet reached any conclusion.

A. work

B. are working

C. have been working

D. have been worked

(7) He said that he____ for Shanghai the next day.

A. will leave

B. has left

C. would leave

D. had left

(8) This is the first time I___ this kind of refrigerator.

A. saw

B. have seen

C. am seeing

D. see

(9) He____ this job before he moved into this city.

A. found

B. would find

C. was finding

D. had found

(10) I think this time yesterday he ____ an English class in No, 3 Classroom Building.

A. was having

B. will have

C. had

D.would have

(11) By 2000, the university ____ 20000 postgraduates.

A. will be trained

B. trams

C. will have trained

D. will be training

(12) Since 1970, he____ in this bank and he loves the job very much.

A. has worked

B. has been working c. is working D. will be working

(13) I don't like to be disturbed if l____.

A. am working

B. wm work

C. work

D. have worked

(14) Before long, she____ all about the matter.

A. will have forgotten B will forget C. will be forgotten D. will have been forgetting (15) You can see the house____ for years.

A. isn't painted

B. hasn't painted

C. hadn't been painted

D. hasn't been painted


A.Translate the following sentences into Chinese.

1. With the click of a mouse, information from the other end of the globe will be transported to your computer screen at the extremely fast speed of seven-and-a-half times around the earth per second.


2. Besides, if everyone shops on the Net, what will happen to the hundreds and thousands of shopping malls?


3. The huge power of electronic commerce (e-commerce) will change the face of trade dramatically.


4.the development of e-commerce may well bring the world into a brand new era of “e-lectronic currency”


5. As the Net pushes the economy ahead rapidly, the economy is also bringing the Net market forward, resulting in the Internet itself becoming the world’s largest emerging market.


B.Translate the following into English.


1.She is very likely to ring me tonight.


2.Understanding this article is beyond my capacity.


3. A fresh coat of paint can transform a room.

4、做事不先考虑总会导致失败。(result in)

4.Acting before thinking always results in failure.


5.He estimated that the work would take three months.


6.We believe that this agreement will positively promote the trade between our two countries.

7.新机场必将推动这个地区的旅行业。(push ahead)

7.The new airport will certainly push ahead the tourism in this region.

8、网络经济将对人们的生活产生重要的影响。(have significant influence on)

https://www.sodocs.net/doc/b418382447.html, economy will have significant influence on the people’s life.

9、在昨天的会议上,他提出了一个新的经济发展计划。(bring forward)

9.At the yesterday’s meeting, he brought forward a new plan for the economic development.

10、到目前为止,他们还没有找到遇难的渔船。(to date,wrecked )

10.To date, they haven’t found the wrecked fishing boat.

Submarine 潜艇


(l) That man ____ to tell a lie.

A. was never known

B. has never been known c. will never be known D. is never known

(2) The children ____ many times not to go near the street.

A. have told

B. told

C. have been told

D. were being told

(3) The new type of computer is going to___ the month after next

A. turn out

B. be turned out

C. will be turn out

D. will turn out

(4) After the synthetic___, engineers had a better choice for materials for construction.

A. had been developed

B. had developed c. to be developed D. being developed

(5) After being tested in many ways, this newly-designed machine will____ in the near future.

A. be taken action

B. come to use

C. be put into use

D. take its place

(6) His parents died when he was young, so he ____ by his grandma.

A.was bred B. was fed C. was brought up D. was grown up

(7) Lead____ as a material for sculpture since the time of the early Greeks.

A. being used

B. has used c. is to use D has been used

(8) We heud that Mary ____a raise by her employer.

A. gave

B. had been given

C. will give

D. has given

(9) He ordered the work____ .

A. started at once

B. to be started at once c. to start at once D. at once to start

(10) He was ____ to be clever but dishonest.

A. thought as

B. thinking C.thought D. to think

Unit 3

A Put the following sentences into Chinese.

1.So, if you lose a key species, you might cause a whole flood of other extinctions.


2. Instead of depending on largely ineffective laws against illegal hunting, it gives local people a good economic reason to preserve plants and animals.



3. With corruption popular in many developing countries, some observers are suspicious that the money will actually reach the people it is intended for.


4. Sustainable management of forests requires controls on the number of trees which are cut down, as well as investment in replacing them.


5. In theory, consumers would buy only this wood and so force logging companies to go "green" or go out of business. 5、理论上讲,消费者只能购买这些获得认可的木材,这将迫使伐木公司开始保护“绿色”,否则将无生意可做。

B. Put the following into English

1.这场特大洪水给长江中下游地区造成了严重的灾害。(do damage to)

1. The extremely heavy flood did great damage to the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.

2.这本畅销书对读者严生了深刻的影响o (impact on)

2. The bestseller had a great impact on its readers.

3.这辆旧自行车,我最多能付你5美元。(at most)

3. I can give you $5, at most, for the used bicycle.

4.他们的经济利益及政治权利都应当受到保护。(as well as)

4. Their political rights, as well as their economic benefits should be safeguarded.

5.这场突发疾病把我的假期计划搞得一团糟。(make a mess of)

5. The unexpected illness made a mess of my holiday plans.


6. If you are sensible you will study for another year.


7. You may keep the book a further week provided (that) no one else requires it.

8.报界纷纷指责专题电视节目使用的粗鄙语言.(a flood of )

8. There was a flood of complaints from the press about the bad language used in the special TV show.


9. Her task is to range the goods neatly in the shop window.


10. The headmaster encouraged the candidates for the national maths competition to strive for the best results. 1.选择适当的比较级形式填空。

(l) Peter's record was ___ on the team.

A. not so good as all the players

B. not good as the players

C. not so good as any other player's

D. so good as not that of any player's

(2) The team is good. but not as good as____ .

A. ours

B. us C.we D. ourselves

(3) This tool is ____ that one.

A. as useful almost as

B. as almost useful as

C. almost as useful as

D. almost as useful than

(4) He will not be____ to vote in this year's election.

A.old enough B. as old enough C. enough old D. enough old as

(5) Bob's work proved ____ than that of others.

A. not much better B not more better C. no more as good D. not much as good

(6) They are____ my other neighbors.

A. as friendly

B. friendly than

C. friendlier as D.more friendly than

(7) I think he is___ than I.

A. elder three years

B. old three years

C. three years elder

D. three years older

(8) Can we do our work better with _____money and _____ people?

A. lesser...few

B. less...fewer

C. little...less

D. few...less

(9) She is ____ beautiful of the two sisters.

A. younger and more

B. more young and more

C. youngest and most

D. the younger and more

(10) He can run____ I do.

A. as faster than

B. faster as

C. as fast as

D. so fast that

(11) ____ , the worse I seem to feel.

A. When I take more medicine

B. The more medicine I take

C. Taking more of the medicine D More medicine taken

(12) Why is there ____ traffic on the streets in February than in May?

A. less

B. fewer

C. few

D. little

(13) Prices for cars in the U.S. can run____ $20.800.

A. as high as

B. so high as

C. as high to

D. so high to

(14) This room is____ that one.

A. three times big than

B. three times as big as

C. three times bigger

D. bigger three times than

(15) This year, the grain production was three times ____ last year.

A. as much as

B. as many as

C. as more

D. as much

Unit 4


A. Put the following sentences into Chinese.

1. The trend began in earnest in 1995, when the Queen of England admitted that the Maori people of New Zealand had been shamefully treated, when the country was a British colony.


2. Many political leaders, like most of their citizens, belong to post-war generations, who now look on the conflict as more than simply the victory of good over evil.


3. But it's not just a sense of conscience, nor demands from pressure groups, witch lies behind these apologies.


4. The Swiss government is still trying to put right the public-relations disaster that resulted from their partial apology for Switzerland's dealings with the Nazis in the 1930s and 1940s.


5. So academic, in fact, that there is a concern that “sorry” might turn o ut to be the easiest word after all.


B. Translate the following phrases into English.


1.to turn a blind eye to the sufferings of the war


2.the 50th anniversary celebration


3.to make public apologies to


4.a well-timed apology


5.to promote a head of state’s public image


6.to put right the public-relations disaster


7.to say sorry for past wrongs


8.recently declassified documents


9.to admit one’s own past wrongs


10.to pay compensation for war damage

C. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. 我们希望日本政府能对他们在二战中对中国人民实行的暴行进行正式道歉。(make an apology for)

1.We hope that the Japanese government would make a formal apology to the Chinese people for their cruelties committed during the World War II.

2. 后来证实有两名旅客丧生。(turn out)

2.It turned out that two travelers had been killed.

3. 现在人们把电视机当作必备的生活用品之一。(look on… as)

3.People now look on a television set as an essential facility for life.

4. 对人民的疾苦视而不见的政治领袖是不会受到人民的拥护的。(turn a blind eye to)

4.The head of state who turns a blind eye to the people’s sufferings will not gain support from them.

5. 那位勇敢的年轻人冒着生命危险把这个小孩从湖里救上来。(take risk)

5.The brave young man risked his life in trying to save the child from the lake.


(l) It seems very difficult____.

A.to stop the child to cry

B. stopping the child to cry

C. stop the child crying

D.to stop the child crying

(2)We are glad to_____ when you needed our help.

A. help

B. having helped you

C. have helped

D. have helped you

(3) The teacher____ their exercises.

A. made the students do

B. make the students doing

C.have made the students do

D. makes the students done

(4) The doctor found it difficult____ this infection.

A. in treating

B. to treat

C. for treating

D. in treating

(5) He couldn't help but _ when his toy car fell into the river.

A. cry

B. to cry

C. crying

D. will cry

(6) What____ next will be discussed at today's meeting.

A. can you do

B. will you do

C. shall we do

D. to be done

(7) He sent his son to the doctor _ an X-ray check

A. gives

B. to give

C. being given

D. to be given

(8) The story was said to____ on the information from a reliable source,

A. being based

B. have been based

C. base

D. be based

(9) Mother warned____ the electric lamp,

A. not to touch

B. him not to touch

C. him not touching

D. him not touch

(10) He finds it difficult____ himself to the climate here.

A. to adapt

B. accustomed

C. get used

D. applying

A.Translate the following into Chinese.

1. The irony is that children start out as natural scientists, instinctively eager to investigate the world around them.


2. This began a barrage of questions that lasted nearly two hours.


3. Science is not just facts but the meaning that people give to them- by weaving information into a story about how nature probably operates.


4. Studies over the past three decades have shown that after asking a question, adults typically wait only one second or less for a response- no time for a child to think.


4. Instead, keep the ball rolling by saying, “That’s interesting” or “I’d never thought of it that way before”, or co ming up with more questions or ideas.


6.Real-life impressions of nature are far more memorable than any lesson children can extract from a book or TV program.


7. By sharing your children’s curiosity, you can give them a valuable lesson that extends far beyond the realm to experiment, in the face of difficulties.

7、通过分享孩子的好奇心,你还能给他们提供超出科学试验领域之外的如何面对困难的有价值的教诲。B.Translate the following into English.


1. a barrage of questions


2. to resist the impulse to respond quickly to a question


3. rather than tell children what to think


4. keep the ball rolling


5. to manage the itinerary


6. in the face of difficulties

C.Translate the following into English.

1.解说员的讲解非常有吸引力. (make… appealing )

1.The guide made her introduction very appealing.

2.简单点儿讲吧,别用那些专业术语了. (rather than)

2.Please use simple words rather than a lot of jargon.

3.不要急于回答,留出一些讨论的余地。(opening for discussion)

3.Please resist the impulse to respond quickly and leave some opening for discussion.

4.一些启发性的问题可以鼓励孩子思考。(leading question)

4.Some leading questions can help the children to think for themselves.

5.面临困难的时候坚持下去会取得回报。(in face of…; it pays…)

5.It pays to persist in the face of difficulties.


(1) Many things_____ impossible in the past are common today.

A. considered

B. to consider

C. considering

D. being considered

(2) The machine____ in our factory these days is a new type of electronic computer.

A. to produce

B. being produced

C. produce

D. to be producing

(3) The noise of desks____ could be heard out in the street.

A. being opened and closed

B. be opened and closed

C. opening and closing

D. having opened and

(4)____ that Barton had been promoted, his friends came to congratulate him

A. Having been heard

B. Being heard

C. To have heard D, Having heard

(5) ____ by the police, the kidnappers had no choice but to surrender.

A. Surrounding

B. Having surrounded

C. Surrounded

D. To surround

(6) Never___ faith in himself, James Watt went on with his experiment.

A. losing

B. to lose

C. lost

D. to be lost

(7) There are four factories in our institute,____ over 100 workers.

A. with each have

B. each having

C. each has

D. with each has over

(8)____ a bomb on the road, the car was stopped.

A. Having seen

B. The driver seeing

C. Seeing

D. After seeing a bomb

(9) The weather____ fine, they decided to go out for a stroll.

A. is

B. was

C. being

D. having

(10)____ in all parts of the country, pines are the most common trees in this part.

A. Found

B. Finding them

C. To find them

D. They are found

(11) Commercial banks make the most of their income from interest____ on Ioans and investments in stocks.

A. earn

B. earned

C. to earn

D. was earned

(12) Returning to my apartment,____ .

A. my watch was missing

B. I found my watch disappeared

C. I found my watch missing

D. the watch was missed

(13) Having been served lunch,____ .

A. the problem was discussed by the members of the committee

B. the committee members discussed the problem

c. it was discussed by the committee members the problem

D. a discussion of the problem was made by the members of the committee

(14) The police pursued the criminal continuously,____ .

A. and finally catch him

B. finally catching him

C. to catch him in the final

D. with a final catch

(15) She finished her work,____ .

A. tiring and wearing out

B. tired and wear out

C. tired and worn out

D. tiring and worn out


(1) The baby was wakened by the defening (deafen) sound.

(2) The wounded (wound) man was taken to hospital.

(3) This is a mistake often made (make) through negligence.

(4) A bus coming (come) from the opposite direction knocked down the cyclist.

(5) He sent away the barking (bark) dog at once.

(6) standing (Stand) on the top of the hill, we came in sight of the whole water fall.

(7)driven (Drive) by despair, many unemployed school-leavers have degenerated into criminals.

(8) All the planes departing (depart) for London are carefully searched and checked before taking off.

(9) A boy believed (believe) to have killed a roommate has escaped from the city.

(10) Most cars imported (import) from Japan are used as taxis.

Unit 6

A.Translate the following sentences into Chinese.

1.Engineers have had a direct role in the creation of most of modem technology-the tools, materials, techniques,

and power sources that make our lives easier.


2.They develop complex scientific equipment to explore the reaches of outer space and the depths of the oceans.


3.They may work to reduce environmental pollution, increase the world's food supply. and make transportation

faster and safer.


4.The construction of the gigantic Egyptian pyramids at Giza during the 2500s B.C.was one of the greatest

engineering feats of ancient times.


5.The growing interest in new types of machines and new sources of power to drive them helped bring about the

Industrial Revolution of the 1700s and 1800s, during which, their role expanded rapidly.


B. Translate the following phrases into English.


1. a sturdy child


2. to harness the river


3. in prehistoric times


4. to qualify him for an engineer


5. to be curious about knowledge


6. to meet the deadline.

C- Translate the following sentences into English.

1.很明显,与他争论无济于事。(it is no use…)

1.It’s obvious that it is no use arguin g with him.

2.他在我们学校演的剧中扮演老国王的角色。(play a role ot)

2.He played the role of the old king in our school play. (flatter 照片比本人好用此词)3.她在这张照片中显得很年轻。(make…look young)

3.This photograph makes her look very young.

4.他帮助那位教授编了那本词典。(assist, compile)

4.He assisted the professor in compiling the dictionary.

5.请你确信锁上房间后再离开。(make sure)

5. Please make sure that the house is locked up before you leave.


(1) Many people favor____ more nuclear power plants.

A. to build

B. built

C. build

D. building

(2) Professor Smith ____ about him and he pretended not to mind.

A. heard the students to talk

B. heard the talk by the students

C. heard the students talking

D. heard the students talked

(3) ____ to the office was very slow this morning because of the traffic.

A. To drive

B. Driving

C. Being driven

D. I drove

(4) I would appreciate____ it a secret between us.

A. you to keep

B. that you would keep

C. your keeping D, that you are keeping

(5) The doctor has difficulty____ this infection.

A in treating B. to treat C. for treating D. being treating

(6) This house needs____, I will call the repair company tomorrow.

A. to be paint

B. painting c. to painting D. painted

(7) I____ brushing my teeth twice a day.

A. used to be

B. am in the habit of

C. make a rule of

D. ought to

(8) Would you mind____ the recorder? I am workiry! on my paper now.

A. being turned off

B. turning off

C. to turn off

D. turn off

(9) With____ her do this, she will have no difficulty persuading them to accept her plan.

A. I help

B. my helping

C. me helping D mine helping

(10) You need to know that____ arrest is a crime,

A. to resisting

B. the resisting

C. to be resisted

D. resisting

(11) I have to tell you that it is no use____ to him about this

A to talk B. talking C. in talking D. talk

(12) ____ work means moving a body through a distance by a force.

A. Having done

B. To be done

C. Being done

D. Doing

(13) She regretted ____a big mistake in the examination

A. her having made

B. to make

C. her was making

D. to have made

(14) Besides____ the technology of designed ships, he also learned how to build them.

A. master

B. to master

C. having master

D. mastering

(1 5) It is a waste of time____ about it with them.

A. to be argued

B. to argue '

C. arguing

D. being argued



Translating this book is very difficult.


It is no use hurrying to the railway station. The train must have left.

(3)我们都知道他非常喜欢集邮。(be fond of宾语)

We know that he is very fond of collecting stamps.

(4)教室里禁止吸烟。(prohibit, forbid宾语) 校园里on caps

Smoking in the classroom is prohibited.


Our task is increasing the production.


They objected to delay ing the meeting until next week.


Do you mind my closing the windows.


He avoided giving going to an English play.


Are you interested in go ing to an English play?


His method of organizing the work is effective.

Unit 7

A.Translate the following phrases into English.

1、如果你卷入别人的问题,你很可能会陷入不愉快的境况而告终。(chances are that)

If you get involved in other people’s problems, the chances are that you will end up an unpleasant situation.

2、他认为保卫祖国抵御敌人是自己职责。(defend against)

He thinks it a duty to defend his county against enemies.

3、不要太重视他的话。(attach to)

Don’t attach too much importance to what he said.

4、住宅逐渐消失,慢慢变成了办公室(take over)

The home is vanishin g and the business office is taking over.


He should have been working but he was otherwise engaged.

6、他从来没有想过她也许是在撒谎。(occur to)

It never occurs to him that she might be telling lies. Liar

7、他还没想好将来要干什么。(figure out)

He has not yet figures out what he is going to do.


They won by the small margin of five seats.

9、回想起我们在那里度过的一个月,我们心中充满了感激之情。(look back on)

As wo look back on the month we spent there, our hearts are filled with gratitude.

10、这辆汽车很旧。但不管怎样,花费的钱不多。(at any rate)

It is a very old car, but at any rate, it was expencive.

11、他们不能适用煤气炉,因为还没安装好。(hook up)

They could not use the gas stove because it had not been hooked up.


12、他忘记自己应该维持秩序了。(be supposed to)

He forgot he was supposed to be keeping order.

B.Translate the following phrases into Chinese.

1. In this essay, Greene regrets that people can no longer trust each other and have to resort to elaborate security systems to protect themselves and their valuables.


2.Statistics show the crime rate is rising more dramatically in those allegedly tranquil areas than in cities.


3.The ad pointed out that, yet, it is the insurance companies that pay for stilen goods, but who is going to pay for what the new atmosphere of distrust and fear is doing to our way of life?



4.It simply didn’t occur to managers that the proper thing to do was to distrust pe ople.


5.It was such a relief to solve this problem that we did not think much about what such a state of affairs says about the quality of our lives.















(1) He often visited the grain mill of Peter, ____ to experiment with new things.

A. that likes

B. whom liked

C. who liked

D. which liked

(2) She found a place in the building ___ she used as her first laboratory.

A. which

B. where

C. in which

D. when

(3) Do you know the exact time _____the meeting will begin?

A. which

B. when

C. why

D. as

(4) She wanted to join the group of men ____ was to explore the mysteries of the mountains.

A. their work

B. who work

C. who

D. whose work

(5) This is the reason____ an airplane can't fly in space.

A. for that

B. which

C. why

D. where

(6) More and more people are beginning to learn English,____ is becoming popular here.

A. that

B. it

C. which

D. what

(7) The factory ____ last year when was equipped with the latest machinery

A. which I worked

B. in which I worked

C. for which I worked in

D. where I worked in

(8) This is the house____ last year when I was in this city.

A. about that I wrote to you

B. that I wrote to you

C. about which I wrote to you

D. which I wrote to you

(9) He is the very man ____ we have been looking for.

A. who

B. whom

C. which

D. that

(10) It's the best film____ I've ever seen.

A. it

B. which

C. that

D. what

(11) This is Perer____ you met last week

A his sister B. whose sister C. that sister D. the sister whom

(12) These were the graduate assistants ____ to do the research work in the lab.

A. to whom it was their responsibility

B. whose responsibility there was

C. whose responsibility it was

D. of whom with the responsibility

(13) He will never forget the days ____ he spent with his grandma.

A. that

B. when

C. where

D. on which

(14) The tree, the branches ____ are almost bare, is a very old one.

A. whose

B. in which

C. of which

D. which

(15) An old friend from abroad,____ I was expecting to stay with me, telephoned from the airport.

A. which

B. from which

C. whom

D. that

Unit 8

A.Translate the following into Chinese.

1. As she stood in front of her 5th grade class on the very first day of school, she told the children an untruth.


2. Mrs. Thompson had watched Teddy the year before and noticed that he didn’t play well with the other children, that this clothes were messy and that he constantly needed a bath.


3. Teddy is an excellent student, well liked by his classmates, but he is troubled because his mother has a terminal illness and life at home must be a struggle.


4. But she stifled the child ren’s laughter when she exclaimed how pretty the bracelet was, putting it on, and dabbing some of the perfume on her wrist.


5. Four years after that, she got another letter, saying that while things had been t ough at times, he’s stayed in school, had stuck with it, and would soon graduate from college with the highest of honors.


B.Translate the following into English.


One friend of mine has decided to quit his highly-paid but demanding position in his company recently.

2、她以烹饪美食为乐。(take delight (in) doing sth.)

She takes delight (in) cooking lovely meals.

3、她要查寻是否给她预定了房间。(reserve for)

She wanted to check if there was a room reserved for her.

4、当你打开立体图书,你肯定会打吃一惊。(be in for)

When you open the pop-up book, you’re in for a big surprise.


His two great interests in life are music and painting.


After the wedding we’ll be returning to China, where we work and plan to live.


They were all hungry and the food smelt good.


The higher the tree, the stronger the wind.

9、他的妻子开玩笑说跟他结婚的是他的工作。(marry)workaholic 工作狂

His wife joked that he was married to his work.


When the book was returned to the library, it had 12 pages missing.


(1) He walked into the restaurant ____it had belonged to him.

A.like B.as if c. so that D. if

(2) Don't eat that fruit ___ it is ripe.

A. unless

B. in case

C. if

D. so that

(3) I don't think it'll rain, but I'II take an umbrella ____it does.

A, before B. in case C. unless D. as if

(4) She felt very silly ___ everyone laughed at her question

A, after B. before C. when D. as soon as

(5) He insured his car he had an accident

A. unless

B. if

C. in case

D. since

{6) Put your luggage in the van quickly the tram will be off in a minute.

A. when

B. now that

C. so that

D. unless

(7) That's a good suggestion! Let's finish aur work now ____we can be free this evening.

A. after

B. because

C. than

D. so that

(8) ____ we can make Iaws to protect certain animals, we are frequently incapable of controlling the environment.

A. Even if

B. Whatever

C. After

D. However

(9) Rare animals are still hunted ____we can now imitate their skins with other materials.

A. when

B. ever since

C. so that D, even though

(10) ____ you understand this rule, you'II have difficulty.

A. While

B. Once

C. Though

D. Unless

(11) The doctor urges that he should have an operation on his back ____his health will improve quickly,

A. though

B. before

C. so that

D. as soon as

(12) They went____they could find a good job.

A. where

B. wherever

C. when

D. unless

(13) ____ inspected this radio, he should have put his identification number on the box,

A. That

B. No matter who

C. Whatever

D. Whoever

(14) Although _____happened in that developed country sounds like science fiction, it could occur elsewhere in the world.

A. what B which C. how D. it

(15) ____ woke me up last night was a big noise.

A. How B What C. That D. Why


(1)由于我离开得太匆忙,忘记带课本了。(leave in a big hurry)

(2)如果你能保持整洁的话,我们可以让你使用这个房间。(keep… clean and tidy)


(4)只要我们不灰心,我们一定能够找到解决问题的办法。(lose heart)。





(9)他感到失望,因为工作没有达到预期的水平。(come up to what was expected)


Unit 9

A. Translate the following into Chinese.

1. The globalization of the world’s capital markets that has occurred in the past 10 years will be replicated right across the economy in the next decade.


2. Demography and changing social mores mean that white males will become a smaller fraction of the work force as women and minorities grow in importance.


3. In addition, the need to produce goods and services at quality levels previously thought impossible to obtain in mass production and the spreading use of participatory management techniques will require a work force with much higher levels of education and skills.


4. In a very real sense the world was not technologically competitive.


5. Today we live in a world where American firms no longer have automatic technological superiority.


B. Translate the following into English.

1. 很可能她把这事全忘了。(more likely than not)

More likely than not, she’s forgotten all about it.

2. 这意味着我们实际上没有可能按时完成。(effectively)

This means that effectively we have no chance of finishing it on time.


His first was not particularly good or bad, just average.

4.谈到现代爵士乐,没几个人比汤姆知道得更多。(when it comes to)

When it comes to modern jazz, very few people know more than Tom.

5.这项研究的重要性在于它证实了A与B之间存在联系。(in that)

The research is important in that it confirms the existence of a relationship between A and B.

6.尽管以前我们失败过,但仍要坚持下去。(regardless of)

We will persevere regardless of past failures.


Examinations do not motivate a student to seek more knowledge.


Successful leaders dominate events rather than react to them.


He had to shift the vast burden from one shoulder to the other.


The superiority in science and technology helps this company defeat all its rivals.


(1) Last week he promised____ today, but he hasn't arrived yet.

A. that he would come

B. what would he come

C. which he came

D. that he would have come

(2) He is trying all kinds of materials to learn____ used.

A. what of them can be

B. that they can be

C. which of them can be

D. which of them be

(3) His family had almost forgotten____ like.

A. how his face was

B. which was his face

C. what his face was

D. that his face was

(4) It is obvious _____ on more important things

A. which the money should we spend

B. what the money should we spend

C. that the money should we spend

D. that we should spend the money

(5) We were greatly amused by____

A. that you told us

B. which you told us

C. what you told us

D. what did you tell us

(6) That is____ now. I would like you to know I can finish it by myself.

A. that I'm doing

B. which I'm doing

C. what am I doing D what I'm doing

(7) At about the same time, doctors began to understand____ together.

A. which went dirt and disease

B. what went dirt and disease

C. that dirt and disease went

D. that did dirt and disease go

(8) The problem is ____.

A. why the cheapest way is

B. that is the cheapest way

C. whichever is the cheapest way

D. which is the cheapest way

(9) These exercises are different from____

A. that you expect

B. what do you expect

C. what you expect

D. which you expect

(10)_____ was to return to school.

A. That really interested him

B. What really interested him

C. Which really interested him

D. That interested him really

(11)____ will be known tomorrow.

A. If the flower will be black

B. When will the flower be

C. Whether the flower is black

D. Whether is the flower black

(12) Not one of us has a clear idea about ____ to do.

A. that the others want

B. what the others want

C. which do the others want

D. what do the others want

(13) I will let you know____ the meeting will be held.

A. which

B. where

C. what

D. that

(14) The question is____ land men there.

A. if safe it will

B. if will be it safe

C. whether it will be safe

D. whether safe it will be

(15) He was afraid of ____ would happen to his child.

A. which

B. when

C. why

D. what

Unit 10

A. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.

1. Taxes put a big dent in family fortunes, and unless the heirs are careful and invest wisely, they can lose their millions as fast as their ancestors mad them.


2. Today’s Horatio Alger heroes often come from modest backgrounds and rise to the top on pluck, luck and a clear idea of what they want. Heroine 女主人公


3. Bill Gates, the Microsoft whiz, left Harvard to tinker with software and developed the operating brain that is installed in nearly every personal computer.


4. They didn’t drop out to avoid work – they dropped out to start a company or devote themselves to an interest.


5. Eventually, you may reach the point where you can afford to spend the rest of your life at the side of a swimming po ol with a drink in your hand, but you probably won’t.


B. Translate the following phrases into English.

1. 排行榜前10名

The top ten of the list box 票房bestseller畅销书


A beat-up old car


Stretch back to the 19th century


Turn one’s attention to


To keep one’s frugal habit


To do business on shoestring budget 预算

C. Translate the following sentences into English.

1.文化交往有助于相互理解。(make for)

Cultural exchanges make for mutual understanding.

2.当三家公司都决定要她的时候,她知道自己已经成功了。(make it)

When three companies wanted to hire her, she knew that she had made it.

3.这个男孩抓住那矮树,直到有人爬下悬崖去救他。(hold on to)

The boy held on to the bush until someone climbed down the cliff to rescue him.

4.经济学家认为没有进步的原因是合作不好。(attribute to)

Economists attribut ed the lack of progress to poor cooperation.


At that time, it was still possible to land a decent job without a college education.

6.前院布满了保安人员。(crawl with)

The fore court was crawling with security men.


I've heard about the grand plot that you two are hatching.


His answers often ring true.

9.令人吃惊的是他炒股发了财。(pick stock)

It is surprising that he made a fortune by picking stocks.

10. 这些人仍然在做着使他们成功的各种事情。(lead to)

These people are still doing whatever it was that led to their success


(1) Was it he ____ broke the glass yesterday?

A. who

B. and

C. but

D. has

(2) It is for this reason____ he refused to take the job.

A why B. when C. that D. so

(3) ____ be careful in making such experiments.

A. Do

B. Does

C. Did

D. Will

(4) It was not until 11 last night____ the meeting came to an end.

A. when

B. and

C. before

D. that

(5) ____was in 1990 that the economy started to be revived.

A. That

B. Which

C. It

D. What

(6) Who____ that spoke first at yesterday's meeting?

A. was it

B. was

C. it was

D. did

(7) No force ____ can hold back the wheel of history.

A. on the world

B. on earth

C. does

D. did

8.George ____ tell me yesterday that he put the dictionary on the table before he left.

A. does

B. will

C. would

D. did

9. It wasn't ____ personal interests that they did all this.

A.because B. only C. just D. for

10.Where ____ did you go yesterday afternoon?

A. was it

B. devil

C. until

D. in the world

Unit 11

A.Translate the following sentences into Chinese.

1. Future-supplies of oil will be costly not simply in terms of dollars and cents but also in their effect on the environment.


2. If we had continued to increase energy efficiency at the same rate, the stability of Iraq and Saudi Arabia would by now be of minor concern to the U. S. policymakers.


3. When powered by hybrid technologies that combine electricity with the internal-combustion engine, such light vehicles will produce enormous oil saving.


4. If the U. S automobile industry waits for years to see if lightweight fuel-efficient cars are more than a niche business, Lovins argues, it will one day discover that it has lost another market to overseas firms.


5. All reports that promise an easy solution to a complex problem need to be taken with a degree of skepticism, and Winning the Oil Endgame is no exception.


B. Translate the following into English.


1. I am struck on this problem: I can’t figure it out.


2. My wool sweater shrank after I washed it.


3. The opera house is accessible by bus, subway or car.


4. The situation is very volatile; rioters may try to overthrow the government. Riot 骚乱

5、汽车电话是20世纪80年代的创新,但是现在他们已经很普遍了。(i nnovation)

5. Car telephones were an i nnovation in the l980s, but now they are very common.

6、与会者免去通常的礼节,立即开始谈判。(i nnovation)

6. The participants in the meeting dispensed with the usual formalities and started negotiating immediately.


7. The dark clouds spurred us to work faster before the rain started.


8. By moving to Washington D. C. the senator gained an insight into how politics realIy work.


9. The president is acutely conscious of the need for more doctors and nurses.

10、在伊文斯先生念成绩单时,我们都屏住了呼吸。(hold one’s breath)

10. We held our breath while Mr. Evens read the exam results.



(1) So fast that it is difficult for us to imagine its speed.

A. light travels

B. travels the light

C. do light travels

D. does light travel

(2) Hardly ____ the people ran toward it.

A. had the plane landed when

B. had the plane Landed than

C. the plane landed before

D. the plane was landing that

(3) ____ a certain doubt among the students as to the necessity of the work.

A. It existed

B. There existed

C. Here had

D. There had

(4) ____ that the pilot couldn't fly through it.

A. The storm so severe was

B. So severe was the storm

c. So the storm was severe D. Such was the storm severe

(5) Seldom ____ any mistakes during my past five years of service here

A, would I made B. should I make

C. I would make

D. did I make

(6) No sooner___ than he realized that he should have remained silent

A. had the words been spoken

B. the words had spoken

C. the words had been spoken

D. had the words spoken

(7) Only when you have obtained sufficient data ___ come to a sound conclusion.

A. can you

B. would you

C. you will

D. you can

(8) Scarcely had he gone out ____.

A. that it started to snow

B. than it started to snow

C. when it started to snow

D. and it started to snow

(9) Many a time____ that test.

A. we have tried B did we have tried

C. did we tried

D. have we tried

(10) Wood does not conduct electricity,____.

A. so doesn't rubber B also doesn't rubber

C. nor does rubber

D. nor rubber does

(11) Not until Mr. Smith came to China ____ what kind of a country it is.

A. did he know B he knew

C. didn't he know D he could know

(12) Nancy works in a huge shop which opened not long ago, and____.

A so does Alan B. so Alan too does

C. that does Alan too

D. that Alan too does

(13) She is not fond of cooking, shopping and cleaning,______ I.

A so am B. nor am

C. neither

D. nor do

(14) Rarely____ such a silly thing.

A. have I heard of

B. did I heard of

C. have I been heard of

D. I have heard of

(15) Here ____ you want to see.

A. comes the girl

B. come does the girl

C. the girl comes

D. coming the girl is

Only in this way can we meet the expectations of people.

Hardly had he arrived at the railway station when the train left

Tom was late for class, so was John.

Young as I am, I know some of the family secrets.

Had I been on the spot, I would have helped you.



(1) He scarcely (seldom, rarely, hardly) comes here,____ he?

A. did

B. didn't

C. does

D. doesn't

(2) You'd rather not do it,____ ?

A. shouldn't you

B. wouldn't you

C. would you

D. ought you

(3) Let's talk about the book, ____ ?

A shall we B. can we C. will we D. ought we

(4) Come here a moment, ____ ?

A will you B. shall you C. do you D don't you

(5) No one is interested m that, ____ ?

A. is she

B. isn't he

C. aren't they D.are they

(6) Everything seems all right,____ ?

A. doesn't it

B. didn't they

C. won't it

D. hasn't it

(7) We never dared to ask him a question,____ ?

A. did we

B. doesn't it

C. dared we

D. daredn’t we

(8) A fence needs the support of three stakes,____ ?

A. does it

B. doesn't it

C. needn't it

D. needs not

(9) Give me that recorder,____ ?

A. can’t you B will you C. don't you D.shan't you

(10) Dennis said no one was qualified for the job,_____ ?

A, did he B didn't he C. weren't they D.wasn't he

(11) What a lovely day, ____?

A. is it

B. shan't it

C. isn't it

D. won't it


课后作业:完成题库1、4、7、8、9、10、12、25题 01利润的概述 02所得税费用 利润是指企业在一定会计期间的经营成果。利润包括收入减去费用后的净额、直接计入当期利润的利得和损失等。 2.利润的构成 ①营业利润=营业收入-营业成本-税金及附加-销售费用-管理费用-财务费用+投资收益(减损失)+公允价值变动收益(减损失)-资产减值损失+其他收益 ②利润总额=营业利润+营业外收入-营业外支出 ③净利润=利润总额-所得税费用 习题解惑 【例题?单选题】下列各项中,影响当期营业利润的是()。 A.处置固定资产净损益 B.自然灾害导致原材料净损失 C.支付委托代销商品的手续费 D.溢价发行股票支付的发行费用 【答案】C 【解析】选项A计入营业外收支,选项B计入营业外支出,选项D冲减资本公积。 【例题?多选题】下列各项中,既影响营业利润又影响利润总额的业务有()。 A.计提坏账准备计入资产减值损失科目中 B.转销确实无法支付的应付账款 C.出售单独计价包装物取得的收入 D.转让股票所得收益计入投资收益 【答案】ACD 【解析】选项B,计入营业外收入,不影响营业利润。 营业外收支的账务处理 (一)营业外收入账务处理 1.处置非流动资产利得

处置固定资产通过“固定资产清理”科目核算,其账户余额转入营业外收入或营业外支出; 2.确认盘盈利得、捐赠利得 盘盈利得应通过“待处理财产损溢”科目核算 【例题?计算题】某企业将固定资产报废清理的净收益8000元转作营业外收入 写出会计分录。 【答案】 借:固定资产清理8000 贷:营业外收入-非流动资产处置利得8000 习题解惑 【例题?计算题】某企业在现金清查中盘盈200元,按管理权限报经批准后转入营业外收入。写出下列情况时的会计录: ①发现盘盈时: ②经批准转入营业外收入时: 【答案】 ①发现盘盈时: 借:库存现金200 贷:待处理财产损溢200 ②经批准转入营业外收入时: 借:待处理财产损溢200 贷:营业外收入200 【例题?多选题】下列各项中应计入营业外收入的有()。 A.出售持有至到期投资的净收益 B.无法查明原因的现金溢余 C.出售无形资产的净收益 D.出售投资性房地产的净收益 【答案】BC 【解析】选项A,计入投资收益;选项D,计入其他业务收入。 【例题?单选题】下列各项中,不应计入营业外收入的是()。 A.债务重组利得 B.处置固定资产净收益 C.收发差错造成存货盘盈 D.确实无法支付的应付账款 【答案】C 【解析】存货盘盈冲减管理费用。 所得税费用 (一)所得税费用的构成 所得税费用是指企业确认的应从当期利润总额中扣除的所得税费用。包括当期所得税和递延所得税两部分。


内存1通常情况下,在下列存储管理方式中,()支持多道程序设计、管理最简单,但存储碎片多;()使内存碎片尽可能少,而且使内存利用率最高。 Ⅰ.段式;Ⅱ.页式;Ⅲ.段页式;Ⅳ.固定分区;Ⅴ.可变分区 正确答案:Ⅳ;Ⅰ 2为使虚存系统有效地发挥其预期的作用,所运行的程序应具有的特性是()。正确答案:该程序应具有较好的局部性(Locality) 3提高内存利用率主要是通过内存分配功能实现的,内存分配的基本任务是为每道程序()。使每道程序能在不受干扰的环境下运行,主要是通过()功能实现的。Ⅰ.分配内存;Ⅱ.内存保护;Ⅲ.地址映射;Ⅳ.对换;Ⅴ.内存扩充;Ⅵ.逻辑地址到物理地址的变换;Ⅶ.内存到外存间交换;Ⅷ.允许用户程序的地址空间大于内存空间。 正确答案:Ⅰ;Ⅱ 4适合多道程序运行的存储管理中,存储保护是 正确答案:为了防止各道作业相互干扰 5下面哪种内存管理方法有利于程序的动态链接()? 正确答案:分段存储管理 6在请求分页系统的页表增加了若干项,其中状态位供()参考。 正确答案:程序访问 7从下面关于请求分段存储管理的叙述中,选出一条正确的叙述()。 正确答案:分段的尺寸受内存空间的限制,但作业总的尺寸不受内存空间的限制

8虚拟存储器的特征是基于()。 正确答案:局部性原理 9实现虚拟存储器最关键的技术是()。 正确答案:请求调页(段) 10“抖动”现象的发生是由()引起的。 正确答案:置换算法选择不当 11 在请求分页系统的页表增加了若干项,其中修改位供()参考。 正确答案:换出页面 12 虚拟存储器是正确答案:程序访问比内存更大的地址空间 13测得某个请求调页的计算机系统部分状态数据为:CPU利用率20%,用于对换空间的硬盘的利用率97.7%,其他设备的利用率5%。由此断定系统出现异常。此种情况下()能提高CPU的利用率。 正确答案:减少运行的进程数 14在请求调页系统中,若逻辑地址中的页号超过页表控制寄存器中的页表长度,则会引起()。 正确答案:越界中断 15 测得某个请求调页的计算机系统部分状态数据为:CPU利用率20%,用于对换空间的硬盘的利用率97.7%,其他设备的利用率5%。由此断定系统出现异常。此种情况下()能提高CPU的利用率。 正确答案:加内存条,增加物理空间容量 16 对外存对换区的管理应以()为主要目标,对外存文件区的管理应以()


习题二处理器管理 一、单项选择题 1、操作系统中的作业管理是一种()。 A.宏观的高级管理 B.宏观的低级管理 C.系统刚开始加电 D.初始化引导完成 2、进程和程序的本质区别是(). A.存储在内存和外存 B.顺序和非顺序执行机器指今 C.分时使用和独占使用计算机资源 D.动态和静态特征 3、处于后备状态的作业存放在()中。 A.外存 B.内存 C.A和B D.扩展内存 4、在操作系统中,作业处于()时,已处于进程的管理之下。 A.后备 B.阻塞 C.执行 D.完成 5、在操作系统中,JCB是指()。 A.作业控制块 B.进程控制块 C.文件控制块 D.程序控制块 6、作业调度的关键在于()。 A.选择恰当的进程管理程序 B.选择恰当的作业调度算法 C.用户作业准备充分 D.有一个较好的操作环境 7、下列作业调度算法中,最短的作业平均周转时间是()。 A.先来先服务法 B. 短作业优先法 C. 优先数法 D. 时间片轮转法 8、按照作业到达的先后次序调度作业,排队等待时间最长的作业被优先调度,这是指() 调度算法。 A.先来先服务法 B. 短作业优先法 C.时间片轮转法 D. 优先级法 9、在批处理系统中,周转时间是()。 A.作业运行时间 B.作业等待时间和运行时间之和 C.作业的相对等待时间 D.作业被调度进入内存到运行完毕的时间 10、为了对紧急进程或重要进程进行调度,调度算法应采用()。 A.先来先服务法 B. 优先级法 C.短作业优先法 D. 时间片轮转法 11、操作系统中,()负责对进程进行调度。 A.处理机管理 B. 作业管理 C.高级调度管理 D. 存储和设备管理 12、一个进程被唤醒意味着()。 A.该进程重新占有了CPU B.进程状态变为就绪 C.它的优先权变为最大 D.其PCB移至就绪队列的队首 13、当作业进入完成状态,操作系统(). A.将删除该作业并收回其所占资源,同时输出结果 B.将该作业的控制块从当前作业队列中删除,收回其所占资源,并输出结果


第一章 1.设计现代OS的主要目标是什么? 答:(1)有效性(2)方便性(3)可扩充性(4)开放性 4.试说明推劢多道批处理系统形成和収展的主要劢力是什么? 答:主要动力来源于四个方面的社会需求与技术发展: (1)不断提高计算机资源的利用率; (2)方便用户; (3)器件的不断更新换代; (4)计算机体系结构的不断发展。 12.试从交互性、及时性以及可靠性方面,将分时系统不实时系统迚行比较。答:(1)及时性:实时信息处理系统对实时性的要求与分时系统类似,都是以人所能接受的等待时间来确定;而实时控制系统的及时性,是以控制对象所要求的开始截止时间或完成截止时间来确定的,一般为秒级到毫秒级,甚至有的要低于100微妙。 (2)交互性:实时信息处理系统具有交互性,但人与系统的交互仅限于访问系统中某些特定的专用服务程序。不像分时系统那样能向终端用户提供数据和资源共享等服务。 (3)可靠性:分时系统也要求系统可靠,但相比之下,实时系统则要求系统具有高度的可靠性。因为任何差错都可能带来巨大的经济损失,甚至是灾难性后果,所以在实时系统中,往往都采取了多级容错措施保障系统的安全性及数据的安全性。 13.OS有哪几大特征?其最基本的特征是什么? 答:并发性、共享性、虚拟性和异步性四个基本特征;最基本的特征是并发性。 第二章 2. 画出下面四条诧句的前趋图: S1=a:=x+y; S2=b:=z+1; S3=c:=a –b;S4=w:=c+1; 8.试说明迚程在三个基本状态之间转换的典型原因。 答:(1)就绪状态→执行状态:进程分配到CPU资源 (2)执行状态→就绪状态:时间片用完 (3)执行状态→阻塞状态:I/O请求 (4)阻塞状态→就绪状态:I/O完成


1 文件系统阶段的数据管理有些什么缺陷试举例说明。 文件系统有三个缺陷: (1)数据冗余性(redundancy)。由于文件之间缺乏联系,造成每个应用程序都有对应的文件,有可能同样的数据在多个文件中重复存储。 (2)数据不一致性(inconsistency)。这往往是由数据冗余造成的,在进行更新操作时,稍不谨慎,就可能使同样的数据在不同的文件中不一样。 (3)数据联系弱(poor data relationship)。这是由文件之间相互独立,缺乏联系造成的。 2 计算机系统安全性 (1)为计算机系统建立和采取的各种安全保护措施,以保护计算机系统中的硬件、软件及数据; (2)防止其因偶然或恶意的原因使系统遭到破坏,数据遭到更改或泄露等。 3. 自主存取控制缺点 (1)可能存在数据的“无意泄露” (2)原因:这种机制仅仅通过对数据的存取权限来进行安全控制,而数据本身并无安全性标记 (3)解决:对系统控制下的所有主客体实施强制存取控制策略 4. 数据字典的内容和作用是什么 数据项、数据结构 数据流数据存储和加工过程。 5. 一条完整性规则可以用一个五元组(D,O,A,C,P)来形式化地表示。 对于“学号不能为空”的这条完整性约束用五元组描述 D:代表约束作用的数据对象为SNO属性; O(operation):当用户插入或修改数据时需要检查该完整性规则; A(assertion):SNO不能为空; C(condition):A可作用于所有记录的SNO属性; P(procdure):拒绝执行用户请求。 6.数据库管理系统(DBMS)

:①即数据库管理系统(Database Management System),是位于用户与操作系统之间的 一层数据管理软件,②为用户或应用程序提供访问DB的方法,包括DB的建立、查询、更 新及各种数据控制。 DBMS总是基于某种数据模型,可以分为层次型、网状型、关系型、面 向对象型DBMS。 7.关系模型:①用二维表格结构表示实体集,②外键表示实体间联系的数据模型称为关系模 型。 8.联接查询:①查询时先对表进行笛卡尔积操作,②然后再做等值联接、选择、投影等操作。 联接查询的效率比嵌套查询低。 9. 数据库设计:①数据库设计是指对于一个给定的应用环境,②提供一个确定最优数据模 型与处理模式的逻辑设计,以及一个确定数据库存储结构与存取方法的物理设计,建立起 既能反映现实世界信息和信息联系,满足用户数据要求和加工要求,又能被某个数据库管 理系统所接受,同时能实现系统目标,并有效存取数据的数据库。 10.事务的特征有哪些 事务概念 原子性一致性隔离性持续性 11.已知3个域: D1=商品集合=电脑,打印机 D3=生产厂=联想,惠普 求D1,D2,D3的卡尔积为: 12.数据库的恢复技术有哪些 数据转储和和登录日志文件是数据库恢复的



第一章 作者:佚名来源:网络 1、有一台计算机,具有IMB 内存,操作系统占用200KB ,每个用户进程各占200KB 。如果用户进程等待I/O 的时间为80 % ,若增加1MB 内存,则CPU 的利用率提高多少? 答:设每个进程等待I/O 的百分比为P ,则n 个进程同时等待刀O 的概率是Pn ,当n 个进程同时等待I/O 期间CPU 是空闲的,故CPU 的利用率为1-Pn。由题意可知,除去操作系统,内存还能容纳4 个用户进程,由于每个用户进程等待I/O的时间为80 % , 故: CPU利用率=l-(80%)4 = 0.59 若再增加1MB 内存,系统中可同时运行9 个用户进程,此时:cPu 利用率=l-(1-80%)9 = 0.87 故增加IMB 内存使CPU 的利用率提高了47 % : 87 %/59 %=147 % 147 %-100 % = 47 % 2 一个计算机系统,有一台输入机和一台打印机,现有两道程序投入运行,且程序A 先开始做,程序B 后开始运行。程序A 的运行轨迹为:计算50ms 、打印100ms 、再计算50ms 、打印100ms ,结束。程序B 的运行轨迹为:计算50ms 、输入80ms 、再计算100ms ,结束。试说明(1 )两道程序运行时,CPU有无空闲等待?若有,在哪段时间内等待?为什么会等待?( 2 )程序A 、B 有无等待CPU 的情况?若有,指出发生等待的时刻。 答:画出两道程序并发执行图如下: (1)两道程序运行期间,CPU存在空闲等待,时间为100 至150ms 之间(见图中有色部分) (2)程序A 无等待现象,但程序B 有等待。程序B 有等待时间段为180rns 至200ms 间(见图中有色部分) 3 设有三道程序,按A 、B 、C优先次序运行,其内部计算和UO操作时间由图给出。


2 . OS的作用可表现在哪几个方面? 答:(1)0S作为用户与计算机硬件系统之间的接口;(2)0S作为计算机系统资源的管理者;(3)0S实现了对计算机资源的抽象。 5 .何谓脱机I/O 和联机I/O ? 答:脱机I/O 是指事先将装有用户程序和数据的纸带或卡片装入纸带输入机或卡片机,在外围机的控制下,把纸带或卡片上的数据或程序输入到磁带上。该方式下的输入输出由外围 机控制完成,是在脱离主机的情况下进行的。而联机I/O方式是指程序和数据的输入输出 都是在主机的直接控制下进行的。 11 . OS有哪几大特征?其最基本的特征是什么? 答:并发性、共享性、虚拟性和异步性四个基本特征;最基本的特征是并发性。 20 .试描述什么是微内核OS。 答:(1)足够小的内核;(2)基于客户/服务器模式;(3)应用机制与策略分离原理;(4)采用面向对象技术。 25 ?何谓微内核技术?在微内核中通常提供了哪些功能? 答:把操作系统中更多的成分和功能放到更高的层次(即用户模式)中去运行,而留下一个尽 量小的内核,用它来完成操作系统最基本的核心功能,称这种技术为微内核技术。在微内核 中通常提供了进程(线程)管理、低级存储器管理、中断和陷入处理等功能。 第二章进程管理 2.画出下面四条语句的前趋图: S仁a : =x+y; S2=b : =z+1; S3=c : =a - b ; S4=w : =c+1; 7 ?试说明PCB的作用,为什么说PCB是进程存在的惟一标志? 答:PCB是进程实体的一部分,是操作系统中最重要的记录型数据结构。作用是使一个在 多道程序环境下不能独立运行的程序,成为一个能独立运行的基本单位,成为能与其它进程 并发执行的进程。OS是根据PCB对并发执行的进程进行控制和管理的。 11 .试说明进程在三个基本状态之间转换的典型原因。 答:(1)就绪状态T执行状态:进程分配到CPU资源;(2)执行状态T就绪状态:时间片用 完;(3)执行状态T阻塞状态:I/O请求;(4)阻塞状态T就绪状态:I/O完成. 19 ?为什么要在OS中引入线程? 答:在操作系统中引入线程,则是为了减少程序在并发执行时所付出的时空开销,使OS具


第一章数据库系统概述 选择题 1实体-联系模型中,属性是指(C) A.客观存在的事物 B.事物的具体描述 C.事物的某一特征 D.某一具体事件 2对于现实世界中事物的特征,在E-R模型中使用(A) A属性描述B关键字描述C二维表格描述D实体描述 3假设一个书店用这样一组属性描述图书(书号,书名,作者,出版社,出版日期),可以作为“键”的属性是(A) A书号B书名C作者D出版社 4一名作家与他所出版过的书籍之间的联系类型是(B) A一对一B一对多C多对多D都不是 5若无法确定哪个属性为某实体的键,则(A) A该实体没有键B必须增加一个属性作为该实体的键C取一个外关键字作为实体的键D该实体的所有属性构成键 填空题 1对于现实世界中事物的特征在E-R模型中使用属性进行描述 2确定属性的两条基本原则是不可分和无关联 3在描述实体集的所有属性中,可以唯一的标识每个实体的属性称为键 4实体集之间联系的三种类型分别是1:1 、1:n 、和m:n 5数据的完整性是指数据的正确性、有效性、相容性、和一致性 简答题 一、简述数据库的设计步骤 答:1需求分析:对需要使用数据库系统来进行管理的现实世界中对象的业务流程、业务规则和所涉及的数据进行调查、分析和研究,充分理解现实世界中的实际问题和需求。 分析的策略:自下而上——静态需求、自上而下——动态需求 2数据库概念设计:数据库概念设计是在需求分析的基础上,建立概念数据模型,用概念模型描述实际问题所涉及的数据及数据之间的联系。 3数据库逻辑设计:数据库逻辑设计是根据概念数据模型建立逻辑数据模型,逻辑数据模型是一种面向数据库系统的数据模型。 4数据库实现:依据关系模型,在数据库管理系统环境中建立数据库。 二、数据库的功能 答:1提供数据定义语言,允许使用者建立新的数据库并建立数据的逻辑结构 2提供数据查询语言 3提供数据操纵语言 4支持大量数据存储 5控制并发访问 三、数据库的特点 答:1数据结构化。2数据高度共享、低冗余度、易扩充3数据独立4数据由数据库管理系统统一管理和控制:(1)数据安全性(2)数据完整性(3)并发控制(4)数据库恢复 第二章关系模型和关系数据库 选择题 1把E-R模型转换为关系模型时,A实体(“一”方)和B实体(“多”方)之间一对多联系在关系模型中是通过(A)来实现的


2.OS的作用可表现在哪几个方面? 答:(1)OS作为用户与计算机硬件系统之间的接口;(2)OS作为计算机系统资源的管理者; (3)OS实现了对计算机资源的抽象。 5.何谓脱机I/O和联机I/O? 答:脱机I/O 是指事先将装有用户程序和数据的纸带或卡片装入纸带输入机或卡片机,在外围机的控制下,把纸带或卡片上的数据或程序输入到磁带上。该方式下的输入输出由外围机控制完成,是在脱离主机的情况下进行的。而联机I/O方式是指程序和数据的输入输出都是在主机的直接控制下进行的。 11.OS有哪几大特征?其最基本的特征是什么? 答:并发性、共享性、虚拟性和异步性四个基本特征;最基本的特征是并发性。 20.试描述什么是微内核OS。 答:(1)足够小的内核;(2)基于客户/服务器模式;(3)应用机制与策略分离原理;(4)采用面向对象技术。 25.何谓微内核技术?在微内核中通常提供了哪些功能? 答:把操作系统中更多的成分和功能放到更高的层次(即用户模式)中去运行,而留下一个尽量小的内核,用它来完成操作系统最基本的核心功能,称这种技术为微内核技术。在微内核中通常提供了进程(线程)管理、低级存储器管理、中断和陷入处理等功能。 第二章进程管理 2. 画出下面四条语句的前趋图: S1=a:=x+y; S2=b:=z+1; S3=c:=a – b;S4=w:=c+1; 答:其前趋图为: 7.试说明PCB 的作用,为什么说PCB 是进程存在的惟一标志? 答:PCB 是进程实体的一部分,是操作系统中最重要的记录型数据结构。作用是使一个在多道程序环境下不能独立运行的程序,成为一个能独立运行的基本单位,成为能与其它进程并发执行的进程。OS是根据PCB对并发执行的进程进行控制和管理的。 11.试说明进程在三个基本状态之间转换的典型原因。 答:(1)就绪状态→执行状态:进程分配到CPU资源;(2)执行状态→就绪状态:时间片用完;(3)执行状态→阻塞状态:I/O请求;(4)阻塞状态→就绪状态:I/O完成. 19.为什么要在OS 中引入线程?


2. 进程和线程的管理 例题解析 例2.2.1 试说明进程和程序之间的区别和联系。 解进程和程序是既有区别又有联系的两个概念。 进程是动态的,程序是静态的。程序是一组有序的指令集合,是一个静态的概念;进程则是程序及其数据在计算机上的一次执行,是一个动态的集合。离开了程序,进程就失去了存在的意义,但同一程序在计算机上的每次运行将构成不同的进程。程序可看作是电影的胶片,进程可以看作电影院放电影的过程。 一个进程可以执行多个程序,如同一个电影院的一场电影可放映多部影片。 一个程序可被多个进程执行,如同多个影院同时利用一个电影的胶片放映同一部电影。 程序可以长期保存,进程只能存在于一段时间。程序是永久存在的,而进程有从被创建到消亡的生命周期。 例2.2.2 举例说明多道程序系统失去了封闭性和再现性。 解例如,有两个循环程序A和B,共享一个变量N。程序A每执行一次时,都要做N:=N+1操作;程序B则每执行一次时,都要执行print(N)操作,然后再将N的值置成“0”。程序A 和B在多道程序系统中同时运行。假定某时刻变量N的值为n,可能出现下述三种情况:N:=N+1 在print(N)和N:=0之前,此时得到N值变化过程为n+1、n+1、0; N:=N+1 在print(N)和N:=0之后,此时得到N值变化过程为n 、0 、1; N:=N+1 在print(N)之后和N:=0之前,此时得到N值变化过程为n、n+1、0。 所以,在A、B程序多次执行过程中,虽然其每次执行时的环境和初始条件都相同,但每次得到的结果却不一定相同。 例2.2.3 为什么将进程划分成执行、就绪和阻塞三个基本状态? 解根据多道程序执行的特点,进程的运行是走走停停的。因此进程的初级状态应该是执行和等待状态。处于执行状态的进程占用处理机执行程序,处于等待状态的进程正在等待处理机或者等待其它某种事件的发生。但是,当处理机空闲时,并不是所有处于等待状态的进程都能放到处理机上执行,有的进程即使分配给它处理机,它也不能执行,因为它的执行的条件没有得到满足。因此,将等待状态的进程分成两部分,一部分是放在处理机上就能立即执行,这就是就绪的进程;另一部分是仍需等某种事件发生的进程,即使放在处理机上也不能执行的进程,这就是阻塞进程。 例2.2.4 进程的挂起状态与进程的阻塞状态和就绪状态有何异同? 解相同点是它们都没有占用处理机。不同点是挂起状态的进程是处于一种静止状态,不会参与对资源的竞争,在解除挂起之前,进程不会有新的资源要求,也不会有占用处理机的机会;阻塞状态和就绪状态的进程均处于活动状态,它们都有获得处理机的机会,都可能有新的资源要求。 例2.2.5 两个并发进程P1和P2的程序代码在下面给出。其中,A、B、C、D和E均为原语。 P1: begin P2: begin A; D; B; E; C; end end 请给出P1、P2两个进程的所有可能执行的过程。


第一章 1 .设计现代OS 的主要目标是什么? 答:(1)有效性(2)方便性(3)可扩充性(4)开放性 2 .OS 的作用可表现在哪几个方面? 答:(1)OS作为用户与计算机硬件系统之间的接口 (2)OS 作为计算机系统资源的管理者 (3)OS 实现了对计算机资源的抽象 4 .试说明推动多道批处理系统形成和发展的主要动力是什么?答:主要动力来源于四个方面的社会需求与技术发展: (1)不断提高计算机资源的利用率; (2)方便用户; (3)器件的不断更新换代; (4)计算机体系结构的不断发展。 7 .实现分时系统的关键问题是什么?应如何解决?答:关键问题是当用户在自己的终端上键入命令时,系统应能及时接收并及时处理该命令,在用户能接受的时延内将结果返回给用户。 解决方法:针对及时接收问题,可以在系统中设置多路卡,使主机能同时接收用户从各个终端上输入的数据;为每个终端配置缓冲区,暂存用户键入的命令或数据。针对及时处理问题,应使所有的用户作业都直接进入内存,并且为每个作业分配一个时间片,允许作业只在自己的时间片内运行,这样在不长的时间内,能使每个作业都运行一次。 12 .试从交互性、及时性以及可靠性方面,将分时系统与实时系统进行比较。 答:( 1 )及时性:实时信息处理系统对实时性的要求与分时系统类似,都是以人所能接受的等待时间来确定;而实时控制系统的及时性,是以控制对象所要求的开始截止时间或完成截止时间来确定的,一般为秒级到毫秒级,甚至有的要低于100 微妙。 (2)交互性:实时信息处理系统具有交互性,但人与系统的交互仅限于访问系统中某些特定的专用服务程序。不像分时系统那样能向终端用户提供数据和资源共享等服务。 (3)可靠性:分时系统也要求系统可靠,但相比之下,实时系统则要求系统具有高度 的可靠性。因为任何差错都可能带来巨大的经济损失,甚至是灾难性后果,所以在实时系统中,往往都采取了多级容错措施保障系统的安全性及数据的安全性。 13 .OS 有哪几大特征?其最基本的特征是什么?答:并发性、共享性、虚拟性和异步性四个基本特征;最基本的特征是并发性。


练习题(一) Ⅰ问答题 1. 操作系统的两个主要目标是什么? 答:方便性与有效性。 2. 试说明操作系统与硬件、其它系统软件以及用户之间的关系? 答: 与硬件的关系:操作系统是位于硬件层上的第一层软件,它直接管理着计算机的硬件,合理组织计算机工作流程,并提高了硬件的利用率。。 与其他系统软件的关系:操作系统是系统软件,但它不同于其它系统软件和应用软件,它为其它系统软件和应用软件提供接口。应用软件要使用操作系统所提供的服务方可方便使用计算机。 与用户之间的关系:操作系统是为改善人机界面、提供各种服务,为用户使用计算机提供良好运行环境的一种系统软件。 3. 试论述操作系统是建立在计算机硬件平台上的虚拟计算机系统。 答:没有任何软件支持的计算机称为裸机,即使其硬件功能再强,也必定是难于使用的。而实际呈现在用户面前的计算机系统是经过若干层软件改造的计算机。裸机位于最里层,它的外面是操作系统,经过操作系统提供的资源管理功能和方便用户的各种服务功能,将裸机改造成功能更强、使用更方便的机器,通常把覆盖了软件的机器称为扩充机器,又称之为虚拟机(Virtual Machine ),这样的计算机系统是概念上和逻辑上的计算机,不是物理上的真实计算机。 4. 什么是操作系统?它有哪些基本功能与基本特征? 答:操作系统是位于硬件层之上,所有其它软件层之下的一种系统软件,它控制和管理计算机系统资源、合理组织计算机工作流程、提供用户与计算机系统之间的接口。 操作系统的基本功能有:处理器管理、存储器管理、设备管理、文件管理和提供用户接口。 操作系统的基本特征有:并发性、共享性、虚拟性和不确定性。 5. 请叙述并发和并行两个概念的区别? 答:并发性是指两个或多个程序在同一时间段内同时执行,是宏观上的同时。而并行性是从硬件意义上考虑,是不同硬件部件(如CPU与I/O)在同一时刻的并行,即微观上,多个程序也是同时执行的。 6. 什么是多道程序设计? 在操作系统中使用这种技术有什么好处? 答:多道程序设计是指在计算机内存中同时存放若干道已开始运行尚未结束的程序,它们交替运行,共享系统中的各种硬、软件资源,从而使处理机得到充分利用。 好处: ①提高了CPU的利用率。各道程序是轮流占用一个CPU,交替地执行。 ②改进了系统的吞吐量(系统吞吐量是指计算机系统在单位时间内完成的总工作量)。 ③充分发挥了系统的并行性,使CPU与I/O并行工作。提高CPU、设备、内存等各种资源的利用率,从而提高系统效率。


在计算机局域网中,常用通信设备有(ABD) A集线器 B交换机 C调制解调器 D路由器 线缆标准化工作主要由哪一儿歌协会制定?(C) A OSI B ITU-T C EIA D IEEE 802协议族是由以下面那一个组织定义?(C) A OSI B EIA C IEEE D ANSI 衡量网络性能的两个主要指标为(AC) A带宽 B可信度 C延迟 D距离 局域网区别其他网络主要体现在以下(ABCD)方面。 A网络所覆盖的物理范围 B网络所使用的传输技术 C网络的拓扑结构 D带宽 会产生单点故障的是下列(ABC)拓扑结构 A总线型 B环型 C网状结构 D星型 数据交换技术包括(ABC) A电路交换 B报文交换 C分组交换 D文件交换 (B)拓扑结构会受到网络中信号反射的影响? A网型 B总线型 C环型 D星型 OSI参考模型按照顺序有哪些层?(C) C应用层、表示层、会话层、传输层、网络层、数据链路层、物理层在OSI七层模型中,网络层的功能有(B) A确保数据的传送正确无误

B确定数据包如何转发与路由 C在信道上传比特流 D纠错与流控 在OSI七层模型中,(B)哪一层的实现对数据加密。 A传输层 B表示层 C应用层 D网络层 网络层传输的数据叫做(B) A比特 B包 C段 D帧 TCP/IP协议栈中传输层协议有(AC) A TCP B ICMP C UDP D IP 数据从上到下封装的格式为(B) A比特包帧段数据 B数据段包帧比特 C比特帧包段数据 D数据包段帧比特 物理层定义了物理接口的哪些特性?(ABCD) A机JIE特性 B电气特性 C功能特性 D接口特性 细同轴电缆(10Base2)传输距离约达(A)粗同轴电缆(10Base5)的传输距离为(B) A 200米 B 500米 C 150米 D 485米 通常在网吧里,LAN采用的拓扑结构和网线类型为(C) A总线型和STP B总心型和UTP C形型和UTP D环型和STP 双绞线电缆为什么能代替网络中的细同轴电缆。(D) A双绞线电缆可靠性高 B双绞线电缆抗噪性更好 C细同轴电缆更廉价 D双绞线电缆更便于安装 在布线时,细缆和粗缆通常应用在(D)拓扑结构中。


第二章 1. 什么是前趋图?为什么要引入前趋图? 答:前趋图(Precedence Graph)是一个有向无循环图,记为DAG(Directed Acyclic Graph),用于描述进程之间执行的前后关系。 2. 画出下面四条诧句的前趋图: S1=a:=x+y; S2=b:=z+1; S3=c:=a-b; S4=w:=c+1; 答:其前趋图为: 3. 为什么程序并发执行会产生间断性特征? 程序在并发执行时,由于它们共享系统资源,以及为完成同一项任务而相互合作,致使在这些并发执行的进程之间,形成了相互制约的关系,从而也就使得进程在执行期间出现间断性。 4. 程序并发执行时为什么会失去封闭性和可再现性? 因为程序并发执行时,是多个程序共享系统中的各种资源,因而这些资源的状态是由多个程序来改变,致使程序的运行失去了封闭性。而程序一旦失去了封闭性也会导致其再失去可再现性。 5. 在操作系统中为什么要引入进程概念?它会产生什么样的影响? 为了使程序在多道程序环境下能并发执行,并能对并发执行的程序加以控制和描述,从而在操作系统中引入了进程概念。影响: 使程序的并发执行得以实行。 6. 试从动态性,并发性和独立性上比较进程和程序? a. 动态性是进程最基本的特性,可表现为由创建而产生,由调度而执行,因得不到资源而暂停执行,以及由撤销而消亡,因而进程由一定的生命期;而程序只是一组有序指令的集合,是静态实体。 b. 并发性是进程的重要特征,同时也是OS的重要特征。引入进程的目的正是为了使其程序能和其它建立了进程的程序并发执行,而程序本身是不能并发执行的。 c. 独立性是指进程实体是一个能独立运行的基本单位,同时也是系统中独立获得资源和独立调度的基本单位。而对于未建立任何进程的程序,都不能作为一个独立的单位来运行。 7. 试说明PCB的作用?为什么说PCB是进程存在的唯一标志? a. PCB是进程实体的一部分,是操作系统中最重要的记录型数据结构。PCB中记录了操作系统所需的用于描述进程情况及控制进程运行所需的全部信息。因而它的作用是使一个在多道程序环境下不能独立运行的程序(含数据),成为一个能独立运行的基本单位,一个能和其它进程并发执行的进程。 b. 在进程的整个生命周期中,系统总是通过其PCB对进程进行控制,系统是根据进程的PCB而不是任何别的什么而感知到该进程的存在的,所以说,PCB是进程存在的唯一标志。 11.试说明进程在三个基本状态之间转换的典型原因。 答:(1)就绪状态→执行状态:进程分配到CPU资源(2)执行状态→就绪状态:时间片用完(3)执行状态→阻塞状态:I/O请求(4)阻塞状态→就绪状态:I/O完成 12.为什么要引入挂起状态?该状态有哪些性质? 答:引入挂起状态处于五种不同的需要: 终端用户需要,父进程需要,操作系统需要,对换需要和负荷调节需要。处于挂起状态的进程不能接收处理机调度。10.在进行进程切换时,所要保存的处理机状态信息有哪些?答:进行进程切换时,所要保存的处理机状态信息有:(1)进程当前暂存信息(2)下一指令地址信息(3)进程状态信息(4)过程和系统调用参数及调用地址信息。13.在进行进程切换时,所要保存的处理机状态信息有哪些? 答:进行进程切换时,所要保存的处理机状态信息有: (1)进程当前暂存信息 (2)下一指令地址信息 (3)进程状态信息 (4)过程和系统调用参数及调用地址信息。 14.试说明引起进程创建的主要事件。答:引起进程创建的主要事件有:用户登录、作业调度、提供服务、应用请求。 15.试说明引起进程被撤销的主要事件。答:引起进程被撤销的主要事件有:正常结束、异常结束(越界错误、保护错、非法指令、特权指令错、运行超时、等待超时、算术运算错、I/O 故障)、外界干预(操作员或操作系统干预、父进程请求、父进程终止)。 16.在创建一个进程时所要完成的主要工作是什么? 答:(1)OS 发现请求创建新进程事件后,调用进程创建原语Creat();(2)申请空白PCB;(3)为新进程分配资源;(4)初始化进程控制块;(5)将新进程插入就绪队列. 17.在撤销一个进程时所要完成的主要工作是什么? 答:(1)根据被终止进程标识符,从PCB 集中检索出进程PCB,读出该进程状态。(2)若被终止进程处于执行状态,立即终止该进程的执行,臵调度标志真,指示该进程被终止后重新调度。(3)若该进程还有子进程,应将所有


第3章处理机调度1)选择题 (1)在分时操作系统中,进程调度经常采用_D_ 算法。 A. 先来先服务 B. 最高优先权 C. 随机 D. 时间片轮转 (2)_B__ 优先权是在创建进程时确定的,确定之后在整个进程运行期间不再改变。 A. 作业 B. 静态 C. 动态 D. 资源 (3)__A___ 是作业存在的惟一标志。 A. 作业控制块 B. 作业名 C. 进程控制块 D. 进程名 (4)设有四个作业同时到达,每个作业的执行时间均为2小时,它们在一台处理器上按单道方式运行,则平均周转时间为_ B_ 。 A. l小时 B. 5小时 C. 2.5小时 D. 8小时 (5)现有3个同时到达的作业J1、J2和J3,它们的执行时间分别是T1、T2和T3,且T1<T2<T3。系统按单道方式运行且采用短作业优先算法,则平均周转时间是_C_ 。 A. T1+T2+T3 B. (T1+T2+T3)/3 C. (3T1+2T2+T3)/3 D. (T1+2T2+3T3)/3 (6)__D__ 是指从作业提交给系统到作业完成的时间间隔。 A. 运行时间 B. 响应时间 C. 等待时间 D. 周转时间 (7)下述作业调度算法中,_ C_调度算法与作业的估计运行时间有关。 A. 先来先服务 B. 多级队列 C. 短作业优先 D. 时间片轮转 2)填空题 (1)进程的调度方式有两种,一种是抢占(剥夺)式,另一种是非抢占(非剥夺)式。 (2)在_FCFS_ 调度算法中,按照进程进入就绪队列的先后次序来分配处理机。 (3)采用时间片轮转法时,时间片过大,就会使轮转法转化为FCFS_ 调度算法。 (4)一个作业可以分成若干顺序处理的加工步骤,每个加工步骤称为一个_作业步_ 。 (5)作业生存期共经历四个状态,它们是提交、后备、运行和完成。 (6)既考虑作业等待时间,又考虑作业执行时间的调度算法是_高响应比优先____ 。 3)解答题 (1)单道批处理系统中有4个作业,其有关情况如表3-9所示。在采用响应比高者优先调度算法时分别计算其平均周转时间T和平均带权周转时间W。(运行时间为小时,按十进制计算) 表3-9 作业的提交时间和运行时间


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2.1 一类操作系统服务提供对用户很有用的函数,主要包括用户界面、程序执行、I/O操作、文件系统操作、通信、错误检测等。 另一类操作系统函数不是帮助用户而是确保系统本身高效运行,包括资源分配、统计、保护和安全等。 这两类服务的区别在于服务的对象不同,一类是针对用户,另一类是针对系统本身。 2.6 优点:采用同样的系统调用界面,可以使用户的程序代码用相同的方式被写入设备和文件,利于用户程序的开发。还利于设备驱动程序代码,可以支持规范定义的API。 缺点:系统调用为所需要的服务提供最小的系统接口来实现所需要的功能,由于设备和文件读写速度不同,若是同一接口的话可能会处理不过来。 2.9 策略决定做什么,机制决定如何做。他们两个的区分对于灵活性来说很重要。策略可能会随时间或位置而有所改变。在最坏的情况下,每次策略改变都可能需要底层机制的改变。系统更需要通用机制,这样策略的改变只需要重定义一些系统参数,而不需要改变机制,提高了系统灵活性。 3.1、短期调度:从准备执行的进程中选择进程,并为之分配CPU; 中期调度:在分时系统中使用,进程能从内存中移出,之后,进程能被重新调入内存,并从中断处继续执行,采用了交换的方案。 长期调度:从缓冲池中选择进程,并装入内存以准备执行。 它们的主要区别是它们执行的频率。短期调度必须频繁地为CPU选择新进程,而长期调度程序执行地并不频繁,只有当进程离开系统后,才可能需要调度长期调度程序。 3.4、当控制返回到父进程时,value值不变,A行将输出:PARENT:value=5。 4.1、对于顺序结构的程序来说,单线程要比多线程的功能好,比如(1)输入三角形的三边长,求三角形面积;(2)从键盘输入一个大写字母,将它改为小写字母输出。


精品文档 课本课后题部分答案 第一章 的主要目标是什么?OS1.设计现代答:(1)有效性(2)方便性(3)可扩充性(4)开放性 2.OS的作用可表现在哪几个方面? 答:(1)OS作为用户与计算机硬件系统之间的接口 (2)OS作为计算机系统资源的管理者 (3)OS实现了对计算机资源的抽象 13.OS有哪几大特征?其最基本的特征是什么? 答:并发性、共享性、虚拟性和异步性四个基本特征;最基本的特征是并发性。 14.处理机管理有哪些主要功能?它们的主要任务是什么? 答:处理机管理的主要功能是:进程管理、进程同步、进程通信和处理机调度; 进程管理:为作业创建进程,撤销已结束进程,控制进程在运行过程中的状态转换。 进程同步:为多个进程(含线程)的运行______________进行协调。 通信:用来实现在相互合作的进程之间的信息交换。 处理机调度: (1)作业调度。从后备队里按照一定的算法,选出若干个作业,为他们分配运行所需 的资源(首选是分配内存)。 (2)进程调度:从进程的就绪队列中,按照一定算法选出一个进程,把处理机分配给 它,并设置运行现场,使进程投入执行。 15.内存管理有哪些主要功能?他们的主要任务是什么? 北京石油化工学院信息工程学院计算机系3/48 《计算机操作系统》习题参考答案余有明与计07和计G09的同学们编著 3/48 答:内存管理的主要功能有:内存分配、内存保护、地址映射和内存扩充。 内存分配:为每道程序分配内存。 内存保护:确保每道用户程序都只在自己的内存空间运行,彼此互不干扰。 地址映射:将地址空间的逻辑地址转换为内存空间与对应的物理地址。 内存扩充:用于实现请求调用功能,置换功能等。 16.设备管理有哪些主要功能?其主要任务是什么? 答:主要功能有: 缓冲管理、设备分配和设备处理以及虚拟设备等。 主要任务: 完成用户提出的I/O 请求,为用户分配I/O 设备;提高CPU 和I/O 设 备的利用率;提高I/O速度;以及方便用户使用I/O设备. 17.文件管理有哪些主要功能?其主要任务是什么? 答:文件管理主要功能:文件存储空间的管理、目录管理、文件的读/写管理和保护。 文件管理的主要任务:管理用户文件和系统文件,方便用户使用,保证文件安全性。 第二章
