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雅思口语题库2020 年 9 月-12 月


Part1 常驻题 (5)

Where you live? (5)

Work or Study (5)

Part 1 新题 (6)

Animals (6)

Text message (6)

Clothes (6)

Sports (6)

Furniture (6)

Price (7)

A list (7)

Picnic (7)

Recycling (7)

Weekends (7)

Changes (7)

In a hurry (8)

Concentration (8)

Part 1 保留题 (9)

Shopping (9)

Staying up late (9)

Friends (9)

Cooking (9)

Age (9)

Insects (10)

Fish (10)

Public transportation (10)

Discussion (10)

Newspaper (10)

Jokes (10)

Handwriting (11)

Plants (11)

Famous people (11)

Water (11)

Colors (11)

Tidiness (12)

Gifts (12)

Meeting new people (12)

Extreme sports (12)

Part 2&3 人物类(新题) (13)

描述一个乐于助人的人 (13)

描述一个很有精力的人 (13)

描述你喜欢的一家人 (14)

描述一个被宠溺的小孩 (14)

描述一个外向的人 (15)

描述一个聪明的人 (15)

Part2&3 人物类(保留题) (16)

描述一个你高兴认识的人 (16)

描述一个有领导力的朋友 (16)

Edited by Yicheng

描述一个你了解并尊敬的老人 (17)

Part 2&3 经历类(新题) (18)

描述一件朋友告诉你但你却不感兴趣的事情 (18)

描述一次你赢得奖励的经历 (18)

描述一次与老朋友联系的经历 (19)

描述一次被动物惊吓的经历 (19)

描述一次改变重要决定的经历 (20)

描述一次忘记重要事情的经历 (20)

描述第一次用外语交流的经历 (21)

Part 2&3 经历类(保留题) (22)

描述一个穿最好衣服的场合 (22)

描述一次你爽约的经历 (22)

描述一次家人向你求助的经历 (23)

描述一次成功的冒险 (23)

描述一次做志愿者的经历 (24)

描述一次长途汽车旅行 (24)

描述一次你惊讶地遇到朋友的经历 (25)

描述一次迷路的经历 (25)

描述一次浪费时间的经历 (26)

描述一群人的欢乐时光 (26)

Part2&3 事物类(新题) (27)

描述一个孩子在公众场合的不良行为 (27)

描述一句诗句或歌词 (27)

描述你最近做的好的决定 (28)

描述一个你收到的好消息 (28)

描述你喜欢的一张照片 (29)

描述一个你们国家有趣的传统 (29)

描述一个你小时候学会的技能 (30)

描述一个让你大笑的电影 (30)

描述一个你不喜欢背景乐的活动 (31)

描述一个你感兴趣的科学领域 (31)

描述一本你读过且认为有用的书 (32)

描述一份你想在国外做的短工 (32)

描述你最近偶然参加的比较昂贵的活动 (33)

描述一个你长久以来的内心梦想 (33)

Part 2&3 事物类(保留题) (34)

描述一顿你喜欢的晚餐 (34)

描述一个你感兴趣的大公司 (34)

描述一个你想了解的国家 (35)

描述一个你常用的 APP (35)

描述一个你曾犯过的错误 (36)

描述一个发出噪音的人或物 (36)

描述一个你最近参观过的艺术展 (37)

描述一个你第一次想尝试的运动 (37)

描述一部让你深思的电影 (38)

描述一个让你难忘的故事 (38)

Part2&3 地点类(新题) (39)

描述一个你喜欢的公共建筑 (39)

Part2&3 地点类(保留题) (40)

描述一个让你感到放松的地方 (40)

描述一个被污染的地方 (40)

描述一个你去过但还想去的城市 (41)

描述一个你想了解的外国文化(国家) (41)

Part1 常驻题

Where you live?

Which town or city do you live in?

Are you going to move in the near future?

Do you live in a house or an apartment?

Do you plan to live there for a long time?

What can you see from your window of your flat or your house? Have you ever lived in the countryside?

Will you live in the countryside in the future?

Work or Study

Where do you work?

What kind of job do you do?

What have you learned from your job?

What do you major in?

Are you happy with the subject you are studying in?

What have you learned in your area of studies?

Why did you choose to do that type of work (or, that job)?

Do you miss being a student?

Why do you choose to study that subject?

Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoons? Are you looking forward to working?

Do you like your subject?

Part 1 新题


What wild animal do you like most?

Have you ever kept pets?

Do you like to go to the zoo?

Have you ever seen any wild animals before?

Text message

Do you enjoy sending text message?

Do you prefer sending or receiving messages?

Talk about a text message that is difficult to understand?

When does making phone calls more suitable than texting?


What's your favorite color of clothes?

What kind of clothes do you often wear in daily life?

What kind of clothes do you never wear?

Do you wear the same style of cloth in weekday and weekend? Sports

What kind of sport did you do when you were young?

What kind of sport do you like?

Have you joined any sports team?

Do you think there are too many matches of athletic sports on TV now? Furniture

Do you have many furniture in your room?

What kind of furniture would you like to buy?

Is there anyone who bought or gave furniture to you?

What’s your favorite piece of furniture in your home?


Do you reduce your spending recently?

Do you compare prices?

A list

Do you make a list when shopping?

Do you make a list for your work or study? (Does it work?)

Why do some people hate making lists?

Do you prefer to make a list on paper or you phone?


Did you go to picnics when you were a child?

How often do you go to picnics now?

Where do you go to picnics?

What difference between picnics and cooking at home? Recycling

Do you recycle things? Why?

Do you recycle things when you were a child?

Will you recycle things in the future?

What kind of things do you recycle?


What do you usually do on weekends?

Would you say weekends are important to us?

Do you often go to cinema on weekends?

What do you plan to do for next weekend?

What do other people in your hometown usually do on weekends? Changes

Do you like changes? Why?

Have you change a lot since your childhood?

What do you plan to change next year?

Are there any changes in your hometown?

Are there any positive changes in your country these days?

In a hurry

Do you like being hurry?

When was the last time you did something in a hurry?

What you will never do in a hurry?

Why do people make mistakes more easily when they are in a hurry? Concentration

Is it difficult for you to stay focused on something?

What do you do to help you concentrate?

What may distract you when you are trying to stay focused?

When do you need to concentrate?

Part 1 保留题


Do you like shopping?

How often do you go shopping?

Do you think price will affect you on choosing certain goods?

Do old people and young people have different shopping habits?

Staying up late

Do you sometimes go to bed late?

Is it important to have a good sleeping quality?

What kind of activities do people do to improve their sleeping quality?

What do you do when you stay up late?

Why some people have to stay up late ?


What do you like to talk with your friends?

Do you think it is necessary to have similar interests with your friends?

What kind of topics did you like to talk with your friends when you were child? What if you have different opinions with your friends?


Do you learn how to cook when you were a child?

Do you know how to bake a cake?

Do you think people in your hometown like to cook?

Do you prefer cooking home-made food or eating out?


What do you think is the best age to learn driving?

How do you feel about getting older?

Should we treat people of different ages in the same way?

What will you do if you can be young again?


How do you like insects?

Are there many different insects where you live?

Do you think insects are useful?


Do you like fishing?

Why do people go fishing?

Do you like eating fish?

Where can you see fish?

Public transportation

Do you travel by public transport?

Do people in your country travel by public transport often?

What is the most popular means of transportation in your hometown? Do you prefer public transportation or private transportation?

Are there any traffic problems in your area?

How do you think public transport could be improved? Discussion

Do you prefer to talk or to listen?

What do you like to talk about?

Did you change the way you discuss when you were a child?

Do you change your opinions frequently?


Do you often read newspapers or magazines?

Do you prefer to read newspaper or magazine?

Do you prefer to read news online or on newspaper?

Do you trust the news on newspaper?


Are you good at telling jokes?

Do your friends like to tell jokes?

How often do you joke around with your friends?

Do you like to watch comedies?


What’s the difference between writing with a pen and typing on a computer? Can we tell someone’s personality f rom his or her handwriting?

Do you often write with a pen?

Is your handwriting easy for other people to read?


Do you know anything about growing plants?

Do you keep plants at home?

Did you grow any plants when you were young?

Famous people

Have you ever seen a famous people

What famous people do you want to meet

Do you want to be famous

Who is your favourite movie star?

Are international superstars popular in your country?


Do you ever drink bottled water? Why?

What kind of water do you like to drink?

How often do you drink water?

Do you think water is an important resource?


What your favorite color?

Do you usually wear clothes in your favorite colors?

Are there any colors you dislike?

Do you like dark colors or light colors?


Are you a tidy person?

Do you think people should be tidy all the time?

Are you tidier at work or at home?

How often do you tidy up your own room?


What’s the best present or gift you have ever received?

Do you give expensive gifts?

What do you give others as gifts?

What kinds of gifts are popular in your country?

Meeting new people

Do you like meeting new people?

How do you feel when people welcome you?

Do you often meet new people?

Can you tell if you like someone when you meet them for the first time? Why? Extreme sports

What extreme sports do you know?

Do you want to do extreme sports?

What is the most popular extreme sports in your country?

Do you find extreme sports dangerous?

Part 2&3 人物类(新题)


Describe a person who likes to help others.

You should say:

Who this person is

What did the person do

Why the person likes to help others

And explain how you feel about the person


Do you help people?

Help for friends or strangers?

What help children very young need? Why reject help from their friends?

Do children need the help from their parents? Why should we help others?


Describe a person who is full of energy.

You should say:

Who the person is

When and where you have met the person

Why do you think the person is full of energy

And explain how you feel about the person


Which kind of work need physical strength, why?

Do you think human being will be replaced by robots in work in the future?

Do you think manual labor will be paid more in the future?

Do you think you are energetic?

Does the life routine now consume more energy than before? How do people exercise? What kind of job need to take more risks?

Describe a family you like a lot.

You should say:

Where the family lives

How did you know them

What did they do

And explain why do you like them


How does a Chinese family look like? Who is the leader in a family?

Is grandmother important in your family? What is the most important quality of parents? What is the impact of the changing work pattern?

In Chinese culture, who is responsible for what in a family?

What should a family learn when they are welcoming a new-born baby?


Describe a child who is spoiled

You should say:

Who the child is

How you know the child Why the child is spoiled

And explain how you feel about the child

Part 3

What kind of bad behavior do children act?

What should parents do to correct the situation when their children are behaving badly? Do children have the awareness of behaving badly? why?

Should children be forgiven immediately due to their young age? why?

Describe an extroverted people

You should say:

Who the person is

When and where you first met the person

Why you think the person is extroverted

And explain how you felt about the person


Do Chinese have difficulty in expressing their feelings? How do they express? What are the differences between men and women in the expression of emotion? Are kids more talkative than adults?

Who talks more directly, dad or mom?


Describe an intelligent person you know.

You should say:

Who the person is

How do you know the person

What the person does;

And explain why you think the person intelligent.


It is easy for smart person to make friends?Why or why not?

People always said intelligent person is selfish, what do you think about that? Do you prefer make friends with intelligent people?Why or why not?

Do you think children`s wisdom are influenced by their parents?

Do you think children have a good habit nowadays?

Why do you think some people are really good at something?

What kind of skills are helpful for children?

Do you think parents should send their children to better school?

What can schools do for students` intellectual development?

Part2&3 人物类(保留题)


Describe a person who you are happy to know

You should say:

Who this person is

How you know this person

What he or she is like

And explain why you are happy to know him or her


Do you think everyone shares a similar definition of happiness?

Some people say that living in a happy city is boring. What do you think?

How can children feel happy?

What’s the difference between adult’s and children’s happiness?


Describe a friend who is a good leader

You should say:

Who this person is

How you knew this person

How this person behaves

And explain why you think this person is a good leader


Who is the head of the family in your culture? Are men better at decision making in a family? Should a leader discuss with team members when making decisions?

Do you think this (more men than women are leaders) will change in the future?


Describe an old person you know and respect

You should say:

Who he or she is

How you know this person

What he or she is like


What qualities does a person need to take care of old people?

Do you think that old people should be taken care of at home?

How can people in the neighborhood help the elderly during the epidemic?

Do you see this kind of (above mentioned) help occurring in your neighborhood?

Part 2&3 经历类(新题)


Describe a time when a friend told you something you are not interested in.

You should say:

What it was

When and where you heard it

Who you were talking with

And explain why you were not interested in it


What do the young in China talk about generally? What do friends talk about, why? What are the differences between the topics people are talking recently and in the past?

Do you think communication is important, why?

Why do people make friends with those who are like-minded?

How do you detect that others are not interested in the topic you are talking about?

What do you usually do if the others are not listening to you?

Do you think most people are good listeners?

What are the effects that modern communication technology acted on the face-to-face communication? What are the differences between women and men on topic-choosing?


Describe a time when you won a prize.

You should say:

What the prize was

When and where you have won it

What did you do to win it

And explain how you felt about winning


Why do students need to win some prizes?

What kind of children can get a prize in school?

What kind of reward should students gain?

Do you think children should get more prize from academics or sports, why?

Should the reward be limited, why?

Describe a time you got into contact with an old friend

You should say:

Who the friend is

When and where did you meet

What did you talk about

And explain how do you feel about the meeting


Will friendship change with age?

Do you think old friend is more important to young people or old people?

What is the role of social media in modern friendship?

Will people change their ways of making friends after graduation?

Will the characteristics changeover time after graduation?

Why people lose contact with their friends after graduation

Do you think why old friends cannot keep in touch with each other?

Do people in your country tend to make new friends?


Describe a time when you were scared by an animal

You should say:

When and where it happened

What it was

What did the animal do

And explain why you were scared by it


What kind of animals do people general like? Why there are people who do not like pets? What kind of animals are dangerous

Why there are cases that animals attacking people Should the government allow people raising large dogs? Some people like eating dog, what do you think?

Describe an experience when you changed an important decision.

You should say:

When it was

What the new decision was

Why you changed it

And explain how you felt about the change


Do children like changing opinions or not? When do children change their opinion? Why did you change your mind?

When people should not give advices?

What should they do if they are given some advice they don’t like? Do people like giving advice about politics?


Describe an occasion when you forget something important

You should say:

What it was

How important it was

Why you forgot it

And explain how you felt about this experience


Why people usually forget something?

What kind of thing do people usually forget?

What are some ways can remind people to do the things? How can people improve their memory?


雅斯口语题库(完整版) 口语test分成三个部分,下面按照顺序发 part 1 注意:部分问题也可能在part 3中被问到 1。 Basic Information what is your full name what can I call you what is your ID number Characteristics: Authentic, Showy(Good Custom, Tense excellence, Vocabulary, Communication Skills, idiom) 2. Working or Studying Are you working or studying What do you usually do(worker only) where do you work what are the advantages and disadvantages of your work what is your ideal job where do you study what are the advantages and disadvantages of your school or university what subject/major do you have(College students only) what are the advantages and disadvantages of your subject or major(College students only) Characteristics: Special Idea, Vocabulary, Case, And fixed sentence structure and Home


【雅思口语模拟题目】雅思口语话题题库 1. Describe a public place that you think need improvements 描述一个你认为需要改进的公共场所 2. Describe a country or city where you want to live or work in the future 描述一个国家或城市,你希望在那里生活或工作在未来 3. Describe a memorable story told by someone 描述一个由某人讲述的难忘的故事 4. Describe a TV program 描述一个电视节目 5. Describe a toy you had in your childhood 描述你童年时的一个玩具 6. Describe an important river/ area of water in your country 描述贵国重要的河流/水域 7. Describe a historical period that you are interested in 描述一个你感兴趣的历史时期 8. Describe a good photo of you taken by someone 描述一张你被别人拍下的好照片 9. Describe something you enjoy doing with an old person in your family 描述一下你喜欢和家里的老人一起做的事情10. Describe a situation when you had to be polite 描述一下你必须礼貌的情况11. Describe a time when someone visited your home 描述一下有人拜访你的家的那段时间12. Describe your favorite season of the year 描述你一年中最喜欢的季节13. Describe something you learned in a place or from someone 描述你在某个地方或从某人那里学到的东西14. Describe an unusual meal you had 描述一下你吃过的不寻常的一顿饭15. Describe a special day that you went out but didn”t spend much money 描述一个特别的日子,你出去了,但没花多少钱16. Describe a popular person 描述一个受欢迎的人17. Describe a famous athlete you know 描述一个你认识的著名运动员18. Describe a time that you were late 描述一下你迟到的时间19. Describe a piece of technology (not computer—related) you like to use 描述一项你喜欢使用的技术(与计算机无关) 20. Describe a time that you saved money for something 描述一下你为某件事存钱的那段时间21. Describe an important event that you celebrated 描述一个你庆祝的重要事件22. Describe an important skill which cannot be learned at school 描述一项在学校里学不到的重要技能23. Describe a place where you often visit with your friends or family 描述一个你经常和你的朋友或家人一起访问的地方24. Describe a good service you received 描述一下你得到的好服务25. Describe a dream home you would like to have 描述一个你想拥有的梦想之家26. Describe an occasion when you helped a person 描述一下你帮助一个人的情景27. Describe a place you know where people go to listen to music (such as a theatre or a music hall) 描述一个你知道的地方,人们去哪里听音乐(比如剧院或音乐厅) 28. Describe a (long) car journey you went on 描述一段(长)的汽车旅行29. Describe a rule at your school that you agree or disagree 描述一下你学校里的一条你同意或不同意的规则30. Describe a traditional product in your country 描述贵国的传统产品31. Describe a leisure facility (cinemas theaters you would like to have in your home town 描述一个休闲设施(你想在你的家乡拥有电影院) 32. Describe a piece of furniture 描述一件家具33. Describe something or activity you do to stay healthy 描述你为保持健康所做的事情或活动34. Describe an important letter you received 描述你收到的一封重要信件35. Describe an advertisement (that you saw or heard or liked) 描述(你看到、听到或喜欢的)广告36. Describe an exciting book you have read 描述一本你读过的令人兴奋的书37. Describe someone who is a good parent 描述一个好父母38. Describe a subject of science that you learned in secondary/ high school 描述你在中学/高中学的一门科学39. Describe an


个人信息类 Studies 1.What subject(s) are you studying? 2.Why did you choose to study that subject? 3.Do you like your subject? (Why?/Why not?) 4.Is it very interesting? 5.(Possibly) Are you looking forward to working? 6.Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoon? Teachers 1.Do you have a favorite teacher? 2.Do you want to be a teacher in the future? 3.What kinds of teachers do you like? 4.Do you think teachers should be angry at students or not? 5.Do you like strict teachers? 6.What's the different between young and old teachers? 7.Is it important for teachers to interact with students frequently? 8.What’s the most important part in your study, teachers or classmates? Hometown 1.What’s (the name of) your hometown (again)? 2.Is that a big city or a small place? 3.Please describe your hometown a little. 4.How long have you been living there? 5.Do you like your hometown? 6.(Possibly) Do you like living there? * 7.What do you like (most) about your hometown? 8.Is there anything you dislike about it? 9.Do you think you will continue living there for a long time? Accommodation 1.What kind of housing/accommodation do you live in? 2.Do you live in a house or a flat? 3.Who do you live with? 4.How long have you lived there? 5.Do you plan to live there for a long time? 6.(If you answer you haven't lived there long) What's the difference between where you are living now and where you have lived in the past? 7.Can you describe the place where you live? 8.Which room does your family spend most of the time in? 9.What do you usually do in your house/flat/room? 10.Are the transport facilities to your home very good? 11.Do you prefer living in a house or a flat? 12.Please describe the room you live in. 13.What part of your hometown do you like the most?


2020年1月-4月雅思口语话题库(IELTS完整版) 话题库说明: 此次话题库更新为2020年1月换题季更新,适用于2020年1月-4月参加雅思考试的考生,包含各渠道最新题库,可下载打印高清版进行复习准备,预祝各位考生一次通过。话题库共包含两部分 PART1:共37个话题,新题13题,旧题24题 PART2:共48个话题,新题23题,旧题25题 PART1 话题-(本部分包含37个话题,新题13题,旧题24题) PART1 新题回库(共13题) Water sport Have you done water sports? What water sports do you like doing? Are water sports popular in China? What kind of water sports do you want to try? Spending time by yourself Do you usually spend time by yourself? What did you do last time you were by yourself? How do you usually spend your time by yourself?

Do you like spending time by yourself? Cake Do you like dessert? Do you like eating cakes? What desserts do Chinese people like? Have you ever made cakes? Science class Do you like science class? Did you have science class in primary school or high school? What kind of science did you do at school? Do you think science classes are important? Running How often do you go for a run? Where do you usually go running? Do you like running? Do you think running is a good way to stay healthy? Break Do you prefer a long break or several short breaks? What do you usually do during a break? Why do you need to take a break? How often do you take a break?


题目: A Handicraft Q. A Handicraft (something made by hand) You should say: What it is? What it looks like? How to make it? And explain what other people thought of it. 范文: When talking about handicrafts, I’d like to share with you my experience of making paper-cut. Paper-cut is a traditional folk art in China and it’s been very popular in some ruralareas. It is paper cut into different shapes and patterns and then pasted on windows as decorations on festive occasions, such as the Spring Festival or a Wedding ceremony. I first learned to make paper- cut in primary school when making paper-cut was part of the extracurricularactivities. The process isn’t very complicated and doesn’t take long. Well,you need a piece of red-coloured paper, a pair of scissors and a pencil. Second, draw a certain pattern or write down some Chinese characters, such as “XI, OR FU ”that represent the auspiciousnessin our culture on the folded paper. Then use the scissors to cut the paper according to the pattern.When you open it up.Ta-da, you will find out a very beautiful pattern in the centre is right in front of your eyes. Finally , paste the pattern of “FU or XI” to the front-door upside down, which means the fortuneand bliss are coming. It is a very good practice for creativityand hands-on skills. A Health Problem Describe a health problem that you know. You should say: what this problem is what causes of the problem how it affects people's health and explain how to solve this health problem. 素材库what this problem is & what causes ? 是何导致人们吸烟 Peer pressure or curiosity, which leads to an addiction. Some people started as boredom, became a physical addiction. (好奇心或无聊使人们吸烟) People who smoke cigarettes have one or more psychological problems - they have no confidence in themselves and use a cigarette as a crutch and/or to be part of a group that smokes. (缺乏自信,为了融入别人) Sometimes people smoke because they think it makes them cooler. Other times it's because they grew up in a house where smoking was an everyday thing.(装酷或家人影响) People start smoking because they want to look cool, or be part of a group, or because everyone in their family does, and then they get addicted. Oral fixation. maybe there are bad examples from our preceding generation, or maybe there are wrong associations with cigarette, such as it can relieve stress.(口欲滞留症或错误相信烟有其他功效,如减压) 素材库how it affects people's health?


2019年9-12月雅思口语Part 2新题预测:有意义的 歌 有意义的歌 P2 Describe a song that is meaningful to you. You should say: what song it is; when you first heard it; what the song is about; and explain why it is meaningful to you. P3 1.Is it good for children to learn music? 2.How do Chinese people learn music? 3.Do men and women play different kinds of musical instruments? 4.what's the status of traditional music now? 5.Do all grades have music class? 6.Is music class important? 7.What kind of music do children like? 8.Why would some parents force their children to learn some musical

instruments? 解析 题目要求考生描述“一首对你有意义的歌”。作答要点包括:是什么歌、什么时候第一次听到、歌是关于什么的,并说明为什么这首歌对你有特殊意义。 范文 Three years ago, a song came out that celebrated being young and relaxed and I was instantly crazy about it. It was called ‘Young for you’ and the beat and melody were off the hook! The song became a massive hit across China that year and you could hear it being played everywhere. When I listen to the song now it immediately takes me back to my youth. I first heard the song playing in a shopping mall and was instantly drawn to it. The singer's voice was like no other I had ever heard before and the melody was haunting and sad. I stopped shopping and used an app on my phone to identify the tune. I immediately downloaded the album off iTunes.


雅思part1口语题库大全 雅思口语题库2020【1】 题目: 1.Do you think your city is clean or not? 2.How do you feel when you see people throwing garbage on the street? 3. Why do some people throw garbage on the street? 4.What do you do with garbage when you are on the street? 范文: 1.Do you think your city is clean or not? Well, I suppose my city is quite clean for most of the time, thanks to the hard work of sanitation workers,you can see neat streets and classification trash bins everywhere. By the way, if you travel to my city and take a look, you will be amazed by how perfectly it is maintained as a clean place to live in. 2.How do you feel when you see people throwing garbage on the street? When witnessing people throwing garbage on the street, I always feel very angry, because I think as citizens we all have the responsibility to take care of the city and abide by the regulations. Only by doing this can we build a beautiful and clean home. 3. Why do some people throw garbage on the street? From my understanding, I think people throw garbage on the street mainly because they find it is a more convenient way to get rid of the garbage than throwing it in the garbage bin. Also, I would say it is because there are not enough garbage bins around the city. 4.What do you do with garbage when you are on the street? When I am on the street, first of all I myself would never throw garbage randomly, and would always help keep the street clean. Secondly, if I pass by a piece of garbage on the street, I usually volunteer to pick it up and throw it into the nearest garbage bin. 1-4月雅思口语话题 雅思口语题库2020【2】 题目: 1.Is there a good place to look at the sky where you live?

雅思口语 2018 5-8 part 1 题库

雅思口语20185-8part1题库 Part1 Work ?Whatwork do you do? ?Whydid you choose to do that type of work?(or,that job)? ?Do you like your job? ?Is itvery interesting? ?(Possibly)Do you miss being a student? Studies ?Whatsubject(s)are you studying? ?Whydid you choose to study that subject?/Why did you choose to study thosesubjects??Do you like your subject?(Why?/Why not?)

?Is itvery interesting? ?(Possibly)Are you looking forward to working? ?Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoons? ?(Possibly)Are you looking forward to working? ?Doyou prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoons? Home/Accommodation ?What kind of housing/accommodation do you live in? ?Do you live in a house or a flat? ?Who do you live with? ?How long have you lived there?

雅思口语话题卡片题目汇总 part 1

雅思口语话题卡片题目汇总part 1 人物 1. Someone you would like to spend time with 2. An old person you respect 3. a person who is good at his/her job 4. A school friend 5. a teenager 6. a family you are familiar with (not your own) 7. A person you helped 8. a well-known person 地点 1. A tourist attraction 2. Workplace 3. a place with a lot of water 4. a city you visited 5. Cafe or restaurant 6. a place for shopping 7. a garden you’ve been to 物品 1. A book you recently read 2. A game (not sport) you played when you were a child

3. A photo 4. A good law in China 5. Some interesting news 6. A special gift you gave to another person 7. An organization 8. A show/performance you watched 9. Something that you don't know but would like to learn 10. A white lie 11. an important letter that you received 12. TV program 13. second foreign language 14. a website 15. handicraft you made 16. holiday postcard or email you received and that you liked 17. a film you watched recently 18. a magazine you like to read 19. an interesting animal 20. an electrical appliance that is useful to you 事件 1. an environmental problem in a place that you’ve been to 2. family event (birthday party or wedding)


What subject(s) are you studying Why did you choose to study that subject Do you like your subject (Why/Why not) Is it very interesting (Possibly) Are you looking forward to working Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoon Do you have a favorite teacher Do you want to be a teacher in the future What kinds of teachers do you like Do you think teachers should be angry at students or not Do you like strict teachers What's the different between young and old teachers Is it important for teachers to interact with students frequently What ' s the most important part in your study, teachers or classmates What ' s (the name of) your hometown (again) Is that a big city or a small place Please describe your hometown a little. How long have you been living there Do you like your hometown (Possibly) Do you like living there * What do you like (most) about your hometown Is there anything you dislike about it Do you think you will continue living there for a long time What kind of housing/accommodation do you live in Do you live in a house or a flat Who do you live with How long have you lived there Do you plan to live there for a long time (If you answer you haven't lived there long) What's the difference between where you are living now and where you have lived in the past Can you describe the place where you live Which room does your family spend most of the time in What do you usually do in your house/flat/room Are the transport facilities to your home very good Do you prefer living in a house or a flat Please describe the room you live in. What part of your hometown do you like the most 个人信息类 Studies 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Teachers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Hometown 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Accommodation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.


2017年5月至8月 Part 1 住宿 1. What kind of housing/accommodation do you live in? you live in a house or a flat? 3. Who do you live with? 4. How long have you lived there? 5. Do you plan to live there for a long time? 6. Are the transport facilities to your home very good?/Is it convenient for transport? 7. In the future, what kind of place do you want to live in? 学生 1. Do you work or are you a student? 2. what major/subjects are you studying? 3. Why did you choose to study that major/those subjects? 4. Do you like your major/subjects? Why?/Why not? 5. Is it very interesting? 6. Are you looking forward to working? 7. Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoons? 8. How did you feel on your first day in that school/university? 9. Do you think your school/university is a good place to study? 10. What is the most difficult part of your studies? 11. What is the most interesting part of your course? 12. Do you have a study plan for your future? 13. Compare the good learning ways in the past and now. 14. What are your extra-curriculum activities? 职场人 1. What job do you do? 2. Why did you choose to do that kind of job?


Part 1 Your Work or Your Studies Do you work or are you a student? 1. Your Work 1. What work do you do? 2. Why did you choose to do that kind of work? 3. Do many people in your country choose to do that type of work? 4. What are your responsibilities at work? 5. Do you remember your first day at work? 6. What did you do on your first day at work? 7. Did you like your first day at work? 8. (Similar to above) How did you feel on your first day at work? 9. Do you think the first day at work is important? 10. (Similar to above) Do you think a person's first impressions of a new job are important? 2.Your Studies 1. What subject(s) are you studying? 2. Why did you choose to study that? / Why did you choose to study those subjects? 3. Do many students in your country study that subject? 4. (Similar to above) Is that a popular subject to study in your country? 5. What school/university do you attend? 6. Why did you choose that school/university? 7. What do you plan to do after you finish your studies? 8. Your First Day at University 9. Did you like your first day at university? 10. (Similar to above) Did you have a good first day at university? 11. (Similar to above) How did you feel on your first day at university/high school? 12. Do you think the first day at university is important? 13. How important do you think it is for people to have an enjoyable first day at university (or, school)? 14. (Similar to above) Do you think a person's first impressions of a new school or university are important? 3. Your Hometown 1. What's (the name of) your hometown (again)? 2. Is that a big city or a small place?
