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商务行为技巧case 翻译

商务行为技巧case 翻译
商务行为技巧case 翻译

Balance Banking PLC is a medium player in the financial sector. In response to external market pressures and having absorbed a small building society, it underwent a major restructuring programme just under 12 months ago. The restructure resulted in a number of changes to departments and teams throughout the organisation, including changes at senior management level. As part of the restructuring there were a number of redundancies. In addition, a large number of staff were moved around, and now find themselves in new teams with new line management arrangements.

平衡银行PLC是金融界的媒体播放器。响应于外部市场压力和吸收了建设一个小社会,它进行了一次重大重组计划在12个月前。重组带来一些变化,部门和团队在整个组织,包括高级管理层的变化。作为重组的一部分有一些多余的。此外,大量人员被移动,现在发现自己在新的生产线的管理安排新的团队。Motivation was and continues to be low and the Trade Unions have been highly critical of the senior management team over the last 12 months and feel that their members are paying the price for poor management decisions. The continuing economic climate means that the organisation is continually under pressure to perform and staff feel insecure about their future prospects.


The New Customer Engagement Team was created under the new structure and brought together two former teams under one manager Jess Green. Managers in the old structure had to apply for the manager positions in the new structure under competitive conditions, a process which caused considerable upset among existing managers. The position of manager for the New Customer Engagement Team had four internal applicants. Jess was surprised at her own appointment mainly because all the other applicants held manager positions in the old structure and that she was the only applicant with limited experience in that particular area. Her appointment caused a bit of a stir. Of the other three applicants; one was appointed to another team manager

post in the new structure; another accepted a redundancy package; whilst the other applicant is still with the organization, but not as a manager but as Lead Financial Assessor reporting to Jess.


At a meeting, following her appointment, with her line manager it was stressed that the organisation had to regain the confidence of its stakeholders including its customers. The organisation had to rebuild and each manager had to ensure that the performance of their team was geared to achieving the strategic objectives of the organisation namely:


To achieve financial security and return to profit.

To become a place of choice for employees.

To create an open and transparent management style.

To focus on customer and shareholder needs.

To focus on long-term quality profitability.

To create a new business mix and manage the business risk







At the same meeting Jess was advised that she had been appointed to the post because of her drive and enthusiasm. The interview panel had been particularly impressed by her fresh thinking and clear ideas as to how the team could be developed in the medium to long term future. Shortly after her appointment she put forward a paper as to how the new teams could be taken forward to ensure their contribution to the organisation’s strategic objectives. 在同一次会议上,杰西被告知,她被任命为因为她的干劲和热情。面试小组已经特别深刻的印象,她新鲜的思维和清晰的思路团队可以在中等发达的长期未来。不久后,她的任命她提出了一个新的团队,如何可以采取以确保他们对组织的战略目标的贡献。

Jess’s new team consists of members of the former New Accounts team, members of the former Risk Assessment team, and four staff from the recently acquired building society. The new team consists of 16 staff: 10 full time staff and six part-time staff. The former New Accounts team was viewed as a middling performing team, it did make its targets over the years but generally struggled and seemed to require a lot of attention in order to do so. The manager of the old team retired eighteen months prior to the restructure and the team had been managed on a caretaker basis by other managers until the restructure. As a result the team struggled with a lack of direction.



The role of the new team is to provide a focus for new customers and to ensure that new accounts are established without difficulty and with a minimum of fuss. One area that has increased in significance over the last year is the area of risk assessment. Every new customer is credit screened and before any account is established a full financial risk assessment has to be made. A copy of the team structure can be found in Appendix 1.


Since taking the team over Jess has found the stress of the job almost unbearable at times. Her new ideas were thwarted, in part by the need to ensure that new performance targets were met but the main stumbling block was a reluctance of staff to embrace change. Her drive and enthusiasm was interpreted as overbearing and in one case perceived as bullying behaviour. The stress of the job was also apparent in the monthly team meetings which while initially having been designed to generate involvement had become no more than 30 minute briefings based on performance targets. As a result staff sit quietly, take brief notes and clock watch.


The past 12 months presented considerable challenges with the introduction of new operational systems, new working practices as well as building a new

team. Staff felt that the changes were imposed rather than negotiated and had disengaged with many of the processes. Jess patched the gaps by doing a number of the jobs herself resulting in her working longer hours than necessary and her focus being on day to day issues. The nature of the work had also meant that previous tasks i.e. new accounts and risk management continued. As a result the divisions within the team were maintained and there was very little movement between the two areas. The four building society staff who had transferred to the team were allocated between the two areas reinforcing the structural divisions.


As far as senior management is concerned the new team continues to

under-perform. Jess has on a number of occasions had her leadership style questioned by senior management, particularly when there was an informal grievance about bullying raised. After some discussion with HR it was agreed that a mentoring arrangement may benefit Jess. In order to prepare for her first mentoring meeting Jess was asked to reflect on her team and the team members in order to discuss strategies designed to increase the performance of the team.


In preparation for the meeting Jess penciled the following notes:

Jack – has been with the organisation for over twenty five years and is a highly experienced and respected member of staff whose counsel is sought on a

variety of issues. Staff would rather seek Jack out for decisions than me. Much of his knowledge has been gained through his experience and isn’t formalised in any way. He is slightly bored with his existing position but is due to retire in a few years so is not interested in any of the promoted posts in the new organisation. While he is happy to work with me he tends to view me as a junior member of staff and I tend to defer to him if any debate arises.



Carol – has been with the organisation for fifteen years and whilst a good operator she tends to stick by the rules regardless. There have been a number of complaints over the years, the majority of which have resulted from Carol’s abrasive style which tends to rub people up the wrong way. In most of these cases Carol’s decisions have been the right ones but her inability to communicate well creates difficulties with internal and external customers. She is a little intimidating and I tend to avoid any conflict situations with her. Carol was quite outspoken at the initial team meetings but recently hasn’t appeared interested.


Russell –has been with organisation for twelve years and was, until the restructuring, the manager of the Risk Assessment team. Regarded as a good steady hand he was widely expected to be appointed to the position now held by me. His motivation is now very low and he has made it publicly known that

he will not create any difficulties for the new team and that he will only do the bare minimum i.e. doing no more than his contracted hours, coming in on time and going home on time, and doing no more than the job in hand. A couple of staff including those transferred to the new team feel loyalty to Russell and feel that he has been ‘hard done by’. My hesitation over a number of critical decisions has reinforced the idea that Russell would have been a better appointment among these staff.

罗素–已经拥有十二年的组织,直到重组,将风险评估团队经理。作为一个很好的稳定的手,他被广泛预计将被任命为现在由我担任。他的动机是现在很低,他已经公开表示他将不会创建新团队的任何困难,他只会做赤裸的最小即没有做更多的比他缩小时,来时回家的时间,做不超过手头的工作。一对夫妇的人员包括那些转移到新的球队感到对罗素的忠诚,觉得他已经“委屈”。我犹豫了一批关键决定加强了的想法,罗素会是一个更好的约会在这些人员。Elspeth – has been with the organisation for two years and has shown considerable ambition. She is poorly qualified but is now trying to address that through part-time study. Her work is good but is not of a particularly high standard and her inexperience tends to come through in some of her decisions. Her poor organisation skills mean that she continually fails to meet deadlines and often has to put in extra hours to cope. In addition, her attendance over the last six months has been giving cause for concern.


Abda – has been with the organisation for four years and has just returned from maternity leave. She is a highly competent and qualified member of staff and tends to be very traditional in her ways not particularly welcoming of any innovation/changes. She is very friendly with Jack and will perform the tasks in the way that he decides rather than some of the new methods suggested by me.



Brian – transferred from the risk team where he had been employed for 12 years. When Russell had been seconded to a project elsewhere in the organisation he acted up to his manager post. Good strong administrator but like Abda tends to be resistant to change. Despite having acted up to a management position Brian seems to be happy where he is and did not apply for any of the promoted posts in the new structure.


Richard – part time member of staff who is extremely willing and enthusiastic who has been with the organisation for two years. The first year was a difficult year as he felt that he was dropped in the deep end with an induction programme focussed on ticking boxes with very limited support. Having survived that he is viewed as a well qualified and well liked member of staff but he is frustrated with the lack of any full-time opportunities in the organisation. 李察–兼职员工是非常愿意和热情的人已与组织两年。第一年是艰难的一年,因为他觉得他投在深结束与感应程序集中在滴答作响的盒子的支持非常有限。幸存下来的,他是一个合格的和喜欢的员工却与任何组织的全职缺乏机会沮丧。

André– a part-time member of staff who reduced his hours some years ago due to family commitments, after about 10 years as a full-time member of staff. He is highly regarded and brings a sense of humour to the team albeit many of his comments tend to be cynical about the organisation and how it is managed.

I feel that his joking undermines my position but I am unsure how best to tackle this.

安德烈é–兼职员工减少他的小时几年前,由于家庭的承诺,10年后作为一个全职工作人员的成员。他是高度重视,并带来了一个幽默的团队,他的评论尽管很多往往是对组织犬儒和它是如何管理的。我觉得他开玩笑,破坏了我的位置但我不确定如何最好地处理这个。Given the external circumstances it is unlikely that the current recruitment

freeze will be lifted for another 12 months, although I feel that there will be opportunities once my team is established.



商务信函的翻译 知识目标:1. 了解商务信函的构成要素。 2. 认知商务信函的语言特点及翻译技巧。 3. 熟知商务英语的特点及翻译原则。 能力目标: 1. 能够正确翻译商务信函常用词汇和句型。 2. 能够借助相关知识熟练地翻译各类商务信函。 2. 能够根据相关要求撰写中英文商务信函。 I. 商务信函的定义与功能 人们互相联系,彼此交往、交流思想、沟通信息、洽谈事物所使用的一种应用文。 ——黎运汉《商务语言教程》(暨南大学出版社,2005年6月)Business correspondence is the letter which is used for delivering information and handle business affairs,contacting with each other in daily communication. The often-used business correspondence mainly include negotiation letter, inquiry letter, counter offer, request letter inform letter and contact letter. 商务函电是指在日常的商务往来中用以传递信息、处理商务事宜以及联络和沟通关系的信函、电讯文书。常用的商务信函主要有商洽函、询问函、答复函、请求函、告知函和联系函等。 商务信函(business letters)涉及商务活动的各个环节,贯穿商务活动的始终,内容广泛,是商务活动中书面交流信息的主要手段之一,是企业对外公共宣传关系中重要的手段,对于树立良好的公司形象有着极为重要的意义。 不仅是用来沟通的媒介,还可以有效地取代面对面的登门拜访,建构和维系彼此间的友谊,吸引与争取客户,以及为公司塑造良好的形象。 ——许建忠《工商企业翻译实务》(中国对外翻译出版公司,2002) II.商务信函的特点 (1)格式程式化。商务信函的内容由上述部分组成,地址及其他各部分的排列及位置等都有严格的规范要求。在格式上有缩行式、平头式和混合式。 (2)内容比较简明。一方面直入主题,开门见山,避免寒暄的客套,就事论事;另一方面,长话短说,行文简短,避免重复。 (3)语言准确,且富于格式化的套语和专业词汇。(语言特点) 商业信函对重要的信息强调完整具体,尤其是涉及双方的利益和责任的内容。注意句子语法结构、逻辑结构、谦辞甚至是标点符号的准确性。 商务信函属于比较拘谨正式的公文体,行文端正、用字洗练,一般遵守商务英语的写作原则,即七“C”原则:正确(correctness)、简练(conciseness)、清楚(clearness)、完整(completeness)、具体(concreteness)、礼貌(courtesy)、体谅(consideration)。具体来讲,有以下几方面内容。 一、在语气上,要以收函人为中心,礼貌而且友好。 虽然写信者必须陈述自己的观点、立场,但语气常显得很考虑对方,很尊敬对方,所以会经常使用一些第一、二人称的代词,诸如I 、We、You等;尽量多用一些直接和肯定的语气而避免使用否定句等,这都体现了其语言追求礼貌、尊敬的特点。例如: “We are enclosing a brochure outlining our company’s goods available for export.”就要比“Enclosed is a brochure outlining this company’s goods available for export.”显得亲切、有礼貌;“Please let us know...”也胜过“You fail to tell us...”。 二、在选词上力求准确清楚,避免陈词、长词及词义重复。 商务英语可谓字字千金,必须准确清楚地表达所要传递的信息,谨慎使用夸张、比喻等手法,尽量避免使用模棱两可的词语,以免产生不必要的争议,因为商务信函通常用来作为确定有关当事人权利和义务的依据。例如:“We regret to advise you that we can not accept your offer.” 就应该改为:“We are sorry to tell you


商务英语翻译:商务英语五大实用翻译技巧商务英语是为国际商务活动这一特定的专业学科服务的专门用途英语,所涉及的专业范围很广,并具有独特的语言现象和表现内容、文体复杂。商务英语翻译要求翻译者具备丰富的商务理论和商务实践知识,为了提高翻译质量,翻译者必须具备一定的自身条件: 第一,翻译者的汉语功底要好 很多人容易忽视这一点,认为汉语是自己的母语,应付翻译中的问题应该是绰绰有余的。然而,在真正的翻译过程中,常常为了一个词语或者一个句型,冥思苦想了半天也得不到一个满意的结果。由此可见,汉语表达能力和对汉语理解能力的大小直接影响翻译的好坏。下功夫学好汉语,打好汉语基础对于翻译是十分重要的。 第二,英语语言能力要强 全面的语法知识和大量的词汇量缺一不可。如果只有大量的词汇量,而没有较好的英语语法知识,翻译过程中译者的理解肯定是错误百出,牛头不对马嘴。因此,我们要提高在英汉翻译中对于英文句子理解的准确性及汉英翻译中英文表达的准确性。 第三,知识面要广 商务英语翻译中要很好的做到这一点,就要掌握商务理论和贸易实务等理论知识及贸易实践经验。同时译者还要具有丰富的百科知识,对天文地理、古今中外不说通晓,至少也要了解其中的一些基本知识。没有一定的常识,即使语言水平再高,也是难以胜任翻译工作的。

以下介绍的是商务英语中主要的五大实用翻译技巧: 一、一词多义 同一个词,由于语境不同,其词义可千差万别。 例: 1、They cannot obtain credit at all in the trade. 他们生意信誉已荡然无存。 2、They have opened the covering credit with the Bank of China,London. 他们已从伦敦中国银行开立了有关信用证。 同一个词credit,而在不同的语境中,意思大有不同。 二、词类转译 词类转译是国际商务翻译中常见的译词技巧。常见的有名词与动词、介词与动词的互相转译。 例: 1、Before the payment of these tariffs, the imported goods will bein the custody of the customs. 交关税前,进口货物由海关保管。( 由于语法限制,只有用名词形式,但译成汉语时,”payment”译作“交”) 2 、We should advise you to get in touch with them for your requirements. 建议你方与他们取得联系,洽购所需商品。 三、词义引伸


在对长句进行分析的基础上,商务合同长句具体翻译方法又可细分为三种:即,顺序法、逆序法和分译法。 (1)顺序法。所谓顺序法就是按照原文的顺序组织译文。 在商务合同中,当英语长句陈述的是一连串的动作并按发生的时间安排或逻辑关系排列时,此类长句与汉语的表达方式较一致,可按原文的顺序译出。 例2:In the event that the Company’s operations are reduced substantially from the scale of operation originally anticipated by the parties, or the Company experience substantial and continuing losses resulting in negative retained earnings not anticipated by the Parties in the agreed Business Plan, or in any other circumstance permitted under Applicable Laws or agreed by the Parties, the Parties may agree to reduce the registered capital of the Company on a pro rata basis. 上述句子的逻辑关系非常清楚,即:三个假设条件,一个结论,表达顺序与汉语一致。因此,可按照原文的语序进行翻译。 参考译文: 如果合营公司的经营规模比双方原来预期的规模有大幅度缩减,或合营公司持续遭受严重亏损,导致双方商定的业务计划中所未预期的盈余保留负数,或在任何相关法律允许或双方一致同意的情况下,双方可以协议按原有出资比例减资。 (2)逆序法。所谓逆序法就是逆着原文的顺序翻译。 在商务合同中,有些英语长句的表达次序与汉语习惯不同,甚至语序完全相反。因此,根据汉语的习惯,译者必须从原文句子的后面译起。由于译文句子的前后与原文句子的前后相比,有倒置现象,因此,逆序法又称为“倒置法”。 例3: The Seller shall not be responsible for the delay of shipment or non-delivery of the goods due to Force Majeure, which might occur during the process of manufacturing or in the course of loading or transit。 这里原文的行文方式是把信息的重心放在句首,先表明卖方的免责事项(The Seller shall not be responsible for the delay of shipment or non-delivery of the goods),接着再规定由于什么原因引起的不能交货或延迟交货才会免责( due to Force Majeure)。而对不可抗力又做了限定(which might occur during the process of manufacturing or in the course of loading or transit)。 而按照汉民族的思维习惯往往是先谈原因再讲结论。因此翻译时译者应采用逆序的方法将原文表示免责条件的“due to Force Majeure, which might…of loading or transit”移到句首。 再者, 英语中的非限制性定语从句(即本句中的which might occur… of loading or transit)翻译成中文时要么仍翻译成定语放在所修饰的词之前,要么处理为别的成分。 根据以上分析,原文可翻译为:凡在制造或装船运输过程中,因不可抗力致使卖方不能或推


商务英语翻译技巧 摘要 商务英语(Business English)是一种含有商务理论和实用商务的理论。在经济信息日益发达的现代社会,随着国际贸易的发展,商务英语翻译的作用越来越明显。本文,大致分为五个部分对商务英语翻译技巧进行分析。文章第一部分概括了商务英语以及商务英语翻译;第二部分分别从商务英语的文体特征、语言特点对其进行分析;之后三个部分分别介绍了翻译的方法和翻译的原则。最后进行总结。得出商务英语的翻译机巧和方法。 关键字:商务英语;翻译技巧;特点;文体特征 前言 商务英语是以国际间的商务往来为基础的语言交流,商务英语包括的范围比较广,例如:金融方面的英语、贸易英语、还有一些专业的英语等。这也说明了商务英语所涉及的范围比较广泛,涉及各行各业,这也就决定了从事商务英语翻译的人不仅仅需要有扎实的英语基本功,还有对其他方面的英语进行了解,这样一来才能使交易双方能够更好地沟通,完成交易。 现如今,整个世界融为了一个整体,各个国家之间的贸易往来逐渐丰富,目前在国际间最通用的就是英语。商务英语要求翻译者更加的精确、对等,因为商务英语中会涉及到很多文件、条款等信息,所以必须要精确。只有这样才能达到双方活动的顺利进行。尤其在我国,中西方文化差异较大,更应该注意这方面的问题。一字之差就容易铸成大错。所以,做好商务英语的翻译工作尤为重要。本文针对这一问题展开讨论,分析了商务英语的翻译技巧。 商务英语及商务英语翻译的概括 商务英语涉及范围很广,包括的种类也十分多。大部分跟国际商务活动有关的例如:国际贸易、会计、金融等方面所用到的英语都属于商务英语的范围。它涉及的领域主要包括对外贸易、招商引资、国际旅游、海外投资以及国际运输等方面。除了领域广泛之外,它还包括许多专业的英语例如:广告英语、法律英语、应用文英语、包装英语等。因此,伴随着国际贸易的范围不断的扩大,越来越多的人,开始加入到翻译的这一事业之中。 对商务英语的翻译,在很长时间以来备受关注,商务英语翻译工作也是一项十分复杂的工作,由于其用途的广泛性和特殊要性,就决定了商务英语的翻译工作不能仅仅局限于传统的翻译中务词汇和具有较好的商务语法基础,这些是一个翻译者应该具备的原则和技巧,不能仅仅依靠“信、达、雅”的翻译要求来完成商务英语的翻译工作,必须依照商务文件的愿意,把它翻译的既能清楚的表达意义,又能够符合商务双方的语言习惯。在翻译的过程中一定要从实际情况出发,做到具体问题具体分析。 商务英语的特点 2.1商务英语的文体特征 2.1.1思维具有逻辑性,朴实无华 正式体英语的从句层次复杂,句子长度通常高于非正式英语。长句分词、独立主格结构的频繁使用是书面语体的典型特征,它们适合于表达多层次的复杂的逻辑关系,可以充分完整地表达相互关联的意义,这种效果是短句无法达到的。由于商务函电常要表示某些条款相互成立、互为条件,或对某些一连串的具有因果关系的事件进行叙述,因此,这种语体就非常适合这种要求。例如: The work hereof shall be commenced in compliance with the construction work of Party A’s plant, and shall be completed within thirty days after the complet ion of Party A’s plant including the completion of inner part of the plant when the plant be in the condition that trial run for air conditioning mechanism is possible.


. 商务函电翻译的用词技巧Business letters translation skills for using words

目录 摘要 (3) Abstract (4) 一、商务函电的现实意义 (5) 二、商务函电的特点 (5) (一)文体特点 (6) 1.词汇使用特点 (6) 2.语法使用特点 (9) 3.虚拟语气的使用 (11) (二)语言特点 (11) (三)翻译特点 (12) 1.词语方面 (12) 2.句子方面 (13) 三、商务函电的翻译技巧 (14) 参考文献: (18)

摘要 商务英语函电是国际贸易活动的最要载体,涉及到建立业务关系、询盘、报盘、还盘、保险、包装、运输、赔偿、信用证付款及其他付款方式等国际实务贸易的各个环节中的多种情况和不同问题的处理。 如果函电译文出现错误,定会引起双方的误解从而造成贸易的失败,而一篇好的译文则可以使贸易很好地完成,使双方获益。 关键词:商务英语函电翻译用词技巧

Abstract Business English Letters are international trade activities to the carrier, involving establishing business relations, enquiry, offer, counter-offer, insurance, packing, shipment, insurance, payment by L/C and other payment methods for dealing with the international trade practice every link of many kinds of conditions and different issues. The wrong letters will cause the misunderstanding of the both sides and the failure of the trade , and a good translation can make trade perform well, make both parties benefit. Keywords: Business English letters translation words skills


一.翻译原则 1.忠实原则,即信息对等而不是语意对等 Eg.每年的两届交易会,把全国几乎所有的外贸公司和出口商品集中起来,统一到广州展出,成交,减少了我们到国外推销的支出,外商也可以只派少数人到会选购,不必花大人力到我各口岸寻找生意,节省了买卖双方的费用,深受国外经营各种商品的中小客商的欢迎. The biannual Guangzhou Fair is attended by almost all foreign trade companies in China and presents a great number of export commodities to buyers from abroad. Many transactions are concluded at the fair. As sellers and buyers can all gather in one place to conduct trade talks, the fair apparently saves them a great deal of time and money. This explains why the Guangzhou Fair has long been popular among overseas traders. 2. 准确原则---选词准确,概念表达准确,数码单位准确. 如: 保税区≠Free trade zone 保税仓库≠Tarriff-free warehouse Eg.客商从开发区企业分得的利润汇出境外时,免征所得税. Profits gained by the investors and businessmen from the Development Zone terprises will be exempted from tax when remitted out of China. Eg.如贵方能将尿素报价降至每吨1200美元,我们可以订购150至180吨. If you can reduce your price of Urea to 1,200 dollars per ton, we may consider placing an order of 150-180 tons. 3.统一原则 译名,概念,术语应始终保持统一,不能随意改变译名. 如:基本建设≠basic construction 基本价格≠basic price 4.文化融入 A.注意文化因素---了解中西方文化差异 1)思维方式的不同 中国文化重权威与历史,西方重现实与事实---偏实用. 中国文化重整体,西方偏分析性思维 2) 语言的不同 中国语言重修饰,偏笼统与含糊,西方语言重具体和准确. 谦辞在许多场合被采用,体现了中国文化背景下语用特征之一.


龙源期刊网 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/c316585435.html, 商务信函文体特点及其翻译策略 作者:俞萍 来源:《山东青年》2017年第03期 摘要:英语商务信函作为贸易双方进行商务交流、信息传递的重要工具之一,对外贸活 动是成功与否有着重要作用。如果商务信函的翻译出现偏差,很容易导致贸易双方在沟通中产生误解、发生摩擦、甚至是交易失败。英语商务信函翻译的重要性由此可见。本文通过对商务信函的文体特点进行分析,以请求支付函和投诉索赔函中的词句为例,探讨商务信函的翻译策略与技巧,希望能够为以后的商务信函翻译者提供一些借鉴。 关键词:英语商务信函;外贸活动;翻译策略与技巧 1. 商务信函的文体特点 就文体而言,商务信函属于公文文体。公文文体最突出的特点在于:它是书面文字,口气严肃正式,而且不流露个人倾向。力求稳妥。因此,文字上需要严密、准确、措辞要得当。“一篇好的商务信函,应该长短适中、礼貌得体、周到清晰。因此,商务西汉应该使用正式的语言,用词力求准确、简洁、庄重,语法准确,所涉及的数字应该精确无误,遵守商务信函的固定程式,使用信函的套语,讲求规格。同时,还要把握语气,做到礼貌文雅又不失自尊。”(房玉清、刘海燕,2012)由于公函往来多属磋商、咨询公务,往往涉及愿望、允诺、赞许、建议、催促、询问、拒绝、或谴责等,情态比较丰富,但在表达上一般都比较婉转,尽力保持公事公办。 2. 商务信函的翻译 2.1 语气的翻译 在商务信函中,通常应表现出礼貌、友善的态度,以对方为中心的态度,多使用“appreciate,hope,wish,trust, delighted, sorry,regret”等等词语来表达各种语气和情感。翻译时,要把他们译成汉语中相应的语气词如“请、感谢、希望、期待、相信、高兴、抱歉、遗憾等。商务英语信函中多使用一些表意的标记语,如:“we are delighted to”(我们很高兴),“we understand”(我们理解),“we regret”(我们抱歉),“we trust/we are convinced/we have much confidence”(我们相信),“we suggest/recommend”(我们建议)等。这些礼貌的用语,能表达出恰当的语气。翻译时,要把他们译成汉语中相应的语气词如“请、感谢、希望、期待、相信、高兴、抱歉、遗憾等等。 例(1) We are extremely appreciate of your friendly advice. 译:我们非常感谢你们友好的劝告。


自改革开放以来,我国对外经济交往日益频繁。在对外经济活动中,所有国际商务活动的进行都需要签订合同和书写法律文书。尤其在中国加入世贸组织之后,随着经济的发展和信息全球化,跨国商务交往更加频繁,这就促进了对商务合同进行翻译的需求。但由于专业背景的欠缺和英汉文化差异的存在,目前不少商务合同的翻译存在许多问题,有时可能会错误百出。而这些不符合规范的商务合同的翻译不但会引发法律纠纷,造成巨大的经济损失甚至还可能扰乱国际市场秩序,由此可以看出商务合同的翻译需要有具体的基本原则和翻译策略的指导。 有鉴于此,本文作者着手试析英文商务合同翻译的基本原则和策略。 本文第一部分介绍了商务英文合同翻译的现状及存在的问题。 第二部分针对英文商务合同翻译的“忠实原文、用词准确”、“译文完整、文体规范”、“达意通顺、条理清晰”等方面来阐述英文商务合同的翻译原则。 第三部分是对英文商务合同翻译的技巧进行了列举,如了解汉语的表达习惯、熟悉与商务英语相关的专业知识、使用专业术语翻译。 第四部分为本论文的结论部分,英文商务合同的翻译策略,并不是一成不变的,应该学会变通和灵活运用各种翻译技巧,不同的场合和语境中根据翻译的基本原则采用不同的翻译策略,无论怎样,英文商务合同的翻译首先要忠实于原文,然后要正确把握合同中的词义,注意翻译中的措辞以免引起歧义使整个译文融于一体。 关键词:英文商务合同;翻译原则;翻译技巧

前言 一、英文商务合同翻译的现状及存在的问题 (1) (一)英文商务合同翻译的现状 (1) (二)英文商务合同翻译中存在的问题 (1) 二、英文商务合同翻译的基本原则 (2) (一)忠实原文、用词准确 (2) (二)译文完整、文体规范 (2) (三)达意通顺、条理清晰 (3) 三、英文商务合同的翻译技巧 (3) (一)了解汉语的表达习惯 (3) (二)熟悉与商务英语相关的专业知识 (3) (三)使用专业术语翻译 (4) (四)了解商务合同的语言特点 (4) (五)分清该商务合同的种类 (4) (六)用规范化的书面语言进行翻译 (4) (七)确保内容完善 (5) (八)用词精练 (5) 结论 (5) 参考文献 (6) 致谢 (7)


商务信函翻译练习 1. First Enquiry Dear Sirs, The Overseas Tradi ng Co., Ltd., Man Chester inform us that you are exporters of hand-made gloves in a variety of artificial leathers. Would you please send us details of your various ranges, including sizes, colours and prices, and also samples of different qualities of material used. We are one of the largest department stores here and believe there is a promising market in our area for moderately priced goods of the kind mentioned. When repl ying, please state the terms of payme nt and disco unts you allow on purchase of qua ntities of not less tha n five gross of in dividual items. Yours faithfully, 贵公司: 据曼彻斯特海外贸易有限公司告知,贵公司出口多种人造皮革手套,请寄包括尺码、颜色和价格在内的各类产品详细资料,以及所用各质量的材料样品于我公司。 我公司为本地最大百货公司之一,坚信价格公道的人造皮革手套在本地区将有良好销路。回信时请附上付款条件以及购买单类商品五*以上时的折扣办法。 此致 敬礼 2. Specific Enquiry Dear Sirs, We ack no wledge with tha nks receipt of your letter of March 11 enq uiri ng about the possibility of selli ng your Men 's Shirts, Tiantan Brand in our markets. In reply, we wish to inform you that we are well connected with major dealers in the line of textiles. There is always a ready market here for meris shirts, provided they are of good quality and competitive in price. Therefore, it will be appreciated if you will let us have your best firm offer, preferably by fax, and rush us samples by airmail. If your shirts agree with the taste of our market, we feel con fide nt of plac ing a trial order with you. Please give this enquiry your prompt atte nti on. Yours faithfully, 贵公司: 我方已收到贵公司于三月十一日寄来的信函,询问我地市场能否销售贵公司天坛牌男士衬 衫,现答复如下: 望贵公司知晓,我公司与纺织品主要经销商有良好往来,如贵公司的衬衫质量优良,价格具有竞争性,则定能有很好地市场。因此,请报你方最低实盘,最好是以传真方式,并尽快空运样品于我公司。若你方衬衫适合于我方市场需求,我们将有信心试订。 请尽快回复我方询问。 此致


商务英语的特点及翻译技巧 摘要 商务英语是英语的一种功能变体,是专门用途英语中的一个分支,适于商务场合中应用,或者说是一种包含了各种商务活动内容,适合商业需要的标准英文。而这些商务活动包括技术引进、对外贸易、招商引资、对外劳务承包与合同、国际金融、涉外保险、国际旅游、海外投资、国际运输等等。[1]在这些活动中使用的英语统称为商务英语(Business English)。 关键词:商务英语; 语言特点; 翻译技巧;

Abstract As the world continues to deepen economic integration and expansion of international business having become increasingly frequent, the role of Business English is becoming increasingly significant, the paper business English as a practical tool for English language point of view. Its significant features, as well as the English translation of the corresponding Chinese translation skills to carry out a brief analysis, which helps business people to learn better English, better for business communication, international economic and trade success. Key words: business English; features; English-Chinese translation; translation skills


商务合同翻译案例 一、理论、方法与技巧 翻译方法的学习, 英汉语言特点的对比, 商务术语的理解等等。 英语合同的特点与翻译 在英语中,合同一般称为Contract。何谓“Contract”?1999年中国《合同法》第二条对Contract定义为:A contract in this Law refers to an agreement establishing,modifying and terminating the civil rights and obligations between subject of equal footing,that is,between natural persons legal persons or other organizations.根据这一定义,合同平等主体之间设立的确定民事权利和义务的协议。Steven H.Gifts编著的“Law Dictionary”中将contract定义为“contract is a promise or a set of promises,for breach of which the law gives remedy,or the performance of the which the law in some way recognize as a duty.”根据这一定义,合同是一种承诺,违反承诺可以得到法律救济,某种意义上法律将履行该承诺看成是一种救济。L.L.B Curzon在其编纂的字典“A Dictionary of Law”给contract的定义:“Contract is a legally binding agreement.”根据这一定义,合同就是有法律约束力的协议。总而言之,合同类法律文件用以规定当事人的权利与义务,是预防与解决争议的依据。 一、用词特点与翻译要点 合同英语的用词极其考究,具有特定性。要求选词专业化 (professional)、正式(formal)、准确(accurate)。具体体现在 下列方面: 1、May, shall, must ,may not (或shall not) 的使用 May, shall , must ,may not (或shall not)对学过英语的人再熟悉不过,但在合同中用这些词时要极其谨慎。权利义务的约见定部分构成了合同 的主体。这几个词如选用不当,可能会引起纠纷。may旨在约定当事人的权 利(可以做什么),Shall约定当事人的义务(应当做什么时候),must 用 于强制性义务(必须做什么),may not (或shall not)用于禁止性义务(不 得做什么)。May do 不能说成can do,shall do, 不能说成should do 或ought to do, may not do 在美国一些法律文件可以用shall not,但绝不 能用can not do或must not。 2、用语正式(formal) 合同英语有着严肃的风格,与其它英语作品有很大不同。例如:“因为”的短语多用“by virtue of”,远远多于“due to”一般不用“because of”;“财务年度末”一般用“at the close of the fiscal year”,而不


商务英语的英译汉翻译技巧 在商务英语翻译中,有五大技巧大家需要注意,下面与大家分享商务英语的英译汉翻译技巧,欢迎阅读了解。 增词和减词 在商务英语翻译实践中,词量增减也是很重要的一个翻译技巧。翻译过程中要根据原文上下文的意思、逻辑关系以及语言句法特点和表达习惯,在翻译时有时增加原文字面没有出现但实际内容已包含的词,或者减去原文虽有但译文语言表达用不着的词。 例1:All cash bonus shall be subject to income tax. 译文:所有现金红利,均须缴纳所得税。 解析:根据汉语行文习惯,增加动词。 例2:On condition that you sign this receipt I will pay the money. 译文:你在收据上签字,我就付款。 解析:减词译法可以使译文言简意赅。改变翻译中逐字翻译造成的累赘、拖沓或不符合行文习惯、甚至产生歧义的现象。 分译和合译 分译是指把原来的句子翻译成两个或两个以上的句子,这样可以把意思表达得更清楚一点。合译是指把原文两个或两个以上的句子在译文中用一个单句或复句来表达。 例3:We have forwarded the catalogs and drawings you sent us to some large manufactures and now have affirmative answer from factory in shanghai. 译文:我们已将寄来的目录和图纸转交给几家大厂,现已接到上海一家工厂愿意承办的答复。 例4:We hope this will go smoothly and you are able to conclude


英文商务合同论文:浅谈英语商务合同的语言特点与翻译方 法 摘要:合同英语属于法律英语的一个范畴,具有庄重、严谨、严肃、正式的文体风格。商务合同英语在其长期的使用过程中,形成了鲜明的文体特征。基于对典型实例的分析,初步探讨商务合同英语的文体特征,了解和分析商务合同的语言特点能够帮助我们正确认识语言现象,对于提高语言运用的有效性、得体性和语言交际能力大有帮助。本文主要从合同的词汇和句法两个层面,对英文商务合同的文体特征进行讨论,进而提出相应的翻译方法,点明了英文商务合同翻译的要点。 关键词:英文商务合同;文体特征;词汇;句法;翻译随着中国加入wto,中国企业在国际市场上的商业活动越来越频繁,英文合同的应用也越来越广泛。笔者近年来多次参与了公司的国际商务合同谈判及翻译工作。在实践中,笔者发现合同英语用词造句有着自身独特的语言特征,如果能够充分掌握这些特征,将有助于合同英语的理解和翻译。 一、英语商务合同词汇特征 1.正式词汇的使用。由于商务合同属于法律公文,为了显示其规范性、约束力和庄严性,商务合同经常选用正式、严肃的词或词组。例如,商务合同经常使用“expire”而非

“end”表示“期满”;用“in the event that/in case”而不用“if”表示“如果”等。在翻译商务合同时,必须尽量选择正式、严肃的中文词汇以使译文和原文在用词方面做到功能对等。 2.专业术语的使用。专业术语一般都是名词或名词性词组。由于英文商务合同涉及各行各业,因此经常使用大量的专业术语。因此,在翻译专业术语时,译员必须做到专业术语学科信息对等并使译文符合行规。 3.由here/there/where+介词构成的词的使用。商务合同往往大量使用由here/there/where+介词构成的古英语。为了使文体功能对等,译员必须尽量把这类法律文书文体译成汉语的法律公文体。 二、英语商务合同句法特征 1.陈述句的使用 陈述句主要用于阐述、说明、解释客观事实。商务合同主要陈述和规定合同双方的利益和义务以及涉及运输、保险、付款方式等各方面的规定,因此一般都使用客观平实的陈述句。例如:“intellectual proprietary rights” shall mean any or all rights including,but not limited to,patents,designs,trade marks, copyrights,trade secrets or other intellectual proprietary rights with


商务信函翻译技巧论文 篇一:浅谈商务函电翻译的用词技巧 浅谈商务函电翻译的用词技巧 摘要:商务英语函电是以英语为载体,与国际贸易专业知识关联紧密,表现形式多样且涉及文化差异与法律特征的一种信息沟通手段。鉴于商务英语函电的突出特点,商务英语论文在进行翻译时必须掌握一定的翻译技巧,确保翻译的准确性。 关键词:商务英语函电特点翻译 Abstract: Business English Correspondence in English as the carrier, and closely associated with international trade expertise, many forms and involve cultural differences and legal characteristics of a communication tool. In

view of the salient features of business English correspondence, business papers during the English translation of the translation must master certain skills to ensure the accuracy of translation. Keywords: Business English translation of correspondence features 前言 商务英语是一种被赋予了特定社会功能的英语变体,是特殊用途英语当中的一个分支,主要应用于商业环境当中。商务英语虽然是来源于通用英语,具有一般英语语言所具备的语言学特征,但是,由于它的使用范围有所限定,因此同时也表现出词汇及语法上的独特性。函电是商务交往中沟通联络、处理业务和交流信息最常用的一种方式。商务英语函电的特点及翻译技巧总结如下: 1商务英语函电特点 风格 以英语为表达载体商务英语函电是以英语为载体进行信息传递与沟通的


商务英语合同翻译技巧 下面为大家带来商务英语合同翻译技巧,欢迎大家阅读!商务英语合同翻译技巧:例1:双方都应遵守/双方的一切活动都应遵守合同规定。 Both parties Shall abide by/All the activities of both parties shall comply with the contractual stipulations.2.3 change A to B与change A into B英译“把A改为B用“change A to B,英译“把A折合成/兑换成B 用“change A into B,两者不可混淆。 例2:交货期改为8月并将美元折合成人民币。 Both parties agree that change the time of shipment to August and change US dollar into Renminbi.2.4 ex与per源自拉丁语的介词ex与per有各自不同的含义。 英译由某轮船“运来的货物时用ex,由某轮船“运走的货物用Per,而由某轮船“承运用by。 例3:由“维多利亚轮运走/运来/承运的最后一批货将于10月1日抵达伦敦。 The last batch per/ex/by S.S. "Victoria" will arrive at London on October (S.S. = Steamship)2.5 in与after当英译“多少天之后的时间时,往往是指“多少天之后的确切的一天,所以必须用介词in,而不能用after,因为介词after指的是“多少天之后的不确切的任何一天。 例4:该货于11月10日由“东风轮运出,41天后抵达鹿特丹港。


Dear Sirs, Our market survey informs us that you are a big buyer of Cotton Piece Goods. As this item falls within the scope of our business activities, we take this opportunity to express our wish to establish direct business relations with you at an early date. In order to give you a general idea of the various kinds of Cotton Piece Goods now available for export, we enclose a brochure and a price list. Quotations and sample books will be airmailed to you upon receipt of your specific inquiry. We look forward to your favorable reply. Y ours faithfully, Gentlemen, I have been informed that MARBLE is being imported and used in your country in the manufacture of figures, art objects, architectural ornaments and for many other purposes. There are quantities of this item here, in different weights and sizes, with varied colours and shapes. The price is very reasonable and the quotations will be given upon request. In order to promote business of mutual benefit, I am willing to exchange goods with you. I’ll be glad to hear from you at an early date and possibly, with all particulars. Y ou will have my immediate attention. Y ours Sincerely, Dear Sirs, Y our inquiry of Sept. 10 has received our attention, and thank you for your interest in our leather shoes and handbags. A copy of our illustrated export catalogue will be sent to you today. All the goods we supply are made from leather of the very best quality. The bright colors and elegant designs together with the super workmanship can meet the requirement of a fashion trade such as yours. A representative of our company is now in Hong Kong. He will be pleased to call on you next week with a full range of samples of our hand-made lines. He is authorized to discuss the terms of order with you or negotiate a contract. We shall be most grateful if you will give him the benefit of your advice and assistance. Y our truly, Dear Sirs, We have carefully studies your letter of Dec. 14. As our two firms have done business with each other for so many years, we should like to grant your request to lower the prices of our underwear. But there are difficulties. Our cost of raw materials has risen sharply in the past three months and to reduce prices by 5% you mentioned could not be done without considerably lowering our standards of quality. This is something we are not prepared to do. Instead of 5% reduction on underwear, we suggest a reduction of 3% on all lines. On orders of this size we would manage to make the reduction without lowering our standards. We hope you will agree to our counter-suggestion and we look forward to receiving orders from you as in the past. Y ours truly, Shipping instructions Gentlemen,
