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( ) 1. I can?t work out this maths problem , Lucy. Can you a new way to help me?

A. come up with

B. catch up with

C. agree with D .carry on with

( ) 2. -----Would you like to go out for a walk with me?

-----____________but I must write a letter to my cousin first.

A. Of couse not B .That’s all right C. I’d love to D. Yes, I would

( ) 3. To make our city more beautiful, rubbish ______ into the river.

A. needn’t be thrown

B. mustn’t be thrown

C. can?t throw

D. may not throw

( )4. ---Have you seen the film?

---No, I have seen it before.

A. just

B.ever C . already D . never

( )5.could you tell me ___tomorrow morrning? Well, it will start at 9 o’clock.

A when the film will start

B when will the film start

C where will the film start

D where the film will start

( )6.Lucy knew nothing about it ___her sister told her.

A because

B until

C if

D since

( )7.Great changes_____in my home town in the past few years

A.took place

B.have taken place

C.have been taken place

D. were taken place

( )8. —You’ve dropped _______ “s” in the word “across.”

— Oh, you are right, _______ letter “s” should be doubled like this “across.”

A. a; a

B. the; a

C. an; a

D. an; the

( )9. What _______ it is to go fishing in _______ weather!

A. a great fun; so fine

B. a great fun; such a fine

C. great fun; so fine a

D. great fun; such fine

( )10. — _______ David be the new chairperson of the Students’ Union?

— He _______ be, as you know, he is quite excellent.

A. Can; can't

B. May; must

C. Can; may

D. May; mustn't

( )11. _______ of the students in our class _______ money to the quake-hit areas these days.

A. Two third; have raised

B. Two thirds; has raised

C. Two three; have donated

D. Two thirds; have donated

( )12. The shop_______ for two weeks, but I _______ there so far.

A. has opened; haven’t gone

B. has been open; haven’t been

C. has been open; haven’t gone

D. has opened; haven’t been

( )13. —I’m hungry. Is there any bread in the fridge?

— _______ at all. We’d better buy _______.

A. Nothing; some

B. None; some

C. Nothing; any

D. None; any

( )14. The colors of his clothes are different from _______ of mine.

A. that

B. those

C. this

D. these

( )15. --- How far is it from here?

--- It’s only ___________ walk.

A. ten minutes

B. ten-minutes

C. ten-minute

D. ten-minute’s


In front of my daughter Sindu was a bowl filled with cabbage. She 1 cabbage.

She sat there in silence with tears in her eyes. “Sindu, darling, why don’t you 2 a little?

Your Mom will shout at me.” Sindu wiped her tears with the back of her hand. “OK, Dad. I’ll eat, just a 3 .” Then Sindu said, “Dad, if I eat it all, will you give me what I want?”“Yes, within reason.”4 she began to eat. It took her almost half an hour to finish the5. Then she came up to me and said:

“Dad, I want to have my head shaved!”

“Sindu, why don’t you6 something else? If we see you with a clean-shaven head, we will be7,” I said. “But, Dad, you8! Now, you are going back on your words.” I had to 9my promise. Sindu had all her hair cut off. She looked beautiful.

On Monday morning, I took her to school. Just as we 10 , a boy got out of a car, and shouted, “Sindu, please wait for m e!” Guess what? The boy had11 hair either. “Sir,

your daughter is12!” A man got out of the car and said, “hat boy is my son Harish. He has cancer.

He lost his hair13he got ill.Sindu cut hers off,so Harish would feel less14. She’s a special girl.”

I stood for a while, then said, “My little girl, you are 15me how selfless real love is!”

( )1. A. liked B. enjoyed C. hated D. cooked

( )2. A. cook B. cut C. ask D. eat

( )3. A. few B. little C. moment D. lot

( )4. A. Luckily B. Slowly C. Easily D. Happily

( )5. A. food B. homework C. game D. talk

( )6. A. ask for B. look for C. work for D. pay for

( )7. A. happy B. sad C. funny D. excited

( )8. A. said B. understood C. promised D. proved

( )9. A. make B. break C. change D. keep

( )10. A. arrived B. met C. left D. drove

( )11. A. much B. no C. thick D. short

( )12. A. great B. silly C. weak D. strange

( )13. A. before B. and C. so D. when

( )14. A. different B. strong C. dangerous D. important

( )15. A. giving B. offering C. teaching D. advising


We see with our eyes and taste with our tongues (舌

头).Ears are for hearing, skin is for feeling and noses are for smelling. Would anyone say that ears can smell, or that tongues can see? Actually,yes. Paul Bach-y-

Rita, a scientist at the University of Wisconsin, believes that the senses can be changeable. For example, a to ngue can be used for seeing. The brain, as we know, is a complex organ( 复杂的器

官) . Even when part of it is hurt, it will try to carry out the same function by sending the

function to another area of the brain.

A college student was asked to take part in an experiment. In the experiment, his eyes were covered with a s mall video camera. The camera was connected to a long plastic line which went into his mouth. A computer would change the video's picture. The picture would travel through the plastic line as an electric current ( 电流) , reaching the electrodes ( 电极

板) inside the student's mouth. The scientist would roll a ball towards his right side, left side, or centre, and the student would have to catch it. When the scientist rolled the ball; pain passed over the student's tongue. F rom the position( 位置) of the pain on the tongue, the student reached out his hand and caught the ball.

If the brain can see a ball through a camera and a wet tongue, blindness and deafness can be overcome(克服).

( )1. How many senses are talked about in the first paragraph?

A. 4

B. 5

C. 3

D. 2

( )2. What was done with the student's eyes in the experiment ? His eyes were_________.

A. badly hurt

B. hit blind by others

C. covered with dark glasses

D. covered with a video camera

( )3. In the experiment, a computer was used to_________.

A. change the video's picture

B. surf the Internet

C. send e-mails

D. collect data

( )4. What is the right order according to(根据) the experiment?

①The scientist rolled a ball.

②The student caught the ball.

③The student felt pain on his tongue.

④The scientist connected the camera to a long plastic line.

A. ①②③④

B. ②①④③ c. ④①③② D.④③①②

( )5. What could be the best title for the passage?

A. Senses Are Important

B. An Interesting Experiment

C. A Famous Scientist

D. Senses Are Changeable


一教学目标(Teaching aims) 2.理清答题思路,提高答题技能。教学设计 1.解决试卷中的难点,澄清共性错误。完善知识体系。 3.体验英语学习的快乐与成就感,提高备战高考的自信心。 二教学策略与手段(Designing) 本课践行尊重学生个体,发挥学生课堂主体作用的高效课堂模式。采用个人活动、小组讨论展示;小组代表志愿讲解等多种课堂活动。并将丰富的课堂活动与多媒体信息手段有机结合,提高课堂效果。 三课前准备(Before-class) 1.公布试题答案,将试题答题纸返还学生。要求学生初步订正错误, 分析错因。 2.对学生得失分情况进行统计、汇总,确定课堂讲评重点。 3.对学生共性错误较进行分析,找出错误根源,定出纠错措施与课堂活动形式。并设计好针对性训练。 4.准备几个鼓舞学生备考信心的句子,用以进一步激发学习热情鼓舞士气。 5.完成多媒体课件的制作。 四课堂实施(In-class) 1.介绍考试结果 简要介绍学生试卷完成情况。包括满分,最高分,优秀和及格人数。 2.明确教学目标与课堂内容(教师做简要说明) 让学生明确这节课要做些什么,需要达成怎样的目标。所有课堂设计与活动都是实现三维学习目标的措施与手段。

3.试题讲解 A 阅读(group work)和完成短文。小组讨论阅读理解,尽量多的解决问题。在讨论之前,对可能会影响学生们理解的重点词汇进行PPT 展示,扫清理解障碍。B, C 层提出自己的疑问,A 层帮助解答。小组讨论的优势在于可以每个学生得以关注,提出并解决自己的疑惑;并且可以充分发挥其主观能动性。改变传统课堂被动听讲的局面。学生讨论后将未能解决的问题展示(Presentation activity)到前黑板。由A 层Volunteer 讲解,老师协助。请学生发言主要是为了暴露思维过程,包括典型错误的思考,巧妙的思考等,以对其他学生起到警戒、示范作用。 阅读技巧总结(教师讲解)。教师进一步总结点拨阅读理解解题技巧。比如怎样做好词义猜测及细节题。 总结并给学生鼓励:For you ,maybe you also under stress, but don’tbe afraid.because your parents,your friends and we(your teachers)are always here to support you. So when you work,put your heart into it,and when you play ,enjoy it.B 综合填空和任务型阅读。综合填空侧重考察学生们的综合能力以及语法知识,对于初中的现有水平有一定的难度。因此采用先小组讨论,把基础的知识让学生在小组讨论的过程中得以内化。对于出错较多的题,采取PPT 展示,学生讲解的模式,让学生学会分析句子。 答题技巧的渗透:一选二变 注意: 1.forms(词的形式) 2.tense (时态) 3.model verbs(情态动词) 4.fixed phrases(固定短语) C.写作剖析(教师与学生互动)。教师引领学生回顾题目内容与要求,PPT 展示写作中暴露出的共性错误。PPT 展示学生作品,共同分析其存在的典型问


九年级英语周练试卷(2016.03) 二.选择填空(本大题15分,每小题1分) ( )26. --- Why does everyone like him? -----Everyone likes him because he ____like a gentleman. A.leaves B. cries C. behaves D.grows ( ) 27. John _______ Beijing the day before yesterday. A. arrived at B. arrived C. reached to D. arrived in ( )28.In Switzerland, people ________ visit a friend?s house. A. make plans B. make plans to C. makes plans to D. make a plan ( ) 29. It?s too hot. Do you mind ______ the window? A. my closing B. my opening C. open D. close ( )30.She ______Shanghai next week. A. is leaving for B. leaves for C. leaved D. left ( )31. --- Do you know ________? --- All of them have gone to the museum. A. where are the students B. where were the student C. where the students are D. where the students were ( ) 32.We go to school every day _____ Saturday and Sunday. A. beside B. except C. besides D. except for ( ) 33.--- What do you think of the movie? ---I think it is worth ___ A.seeing B. to see C. seen D.see ( ) 34. I find _____ difficult to remember everything, though I?m still young. A. that B. this C. it D. what ( )35.He _____ at the last party. He felt sorry for it. A. makes some mistakes B. make a mistake C. made few mistakes D. made many mistakes ( )36. ___Doctor, do you think I have got a bad cold? — Maybe. But I can't say that before I ______ you. A. create B. warn C. examine D. prove ( )37.----How many people are there in the house? -----None. It is a(n)____house. A.full B. surrounded C. lively D. empty ( )38. Linda is new here. But she soon ________ getting up early. A. get used to B. is used to C. used to D. uses to ( )39. ----What did Mr Li do after work yesterday? -----He ____ to see one of his friends. A. dropped on B. dropped by C. dropped out D. dropped off ( )40. You can _____ how different the table manners here are from ours. A. imagine B. meet C. look D. listen


教学设计 一教学目标(Teaching aims) 1.解决试卷中的难点,澄清共性错误。完善知识体系。 2.理清答题思路,提高答题技能。 3.体验英语学习的快乐与成就感,提高备战高考的自信心。 二教学策略与手段(Designing) 本课践行尊重学生个体,发挥学生课堂主体作用的高效课堂模式。采用个人活动、小组讨论展示;小组代表志愿讲解等多种课堂活动。并将丰富的课堂活动与多媒体信息手段有机结合,提高课堂效果。 三课前准备(Before-class) 1.公布试题答案,将试题答题纸返还学生。要求学生初步订正错误, 分析错因。 2.对学生得失分情况进行统计、汇总,确定课堂讲评重点。 3.对学生共性错误较进行分析,找出错误根源,定出纠错措施与课堂活动形式。并设计好针对性训练。 4.准备几个鼓舞学生备考信心的句子,用以进一步激发学习热情鼓舞士气。 5.完成多媒体课件的制作。 四课堂实施(In-class) 1.介绍考试结果 简要介绍学生试卷完成情况。包括满分,最高分,优秀和及格人数。 2.明确教学目标与课堂内容(教师做简要说明) 让学生明确这节课要做些什么,需要达成怎样的目标。所有课堂设计与活动都是实现三维学习目标的措施与手段。 3.试题讲解 A 阅读(group work)和完成短文。小组讨论阅读理解,尽量多的解决问题。在讨论之前,对可能会影响学生们理解的重点词汇进行PPT 展示,扫清理解障碍。B, C 层提出自己的疑问,A 层帮助解答。小组讨论的优势在于可以每个学生得以关注,提出并解决自己的疑惑;并且可以充分发挥其主观能动性。改变传统课堂被动听讲的局面。学生讨论后将未能解决的问题展示(Presentation activity)到前黑板。由A 层Volunteer 讲解,老师协助。请学生发言主要是为了暴露思维过程,包括典型错误的思考,巧妙的思考等,以对其他学生起到警戒、示范作用。 阅读技巧总结(教师讲解)。教师进一步总结点拨阅读理解解题技巧。比如怎样做好词义猜测及细节题。 总结并给学生鼓励:For you ,maybe you also under stress, but don’t be afraid. because your parents,your friends and we(your teachers)are always here to support you. So when you work,put your heart into it,and when you play ,enjoy it. B 综合填空和任务型阅读。


试卷分析 试题特点 1、试卷较全面地考查了学生听、说、读、写的基本技能。通过运用各种题型综合考查学生对语言知识的理解,掌握及运用能力,如语言知识题,在语境中考查学生运用词汇及语法的能力,体现了任务型语言评价的理念。 2、试题内容设计上很贴近教材的目标话题,如听力部分,语言知识运用部分、日常交际及写作,既检查了已学语言目标,又考查了学生灵活运用语言的能力; 3、试题关注了不同层次的学生。如,语言知识运用部分,面向了基础中等的学生,另外,学习技能题使得不同层次的学生能够有不同的发挥,体现了评价的多元性。 4、通过对全卷的综合分析,我们感觉试题层次清楚,梯度较明显。关注到了不同层次的学生。 5、不足之处,阅读部分话题不太贴近学生的日常生活。 二、学生答题情况分析 本次考试阅卷后,为及时得到教学反馈信息,找出教学中存在的问题,以便采取措施,加强教学的针对性、实效性,适应新课程改革要求,提高初中英语教学质量,我们年级组对试卷进行了统计和分析,浅析如下: 1、单项选择难度适中且知识覆盖面大。出错较多的有

小题。14、9、5、4、2. 2、阅读理解难度适中,得分率较高。其中得分稍低的是29、33小题,主要原因是学生理解文章不透,阅读能力差造成的。 书面表达此题是得分最低的一个题。其中最高得分有15分,最低得分0分。主要原因是学生对句子结构掌握不清,写不出单词,更无法组成英语句子,学生书写差,大小写不分。 二教学中的主要问题 答题情况反映出学生存在的主要问题有:基础知识掌握不牢,运用不够准确、灵活性较差;基本的语法概念较模糊,句子的基本结构把握不住;学生知识面狭窄,缺乏一定的生活常识;语言综合运用能力不强,书面表达极差等。 三、教学建议 1、加强《课标》学习,改进教学方法。 英语教师应进一步学习《新课程标准》,增强新课程理念,改变教学观念,改变一些传统做法,认真钻研教材,弄清教材的编排意图,科学地用好教材,挖掘教材的内在本质,注重知识间的内在联系。 2、加强听说训练,提高听力水平。 虽然此次没有听力,但是在日常教学中加强对学生的听力训练,让他们多听英美人士的录音,在课堂上多用英语组织

2018-2019年七年级英语第一次周练试题(无答案) (16)

江苏省扬州梅苑双语学校2013-2014学年七年级英语第七次周练试题 成绩 一、单选题(15分) ( )1.I will go to work early tomorrow. Can you _______ my baby in the morning? A. put up B dress C wear D dress up in ( )2. My brother is clever, and he can make a lantern __ an orange. A. from B. out C. for D. out of ( )3.I am ________ holiday in New York, I often go to cities ______ a holiday. A in, on B on ,for C in, for D for, in ( )4.---Why do you like Spring Festival ______ ? ---Because I get red packet. A. very much B too much C much too D so much ( )5.I don’t like going out for a walk _____a cold evening. A in B on C at D of ( )6.His aunt will give him a special CD ________ a birthday present. A. for B as C to D with ( )7.It’s time for Lucy and _____ to work. A. I going B I to go C me going D me to go ( )8.There _____ lots of juice in the bottle. A. has B. are C. have D. is ( )9. ______ helps you keep healthy. A. Do exercise B. Doing exercise C. Does exercise D. Exercise ( )10.Would you like ______ tea? A. some B. any C. every D. no ( )11.Don’t use _______ time to play computer g ames. A. too much B. much too C. too many D. many too ( )12.---Why do children seem ____ ? --- Because it seems to rain and they can’t go out. A. sad B. happy C. unhappily D. happily ( )13.--- What ____ your English teacher like? --- She is beautiful. A. is, like B. is, likes C. does, like D. does, likes ( )14.--- Can you give the orange _____ me? ---- Of course, it is _____ you. A. for, for B. to, to C. for, to D. to, for ( )15.—Let me help you with your homework. ---_________. A. That’s all right B.Not at all C.I don’t think so D. Thanks, but I can do it. 二、完型填空 (10分) f ree time to__ 6 ? If I do, how should I do with my three children? The oldest of them is only five years old. Secondly, I am getting much __7. So it’s hard for me to find clothes that fit(合身) me well. Lastly, and I think it’s the most __8. We don’t have enough __9 for pretty clothes. We have to raise(养育) so many children with the little money that my husband gains. Oh, how I regret(后悔) that I had so many children that I am living such

初中英语 试卷分析

英语试卷分析 一、命题意图、目的、要求 1.意图 模拟中考英语命题以《课标》中所规定的初中毕业生的综合语言运用能力应达到的要求为考查标准,考试内容的选择以知识为基础、以能力为重点、以发展为目标,设置语境,突出语篇,强调运用,既能让学生在实践中感悟语言,又能充分实践让学生“用英语做事情”的教学理念,从而真正发挥中考对教学的反拨与导向作用。 2.目的 使教师获取英语教学的反馈信息,对自己的教学进行反思和适当调整; 使学校及时了解学生阶段学业中的得与失。 3.要求 九年教材三单元四单元,同时兼顾八年级适当中考中容易出现的高频考点。 三单元:17项知识点,4个四会要求单词,8项语法句子结构。 四单元:5项知识点,6个四会要求单词,6项语法句子结构。其中4单元主要语法中考不要求,本次模拟也不做考点。 全卷基础题、中档题、提高题的比例基本控制在6:2:2左右。 二、知识点分布 英语模拟测试(2)双向细目表

三、试卷难度和区分度 难度值:0.81 区分度:0.32 四、答卷的实际情况(300人) 五、重点学生成绩分布情况(150人)

六、错题原因分析试题从记忆识别、理解表达、综合运用三方面进行考察。考生在现阶段以学习新课为主,对于基础知识包括理清时态、记忆典型句式结构和固定1. 词组的学习明显不足。单项选择、词语运用,完型填空应该少量丢分的试题却出现大幅,19.1%0.3%,词语运用满分占满分率极低。以约300人比率计算,单项选择满分占度丢分,。完型填空满分占55.7%任务型阅读在本次模拟测试中再次暴露是教师及学生共同的软肋,受本市采用的这道题2. 型辅助材料的限制,教师选题训练不足,学生受教缺乏到位指导,答题适应性较差,答。分,合格仅为31.4%题时思维混乱。本题得分最低分值预计14题例分析:28. --- He went to see the man who was in hospital yesterday.--- ____________.D. Did so we C. We did so A. So did we B. So we did 倒装结构与强调句型分不清。 ' Day.31. Soft drinks _______ to children for free in some restaurants on Children D. will be offeredC. are offered B.have offered A.offer 被动语态句式看不出。 33. ---Mrs. Smith never thought his son could make such great progress, _______?--- _______, because he had never got such good scores before. B. did she; Yes, she did A. could she; Yes, he could D. did she; No, she didn't C. couldn't she; No, he couldn't 没有抓住关键信息词never. ) ”. This is ________ people ) Promptness (快速39. “Tip”is the short form for “To Insure (保证give waiters and waitress money. D. what B. how C. when A. why 连词答题技巧靠翻译,无法准确译出汉语。 86.写出同义词或词组。强化记忆不牢,无法找出对应此题的标准答案。 用一个词代替。88.学生见到强行限制一个词,思维受限,打不开思路。 句中恰当的位置放在89. 将who, in, what89考察翻译能力及从句结构,学生的弱点暴露无遗,直接导致尖子生不尖。 :请给短文拟一个适当的英文标题。95任务五. 完全用汉语思维,难以找到短文中提供的有用信息。 七、教学及训练问题分析 教学手段单一,课堂教学流水化,气氛压抑,教学效果不明显。1.2. 个别教师对教材要点、


九年级第一单元综合试卷 单项选择(20’) ( )1.You have to be ______ and wait until I finish my work. A. patient B. strict C. honest D. active ( )2You're in a hurry. Where are you going? --To the cinema. Sue ______ for me outside. A. waits B. waited C. is waiting D. was waiting2 ( )3.--My parents and I will go to London for a trip tomorrow. --Really? __________. A. I don't think so B. Have a good time C. That's very strange D. You should try it ( )4.--Good morning, sir! _________?-- I'd like to buy a sweater for my daughter. A. What can I do for you B. What are you doing C. How about the sweater D. Can you help me ( )5.We _______ pay to get into the concert. It's free. A. can't B. mustn't C. might not D. don't have to ( )6.My sister ______ goes to bed early because she needs a lot of sleep every day. A. always B. sometimes C. hardly D. never ( )7.--Hi, John. ______ _____ It's Lucy, my dog. Her leg is hurt. A. How are you B. What's the matter C. Who's that D. What's Lucy like ( )8.-- Why don't you join us for breakfast? -- Sure! ______ A. Good luck! B. Congratulations! C. What to do? D. Why not? ( )9.There will be _______ jobs for people because some robots will do the same jobs as people. A. many B. more C. fewer D. fewest ( )10. --Mr. Li will check our homework this afternoon. ______ you _______ it? --Not yet. I'm doing it right now. A. Do, finish B. Had, finished C. will, finish D. Have, finished ( )11.Everyone wants to win. But _____ me, the most important thing is to learn something new and have fun. A. as for B. thanks to C. instead of D. such as ( )12. Nothing is impossible ________you work hard. A. although B. if C. whether D. unless ( )13.Tommy, you can never let others know what I have told you today. Don’t worry. I will keep the _____. A.secret B.money C.address D.grade ( )14.You don’t have to _____ every new word in the dictionary while reading. A.look for B.look up C.look at D.look after ( )15.I failed English, so I’m going to _____ it this year. A.practice B.grow C.improve D.increase ( )16. Remember _______the key words in the test. A. listening to B. listening for C. to listen for D. to listen to ( )17. She isn’t good at ________English so that she hardly ever ________anything in English classes. A. saying, say B. speaking, say C. speaking, speak D. saying, speak ( )18. We should review _________we have learned every day. A. if B. that C. what D. how ( )19. The more you smile, _________you’ll feel.


九年级英语试卷讲评教案 教学目标:讲评期中考试试卷 教学重点难点和关键:宾语从句、感叹句、主将从现、否定疑问句和反意疑问句、阅读方法、作文的时态判定 教学过程: 试卷分析:本试卷共六个大题,无听力。 基础知识部分:词语运用10个、单项选择25个、连词成句5个 阅读部分:完形填空一个、阅读理解四个 写作能力:书面表达一个 教学过程: 一、学生自己分析试卷3-5分钟 1. 分析错题原因:记忆、理解、马虎? 2. 自己改错题5分钟 二、精讲错题 第一大题1.believe主语第三人称单数 believe 相信,认为(某人的)话属实eg. I believe him,because he is my best friend. believe in信任,相信----的存在eg. I believe in God. 7题注意success 为不可数名词,不能加s 10题注意时态的判断。------on record 后用一般过去时 第二大题单项选择题共25个,得分率70%。 1题more 与another表示再,又,还two more days ;another two days 5题19题,宾语从句主要讲:时态和语序——陈述句语序的判定eg. He bought a book in a shop. Did he buy a book in a shop? Where did he buy a book? He said that he was going to Shanghai next week. 8题how对方式提问 9题few ,a few; little, a little的区别注意time 是不可数名词 过去分词短语作后置定语表被动含义left “剩下的” 10.make sth./sb. adj 使某事/某人---- 11题区分arrive at/in reach get to 13.注意had better (not)do sth.是固定搭配短语 20感叹句的结构How+ adj./adv. +主语+谓语! What +a/an +adj.+n(单数)+ 主语+谓语! What+ adj.+n(复数,不可数名词) + 主语+谓语! eg. 21题主将从现知识点的考察as soon as ,when, till ,not----until ,if,等引导的从句 22,24.题否定疑问句,翻译疑问句都要根据事实来作答。 第三大题完形填空 1,4,8,9,10错误率很高---主要讲解 第四大题阅读理解题 5,15,17,18题错误率高—主要讲解分析做题的技巧和方法。 第五大题连词组句


英语试卷讲评教案集团标准化工作小组 #Q8QGGQT-GX8G08Q8-GNQGJ8-MHHGN#

八年级英语下Units1-2试卷讲评教案 教学目的:通过讲评让学生巩固所学内容,掌握做题技巧和学习方法,提高英语表达能力。 教学重点、难点:一般将来时、should的用法、阅读技巧、作文的格式和时态判定。 试卷剖析:本试卷共七个大题,无听力。 基础知识:单项选择15个、词汇15个、句子翻译5个 阅读材料:完形填空一个、阅读了解二个、任务型阅读一个 写作:书面表达一个 教学过程: Step 1、学生自我分析试卷 1. 剖析自己错题缘由 2.改错 Step 2、精讲错题 单项选择共15小题,出错较多的是10、11、小题,第10小题主要考察except 和besides的区别,besides “除…外,还有…”,指更进一步的拥有,包括所“除”事物在内。 besides:(prep.)除...之外 它这个"除"是包含的 Besides Tom,Mary went boating. (Tom和Mary都去boating) Have you got any clothes besides these除了这些衣服你还有别的吗 except except:(prep.)除了...之外 后面的范围比主语的范围小,除去的和非除去的是同类事物,用except

We went boating except Tom (Tom属于"我们(We)"但不没有went boating,但是Tom和We都是人) 不包括所引事物。常与no, none, nothing等否定词或all, everyone, everything等连用,但不可用于句首。 They all went to the Summer Palace except one.除一人之外他们都去了颐和园。 第11小题主要考察Would you like… some不变以及something 、anything、nothing如有形容词修饰,其形容词放在它们之后。第12小题Would you please __________on the road A. not to play B. to not play not play 。Would you please+do 否定形式:Would you please not do sth. 本题故选A。14小题考察forget 和leave ,bring 和take 的区别。把某物丢在某处应该用leave ,忘记做事情用 forget , take sth to表示带。。去Bring the picnic basket up here. 把装野餐的筐子带到这里来。bring的意思是把某人或某物“带来”,即带到说话的地方,take是从说话的地方“带走”,试比较: Sorry, I forgot to bring you my photo. 抱歉,我忘记将我的照片带给你了。 You're taking us to the zoo, aren't you 你是带我们去动物园,对不对 bring sth. with sb. 表示随身带来某物,take sth. to 表示带某物到某地,take sth. away 表示拿走某物。试比较: When you come here, please bring the raincoat with you. Please take these books to the library. Please take the empty bottle away 第二大题完形填空 5,10错误率很高---次要解说 第三大题阅读理解题 2、3、4、5题错误率高―次要解说剖析做题的技巧和办法。 第四大题词汇 单词拼写5个小题,出错率较高的是2、4、5,有上册单词,学生有遗忘现象,需要加强单词的巩固训练。 短文填空较难,出错率很高,有的学生一分未得,说明短文理解对于学生来说很难,他们更不会用合适的词汇来填空,这是今后的一个难点,需要加大训练量。


江苏省扬州梅苑双语学校2014届九年级英语第四次周练试题 成绩 一、选择题 ( )1. This year’s Beijing Music Awards will be covered . A. live B. living C. lively D. alive ( )2. The presentation will be held in Beijing this Saturday. A. comes B. coming C. next D. last ( )3. I went to the National Day concert last year. I enjoyed it . A. much B. many C. a lot ( )4. The world is becoming smaller and smaller because the Internet brings us . A. the close B. closer C. the closer C. close ( )5. The coming rain will make it possible for the sports meeting to be . A. put away B. put off C. put down D. put up ( )6. Dr. Li was so looking at the Internet that he forgot the time. C. busily D. busy ( )7. It is cheaper and _______ enjoyable to travel by train than by plane. A. much; far more B. very; very much C. more; much more D. much more; much ( )8. I hardly knew anything about it __________ you told me. A. since B. after C. though D. until ( )9. Don’t tell anybody about it, keep it _______ you and me. A. to B. in C. between D. among ( )10. The two children bought some books _______ the money they had saved. A. with B. in C. by D. for ( )11. Each year lots of visitors come to China because she is ______ country. A. so a beautiful B. very a beautiful C. such beautiful a D. so beautiful a ( )12. --Let’s go and see the new railway st ation. --Oh, sorry. Now it ____ only in blueprint(蓝图). A. can see B. can’t see C. can be seen D. sees ( )13. Be careful! The water is too hot. You’d better _______ it right now. A. do not drink B. not to drink C. not drink D. not drinking ( )14. Digital cameras are becoming more and more popular, but some still _______ too much. A. pay B. spend C. take D. cost ( )15. I searched my memory, but I can ______ remember her name. A. easily B. hard C. really D. hardly ( )16. I’ve made it possible for my computer ______ the same programs by means of networking. A. to share B. sharing C. shared D. shares ( )17. ---_____ advice it is! ---Yes, it is, isn’t it? A. How an useful B. What an useful C. What a useful D. What useful ( )18. --- Could you tell me _____? ---Sorry. I don’t know. I was not at the meeting. A. what does he say at the meeting B. what did he say at the meeting C. what he says at the meeting D. what he said at the meeting ( )19. The student promised his teacher_________ late for school again. A. not be B. not being C. be not D. not to be ( )20. If it doesn’t belong to you, it must be ______________. A. somebody else B. somebody else’s C. else somebody D. else’s somebody 二、完形填空


七年级期中英语试卷讲评课教案义马市第二初级中学李娜 【教学目标】 1、通过学生自主订正试卷,让学生知道在答题过程中应细心谨慎,并且加深对知识点的理解。 2、通过学习小组的合作订正和讨论,让学生认识到自身与他人的差距,培养学生的合作精神,让不同层次的学生均有提高。 3、引导全体学生对知识、方法作进一步的归纳,积极主动参与,提高学生语言综合运用能力,构建和谐、有效、生动的课堂。 【教学准备】 1、对学生得失分情况进行统计、汇总,确定讲评重点。 2、对学生错误较为集中或不会者较多的题目进行分析,找出错误根源,定出纠错的具体措施。 3、对学生试卷中的好的方法进行整理,以向其他学生介绍,促进全班的共同提高。 4、分析学生对相关知识、方法的掌握情况,定出补救措施,设计好针对训练题。 5、将试卷提前发给学生,要求学生初步订正错题,分析错因。必要时要进行个别谈话。 【课堂讲评】 Step1. Presentation 考试情况简要分析及总结: 1.成绩统计: 120—90 89—80 79—70 60—69 参考人60以下优分率及格率数

39 14 6 8 4 7 36% 72% 2.从答卷情况来看,总结同学们存在以下问题: (1)粗心大意,审题不清 (2)基础知识掌握不牢 (3)知识迁移能力较差,缺乏分析和解决问题的能力,不能正确把握题中的关键词语。 (4)阅读理解题及写作需要加大力度进行练习。 Step2.Learn 学生自我改错: 1、要求学生独立修改测试卷,初步分析错因。(这一环节主要针对那些由于学生粗心造成的错误性问题) 2、小组互助。(这一环节锻炼学生合作、分析、解决问题的能力) Step3.Consolidation 讲解试题: (一)教师讲评 1、对本次期中考试的试题得失做一下分析,让学生明确本节课的矫正重点。 2、抓住共性错误、分两部分进行矫正(听力部分和笔试部分) 听力部分 (1)听力题 老师介绍做题方法: A、听录音前,先看题,做到心中有数; B、听录音时,抓住关键单词来听。即主要注意听图片上的物品单词和数量的单词英语表达方法。 这时让学生看题,再放一遍录音,看看这样做的效果,并且纠正错误。


初中英语试卷分析 一试卷基本情况: 三、试卷分析 1、从听力来看若想把听力成为学生的“优势”得分题型还需加强教与学。学生“短暂记忆”能力还不过硬所以在听力最后语篇理解和理解填空失分较为严重。在平时的教学中多引导学生掌握听力过程中的关键词培养短暂储存记忆能力多听多练。 2、从阅读理解来看基础好的同学做得还可以证实了学生每天坚持做阅读是必不可少的。但中等生和后进生还有一段距离平时还需在阅读方面加强训练。 3、从书面表达和口头表达看难度比较大学生得分率不到30%这说明学生的基础知识不知道灵活运用学得还不够扎实。词汇还比较缺乏。在平日教学中让学生强化适当的综合练习后及时体悟死学活用。每天累计记忆知识点和单词要有日计划并按照计划进行下去。 4、从翻译和作文来看学生对短语、词汇、句式的掌握还未到综合能力。在平日教学中指导学生掌握翻译“三不曲”方法是比死记硬背强得多翻译和作文不是机械背出来的而是靠理解和运用的所以平日要加强训练。 四、具体改进措施:

(1)听力教学应注重学生事实信息方面的听力训练采用“精读、泛读”策略培养学生的语篇意识要求学生复述听到的内容或陈述所听到内容的中心思想针对不同层次的学生应配有不同的听力教材。并要求学生落实好每单元的听力训练鼓励他们平日里要反复听。 (2)词汇是最基础的教学环节。在情境中学习单词、利用联想来记忆同类单词通过阅读等多形式的练习巩固单词除统编和牛津教材以及新世纪甚至四、六级部分词汇上的词汇外还应积累更多的词汇。平均每天30—35个词汇的积累。 (3)。阅读理解训练中应培养学生的语篇意识、训练学生的阅读理解思维。要求学生坚持每天进行限时限量的阅读训练最好坚持每天3—4篇阅读结合兴趣充分利用英语读物。另外学生坚持每天反复朗读课文、补充泛文等英语文章一篇坚持培养语篇意识。 (4)。作文教学中可首先从“模仿”开始教学向学生给出好的范文让学生学会模仿或者是给出好的短语、句子;让作文写得好的学生在班上念出自己的作文让其他的学生学习模仿。还可以让学生自己、相互改写自己写的作文。这些都是能很好提高学生英语写作水平的教学方法。同时还要求学生读大量文章培养语感。同时给出相应的内容让学生“有话可说有内容可写”。 (5)翻译题型的训练要求每天5道题的训练培养学生的句子分析思维积累必要的表达指导学生不要机械记忆翻译题。
