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一、短语中英互译题close a deal达成交易

application form申请书

ill-founded complaint无理的抱怨

packing department包装部门

promotion of sales促销

light industrial products轻工业品

draft/Bill of exchange汇票

S/C=Sales conformation销售确认书


price list价目单

deal in经营

establish business relation建立业务关系。

long-term partner长期伙伴

dead line最后期限

survey report调查报告

extra charges额外费用

personal computer个人计算机

take action行动

terms and conditions条件

purchase division采购部门


1 Buyers (C)are interested in your new products will write us for samples.

A they

B which

C who

D them

2(C)we want to know is the name of ship.

A That

B Which

C What

D Who

3 We are considering(C)Chinese men’s shirts.

A buy

B to buy

C buying

D purchase

4 We (C)in canned food, wild vegetables and milk products.

A special

B specially

C specialize

D specialized

5 We plan to introduce your new products

(B)our market.

A from

B into

C at

D with

6 We wish to establish business(D)with you.

A relation

B relationship

C relatives

D relations

7 We anticipate(C)sending us some catalogues.

A you

B your

C yours

D /

8 We(A)the shipment to arrive in good condition

A expect

B anticipate

C look forward to

D think

9 We regret (A)to make you an offer at present.

A our inability

B unable

C fail to

D being able

10 At your request, we will hold our offer open(B)30%.

A from

B till

C before

D on

11 The question is(B)the goods will be packed.

A what

B how

C that

D which

12 The buyer faxed us again,(C)more offers.

A request

B requests

C requesting

D requires

13 Offers will be made(B)enquiries are received.

A before

B the moment

C in case

D although

14 I wish to(A)your attention to this matter.

A draw

B pay

C ask

D catch

15 Up till then, we

A hear

B heard

(D)nothing from you.

C have heard

D had heard

16 Your competitors allow a discount of 10%


A for

B on

C to

D with


17 The above prices are(C)to be CIF Karachi, net.

A /

B quoted

C understood

D allowed

18 For FOBand CFRsales,insurance(B)covered by buyers.

A has

B is to be

C will


D must be

19 This risk is coverable

A at

B with

C on

D to

(A)a premium of 2%.

20 You may deduct your 2% commission from the L/C

A opened

B being opened


C to be opened

D will be opened


(a ) 1 We are in the hope of opening an account with you.

( b ) 2 You will be satisfied with our services.

( c) 3 We are looking forward to hearing from you soon.

( d) 4 Your early reply will be appreciated.

( e ) 5 We will be much obliged for your introduction.







1、 We regret that your prices are too high for the market.

2、The sudden increases in freight rate has caused the rise

in our prices.

3、 We are looking forward to your acknowledgement.

4、 We are enclosing our purchase order No. YL0211.

5、 We trust you will open the relative L/C as requested.


B我们随函寄去 No. YL0211 号订单 .





Letter A

A) in which B) while C) out of line with D) but

E) that F) since G) at this stage H) not at


I) unless J) in our mutual interests

Dear Sirs,

Thank you for your E-mail of yesterday, (A) you offer

us Steam Electric Irons.

(B) we appreciate the quality of your products, we have to point out that your price is on the high side,(C) the

prevailing market level.Similar(D)well- established goods from Japan are available locally at US $ 25 per piece. And you raised your price nearly by 8% compared with (E)

under Contract No. 9988 we concluded with you this February.

(F)there is no upward tendency of market price for the merchandise (G), the increase in price is (H)

understandable to us. It is impossible to come to terms (I) you bring your price down to a level comparable with that

of your competitors in this market.

We believe that (J) you will consider our counter- offer most favorably and E-mail us your early reply.



随着全球经济的快速发展和经济一体化的进程,世界各国的经济贸易往来日益频繁,而众所周知,英语是当今全球运用最广的语言,因此英语便也成为了对外贸易中的主要用语我们也称之为商务英语。而商务函电是指在对外贸易中所使用的信函,电报,电传,传真,电子邮件等通讯方式。所以商务英语函电就是指在对外贸易活动中以英语为载体而进行的商务函电往来。商务英语函电是国际商务往来中经常使用的联系方式,是开展对外贸易业务和有关商务活动的基础及重要工具。商务英语函电是对外贸易的交流工具,它贯穿于对外贸易的各个环节,及时,具体,完整,准确地为贸易双方传递商务事业信息以及帮助双方达成最有效的交流与沟通。商务英语函电是对外贸易的重要媒介,它在各国之间相互沟通,开展业务,达成交易,建立友好关系工作等对外贸易活动中起着举足轻重的作用,是对外贸易中不可或缺的组成部分。如果没有往来的商务英语函电,贸易双方就无法完成正常的交流与沟通,无法获知对方的各项商务信息,因此大部分的国际贸易活动也都不可能顺利进行,所以,商务英语函电在对外贸易中的重要性可想而知。 商务英语函电在对外贸易中的第一个重要性就表现在它的索取信息和传递信息的功能。对外贸易本身就是特指国际贸易活动中的一国或地区同其他国家或地区所进行的商品、劳务和技术的交换活动。这是立足于一个国家或地区去看待它与其他国家或地区的商品贸易活动。他不同于国内贸易,可以去实地进行考察,双方面对面进行交流与沟通,从而获取一切对方的商务事业信息,对外贸易大多涉及本国以外的不同国家与不同地区,在很大程度上受到贸易双方地理位置等客观条件的限制,如果也像国内贸易那样进行面对面的索取信息与传递信息,这个过程肯定是繁琐而复杂的,而且加上空间和时间的限制,这个过程的成本费用也会很高,速度也会很缓慢,过程中的安全问题也不能得到保障,甚至于可能在这种实际的信息传递中造成数据的丢失或者毁坏。商务英语函电的存在,就让这些问题得到了一一化解,索取信息和传递信息不会再受到时间和空间等因素的限制,甚至比以前更加快捷,可以快速的索取有效的信息传递给从事对外贸易的双方,利用商务英语函电开展对外贸易,买卖双方可采用标准化、电子化的格式合同、提单、保险凭证、发票和汇票、信用证等,使各种相关单证在网上即可实现瞬间传递,大大节省了单证的传输时间,而且还能有效地减少因纸面单证中数据重复录入导致的各种错误,对提高交易效率的作用十分明显,而且加上中间大量环节的减少,也在一定程度上降低了对外贸易过程中的成本。 商务英语函电在对外贸易中的第二个重要性表现在它一直贯穿于对外贸易的始终,处理整个对外贸易中各个环节的相关事宜。它涉及外贸业务中的各个环节。从建立业务关系、询盘、发盘、还盘、接受、执行提供、装运、保险、付款,到执行合同过程中的纠纷,以及最后的索赔,大都需要商务英语函电的解决。对外贸易过程各环节中所有往来的商务英语函电也都构成重要的法律依据,特别是当产生贸易纠纷时,它有可能左右解决纠纷的最终结果。而前面提到的还仅仅是体现在实实在在的对外贸易实际活动中,事实上,商务英语函电还在对外贸易过程中起着很多隐性作用,其实在建立业务关系之前商务英语函电的重要性就体现出来了,商务英语函电的出现让我们摒弃了传统方式上的寻找合作伙伴的方法,通过商务英语函电的平台,不但能节省大量的人力,物力,财力让你找到满意合作伙伴,也可以大大的拓宽你的选择范围,进一步寻找潜在客户。商务英语函电在洽谈过程中也起着重要的作用,他可以跨越传统的面对面洽谈的限制,在获得大量信息的情况下,还能提供更多更方便的异地洽谈方式。 商务英语函电在对外贸易中第三个重要性主要是在它使对外贸易双方更加方便的保持联络与沟通感情,促进双方得后续合作甚至长期合作。对外贸易过程中,买卖双方肯定不会只想仅仅只合作一次,甚至于双方特别互相认可的话,是容易发展长期的战略合作伙伴的,而商务英语函电就提供了这样一个长期交流的机会,商务英语函电能让交易双方能在最快的时间内进行信息与意见的交流,能在第一时间获知对方的需求,不管你在任何地方,任何时 1


腾讯游戏策划笔试题 一、基础知识选择题(单选) 1.在“驯龙高手”系列电影中,男主角属于哪个种族?() A、日耳曼人 B、罗马人 C、维京人 D、斯巴达人 2.“雷神托尔”是哪个神话中的人物?() A、希腊神话 B、北欧神话 C、玛雅神话 D、罗马神话 3.应对雾霾污染、改善空气质量的首要人物是控制() A、汽车尾气 B、工业生产排放的废气 C、PM2.5 D、建筑工地和道路交通产生的扬尘 4.一下哪个产品不是出自腾讯?() A、微云 B、滴滴打车 C、财付通 D、微信 5.“中国国际数码互动娱乐展览会”的英文缩写是() A、TGS B、TGA C、E3 D、CJ 6.有10颗糖,如果每天至少吃一颗(多不限),吃完为止,问有多少种不同的吃法?() A、144 B、217 C、512 D、640 7.第一部编年体史书是() A、山海经 B、春秋 C、资治通鉴 D、史记 8.《海贼王》主角路飞吃了哪种恶魔果实() A、烟雾果实 B、沿江果实 C、橡胶果实 D、黑暗果实 9.《洛神赋》是谁的作品?() A、曹操 B、曹植 C、蒲松龄 D、李贺

10.以下哪一场战役不是以少胜多的战役?() A、夷陵之战 B、巨鹿之战 C、淝水之战 D、官渡之战 11.以下哪个角色不是出自《火影忍者》?() A、大蛇丸 B、旗木卡卡西 C、黑崎一护 D、李洛克 12.以下哪部电影不是出自美国?() A、被解救的姜戈 B、逃离德黑兰 C、三傻大闹宝莱坞 D、少年派的奇幻漂流 13.以下不属于“美国漫画英雄”系列的是() A、蝙蝠侠 B、超人 C、战神奎托斯 D、雷神索尔 14.以下哪一个公司的主要业务与其他三个不同?() A、facebook B、亚马逊 C、阿里巴巴 D、eBay 15.以下哪个体育项目起源于中国?() A、篮球 B、马术 C、乒乓球 D、围棋 二、专业知识选择题(单选) 16.下面哪个网站是因为大型游戏《魔兽世界》而被人熟知的?() A、A9VG B、ACFAN C、COLG D、NGA 17.以下哪款游戏与其他三款游戏的游戏类型不一样?() A、斗战神 B、逆战 C、使命传唤 D、穿越火线 18.下面这些名词中,哪个是游戏里的冲锋枪?() A、SLSWG B、苏27 C、UMP45 D、T95 19.FIFAOnline3的开发商是() A、腾讯 B、暴雪 C、索尼 D、美国艺电 20.下面那款游戏不是腾讯的?()


Lesson 1 Importer’s Self-introduction 译文 信件一进口商自我介绍 麦克唐那和伊万有限公司 美国纽约劳顿大街58号 福建鞋业进出口公司 中国福建福州保定大街45号 送交:销售部吴刚先生 敬启者: 我们从伏特威廉公司得知贵司商号与地址,特此来函,希望能同贵司发展商务关系。 多年来,本公司经营休闲鞋类进口生意,目前想扩展业务范围。请惠寄商品目录与报价单。 如贵司产品价格有竞争力,本公司必定向你方试订。 恭候回音。 麦克唐那和伊万有限公司 (签名) 麦克. 伊万 经理 谨上 2010年4月20日 信件二回信 福建鞋业进出口公司 中国福建福州保定大街45号 麦克唐那和伊万有限公司 美国纽约劳顿大街58号 敬启者: 感谢贵公司四月二十日的来函,我们非常渴望与贵公司建立商务关系。 我们鞋厂致力于设计和生产各种传统和时尚男女鞋产品。我们已开发和上市了室内拖鞋,棉拖鞋,新款刺绣拖鞋;童鞋和棉鞋。可以满足国内外不同市场需求。 谨遵要求另函奉上最新的出口商品目录及报价单,涵括目前可供的出口商品。 如你方对任何一款感兴趣,请让我方知道。期盼你方具体询盘。 福建鞋业进出口公司 (签名) 吴刚 经理 谨上 2010年5月10日 习题答案 I. Basic Training Translate the following expressions into Chinese. 报价一流的进口商

出口产品范围定单 广泛的联系具体询盘 最新目录有竞争力的价格 Choose the best answer. 1) b 2) b 3) c 4) a 5) d 6) b 7) c 8) c 9) b II. Improving Training Translate the following sentence into English. 1) We would like to introduce our business range. 2) We obtained your name and address from Mr. Smith, who have done business with us for many years. 3) We shall appreciate it if you could tell us the goods you are interested in. 4) We have received many enquiries from abroad. 5)They used to import machines from UK, but now they would like to establish business relations with us. 6) We are the leading importer of electronic products in Lagos. 7) If your price is competitive, we would like to place with you an order for 500 electric bicycles. III. Letter-writing Practice 1. Finish the following letter by translating the expressions given. 1) obtained your name and address 2) establish business relations /enter into business relations 3) leading importers 4) We appreciate your catalogue and quotations. 5) If your prices are competitive 2. Write a letter Dear sirs, We are one of the leading importers of electric goods in this city and shall be pleased to establish business relations with your firm. At present we are interested in your electric fans, details according to our Enquiry Note No. 1345 enclosed, and shall be glad to receive your lowest quotation as soon as possible. We would like to mention that if your price is attractive and delivery date acceptable, we shall place an order with you immediately. Your early reply will be highly appreciated. Yours faithfully, Lesson 2 Exporter’s Self-introduction 译文 信件一出口商来信 敬启者: 承蒙东京工商会的介绍,我们获悉你方是贵国最大的纺织品进口商之一。由于此货属于我们的经营范围, 特写信给你方希望建立业务关系。 我们专营中国纺织品出口, 产品包括女士, 男式, 儿童和青年的针织衫以及运动服和牛仔裤, 我们还设计和生产用于纺织品生产的设备和机器。我们的产品品质优良价格合理。 为使你方了解我们的经营业务, 随函附上出口清单一份, 包括目前可以供应的主要商品。如你方对任何一款感兴趣,请与我们联系。


《外贸函电写作》复习题I: Key terms : 1. credit standing 资信情况 2.counter-signature 会签 3. commercial Invoice 商业发票 4. confined L/C 保兑信用证 5. effect shipment 实行装运 6. confirming bank 保兑行 7. accepting bank 承兑行 8. issuing bank 开立行 9. discount 折扣 10. commission 佣金 11. under separate cover 另函寄出 12. remittance 汇付 13. premium 保险费 14. irrevocable L/C 不可撤销的信用证 15. deposit 定金16. collection 托收 17. terms of payment 支付方式 18. insurance Policy 保险单 19.Sales Confirmation 销售确认书 20. clean B/L 提单 21. firm offer 实盘 22.shipping documents 运输单据 23. amend the L/C 修改信用证 24. extend the L/C 展延信用证 25. exporter 出口商 26. importer 进口商 27.on Board B/L 已装船提单 28.More or Less Clause 溢短装条款 29. documentary bill 跟单汇票 30.time draft 远期汇票 II: Multiple choice: 1. We have lodged a claim______ ABC & Co._______ the quality of the goods shipped_______ S.S “ Peace”. A. against; for; by B. with; for; under C. on; against; as per D. to; for; per 2. It is important that your client______ the relevant L/C not later than April 12,1999. A, must open B. has to open C. open D. opens 3. We hope that the relevant L/C_____ as early as possible. A. establish B. will be established C. established D. establishing 4.We have made______ clear that the goods should be packed in cartons. A. it B. them C. this D. Which 5.We sincerely hope the goods under your Order No.245 will reach you_______. A. in good conditions B. in the good conditions C. in a condition D. in good condition 6.We are sorry to hear that the goods you received are not_______ the quality expected. A. but B. only C. of D. for 7.We shall remit to you an amount of $ 200 in_____ for the loss you suffered. A. reply B. compensation C. return D. interest 8. ____ you____ send us samples of your own products? A. Do...wish to B. Will...like to C. Do...hope to D. Would...please 9. Please don’t hesitate to write to us any proposals______ marketing chestnut. A. to concern B. concerning C. concerned D. concern 10. We wish to _______ as an agent the goods you are exporting now, because we are

商务英语函电 参考答案

Reference Keys Unit 2 Establishing Business Relations 学学练练 I. 1. d 2. c 3. a 4. b 5. h 6. f 7. e 8. g II. 1.供你方参考 2. 期望,盼望 3. 供应中 4. in the hope of/that 5. establish business relations 6. fall within the scope of III. 1. desirous to 2. in the line of 3.give you a general idea 4. covering 5. in the market 6.refer to 7.be informed IV. 1. appreciate 2. in, for 3.upon 4. to 5. informed 6. with 7.enclosed 8. in 9. desire 10. for 实操练习 I. 1.Through the courtesy of ABC company, we have your name and address. 2. We would like to inform you that we could supply various types of men’s leather shoes. 3. We have established business relations with more than 50 countries in the world, on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and exchange of needed goods。 4. Specializing in the export of Chinese bicycles, we express our desire to trade with you in this line. 5. In order to promote business between us, we shall airmail you some samples for your reference. 6. We enclose a copy of catalog and a sampl e and are sure that you will be satisfied


2010年岳阳市中等职业学校技能大赛 商务英语技能竞赛规程 一、竞赛项目 1.听力测试 2.翻译与商务英语函电写作 3.口语测试 4.主题演讲 二、竞赛内容及要求 1.听力测试:现场播放听力材料(一段简单对话、一段复杂对话和一段文章,题目形式为选择题和填空题),参赛者根据所听内容回答问题,一共20道题目,总分40分。 2. 翻译与商务英语函电写作: ⑴翻译部分包括五道英译汉题目和五道汉译英题目,每题3分,总分30分。 ⑵学生根据评委要求现场写作一篇商务英语函电,函电体裁限制 在个人简历、介绍信、申请信、投诉信之内。此部分分值为 30分。 3.口语测试:测试内容包括朗读单词、句子和文章以及图片描述。参赛者现场从预先准备的五套试题中随即抽取一套试题进行测试。 4.主题演讲:参赛者从下列主题中选择一个进行现场脱稿演讲,字数在350-400之间。 ⑴Mother’s love ⑵The Earth,the only Home for Human beings ⑶My dream

三、竞赛用时 1.笔试部分: 听力测试:40 分钟 翻译与商务英语函电写作:60分钟 2.口试部分: 口语测试:15分钟 主题演讲:10分钟 四、赛场设备和器材 赛前另有技术文件公布。 五、竞赛纪律 1.选手必须在规定时间报名完毕,并按时进入各赛区候赛,逾时报道将被取消参赛资格。 2.选手在候赛区待赛和竞赛期间,必须按工作人员指引的位置就座或在指定侯赛室等候。选手不得交头接耳、不可携带手机等通讯工具进入候赛区,不能透露或暗示所在学校和姓名,也不能将竞赛内容泄露和转告他人。 3.选手在比赛过程中,学校领队、指导教师不得与其联系或指导,离开会场或候赛室时,要由工作人员陪同。 4.选手在每一环节比赛过程中均会得到时间提示,超时选手将被中止比赛,并根据评分标准扣分。 5.参赛选手无须要求临时修改演讲稿内容。若参赛选手现场主题演讲内容与预报名演讲内容有变化,评委打分以现场演讲内容为准。 六、评判与计分 1.评判 选手总成绩竞赛由听力测试、翻译与商务英语函电写作、口语测试和主题演讲四部分组成。


游戏策划新手面试题 导读】 本笔试题转载自互联网,有可能有变动,仅供参考。一共有八套笔试题目,出题游戏公司包括:目标软件,盛大,网易,深圳网域,金山,苏州蜗牛,天晴数码(旧版),天晴数码(新版)。 目标软件游戏策划考题 一、PK规则设计; 本题目的在于了解你的文字表达能力; 假定游戏中有3种阵营:在这里我们称呼为[游戏阵营] 0、正义的阵营; 1、中立的阵营; 2、邪恶的阵营; 在PK时会有3种关系:在这里我们称呼为[战斗关系] 0、敌人关系; 1、中立关系; 2、盟友关系; 角色之间还有组队之间的关系: 0、不同一组队; 1、同一组队; 真正的题目在这里→[请设计一套游戏中的PK规则;] 要求: 0、字数要精简; 1、说清楚在不同组队情况下;双方的[游戏阵营]对应的[战斗关系]; 2、这套设计对其他设计的规则要求;[比如说]什么阵营和什么阵营可以达成组队关系; 3、这套设计自己想加入的一些特色的规则请描述清楚;[比如说]杀人要有惩罚的规则; 二、写一篇[曹操的父亲的个人小传]; 本题目的在于了解你的文字功底[文学造诣]; 要求: 0、分成6个章节;每章节要配有章节名称和一段简述;能让人很容易体会到你每章节所描述的重点和内容。 1、字数介于1000~3000字左右; 2、允许虚构;看上去能尽量能以假乱真;既然能称呼为传记…… 3、用word编写;注意格式和样式;这项不会的话,可以去看word的帮助说明;该条不作为重点考察项; 三、请设计一套游戏中的人物对白 本题目的在于看你是否适合来编写游戏中的任务; 要求: 0、请自己定义一下游戏任务中人物对白设计文档的规范要求;可以加一些注解来说明你这样定义规范的目的; 1、按你定好的规范要求写一套任务中角色的对白;如果要做一些其他的事情,请一句话带过;本题目重点在于看对白的内容和逻辑是否清晰; 2、字数介于500~200字左右;


Dear Sirs, We obtain your name and address from the internet, and we are writing you in the hope of establishing direct business relations with you. We’re one of the importers of Beddings with years’of experience in this line. At present, we’ll be pleased to get the samples for your bed-sheets. Thank you for your cooperation. Yours sincerely, \\ 2 Dear Sirs, Your company has been introduced to us by FMC Company, Sydney, Australia, who has informend us that you are interested in electric goods . As we have been in this line for years, we are writing you in the hope of establishing business relations with you. In order to give you a rough idea of our products available for export at present, we are sending you under separate cover the latest catalogues. Looking forward to your early reply. Yours faithfully Dear Sirs, We learn from the internet that you are in urgent need of a large quantity of Children’s Sport Shoes. We’re writing you in the hope of entering into long-term business relations with you. We have been handling the export of various kinds of textiles and shoes for many years, and our products are very popular in the American and European markets for their good quality and reasonable prices. We also have kept close connections with the local shoe manufacturers, and can ensure the steady source and quality. In order to give you a rough idea of our products, we are sending you our latest catalogues and price lists for Children’s Sport Shoes for your reference. If you are interested in any of the items, please let us know. We await your early reply. Yours faithfully,


1 学校 班级 考号 姓名__________________________ ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆装◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆订◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆线◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆ 绍兴县财经学校2007学年第一学期期末考试试题 商务英语函电 出卷人:钱晓燕 适用班级:06(11,12,13)班 考试时间:90分钟 满分:100分 考生注意:本试卷共四大题,总分 100 分,考试时间 45 分钟。 19. We regret that we are unable to meet your needs fully on account of there______ heavy demand for the 1.我们不能按你方要求减价4%。 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. 鉴于我们之间的长期友好关系,我们可以考虑减价。 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 3. 非常遗憾,你们认为我方价格偏高、不合实际。 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 4. 我们的T 恤衫质量优良,价格合理。 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 5. 关于红茶,很遗憾,我们目前不能供货。 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 6. We do not deny there are signs showing the market is declining. _____________________________________________________________________________________ 7.We hope, therefore, you will reduce your price by 5% to the ruling market level. 三、中英文互译。本题共10题,每题3分,共30分。 一、短语/术语。本题共20小题,每题1分,共20分。 二、单项选择。本题共20小题,每题1分,共20分。


一、PK规则设计;本题目的在于了解你的文字表达能力; 假定游戏中有3种阵营:在这里我们称呼为[游戏阵营] 0、正义的阵营; 1、中立的阵营; 2、邪恶的阵营; 在PK时会有3种关系:在这里我们称呼为[战斗关系] 0、敌人关系; 1、中立关系; 2、盟友关系; 角色之间还有组队之间的关系: 0、不同一组队; 1、同一组队; 真正的题目在这里→[请设计一套游戏中的PK规则;] 要求: 0、字数要精简; 1、说清楚在不同组队情况下;双方的[游戏阵营]对应的[战斗关系]; 2、这套设计对其他设计的规则要求;[比如说]什么阵营和什么阵营可以达成组队关系; 3、这套设计自己想加入的一些特色的规则请描述清楚;[比如说]杀人要有惩罚的规则; 二、写一篇[曹操的父亲的个人小传];本题目的在于了解你的文字功底[文学造诣]; 要求: 0、分成6个章节;每章节要配有章节名称和一段简述;能让人很容易体会到你每章节所描述的重点和内容。 1、字数介于1000 ~ 3000 字左右; 2、允许虚构;看上去能尽量能以假乱真;既然能称呼为传记…… 3、用word编写;注意格式和样式;这项不会的话,可以去看word的帮助说明;该条不作为重点考察项; 三、请设计一套游戏中的人物对白;本题目的在于看你是否适合来编写游戏中的任务;

要求: 0、请自己定义一下游戏任务中人物对白设计文档的规范要求;可以加一些注解来说明你这样定义规范的目的; 1、按你定好的规范要求写一套任务中角色的对白;如果要做一些其他的事情,请一句话带过;本题目重点在于看对白的内容和逻辑是否清晰; 2、字数介于500 ~ 200 字左右; 3、这是很重要的一条;背景是古代三国时期; 四、玩过游戏吗?请把你玩的时间比较长的几款游戏列到表格中去;你肯定玩过游戏!嘿~,本题目的在于了解你是否很会处理一些问题; 要求: 1、请分好类;然后描述清晰这些游戏你都玩过多少时间,哪些时间是估计的;哪些时间比较准确;还有你对这些游戏的简短看法……等等; 2、对你列出的表进行统计; 盛大游戏策划笔试题目 1.游戏策划的关键词 2.游戏运营与研发之间的关系 3.设计策划案目录一个 4.新的赢利方式《除点卡和出卖游戏物品两种之外》 5.游戏人群的特征---白领、女人、小孩、骨灰级玩家 6.1)给一个旧魔法,设计一个新魔法(具体不说了) 2)给《坦克大战》设计一个开房间类的策划方案 3)地图的不平衡,造成法师升级速度快,策划设计一个新地图,使战士的升级速度加

商务英语函电 王维平 Chapter 8参考译文及课后答案

Chapter 8 Learning Aims 学完本章,学生应能: 1.识别装船指示和装船通知; 2.熟悉一些模具产品名称; 3.掌握装运方面信件的结构以及相关术语和表达方式; 4.学会案例分析,并撰写与装运相关的信函。 Background Information 在国际贸易中,在装运前,买方通常把他们的装运需求发送给卖方,告知他们包装和标志,运输方式等,此为装运指示。 卖方在装运货物后应立即向买方发送装船通知,告知他们装运情况。装船通知通常包含以下内容: (1)预计出发时间;预计到达时间 (2)装船货物 (3)船名 (4)集装箱号 (5)铅封号 (6)所附单证 装运当事人有三方,即货主,承运人和收货人。 提单可被看作为货物收据、运输合同证明和物权凭证。 Letter 1


Letter 2 Letter 3 Letter 4

Letter 5 Letter 6

Exercises I.Fill in the following blanks. 1. importance; urgent; advance; co-operation 2. circumstances; compelled; an alternative/alternatives; 3. extended; expired 4. pleasure; informing 5. in duplicate II.Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1.我们很高兴在此通知,贵方所订的车灯模具已由“魅力”号货轮发出,将于5月15号抵达宁波。 2.我们很奇怪至今尚未收到于8月1号所订的螺钉,我方客户要求予以解释,因为他们急需此批货物。 3.由于交货长期延误,给我们带来不便。我们要求立即发货,否则,我们将不得不按合同规定取消订单。 4.请尽快安排装运我方所订的货物。 5.这艘货船将于7月20号左右驶往上海。 III.Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Upon receipt of the L/C, please effect shipment of the goods booked by us as soon as possible. 2. We are informed by ABC shipping company that S.S. “Beauty” is due to sail from your city to our port on or about 6th this month. 3. We are very much obliged for your kind cooperation. 4. We hope that these goods will reach you in time and turn out to your entire satisfaction. 5. We are in urgent need of the goods and have to request you to ship them without any further delay.


(7 ) inventory (8) FAS. (9 ) tender(10)T.P.N.D. 存货 船边交货价 投标偷窃提货不 看险 国际商务英语考试试题 试题三 I. Translate the following (10%) 1 ? From English into Chinese : (5%) (1 ) exclusive territory (2 ) shipping mark (3 ) profit and loss (4 ) payable on receipt (5 ) remittanee 专营地区吱头 盈亏,损益货到付款汇付 (6 ) confirmation of purchase 购货确认书

(1 )空白背书 (2) 凭单据付款 (3) 记名提单 (4) 商品交易所品质证明书 2. From Chinese into English : ( 5%) blank endorsement cash against documcnts straight B/L Commodity Exchange certificate of qua!ity II. Choose the correct answer: (20%) 1 ? The firm offer creates a power of acceptance permitting the _B ____ by accepting the offer to transform the offer's promise into a contractual obligati on. a. offerer b ? offeree c. firm offer d ? non ?firm offer 2. We learn from ABC Co. that you are producing for export hand-made gloves ______ B_ natural leathers ? a. in variety b ? in a variety of c. various of d. in various kinds of 3. We are ____ A_ to your commercial office in Beijing, from whom we learned that you are a leading importer of electric goods in your area ? a. indebted b. engaged c. indeed d ? debted 4. It is essential that you ___ B_ competitive prices ? a. quoting b. quote c. making d ? make 5. If your prices and qualities are satisfactory, we will place a _B ______ o rder on you. a. considerate b ? considerable c. much d ? few 6. We are pleased to place with you an order for the following items on the _____ C_ that they will be supplied from current stock ? a. understanding b. understand c. terms d ? stock 7. The shipment was delayed because you had failed _D _____ the necessary space ? a. to order b. order c. book d. to book 8. This price will remain _B ____ for ten days from the date of the letter. a. valuable b. valid c. invaluable d ? good 9. _C ___ a limited supply is available at present, we would ask you to act quickly. a. Because b. As c. On account of d. Since 10. ______ _C the balanee, we will advise you of the position in a few days ? a. Concern b. Regards c. Regarding d ? With 11 ? The offer is __ C __ con firm at i on. a. made b ? bound to c ? subject to d. used for


B. specification D. specimen B. receipt D. quotation B. counter offer D> origin offer B. block style D. blocked style B ? counter -signature D ? count -significance B ? schedule document D. time document B. turndown D. turnout B. CIF D. EMP 河南省2014年普通高等学校对口招收中等职业学校毕业生考试 国际商务类专业课试题卷 考生注意:所有答案都要写在答题卡上,写在试题卷上无效 一、选择题(商务英语函电1-20;进出口贸易实务21.40。每小题2分,共80分。每 小题中只有一个选项是正确的,请将正确选项涂在答题卡上) 1. 规格、说明书 A. specify C. specialist 2. 发票、提货单 A. invoice C. option 3. 原始报盘 A. regional offer C. original offer 4. 平头式 A. indent style Ce indented style 5. 会签 A ? count -signature C ? counter -significance 6. 定期汇票 A. schedule bill C. time bill 7. 营业额 A. turnover C. turntable 8.到岸价格 A. CFI C- MT

9.光票托收 A. documentary collection C? shipping document 10.议价 A. price reduction C ? offer negotiation 11.(支票、汇票等的)付款人 A. drawer C. payer 12.共同海损 A. general average C. total average 13.出价、投标 A. bide C. bid 14.保兑信用证 A. clean L/C C. transferable L/C 15.履约保证金 A. down payment C. performance deposit 16.受益人 A. beneficiary C. benefit 17.提单 A. bill of taking C. bill of lading 18.即期装运 A. prompt ship C. prompter ship 19.借方票 A. sight draft C. debit bill 20.批量订货的折扣D. D. B. D. D. D. D. D. incidental expense clean collection price negotiation offer negotiate drawee payee common average particular average bib bidet documentary L/C confirmed L/C performance bond sight bill beneficial benefaction bill of loading bill of landing prompt shipment promotion shipment debit draft debit note a volume discount a value discount
