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旅游口译 风景
旅游口译 风景



Located in Sichuan Province, the World-famous Jiuzhaigou Nature Reserve covers an area of natural beauty 35 kilometers long. In the reserve there are perennially snow-topped mountain peaks, verdant and lush forests and stretches of serene lakes. Jiuzhaigou is often compared to a haven of peace, leaving behind nothing but earthly troubles and worries.

九寨沟是水的天地,水构成了九寨沟最富魅力的景色。九寨沟风景区内有许多清澈的湖泊,它们或隐匿于峡谷,或镶嵌于原始森林。这些湖泊大小不一、形状各异,如同一面面镜子,闪耀着斑澜的光芒。Jiuzhaigou is a world of water, which brings Jiuzhaigou its most enchanting views. Jiuzhaigouboasts many clear lakes, some of which are hidden in the valleys and some in the virgin forests. With a variety of shapes and sizes, these lakes look like (gleaming) mirrors projecting colorful light rings in the sunshine.


Sichuan has always enjoyed the reputation of the being “Heavenly Land of Plenty”. It is a basin. There are a lot huge mountains around it. In ancient times, Sichuan was called Shu Kingdom, and the transportation wasn’t good a t that time. Li Bai, one of the most famous poets in Tang dynasty exclaimed in his poem: “Walking on the

narrow paths of Shu Kingdom is more difficult than climbing up to Heaven!” Now the transportation by water, land and air in Sichuan leads in all directions. The times when walking on the narrow paths of Shu Kingdom are gone forever.


Bejing is known as a famous historical and cultural city in the world. as a city with a history of 3000 years, Beijing has numerous sites of interest and a brilliant rich culture. It has preserved the Forbidden City, the most complete palace complex, and the Great Wall, which is known as one of the seven wonders in the world.


Shanghai is a paradise for tourists. Shanghai boasts a lot of tourist attractions and holiday resorts, including Sheshan Holiday Resort, Dianshan Lake Scenic Area, the Sun Island Holiday Resort, the World Garden, the Dreamland and the Wildlife Park. One of the noted historic and cultural cities in China, shanghai has over 70 cities under the protection of the state and the municipal governments, which best represent the distinctive characteristics of shanghai regional culture.


The Summer Palace is located in the northwestern suburbs of Beijing. It was originally named Qingyi Garden. It was first constructed in 1750 by Emperor Qianlong of Qing Dynasty, to celebrate his mother’s 60th birthday. In 1860, Qingyi Garden was burnt down by the British and French Allied Forces. In 1886, it was reconstructed on orders of Empress Dowager Ci Xi with funds meant for the navy, and was renamed the Summer Palace in 1888.


The northern part of the Longevity Hill features wavy terrain, well-spaced flowers and trees, winding paths and towering pines and cypresses. On the mountain ranges, building complex designed in the style of Tibetan temples look magnificent and dignified. At the foot of the mountain, limpid water of the lake follows the wavy terrain and becomes a serene river flowing east.



Viewed from the Pavilion of Buddhist Incense, West Causeway, which was constructed in imitation of Su Causeway on the West Lake, looks like a green ribbon winding from south to north on the green and rippling Kunming Lake. Each of the six bridges on the West Causeway has its own form and each is graceful in its own way. Like a rainbow, the Seventeen-arch Bridge is captivating, lying on the lake in the mists. Sample Text


In order to mark the 100th anniversary of the discovery of the Library Cave at Dunhuang, a grand Dunhuang art show opened from July through August this year at the National Museum of Chinese History. It was reported that, different from previous Dunhuang art shows, this one was the largest in size and boasts of the greatest number of exhibits. Many exhibits were being shown to the public for the first time.



The exhibition also showed to the public more than 80 (cherished) photos and pictures, vividly telling people the great calamity and humiliation of Dunhuang in the past one hundred years. The significance/importance of such exhibition was to show/lay in showing to the world the cream of Dunhuang art so as to enable the people of the world to understand the excellent cultural heritage of the Chinese nation.

London, the capital of the United Kingdom, has a population of about 7 million and an area of 1580 sq km. Although it no longer ranks amo ng the world’s most populous cities, London is still one of the world’s great centers for classical and popular culture. For example, it has enjoyed a reputation for superb theater since the time of Shakespeare in the 16th century.


London boasts many world-famous tourist attractions. The most impressive sight-seeing places include the Big Ben, the Oxford Street, and of course the Buckingham Palace, where thousands of tourists come to watch the pageantry, the Changing of Guards. London itself is a living museum, with more than 2000 years of history and culture. The jewel in this cultural crown is the British Museum,

withmore than 4 million exhibits.

Big Ben 大本钟

Oxford Street牛津街

Buckingham Palace白金汉宫


the Changing of Guards换岗仪式


Australia is an exc eptionally beautiful country. This is the world’s smallest continent and yet the largest island. Here the tourist will witness with admiration a variety of astonishing environments, from tropical beaches to white snow-covered fields, from vast deserts to rain forests.


The tourists will also admire a wide array of unique and intriguing animals and plants, and a sunny and comfortable climate, and meet an interesting, cosmopolitan and friendly people. From the tourists’ viewpoint, Australia is one of the world’s most attractive lands.



Rising to 1545 meters above sea level, Mount Tai is one of China’s four renowned great mountains. Yuhuangding, Mount Tai’s highest peak, stands over deep valleys and above other perilous peaks. Following a stone staircase all the way up and looking in the distance, one will enjoy the views of mountains beyond mountains and scenery beyond scenery.


Mount Tai’s natural scenery and historical sites have inspired writers, scholars and calligraphers of various dynasties to produce numerous great works of all time. The tourist will marvel at a dazzling exhibition of their inscriptions carved in stones.


1 上海是世界上最大的港口城市之一。这座昔日远东第一大都市已发展成为中国重要的经济、金融、贸易、科技、信息和文化中心。

Shanghai is one of the world’s largest seaports. Formerly the largest metropolis of the Far East, Shanghai has become China’s important c enter of economy, finance, trade, science and technology, information and culture.

2 作为一座文化名城,上海以她独特的风韵吸引了数以百万计的海内外游客。

As a noted historic and cultural city, Shanghai attracts millions of tourists from home and abroad with its unique charm.

3 上海同时也是美食家的乐园,全市数以千计的餐馆汇集了国内外各大名菜,尤其是上海的本邦菜,特别受到海外人士的青睐。

Shanghai is also a cherished paradise for gourmets, boasting thousands of restaurants serving a complete list of well-known Chinese and international cuisines, among which the Shanghai food enjoys particular popularity among overseas visitors.

4 登上东方明珠塔观光层,或俯视浦江对岸的外滩万国建筑博览群,或举目鸟瞰全市,无限风光,尽收眼底,令人心旷神怡,流连忘返。

Standing on the observation floor of the Oriental Pearl of TV Tower and looking around, you will see across the Huangpu River the famous Bund lined up with a dazzling exhibition of architectural creations of international styles and the charming skyline of the whole city in the distance-endless soothing vistas that one will find it difficult to turn away from.

5 中国园林可分为御花园和私家花园两类。前者多见于北方,后者则多见于南方,尤以苏州、无锡和南京三地为甚。

Chinese gardens can be divided into two categories, the imperial and the private. The former are seen most frequently in northern China, while more of the latter can be found in the south, especially in Suzhou, Wuxi and Nanjing.

6 南方私家花园中的溪、桥、山亭,小巧玲珑,布局精明,尽显其自然美,令人赏心


Small and delicate, cleverly laid out and pleasing to the eye, the streams , bridges, rockeries and pavilions of a private Chinese garden reveal a natural beauty of their own.



国际化大都市cosmopolitan city / cosmopolis

大都会metropolitan city/metropolis

旅游热点tourist attraction

必游之地 a must tourist attraction

商务旅游business tour

蜜月之旅honeymoon trip

旅游旺季tourist season

旅游目的地tourist destination

历史文化名城 a well-known historic and cultural city

长江三角洲the Yangtze River Delta

高架公路elevated highway

浦东新区Pu dong New Area

自助游DIY tour


旅行社travel agency


导游讲解员guide interpreter

联合国教科文组织United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

直辖市municipality directly under Central Government 万国建筑博览exhibition of International Architecture

世界文化遗产保护地World Heritage Sites(WHS)

天下奇观wondrous spectacle

名胜古迹famous scenic spots and places of historical interest

古建筑群ancient architectural complex

避暑胜地summer resort

黄金线路hot travel route

标准、豪华游normal/luxury tour

国内游inbound tourism

出境游outbound tourism

旅游黄金周golden week for tourism

自然保护区natural reserve/nature preservation zone

随团旅行group travel

星级饭店star-grade hotel

强迫购物forced purchase

多功能厅multi-functional hall

亭、台、楼、阁pavilion, terrace, mansion, tower


湖石假山lakeside rocks and rockeries

陵墓emperor's mausoleum/tomb

塔pagoda; tower


九曲桥zigzag bridge/Bridge of Nine Turnings

古玩店antique/curio shop

世界七大奇迹seven wonders of the world


历史文物historical relics



自然景观natural landscape

植物园botanical garden

少数民族ethnic minority

西域western countries

信息港info port; Cyber port

不夜城ever-bright city

主题公园theme park

原始森林virgin forest

园林建筑garden architecture

江南水乡the South of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River

鱼米之乡land of honey and milk




滑雪胜地skiing resort

国家公园national park




山区mountainous region


丝绸之路the Silk Road

野生动物园safari park


观光电梯sightseeing lift

金贸大厦Jin Mao Tower

世博会World Exposition




公共交通public transit

往返旅行round trip

长途汽车long distance coach

时差jet lag


免下车银行drive-in bank

国际驾照international driver's license


前台reception desk



入住check in

退房check out

卡拉OK karaoke

闭路电视closed-circuit television

公寓式酒店apartment hotel


直达航班non-stop flight

增值税Value Added Tax(V AT)


高原反应altitude stress




磁悬浮列车maglev train

头等舱first class

经济舱coach class

商务舱business class

人生意外伤害险PAI(personal accident insurance)


湖光山色landscape of lakes and hills



琳琅满目an eyeful of goodies

流连忘返too delighted to leave



蜿蜒曲折winding, zigzagging

无边无际boundless , endless

心旷神怡soothed and relaxed



诱人景色inviting views



烟波浩渺 a wide expanse of misty waters


奇花异草exotic flowers and herbs


苍松翠柏green pines and cypresses

层峦叠嶂range upon range of mountains the hues rise around

姹紫嫣红 a blaze of bright colours / colourful

崇山峻岭steep mountains

传移景幻Each turn of the belt afford different scenery


雕梁画栋carved beams and painted pillars

洞天福地scenery of exceptional charm

阴云避日over cast

飞流急湍whirl pools and rapids

峰回路转the path running twist among the peaks

高超工艺exquisite workmanship

古香古色be of antique beauty


极目远眺look as far as the eye can see

金碧辉煌splendid and magnificent

尽收眼底hold a panoramic view

惊叹不已be marveled / marvel at

惊涛拍岸ranging waves pond on the banks

乐不思蜀too delighted to be homesick

玲珑剔透exquisitely carved

绿水清山green hills and clear waters

掮客骚人manive letters

奇峰异石picturesque peaks and rocks

奇珍异宝real treasure

巧妙设计well designed

青山不断green hill rode on endlessly



群山环抱surrounded by mountains

日出日落的壮丽景色the glory of the sunrise or sunset


山峦叠翠range upon the range of green hills

山水风光scenery with mountains and rivers/landscape 闪闪发光glittering / sparking / twinkling


天方夜谭the Arabian Nights

天下奇观wonder/marvelous spectacle

蜿蜒流淌的河水winding river


蔚为壮观splendid, spectacular

闻名遐迩known far and wide/famous/world renowned 无法抗拒的overpowering

熙熙攘攘crowded, hustle and bustle

鲜花盛开flowers in blossom

相映成趣form delightful contrast

心旷神怡complete relax and happy


一览无余hold all views in sight / in a single gloms

依山傍水nestling under a mountain and near a river

意犹未尽lingering around

郁郁葱葱luxuriously green



壮丽景色spectacular scene

忽明忽暗幻影叠显mysterious veiled in mountain mist

船行水上,人游画中people tour in picture while boating sail on water 上有天堂,下有苏杭In Heaven, there is paradise; and on earth, there is Suzhou and Hangzhou

五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳trips to china’s five great mountains trips to other mountains unnecessary, and trips to Huangshan trips to five great mountains unnecessary

桂林山水甲天下,阳朔山水甲桂林Guilin landscape tops those elsewhere, and Yangshuo landscape tops that of Guilin

五岳China’s five great secret/divine mountains

天下第一奇山the most fantastic mountain under haven

黄山四绝,奇松,怪石,云海,温泉the four unique scenic futures: Picturesque rocks, legendary pines, the sea of clouds and hot springs.

国家公园national park

洞穴/岩洞cave / cover

溶洞water eroded cave

石灰岩洞lime stone cave



瀑布waterfall /chute / fall / Linn


古墓ancient tomb



石舫stone boat

湖心亭mid lake pavilion

水榭waterside pavilion

莲花池lotus pond



修道院abbey / cloister / monastery

尼姑庵Buddhist nunnery

佛教圣地Buddhist sacred land

琉璃瓦glaze tile

宫殿palace hall, chamber

皇城imperial city


御花园imperial garden

行宫temporary imperial palace for a short stay

皇太后empress dowager

皇妃Imperial Concubine


太监court eunuch

四大金刚the Four gardens

十八罗汉The Eighteen disciples of the Buddha

出土文物unearthed culture relics

甲骨文inscription on oracle bones

青铜器bronze ware





泥塑clay figurine

折扇folding fan

檀香扇sandalwood fan

手工艺品artifact / handicraft



苏绣Suzhou embroidery


唐三彩tri-colored glazed pottery of Tang dynasty

金石印章metal and stone seals

字画卷轴scrolls of calligraphy and painting

国画traditional Chinese painting

山水/水墨画landscape / ink painting

文房四宝the four stationary treasures of the Chinese study, writing brush, ink,

inkstone paper

园林建筑garden architecture

天下第一泉the finest spring under heaven

天下第一奇洞the most spectacular cave unparalleled elsewhere


This temple has a long history dating back to the early period of the Tang Dynasty.


The city boasts the largest and the most famous garden in the country.


The architecture of this hall best represents the architecture of Song Dynasty.


旅游景点策划方案 本文从网络收集而来,上传到平台为了帮到更多的人,如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载本文档(有偿下载),另外祝您生活愉快,工作顺利,万事如意! 引言: 本文是以南平旅游景点为营销对象,为南平假日旅行社展开的一个网络营销策划方案。其目的在于推广“南平旅游”这一品牌概念,宣传“南平旅游”这一旅游消费意识,让“南平旅游”为人所知,为人所晓,同时对南平旅游网进行推广,最终达到营销目的。 一、南平旅游资源简介 南平是中国东南的一个重要旅游区,位于福建省北部,俗称闽北,是福建最早开发的内陆腹地。闽北旅游资源丰富,是华东地区不可多得的旅游资源密集区之一。雄伟秀丽的奇山异水、种类繁多的生物资源、灿烂辉煌的历史文化和丰富多彩的乡土人情共同组成了独具闽北特色的旅游资源。目前,已有一至三级中高档旅游资源实体181处(延平茫荡山,建阳考亭书院、建窑遗址,建瓯万木林,邵武天成岩、李纲祠、和平古镇,光泽的乌君山、武夷天池,顺昌华阳山等)。武夷山是全国仅有的4个“世界自然与文化遗产”地之一,她集国家级风景名胜区、国家级自然保护区、国

家级旅游度假区和福建省旅游经济开发区于一身,南平境内省级风景名胜区有:延平茫荡山、浦城浮盖山、建瓯归宗岩、松溪湛庐山、政和洞宫山。南平市区还有12万亩水面的延平湖,是避暑休闲度假的好去处。近年来,在观光旅游的基础上,着力开发的茶艺、修学、朱熹遗址考察、古陶瓷、森林浴、科考、拖屋车、民俗等10多项专项旅游,引起了海内外旅游者的极大兴趣。 如下为部分景点列表 二、南平旅游景点的目标客户分析 (一)目标市场 南平旅游的目标市场地位在以闽北地区为轴心,向周围地区及省份成圆形向外辐射,以福建省内为市场主体,东南沿海地带及华东地区为主要目标范围。依附于武夷山,向周边沿海经济发达地带以及海外市场延伸。以“走进山林,亲近自然,回归淳朴”为主打理念,走“传统、民俗、自然、淳朴”四位一体的休闲亲和旅游路线,以吸引追求“自然淳朴,清新,恬静”为生活态度的一类群体为主要目标客户。 (二)主要的目标客户群 追求“自然淳朴,清新,恬静”为生活态度的一类群体。


举世闻名的九寨沟自然保护区位于我国四川省境内,是一片纵深达35公里的自然风景区。区内有终年积雪的山峰、苍翠繁茂的森林、宁静悠远的湖泊。人们常常将九寨沟比作世外桃源。// Located in Sichuan Province, the World-famous Jiuzhaigou Nature Reserve covers an area of natural beauty 35 kilometers long. In the reserve there are perennially snow-topped mountain peaks, verdant and lush forests and stretches of serene lakes. Jiuzhaigou is often compared to a haven of peace, leaving behind nothing but earthly troubles and worries. 九寨沟是水的天地,水构成了九寨沟最富魅力的景色。九寨沟风景区内有许多清澈的湖泊,它们或隐匿于峡谷,或镶嵌于原始森林。这些湖泊大小不一、形状各异,如同一面面镜子,闪耀着斑澜的光芒。 Jiuzhaigou is a world of water, which brings Jiuzhaigou its most enchanting views. Jiuzhaigou boasts many clear lakes, some of which are hidden in the valleys and some inlay the virgin forests. With a variety of shapes and sizes, these lakes look like (gleaming) mirrors projecting colorful light rings in the sunshine. 四川素有“天府之国”的美称。这是个盆地,四周群山环绕。古时候,四川成为蜀国,交通十分不便。唐产著名诗人李白在他的诗中叹道:“蜀道难,难于上青天!”现在的四川水陆空交通四通八达,蜀道难的时代已经一去不复返了。Sichuan has always enjoyed the reputation of the being “Heavenly Land of Plenty”. It is a basin. There are a lot huge mountains around it. In ancient times, Sichuan was called Shu Kingdom, and the transportation wasn’t good at that time. Li Bai, one of the most famous poets in Tang dynasty exclaimed in his poem: “Walking on th e narrow paths of Shu Kingdom is more difficult than climbing up to Heaven!” Now the transportation by water, land and air in Sichuan leads in all directions. The times when walking on the narrow paths of Shu Kingdom are gone forever. 众所周知,北京是世界文化名城,有3000多年的历史,有着众多的名胜古迹和丰富的文化底蕴。北京保存着世界上最完整的宫殿群——故宫,以及被称为世界七大奇迹之一的长城。 Bejing is known as a famous historical and cultural city in the world. as a city with a history of 3000 years, Beijing has numerous sites of interest and a brilliant rich culture. It has preserved the Forbidden City, the most complete palace complex, and the Great Wall, which is known as one of the seven wonders in the world. 上海是旅游者的天地。上海有着众多的休闲度假胜地,如佘山国家自然保护区,淀山湖风景区,太阳岛度假区,环球乐园,梦幻乐园,以及野生动物园。上海作为中国的一座历史文化名城,有70余处国家级和市级重点历史文物保护单位,充分显示了特色鲜明的海派文化。 Shanghai is a paradise for tourists. Shanghai boasts a lot of tourist attractions and holiday resorts, including Sheshan Holiday Resort, Dianshan Lake Scenic Area, the Sun Island Holiday Resort, the World Garden, the Dreamland and the Wildlife Park. One of the noted historic and cultural cities in China, shanghai has over 70 cities under the protection of the state and the municipal governments, which best represent the distinctive characteristics of shanghai regional culture. 颐和园位于北京市西北郊,原名为清漪园,始建于公元1750年,是清朝乾隆皇帝为其母亲庆祝60寿辰而建造的一座以湖光山色蜚声于世的大型皇家园林。1860年,清漪园被英法联军焚毁,1886年,慈禧太后挪用海军经费,在清漪园废墟的基础上重新修建并于1888年改名为颐和园。 The Summer Palace is located in the northwestern suburbs of Beijing. It was originally named Qingyi Garden. It was first constructed in 1750 by Emperor Qianlong of Qing Dynasty, to celebrate his mother’s 60th birthday. In 1860, Qingyi Garden was burnt down by the British and French Allied Forces. In 1886, it was reconstructed on orders of Empress Dowager Ci Xi with funds meant for the navy, and was renamed the Summer Palace in 1888. 万寿山北麓,山势起伏,花木扶疏,道路幽邃,松柏参天。重峦叠嶂上,仿西藏寺庙构筑的建筑群层台耸立,雄伟庄严。山脚下,清澈的湖水随山形地貌演变为一条宁静舒缓的河流,宛转而东去。 The northern part of the Longevity Hill features wavy terrain, well-spaced flowers and trees, winding paths and towering pines and cypresses. On the mountain ranges, building complex designed in the style of Tibetan temples look magnificent and dignified. At the foot of the mountain, limpid water of the lake follows the wavy terrain and becomes a serene river flowing east. 登上佛香阁,凭栏纵目,碧波荡漾的昆明湖上,仿杭州西湖苏堤建造的西堤,犹如一条绿色的飘带,蜿蜒曲折,纵贯南北。堤上六座桥,造型互异,婀娜多姿。浩淼烟波中,十七孔桥似长虹偃月横卧水面。 Viewed from the Pavilion of Buddhist Incense, West Causeway, which was constructed in imitation of Su Causeway on the West Lake, looks like a green ribbon winding from south to north on the green and rippling Kunming Lake. Each of the six bridges on the West Causeway has its own form and each is graceful in its own way. Like a rainbow, the Seventeen-arch Bridge is captivating, lying on the lake in the mists.


北京周边旅游景点大全 密云县 金山岭长城密云黑龙潭白马关堡 云岫谷自然风景区天池九龙潭黑山寺风景区 云蒙峡五座楼森林公园雾灵山 云峰山碧清源风景区金鼎湖 天云山不老湖九道湾大峡谷 精灵谷自然风景区九龙十八潭桃源仙谷 白岭关风景区三峪风景区密云水库 白河峡谷 怀柔县 红螺寺雁栖湖神堂峪自然风景区 幽谷神潭原始部落游乐园黄花城水库 昙云寺慕田峪长城濂泉响谷 青龙峡喇叭沟原始森林风景区蓝天牧场 中华梦石城天池峡谷黄花城关 撞道口关紫云山天华洞旅游度假区 京北第一漂箭扣长城百泉山 驼岭度假村九谷口夹扁楼龙潭间 九眼楼长城(北京结)生存岛西水峪自然风景区 湖景水上乐园云蒙山响水湖 鸿焱湖风景区卧佛山鳞龙山自然风景区 平谷县 金海湖京东大峡谷湖洞水 老象峰文峰塔四座楼风景区 金山十景轩辕黄帝陵丫髻山 飞龙谷京东石林峡京东大溶洞 顺义区 绿色度假村唐指山风景区 大兴县 半壁店森林公园星明湖度假村南海子麋鹿苑 团河行宫东方骑士乐园北京濒危动物中心 海淀区 阳台山自然风景区金山寺百望山 凤凰岭自然风景区中科院植物园碧云寺 香山玉泉山大觉寺

卧佛寺鹫峰森林公园稻香湖 北京市植物园樱桃沟 丰台区 鹰山森林公园 石景山区 八大处公园 门头沟区 妙峰山风景区百花山风景区黄草梁风景区 灵山风景区斋堂水库川底下(古迹山庄)龙门涧珍珠湖风景区潭柘寺 龙门森林公园灵山西藏博物园戒台寺 斋堂城天津关大寒岭关城 石佛村摩崖造像龙宫大溶洞落坡岭风景区 房山区 云居寺十渡石花洞 万景仙沟上方山、云水洞南方大峡谷 银狐洞蒲洼狩猎场石经山 将军坨风景区拒马乐园穆柯寨 孤山寨莲缘峡谷白草畔 龙乡湖仙峰谷韩村河 昌平区 沟崖居庸关长城十三陵水库 铁壁银山蟒山森林公园礁臼峪 白羊沟风景区虎峪自然风景区大杨山风景区 汤泉行宫白虎涧自然风景区天龙潭 常兴地热城桃峪口风景区关沟风景区 延庆县 龙庆峡乌龙峡谷八达岭长城 龙泉峪长城水关长城八达岭野生动物世界滴水壶康西草原松山森林旅游区 玉都风景区莲花山森林公园云龙山 古崖居八达岭熊乐园野鸭湖 黄龙潭妫河漂流齐仙岭 密云县 司马台长城京都第一瀑清凉谷、千尺珍珠瀑


最新全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作 1 分析《女勇士》中的女性形象 2 模糊语在新闻报道中的语用研究 3 论《亚瑟王之死》中的骑士精神 4 简析商务沟通中的非语言沟通 5 《玻璃动物园》中的逃避主义解读 6 论《进入黑夜的漫长旅程》的悲剧成因 7 激发幼儿学习英语兴趣 8 多媒体网络教学和传统教学对大学生情感的影响 9 探讨中英文化差异——以宗教习语翻译为案例 10 浅谈高中英语教师课堂提问与课堂互动 11 撒旦和孙悟空的形象和文化内涵对比 12 《阿Q正传》中文化负载词的翻译 13 从生态视角解读《瓦尔登湖》 14 解读《最蓝的眼睛》中的姐妹情谊 15 On the Dramatic Conflicts Contributing to Eliza Doolittle’s Pursuit of Self-identity in Pygmalion 16 中美两国家庭文化差异 17 音意兼译—外来词中译之首选法 18 仿拟在商业广告中的应用 19 原创+⑧+ 0 +⑤+⑨+⑨+ 0+⑦+④+⑨ 20 An Analysis of the Characters in the Call of the Wild from the Perspective of Social Darwinism 21 《玻璃动物园》中的逃避主义解读 22 从关联理论的角度看英语广告中隐喻的翻译 23 战后美国对伊拉克娱乐文化的影响 24 论童话《小王子》的象征创作 25 从跨文化交际的角度看广告翻译 26 足球评论员的评论语气对球迷看球的影响 27 《了不起的盖茨比》中色彩的象征意义 28 从《喜福会》母女冲突看中美家庭教育差异 29 比较《西游记》与《哈利波特》中的英雄形象 30 《红字》中的圣经典故与象征意义 31 自然会话中会话结构的分析 32 网络语言风格的性别差异 33 中式英语的潜在价值 34 英语课堂中的非传统学习策略 35 From Dormancy to Revival—A Feminist Study on Kate Chopin’s Awakening 36 沃尔玛策略研究 37 浅析霍桑罪恶观在《拉帕西尼的女儿》中的体现 38 伦敦英语在英语标准化过程中的作用 39 论跨文化交际中的体态语


口译1卷 1)关于三峡旅游的咨询对话 你好请问你要去哪里旅游? Hi! I understand that your agency arranges trip to three gorges from here. 是的,我们每天都有游船从这里到三峡,分三峡一日游和两日游两种,请问你们准备选择哪种呢? What’s difference between these two tours? 一日游的话,我们就是早上8点从重庆出发,成快船游三峡,沿途参观张飞庙,白帝城,三峡等景点,晚上到宜昌住宿,两日游的是慢船,行程和景点都是一样的。 I see. How much does each cost? 一日游是960元一个人,两日游稍微贵一点,1100元一个人。 Ok. One day tour sounds good to me. By the way, are meals included in the price? 哦,这个价格包括了中文和晚上两顿饭,就是我们提供的简易套餐,不含饮料。当然,你也可以自己点菜,点饮料,但是要另外掏钱。 All right, I will go for the one day tour. 好的,这里是我们旅行社提供的旅行合同,一式两份,你看一下,没问题的话,签个字,到隔壁柜台交完钱就可以了,明天早上7点赶到这里,坐我们的大巴到码头。 2) Seek First to Understand What is the difference between a man and a beast? Sometimes it is hard to tell, but the most important characteristic that sets man apart from all other creatures is language. Through words we can touch one anther’s minds---and yet it is strange how seldom and how fleetingly our minds meet. Most of us do not learn to communicate very well. Most people don’t listen with the intention of understanding; they listen with the intention of replying. They are either speaking or preparing to speak. When each is struggling against the other to use the conversation for their own purposes, each feels frustrated by the other. Since both are struggling for the same thing, each is too tense to listen attentively to the other. If someone is to influence us, to receive our confidences or give helpful advice, we must first feel that he really understands us. We need to keep in mind that others have different experiences, different values and different ways of looking at things. They are even likely to use different word to say the same thing. We must seek first to understand the other person. Accept them from their viewpoint as we encourage them to express their ideas and feelings. If we do that, not only are our relationships likely to improve, but a lot more of what we say will get through. Seek first to understand, then maybe you will be understood. 3)工艺品公司介绍 各位来宾,各位朋友: 大家好!非常荣幸能通过这次会议停工的平台和大家相聚,并向大家介绍一下我们的公司。我们是一家专业设计、生产和销售工艺品的公司,从公司创立至今,我们已经走过了整整15年的历程。15年前,我们拥有员工50名,今天,拥有员工1,700名;15年前,我们租用厂房4,500平方米,今天自建厂房24,000平方米,这些数字,都清晰地记录了我们创造的辉煌。 在过去的一年中,我们通过积极推进制度改革,构建了和谐团队,使整个企业生产盈利并在行业内取得了大大的提高。在此,我代表公司销售经理向各位表示崇高的敬意、诚挚的感谢。在新的一年开启新的希望,新的启程承载新的梦想。


A: Hi, I will have a trip to Shanghai next week. I have heard it is a beautiful city in China, isn’t it? B:是的。上海位于中国东海海岸,北临长江口,南靠杭州湾。从字面上看,他就是“在海上”的意思。我敢说你此行一定很棒,因为上海真的是个迷人的城市,它常被昵称位“东方明珠”。 A: I am told that Shanghai was formerly and unimportant fishing village. But now it has grown into one of the world’s largest seaports and a major industrial and commercial center of China. Amazing changes! Would you please tell me more about it? B:好的。上海因外国扩张在19世纪首次向世界开放,而最近,20世纪80年代以来,它有重向世界敞开大门。现在,上海已经成为中国最富活力的国际大都是。它不断吸引国内外的人们来到此处。上海人闻名天下,他们有着商业天赋,反应迅速,处事精明。作为旅游城市,上海因其商业活动和美丽景致吸引国内外游客。 A: I read from one tourist information guide that, as you walk through Shanghai, it may feel as though you are entering a fair of world architecture or an art gallery of human civilization. Do you think the words are an exaggeration? B:哦。我认为这些话没有夸张。事实上,上海的建筑风格多种多样,在世界上独树一帜。这种多样性反映了国内外建筑师、工程师、工人们的智慧和努力,是全世界的珍贵遗产。 A: I see. Would you recommend some scenic spots worth visiting in


湖北十大旅游景点大全 1、武当山 武当山又名太和山,位于湖北十堰市南,武当山最早的寺观为唐代所建,明永乐年间,明成祖在京建完故宫后,由工部侍郎郭瑾率原班人马,浩浩荡荡开进武当山,共建造7宫,2观,36庵和72崖庙等建筑群。 武当山以宏伟的建筑规模著称于世。现有古建筑群均采取皇家建筑法式,统一设计布局。其规模的大小,间距的疏密都恰到好处,达到时隐时现、若明若暗、欲扬先抑、前呼后应、玄妙超然的艺术效果。国务院于1982年公布武当山为全国重点风景名胜区,称:武当山古建筑工程浩大,工艺精湛,成功地体现了“仙山琼阁”的意境,犹如我国古建筑成就的展览。北宋大书画家米芾将之誉为“天下第一山”。 玄岳门:武当山的玄岳门是三间四柱五楼式仿木石结构建筑,高十二米,宽十二点四米。它代表着道教所信仰的“五城十二楼”,即这个地方是等侯和相遇神仙的场所。而道家又以人的喉管为“十二重楼”穴道,故又寓意此地是阴阳交界处,为武当山第一道神门,被称为仙界第一关。在武当山有“进了玄岳门,性命交给神”的说法,意思是说,凡人进了这神门仙界后,是生是死,是福是祸,就由不得自己了。 复真观:又名“太子坡”,相传是净乐国王太子—也就是后来的玄武大帝—十五岁入武当山-时最初居住的地方,又因其意志不坚在返回家的途中,被紫气元君用“铁杵磨针”点化,复又上山-,因而得名复真观的。 坐落在武当山主峰一天峰柱上的金殿,是我国最大的铜铸鎏金大殿,建于明永乐十四年(1416年)。殿高5.5米,宽5.8米,进深4.2米。殿内栋梁和藻井都有精细的花纹图案。藻井上悬挂一颗鎏金明珠,人称“避风仙珠”。传说这颗宝珠能镇住山风,不能吹进殿门,以保证殿内神灯长明不灭。其实山风吹不进是因为殿壁及殿门的各个铸件,非常严密、精确。 金殿内有“真武”铜像,重达10吨。殿外是白玉石栏杆台,台下是长约1500米的紫金城。城墙由巨大的长方形条石依山势垒砌而成。这座金殿建在武当山群峰中最雄奇险峻的天柱峰上,具有“天上瑶台金阙“的效果。紫霄宫建于明永乐十一年(1413年),


旅游景区的品牌建设 从景区品牌建设的阶段上来看,其依次要经历品牌塑造、品牌维护以及品牌提升等三个环节。 1、品牌的塑造 品牌的塑造就是旅游景区根据自身特色收集个性信息并将其系统化的过程。按照景区品牌的特色可以将景区品牌分为以下四类,即企业品牌、项目品牌、资源品牌以及运作品牌或经营品牌。 景区企业品牌是指将景区作为一个具有个性的企业在市场中具有的知名度。通常情况下,该类企业是以独特的企业文化或突出的经营理念和绩效为人们所认同,如国际著名的迪斯尼公司、我国的宋城集团、华侨城等都是景区企业品牌的典型代表。在企业品牌的支撑下,景区可以通过管理输出、特许经营等方式迅速扩大景区的市场规模。 景区项目品牌则是指旅游景区的品牌以其中的特色项目为基础,旅游者是通过该项目而认知旅游景区。 景区资源品牌是在景区占有垄断性资源的情况下,通过对旅游资源的包装和开发而形成的市场知名度,目前大部分知名旅游景区都是依靠资源品牌,如北京故宫、九寨沟、神农架、泰山等。 景区运作品牌是一类比较特殊的景区品牌塑造方式,即通过具有个性的景区管理运作方式为人们所关注,从而产生的知名效应。如开民营经济开发旅游景区先河的碧峰峡景区就是典型的例

子。 可见,旅游景区品牌塑造拥有多种渠道的选择,关键是应把握景区自身的特点所在,并借助社会放大效应将个性特征传递给旅游者。 2、品牌的维护 旅游景区的品牌同生物一样具有一定的生命周期,因此,要对旅游景区品牌实时进行维护,通过对品牌的系统维护可以有效保证品牌的知晓度和美誉度,延长景区品牌生命周期。景区品牌的维护实际上是在强化原有特色、培植新兴特色的同时不断提升景区经营管理水平和服务质量的过程。其间还包括对受损品牌的修复工作,如应对各种突发事件对景区品牌产生的负面影响等。 3、品牌的提升 旅游景区的品牌按照其影响力大小可以分成不同的等级,如地方级、区域级、省级、国家级、世界级等。品牌提升的目的就是扩大景区品牌的影响力,从而进一步增强景区吸引力水平。


A方:H&M公司B方:达芙妮公司 观光人员:双方公司CEO 口译人员(4人) 过程:A方在B方上海总部谈判合作之余,B方带领A方观光上海景点。 A: Hi, I’m the chief executive officer of the H&M Company. I have heard ShangHai is a magnificent city in China. Can you introduce me some details about Shanghai 口译A:你好,我是H&M公司的执行总裁。我早就听说中国上海是一个美丽的城市。你能给我介绍一下有关上海的细节吗 B:你好,我是达芙妮上海总部的执行总裁。在我们谈判合作之余,好好欣赏上海美景。是的,上海位于中国东海海岸,北临长江口,南靠杭州湾。我敢说你此行一定很棒,因为上海真的是一个迷人的城市。它常被称为“东方明珠”。 口译B:Hi, I’m the chief executive officer of the Daphne company in Shanghai. In the remaining of our negotiations, just enjoy beautiful scenery in Shanghai. Surely, Shanghai is located on the coast of the East China Sea, between the mouth of the Yangtze River to the north and the bays of Hangzhou to the south. I bet you will have a wonderful visit there for Shanghai is truly a fascinating city. It is often nicknamed as “Oriental Pearl.” A: I heard that Shanghai was formerly and unimportant fishing village. But now it has grown into one of the world’s largest seaports and a major industrial and commercial center of China. Amazing changes! Would you please tell me more about it 口译A:我听说上海以前是个不起眼的小渔村。但现在它竟成了全世界最大的海港之一,还是中国的主要工商业中心。变化多大!你能不能再多说说上海 B:好的。现在上海已经成为中国最富活力的国际大都市。它不断吸引国内外的人们来到此处。作为旅游城市,上海因其商业活动和美丽景致吸引国内外游客。口译B:Ok. Now, Shanghai has become China’s most energetic and international city. It has attracted immigrants from within China as well as abroad. As a tourist city, Shanghai attracts travelers from home and abroad because of its commercial activity and its scenic beauty. A: I learned that from the secretary of our company:As you walk through Shanghai, it may feel as though you are entering a fair of world architecture or an art gallery of human civilization. Do you think the words are true 口译A:我从我们公司的秘书那里了解到:当你在上海观光,会感到好像走入了世界建筑博览会或是人类文明艺术馆。你认为这些话对吗 B:哦。我认为这些话是非常正确的。事实上,上海的建筑风格多种多样,在世界上独树一帜。这种多样性反映了国内外建筑师、工程师、工人们的智慧和努力。它是全世界的珍贵遗产。 口译B:Oh, I think they are true facts. In fact, Shanghai is unique among world cities in its variety of architectural styles. This variety reflects the wisdom and efforts of architects, engineers, and workers. It is a precious heritage to the world. A: I see. Would you recommend some scenic spots worth visiting in Shanghai 口译A:我知道了。你能不能向我介绍一下上海值得一去的景点 B:当然可以。首先,我要向你推荐外滩--亚洲最著名的一条街,现在它临着黄浦江,绿树成荫。外滩的壮观吸引着许多远东的大公司,他们纷纷在临江的建筑里设立总部。所以我们达芙妮公司总部也在附近。 口译B:Sure. First, I’d like to recommend you the Bund-once the most famous street in Asia, it is a tree-lined avenue along the Huangpu River. All attracted with its grandeur, the major firms of the Far


上海周边旅游 上海都市风光一日游 游浦东新区、东方明珠(蹬塔263米)、南浦大桥、浦江游船、城隍庙、外滩、黄浦公园、南京 路步行街,结束愉快行程离团。 合计价:235元/人。 网友优惠价:140元/人 苏州园林一日游 提供标准:景点门票、导游服务、旅行社责任险。 假山王国—狮子林、世界文化遗产—耦园、船游东方威尼斯小桥流水人家、观世遗会会址、盘门三景、江南丝绸风采、千年古刹寒山寺、江南第一高塔北塔寺、观东方比萨斜塔虎丘、参观紫砂工艺或太湖淡水珍珠。结束愉快行程离团! 合计价:215元/人。 网友优惠价:118元/人 提供标准:景点门票、导游服务、旅行社责任险 杭州西湖一日游 船游西湖、灵隐飞来峰、黄龙洞、品茶文化、花港观鱼、岳王庙,参加江南丝绸风采,结束愉 快行程。 合计价310元/人 网友优惠价:138元/人 提供标准:景点门票、优秀导游服务,旅行社责任险。 周庄水乡一日游 游沈厅、张厅、双桥、全福寺、澄虚道院、迷楼、富安桥、观全福塔,结束愉快行程离团。 合计价格:200元/人。 网友优惠价:98元/人 提供标准:景点门票,优秀导游服务、旅行社责任险

乌镇古镇一日游 游矛盾故居、修真观、古戏台、中栅、东栅的沿河景色、逢源双桥、翰林院、蓝印花布、江南 木雕馆、林家铺子,结束愉快行程离团。 合计价格:210元/人。 网友优惠价:118元/人 提供标准:景点门票、导游服务、旅行社责任险 鼋头渚、太湖三山仙岛、坐豪华游船观水浒三国城、蠡园、唐城,结束愉快行程离团。 合计价格:218元/人。 网友优惠价:148元/人 提供标准:景点门票、导游服务、旅行社责任险。 行程安排: D1、早7:00分前上海大剧院集合发车(约1小时45分钟到苏州)游览:狮子林(约50分钟)、耦园风情水上游(约1:10分钟)、江南丝绸风采(约50分钟)、寒山寺(约40分钟)、北寺塔(约60分钟)、虎丘(如进门票自理、约1:00分钟、不进约5分钟))、参观紫砂工艺或太湖淡水珍珠(约50分钟)、午餐(约40分钟)结束后约17:30左右,乘约18:00大巴,约20:30分左右到杭州住:杭州 D2、早8:00游船游西湖(约45分钟)、观西湖第一胜境“三潭印月”、游花港观鱼(约30分钟)、沿途欣赏杨公堤美景、灵隐飞来峰(约60分钟)(香火卷自理)、黄龙洞(约30分钟)、品茶文化,虎跑泉(约40分钟)、参加江南丝绸风采,午餐(约40分钟)。结束愉快行程大约17:30分,返程大巴或火车硬座18:00左右,抵达上海约20:45分钟左右 供应标准:空调旅游车,景点门票,优秀导游服务(餐费自理) 行程安排: D1、早7:00分前上海大剧院集合发车(约1小时45分钟到苏州)游览:狮子林(约50分钟)、耦园风情水上游(约1:10分钟)、江南丝绸风采(约50分钟)、寒山寺(约40分钟)、北寺塔(约60分钟)、虎丘(如进门票自理、约1:00分钟、不进约5分钟))、参观紫砂工艺或太湖淡水珍珠(约50分钟)、午餐(约40分钟)结束后约17:30左右,乘约18:00大巴,约20:30分左右到杭州住:杭州 D2、早8:00游船游西湖(约45分钟)、观西湖第一胜境“三潭印月”、游花港观鱼(约30分钟)、沿途欣赏杨公堤美景、灵隐飞来峰(约60分钟)(香火卷自理)、黄龙洞(约30分钟)、品茶文化,虎跑泉(约40分钟)、参加江南丝绸风采,午餐(约40分钟)。结束愉快行程大约17:30分,返程大巴或火车硬座18:00左右,抵达上海约20:45分钟左右 供应标准:空调旅游车,景点门票,优秀导游服务(餐费自理) D1、早7:00分前上海大剧院集合发车(约1小时45分钟到苏州)游览:狮子林(约50分钟)、耦园风情水上游(约1:10分钟)、江南丝绸风采(约50分钟)、寒山寺(约40分钟)、北寺塔(约



旅游景区是旅游目的地吸引物系统的核心部分,景区品牌是用来识别某个特定景区的旅游产品和服务,并使之与其他景区的旅游产品和服务相区别的名称及其标志,反映了本景区区别于其他景区的差异性。 一、国内外旅游品牌管理研究综述 (一)国外研究成果 国外对旅游目的地形象的研究起步比较早,但旅游目的地品牌的大规模研究主要是在20世纪90年代以后。Hunt(1975)认为形象是旅游目的地发展相当重要的一个因素;Relph(1976)认为,一个地区的自然背景、人的活力和所蕴涵的意味共同交汇统一才能形成一个地区的识别特性;Gartner(1989)指出由于旅游产品“非实物化”的特殊性,旅游者在做决策过程中的复杂性使旅游地品牌运作面临着挑战;Slattery(1991)指出品牌化在旅游接待业中已经成为一股强大的势力;Judd(1995)研究了城市旅游兴起后许多美国城市旅游目的地品牌形象的塑造问题;Hall(1999)指出旅游目的地品牌的核心目标在于“创造一种和谐的、集中的沟通策略”,但他用一般市场学中品牌的定义,而没有给出旅游目的地品牌的具体含义;Crock2ettandWood(1999)以澳大利亚西部为例,从应用的角度分析了品牌的构建过程,给出了旅游目的地品牌构建的一些相当重要的原则,指出形象只是目的地品牌管理的一部分,还应从理论和实践上通过整合各种市场活动建立一个统一的品牌;PhilipKotler等(1999)指出,在促销和开发旅游目的地时,必须重视提高和确立良好的旅游地品牌形象;Gnoth(2002)认为,旅游目的地吸引物具有其自身独特的属性,选择目的地吸引物的属性是首要的关键性问题,目的地品牌化首先要使旅游吸引物品牌化;LipingA.Cai(2002)在总结了旅游地品牌研究历程之后,指出与一般的商品和服务不同,目的地的品牌总是与其地理名称相联系,他还对乡村旅游目的地品牌合作模式进行了专题研究;PeterAkerhielm(2003)针对欧洲一体化背景下的欧盟旅游业,分析了实施欧洲品牌战略的重要性。 (二)国内研究成果综述 很多学者对旅游景区开发中的品牌问题进行了探讨,王新祝(2000)结合长江三峡研究了建设世界水电旅游城的文化品牌;聂献忠(2000)在分析了杭州市旅游吸引力和游客行为的基础之上,认为杭州市景区开发中应重视品牌创造;姚作为(2001)分析了我国旅游业品牌化进程,对旅游品牌和其他品牌进行了比较;李艳、牛志文(2001)在李蕾蕾旅游地形象认知研究的基础之上对不同旅游景区的品牌形象差异进行了比较,提出了旅游景区品牌构建的系统过程;李艳(2001)具体研究了旅游商品开发中的品牌支撑问题,提出旅游商品品牌创建的途径;徐栖玲、陈宏巨(2001)针对服务的特殊性,探讨了旅游服务品牌创建的可行途径;费振家(2001)以武当山为例,对品牌营销进行了专题研究;王崧、韩振华(2001)对旅游品牌的特殊性、成长规律和培育过程进行了深入思考;彭杰(2001)详细阐述了中心城市的品牌效应,以及如何将城市与景区相结合开展品牌营销;邓辉、鲁卫星(2002)提出了主品、精品、名品、新品组成的旅游品牌层次结构系统,针对湖北省旅游品牌的层次结构强调实施精品名牌战略;范斌等(2003)以香格里拉为例,探讨了旅游地品牌特征的塑造;梁敏俐(2004)结合生态旅游的现状,指出了张家界生态旅游发展中存在的问


旅游口译(二) 举世闻名的九寨沟自然保护区位于我国四川省境内,是一片纵深达35公里的自然风景区。区内有终年积雪的山峰、苍翠繁茂的森林、宁静悠远的湖泊。人们常常将九寨沟比作世外桃源。// Located in Sichuan Province, the World-famous Jiuzhaigou Nature Reserve covers an area of natural beauty 35 kilometers long. In the reserve there are perennially snow-topped mountain peaks, verdant and lush forests and stretches of serene lakes. Jiuzhaigou is often compared to a haven of peace, leaving behind nothing but earthly troubles and worries. 九寨沟是水的天地,水构成了九寨沟最富魅力的景色。九寨沟风景区内有许多清澈的湖泊,它们或隐匿于峡谷,或镶嵌于原始森林。这些湖泊大小不一、形状各异,如同一面面镜子,闪耀着斑澜的光芒。 Jiuzhaigou is a world of water, which brings Jiuzhaigou its most enchanting views. Jiuzhaigou boasts many clear lakes, some of which are hidden in the valleys and some inlay the virgin forests. With a variety of shapes and sizes, these lakes look like (gleaming) mirrors projecting colorful light rings in the sunshine. 四川素有“天府之国”的美称。这是个盆地,四周群山环绕。古时候,四川成为蜀国,交通十分不便。唐产著名诗人李白在他的诗中叹道:“蜀道难,难于上青天!”现在的四川水陆空交通四通八达,蜀道难的时代已经一去不复返了。 Sichuan has always enjoyed the reputation of the being “Heavenly Land of Plenty”. It is a basin. There are a lot huge mountains around it. In ancient times, Sichuan was called Shu Kingdom, and the transportation wasn’t good at that time. Li Bai, one of the most famous poets in Tang dynasty exclaimed in his poem: “Wa lking on the narrow paths of Shu Kingdom is more difficult than climbing up to Heaven!” Now the transportation by water, land and air in Sichuan leads in all directions. The times when walking on the narrow paths of Shu Kingdom are gone forever. 众所周知,北京是世界文化名城,有3000多年的历史,有着众多的名胜古迹和丰富的文化底蕴。北京保存着世界上最完整的宫殿群——故宫,以及被称为世界七大奇迹之一的长城。 Bejing is known as a famous historical and cultural city in the world. as a city with a history of 3000 years, Beijing has numerous sites of interest and a brilliant rich culture. It has preserved the Forbidden City, the most complete palace complex, and the Great Wall, which is known as one of the seven wonders in the world. 上海是旅游者的天地。上海有着众多的休闲度假胜地,如佘山国家自然保护区,淀山湖风景区,太阳岛度假区,环球乐园,梦幻乐园,以及野生动物园。上海作为中国的一座历史文化名城,有70余处国家级和市级重点历史文物保护单位,充分显示了特色鲜明的海派文化。 Shanghai is a paradise for tourists. Shanghai boasts a lot of tourist attractions and holiday resorts, including Sheshan Holiday Resort, Dianshan Lake Scenic Area, the
