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Let us mark this day with remembrance, of who we are and how far we have traveled.



2.Remembrance和how far we have traveled用动宾词组的形式译出

In the year of America's birth, in the coldest of months, a small band of patriots huddled by dying campfires on the shores of an icy river.



2. a small band中的形容词small可以用省译法



The capital was abandoned. The enemy was advancing. The snow was stained with blood.


Abandon, advance, stain应该使用反译法.字面上翻译是首都被放弃,敌人在进步(奋力前行),雪被血玷污(弄脏).因此这样的翻译无异于丑化打天下的美军,是完全错误的词义抄写.所以,必须转换成被占领,在挺进(把敌人前进的状态翻译出来就足够拉). 在中文中,雪和血的发音还满接近的,所以不妨在血液前加个形容的”鲜”字,鲜血


就像中国在国际事务上吃亏,会不会直接说: 我们倒霉了?不会.说:我们没有达到预期的效果,没有完成既定的任务.

At a moment when the outcome of our revolution was most in doubt, the father of our nation ordered these words be read to the people:



2.the father of our nation如果不能顺利翻译成国父的话,因为中国不怎么提孙


3.order these words be read to the people也可以翻译成:”我们的国父们让大家


"Let it be told to the future world...that in the depth of winter, when nothing but hope and virtue could survive...that the city and the country, alarmed at one common danger, came forth to meet it."



1.一般在翻译中,看到nothing but/no such a thing but…直接把but后面的内容取


2.调换语序,变成: alarmed at one common danger, the city and the country came forth to meet it." 接着将前部分变成时间状语,后面使用改装后的顺序语态America. In the face of our common dangers, in this winter of our hardship, let us remember these timeless words.



2.timeless words的翻译,请大家谨慎处理,字面上看就直接翻译成不受时间



With hope and virtue, let us brave once more the icy currents, and endure what storms may come.



Let it be said by our children's children that when we were tested we refused to let this journey end, that we did not turn back nor did we falter; and with eyes fixed on the horizon and God's grace upon us, we carried forth that great gift of freedom and delivered it safely to future generations.


1.注意词组翻译过程中四字格的使用: with eyes fixed on对应全神贯注,高瞻远

2.not turn back nor did we falter对应没有半途而废,没有退缩不前

3.delivered it safely to future generations 做代代相传,万古流芳讲.在此使用拆句




The traditional Chinese culture is rich, extensive and profound.

1.底蕴深厚,博大精深,其实就是: 多,博,深.用三个形容词翻译再好不过.

2.博大精深还可做: Broad and profound 如果用它的话,那么底蕴深厚依然用rich


Harmony, the supreme value cherished in ancient China, lies at the heart of the Chinese culture.

1.奉一字,简单来说就是被认为是/被捧做是: be regarded as/ be thought as /be cherished



3. the supreme value cherished in ancient China做成一个插入语,使整句句子平衡


The Chinese cultural tradition values peace as the most precious, which has nurtured the broad mind of the Chinese nation.



2.宽广博大的胸怀,就是the broad mind

中华民族,既能像大地承载万物一样,宽厚包容;又能像苍天刚健运行一样,彰显正义。The Chinese nation is generous and tolerant, just as Mother Earth cares for all living things and she is in constant pursuit of justice, just as the eternal movement of the Universe.

1.宽厚包容,并列关系的四字格. generous and tolerant

2.如大地承载万物,其实就是大地哺育生灵.在这里再借鉴一下海纳百川的做法: All rivers

run into sea./ The sea refuses no river/ containing thousands of little rivers, the sea is great.



The argument that a big power is bound to seek hegemony does not apply to China.


2.国强必霸,国家强大了必定称霸/做老大,必定一词可用十大经典句be bound to

3.其实这句话还可以用中国做主语.china doesn’t fit the theory called a big power is bound

to seek hegemony.


名:the wind and the cloud conquer the world. 会做了吧? A big power is bound to

conquer the world.


Seeking hegemony goes against China's cultural tradition as well as the will of the Chinese people.




China's development harms no one and threatens no one.



We shall be a peace-loving country, a country that is eager to learn from and cooperate with others and that is committed to building a harmonious world.



China will remain open and receptive, value her own traditions while drawing on others' successful experience, and achieve economic prosperity and social progress in a civilized and harmonious way.


珍视传统:value/cherish her own traditions

博采众长: drawing on others' successful experience/strong points/advantages

方式:在此应作way,而非method.way 是个最通用最不正式的词,可以用来代替前面的任何一个词。由于way常出现在许多固定的词组中,可见这是个使用非常频繁的词. method 所表示的“模式”可以指做某件事的具体步骤或程序,也可以指抽象概念“条理”


在高级口译中,考官对考生的“信”、“达”、“雅”中的“雅”字有一定的要求,如果只是把文章的意思平庸地翻译出来,很难拿到高分,必须要有一些符合语境的东西或者说符合目标语境的东西,这一点我们叫appropriateness(合适性)。这一点就是告诉考生,在高级翻译当中不要太保守,比如说中译英时在确保“对”的情况下,考生可以使用较好的短语或俚语,可以在确保正确的前提下,再增加一些文章的生动性,这一点在汉译英当中特别重要,汉译英就是考你的写作能力了,这是非常重要的。还有即使你的句式都对,但是句子本身在写作方面有重大问题的话,也很难拿到一定的高分,因为考生的写作能力就是英语能力的一个浓缩。面对那些native speaker,漂亮道地的英语确实会让你不只是成为一个翻



一 1997.03 自然进化


二 1997.09 美国人追求物质享受太湖风景

三 1998.03 怎样做人音乐传播历史

四 1998.09 英国人赞扬英语中国外贸控管

五 1999.03 美国家庭面临的问题上海风貌

六 1999.09 日本失业率上海浦东新区

七 2000.03 为战士鼓气台湾统一问题

八 2000.09



九 2001.03 比尔.盖茨的转变科学与艺术的关系

十 2001.09



十一 2002.03 成人与儿童世界的分界线中美经贸合作

十二 2002.09 克隆人的科学和伦理问题亚洲面临的机遇和挑战十三 2003.03 亚洲国家世界杯严重亏损银行开展购车贷款

十四 2003.09 政府投资对经济的影响中国需要教学改革

十五 2004.03



十六 2004.09 法国对美国的政治态度老舍自传

十七 2005.03 美国领国海地的独立钱钟书自传

十八 2005.09 克林顿自传My Life简介抗日战争胜利60周十九 2006.03 美国城市的交通中国入世四年

二十 2006.09 美国非法移民的子女身份


二十一 2007.03 传奇人物彼得·德鲁克环保问题

二十二 2007.09 历史学家的回顾上海男人好

二十三 2008.03 经济全球化朱家角经济发展二十四 2008.09 外资工资白领和蓝领







翻译硕士《翻译硕士英语》样题 I. Vocabulary and grammar (30’) Multiple choice Directions: Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence. Mark your answers on your answer sheet. 1. Thousands of people turned out into the streets to _________ against the local authorities’ decision to build a highway across the field. A. contradict B. reform C. counter D. protest 2. The majority of nurses are women, but in the higher ranks of the medical profession women are in a _________. A. minority B. scarcity C. rarity D. minimum 3. Professor Johnson’s retirement ________ from next January. A. carries into effect B. takes effect C. has effect D. puts into effect 4. The president explained that the purpose of taxation was to ________ government spending. A. finance B. expand C. enlarge D. budget 5. The heat in summer is no less _________ here in this mountain region. A. concentrated B. extensive C. intense D. intensive 6. Taking photographs is strictly ________ here, as it may damage the precious cave paintings. A. forbidden B. rejected C. excluded D. denied 7. Mr. Brown’s condition looks very serious and it is doubtful if he will _________. A. pull back B. pull up C. pull through D. pull out 8. Since the early nineties, the trend in most businesses has been toward on-demand, always-available products and services that suit the customer’s _________ rather than the company’s. A. benefit B. availability C. suitability D. convenience 9. The priest made the ________ of the cross when he entered the church. A. mark B. signal C. sign D. gesture 10. This spacious room is ________ furnished with just a few articles in it. A. lightly B. sparsely C. hardly D. rarely 11. If you explained the situation to your solicitor, he ________ able to advise you much better than I can. A. would be B. will have been C. was D. were 12. With some men dressing down and some other men flaunting their looks, it is really hard to tell they are gay or _________. A. straight B. homosexual C. beautiful D. sad 13. His remarks were ________ annoy everybody at the meeting. A. so as to B. such as to C. such to D. as much as to 14. James has just arrived, but I didn’t know he _________ until yesterday. A. will come B. was coming C. had been coming D. came 15. _________ conscious of my moral obligations as a citizen. A. I was and always will be B. I have to be and always will be C. I had been and always will be D. I have been and always will be 16. Because fuel supplies are finite and many people are wasteful, we will have to install _________ solar heating device in our home. A. some type of B. some types of a C. some type of a D. some types of 17. I went there in 1984, and that was the only occasion when I ________ the journey in exactly two days. A. must take B. must have made


2017年北京外国语大学翻译硕士专业日语考研必读信息 复习经验经验指导 1、抓住重点,快速复习 2、建立框架,系统复习 3、明确背诵,精确记忆 4、区分主次,结合热点 5、模拟训练,名师批阅 6、押题模考,一战封侯 北京外国语大学考研—日语口译文学资料 口承文学の時代から記載文学時代へ ずっと昔、日本の祖先は祭りを通して、共同体を結んでいった.その当時、文字がなくて、祭りの場で、神々や祖先に対して語られ歌われる神聖な言葉は、口々相伝得るより仕方がなく、長い間、子々孫々に言い継ぎ、歌い継いで、伝承されていった。このように誕生した神話、伝説、歌謡、祝詞などを口承文学と言う。 大和朝廷は国家を統一すると、朝鮮、中国との交流が盛んになった。4世紀ごろに、大陸から漢字が伝わってきた。そして、だんだん実用化され、6世紀ごろに、漢字で表記できるようになり、文学作品も漢字によって、記載されるようになった。これは記載文学の始まりである。 祝詞:古代人は言霊信仰によって、神への祈りの言葉を祝詞と言う。その中には、神事の時群臣に読み聞かせるものとか、祭りの儀式のときに神に祈願するものとか、天皇に上奏して御代の長久を

祈るものなどがある。現存するのは「延喜式」の27編、「台記」の別記に収められた「中臣寿詞」の一編を合わせて、計28編である。 宣命:宣命と言うのは、天皇の詔を臣下に伝える和文体の詞章である。漢文体を詔勅と言うが、純粋の和文体で書かれたのを「宣命書き」と言う。「続日本記」の62編は現存する宣命である。 一奈良時代 1.記紀文学――「古事記」と「日本書紀」 「古事記」 712年に、太安万侶によって編集されたと言うことである。上、中、下の3巻からなっている。日本語で書かれ、前代の伝説、民衆の生活も含み、そこから古代日本人の考え方や個人感情などを理解することができる。文学性がかなり高い。今まで保存している日本最古の書籍である。 「日本書紀」 720年に舎人親王などが編集したものである。これは漢文体で書いた30巻よりなる歴史書の形をしたものである。中国の史書にならって、漢文の編年体で書かれたものである。天皇の君主としての地位を正当化する目的で、全体の構想が創作されている。 「古事記」と「日本書紀」は日本文学史の中で、最初の整った本の形であろう。記紀文学は人民大衆の文学ではなく、国家最高権利者である天皇、貴族の文学である。しかし、その中から、当時の地方民衆の生活状況や宗教などがわかり、民俗研究の貴重な資料として、かなり大きな価値がある。また、「古事記」「日本書紀」には、“まこと”と言う文学意識が芽生えていた。しかし、それは個人或いは人民大衆の思想感情の表れではなく、大和民俗固有の信仰、即ち神への崇拝と言う原始的な信仰をもとに生まれたのである。言い換えれば、この文学意識は写実の文学意識の芽えともいえよう。 「風土記」 713年、朝廷が諸国に命じて、その国の地理、産物、伝説などを記させた。日本の最初の地誌であ


《英语翻译基础》样题参考答案 I. Directions:Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively. There are altogether 30 items in this part of the test, 15 in English and 15 in Chinese, with one pint for each. (30’) 1. 亚太经贸合作组织 2. 东南亚国家联盟 3. 首席财务官 4. 消费价格指数 5. 邮政特快专递 6. 联邦调查局 7. 全球定位系统 8. 首次公开募股 9. 北大西洋公约组织 10. 国际货币基金组织 11. 最惠国 12. 知识产权 13. 注册会计师 14. 欧洲自由贸易联盟

15. 国际原子能机构 16. mortgage loan 17. health-care food 18. the bonded zone 19. bad (harmful) practice; unhealthy tendency 20. (passenger) transport during the Spring Festival 21. tertiary industry; service sector 22. a state with an adequate legal system 23. international common practice 24. cash on delivery 25. enterprises running in the red/under deficit 26. downsizing for efficiency; cut payroll to improve efficiency 27. conglomeration and merger of enterprises 28. retain the job but suspend the salary 29. special drawing rights (SDR; SDRs) 30. market access


05 It is not easy to talk about the role of the mass media in this overwhelmingly significant phase in European history. History and news become confused, and one's impressions tend to be a mixture of skepticism and optimism. (46)Television is one of the means by which these feelings are created and conveyed-and perhaps never before has it served to much to connect different peoples and nations as is the recent events in Europe .The Europe that is now forming cannot be anything other than its peoples, their cultures and national identities. With this in mind we can begin to analyze the European television scene. (47) In Europe, as elsewhere multi-media groups have been increasingly successful groups which bring together television, radio newspapers, magazines and publishing houses that work in relation to one another. One Italian example would be the Berlusconi group while abroad Maxwell and Murdoch come to mind. Clearly, only the biggest and most flexible television companies are going to be able to compete complete in such a rich and hotly-contested market. (48) This alone demonstrates that the television business is not an easy world to survive in a fact underlined by statistics that show that out of eighty European television networks no less than 50% took a loss in 1989. Moreover, the integration of the European community will oblige television companies to cooperate more closely in terms of both production and distribution. (49) Creating a "European identity" that respects the different cultures and traditions which go to make up the connecting fabric of the Old continent is no easy task and demands a strategic choice - that of producing programs in Europe for Europe. This entails reducing our dependence on the North American market, whose programs relate to experiences and cultural traditions which are different from our own. In order to achieve these objectives, we must concentrate more on co-productions, the exchange of news, documentary services and training. This also involves the agreements between European countries for the creation of a European bank will handle the finances necessary for production costs. (50) In dealing with a challenge on such a scale, it is no exaggeration to say "Unity we stand, divided we fall" -and if I had to choose a slogan it would be "Unity in our diversity." A unity of objectives that nonetheless respect the varied peculiarities of each country.


翻译硕士英语 Part one: multiple choice 1. The two most important in making a cake are flour and sugar. A. elements B. components C. ingredients D. constituents 2. Cultural indicated that human beings hand their language down from one generation to another. A. translation B. transition C. transmission D. transaction 3. We must look beyond and assumptions and try to discover what is missing. A. justifications B. illusions C. manifestations D. specifications 4. No one imagined that the apparently businessman was really a criminal. A. respective B. respectable C. respectful D. respected 5. If nothing is done to protect the environment, millions of species that are alive today will have become . A. deteriorated B. degenerated C. suppressed D. extinct 6. The of the scientific attitude is that the human mind can succeed in understanding the universe. A. essence B. texture C. content D. threshold 7. The old lady has developed a cough which cannot be cured completely in a short time. A. perpetual B. permanent C. chronic D. sustained 8. What the correspondence sent us is an news report. We can depend on it. A. evident B. authentic C. ultimate D. immediate 9. Having had her as a professor and adviser, I can tell you that she is an force who pushes her students to excel far beyond their own expectations. A. inspirational B. educational C. excessive D. instantaneous 10. Some researches feel that certain people have nervous systems particularly to hot, dry winds. They are what we call weather sensitive people. A. subjective B. subordinate C. liable D. vulnerable 11. The harder the shrub is to grow , . A. the more higher price is B. the higher price it is C. the higher the price is D. the higher is the price 12. It is that I would like to go to the beach. A. so nice weather B. such nice weather C. so nice a weather D. such a nice weather 13. Her little car isn’t to seat more than two people comfortably.


2015年考研英语一翻译真题解析 一、来源:今年的文章来源于An outline of American history(1954)(《美国历史纲要(1954年英文版)》),是其中一章The Colonial Period(殖民时期)的节选。这个符合历年来翻译的考查规律,往往都是从书籍中节选段落进行翻译,内容相对于阅读而言,相对于2014年“贝多芬”而言,有些难懂。 二、难度:5句话共151词,相当平稳。其中48题最长,35词;50题最简单,24词。可以说,不同基础的同学都可以从中找到自己熟悉的部分,不至于在这个题上一分未得。 三、句型特点:今年的5句话中,有2句(46,48)是简单句,另外3句(47,49,50)是复合句。其中的复合句无一例外都考查的是定语从句的翻译,并没有涉及到其他从句类型。简单句中考查最多的也是后置定语的翻译。所以,中公考研考前为大家预测的难点中,定语的翻译是绝对考点和重点。 四、逐题详解: 46) This movement, driven by powerful and diverse motivations, built a nation out of a wilderness and, by its nature, shaped the character and destiny of an uncharted continent. 重点词组:out of a wilderness(摆脱荒凉),by its nature(就其本质而言,从本质来说),uncharted(未知的;图上未标明的)。 结构分析:整个句子是一个简单句,由and并列谓语动词built和shaped。driven by powerful and diverse motivations是后置定语,修饰movement;out of a wilderness是后置定语,修饰nation;of an uncharted continent是后置定语,修饰character and destiny。 参考译文:这项运动,由多种强大的动机驱动,建立了一个摆脱荒凉的国家,并且从本质上来讲,塑造了一块不为人熟悉的大陆的性格和命运。 47) The United States is the product of two principal forces—the immigration of European peoples with their varied ideas, customs, and national characteristics and the impact of a new country which modified these traits. 重点词组:product(产物),principal(主要的;首要的),peoples(民族),impact(影响) 结构分析:句子的主干是The United States is the product of two principal forces,破折号解释说明forces。of European peoples with their varied ideas, customs, and national characteristics是后置定语,修饰immigration;of a new country which modified these traits是后置定语,修饰impact,其中包含一个定语从句which modified these traits,修饰country。 参考译文:美国是两股主要力量的产物——带有不同思想、风俗习惯和国家特征的欧洲民族的移民,和修改这些特征的新兴国家的影响。 48) But the force of geographic conditions peculiar to America, the interplay of the carried national groups upon one another, and the sheer difficulty of maintaining old-world ways in a raw, new continent caused significant changes. 重点词组:peculiar(特有的,独特的),interplay(互相影响),sheer(独特的) 结构分析:整个句子是简单句,主语由三个名词短语用and并列承担,谓宾部分比较短小caused significant changes。主语1中,of geographic conditions peculiar to America是后置


2015年对外经济贸易大学翻译硕士日语口译考研真题常考点汇总 各位考研的同学们,大家好!我是才思的一名学员,现在已经顺利的考上对外经济贸易大学翻译硕士,今天和大家分享一下这个专业的真题,方便大家准备考研,希望给大家一定的帮助。 百科写作部分 亚麻的生产主要集中在哪一省份?黑龙江 古代著名的水利工程都江堰是谁设计的:李冰父子 东岳庙素以“三多”著称,其中不包括哪一“多”?和尚多 是谁发现了好望角?迪亚士 世界上最大的湖泊是:地中海 特种工艺品景泰蓝也叫铜胎掐丝珐琅,它是哪里的特产?北京 阿拉伯人属于:白种人 是谁出卖了耶稣?犹大 美国国旗星条旗最初制定时旗上有多少颗星?13颗 文艺复兴时期的《忏悔录》是谁写的?卢梭 从日月山流入青海湖的倒淌河的流向是:由东向西 昭君墓为什么又叫做“青冢”?墓上草色常青 湖南湖北的“湖”是指:洞庭湖 哥伦布航海计划得到谁的支持才变成现实?西班牙王后 我国的哪一个民族有纪念“盘古皇”的习惯?瑶族 日冕的内层温度约为多少?100万摄氏度

从长远来看,解决水资源利用问题的途径是:设法用最经济的办法淡化海水 云南的“普洱茶”缘于:地名 下面哪座山是中国佛教四大名山之一?峨嵋山 下列丐帮帮主,最早的是谁?萧峰 中亚地跨亚欧两洲的国家是:哈萨克斯坦 历史上有热河之称的地方是:承德 吴哥寺是世界上最大的印度教寺庙建筑群,它位于:柬埔寨 蒙古语中的“召”,是什么意思?庙宇 印度的麻纺织工业中心是:加尔各答 在我国,自古就有“天府之国”美誉的地区是四川盆地 我国最大的内陆咸水湖是:青海湖 冬虫夏草自然生长在我国哪些地区?青藏、云贵高原及东北地区 太阳的平均密度是多少?1.4克每立方厘米 我国哪个民族喜爱饮用马奶酒?蒙古族 每个帝王陵区只有一个主神道,一般修在谁的陵前?第一个埋葬者 以下哪条瀑布最宽?黄果树 以下哪座塔是元大都保留至今的重要标志,也是我国现存最早最大的一座藏式佛塔。妙应寺白塔 在我国,自古就有“天府之国”美誉的地区是:四川盆地 "干冰"的成分是:CO2 以下行星中不用天文望远镜不能看到的是:天王星


翻译硕士英语 Part one; multiple choice 1-5 CCABD 6-10 AACAD 11-15 BCDCD 16-20 CAACB Part two: reading and comprehension 21-25 BCDCA 26-30 DDCBC 31-35 BDCAD https://www.sodocs.net/doc/ef6902186.html, and fashion magazines 37. Developing eating disorders 38. impossibly proportioned 39. 3 years 40. make money Part three: essay University Education is Essential to One's success It is not an uncommon phenomenon that many people become successful without a formal college education, some typical examples of which are Bill Gates, chairman of Microsoft; Li Jiacheng, a Hong Kong billionaire and Hua Luogeng, a world-class mathematician. This leads some people to believe that a person can achieve great success without a formal education and that the qualifications a successful person needs cannot be acquired through the study in university or other institutions of similar nature. It cannot be denied that there do exist such examples in every country; however, I can hardly share the above point of view for several reasons In the first place, a college or university is a specialized institution of higher learning where people can receive systematic and scientific training in a certain field, which paves the way for their future career. With the advent of the era of knowledge-based economy, a man without a sound academic background can hardly accomplish anything. Only in universities and other institutions of higher learning can he/she master the professional knowledge and relevant skills essential to his/her career. Secondly, it is wise to learn at another man's cost. We can benifit much from the invaluable experience and knowledge handed down from our ancestors and draw a lesson from the failure of our predecessors so as to avoid detour. Thirdly, when in university, one also has to learn to communicate and cooperate with teachers and fellow students, during which one cultivates friendship and acquires the interpersonal skills, both of which are conductive to one's future career and success. University is said to be a miniature society. Last of all, there are innumerable successful people who attribute their achievements to a formal university education. It is no wonder that so many parents spare no efforts to send their children to colleges and universities.


全心全意因才思教 2015年北京师范大学日语翻译硕士考研真题分享笔记 各位考研的同学们,大家好!我是才思的一名学员,现在已经顺利的考上北京师范大学的翻译硕士,今天和大家分享一下这个专业的考研真题,方便大家准备考研,希望给大家一定的帮助。 现在考研刚刚结束,趁还记得过来写一下,可能有些地方记不太清楚,但还是希望能对一些朋友有用,也算是表表心意,不足之处还望多多指教~~ (721)基础英语 一. 完形填空(20分)一篇短文,挖出20个空,讲learning second language 对人大脑的好处,没有选项,没有首字母提示,全凭上下文分析,应该能填出来,只是不确定是否为最佳答案,难度不是很大。 二. 阅读一(18分) heading搭配,多给了两个备选项,讲的是一个小型电影节 三. 阅读二(18分)段落排序,原文少了六个段落,给了七个选项,选进去,讲的是一些科学结论及research可信性,大家要学会辨别 四. 阅读三(24分)两道主观大题,一道12分,文章讲thinking分三个level,第一题阐释三个level是什么,并自己举例,第二大题elaborate作者最后一句话五. 翻译(30分)一段比较formal的文章,从中截取了五六个长句子,讲的是在学校实行的种族隔离对儿童的影响,号召取消这样的隔离 六. 作文(40分)encouraging young people that they can accomplish great things if they try hard enough is misleading and potentially harmful 谈谈你的看法


六级翻译 helj 2011/4/12 令狐采学 10/12) 82.There is no denying that you __________________________________ (越仔细越好) in dealing with this matter. 83.Only when I reached my thirties _____________________________(我才意识到读书是不能被忽视的). 84. Much _________________________________(使研究人员感到惊讶), the outcome of the experiment was far better than they had expected. 85. Oh, my, I can’t find my key; ______________________________(我一定是把它忘在哪儿了). 86. I ____________________________________________ (宁愿加入你们去做义工) than go to the beach for a holiday. (10\06) 82.___(他们的独生儿子从未想过) to leavethem and strike out on his own though he is in his late twenties. 83.Before you take any action, please remember to ___ (权衡你的决

定会产生的后果).84. He assured his friend that under no circumstances ___ (他会违背还钱的承诺).85. Most educators advise that kids ___ (不要沉溺于电脑游戏).86. Business major as he is, he has ___ (从未考虑过从事推销员工作). (09\12 ) 82. How long does a jacket like this last me? — (这要看你多长时间穿一次). 83. The theory he advanced has proved (对许多传统概念的一种挑战). 84. The manager (本可以亲自参加会议), but he was called away for some urgent business abroad. 85. Both research and practical experience have shown that a (均衡的饮食对健康是必不可少的). 86. Much (我感到遗憾), I was unable to finish the work on time. (09/06) 82.With the oil prices ever rising, she tried to talk ________ (说服他不买车). 83.________ (保持幽默有助于) reduce stress and promote creative thinking in today’s competitive society.. 84.When confronted with the evidence, ________ (他不得不坦白


2016年北京大学日语口译、笔译翻译硕士考研真题 日语翻译基础: 共50道选择,题量很小,三个小时考试时间,快的同学一个小时就都能答完。因为回来没及时整理几乎都忘了。请见谅! 大部分都是语法题,难度在N1水平左右,但并不是N1的考试套路,很注重细节。比如:选出与题干语法用法一样的选项 题干:XXXXXXXX A昔が思い出される B休まれる C彼は行かれる D、想不起来了 具体的题干和选项想不起来,总之就是这类,别以为是简单的判断被动、自发还是敬语,我只记得这里面有个选项看似是对的,但是是个圈套。 还有一题是选择お?ご的正确用法 A、00さんのお行いですか B、おメールXXXXX C、お当番XXXXX D、ごXXXX 还有一道选ことわざ和俗語的 A、君の木で鼻をくくった態度は何とかならないのか B、 C、 D、経済回復になると会社の青田刈りが早くなる 翻译硕士日语 一、15个日译汉单词 1、圏外孤独 2、天下り官僚 3、現状有姿 4、ヘビーローテーション 5、クールビズ 6、カリスマ 7、格差社会 8、ほめ殺し 9、ダブル選 10、引ったくり事件 11、負けず嫌い 12、 13、 14、 15、 二、15个汉译日单词 1、外貌协会 2、老虎苍蝇一起打

3、出柜 4、智能城市 5、阅兵 6、独角戏 7、牛市 8、京津冀一体化 9、拖延症 10、高大上 11、创意大赛 12、清醒剂 13、权利清单 14、 15、 三、日译汉 1、是一篇安倍讲话的内容。如果没记错的整篇应该分为三个部分。第一部分是经济方面,要注重国家合作之类的,第二部分是地区安全方面的,尤其围绕日本出兵阿富汗以及帮助阿富汗国家重建,说日本做到了一个亚洲国家应该做的,呼吁其他亚洲国家也要参与进来(实际上就是给自己出兵海外正名罢了)。第三部分说的是环境气候问题,说日本自身完全按照京都议定书上所约定的去做了,希望亚洲地区某大国也要负起责任(赤裸裸的在说中国啊。。。)一点不难,通篇都是熟悉的词汇和语法,需要注意的就是怎么翻译的像外交辞令,当然不能大白话。这就需要平时多看看新闻,多练这方面的翻译。还有就是日译汉比较简单,一定要快,好给后面的汉译日留出充分的时间。 2、一篇小说,。说的是母女两人来了一场冲绳的旅行,刚搬完家,做的最后一般飞机,到了宾馆就昏睡过去了,醒来时一片美好,拉开窗帘是一片蓝色的世界。大概就这个意思的小故事,也不难。 四、汉译日 1、讲中日贸易的,很常规 2、不记得了 3、讲中国出版业的,记不太清了,好象说的是日本的育儿图书进入中国市场,中国的妈妈们读了以后感觉很好,所以决定(呼吁)更多的诸如此类的书能进入中国市场 百科知识与写作 一、25个名词解释(没写字数限制,但是也不能想写什么写什么,最好按照百度百科那么写,抓重点,字数控制在一百字左右) 孟子、春秋、堂吉诃德、两河流域文明、亚马孙河、舟山群岛、垓下之战、破釜沉舟、古事记、担当相、和歌、镰仓幕府、麦积山石窟、王羲之、中学为体西学为用、梁启超、国际原子能机构、中纪委、红楼梦、东罗马帝国、九品中正制、楚辞、北海道、塔里木盆地、四库全书 二、应用文写作 你是北京第二十五中学的李平,你发现很多同学在升旗仪式上没有大声唱国歌,经过你和你同学的调查发现,许多同并不会唱国歌,于是大家决定写一出倡议书,呼吁大家都能把国歌唱出来。大家推举你为执笔人,请你写一份倡议书,注意格式,400字以内。
