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作者:白玉逍遥提交日期:2005-3-14 21:43:00



. 第一册介绍:学习英语的敲门砖


. 【一册基础篇】学习英语的敲门砖(“First Things First“英语初阶)
















#日志日期:2005-3-14 星期一(Monday) 晴


评论人:白玉逍遥评论日期:2005-3-14 21:46





. A B C D E F G

.H I J K L M N

.O P Q R S T

.U V W X Y Z


新概念英语第一册 笔记完整版 ?1)v. 原谅 ?eg. Excuse me. 请原谅,劳驾。 2)n. 借口 ?eg. It?s an excuse. ?me pron. 我(宾格:用来做宾语的。)?eg. He loves me. 他爱我. ?eg. She cheats me. 他骗我. ?eg. Please tell me. 他告诉我. Excuse me 的用法 这个短语经常被译作“对不起”,但它并不表示你有什么过错,而是说你要打搅别人,所以常被译作“劳驾”。 1)为了要引起别人的注意 ?eg. Excuse me. Is this you handbag? 2)要打扰某人或要打断别人话 ?eg. Excuse me . May I ask you a question? 3) 向陌生人问路 ?eg. Excuse me. Could you please tell me the way to the railway station? 4) 向某人借东西 ?eg. Excuse me. Can I borrow your pen? 5) 需要从别人身边挤过或让别人给自己让路 ?eg. Excuse me. Could you please make some room for me? 6) 要求在宴席或会议中途中离开一会儿eg. Excuse me. May I lease for a little while? ?sorry 用于当你做错事而向别人道歉的时候,表示“对不起”。 1)请问几点了? ?eg. Excuse me. What time is it? 2) 不小心把水弄到了别人的身上。 ?eg. Sorry. 或者 I?m sorry! 3) 对不起,我先失陪一下 ?eg. Excuse me. 4) 误解了别人的意思 ?eg. Sorry. ?yes 1)adv. 是的(对一般疑问句的肯定回答)?eg. Are you mad? --Yes, I am. 2)经常用于应答,表示“什么事”。 ?eg. Excuse me? 请问/劳驾? ---Yes? 什么事? ?is v. be 动词现在时第三人称单数 ?be : is am are ?is 用于单数名词或单数第三人称代词。 ?eg. He is a student. 他是一个学生。 ?eg. That?s an egg. 那是一个鸡蛋。(That?s= That is) ?eg. This is a pen. 这是一支钢笔。 ?your 你的,你们的(物主代词后面加名词)?your key 你的钥匙 ?eg. This is your key. 这是你的钥匙。 ?eg. That is your book. 那是你的书。 ?your room 你们的房间 ?eg. That is your room. 那是你们的房间。 ?pardon 原谅,请再说一遍 ?pardon=pardon me=I beg your pardon? 能再说一遍吗? ?eg. Is this your pencil? 这是你的铅笔吗? --Yes, it is. 是的,它是。(it 指代 pencil) ?thank you 感谢你(们) 2)you 代词(你,你们) 主格-----作主语 ?eg. You are a good student. 你是一个好学生。 宾格------作宾语


Lesson 103 The French test 法语考试 New Words and expressions 生词和短语 exam (examination) n. 考试 pass v. 及格,通过mathematics (maths是缩写) n. 数学 question n. 问题 easy adj. 容易的 enough adv. 足够地 paper n. 考卷 fail v. 未及格,失败 answer v. 回答 mark n. 分数 rest n. 其他的东西 difficult adj. 困难的 hate v. 讨厌 low adj. 低的 cheer v. 振作,振奋 guy n. 家伙.人 top n. 上方,顶部 exam n. 考试(examination 较为正式一些) eg. He is a good student. He usually gots over 80 points in

any exam. 他是个好学生,他任何考试通常都在80分以上. an entrance exam/an entrance examination 入学考试 a midterm exam/a midterm examination 期中考试 a final exam/a final examination 期末考试 take an exam/take an examination 参加考试 pass an exam/pass an examination 考试及格/通过考试 fail an exam/fail an examination 考试不及格 cheat in an exam/cheat in an examination 考试作弊 test (专项技能的)考试 driving test 驾照考试 pass 1) v. 及格.通过 eg. Only ten students passed the examination. 只有十名学生通过了考试.


Lesson1: Excuse me! Excuse me! Yes? Is this your handbag? Pardon? Is this your handbag? Yes, it is. Thank you very much. Lesson 3:Sorry sir. My coat and my umbrella please. Here is my ticket. Thank you sir. Number five. Here is your umbrella and your coat. This is not my umbrella. Sorry sir. Is this your umbrella? No, it isn't. Is this it? Yes, it is. Thank you very much. Lesson 5: Nice to meet you. Good morning. Good morning, Mr. Blake. This is Miss Sophie Dupont. Sophie is a new student. She is a French. Sophie, this is Hans. He is German. Nice to meet you. And this is Naoko.

She’s Japanese. Nice to meet you. And this is Chang-woo. He’s Korean. (朝鲜人) Nice to meet you. And this is Luming. He’s Chinese. Nice to meet you. And this is Xiaohui. She’s Chinese, too. Nice to meet you. Lesson 7: Are you a teacher? I’m a new student. My name’s Robert. Nice to meet you. My name’s Sophie. Are you French? Yes, I’m. Are you French, too? No, I’m not. What nationality are you? I’m Ital ian. Are you a teacher? No, I’m not. What’s your job? I’m a keyboard operator. What’s your job? I’m an engineer. Lesson 9: How are you today? Hello, Helen. Hi, Steven. How are you today?


裕兴新概念英语第一册笔记完整版 ?1)v. 原谅 ?eg. Excuse me. 请原谅,劳驾。 2)n. 借口 ?eg. It?s an excuse. ?me pron. 我(宾格:用来做宾语的。) ?eg. He loves me. 他爱我. ?eg. She cheats me. 他骗我. ?eg. Please tell me. 他告诉我. Excuse me 的用法 这个短语经常被译作“对不起”,但它并不表示你有什么过错,而是说你要打搅别人,所以常被译作“劳驾”。1)为了要引起别人的注意 ?eg. Excuse me. Is this you handbag? 2)要打扰某人或要打断别人话 ?eg. Excuse me . May I ask you a question? 3) 向陌生人问路 ?eg. Excuse me. Could you please tell me the way to the railway station? 4) 向某人借东西 ?eg. Excuse me. Can I bor row your pen? 5) 需要从别人身边挤过或让别人给自己让路 ?eg. Excuse me. Could you please make some room for me? 6) 要求在宴席或会议中途中离开一会儿 eg. Excuse me. May I lease for a little while? ?sorry 用于当你做错事而向别人道歉的时候,表示“对不起”。 1)请问几点了? ?eg. Excuse me. What time is it? 2) 不小心把水弄到了别人的身上。 ?eg. Sorry. 或者I?m sorry! 3) 对不起,我先失陪一下 ?eg. Excuse me. 4) 误解了别人的意思 ?eg. Sorry. ?yes 1)adv. 是的(对一般疑问句的肯定回答) ?eg. Are you mad? --Yes, I am. 2)经常用于应答,表示“什么事”。 ?eg. Excuse me? 请问/劳驾? ---Yes? 什么事? ?is v. be 动词现在时第三人称单数 ?be : is am are ?is 用于单数名词或单数第三人称代词。 ?eg. He is a student. 他是一个学生。 ?eg. That?s an egg. 那是一个鸡蛋。(That?s= That is)


Lesson 117 Tommy's breakfast 汤米的早餐New Words and expressions 生词和短语 dinning room(hall) 饭厅 coin n. 硬币 mouth n. 嘴 swallow v. 吞下 later adv. 后来 toilet n. 厕所,盥洗室dinning room 饭厅,餐室(家中的) dinning 餐厅,餐厨用品 dinning table 餐桌 dinning car 餐车 coin n. 硬币 a silver coin 银币 toss a coin 抛硬币(打赌正面和反面) eg. Could you change the one-dollar bill for coins? 我用1美元纸钞和你换硬币好吗? Pay a person bake in his own coin. 以其人之道还治其人之身. mouth n. 嘴 eg. Open your mouth. 张开你的嘴.

-Don’t talk with your mouth full! -嘴里塞满食物时不要说话! Shut your mouth! (口语)闭嘴 It sounds funny in your mouth. 这种话由你的口中说出来,听起来就很可笑。by word of mouth 口头上 from hand to mouth 勉强糊口 from mouth to mouth 口口相传 have a big mouth 大嘴巴,嘴不严swallow 1) v. 吞…, 咽… eg. He swallowed (up) the medicine with water. 他把药和水一起吞下 1) n. 一口(一口的量) take a swallow of beer 喝一口啤酒 at one swallow 一饮而尽 ★swallow v. 吞下 ①v. 吞下,咽下 Tommy had swallowed the coins. 汤米已经吞下了那硬币. ②v. 抑制,使不流露

裕兴新概念学习笔记 第一册(49-50)

Lesson 49 At the butcher's 在肉店New Words and expressions 生词和短语 butcher n. 卖肉的 meat n. ( 食用)肉 beef n. 牛肉 lamb n. 羔羊肉 husband n. 丈夫 steak n. 牛排 mince n. 肉馅.绞肉 chicken n. 鸡 tell v. 告诉 truth n. 实情 either adv. 也(用于否定句)butcher n. 卖肉的人, 屠夫 meat n. (食用) 肉(不可数名词) eg. Mr. Green likes meat very much. 格林先生非常喜欢吃肉. Do you eat meat every day? 你每天都吃肉吗? Yes, I do./ No, I don't. 是的./不. beef n. 牛肉(不可数名词)

eg. There isn't any beef on the plate. 盘子中没有什么牛肉. My parents don't like beef. 我的父母不喜欢吃牛肉. lamb n. 羔羊肉,小羊肉 eg. I don't like lamb. 我不喜欢吃羔羊肉. He doesn't like lamb, either. 他也不喜欢羔羊肉. husband n. 丈夫 wife n. 妻子 spouse n. 夫妻 bride n. 新娘 groom n. 新郎fiancee n. 未婚妻fiance n. 未婚夫girlfriend n. 女朋友boyfriend n. 男朋友 steak n. 牛排 steak rare 三分熟steak medium 半熟 steak well-done 全熟


Lesson 1 1excuse[ik'skju:z] v.原谅 2me[mi:, mi] pron.我(宾格) 3yes[jes] ad.是的 4is[iz, s, z, ?z] v.be动词现在时第三人称单数5this[eis] pron.这 6your[j?:, j?:, j?r, j?:r] 你的,你们的 7handbag['h?ndb?g] n.(女用)手提包 8pardon['pɑ:d?n] int.原谅,请再说一遍 9it[it] pron.它 10thank you感谢你(们) 11 very much非常地 Lesson 2 1 pen [pen] n.钢笔 2 pencil ['pensl] n.铅笔 3 book [buk] n.书 4 watch [w?t?] n.手表 5 coat [k?ut] n.上衣,外衣 6 dress [dres] n.连衣裙 7 skirt [sk?:t] n.裙子 8 shirt [??:t] n.衬衣 9 car [kɑ:] n.小汽车 10 house [haus] n.房子 Lesson 3 1 umbrella [?m'brel?] n.伞 2 please [pli:z] int.请 3 here [hi?] ad.这里 4 my [mai]我的 5 ticket ['tikit] n.票 6 number ['n?mb?] n.号码 7 five [faiv] num.五 8 sorry ['s?ri] a.对不起的 9 sir [s?:] n.先生 10 cloakroom ['kl?ukru:m] n.衣帽存放处Lesson 4 1 suit [su:t, sju:t] n.一套衣服 2 school [sku:l] n.学校 3 teacher ['ti:t??] n.老师 4 son [s?n] n.儿子 5 daughter ['d?:t?] n.女儿 Lesson 5 1 Mr. ['mist?]先生 2 good [gud] a.好 3 morning ['m?:ni?] n.早晨 4 Miss [mis]小姐 5 new [nju:] a.新的 6 student ['stju:d?nt] n.学生 7 French [frent?] a.& n.法国人 8 German ['d??:m?n] a.& n.德国人 9 nice ['nais] a.美好的 10 meet [mi:t] v.遇见 11 Japanese [?d??p?'ni:z] a.& n.日本人 12 Korean [k?'ri?n] a.& n.韩国人 13 Chinese [?t?ai'ni:z] a.& n.中国人 14 too [tu:] ad.也 Lesson 6 1 make [meik] n.(产品的)牌号 2 Swedish ['swi:di?] a.瑞典的 3 English ['i?gli?] a.英国的 4 American [?'merik?n] a.美国的 5 Italian [i't?li?n] a.意大利的 6 Volvo ['v?lv??] n.沃尔沃 7 Peugeot n.标致 8 Mercedes ['m?:sidi:z] n.梅赛德斯 9 Toyota ['t??j??t?] n.丰田 10 Daewoo n.大宇 11 Mini ['mini] n.迷你 12 Ford [f?:d] n.福特 13 Fiat ['fai?t, -?t] n.菲亚特 Lesson 7 1 I [ai] pron.我 2 am [m, ?m, ?m] v.be 动词现在时第一人称单数


Lesson 1 Excuse me! 教学重点 1、辨析:Excuse me.和I’m sorry.的用法区别。 2、代词:人称代词和物主代词总表、主格和宾格的区别、四个指示代词、代词与be动词的使用搭配及其缩写形式。 3、语气:陈述句变一般疑问句,及其肯定回答。 4、句型:-Is this your…? -Yes, it is. 教学步骤 1、引入话题。 2、让学生描述图片,中英结合。 3、听一遍音频,掌握大意。 4、生词解读,纠正发音(详见课本)。 5、提出问题:Whose handbag is it? 看一遍视频,解答问题。 6、精讲课文,板书和笔记。 7、再听一遍音频,逐句跟读。 8、总结本课重点,让学生标注。 9、布置作业:练习册,背课文和单词。 引入话题: Ok, I have a question. 我有一个问题,看看谁能回答上来。有谁注意到我刚进门的时候说的第一句话了么?What is it? 哪句话?No one? 没有人注意么?啊,我说的第一句话是:Excuse me, may I have your attention, please? Let’s hav e our class. 对不起,请大家注意,我们要上课了。这里的第一句话:Excuse me就是我们新概念英语第一课的标题,那么我们今天要讲的这则小故事到底是什么呢?Well, today’s story is about a handbag. 啊,今天我们来讲一个关于手提包的故事。Ok, now, please open your books and turn to page one. 请大家打开书翻到第1页。Look at here, there are many pictures, right? 啊,这里有许多图片。So, how many pictures are there, who can tell me? 谁能告诉我有几幅图?Yes, very good, seven pictures. So, who can describe the pictures for us? 谁能给我们描述一下这些图片呢?What can you see in these pictures? 从这些图片中你能看到什么?Guess what happened? 猜猜究竟发生了什么?Ok, now, close your books and listen to the audio. 好,下面请大家合上课本,只听录音。Try to understand the main idea of the story. 试试你能不能听得懂,看看刚才我们猜的故事到底对不对,Ok? 【New words and expressions】 ★Excuse me. 1、引起对方注意时 2、常用于与陌生人搭话,打断别人的说话或从别人身边挤过,或在某个聚会中突然中途要离开一会儿时。在课文中,男士为了吸引女士的注意而用了这个表示客套的短语。 ★Pardon?


语音-句子重音 1.一般来说,在句子中实义词重读,虚词不重读。 名词、形容词、数词、动词、副词、感叹词属实义词,在句子中一般需要重读;而冠词、助动词、前置词、连接词是虚词,通常在句子中不重读。代词在句子中有时需要重读,有时则不用重读。 -How can I help you? I've hurt my hand. How did it happen? I was opening a tin. It was hard to open and I was in a hurry. When it was half open, the tin-opener slipped . I cut my hand. It was terrible. 2. 助动词、系动词与情态动词在句子结尾有句子重音,在句首可有可无。 Can you drive a car? Yes,I can。 Excuse me,Is this a bank? Yes,it is。 New Words and expressions 生词和短语 living room n. 客厅 near prep. 靠近 window n. 窗户

armchair n. 扶手椅 door n. 门 picture n. 图画 wall n. 墙 living room n. 客厅 sitting room n. 客厅,起居室 bedroom n. 卧室 kitchen n. 厨房 dining room n. 餐厅 toilet n. 厕所 bathroom n. 洗澡间,卫生局 study n. 书房 balcony n. 阳台 basement n. 地下室 near prep. 靠近 near the school 靠近学校 eg. There are some trees near the school. 靠近学习的地方有一些树. He is near the window. 他在窗户的旁边. Window n. 窗户 shut the window/close the window 关上窗户


Lesson 1 Excuse me! [词汇](11) excuse v. 原谅 me pron. 我(宾格) yes adv. 是的 is v. be动词现在时第三人称单数 this pron. 这 your possessive adjective 你的,你们的 handbag n.(女用)手提包 pardon int. 原谅,请再说一遍 it pron. 它 thank you 感谢你(们) very much 非常地 ★Excuse me. 1、引起对方注意时 2、常用于与陌生人搭话,打断别人的说话或从别人身边挤过,或在某个聚会中突然中途要离开一会儿时 Excuse us for a moment. 对不起,让我们单独聊会。 sorry 对不起,用于对别人有伤害时 ★me pron. 我(宾格) 人称代词: 主格:用在句首,作主语 宾格:在动词、介词之后 形容词性的物主代词:不能单独使用 名词性物主代词:只能单独使用 ★is v. be动词现在时第三人称单数 be动词:am、is、are I am she/ he/ it is you/ we/ they are ★pardon int. 原谅,请再说一遍 Pardon?/ I beg your pardon. 请求对方把刚才讲过的话重复一遍。 [语法] 含有be动词的陈述句、否定句和一般疑问句

含有be动词的任何句子,否定句就是在be动词后面加not;如果变一般疑问句,就把be动词提前到句子的前面。 [课文] Excuse me. Yes? Is this your handbag? Pardon? Is this your handbag? Yes, it is. Thank you very much. Lesson 2 Is this your…? [词汇](10) pen n.钢笔 pencil n.铅笔 book n.书 watch n.手表 coat n.上衣,外衣 dress n.连衣裙 skirt n.裙子 shirt n.衬衣 car n.小汽车 house n.房子 ★dress ① n. 连衣裙;套裙 ②n. 服装,衣服 casual ['k??ju?l]dress 便服adj. 偶然的,随便的,非正式,漫不经心的 evening dress 晚礼服 ★house n.房子 house 房子,一般指独立的院落,更具体的指房子的建筑,结构 family 侧重家庭的成员 There are four people in my family. 在我家里有四口人。 home 抽象的家的概念 home road 《我的父亲母亲》 Lesson 3 Sorry, sir. [词汇](10) umbrella n.伞 please int.请 here adv.这里 my possessive adjective 我的

裕兴新概念学习笔记 第一册31-32

Lesson 31 Where's Sally? 萨莉在哪里? 语音--不完全爆破 英语中的爆破音与摩擦音和破擦音连在一起时,前面的爆破音常常发生不完全爆破. 爆破音与鼻辅音连在一起也形成不完全爆破. 所谓不完全爆破指的是只作发爆破音的口形,但气流并不出来,也就是说只有短暂的停顿,而不发音. pi cture a dv ice a ct ive se pt ember bi g g un tha t t ime ta ke c are kee p q uiet goo d m orning goo d n ight ta ke th ree pills a day kee p s ilent New Words and expressions 生词和短语 garden n. 花园 under prep. 在……这下 tree n. 树

climb v. 爬,攀登(b不发音) who pron. 谁 run v. 跑 grass n. 草,草地 after prep. 在……之后 across prep. 横过,穿过 cat n. 猫 garden center:花卉中心 garden city:花园城市 savage garden:野人花园 in the garden:在花园里 under the tree:在树下 family tree:家谱 tree ring:年轮 climb the tree:爬树 run across the grass:跑过草地 run after 在……之后跑garden n. 花园(自家花园) park n. 公园(公共地方) eg. There is a garden behind the house. 在房子的后面有一个花园. My home is near the park.


新概念英语第一册笔记完整版 ?1)v. 原谅 ?eg. Excuse me. 请原谅,劳驾。 2)n. 借口 ?eg.It?s an excuse. ?me pron. 我(宾格:用来做宾语的。) ?eg. He loves me. 他爱我. ?eg. She cheats me. 他骗我. ?eg. Please tell me. 他告诉我. Excuse me 的用法 这个短语经常被译作―对不起‖,但它并不表示你有什么过错,而是说你要打搅别人,所以常被译作―劳驾‖。 1)为了要引起别人的注意 ?eg. Excuse me. Is this you handbag? 2)要打扰某人或要打断别人话 ?eg. Excuse me . May I ask you a question? 3) 向陌生人问路 ?eg. Excuse me. Could you please tell me the way to the railway station? 4) 向某人借东西 ?eg. Excuse me. Can I borrow your pen? 5) 需要从别人身边挤过或让别人给自己让路 ?eg. Excuse me. Could you please make some room for me? 6) 要求在宴席或会议中途中离开一会儿 eg. Excuse me. May I lease for a little while? ?sorry 用于当你做错事而向别人道歉的时候,表示―对不起‖。 1)请问几点了? ?eg. Excuse me. What time is it? 2) 不小心把水弄到了别人的身上。 ?eg. Sorry. 或者I?m sorry! 3) 对不起,我先失陪一下 ?eg. Excuse me. 4) 误解了别人的意思?eg. Sorry. ?yes 1) adv. 是的(对一般疑问句的肯定回答) ?eg. Are you mad? --Yes, I am. 2)经常用于应答,表示―什么事‖。? eg. Excuse me? 请问/劳驾? ---Yes? 什么事? --我准备把它带给我的姐姐。 I‘m going to take it to my sister.


新概念英语第一册课文翻译及学习笔记Lesson13【课文】 LOUISE: What colour's your new dress? ANNA: It's green. ANNA: Come upstairs and see it. LOUISE: Thank you. ANNA: Look! Here it is! LOUISE: That's a nice dress. It's very smart. ANNA: My hat's new, too. LOUISE: What colour is it? ANNA: It's the same colour. It's green, too. LOUISE: That is a lovely hat! 【课文翻译】 路易丝:你的新衣裙是什么颜色的? 安娜:是绿色的。 安娜:到楼上来看看吧。 路易丝:谢谢。

安娜:瞧,就是这件。 路易丝:这件连衣裙真好,真漂亮。 安娜:我的帽子也是新的。 路易丝:是什么颜色的? 安娜:一样的颜色,也是绿的。 路易丝:真是一顶可爱的帽子! 【生词】 colour n. 颜色 green adj. 绿色 come v. 来 upstairs adv. 楼上 smart adj. 时髦的,巧妙的 hat n. 帽子 same adj. 相同的 lovely adj. 可爱的,秀丽的 【知识点讲解】 1. 在上一课,我们已经为大家补充了很多种颜色的说法,今天这个课以及其后的练习课14课中,我们还将学到一些新的颜色:比如grey,灰色的;brown,棕色的,等等。 2. 今天我们还学习了一些形容词,比如new,nice,lovely和smart。形容词一般用在名词前面。这里的smart 除了课文中“时髦、巧妙”的意思之外,还能够用来形容头脑聪明。


27.28 课文详注 Further notes on the text 1.Where are they?它们在哪里? 句中they指图中的那些东西。(可参见Lessons 25~26语法部分。) 2.数字9,999与10,001的英文写法 9,999----nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine 10,001----ten thousand and one 语法 Grammar in use 1.there+be结构(2) (1)there+be结构变成疑问句时,只需将动词be和there互换位置,句子其余部分不变。如: Is there a dirty fork on the plate? 碟子上有一个脏的叉子吗? Is there a full bottle in the cupboard? 橱柜里有一瓶酒吗? Are there any ties on the floor? 地上有一些领带吗? Are there any newspapers on the shelf? 架子上有些报纸吗? (2)there+be结构变成否定句时,需在动词be后加not(any)或no。如: No, there is not a fork on the plate. 没有,碟子上没有叉子。

No, there isn't one in the cupboard. 没有,橱柜里一个也没有。 No, there aren't any ties on the floor. 没有,地板上没有任何领带。 No, there are no newspapers on the shelf. 没有,架子上没有任何报纸。 2.some和any的用法 在英语中,some和any是两个最常用的数量词。用some和any时,一般不必精确地说明数量到底有多么大或多么小。它们的作用常常像是a/an的复数。 (1)some(表示确定的数量)表示“某些但不是全部”的意思,通常用于肯定句中。在疑问句中,所希望的回答是Yes时也可使用some。如: There is some water in the glass. 玻璃杯里有些水。 There are some cigarettes in the box. 盒子里有些雪茄。 Have you got some paper-clips in that box? 你那只盒子里有一些回形针吧?(我知道或我认为你有一些,故希望你会说“有”。) some加可数名词或不可数名词时,在流畅的话语中一般不重读,而念为/s+m/。 (2)any(表示不确定的数量)通常用在含有not或-n't的否定句中,也用于表示我们不能确定答案是肯定还是否定,或者用于预料得到的回答是No的疑问句中。如: There are not any spoons in the cupboard. 橱柜中没有任何汤匙。

裕兴新概念英语第一册笔记:Lesson 68 What's the time

Lesson 68 What's the time? New words and expressions: church n. 教堂 dairy n. 乳品店 baker n. 面包师傅 grocer n. 食品杂货商 church n.教堂 temple 寺庙、神殿 dairy n. 乳制品贩卖店 baker n.面包商、面包师傅 at the baker's (shop) 在面包店里 bakery 面包店、面包厂 grocer n.食品杂货商人、杂货店店主 at the grocer's 在食品店里 grocery 食品杂货店 Exercise A: 1.I was at / church on Sunday. 2. I was at the office on Monday. 3.My son was at / school on Tuesday.

4. My wife was at the butcher's on Wednesday. 5. She was at the grocer's on Thursday. 6. My daughter was in the country on Friday. 7.I was at / home on Saturday. Exercise B: he / church / Sunday When was he at church? He was at church on Sunday. 1. Tom/ the hairdresser's / Thursday When was Tom at the hairdresser's? He was at the hairdresser's on Thursday. 2. Mrs. Jones / the butcher's/ Wednesday When was Mrs. Jones at the butcher's? She was at the butcher's on Wednesday. 3. he / home / Sunday When was he at home? He was at home on Sunday. 4. Penny/ the baker's / Friday When was Penny at the baker's? She was at the baker's on Friday. 5. Mrs. Williams / the grocer's / Monday When was Mrs. Williams at the grocer's?


第一次课: 1)英语的26个字母。A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 26个字母分为两类:元音和辅音。元音5个:A E I O U ;辅音21个。 2)英语共有48个国际音标。也分为两类:元音音标和辅音音标。 3)课文 lesson 1 excuse me 的用法:1.引起对方注意时;2.可能给别人带来不便时 "Pardon?":也可以说成Padon me? 或I beg your pardon? Thank you very much. 相近意思的有:Thanks/Many thanks./Thanks a lot. This is your handbag. 这是你的手提包。 Is this your handbag?这是你的手提包吗? 在英语中将陈述句变为疑问句时的3个要点: 1 助动词大写提前;2主语小写紧随其后,其它部分不变;3末尾加问号,读升调。 lesson 2 着重练习疑问句。 lesson 3 sorry和excuse me的区别:sorry已经给别人带来麻烦,程度比excuse要重一些。 sir 的用法: 1对年长者,职务高于自己的男子尊称;2服务场合对所有男性顾客的尊称;3 sir 可以放在连名带姓的前面,也可放在名前面,但不可放在姓前。 This is not my umbrella.这不是我的伞。 not 的语法作用:在陈述句中放在助动词后面,从而使陈述句变为否定句。 第2次课 Lesson 4 Is this your …? Is this your son ? Yes, it is. 注:3岁以下的小孩儿可用it 作代词。 Lesson 5 Mr. 先生Miss小姐 Mr.和Miss 的用法:


Lesson 20 Look at them ! 看着他们! New Words and expressions 生词和短语 big adj. 大的 small adj. 小的 open adj. 开着的 shut adj. 关着的 light adj. 轻的 heavy adj. 重的 long adj. 长的 shoe n. 鞋子 grandfather n. 祖父,外祖父grandmother n. 祖母,外祖母 big 1. 外形比较大 eg. There is a big box on the floor. 地板上有一个大箱子. 2. 抽象的大 eg. Deng Xiaoping is a big man. 邓小平是一个伟大的人物. small 体积小 little 小(感情色彩) a small room 小房间

a little girl 小姑娘(带有喜欢,喜爱之情) open 1. adj. 开着的 eg. The shop is open. 商店开业了. The door is open. 门开了. 2. v. 开, 打开 open the door 打开门 open the window 打开窗 shut 1. adj. 关着的= closed eg. The door is closed./ The door is shut. 这门是关着的. The window is shut./ The window is closed. 这窗是关着的 2. V. 关上= close shut the door./ close the door 关上门. shut the window/close the window. 关上窗 shut up ! 闭嘴!

裕兴新概念英语第一册笔记Lesson 97

Lesson 97 leave 1)v. 遗留,遗忘 --I left my notebook at my mother’s .我把笔记本忘在我母亲家了。 --He left his key in the classroom. 他把钥匙忘在了教室。 --leave 指知道东西忘在哪个地方 --lose 丢失(不知道丢失东西的地方)--leave 2)v. 离开 --Remember to turn off the light when you leave. 当你离开的时候记得关灯。 --leave…for…离开(某地)前往 --Is she leaving Pairs for New York? 她是不是要离开巴黎去纽约? --I am leaving for Shanghai tomorrow. 明天我要到上海去。 --leave 3)v.把…留下/ 留在… --You can leave your children at home.你可以把孩子留在家里。 --leave a message for sb 给…留个口信 --Did he leave any messages for me? 他有话给我吗? --leave 4) v. 使…处于某种状态 --Leave the door open. 让门开着吧。 --leave… alone 不管,不惹 --leave the bottle alone别再碰那个瓶子了 --Leave him alone.别管他。(让他去好了) --Leave me alone.别烦我了。--leave 5)n. 准假,修假 --ask for leave 请假 --a sick leave of three days 三天病假 --take French leave 擅自离开,不辞而别 describe v.描述,把…称为 --Can you describe your suitcase? = What’s your suitcase like? --describe…as…把…说成 --describe oneself as 把自己说成… --He describes himself as ambitious. 他称他自己是个雄心勃勃的人。 Zip n.拉链 zip code = post code 邮政编码 label n. 标签 --attach a label to…在…上标签 --The girl is attaching a label to her luggage. 这个女孩正在往她的行李上贴标签。 --tag n.标签(写有名称,地址,号码及定价等的牌子) --a price tag 价目标签 A shipping tag 货运标签 handle 1) n. 提手,把手 --the handle of a kettle 茶壶的把手 --The handle of my suitcase is broken. 我手提箱的把手坏了。 2)v. 触,摸,拿,弄 --Wash your hands, then handle the chopsticks.先洗手,然后再拿筷子。3)v. 处理,管理,对待 --The boy is too young to handle this problem.这个小男孩太年轻不能处理这个问题。 --You should learn how to handle people. 你应该好好学习怎样对待别人。
