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everyone 与 every one 的区别

everyone 与 every one 的区别
everyone 与 every one 的区别



1)Everyone(Everybody)in our class is interested inlearning English.我们班上每个人都爱学英语.(Everyone用作主语)?

2)Not everyone(everybody)in the USA is rich.在美国并不是人人都富裕.(everyone 用作主语)?

3)She gave everyone(everybody)a piece of paper and asked them to wite down their names.她给每个人一张纸并让他们写上自己的名字.(every one用作宾语)?

与every one的区别:

everyone是一个词,只用来指人,等于everybody,在它后面不能跟介词of;every one 是两个词,既可用来指人,也可用来指物,等于each one,后面可跟介词of.


1)Everyone of the children likes this game.(误)?


2)Every one of the children likes this game.(正)?



【考点定位】—代词 代词是代替名词的一种词类。大多数代词具有名词和形容词的功能。英语中的代词,按其意义、特征及在句中的作用分 为:、、、、、、和八种。 一、人称代词; 人称代词包括人称代词的___________和___________。 「中考原题」 1.------Who’s your Englis h teacher ------Miss Gao. She teaches _____ English very well. A. our B. us C. ours D. we 2.Do you know the boy sitting between Peter and _____ A. she B. I C. his D. me 普特贴士区分人称代词的主格和宾格的小技巧: 在一个句子中,发出该动作的一方为主格,接受该动作的一方为宾格。如:在句子“我打了他。”中,我是发出动作的一方,所以“我”要用主格;他是接受动作的一方,所以“他”要用宾格。也就是说这句话应翻译为:“I hit him.”。 二、物主代词: 表示_______ 关系的代词叫物主代词。物主代词分为_____________和________________。 「中考原题」 1.-----Are these _______rubbers -----Yes, they are______ . A. your, our B. his, my C. his, mine D. your, ours 2.------Is this your sweater, Joy ------No, it’s not ______ sweater. _______ is yellow. A. my ; My B. my ; Mine C. mine ; Mine D. mine ; My 普特贴士①形容词性物主代词在句中只能作定语,必须与名词连用;名词性物主代词和名词的用法相同,在句中作主语、宾语、表语等,但

every one 与everyone 区别

every one 与everyone 区别[复制链接] 电梯直达跳转到指定楼层楼主 yunzhongfeng1 发表于2013-4-12 10:45:08 | 只看该作者回帖奖励 误:Every one was tired of listening to her voice. 正:Everyone was tired of listening to her voice. 解析: everyone是一个词,只用来指人,等于everybody,在它后面不能跟介词of。 every one是两个词,既可用来指人,也可用来指物,等于each one,后面可跟介词of。 举例: Is everyone here? Every one of the children likes this game. giving by 与given by 区别[复制链接] 电梯直达跳转到指定楼层楼主 yunzhongfeng1 发表于2013-3-7 10:39:21 | 只看该作者回帖奖励 误:We should strive to fulfil the task giving by the manager. 正:We should strive to fulfil the task given by the manager. 我们应该努力完成经理交给的任务。 解析: giving 和given 分别是give 的现在分词和过去分词;用作定语,表示主动意义,常用现在分词(短语)(a),表示被动或完成意义,常用过去分词(短语)(b)。 举例: a.Barking dogs seldom bite. 爱叫的狗很少咬人。 She came up with a sleeping child in her arm. 她抱着睡觉的孩子走了进来。 They have an aunt living in Australia. 他们有一个住在澳大利亚的姑姑。 Do you know all the guests coming to the party? 来参加晚会的客人你都认识吗?b.He is an uninvited guest. 他是位没有受到邀请的客人。 He has prepared a written report of the accident. 关于这次事故他写好了书面报告。 This is a magazine pulished in Maryland. 这是本马里兰出版的杂志。 Do you know the number of books ordered by me? 你知道我订书的数量吗? character,characteristic,personality和feature [复制链接] 电梯直达跳转到指定楼层楼主 小小熊的大大梦发表于2012-8-6 15:38:39 | 只看该作者回帖奖励 character,characteristic,personality和feature解析: character 指个人、社会、民族等的“特性,性格’,通常是自身素质的体现,强调后天培养


1 / 40 新初三英语暑假中考衔接班(三) 情态动词记忆口诀和从句考点及暑期总复习 ——情态动词基本用法及原则 掌握情态动词的基本原则 The Three Golden Rules : ①无人称、数的变化 ②后面接动词原形 ③否定构成:后加 not Everyone is here. we start the meeting? A. Need B. Must C. Should D. Shall

2 / 40 新初三英语暑假中考衔接班(三) 情态动词记忆口诀和从句考点及暑期总复习 ——情态动词表猜测的用法 掌握情态动词表示猜测的用法 记忆口诀: 一肯一否 三个不一定 (2009. 辽宁) — You mean this CD _____ belong to Victor? — Yes, it has his name on it. A. must B. may C. might D. can

3 / 40 新初三英语暑假中考衔接班(三) 情态动词记忆口诀和从句考点及暑期总复习 ——情态短语的用法归类 重点掌握常考情态短语的用法 have to, be able to, used to + do had better, would rather had better not do 双龙摆尾 would rather not do She ____ stay at home if there is someone calls her up. A. would rather not to B. wouldn’t rather to C. would rather not D. wouldn’t rather


初中英语学习材料 madeofjingetieji 语法小练习:情态动词和反身代词 一、用should, shouldn’t, must, mustn’t, needn’t, can’t, may, have to 填空 1. —I take the message for you right now? —No, you needn’t. 2. Do we join the club today? 3. Look at the sign. You throw litter around here. 4. —I ask you some questions, Dr. Li? —Sure, go ahead. 5. You finish the work tonight. You have enough time to do it. 6. They work out the problem by themselves. It’s too difficult. 7. If you want to be thinner, you eat less meat. 8. You watch too much TV. It’s bad for your eyes. 二、用适当的反身代词填空,完成下列句子 1. I told to be careful before the exam. 2. Jack, I believe you can work out this problem by . 3. She said she enjoyed in the park. 4. My brother teaches Japanese every day. 5. Their English teacher was ill. So they learnt English by . 6. We can’t finish the work by. We need your help. 7. The little monkey can get the banana from the tree.

人教版八年级---反身代词 、情态动词“should”专项练习题及答案

人教版八年级---反身代词、情态动词“should”专项练习题及答案 【练习】 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. It is Saturday. Let’s just relax and enjoy ________(us). 2. Kate, help ________(you) to some cakes. 3. Children should learn to look after ________ (they). 4. Mr. Brown asked his daughter to finish her homework by ________(her). 5. Mike is too busy to help us finish the work. Let’s do it ________(we). 选词填空。 6. To keep your kids safe, you ________(might / should) put away the things like knives in your house. 7. Pets ________(should / shouldn’t) run through soccer games in the park. It’s dangerous! 8. —________(May / Should) I keep quiet in the cinema? —Of course! People shouldn’t speak loudly in it. 【点拨】 ◆反身代词也称自身代词,主要作宾语、主语或宾语的同位语等。反身代词常常用在一些固定短语中,如enjoy oneself玩得高兴,help oneself to...随便吃/喝些……,look after oneself / take care of oneself照顾自己,say to oneself心里想,by oneself 独自,keep …to oneself对……保守秘密等。如题1、2、3、4、5。

Everyone has got two personalities

Everyone has got two personalities-the one that is shown to the world and the other that is secret and real. Y ou don't show your secret personality when you're awake because you can control your behavior, but when you're asleep, your sleeping position shows the real you. In a normal night, of course, people frequently change their position. The important position is the one that you go to sleep in. 每个人的性格都具有双重性--向外界显示的一面,还有真实却深藏不露的一面。在你清醒的时候,你不会表露出你秘密的一面,因为你能控制自己的行为;可在你人睡的时候,你睡觉的姿势会展示真实的你。正常情况下,人们在夜里会不断改变姿势。重要的是你入睡时的姿势。 If you go to sleep on your back, you're a very open person. Y ou normally trust people and you are easily influenced by fashion or new ideas. Y ou don't like to upset people, so you never express your real feelings. Y ou're quite shy and you aren't very confident. 如果你是仰卧着入睡的,说明你是个心胸开阔的人。你一般信任他人,容易受时尚和新思想的影响。你不喜欢得罪人,所以你从不表露自己的真实感情。你很害羞,不够自信。 If you sleep on your stomach, you are a rather secretive person. Y ou worry a lot and you're always easily upset. Y ou're very stubborn, but you aren't very ambitious. Y ou usually live for today not tomorrow. This means that you enjoy having a good time. 如果你俯卧睡觉,说明你比较含蓄。你常忧心忡忡,且容易烦恼。你很固执,却没有多大抱负。你一般是今朝有酒今朝醉。也就是说,你喜欢玩得快乐。 If you sleep curled up you are probably a very nervous person. Y ou have a low opinion of yourself and so you're often defensive. Y ou're shy and you don't normally like meeting people. Y ou prefer to be on your own. Y ou're easily hurt. 如果你睡觉时蜷缩着身体,那你可能是一个神经紧张的人。你自我感觉不好,所以常常谨小慎微。你还比较害羞,一般不喜欢与人打交道。你更喜欢一人独处。你容易受伤害。 If you sleep on your side, you have usually got a well-balanced personality. Y ou know your strengths and weaknesses. Y ou're usually careful. Y ou have a confident personality. Y ou sometimes feel anxious, but you don't often get depressed. Y ou always say what you think even if it annoys people. 如果你是侧卧着睡觉的,说明你的性格比较稳健。你了解自己的优点和缺点。你处事比较谨慎。你很自信。你有时会感到焦急不安,但不会轻易愁苦。你总是直言快语,不怕得罪人。


代词可分为八大类:人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、不定代词、指示代词、疑问代词、关系代词、和连接代词八种。 考点一:人称代词、物主代词和反身代词: 人称代词主格 I you he she it we they you 宾格me you him her it us them you 物主代词 形容 词性my your his her its our their your 名词性 mine yours his hers its ours theirs yours 反 身 代 词 myself yourself himself herself itself ourselves themselves yourselves 1.人称代词有人称、数和格的变化。其变化形式如下: 人称单数复数 主格宾格主格宾格 第一人称I me we us 第二人称you you you you 第三人称he him them she her it it 主格用来做主语,宾格用来作宾语或表语。 注意:两个以上的人称代词作主语时,排列顺序为:单数二三一,复数一二三。即:you,he and I; we,you and they.

2、表示所有关系的代词叫作物主代词。物主代词分为形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词。形容词性物主代词相当于一个形容词,在句中只能作定语;名词性物主代词相当于一个名词,在句中可作表语、主语和宾语。 物主代词 形容 词性my your his her its our their your 名词性mine yours his hers its ours theirs yours 用法口诀:有名则形,无名则名。(即:有名词时则用形容词性词性物主代词; 没有名词时则用名词性词性物主代词。) 3、反身代词是表示“××自己”的代词。其形式有: 人称单数复数 第一人称myself我自己ourselves我们自己 第二人称yourself你自己yourselves你们自己 第三人称 himself他自己, herself她自己, itself它自己 themselves他(她,它) 们自己 反身代词在句中可以做同位语,也可以做动词或介词的宾语。 Two days later, he himself had to go to Paris. (主语同位语) You’d better ask the guide herself. (宾语同位语) I hope he didn’t hurt himself. (动词宾语) I’m not worried about myself. (介词宾语) 含有反身代词的常用短语: enjoy oneself 过得愉快teach oneself 自学 dress oneself 自己穿衣服come to oneself 苏醒过来

everyone&anyone 等的区别

指人时,everyone和everybody相当于each person;指物时,every one 相当于each thing 如果具有范围“限制”的含义,every one可以单独使用,指人或指物。 Try your best,every one! Every one 中的every是形容词,修饰one作定语,every one 意为“每个”,后面常跟of短语,表示范围,意为“其中之一”。Everyone是代词,意为“人人,每人”,其后不可跟of 短语。Every body和everybody,some one 和someone,any one 和anyone亦有这种区别。Someone,somebody,anyone,anybody,everyone,everybody,each one,no one,some one,any one,every one和one of +复数名词的相应代词要用he,him,his,himself,明显指女性才用she(her,herself),一般不用one,one’s,they,their,them。但everyone,everybody 和each one在口语中有时可用they。 Somebody,everybody,anybody和anyone均可以表示“大人物,重要任务”,反义词nobody (小人物)。 Anyone和any one Anyone 是不定代词,只能指人,其后不可接of短语;any one 意为“每个”,即可指人,也可指物,后面一般要接of短语。其他如:someone和some one,everyone和every one都属此类。 不定代词somebody和someone只有名词性质,只可指人。这两个词意义完全一样,含单数概念,意谓“某人”。 使用人称代词指代时使用复数形式 Y ou mustn’t move someone if they are badly hurt. (they 指代someone) Somebody 和someone 还可以有副词else修饰.如再有属格,则转到else上 Then it will be someone else’s turn. 不定代词anybody和anyone只有名词性质,只可指人。这两个词意义完全一样,含单数概念,意为“任何人”。 Anybody和anyone还可以有属格形式。 It is anybody’s guess how long the strike will last. Anybody和anyone还可以有副词else修饰。如再有属格,则转到else上。 His hair is longer than anyone else’s. 不定代词nobody和no one(不连写)只有名词性质,只可指人.这两个词意义完全一样,含单数概念,意谓“没有人” Everybody 和everyone只有名词性质,只可指人.这两个词意义完全一样,含单数概念,意谓“每人”。 Everybody和everyone还可以有副词else 修饰。 I stayed,everybody else went.


第一部分情态动词 【典型例题】 1. Peter ___come with us tonight, but he isn’t very sure yet. A. must B. may C. can D. will 答案B. 表可能性只能用may。此句意可从后半句推出。 2. ——-Shall we go skating or stay at home?——-Which ___ do? A. do you rather B. would you rather C. will you rather D. should you rather 答案B。本题考查情态动词rather的用法,would rather +do sth. 意为―宁愿‖,本题为疑问句,would 提前,所以选B。 3. ——Could I borrow your dictionary? ——Yes, of course, you____. A. might B. will C. can D. should 答案C. could表示委婉的语气,并不为时态。答语中of course,表示肯定的语气,允许某人做某事时,用can和may来表达,不能用could或might。will 与you连用,用来提出要求或下命令。should与you 连用,用来提出劝告。 4. ——Shall I tell John about it?——No, you ___. I’ve told him already. A. needn’t B. wouldn’t C. mustn’t D. shouldn’t 答案A。needn’t 不必,不用。wouldn’t 将不, 不会的。mustn’t 禁止、不能。shouldn’t不应该。本题为不需要,不必的意思,应用needn’t。 5. ——Don’t forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow. ——______. A. I don’t B. I won’t C. I can’t D. I haven’t 答案B. will既可当作情态动词,表请求、建议、也可作为实义动词表―意愿、意志、决心‖,本题表示决心,选B。 6. Tom ought not to ___ me your secret, but he meant no harm. A. have told B. tell C. be telling D. having told 答案A。由于后句为过去时,告诉秘密的动作又发生在其前面,此地应用过去完成时,但它在情态动词ought to 后,所以用have told。 练习 1. --Mar y, ____ you speak Chinese? -- Yes, only a little. A. may B. can C. will D. could 2. --Must I do the work now? -- No, you ____. You can do it later. A. can't B. mustn't C. needn’t D. shouldn’t 3. -- I can't stop smoking, doctor. -- For your health, I'm afraid you ____. A. may B. need C. must D. can 4. -- Whose book is it? -- It ____ be Bob's sister's. She is only a baby. A. must B. might C. can't D. mustn't 5. -- Jill looks so painful, there ____ be something wrong with her. -- Oh, dear! We'd better take her to the hospital at once. A. can B. should C. would D. must 6. -- May I try on the jeans? -- Yes, you ___. A. should B. can C. must D. need 7. -- Are you going to Beijing by air?


德语准情态动词----德语语法 德语中有20几个动词,他们能够表示情态意义,其本身意义已经淡化或消失。(Modalit?tsverben)在句中的作用是助动词,不支配宾语,不能构成被动态,不能构成命令式。 准情态动词+ zu 不定式或从句可以构成谓语。 - drohen(恐怕), versprechen(承诺)表示未来... - 表示推测scheinen - 表示愿望hoffen, wuenschen - 表示习惯pflegen - 表示意图beabsichtigen, gedenken, suchen, versuchen, geruhen - 表示能力vermoegen, verstehen, wissen - 开始,结束,继续beginnen, anfangen, aufhoeren, fortfahren, anheben - 敢于sich trauen, sich getrauen, sich unterstehen, sich vermessen - 义务brauchen nicht..., stehen, bleiben, umhinkoennen(nicht) - 获得,收到bekommen, kriegen, erhalten - 担心sich fuerchten - 犹豫anstehen Es droht zu regnen.恐怕要下雨了. Die Firma droht zusammenzubrechen. 这家公司面临倒塌? Er scheint krank zu sein.他好像生病了. Alle wünschen ein eigenes Zimmer zu bekommen.大家都希望有一个自己的房间. Er pflegt beim Essen Bier zu trinken.他常常吃饭时喝啤酒. Er beabsichtigt n?chste Woche nach Japan zu fliegen.他打算下周飞赴日本.


英语反身代词的用法 反身代词是指 myself, ourselves, yourself, yourselves, himself, herself, itself, themselves, oneself。 。 二、oneself与himself 当one指人时,其相应的反身代词通常用oneself, 在美国英语中也可用himself: One should not praise oneself [himself]. 一个人不应该自吹自擂。 三、反身代词的句法功能: 1. 反身代词用于强调时经常作主语或宾语的同位语,一般置于所强调的词的后面,也可写在句末。 反身代词用于强调时要重读。例: The manager himself served the customers. / The manager served the customers himself. 经理亲自为顾客服务。 The box itself is not so heavy. 箱子本身并不重。 Mrs.Black herself is a lawyer. 布莱克太太本人就是一名律师。 You had better ask the driver himself. 你最好问司机本人。 Martin himself attended the sick man. 马丁亲自照顾病人。 Don’t trouble to come over yourself. 你不必费神亲自来了。 You yourself said so. / You said so yourself. 你自己是这样说的。 Never leave to others what you ought to do yourself. 不要把自己该做的事留给别人做。 2. 用作宾语(动词或介词的宾语) 反身代词作动词宾语时常常是非强调性的。有些动词与反身代词成为固定搭配,请注意,汉译时“自己”可根据情况忽略不译: a. 作动词宾语: behave oneself 有礼貌;规矩 He behaves himself well.他为人很好。 Behave yourself while I am away.我不在,你要规矩点。 enjoy oneself 过得快活 We all enjoyed ourselves in the party.我们在聚会上都玩得很痛快。 express oneself 表达自己的意思 Can you express yourself in English? 你能用英语表达思想吗? F. collect oneself 清醒过来,镇定下来 I accepted the offer before I was able to collect myself. 我还没来得及考虑一下,就接受了帮助。 b.作介词宾语 Take good care of yourself. 好好照顾你自己。 He has a right to decide for himself. 他有权为自己做出决定。 The child can dress himself. 这孩子能自己穿衣服了。 She finally gained control of herself. 最后她控制住了自己。 She could not make herself understood. 她不能使别人听懂她的话。 Everybody here has the influenza including myself. 包括我在内所有人都患上流感。

英语中every one和everyone的区别

英语中every one和everyone的区别 英语拥有发达的代词系统,代词有多种类型,其中不指明其所代替词的一类,称为不定代词。而在不定代词中,又有这样一些由some, any, every, no与one, body, thing一起构成的代词,我们称之为复合不定代词。看到这里,Is there anybody confused?不不,其实没那么复杂。“anybody”就是一个复合不定代词。 具体在使用这些复合不定代词时,需要注意以下几点: 一、关于语法成分:复合代词在句中可作主语、宾语或表语,但不能用作定语。如: Everyone should protect the environment. 人人都应该保护环境。(主语) Tom knows nothing about English. 汤姆对英语一窍不通。(宾语) That's nothing. 没什么。(表语) 二、关于语法一致:复合不定代词作先行项时,代词通常根据语法一致原则用单数形式,如: Anybody can attend the meeting if he is interested. 感兴趣的都可以来参加这次会议。

但是在非正式语体中,也会按照意义一致原则,用复数代词,如:Everyone is clapping their hands. 所有人都在鼓掌。 三、关于定语位置:复合不定代词的定语必须后置,即放在复合不定代词的后面。如: There is nothing wrong with my computer. 我的电脑没出问题。 四、关于否定: 1.部分否定:not every-,意为“并非都,不都”,例如: Not everything will go well. 并非一切都会那么顺利。 2.全部否定:not any-和no-,例如: There is not anything in my bag. =There is nothing in my bag. 我包里什么都没有。 五、关于分合区别: 1.合:someone,anyone,everyone指人,不和of连用;


人教新目标八年级英语上册知识点专题讲练 8.2.1反身代词及情态动词的专项习题 1.表示反射或强调的代词叫做反身代词。反身代词是由第一人称、第二人称形容词性物主代词或第三人称宾格形式,词尾加self 或selves 组成。反身代词可译为“本人”“本身”,为加强语气可译为“亲自”“自己”。详见下表: 反身代词的用法如下表:数 人称 第一人称 第一人称第一人称单数myself yourself himself , herself itself 复数ourselves ourselves themselves 句法作用 例句 宾语 The child can dress himself. Don’t think about herself. 主语或者宾语的同位语Jim himself is a teacher. You can ask the girl herself. 表语Just be yourself.

2.should、could (1)情态动词should作“应该,应当”,用以表达职责和义务、提出劝告,而且表述的是自己的主观看法,其后接动词原形。 表示惊异、赞叹、不满等情绪: It is simply a miracle that rice should grow in such a place. 稻子竟能在这样的地方生长,这实在是个奇迹。 It's wonderful that you should get full marks. 你得了满分真了不起。Why should you be so late today?你今天怎么来得这么晚? 表示委婉地陈述自己的意见: I should think you are right. 我想你是对的。 表示语气较强的假设)万一,竟然: If he should fail to come, ask Tom to work in his place. 万一他不来,就叫汤姆代替 ④表示可能性、推测)可能,该: My sister should be home by now. 我妹妹现在应该到家了。 ⑤(表示建议、命令、愿意等)应该: I move that he should come with us. 我坚持他应和我们一起去。 (2)情态动词could 用于礼貌地向对方提出要求或请求.例如:Could you give me a cup of tea? 也用于提出建议,比can语气更为委婉。例如: Maybe you could do more work for your mother.


人称代词的主格和宾格 单数形 式:I-me, you-you, he-him, she-her, it-it( 共5对) 复数形 we-us, you-you, they-them (共3对) 式: 英语的人称代词按用法分为主格、宾格、形容词形物主代词、名词性物主代词和反身代词。主格用于动词前,宾格用于动词后。只要记住这一句话,主格和宾格就基本上用不错了。 人称代词的主格有I我you你he他she 她it它 we我们you你们they他(她、它)们; 对应的宾格有me我you你him他her 她it它 us我们you你们them他(她、它)们 为了更直观的理解,我们看下面的这些句子: I like you. 我喜欢你。 You like me. 你喜欢我。 He likes her. 他喜欢她。 She likes him. 她喜欢他。 We like you. 我们喜欢你们。 You like us. 你们喜欢我们。 They like us. 他们喜欢我们。 We like them. 我们喜欢它们。 上面这些简单的句子里,like 前面的人称代词都是主格,而后面的都是宾格。你可以把上面的句子背过,以便熟练掌握它们的用法。你也可以把like换成别的动词,比如play with (和..玩)、look at (看着)等等,读着玩玩儿,你认为哪个动词好玩就换成哪个。 形容词性物主代词有:my我的、your你的、his他的、her她的、its它的、our我们

的、your你们的、their他们的。之所以叫它们形容词是因为他们必须放在名词前面。物主则表示它们是物的主人。如:我们的老师our teacher 、我的汽车my car 、你的裤子your trousers 、他的风筝his kite 、她的椅子her chair 、它的腿its legs 、你们的学校your school 、她们的聚会their party 。 名词性物主代词有mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, yours, theirs 依次表示我的、你的、他的、她的、它的、我们的、你们的、他(她、它)们的。注意除了mine 每个单词后面都有一个“ s”。 s 因为他们本身是名词性,所以后面不能再跟名词,否则就犯了重复的错误。比如我们可以 说my book, 但不能说mine book ;her dress 而不是hers dress 。 请熟读下面的句子: This is my book. The book is mine. 这是我的书。这书是我的。 That is your desk. Tha t ' s yours. 那是你的课桌。那是你的。 This is his cup. It ' s his. 这是他的杯子。是他的。 That is her skirt. The skirt is hers. 那是她的短裙。那短裙是她的。 That 's its banana. The banana is its. 那是它的香蕉。那香蕉是它的。 This is our classroom. It ' s ours. 这是我们的教室。是我们的。 This is their basketball. It ' s theirs. 这是他们的篮球。是他们的。 反身代词有myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves. 分别表示我自己、你自己、他自己、她自己、它自己、我们自己、你们自己、他(她、它)们自己,单词后面的self 意思是自己,selves 是self 的复数(变f 为v 再加es )。反过来表示自己,所以叫反身代词。 看下面例句: He saw himself in the mirror. 他在镜子里看见了他自己。(himself 和he 为同一人) He saw him in the mirror. 他在镜子里看见了他。(him 显然指另外一人) She fixed her bike by herself. 她自己修好了她的自行车。 二单you 你you 你your 你的yours你的…


课题序号Unit1 Hello,everyone(1) 授课班级1503 授课课时 1 授课形式New 授课章节 名称或课题 Listening and speakingA 使用教具recorder 教学目标1. To direct Ss to learn to pronounce new words and phrases. 2. Enable ss to learn to great each other 3. By practing the new words and phrases,help Ss master some language points. 教学重点1.Help Ss to pronounce new words and Phrases in this part 2.Enable ss to learn to great each other 教学难点 1. Some words and Phrases in this part 更新、补 充、删节内 容 教学内容和过程师生活动 Step 1 Leading-in 1.The teacher and the students great each other. The teacher will behin with like this: (1)what did you do in your summer holiday? (2)which do you think is the most interesting thing? (3)Anyone of you travelled outside? 2.If someone travelled , ask him /her easy questions like: Can you talk about the interesting places?The other Ss can ask him or her any questions if they want to learn . Step2 Warm-up 1.Learn the new words and useful expressions in this unit. 2.Greet students in different ways. 3.Students look at the pictures and complete the conversations with the correct sentences from the box. 4. Students read the titles and use them to role-play a conversation with their partners. Step 3 Listening and Speaking A 1. Let the students understand the possible choices. 2. Ask the students to guess : What is their relationship? Then listen to the conversation to check their prediction. 3. Ask the students to listen again and underline the greetings and introductions in the conversation. 4. Students learn the Useful Expressions. 5. Students use the expressions to introduce themselves to their partners. 6. Students work in groups of three and complete the conversation . Step 4 Practising of Listening and Speaking A 1.Listen to the tape for a third time and circle new difficult words and difficult sentences. 2.Ask the Ss to read “learning strategy”, and ask the Ss to think it over 师: 导入 互动 自我介绍生: 互动 招呼 发言 师: 范读 放录音 组织 设计生: 听录音 跟读 角色演练师: 提示 鼓励 点评生:思考 练习 展示师: 举例
