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Legend legendary Foes (opponent) chew on(考虑)(the warrior said nothing ,for his mouth was full.) Swallow enough talk(少说废话) shashabooey that his enemies would go blind from over exposure to pure awesomeness. He is too awesome. Attractive how can we repay you? There is no charge for awesomeness or attractive ( 凶猛帅气本是天生) bodacity never before had a panda been so feared. ---We should hang out.(闲逛)---agreed demon(恶魔,邪恶的人)that’s only one thing that matters. You will be late for work. What are you doing up there? Nothing monkey mantis crane viper tigress. Coming(就来了) sorry doesn’t make the noodles. What were you doing up there? all that noise. I just had a crazy dream. About what? What else would I be dreaming about? That soup is sharp. You don’t know how long I have been waiting for the moment. This is a sign.(好兆头)you are almost ready to be entrusted with the secret ingredient of my secret ingredient soup. Then you will fullfil your destiny and take over the restaurant. mahJong we are noodle folk, broth(肉汤,液体培养基)runs through our veins. Didn’t you ever want to do something else? I thought about running away and learning how to make tofu. A stupid dream we all have our place in this world.Service with a smile.

Well done! You need more ferocity(凶猛,残忍,暴行).Greater speed. Subtlety(微妙,敏锐,精明)

master oogway you summoned me. Why must something wrong for me to want to see my old friend? I have had a vision. Nothing is impossible. Guard weapon one often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.We can’t let him march on(前进,进攻) the valley, take his revenge. Your mind is like the water,when it is agitated(焦虑,激动,不安),it becomes difficult to see. The dragons’scroll who is worthy to be trusted with the secret to limitless power? Watch it suck it up.(别抱怨,算了吧,忍耐)A thousand pardons. Bow you’re forgetting your noodle cart. Bean buns they are about to go bad. There is spots at the top. We will bring you back a souvenir. It is a historic day. Tournament(锦标赛)let me in . it is my great honor to present to you peeky-hole ready for battle get out of the way(让开,避开)you have not seen anything yet face iron oxand his blades of death I sense the dragon warrior is among us. I lied. What’s going on?

I just wanted to see who the dragon warrior was. Are you pointing at me? The universe has brought us the dragon warrior. That flabby panda can’t possibly be the answer to our problem. You were about to point at tigress and that thing fell in front of her. There are no accidents. Forgive us we have failed you. If the panda has not quit by morning,then I will have failed you. Extra precaution your prison may not be adequate. You doubt my prison security. Absolutely not. I am just the messenger. Impressive . take us down behold(瞧看)I am just gonna wait right here(就是这里)(我就在这里等着好了). It’s perfectly safe. Crossbow tough guy don’t get him mad what’s he gonna do about it?i have got him completely immobilized. Tail

wait a second I think there’s been a slight mistake. The sacred(神圣的)hall of warriors armor(装甲,盔甲)authentic(真正的)battle damage sword invisible I’ve only seen paintings(印刷品)of that painting. the legendary urn(瓮,骨灰盒)of whispering warriors. Have you finished sight-seeing(观光)? I should have come to you frist. My patience is wearing thin. Would you turn around? Fix it glue I guess so . ladder trampoline (蹦床)you think it’s that easy? Secret to limitless power one must first

master the highest level of kung fu. This fat butt, flabby arms those are sensitive in the flabby parts. This ridiculous belly. And utter disregard for personal hygiene.(卫生,卫生学)That’s uncalled for(不适当的,没有理由的). Don’t stand that close, I can smell your breath. Developed by master Wuxi in the Third Dynasty(秦朝).Then you know what happens when I flex my pinky. The hardest part is cleaning up afterwards. Take it easy. Now listen closely.

Maybe we can find something more suited to my level. What level is that? Let’s just start at zero. Prop(支撑,支持)the door open when it is hot you are bigger than your action figures.(人形公仔,动作玩偶)Go ahead show us what you can do. Are they gonna watch,or I wait till they get back to work? Digest you pick on my friends? I am coming at you with crazy feet. Blur how’s that?(怎么样) I am feeling a little nauseous (令人作呕的,厌恶的).My tenders how did I do?

There’s no words.(我都无语了)no denying that.(可不是吗)the poor guy’s gonna get himself killed. Mighty(有势力的,有力的,很)toes that kung fu stuff is hard work, are your biceps sore? I’ve had a long and rather disappointing day. I am such a big fan. You guys were amazing at the battle of weeping river. Outnumbered(寡不敌众)a thousand to one(以一敌千),but you didn’t stop. Sorry about that. Property of crane. Sleep well that seemed a little awkward. I didn’t mean to wake you. You are a disgrace to kung fu. I thought it was just a regular peach tree. you eat when you are upset. I probably sucked more today than anyone in the history of kung fu. Claw wing venom(毒液,使有毒)you are too concerned with what was and what will be. There’s a saying: yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the “present”.

What’s happening? Fire crossbows. He is coming this way/ archer commander (指挥官)

all we can do is resume(做简历讲时另作读音;重新开始,继续)our training and trust that in time. Reveal warm up stuck(卡住)maybe on three(数到三)) don’t metion it ever(永远=打住) you actually thought you could learn to do a full split in one night? It takes years to develop one’s flexibility. And years longer to apply it in combat. Put that down. I’ve been taking it easy on you,but no more. Step forth. The true path to victory is to find your opponent’s weakness. Bounce (跳弹) acupuncture (针灸) right nerve point he is trying to inspire me. Get rid of me heartless(铁石心肠) there was once a time when shifu actually used to smile. We are not really supposed to talk about him. He turned bad jail cub(幼兽)he told him he was destined for greatness. Outraged he tried to take the scroll by force. Shifu had to destroy what he had created. Shifu loved him like he had never loved anyone before.

Would whoever is making that flapping sound quiet down He wasn’t meant to be(命中注定)here. Thrice illusion I can’t make it blossom when It suits me, nor make it bear fruit before its time. Plant the seed nurture promise me my time has come

wolf scariest banditin a lousy(讨厌的) tipper(给小费的人)

you are a really good cook, I wish my mouth was bigger. Dew of ginkgo leaf(银杏叶)and the energy of the universe. Brush your teeth how am I supposed to beat him?

Throw a brick at my head no need to explain. I thought you might be monkey. he hides the almond(杏仁,杏树) cookies on the top shelf. I disgust you. How did you get up there? You are ten feet off the ground. An accident(名词:意外)could you at least tell me where we are going? You dragged me . we do not wash our pits in the pool of sacred tears. This is the place where oogway unraveled(解决,阐明,散开)the mysteries.(注:unrevealed=未揭露的)This is the birth place of kung fu. Concentrate you stink(臭味,讨厌的人,招人讨厌)sit-up(仰卧起坐) ten-mile hike I vowed (发誓,郑重宣告)to train you, and you have been trained, you are free to eat. Have a dumpling.

You think I am a fool? Our battle will be legendary.

I have done awesome.(了不起)The mark of a true hero is humility.(谦卑,谦逊)We were no match for(不是…的对手)his nerve attach.(点穴) so you could come back and strike fear into(使感到害怕)our hearts. but it won’t work. Scared you can defeat him. Behold the dragon scroll . can I punch through(穿通现象)walls/ I probably loosened it up for you though. It is blank. I am forbidden to look upon. Oogway was just a crazy old turtle after all(毕竟,终究). He picked me by accident. Evacuate(疏散,撤退,排泄)the valley. You must protect the villagers from his rage.

I will fight him. I can hold him off long enough. It is time for you to continue your journey without me. I am very proud to have been your master. Gather the southern farmers light the way slice I am sorry if things didn’t work out. Your destiny still awaits. honestly the secret ingredient of my secret ingredient soup is nothing. You don’t add some kind of special sauce (酱油,沙司,调味品)or something? To make something special,you just believe it’s special.There is no secret ingredient.

This is no longer your home.Did I scare him off? I rotted in jail for 20years because of your weakness. Obey(服从)you are not meant to be the dragon warrior. Crack I would rather die. Blind me I don’t want your apology.(名词,道歉)Buddy(伙伴)don’t tempt(诱惑)me . lightning I am gonna pee.(尿,撒尿)You are bluffing.(欺骗,吓唬)Nope (不是,不,没有)I figured it out.(搞明白)Skadoosh i defeated him. It is as oogway foretold. You idiot?

I am simply at peace. Want to get something to eat??/ yeah Jackie chan


Kungfu Panda 《功夫熊猫》 -Narrator: Legend tells of a legendary warrior... legend: 传奇legendary: 传奇的warrior: 武士 传奇故事传颂着一名传奇武士, whose kung fu skills were the stuff of legend. 他的功夫出神入化。 He traveled the land in search of worthy foes. in search of: 寻找 foe: 敌人 他走遍天涯,独孤求败, -Demon: I see you like to chew. chew: 咀嚼,咬 你挺喜欢吃啊, Maybe you should chew on my fist! 有种就吃了我的拳头! -Narrator: The warrior said nothing for his mouth was full. 武士一言不发,因为正忙着吃, Then he swallowed. 然后一口吞下, And then he spoke. 开口道: “Enough talk. Let's fight! Shashabooey! Shashabooey!” “别废话,动手吧!沙哈波易!沙哈波易!”-Narrator: He was so deadly in fact 他的一招一式如此彪悍 that his enemies would go blind from over exposure to pure awesomeness. exposure: 暴露pure: 完全的awesomeness: 敬畏 他的敌人目不暇接,只有瞠目结舌的份儿-Demon: My eyes! 我的眼睛! -Rabbit1: He's too awesome! awesome: 令人惊叹的 他太彪悍了! -Rabbit2: And attractive! 太有魅力了! -Rabbit1: How Can We repay you? 我们何以回报? -Warrior: There is no charge for awesomeness. awesomeness: 非凡的 伟大不求回报


A functionalist approach to the subtitle translation of Kung Fu Panda AbstraCt.......... Intr0ducti0n...... ChaPter1Literature Review.文献综述 1.1Studies on Subtitles. 研究字幕 1.1.1 Definitions and Features of Subtitle定义和特点 1.1.2 Type and function of subtitle字幕功能和方式. 1.1.3规范与影视字幕翻译 1.2 Studies on Subtitie Translation 翻译研究 1.2.1中西方影视翻译理论研究发展与现状比较 1.3 Surnrnary小结 ChaPter2The Requirements of Subtitle Translation 对字幕翻译的要求 2.1 Basic Principle of Subtitle Translation 字幕的基本理论2.2 电影片名的翻译 2.3 字幕翻译的策略 2.4 字幕英译策略的句法分析 2.5 宇幕翻译的策略及译文赏析 2.6 电影字幕翻译的微技巧探析 2.7 surnary小结 ChaPter3Attention should be payed to several factors

3.1英汉电影字幕翻译中文化现象的策略探析 3.2电影字幕翻译中英语但语、粗俗语的处理 3.3浅谈英汉互译中的语域现象 3.4意识形态对字幕翻译的操控 3.5影视字幕翻译中的文化意象的处理 3.6字幕翻译的语境语用维度 3.7小结 ChaPter4 The theory of the Subtitte Translation 4.1翻译目的论与影视字幕翻译 4.2合作原则在电影字幕翻译中的应用 4.3从功能法析电影字幕的翻译 4.4从关联理论看电影字幕的翻译 4.5从接受理论看字幕译者的张力 4.6语境层次理论与字幕翻译研究 4.7从会话含义理论看电影对白的字幕翻译 ———以《大腕》为个案研究 4.8小结 ChaPter5Case Study The Analysis of Subtitle Translation of Kung Fu Panda 5.1 Introduction of Kung Fu Panda 5.2 Intention of the director 5.3 Expectation of the Audience


看电影学英语 Kongfu Panda 功夫熊猫 Billy出品第一节:梦境传说 -Narrator: Legend tells of a legendary warrior... 传奇故事传颂着一名传奇武士, whose kung fu skills were the stuff of legend.他的功夫出神入化。 He traveled the land in search of worthy foes. 他走遍天涯,独孤求败, -Demon: I see you like to chew. 我看你挺喜欢吃嘛, Maybe you should chew on my fist! 兴许,你该尝尝我的拳头! -Narrator: The warrior said nothing for his mouth was full. 武士一言不发,因为,他正忙着吃, Then he swallowed. 待他一口咽下, And then he spoke. 便开口道: “Enough talk. Let's fight! Shashabooey! Shashabooey!” “少废话,动手吧!沙哈波易!沙哈波易!”-Narrator: He was so deadly in fact 他的一招一式如此彪悍 that his enemies will go blind from over exposure to pure awesomeness.(will还是would,个人觉得will) 他的敌人目不暇接,只有瞠目结舌的份儿 -Demon: My eyes! 我的眼睛! -Rabbit1: He's too awesome! 他太彪悍了! -Rabbit2: And attractive! 太有魅力了! -Rabbit1: How Can We repay you? 我们该怎么报答你呢? -Warrior: There is no charge for awesomeness. 伟大不求回报 Or attractiveness. 迷人更无所需 Kablooey! Kablooey! 哼哼哈哈!哼哼哈哈! -Narrator: It mattered not how many foes he faced. 他征战无数 They were no match for his body!(foe desity)难逢敌手, Never before had a panda been so feared! 从没有哪只熊猫能让人如此恐惧, And so loved. 又让人如此爱戴。 Even the most heroic heroes in China, 即使是神州大地之上最英勇的勇士们 the Furious Five, 功夫五侠, bowed in respect to this great master. 也心怀敬意地拜倒在这位大师脚下。 -Monkey: We should hang out. 咱出去玩玩怎样? -Warrior: Agreed. 同意。 -Narrator: But hanging out would have to wait. 但出去玩的事情得先放一边, Coz when you're facing the ten thousand demons of Shimon Mountain 因为当你面对石门山万千暴徒的时候,there's only one thing that matters and that's... 正经事只有一件,那就是…… -Monkey: Po! Get up! Po,快起床! You'll be later for work! 要误了生意了! -Po: What? 什么?


功夫熊猫 传奇故事传颂着一名传奇武士 Legend tells of a legendary warrior, 他的功夫无人能敌 whose kung fu skills were the stuff of legend.浪迹江湖一路行侠仗义 He traveled the land in search of worthy foes. 既然你这么爱吃试吃看看我的拳头如何! I see you like to chew. Maybe you should chew on my fist. 武士一言未发因为他嘴里塞满了食物 The warrior said anything for his mouth was full. 但他一口把食物吞下然后说"少啰唆! 接招吧!" 看招Then he swallowed. And then he spoke. Enough talk. Let's fight. 他的致命招数无人能挡敌人都被他的正义之光闪瞎了眼He was so deadly in fact, that his enemies will go blind, from over exposure to pure awesomeness.令人敬畏的可怕的我看不见了! 他武功盖世! 极具魅力 My eyes! He's too awesome! And attractive. 我们该怎么报答你呢? How can we re-pay you? "路见不平,拔刀相助" 无需回报! There is no charge for awesomeness. Or attractiveness. 爆发吧! 千军万马全被踏在足下艺高人胆大 It mattered not how many foes he faced. They were no match for his voracity. 贪食,贪婪; 有史以来最使人敬畏又最令人销魂的熊猫 Never before had a panda been so feared, and so loved. 即使是打败天下无敌手的中原五侠客 也对他佩服得五体投地恭敬 Even the most heroic heroes in all of China, the Furious Five. Bowed in respect to this great master. 狂怒的 什么时候一起出去放松放松(尽情欢乐)没问题 We should hang out. Agreed. 但现在不是放松的时候,面对石门山一万疯狂恶魔大军时But hanging out would have to wait. Because when you're facing the ten thousand demons of demon mountain. 当务之急是... There is only one thing that matters and that’s... 你该起床不然要迟到了 Get up! You'll be late for work. 啥? 阿波快起床 Po... Get up! 阿波你在那干嘛呢 Hey, Po. What are you doing up there? 没干嘛 Ahh.. nothing. 猴子! 螳螂! 仙鹤! 毒蛇! 老虎! Monkey, Mantis, Crane, Viper, Tigress ... Roarrrr! Ahh... 阿波快点你要迟到了 Po. Let's go. You're late for work. 我来了Coming! 对不起老爸对不起有什么用又不能拿它来煮面条


《功夫熊猫2》:异化趋向归化的字幕翻译 一、功能翻译理论下的归化、异化策略 电影的娱乐性特征给观众带来了极大的视觉和精神享受,尤其是近些年大量西方影片和肥皂剧进入中国市场。但由于观众对英文理解的局限性,就需要具有专业翻译水平的翻译者对电影进行翻译。而为了感受到原汁原味的英文配音,观众已经习惯了直接看原声电影配以页脚的英文字幕和中文字幕同时出现的版本。这就对翻译者在选择翻译策略上提出了要求。可适应的理论主要是德国功能派翻译目的论。1813年,德国古典语言学家、翻译理论家施莱尔马赫在《论翻译的方法》中提出:“翻译的途径只有两种:一种是尽可能让作者安居不动,而引导读者去接近作者;另一种是尽可能让读者安居不动,而引导作者去接近读者。”1995年,美国翻译理论家伦斯·韦努蒂在其The Translator's Invisibility一书中,将第一种方法称作“异化法”(foreignizing method),将第二种方法称作“归化法”(domesticating method)。归化法是一种以目标语文化为导向的翻译方法。而异化法则是一种以源语言文化为导向的翻译方法,翻译尽量保持原文的特点,从而保留源语言的陌生感。 二、《功夫熊猫2》字幕翻译的特征:从异化趋向归化翻译若要地道,就不能逐字死译,远离晦涩与干瘪,生硬与拗口,同时又尽量保持原作的原汁原味。不能让译言显现出翻译的痕迹,但求神似不求形似,展露“中国味”。在文风普遍追求“洋气”、翻译界出现“欧化”主张的文学环境下,此片的翻译能坚持以归化翻译为主要风格的翻译策略,既是符合片中文化背景的需要,又加深了观众对中国元素的认可程度,席卷起一场中国


功夫熊猫2中英文字幕下载 1 14 00:00:02,000 --> 00:00:08,010 00:00:58,445 --> 00:00:59,632 功夫熊猫 他武功盖世! 2 15 00:00:10,664 --> 00:00:14,096 00:00:59,644 --> 00:01:01,021 传说中有个传奇侠客还这么帅气 3 16 00:00:14,105 --> 00:00:17,818 00:01:01,031 --> 00:01:03,252 他的武功出神入化我们怎么报答你? 4 17 00:00:18,431 --> 00:00:22,503 00:01:03,263 --> 00:01:08,052 浪迹江湖一路行侠仗义侠骨柔情无需回报 5 18 00:00:32,602 --> 00:00:34,433 00:01:08,467 --> 00:01:10,061 小样儿你喜欢嚼东西爆发吧! 6 19 00:00:34,444 --> 00:00:37,471 00:01:10,071 --> 00:01:15,505 有种打败我再嚼! 千军万马全被踏在足下 艺高人胆大 7 00:00:38,371 --> 00:00:41,929 20 侠客满嘴食物不便开口 00:01:27,793 --> 00:01:30,560

有史以来最使人敬畏 8 00:00:41,939 --> 00:00:44,094 21 当食物下咽后 00:01:30,570 --> 00:01:32,651 又最令人销魂的熊猫 9 00:00:44,104 --> 00:00:47,381 22 他语出惊人少废话拿命来 00:01:33,241 --> 00:01:38,062 即使是打败天下无敌手的中原五侠客 10 00:00:47,393 --> 00:00:49,359 23 看招 00:01:38,072 --> 00:01:41,369 也对他佩服得五体投地 11 00:00:52,035 --> 00:00:53,540 24 他的致命招数无人能挡 00:01:41,379 --> 00:01:43,038 啥时候一起出去放松放松 12 00:00:53,550 --> 00:00:57,417 25 敌人都被他的正义之光晃瞎了眼 00:01:43,048 --> 00:01:44,769 没问题 13 00:00:57,429 --> 00:00:58,433 26 我看不见了! 00:01:47,351 --> 00:01:48,183


功夫熊猫中英文对照剧本: Legend tells of a legendary warrior,whose kung fu skills were the stuff of legend. 传说中有个传奇侠客,他的武功出神入化 He travelled the land in search of worthy foes. 浪迹江湖,一路行侠仗义 I see you like to chew. 小样儿你喜欢嚼东西 Maybe you should on my fist. 有种打败我再嚼! The warrior said anything for his mouth was full. 侠客满嘴食物不便开口 Then he swallowed. 当食物下咽后 And then he spoke. Enough talk. Let's fight. 他语出惊人,少废话,拿命来,看招 He was so deadly in fact, that his enemies will go blind, from over exposure to pure awesomeness.他的致命招数无人能挡,敌人都被他的正义之光晃瞎了眼 My eyes! 我看不见了! He's too awesome! And attractive.他武功盖世! 还这么帅气 How can we re-pay you? 我们怎么报答你? There is no charge for awesomeness Or attractiveness. 侠骨柔情无需回报 It mattered not how many foes he faced. They were no match for his voracity. 千军万马全被踏在足下.艺高人胆大 Never before had a panda been so feared, and so loved. 有史以来最使人敬畏 Even the most heroic heroes in all of China, The Furious Five. Bowed in respect to this great master.又最令人销魂的熊猫,即使是打败天下无敌手的中原五侠客也对他佩服得五体投地 We should hang out. 啥时候一起出去放松放松 Agreed. 没问题 But hanging out would have to wait. 但现在不是放松的时候 Cause when you're facing the ten thousand demons of demon mountain. 面对石门山一万疯狂大军时 There is only one thing that matters and that... Get up! You'll be late for work. 当务之急是... 你该起床,不然要迟到了 Po...Get up! 阿波,快起床 Hey, Po. What are you doing up there? 阿波你在那儿干嘛呢 Ahh.. nothing. 没干嘛 Monkey, Mantis, Crane, Viper, Tigress ... Roarrrr! 成吉思憨虎,幻影螳螂,禅灵鹤,俏小龙,悍娇虎 Po. Let's go. You're late for work. 阿波快点儿,你要迟到了 Coming! 我来了 Sorry Dad. 对不起老爸 Sorry, doesn't make the Noodles. 对不起有什么用又不能拿它煮面条 What were you doing up there? All that noise?刚才你是在干嘛搞出那么大声响? Oh...nothing. Just had a crazy dream. 没什么,我做了个疯狂的梦 About what? Uh? What were you dreaming about? 关于什么的梦? 你梦到什么了? What was I...aah...... I was dreaming about a... Noodles.我梦到... 面条了 Noodles? You were really dreaming about noodles? 面条? 你真的梦到面条了? Uhh... Ya, what else would I be dreaming about? 是啊,不然我还能梦什么 Oh, careful. That soup is - sharp! 当心面汤很"烫" Oh... happy day. My son finally having the noodle dream. 太令人高兴了,我的儿子终于梦到了面条


很久以前,在古代中国,Long ago,in ancient China, 孔雀家族统治着宫门城。The Peacocks ruled over the Gongmen city. 他们给这座城带来了快乐与繁荣。They brought great joy and prosperity to the city 因为他们发明了烟火。For they had invented fireworks. 但他们的儿子,沈王爷But their son,Lord Shen 在烟火中看到了一个邪恶的计划。Saw darker path in the fireworks. 能带来色彩与快乐的东西What that brought color and joy 同时也能带来黑暗与毁灭。Can also brink darkness and destruction. 沈王爷令他的父母感到不安从而向一位先知求教。Shen trouble parents consult to a Soothsayer. 她预言道,如果沈王爷继续在邪路上执迷不悟,She foretold that if Shen continue down to this dark path, 他会被一名黑白勇士所打败。He will be defeated by the warrior of black and white. 这位少主开始改变他的命运。The Young Lord set out to change his fate. 但他下一步所做的事,人们无法得知。But what he did next,only sealed. 沈王爷回到他的父母那里期待能够得到赞赏。Shen returned to his parents for a pride. 但在他们的脸上,他只看到了恐惧。But in their faces,he saw only horror. 他被驱逐出了这座城市,永远不得回来。He was banish from the city forever. 但沈王爷发誓要报复。But Shen swore revenge. 他朝他必定会回来Some day,he will return 到时候天下所有人都要臣服于他脚下。and all of China will bow at his feet. 就要完成了,沈王爷。但我们的金属不够用了。Almost done,Lord Shen.But we ran out of metal. 到最远的村庄去查探,找更多的金属回来。Search the furthest villages,find more metal. 天下将是我的了。China will be mine. 然后神龙大侠加入了盖世五侠。And then the Dragon warrior joined the Furious five. 所以他们成为了最棒的功夫队伍。So they became the most awesome kungfu team ever. 废话少说。动手吧。Enough talk.Let's fight. 听!你现在可以听到神龙战士正在训练呢。Listen!You can hear the Dragon warrior is training right now. 三十三,阻止他。这太危险了。Thirty-three,stop him.It's too dangerous. 保持专心。-三十六。Stay focus.-Thirty-six. 他的脸怎么能变成这样啊?How is he doing that to his face? 三十八个豆沙包。Thirty-eight bean buns. 新纪录。你这个怪物。New record.You monster. 继续,吃40个。-他绝不能达到40个。Keep going,hit forty-He never hit forty. 没问题,兄弟,我现在就塞40个!You got it,buddy,I'm going to forty! 来吧。没问题。Do it.No problem. 等等。Wait a moment. 他做到了。做得好,阿宝。He did it.Well done Po. 你的训练还没去呢。Your training is paid off. 噢,师傅。我要走了。待会见。Oh,master Shifu.Gotta go.See you later. 那些包子你会帮我留着是吧?You'll save those to me,right?


看电影学英语Kungfu Panda 《功夫熊猫》 -Narrator: Legend tells of a legendary warrior... legend: 传奇 legendary: 传奇的 warrior: 武士 传奇故事传颂着一名传奇武士, whose kung fu skills were the stuff of legend. 他的功夫出神入化。 He traveled the land in search of worthy foes. in search of: 寻找 foe: 敌人 他走遍天涯,独孤求败, -Demon: I see you like to chew. chew: 咀嚼,咬 你挺喜欢吃啊, Maybe you should chew on my fist! 有种就吃了我的拳头! -Narrator: The warrior said nothing for his mouth was full. 武士一言不发,因为正忙着吃, Then he swallowed. 然后一口吞下, And then he spoke. 开口道: “Enough talk. Let's fight! Shashabooey! Shashabooey!”“别废话,动手吧!沙哈波易!沙哈波易!” -Narrator: He was so deadly in fact 他的一招一式如此彪悍 that his enemies would go blind from over exposure to pure awesomeness. exposure: 暴露 pure: 完全的 awesomeness: 敬畏 他的敌人目不暇接,只有瞠目结舌的份儿 -Demon: My eyes! 我的眼睛! -Rabbit1: He's too awesome! awesome: 令人惊叹的 他太彪悍了! -Rabbit2: And attractive! 太有魅力了! -Rabbit1: How Can We repay you? 我们何以回报? -Warrior: There is no charge for awesomeness. awesomeness: 非凡的 伟大不求回报 Or attractiveness. attractiveness: 魅力 迷人更无所需 Kablooey! Kablooey! 哼哼哈哈!哼哼哈哈! -Narrator: It mattered not how many foes he faced. 他征战无数 They were no match for his body! 无人堪与匹敌, Never before had a panda been so feared!从没有哪只熊猫能让人如此恐惧, And so loved. 又让人如此爱戴。 Even the most heroic heroes in China, 即使是神州大地之上最英勇的勇士们 the Furious Five, furious: 凶猛的 勇猛五杰, bowed in respect to this great master. 也心怀敬意地拜倒在这位大师脚下。 -Monkey: We should hang out. hang out: 出去 咱出去玩玩怎样? -Warrior: Agreed.同意。 -Narrator: But hanging out would have to wait. 但出去玩的事情得先放一边, Because when you're facing the 10 000 demons of shemon Mountain demon: 恶魔 因为尚有万千暴徒待铲除, there's only one thing that matters and that's... 正经事只有一件,就是…… -Monkey: Po! Get up! Po,快起床! You'll be later for work! 要误了生意了! -Po: What? 什么? [Scene: the dream is over, and Po gets up to work.] -Dad: Po! Get up! Po,快起床! Po. What are you doing up there? Po,你磨蹭啥呢? -Po: Nothing. 没啥。 Monkey! Mantis! Crane! Viper! Tigress! mantis: 螳螂 crane: 鹤 viper: 毒蛇 Monkey!Mantis!Crane!Viper!Tigress! -Dad: Po! Let's go! You're late for work. Po!快点,都误了生意了。 -Po: Coming! 来啦…… Sorry, dad. 对不起,老爸 -Dad: Sorry doesn't make the noodles. 对不起可变不出面条来。 What were you doing up there? 你在搞什么名堂? All that noise. 稀里哗啦的。 -Po: Nothing. I just had a crazy dream.


KungfuPanda《功夫熊猫》 -Narrator:Legendtellsofalegendarywarr ior... legend:传奇legendary:传奇的warrior:武士传奇故事传颂着一名传奇武士,whosekungfuskillswerethestuffoflegend . 他的功夫出神入化。Hetraveledthelandinsearchofworthyfoes . insearchof:寻找foe:敌人 他走遍天涯,独孤求败, -Demon:Iseeyouliketochew. chew:咀嚼,咬 你挺喜欢吃啊,Maybeyoushouldchewonmyfist! 有种就吃了我的拳头! -Narrator:Thewarriorsaidnothingforhis mouthwasfull. 武士一言不发,因为正忙着吃,Thenheswallowed. 然后一口吞下, Andthenhespoke. 开口道:“Enoughtalk.Let'sfight!Shashabooey!S hashabooey!” “别废话,动手吧!沙哈波易!沙哈波易!”-Narrator:Hewassodeadlyinfact 他的一招一式如此彪悍thathisenemieswouldgoblindfromoverexp osuretopureawesomeness. exposure:暴露pure:完全的awesomeness:敬畏 他的敌人目不暇接,只有瞠目结舌的份儿-Demon:Myeyes! 我的眼睛! -Rabbit1:He'stooawesome! awesome:令人惊叹的 他太彪悍了! -Rabbit2:Andattractive! 太有魅力了! -Rabbit1:HowCanWerepayyou 我们何以回报? -Warrior:Thereisnochargeforawesomenes s. awesomeness:非凡的 伟大不求回报 Orattractiveness. attractiveness:魅力


从功能对等理论看电影《功夫熊猫》字幕翻译 i=r 电影《功夫熊猫》自其热播以来,就受到了大家的喜爱,全球票房高达 6 亿美元。作为一部励志的喜剧电影,它讲述了主角熊猫阿宝从一个爱吃面条的梦想经过一系列的认识自我和努力奋斗为了成为传奇的龙战士的动人故事。该故事由美国人导演,以中国为背景,惊险刺激的情节,带有中国色彩的史诗式弦乐,一次次地征服了众多的观众。最耐人寻味的是导演赋予了一只懂功夫的中国熊猫典型的美式英语和幽默,把中国元素和美国元素 完美地结合到一起。同时,地道的翻译也成就了该电影的成功。 在第在第十三届中国电影华表奖中该电影获得了优秀译制片奖, 36 届动画 安妮奖中也获得了 10 项大奖。本文将以《功夫熊猫》的台词为个案,在奈达的功能对等理论指导下探索字幕翻译的策略。 、字幕翻译的特点 作为文学翻译的一个分支 , 影视翻译有与文学翻译的相通之处 ,遵守着文学翻译的一般准则,但是也有其自身的特殊性。 首先口语化语言占主导地位。影视语言通俗易懂,因此译者应选择大众化的语言,切忌华而不实的辞藻。其次电影字幕具有时空局限性。字幕一闪而过,不能像书本那样前后翻阅,也不容许加注说明,每行的字数也有一定的限制,因此字幕翻译要力求简洁。

再者语言具备很强的融合性。在电影作品中,除了口头语言外, 还包括影片中的背景音乐,肢体语言等。这些语言相互作用,共同构成影片不可或缺的部分。因此,必要时需要对一些非语言信息进行解释说明,以免引起理解偏差或者是迷惑。 由于其本身的特殊性,在翻译电影字时,要坚持一定的原则。 贾佩琳将电影字幕翻译的基本原则概括为“短、直、白”。“短” 是首要原则;所谓“直”,是指对婉转或内涵丰富的语言直接处理。这是针对丰富的中国文化和汉语委婉、含蓄等特点。 “白” 是指翻译要清楚明了,明白晓畅。无论运用什么原则,必须保证观众能够理解和接受。这要求译者一方面要准确传达原文意义, 另一方面要正确处理文化方面的差异。 二、功能翻译理论对字幕翻译的指导 奈达指出翻译是用最恰当、自然和对等的语言从语义到文体再现源语的信息。传统翻译注重语言的结构,而不是意义,同时观众或读者的反应被忽略了,这会导致译文意义模糊扭曲。功能对等理论把读者置于最高位置,这对影视翻译也是有影响的。根据奈达的观点,译作对译语读者产生的效果必须与原作对原语读者产生的效果一致。这种要求译者动态眼眼光审视译文与原文, 在忠实传达原语信息的基础上,考虑原语台词语境和文化,使译入语观众产生与相似的效果和文化认同感。 三、翻译策略探析 《功夫熊猫》上映后,好评如潮。其字幕翻译和原文一样能


Subtitle Legend legendary Foes (opponent) chew on(考虑)(the warrior said nothing ,for his mouth was full.) Swallow enough talk(少说废话) shashabooey that his enemies would go blind from over exposure to pure awesomeness. He is too awesome. Attractive how can we repay you? There is no charge for awesomeness or attractive ( 凶猛帅气本是天生) bodacity never before had a panda been so feared. ---We should hang out.(闲逛)---agreed demon(恶魔,邪恶的人)that’s only one thing that matters. You will be late for work. What are you doing up there? Nothing monkey mantis crane viper tigress. Coming(就来了) sorry doesn’t make the noodles. What were you doing up there? all that noise. I just had a crazy dream. About what? What else would I be dreaming about? That soup is sharp. You don’t know how long I have been waiting for the moment. This is a sign.(好兆头)you are almost ready to be entrusted with the secret ingredient of my secret ingredient soup. Then you will fullfil your destiny and take over the restaurant. mahJong we are noodle folk, broth(肉汤,液体培养基)runs through our veins. Didn’t you ever want to do something else? I thought about running away and learning how to make tofu. A stupid dream we all have our place in this world.Service with a smile. Well done! You need more ferocity(凶猛,残忍,暴行).Greater speed. Subtlety(微妙,敏锐,精明) master oogway you summoned me. Why must something wrong for me to want to see my old friend? I have had a vision. Nothing is impossible. Guard weapon one often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.We can’t let him march on(前进,进攻) the valley, take his revenge. Your mind is like the water,when it is agitated(焦虑,激动,不安),it becomes difficult to see. The dragons’scroll who is worthy to be trusted with the secret to limitless power? Watch it suck it up.(别抱怨,算了吧,忍耐)A thousand pardons. Bow you’re forgetting your noodle cart. Bean buns they are about to go bad. There is spots at the top. We will bring you back a souvenir. It is a historic day. Tournament(锦标赛)let me in . it is my great honor to present to you peeky-hole ready for battle get out of the way(让开,避开)you have not seen anything yet face iron oxand his blades of death I sense the dragon warrior is among us. I lied. What’s going on? I just wanted to see who the dragon warrior was. Are you pointing at me? The universe has brought us the dragon warrior. That flabby panda can’t possibly be the answer to our problem. You were about to point at tigress and that thing fell in front of her. There are no accidents. Forgive us we have failed you. If the panda has not quit by morning,then I will have failed you. Extra precaution your prison may not be adequate. You doubt my prison security. Absolutely not. I am just the messenger. Impressive . take us down behold(瞧看)I am just gonna wait right here(就是这里)(我就在这里等着好了). It’s perfectly safe. Crossbow tough guy don’t get him mad what’s he gonna do about it?i have got him completely immobilized. Tail wait a second I think there’s been a slight mistake. The sacred(神圣的)hall of warriors armor(装甲,盔甲)authentic(真正的)battle damage sword invisible I’ve only seen paintings(印刷品)of that painting. the legendary urn(瓮,骨灰盒)of whispering warriors. Have you finished sight-seeing(观光)? I should have come to you frist. My patience is wearing thin. Would you turn around? Fix it glue I guess so . ladder trampoline (蹦床)you think it’s that easy? Secret to limitless power one must first
