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Brothers in arms


Jun 29th 2006 | TORONTO

From The Economist print edition

RAY BLANCHARD, a researcher at Toronto's Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, was reviewing some data a few years ago when he noticed something odd: gay men seemed to have more older brothers than straight men. 几年前,多伦多毒瘾与心理健康中心研究员雷·布朗夏尔在回顾一些数据时注意到一个奇怪的现象——同性恋男子的哥哥似乎比异性恋男子多。

Intrigued—and sceptical—he decided to investigate. He recruited 302 gay men and the same number of heterosexual controls and inquired about their families. How many siblings[1] did they have, _______①what sex, and how had the births been spaced? How old had their parents been when they had had them? Dr Blanchard found that only one detail seemed to predict sexual orientation: the more elder brothers a man had, the more likely he was to be gay. (1)Neither elder sisters nor younger siblings of either sex had any effect, but each additional elder brother increased his chance of being gay by about 33% from the population average of one man in 50.

由于对此感到好奇和怀疑,他决定做个调查。他招募了302名同性恋男子和一样多的异性恋男子,并问及一些与家庭有关的问题:有几个兄弟,几个姐妹,前后出生间隔多长时间?出生时父母多大年龄?布朗夏尔博士发现,预示性取向的似乎只有一个细节:哥哥越多,成为同性恋的可能性就越大。姐姐以及弟妹的数量对某人的性取向没有任何影响。一般而言,平均50个男人中就有1人可能成为同性恋,每多一位哥哥,此人成为同性恋的可能性就增加33%左右。(译者注:这句有些费解,我的理解是:from the population average of one man in 50中的“from”与前面的“increase”相对应,也就是在此基础上增加了33%。这个基础就是指“平均每50个男人中就有一个人可能成为同性恋”,这是一般而言的,如果这“一个”人多一位哥哥,他成为同性恋的可能性就增加33%,也就是这个“50分之一”发生的可能性增加33%。有点乱,仅供参考。)

It was a rather perplexing discovery. It implied either that being brought _______②with a lot of elder brothers affects a boy's sexual orientation, or that a mother's body is somehow able to keep count of how many sons she has conceived, and that this count affects the orientation of future children. (2)Hard as it was to explain, though, the finding was replicated again and again, across different cultures, eras and even psychiatric groups.


Those who argued for a social explanation suggested that having lots of elder brothers makes a boy more likely to engage _______③same-sex play, and might also increase the chance he is a victim of sexual abuse. But, regardless of whether either of these conjectures[2] is true, neither playing with other boys nor sexual abuse has been scientifically linked to homosexuality.


Anthony Bogaert of Brock University in St Catharines, Ontario, therefore decided to examine the other hypothesis—that the phenomenon is caused by something that happens in the womb. He has just published his results in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.


Dr Bogaert reasoned that if the effect were social, elder brothers would wield[3] the same power even if they had not been born _______④the same mother. Lots of half- or step-siblings, or adopted brothers, for instance, would also cause their younger brothers to be gay. On the other hand, if the effect were really due to birth order, biological brothers would make their younger brothers more likely to be gay even if they did not grow up together; indeed, even if the younger boy grew up without any older boys around at all.


Dr Bogaert collected a new sample of several hundred men, this time specifically recruiting those who had grown up with “brothers” to whom they were not biologically related. He collected information on how long they had been reared with each sibling, as well as about biological siblings _______⑤whom they had been separated.


He found that only the number of biological elder brothers had an impact on a later-born boy's sexual orientation; non-biological siblings had no effect. This was true even when a boy had grown up surrounded by an enormous gaggle[4] of non-biological elder brothers. (3)By contrast, elder brothers raised in a separate household “influenced” their younger brothers' sexual orientation in exactly the same way as they would have done had they been living with them.


Like many of the best pieces of research, this one raises questions, as well as answering them. One is, how does the mother's body keep count of how many sons she has conceived? A second is, how does that change the environment in the womb? A third is, how does that change affect sexual orientation? And a fourth is, is this an accidental effect, or has it evolved for some reason?


To these questions, Dr Bogaert has no answers, though in some cases he has his suspicions. He speculates that, for reasons as yet unknown, a mother's immune system takes note of the number of male offspring and that each succeeding male fetus is subjected to increased levels of antibodies. These somehow affect its development. (4)Clearly, something strange is going on, because things other than sexual orientation are also affected by birth order. Boys with elder brothers are also likely to have larger-than-normal placentas while in the womb. And despite that apparent nutritional advantage (for a larger placenta should be able to draw more food from the mother's bloodstream), they are also likely to have lower birth-weights than would otherwise be expected.


(5)Dr Blanchard, meanwhile, calculates that about one gay man in seven can chalk his orientation up to having elder brothers. But _______⑥the question of whether there is some evolutionary advantage for a mother who has many sons to include a gay one among them, neither he nor Dr Bogaert has an answer. 与此同时,布朗夏尔统计发现,大约七分之一的同性恋男子认为其性取与自己有哥哥有关。(译者注:chalk sth. up to 是指“把……记在……”,引申为“把……归因于”)但是,至于是否存在某种进化优势而使得多子母亲的儿子中出现一个同性恋,无论他还是博尔加特博士,均未给出答案。


1. 选择适当的介词或副词填入文中空白处:

①a. from b. with c. of d. by

②a. about b. forth c. out d. up

③a. in b. on c. with d. for

④a. by b. from c. to d. in

⑤a. by b. from c. to d. with

⑥a. for b. with c. on d. to

2. 英译汉(将划线部分英文翻译成中文):



1. sibling n. 兄弟姐妹

2. conjecture n.推断;臆说;猜测

3. wield v. 行使权力,施加影响;挥舞

4. gaggle n. (吵闹的)一群人;鹅群


1. c(of what sex ……性别);d(bring up抚养长大);a(engage in从事于);c(to);b(be separated from);d(an answer to)



电路分析基础作业参考 解答 Company number:【0089WT-8898YT-W8CCB-BUUT-202108】

《电路分析基础》作业参考解答 第一章(P26-31) 1-5 试求题1-5图中各电路中电压源、电流源及电阻的功率(须说明是吸收还是发出)。 (a )解:标注电压如图(a )所示。 由KVL 有 故电压源的功率为 W P 302151-=?-=(发出) 电流源的功率为 W U P 105222=?=?=(吸收) 电阻的功率为 W P 20452523=?=?=(吸收) (b )解:标注电流如图(b )所示。 由欧姆定律及KCL 有 A I 35 152==,A I I 123221=-=-= 故电压源的功率为 W I P 151151511-=?-=?-=(发出) 电流源的功率为 W P 302152-=?-=(发出) 电阻的功率为 W I P 459535522 23=?=?=?=(吸收) 1-8 试求题1-8图中各电路的电压U ,并分别讨论其功率平衡。

(b )解:标注电流如图(b )所示。 由KCL 有 故 由于电流源的功率为 电阻的功率为 外电路的功率为 且 所以电路的功率是平衡的,及电路发出的功率之和等于吸收功率之和。 1-10 电路如题1-10图所示,试求: (1)图(a )中,1i 与ab u ; 解:如下图(a )所示。 因为 所以 1-19 试求题1-19图所示电路中控制量1I 及电压0U 。 解:如图题1-19图所示。 由KVL 及KCL 有 整理得 解得mA A I 510531=?=-,V U 150=。 补充题: 1. 如图1所示电路,已知图1 解:由题得 I 3 2=0


第十七章总需求—总供给模型 1. 总需求曲线的理论来源是什么为什么在IS—LM模型中,由P(价格)自由变动,即可得到总需求曲线 解答:(1)总需求是经济社会对产品和劳务的需求总量,这一需求总量通常以产出水平来表示。一个经济社会的总需求包括消费需求、投资需求、政府购买和国外需求。总需求量受多种因素的影响,其中价格水平是一个重要的因素。在宏观经济学中,为了说明价格水平对总需求量的影响,引入了总需求曲线的概念,即总需求量与价格水平之间关系的几何表示。在凯恩斯主义的总需求理论中,总需求曲线的理论来源主要由产品市场均衡理论和货币市场均衡理论来反映。 (2)在IS—LM模型中,一般价格水平被假定为一个常数(参数)。在价格水平固定不变且货币供给为已知的情况下,IS曲线和LM曲线的交点决定均衡的收入(产量)水平。现用图17—1来说明怎样根据IS—LM图形来推导总需求曲线。 图17—1分上下两个部分。上图为IS—LM图。下图表示价格水平和需求总量之间的关系,即总需求曲线。当价格P的数值为P1时,此时的LM曲线LM(P1)与IS曲线相交于E1点,E1点所表示的国民收入和利率分别为y1和r1。将P1和y1标在下图中便得到总需求曲线上的一点D1。 现在假设P由P1下降到P2。由于P的下降,LM曲线移动到LM(P2)的位置,它与IS曲线的交点为E2点。E2点所表示的国民收入和利率分别为y2和r2。对应于上图中的点E2,又可在下图中找到D2点。按照同样的程序,随着P的变化,LM曲线和IS曲线可以有许多交点,每一个交点都代表着一个特定的y和P。于是就有许多P与y的组合,从而构成了下图中一系列的点。把这些点连在一起所得到的曲线AD便是总需求曲线。 从以上关于总需求曲线的推导中可以看到,总需求曲线表示社会的需求总量和价格水平之间的反向关系。即总需求曲线是向右下方倾斜的。向右下方倾斜的总需求曲线表示,价格水平越高,需求总量越小;价格水平越低,需求总量越大。 图17—1 2.为什么进行宏观调控的财政政策和货币政策一般被称为需求管理的政策 解答:财政政策是指政府变动税收和支出,以便影响总需求,进而影响就业和国民收入的政策。货币政策是指货币当局即中央银行通过银行体系变动货币供应量来调节总需求的政策。无论财政政策还是货币政策,都是通过影响利率、消费和投资进而影响总需求,使就业和国民收入得到调节的。通过对总需求的调节来调控宏观经济,所以财政政策和货币政策被称为需求管理政策。 3.总供给曲线的理论来源是什么


TEXT 19 Fair enough Mar 30th 2006 | MEXICO CITY AND SAN JOSé From The Economist print edition MAKING good coffee is not a simple business. Coffee bushes must be grown in shade—neither too much, nor too little. A hillside is best—but it mustn't be too s______ ①. After three years, the bushes will start to produce bright-red coffee “cherries”, which are picked, processed to remove the pulp, and spread out to dry for days, ideally on concrete. They are m_______②again to separate the bean, which needs to rest, preferably for a few months. (1)Only then can it be roasted, ground and brewed into the stuff that dreams are ★quelled with[1]. In Mexico and parts of Central America, as in Colombia and Peru further south but not in Brazil, most coffee farmers are smallholders. (2)They found it especially hard to deal with the recent ★slump[2] in the coffee price. The price has since recovered: the benchmark price applied to m________③coffee now ranges from $1.11 to $1.14 per pound. That is roughly double its ★rock-bottom[3] level of August 2002. But the v_________④of their income makes it hard for farmers to invest to sustain their crop, says Fernando Celis of the Mexican National Organisation of Coffee Growers. The slump forced many small farmers to switch to other crops, or migrate to cities. Mexico's exports of coffee are less than half of what they were six years ago. (3)For farmers, one way out of this dilemma is to decouple the price they are paid from the international commodities markets. This is the a_______⑤of Fairtrade, a London-based organisation which certifies products as “responsibly” sourced. Fairtrade determines at what price farmers make what it considers a reasonable profit. Its current calculation is that the appropriate figure is 10% above the market price. W________⑥, sales of Fairtrade-certified coffee have increased from $22.5m per year to $87m per year since 1998. This is still only a tiny fraction of the overall world coffee trade, worth $10 billion annually. But there are plenty of other ★niche markets[4] for high-quality coffee. Some small producers can c_________⑦more by marketing their coffee as organic—a switch which takes five years or so—or “bird-friendly” (4)because, unlike large, mechanised plantations, they have retained shade trees. Starbucks, the Seattle-based coffee-bar c________⑧, says it uses a similar formula to that of Fairtrade in buying its coffee. All is bought at a “fair price”, says Peter Torrebiarte, who manages Starbucks' buying operation in Costa Rica. (5)Some niches can be large. Only 6% of world o________⑨is of top quality, but in Costa Rica and Guatemala the figure rises to 60%, says Mr Torrebiarte. Starbucks bought 37% of Costa Rica's entire coffee crop in the 2004-05 season, according to Adolfo Lizano of the country's coffee institute. Mexico lags behind its neighbours in extracting higher prices. But 95% of the coffee in Mexico is arabica—the


(一) 单选题 1. 用节点法分析电路,各节点方程的自导()。 (A)恒为 正 (B) 恒为 负 (C) 恒为 零 (D) 可正可 负 参考答案: (A) 2. 一个具有4个结点和8条支路的平面网络,则其电路中独立的节点方程个数是()。 (A)3 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 6 参考答案: (A) 3. 图1.2所示电路中,已知V,则电压源电压为()。 (A)5V (B) (C) 12V (D)

参考答案: (C) 4. 特勒根定理1的本质是()。 (A)KVL的 体现 (B) KCL的 体现 (C) KVL和KCL 的体现 (D) 功率 守恒 参考答案: (A) 5. 电路如图1.1所示,电阻R获得最大功率时,其阻值R等于()。 (A)4 (B) 3 (C) 2 (D) 1 参考答案: (C) 6. 节点电压法的本质是()。 (A)KVL的体 现 (B) KCL的体 现 (C) KVL和KVL的体现

参考答案: (B) 7. 一个具有5个结点和8条支路的平面网络,则其电路中独立的回路方程个数是()。 (A)5 (B) 8 (C) 4 (D) 3 参考答案: (A) 8. 回路电流法自动满足()。 (A)KVL (B) KCL (C) KVL和KVL 参考答案: (A) 9. 无源一端口电阻网络的端电压和端电流分别为24V和6A,则无源一端口网络的输入 电阻为()。 (A) (B) (C) (D) 参考答案: (D) 10. 若元件ab的电压V,电流A,则此元件电压和电流的参考方向是()。

(A)关联参考方向(B) 非关联参考方向(C) 不确定 参考答案: (B) 11. 某含源一端口电阻网络的,,则短路电流()。 (A)4A (B) 5A (C) 10A (D) 20A 参考答案: (B) 12. 节点电压法自动满足()。 (A)KVL (B) KCL (C) KVL和KVL 参考答案: (B) 13. 无源一端口电阻网络可等效变换为()。 (A)电阻和电压源的 串联 (B) 电导和电流源的 串联 (C) 电 阻 参考答案: (C) 14. 流过理想电压源的电流大小与外电路()。 (A)有关(B) 无关(C) 不确定 参考答案: (A)

西方经济学课后习题答案 第十六章

第十六章宏观经济政策 1.宏观经济政策目标有哪些?如何理解宏观经济政策目标之间的一致性和冲突关系? 【参考答案】 国家宏观调控的政策目标一般包括充分就业、物价稳定、经济增长和国际收支平衡四项。其中,充分就业是宏观经济政策的首要目标,它指劳动力和生产设备都达到充分利用的状态或总失业率等于自然失业率的状态。物价稳定是指通过宏观经济政策使某一时期内的一般物价水平保持相对稳定。经济增长是指在一个较长时间跨度内一国人均产出(或人均收入)水平的持续增加。国际收支平衡目标是指采取各种措施纠正国际收支差额,使之趋于平衡。 宏观经济政策的四个目标具有一致性和互补性,但也存在着矛盾和冲突。一致性主要是指对某一目标的追求或某一目标的实现,同时也能够促进或影响其他目标实现。互补关系主要表现在:一国经济能长期持续均衡增长,就业率就高,失业率就低,反之亦然。从宏观经济政策目标的矛盾和冲突来看,任何一种政策手段都有其副作用,对其他目标的实现产业不利的影响。著名的“米德冲突”说明了财政政策和货币政策在处理国际收支逆差与国内经济疲软并存或是国际收支顺差与国内同伙膨胀并存的情况时左右为难;而稳定物价与充分就业目标之间也经常发生冲突。 2.如何用IS-LM模型解释财政政策效应? 【参考答案】 财政政策效应是政府变动收支后对社会经济活动如就业、产出等产生的有效作用以及相应的反应。 从IS-LM模型看,财政政策效应是指IS曲线移动对国民收入变动的影响。这里考察扩张性财政政策的情况,紧缩性财政政策与之相反变动。如图所示,当 IS曲线和LM曲线相交于E 0点时,决定均衡的利率水平r 和均衡收入水平Y 。假


TEXT 80 Salty tales 咸话地中海(陈继龙编译) Nov 16th 2006 From The Economist print edition JOHN JULIUS NORWICH is the author of more than a dozen books on Norman Sicily ①, the Sahara, Mount Athos② and the Venetian and Byzantine empires. (1)Yet even his immense knowledge is not enough to keep his latest chronicle —of 5,000 years of Mediterranean history—from appearing somewhat lopsided[1]. 约翰?朱利叶斯?诺威奇撰写过不少关于诺尔曼-西西里岛、撒哈拉沙漠、阿陀斯山以及威尼斯和拜占庭帝国的作品。然而,尽管知识渊博,他最近一部记述地中海沿岸五千年历史的编年体著作仍免不了有失偏颇。 Lord Norwich's first test, he notes in his introduction to “The Middle Sea”, was to compensate for an ignorance of Spain. He records that he was fortuitously invited to dinner by “my dear friend” the Spanish ambassador to London and “a few weeks later there came an invitation for my wife and me to spend ten days in Spain.” (2)It is hard to believe that was all the effort he made, for he acquits himself well, even in the convoluted[2] diplomacy that ended in the war of the Spanish succession. 诺威奇勋爵在《中央之海》一书序言中指出,他的首要任务就是让人们了解西班牙的一些不为人知之处。书中写道,他幸运地被他“亲爱的朋友”——西班牙驻伦敦大使邀请参加晚宴,并“在几个星期之后收到了邀请他及其夫人到西班牙度假十天的请


男生英文名字的含义 英文:中文:来源:涵意: Aaron 艾伦希伯来巍然的高山;受神启示的。 Abbott 艾布特希伯来父性的;伟大的精神。 Abel 亚伯拉丁生命;呼吸。 Abner 艾布纳希伯来睿智;有智能。 Abraham 亚伯拉罕希伯来崇高的父亲;众人之父。 Adair 亚岱尔苏格兰,爱尔兰犹如像树般坚强。 Adam 亚当希伯来天下第一个男人,男性 Addison 艾狄生英国亚当的后代。 Adolph 阿道夫德国高贵的狼。 Adonis 亚度尼斯希腊美男子。 Adrian 亚德里恩拉丁傍亚德里亚海而居之人。 Ahern 亚恒塞尔特马的主人。 Alan 艾伦斯堪的那维亚英俊的,好看的;和睦,和平;高兴的。Albert 艾伯特英国高贵的聪明;人类的守护者。 Aldrich 奥德里奇英国英明的统治者。 Alexander 亚历山大希腊人类的保护者;人的帮手。 Alfred 亚尔弗列得英国;条顿睿智的顾问;聪明帮手。 Alger 阿尔杰英国光荣高贵护卫。 Algernon 阿尔杰农法国满脸照胡子的人。 Allen 艾伦盖尔和谐融洽;英俊的;好看的。 Alston 奥斯顿英国出身高贵的人。 Alva 阿尔瓦拉丁白种人的;金发碧眼的。 Alvin 阿尔文条顿被大家所喜爱的;每个人的朋友。 Alvis 亚尔维斯挪威短小精悍的人。 Amos 亚摩斯希伯来任重道远的人。 Andre 安得烈法国勇敢的,骁勇的。 Andrew 安德鲁希腊男性的,勇敢的,骁勇的。 Andy 安迪希腊男性的,勇敢的,骁勇的。 Angelo 安其罗意大利上帝的使者。 Augus 安格斯盖尔一个,唯一无二的;爱神。 Ansel 安斯艾尔法国出身或教养均极高贵的人。 Antony 安东尼拉丁值得赞美,备受尊崇的。 Antoine 安东莞欧洲值得赞美,备受尊崇的。 Antonio 安东尼奥拉丁值得赞美,备受尊崇的。 Archer 阿奇尔英国拉开千钧之弓的大力士。 Archibald 阿奇柏德英国高贵的,勇敢的。 Aries 亚力士拉丁公羊。 Arlen 亚尔林英国誓约。 Armand 亚尔曼德国军人。 Armstrong 阿姆斯特朗英国臂力强健的人。


TEXT 51 The seven-year itch 七年之痒(陈继龙编译) Jul 27th 2006 | MACAU From The Economist print edition THE army of workers operating along what used to be Macau's waterfront is conducting “land reclamation[1]”: dumping sand into the water to create more land on which to build ever more casinos, resorts and hotels in the formerly Portuguese playground. Cranes and bulldozers beaver away[2] throughout the territory, building new high-rises. Like most of China's booming conurbations[3], Macau is paying an environmental price; the air is thick with smog and dust, and the Pearl River has transferred some of its p_______①to Macau's seas. (1)But the damage pales when set against[4] the promise of growth, and billboards proudly herald the coming of “the Las Vegas of Asia”. 在过去曾是澳门码头的沿线地区,成群结队的工人们正在“填海造田”:把沙子倒进水中以形成更多的陆地,从而在这片曾经是葡萄牙人的一亩三分地上建造更多的赌场、度假村和饭店。起重机和推土机无处不在,全力以赴地建造着新的高楼大厦。同中国大多数飞速发展的大都市一样,澳门正在为此付出环境上的代价。空气中弥漫着烟雾和灰尘,一些来自珠江的污染物也流入了澳门附近海域。但是,展望未来发展,这种损失算不了什么。一张张广告牌自豪地昭示着“亚洲的拉斯维加斯”即将来临。(译注:pale指“逊色、失色”,此处的when set against可以用“before”或“beside”来代替,意为“相比……”) Amid all the buzz, the music from a boat docked at the inner harbour sounds a strange note. The red-robed musicians and their audience are Taoists engaged in a religious ceremony. As the musicians play their instruments, the believers on board burn incense and e_______②scraps of food into the water as an offering to the gods. (2)The contrast of ancient ritual with feverish modernisation is the story of modern Macau: the story of development transforming a once-sheltered nook[5]. 内港码头边停靠的一艘小船上传来的音乐夹杂在一切喧嚣之中,调子听上去怪怪的。身着红袍的乐师及其听众们都是一些道教信徒,他们正在举行一个宗教仪式。乐师们演奏着乐器,船上的信徒们一边烧香,一边将供品倒进水中。古老的仪式与狂热的现代化之间的这种反差诉说着这样一个关于现代澳门的故事——让一个曾经偏僻的小地方面貌一新的发展故事。 Macau's stunning economic boom—2004 saw its GDP grow by 28%—has been powered by gambling, tourism and the construction necessary to support such endeavours. Since Stanley Ho, Macau's most famous casino mogul[6], found his monopoly on the gambling industry broken in 2001, American firms such as Wynn Resorts and Las Vegas Sands Corporation have stepped in to build impressive new f_______③. (3)Visitors include rich and powerful Chinese, wishing to indulge in games of chance illegal on the mainland, as well as tourists from nearby countries like South Korea and Singapore. 赌博、旅游以及相关的支撑性建设推动澳门经济发生了令人瞠目结舌的增长——2004年其GDP增长28%。自从澳门最有名的赌场大亨何鸿燊对博采业的垄断在2001年被打破以来,永利度假村有限公司和拉斯维加斯金沙公司(注:建造了金沙会展中心)之类的美国公司逐步登陆澳门,建造了许多面目一新的设施。参观者中包括有钱有势的中国人,他们希望在赌博中碰碰运气,而赌博在内地是非法的。此外,还有来自邻近国家如韩国和新加坡的旅游观光者。 There has been a price. Construction firms are eager to hire immigrants from Fujian, Guangdong and even Shanghai who are willing to work for lower wages than the local Macanese. (4)The ill-will thus created was evident last May 1st, when locals (quite a few of whom were also illegal immigrants when they first arrived) rioted.They protest that outsiders are finding jobs in the new economy while many middle-aged Macanese remain j_______④. 增长是有代价的。建筑公司都迫切希望雇用来自福建、广东甚至上海的移民,这些人要求的薪水要比澳门


第一章“电路模型和电路定律”练习题 1-1说明题1-1图(a)、(b)中:(1)u、i的参考方向是否关联?(2)ui乘积表示什么功率? (3)如果在图(a)中u>0、i<0;图(b)中u>0、i>0,元件实际发出还是吸收功率? i u- + 元件 i u- + 元件 (a)(b) 题1-1图 1-4 在指定的电压u和电流i的参考方向下,写出题1-4图所示各元件的u和i的约束方程(即VCR)。 i u- + 10kΩi u- + 10Ωi u- + 10V - + (a)(b)(c) i u- + 5V + -i u- + 10mA i u- + 10mA (d)(e)(f) 题1-4图 1-5 试求题1-5图中各电路中电压源、电流源及电阻的功率(须说明是吸收还是发出)。

15V + - 5Ω 2A 15V +-5Ω 2A 15V + - 5Ω2A (a ) (b ) (c ) 题1-5图 1-16 电路如题1-16图所示,试求每个元件发出或吸收的功率。 0.5A 2U +- 2ΩU + - I 2Ω1 2V + - 2I 1 1Ω (a ) (b ) 题1-16图 A I 2

1-20 试求题1-20图所示电路中控制量u 1及电压u 。 ++2V - u 1 - +- u u 1 + - 题1-20图

第二章“电阻电路的等效变换”练习题 2-1电路如题2-1图所示,已知u S=100V,R1=2kΩ,R2=8kΩ。试求以下3种情况下的电压 u 2 和电流 i2、i3:(1)R3=8kΩ;(2)R3=∞(R3处开路);(3)R3=0(R3处短路)。 u S + - R 2 R 3 R 1 i 2 i 3 u 2 + - 题2-1图


第十七章第一节《电流与电压和电阻的关系》 在探究电阻一定时电流与电压关系的实验中,小明得到的实验数据如下表所示。 (1)为分析电流与电压的定量关系,请你在图17.1-2 的方格中建立有关坐标轴并制定其标度,把表中的数据 在坐标系中描点。 (2)小英说,从图中可以看出,这些数据中有一组是 明显错误的,跟其他数据的规律完全不同,可能是读取 这组数据时粗心所引起的,分析时需要把它剔除掉。这 是哪组数据? 2. 在电阻一定时探究电流与电压关系的实验中,小凯把 定值电阻、电流表、电压表、滑动变阻器、开关和电源 连接成了图17.1-3 所示的电路,正准备闭合开关时,旁 边的小兰急忙拦住他,说接线错了。 请你检查一下电路,错在哪里?小兰发现只要改接一根导线就可以,请把接错的那一根导线找出来,打上“×”,再画线把它改到正确的位置上。 第一节《电流与电压和电阻的关系》课后习题答案 1.(1)图略 (2)“1.2V 0.40A”这组数据跟其他数据的规律完全不同,需要剔除。 2.如图所示 ×

第十七章第二节《欧姆定律》 1. 一个电熨斗的电阻是80 Ω,接在220 V 的电压上,流过它的电流是多少? 2. 一个定值电阻的阻值是10 Ω,使用时流过的电流是200 mA ,加在这个定值电 阻两端的电压是多大? 3. 某小灯泡工作时两端的电压是2.5 V ,用电流表测得此时的电流是300 mA ,此 灯泡工作时的电阻是多少? 4. 某同学认为:“由I = U/R 变形可得R = U/I 。这就表明,导体的电阻R 跟它两端的电压成正比,跟电流成反比。”这种说法对吗?为什么? 第二节《欧姆定律》课后习题答案 1. 2.75A 2. 2V 3. 8.3Ω 解析:1.根据公式I=R U 2.根据公式U=IR 3.根据公式R = U/I 4.这种说法不对,因为导体的电阻是导体本身的一种性质,它只与导体的材料、长度、横截面积有关,还受温度影响,而与导体两端的电压及通过导体的电流大小无关,公式R = U/I 只是一个电阻的计算式,通过此公式可以求出导体的电阻,但不能决定导体电阻的大小,当导体不接入电路时,其阻值不会改变。 第十七章第三节《电阻的测量》 1. 一个小灯泡上标着“ 2.2 V 0.25 A ”,表明这个小灯泡工作时的电 阻是8.8 Ω。图17.3-2 是一位同学为检 验小灯泡的标称电阻是否准确而连接的 实验线路。他的连接有三个错误。请你 指出这三个错误分别错在哪里。应怎样 改成正确的连接? 2. 已知流过一只电阻为242 Ω 的灯泡的电流是0.91 A 。如果在灯泡两端再并联一个电阻为165 Ω 的电烙铁,并联电路的总电流变为多大? 3. 图17.3-3 是用伏安法测量某未知电阻的电路图。 (1)根据电路图将图17.3-4 所示的实物图连接起来; (2)读出图17.3-5 所示电流表和电压表的示数; (3)算出被测电阻本次的测量值。


TEXT 97 Health consumerism 保护消费者健康权益 The wellness boom 健康产业飞速发展(陈继龙编译) Jan 4th 2007 | NEW YORK From The Economist print edition Helping consumers to lead healthy lifestyles is becoming a big business 引导消费者健康生活潮流的行业越做越大。 BACK in 1979, a fat, unhealthy property developer, Mel Zuckerman, and his exercise-fanatic wife, Enid, opened Canyon Ranch, “America's first total vacation/fitness resort”, on an old dude[1]ranch in Tucson, Arizona. At the time, their outdoorsy, new age-ish venture seemed highly eccentric. Today Canyon Ranch is arguably the premium health-spa brand of choice for the super-rich. It is growing fast and now operates in several places, including the Queen Mary 2. It is also one of the leading lights in “wellness”, an increasingly mainstream—and profitable—business. 事情要追溯到1979年,身胖体虚的房地产开发商梅尔?扎克尔曼和他喜欢运动的妻子艾妮德开办了Canyon Ranch。这是“美国首个纯粹的度假和健身胜地”,位于亚利桑那州图森的一个老的度假农场上。那时,他们冒险投资这一具有新时代特征、倡导户外活动的行业似乎非常不合正轨。照现在看来,Canyon Ranch已经成为那些富豪们温泉疗养的首选去处。它发展迅速,现已在好几个地方开展业务,其中包括“玛丽皇后二世”。它也是“健康产业”的领跑者之一,而后者正日益成为一个有利可图的主流


电路分析基础练习题 @复刻回忆 1-1在图题1-1所示电路中。元件A 吸收功率30W ,元件B 吸收功率15W ,元件C 产生功率30W ,分别求出三个元件中的电流I 1、I 2、I 3。 解61=I A ,32-=I A ,63=I A 1-5在图题1-5所示电路中,求电流I 和电压U AB 。 解1214=--=I A ,39442103=?+?+=AB U V 1-6在图题1-6所示电路中,求电压U 。 解U +?-=253050 V 1-8在图题1-8所示电路中,求各元件的功率。 解电阻功率:123223=?=ΩP W , 82/422= =Ω P W 电流源功率: 电压源功率: 1(44=V P W 2-7电路如图题2-7所示。求电路中的未知量。 解1262=?=S U V 2-9电路如图题2-9 3 I 解得2-8电路如图题2-8所示。已知213I I =解KCL :6021=+I I 解得451=I mA,152=I mA. R 为 6.615452.2=?=R k ? 解(a)由于有短路线,R (b)等效电阻为 2-12电路如图题2-12所示。求电路AB 间的等效电阻AB R 。 A 3R U 3W 123=P Ω

解(a)Ω=+=++=75210//10)8//82//(6//6AB R (b)Ω=+=++=612//62)104//4//(64//4AB R 3-4用电源变换的方法求如图题3-4所示电路中的电流I 。 、(c) 解ab U 3-144-2用网孔电流法求如图题4-2?????=-++=-+-+=-+0)(31580 0)(4 )(32100)(4823312322211I I I I I I I I I I I 解得: 26.91=I A ,79.22=I A , 98.33-=I A 所以79.22==I I x A 4-3用网孔电流法求如图题4-3所示电路中的功率损耗。 解显然,有一个超网孔,应用KVL 即11015521=+I I 电流源与网孔电流的关系 解得:101=I A ,42=I A 电路中各元件的功率为 200102020-=?-=V P W ,36049090-=?-=V P 1806)10520(6-=??-=A P W ,5102+?=电阻P W 显然,功率平衡。电路中的损耗功率为740W 。 4-10用节点电压法求如图题4-10所示电路中的电压0U 。 解只需列两个节点方程 解得 501=U V ,802=U V 所以 1040500=-=U V 4-13电路如图题4-13解由弥尔曼定理求解 开关S 打开时: 20/140/120/30040/300-=+-=U 1Ω4I 6I 12I 2I 0V


第一章 3.你正计划用星期六去从事业余工作,但一个朋友请你去滑雪。去滑雪的真实成本是什么?现在假设你已计划这天在图书馆学习,这种情况下去滑雪的成本是什么?并解释之。 答:去滑雪的真实成本是周六打工所能赚到的工资,我本可以利用这段时间去工作。如果我本计划这天在图书馆学习,那么去滑雪的成本是在这段时间里我可以获得的知识。 第二章 1.画一张循环流向图,指出模型中分别对应于下列活动的物品与劳务流向和货币流向的部分。A.Selena向店主支付1美元买了1夸脱牛奶。 答:属于过程(4)和(8),消费者在物品与劳务市场上购买消费品,支出货币。 B.Stuart在快餐店工作,每小时赚4.5美元。 答:属于过程(1)和(5),Stuart 在生产要素市场上提供劳动,获得工资收入。 C.Shanna花7美元看了一场电影。 答:属于过程(4)和(8),Shanna 在物品与劳务市场上支出7 美元,消费了一场电影。D.Sally凭借他在顶峰工业公司10%的股权赚到了1万美元。 答:属于过程(1)和(5),Sally 在生产要素市场上提供资本,获得分红收入。 图循环流向图 4.一个经济由Larry、Moe和Curly这三个工人组成。每个工人每天工作10小时,并可以提供两种服务:割草和洗汽车。在一小时内,Larry可以割一块草地或洗一辆汽车,Moe可以割一块草地或洗两辆汽车,而Curly可以割两块草地或洗一辆汽车。 A.计算在以下情况(即我所标的A、B、C和D)时,各能提供多少每种服务? ·三个工人把他们所有的时间都用于割草。(A) ·三个工人把他们所有的时间都用于洗汽车。(B) ·三个工人都分别把一半的时间用于两种活动。(C) · Larry分别把一半时间用于两种活动,而Mor只洗汽车,Curly只割草。(D)


TEXT 85 Chinese capital markets中国资本市场 Out of the shadows 正大光明(陈继龙编译) Dec 13th 2006 | HONG KONG From The Economist print edition New ways to recycle fat profits 重复利用丰厚利润有新招 (1)COMMERCIAL bankers, nostalgic[1] for the days when corporate customers still belonged to them rather than the capital markets, have for some time gazed longingly at China. Under sanction from regulators, Chinese banks pay 2% for deposits, lend at a bit more than 6%, and that is that. Loan losses are high, but the spreads are so large that with any semblance of credit discipline there should be room for profits. It is rather like what was once fondly referred to in New York as 3-3-3 banking: pay 3%, charge 3% more, and get out of the office (and on the golf course) by 3pm. 曾几何时,各公司都是商业银行家的客户,并没有进入资本市场。一段时间以来,念念不忘那段时光的商业银行家们纷纷把热切的目光投向中国。经监管部门批准,中国的银行存款利率为2%,贷款利率为6%多一点,这是不容改变的事实。虽然存在大量的呆账,但存贷利率差价如此之大,给任何表面上守信用的银行都提供了盈利空间。这很像曾经被亲切地称为3-3-3制的纽约银行业,即存款给3%的利率,放贷时再加3%,然后下午3点下班(去打高尔夫球)。 Change, however, is on its way. (2)Capital-markets activity is growing and,


【常见男英文名一览】 1、字母A开头的男性英文名: Aaro n亚伦 Abel亚伯 (Abelard的昵称) Abraham亚伯拉罕 Adam亚当 Adrian艾德里安 Aidan艾登/艾丹 Alva阿尔瓦 Alex亚历克斯 (Alexander的昵称) Alexander亚历山大 Alan艾伦 (常变形为Eilian,Allan,Ailin) Albert艾伯特 Alfred阿尔弗雷德 Andrew安德鲁 Andy安迪 (Andrew的昵称) Angus安格斯 Antho ny安东尼 Apo llo阿波罗 Arno ld阿诺德 Arthur亚瑟 August奥古斯特 Austin奥斯汀 2、字母B开头的男性英文名: Ben本(所有Ben开头的英文名的昵称) Benjamin本杰明 Bert伯特 Benso n本森 Bill比尔 Billy比利 Blake布莱克 Bob鲍伯 Bobby鲍比 Brad布拉德 Brando n布兰登 Brant布兰特 Brent布伦特 Brian/Bryan布赖恩 Bro wn布朗 Bruce布鲁斯 3、字母C开头的男性英文名字:Caleb迦勒 Cameron卡梅伦 Carl卡尔 Carlos卡洛斯Cary凯里 Caspar卡斯帕 Cecil塞西 Charles查尔斯 Cheney采尼 Chris克里斯(Christian,C hristop her的昵称) Christian克里斯蒂安 Christop her克里斯多夫 Clark克拉克 Cliff柯利弗 Cody科迪 Cole科尔 Colin科林 Cosmo科兹莫 4、字母D开头的男性英文名字: Daniel丹尼尔 Denny丹尼 Darwin达尔文 David大卫 Dennis丹尼斯 Derek德里克 Dick狄克 Do nald唐纳德 Do uglas道格拉斯 Duke杜克 Dylan迪伦 5、字母E开头的男英文名: Edd ie埃迪 Ed gar埃德加 Ed iso n爱迪生 Ed mund艾德蒙 Edward爱德华 Edwin艾德文 Elijah以利亚 Ellio tt艾略特 Elvis埃尔维斯 Eric埃里克(Frederick的昵称) Ethan伊桑 Eugene柳真 Evan埃文 Enterprise企业英语培训 6、字母F、G开头的男英文名: Ford福特 Francis弗兰克思 Frank弗兰克 (Francis,F rank lin的昵称)
