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Hard to digest


Jun 2nd 2006

From The Economist print edition

BACTERIA, like people, can be divided into friend and foe. Inspired by evidence that the friendly sort may help with a range of ailments[1], many people c________① bacteria in the form of yogurts and dietary supplements.(1)Such a smattering[2] of artificial additions, however, represents but a drop in the ocean. There are at least 800 types of bacteria living in the human gut. And research by Steven Gill of the Institute for Genomic Research in Rockville, Maryland, and his colleagues, published in this week's Science, suggests that the collective genome of these organisms is so large that it contains 100 times as many genes as the human genome itself.


Dr Gill and his team were able to come to this conclusion by extracting bacterial DNA from the faeces of two volunteers. Because of the complexity of the samples, they were not able to reconstruct the e_______② genomes of each of the gut bacteria, just the individual genes. But that allowed them to make an estimate of numbers.


What all these bacteria are doing is tricky to identify—the bacteria themselves are difficult to cultivate. (2)So the researchers guessed at what they might be up to by comparing the genes they discovered with published databases of genes whose functions are already known.


按:tricky在此句中是指“something that is difficult to deal with or do because it is complicated and full of problems”,即“棘手的,难以处理的”。be up to在这里略显口语化,表示“doing something secret or something that you should not be doing”,“偷偷摸摸地做……”,比如:The children are very quiet. I wonder what they're up to.孩子们很安静,我不知道他们到底在搞什么


(3)This comparison helped Dr Gill identify for the first time the probable enzymatic

processes by which bacteria help humans to digest the complex carbohydrates in plants. The bacteria also contain a plentiful supply of genes involved in the synthesis of chemicals essential to human life—including two B vitamins and certain essential amino acids—although the team merely showed that these metabolic pathways exist rather than proving that they are used.

N_________③, the pathways they found leave humans looking more like ruminants[3]: animals

such as goats and sheep that use bacteria to break down otherwise indigestible matter in the plants they eat.


The broader conclusion Dr Gill draws is that people are superorganisms whose metabolism represents an amalgamation[4] of human and microbial attributes. The notion of a superorganism has emerged before, as researchers in other fields have come to view humans as having a diverse internal ecosystem. ________________________________.〔有人提出,这对研制个性化药物

具有重要意义,因为不同的人由于拥有不同的微生物群落(microbial flora),因而会对药物产生不同反应。〕Accordingly, the next step, says Dr Gill, is to see how microbial populations vary between people of different ages, backgrounds and diets.



Another area of research is the process by which these helpful bacteria first c_______④ the digestive tract. Babies acquire their gut flora as they pass down the birth canal[5] and take a gene-filled gulp of their mother's vaginal and faecal flora.(4)It might not be the most delicious of first meals, but it could well be an important one.



1. 根据首字母以及括号内的词性提示和英文释义填入单词(注意复数、时态形式变化等):

①c________(vt. to eat or drink, especially a lot of something)

②e________(adj. whole or complete, with nothing missing)

③N________(adv. despite what has just been said or referred to)

④c________(vt. to send people to live in and govern another country)




1.ailment n. an illness that is not very serious疾病(尤指微恙)

2. smattering n. 1)a small number or amount of something少数,少许如 a smattering of applause 稀稀拉拉的掌声 2)have a smattering of something to have a small amount of knowledge about a subject, especially a foreign language 略知一二

3. ruminant n.反刍动物

4. amalgamate 1)vt.或vi. if two organizations amalgamate, or if one amalgamates with another, they join and make one big organization [= merge]合并 2)vt. to combine two or more things together to make one thing 融合,混合—amalgamation n.如:an amalgamation between two companies两公司合并6. birth canal n. 产道


宏基因组(collective genome): 也可译为Metagenome,是特定环境全部生物遗传物质总和,决定生物群体生命现象。


1. ①consume 吃喝;②entire 全部的,完整的;③Nevertheless 不过;④colonize(英国:colonise)开拓殖民地,移民于殖民地


3.This, suggest some, will be crucial to the success of personalised medicine, as different people will have different responses to drugs, depending on their microbial flora.(注:可不拘泥于原文,但应向其学习。)


。 细菌培养基:肉膏蛋白胨培养基是一种广泛用于培养细菌的一. 培养基,肉膏蛋白胨培养基的主要成分是牛肉膏、蛋白胨和NaCl。 肉膏蛋白胨培养基 1.药品比例: 牛肉膏3g,蛋白胨10g,Nacl5g,琼脂15~20g,水1000mL, PH7.4~7.6 2.实验器材: 牛肉膏、蛋白胨、琼脂、可溶性淀粉、葡

萄糖、孟加拉红、链霉素、 1mol/L NaOH、lmol/L HCl、KNO、NaCl、K HPO·3HO、MgSO·7HO、222434 FeSO·7HO、4.5mL 无菌水6 管,10%酚液,49.5mL 无菌水( 带玻璃珠)124 瓶。土壤样品、试管、培养皿、移液管、三角瓶、烧杯、量筒、玻璃棒、天平、称量纸、牛角匙、pH试纸、棉花、报纸、记号笔、线绳、纱布、酒清灯。电炉、高压蒸气灭菌锅、超净工作台 . 3.配置方法 (1)称药品:按实际用量计算后,按配方称取各种药品放入大烧杯中。牛肉膏可放在小烧杯中称量,用热水溶解后倒入大烧杯。蛋白胨极易吸潮,故称量时要迅速。 (2)加热溶解:在烧杯中加入少于所需要的水量,然后放在石棉网上,小火加热,并用玻棒搅拌,待药品完全溶解后再补充水分至.

所需量。若配制固体培养基,则将称好的琼脂放入己溶解的药品中, 再加热融化,此过程中,需不断搅拌,以防琼脂糊底或溢出,最后补 足所失的水分。 (3)调pH:检测培养基的pH,若pH 偏酸,可滴加lmol/L NaOH,边加边搅拌,并随时用pH试纸检测,直至达到所需pH 范围。若偏碱,则用lmol/L HCl 进行调节。pH 的调节通常放在加琼脂之前。应注意 pH值不要调过头,以免回调而影响培养基内各离子的浓度。 (4)过滤:液体培养基可用滤纸过滤,固体培养基可用4 层纱 布趁热过滤,以利培养的观察。但是供一般


TEXT 19 Fair enough Mar 30th 2006 | MEXICO CITY AND SAN JOSé From The Economist print edition MAKING good coffee is not a simple business. Coffee bushes must be grown in shade—neither too much, nor too little. A hillside is best—but it mustn't be too s______ ①. After three years, the bushes will start to produce bright-red coffee “cherries”, which are picked, processed to remove the pulp, and spread out to dry for days, ideally on concrete. They are m_______②again to separate the bean, which needs to rest, preferably for a few months. (1)Only then can it be roasted, ground and brewed into the stuff that dreams are ★quelled with[1]. In Mexico and parts of Central America, as in Colombia and Peru further south but not in Brazil, most coffee farmers are smallholders. (2)They found it especially hard to deal with the recent ★slump[2] in the coffee price. The price has since recovered: the benchmark price applied to m________③coffee now ranges from $1.11 to $1.14 per pound. That is roughly double its ★rock-bottom[3] level of August 2002. But the v_________④of their income makes it hard for farmers to invest to sustain their crop, says Fernando Celis of the Mexican National Organisation of Coffee Growers. The slump forced many small farmers to switch to other crops, or migrate to cities. Mexico's exports of coffee are less than half of what they were six years ago. (3)For farmers, one way out of this dilemma is to decouple the price they are paid from the international commodities markets. This is the a_______⑤of Fairtrade, a London-based organisation which certifies products as “responsibly” sourced. Fairtrade determines at what price farmers make what it considers a reasonable profit. Its current calculation is that the appropriate figure is 10% above the market price. W________⑥, sales of Fairtrade-certified coffee have increased from $22.5m per year to $87m per year since 1998. This is still only a tiny fraction of the overall world coffee trade, worth $10 billion annually. But there are plenty of other ★niche markets[4] for high-quality coffee. Some small producers can c_________⑦more by marketing their coffee as organic—a switch which takes five years or so—or “bird-friendly” (4)because, unlike large, mechanised plantations, they have retained shade trees. Starbucks, the Seattle-based coffee-bar c________⑧, says it uses a similar formula to that of Fairtrade in buying its coffee. All is bought at a “fair price”, says Peter Torrebiarte, who manages Starbucks' buying operation in Costa Rica. (5)Some niches can be large. Only 6% of world o________⑨is of top quality, but in Costa Rica and Guatemala the figure rises to 60%, says Mr Torrebiarte. Starbucks bought 37% of Costa Rica's entire coffee crop in the 2004-05 season, according to Adolfo Lizano of the country's coffee institute. Mexico lags behind its neighbours in extracting higher prices. But 95% of the coffee in Mexico is arabica—the


146种培养基配方 1、牛肉膏蛋白胨培养基(培养细菌用) 牛肉膏3g 蛋白胨5g 氯化钠10g 琼脂15~20g pH 7.0~7.2 水1000mL 2、2、高氏(Gause)1号培养基(培养放线菌用) 可溶性淀粉20g 硝酸钾1g 氯化钠0.5g 磷酸氢二钾0.5g 硫酸镁0.5g 硫酸亚铁0.01g 琼脂20g 水1000mL pH 7.2~7.4 配制时,先用少量冷水将淀粉调成糊状,倒入煮沸的水中,在火上加热,边搅拌边加入其他成分,溶化后,补足水分至1000mL。121℃灭菌20min。 查氏(Czapek)培养基(培养霉菌用) 硝酸钠2g 磷酸氢二钾1g 氯化钾0.5g 硫酸镁0.5g 硫酸亚铁0.01g 蔗糖30g 琼脂15~20g 水1000mL pH 自然 121℃灭菌20min。

4、马丁氏(Martin)琼脂培养基(分离真菌用) 葡萄糖10g 蛋白胨5g 磷酸二氢钾1g 七水合硫酸镁0.5g 1/3000孟加拉红 100mL (rose bengal,玫瑰 红水溶液) 琼脂15—20g pH 自然 蒸馏水800mL 112℃灭菌30min。 临用前加入0.03%链霉素稀释液100mL,使每毫升培养基中含链霉素30μg。 5、马铃薯培养基(简称PDA)(培养真菌用) 马铃薯200g 蔗糖(或葡萄糖)20g 琼脂15—20g pH 自然 培养基的配制:马铃薯去皮,切成块煮沸30min,然后用纱布过滤,再加糖及琼脂,熔化后补足水至1000mL。121℃灭菌30min。 6、麦芽汁琼脂培养基 培养基的配制: (1)、取大麦或小麦若干,用水洗净,浸水6—12小时,至15℃阴暗处发芽,上面盖纱布一块,每日早、中、晚淋水一次,麦根伸长至麦粒的两倍时,即停止发芽,摊开晒干或烘干,贮存备用。 (2)、将干麦芽磨碎,一份麦芽加四份水,在65℃水浴中糖化3—4小时,糖化程度可用碘滴定之。加水约20mL,调匀至生泡沫时为止,然后倒在糖化液中搅拌煮沸后再过滤。 (3)、将糖化液用4—6层纱布过滤,滤液如混浊不清,可用鸡蛋白澄清,方法是将一个鸡蛋白加水约20mL,调匀至生泡沫时为止,然后倒在糖化液中搅拌煮沸后再过滤。 (4)、将滤液稀释到5—6波美度,pH约6.4,加入2%琼脂即成。121℃灭菌30min。 7、无氮培养基(自生固氮菌、钾细菌)


TEXT 80 Salty tales 咸话地中海(陈继龙编译) Nov 16th 2006 From The Economist print edition JOHN JULIUS NORWICH is the author of more than a dozen books on Norman Sicily ①, the Sahara, Mount Athos② and the Venetian and Byzantine empires. (1)Yet even his immense knowledge is not enough to keep his latest chronicle —of 5,000 years of Mediterranean history—from appearing somewhat lopsided[1]. 约翰?朱利叶斯?诺威奇撰写过不少关于诺尔曼-西西里岛、撒哈拉沙漠、阿陀斯山以及威尼斯和拜占庭帝国的作品。然而,尽管知识渊博,他最近一部记述地中海沿岸五千年历史的编年体著作仍免不了有失偏颇。 Lord Norwich's first test, he notes in his introduction to “The Middle Sea”, was to compensate for an ignorance of Spain. He records that he was fortuitously invited to dinner by “my dear friend” the Spanish ambassador to London and “a few weeks later there came an invitation for my wife and me to spend ten days in Spain.” (2)It is hard to believe that was all the effort he made, for he acquits himself well, even in the convoluted[2] diplomacy that ended in the war of the Spanish succession. 诺威奇勋爵在《中央之海》一书序言中指出,他的首要任务就是让人们了解西班牙的一些不为人知之处。书中写道,他幸运地被他“亲爱的朋友”——西班牙驻伦敦大使邀请参加晚宴,并“在几个星期之后收到了邀请他及其夫人到西班牙度假十天的请


芽孢杆菌常用培养基配方 (按理说,该实验的所有培养基都在这了,后红字更为清楚些。。。摘自百度) 一、肉汤琼脂培养基:蛋白胨10g ,牛肉膏15g ,NACL15g ,蒸 馏水1000ml ,琼脂18g 。调节PH7.2,0.1MPA20min 灭菌。如果用液体做培养基,则去掉琼脂即可。100 mL/组,其中20 mL 液体培养基/250 mL△中(内装玻璃珠10颗);50 mL固体斜面培养基分装在试管中:5mL/支,10支。 2、或是(J-琼脂培养基:胰蛋白胨5g,酵母膏15g, 磷酸 氢二钾3g,葡萄糖2g, 琼脂20g, 蒸馏水1000ml。调节 PH7.3—7.5Mpa 30min灭菌。) 二、过氧化氢酶测定 1、试剂:3-10%过氧化氢 2、接种与培养:一般将测试菌种接种于肉汤琼脂斜面上,30度下 培养1-2天。 3、试验方法:取一干净载玻片,在上面加一滴3-10%的双氧水, 挑取1环1-2天的的菌苔,在双氧水溶液中涂抹,如有气泡出 现(O2),作为过氧化氢酶阳性,无泡为阴性。也可以将过氧 化氢液直接加入斜面上,观察气泡的产生。 三、需氧性测定

1、培养基:酪素水解物20g,葡萄糖 10g, ,NACL5g,HOCH2SO3Na1g,HSCH2COONa2g,琼脂15g,蒸馏水1L。调节PH7.2,分装试管,0.06Mpa,30min灭菌,培养基不摆斜面。 2、接种与观察:用一小环的肉汤菌液,穿刺接种到上述培养基中 (穿刺管底),一般与30 度培养3-7天观察结果。若芽孢杆菌在琼脂柱表面生长为好氧菌,沿穿刺线生长则为厌氧菌。四、酪素水解(用于检测不同种类的芽孢杆菌是否具有分解酪素的 特点) 1、培养基 (1)脱脂牛奶制备取新鲜牛奶,煮沸后去掉上层油脂,再经离心脱脂(3000r/min,10min),除去上层油脂,即为脱脂牛奶。(2)牛奶平板的制备取50ml的脱脂牛奶放入一只三角瓶中,另外称1.5g琼脂置于含有50ml蒸馏水的另外3只三角瓶中,然后将两液分开灭菌,0.06Mpa-20min,带冷至45-50摄氏度时, 速将两液混匀倒平板,即为牛奶平板。将平板倒置过夜,使表面水分干燥。 2、接种与观察 将测试菌种以三点法点接在牛奶平板上,一般于30度培养1,3,5,7和14天,如菌落周围和下面呈透明,表明酪素已被分解。


TEXT 51 The seven-year itch 七年之痒(陈继龙编译) Jul 27th 2006 | MACAU From The Economist print edition THE army of workers operating along what used to be Macau's waterfront is conducting “land reclamation[1]”: dumping sand into the water to create more land on which to build ever more casinos, resorts and hotels in the formerly Portuguese playground. Cranes and bulldozers beaver away[2] throughout the territory, building new high-rises. Like most of China's booming conurbations[3], Macau is paying an environmental price; the air is thick with smog and dust, and the Pearl River has transferred some of its p_______①to Macau's seas. (1)But the damage pales when set against[4] the promise of growth, and billboards proudly herald the coming of “the Las Vegas of Asia”. 在过去曾是澳门码头的沿线地区,成群结队的工人们正在“填海造田”:把沙子倒进水中以形成更多的陆地,从而在这片曾经是葡萄牙人的一亩三分地上建造更多的赌场、度假村和饭店。起重机和推土机无处不在,全力以赴地建造着新的高楼大厦。同中国大多数飞速发展的大都市一样,澳门正在为此付出环境上的代价。空气中弥漫着烟雾和灰尘,一些来自珠江的污染物也流入了澳门附近海域。但是,展望未来发展,这种损失算不了什么。一张张广告牌自豪地昭示着“亚洲的拉斯维加斯”即将来临。(译注:pale指“逊色、失色”,此处的when set against可以用“before”或“beside”来代替,意为“相比……”) Amid all the buzz, the music from a boat docked at the inner harbour sounds a strange note. The red-robed musicians and their audience are Taoists engaged in a religious ceremony. As the musicians play their instruments, the believers on board burn incense and e_______②scraps of food into the water as an offering to the gods. (2)The contrast of ancient ritual with feverish modernisation is the story of modern Macau: the story of development transforming a once-sheltered nook[5]. 内港码头边停靠的一艘小船上传来的音乐夹杂在一切喧嚣之中,调子听上去怪怪的。身着红袍的乐师及其听众们都是一些道教信徒,他们正在举行一个宗教仪式。乐师们演奏着乐器,船上的信徒们一边烧香,一边将供品倒进水中。古老的仪式与狂热的现代化之间的这种反差诉说着这样一个关于现代澳门的故事——让一个曾经偏僻的小地方面貌一新的发展故事。 Macau's stunning economic boom—2004 saw its GDP grow by 28%—has been powered by gambling, tourism and the construction necessary to support such endeavours. Since Stanley Ho, Macau's most famous casino mogul[6], found his monopoly on the gambling industry broken in 2001, American firms such as Wynn Resorts and Las Vegas Sands Corporation have stepped in to build impressive new f_______③. (3)Visitors include rich and powerful Chinese, wishing to indulge in games of chance illegal on the mainland, as well as tourists from nearby countries like South Korea and Singapore. 赌博、旅游以及相关的支撑性建设推动澳门经济发生了令人瞠目结舌的增长——2004年其GDP增长28%。自从澳门最有名的赌场大亨何鸿燊对博采业的垄断在2001年被打破以来,永利度假村有限公司和拉斯维加斯金沙公司(注:建造了金沙会展中心)之类的美国公司逐步登陆澳门,建造了许多面目一新的设施。参观者中包括有钱有势的中国人,他们希望在赌博中碰碰运气,而赌博在内地是非法的。此外,还有来自邻近国家如韩国和新加坡的旅游观光者。 There has been a price. Construction firms are eager to hire immigrants from Fujian, Guangdong and even Shanghai who are willing to work for lower wages than the local Macanese. (4)The ill-will thus created was evident last May 1st, when locals (quite a few of whom were also illegal immigrants when they first arrived) rioted.They protest that outsiders are finding jobs in the new economy while many middle-aged Macanese remain j_______④. 增长是有代价的。建筑公司都迫切希望雇用来自福建、广东甚至上海的移民,这些人要求的薪水要比澳门


光合细菌培养基配方 光合细菌是兼性厌氧的,不同的光合细菌用的培养基不一样我现在就在做关于光合细菌的问题,这几中细菌都是常见的细菌,培养基在许多微生物上后面都有,光合细菌的富集培养基是: NH4Cl0.1g NaHCO3 0.1g KH2PO4 0.02g CH3COONa 0.1-0.5g MgSO4.7HO2 0.02g NaCl0.05-0.2g 三生长因子1ml 微量元素溶液1ml 蒸馏水97ml PH7.0 生长培养基加氮源(谷氨酸钠)和碳源(乙酸.丙酸.丁酸盐等)及可.其他菌的分离只要选择不同的培养基就可以选择分离啊 光合细菌富集纯化详见网易网盘 光合细菌培养基配方 氯化氨1克,磷酸氢二钾0.5克,氯化镁0.2克,氯化钠2克,酵母膏0.1克,水900毫升。 各成份溶解后15磅灭菌20分钟,然后无菌的加入过滤的碳酸氢钠5.0克/50毫升水;50毫升过滤的乙醇。用过滤的0.1N 磷酸调PH=7.0即可。 响应面设计法优化光合细菌培养基配方。培养基成分中醋酸钠和蛋白胨对于光合细菌的生长影响最为显著,最优培

养基配方为:醋酸钠1.145g/L、蛋白胨0.055g/L、碳酸氢钠0.6g/L、硫代硫酸钠0.4g/L、氯化钠0.3g/L、硫酸镁0.1g/L、磷酸二氢钾0.05g/L。在此条件下,光合细菌生长最为良好,经过5d培养以后,培养液OD600可以达到0.5以上 光合细菌(含生产工艺) 优良的光合细菌菌种的外观质量是啥样? 一般优良的光合细菌菌种和产品的外观质量有以下几点: 1、外观上看比较均匀,基本无上下分层。相反,市场上有许多光合细菌是上下分层的,包括我中心初期的产品也是这样,上层比较清淡,下层则比较深厚,上层颜色浅,下层颜色深,最底层可能还会有一层黑黑的沉淀。 而优秀的光合细菌菌种和产品,上下都是比较均匀的,没有较明显的分层,颜色比较均匀,外观看起来也悦目。(当然,除了培养基溶解时,会与硬水中的重金属离子反应产生的絮装沉淀除外) 这种上下无分层,颜色均匀,不是靠加悬浮剂,或增稠剂而造成的,而是自然培养出来的,不加任何修饰而成的。少数地方,由于水质的原因,可能会产生稍稍的差别。 2、没有粘壁现象。很多市场上的产品都有粘壁现象,即在容器的壁上形成一层红紫色的颜色层,就象是油漆一


TEXT 97 Health consumerism 保护消费者健康权益 The wellness boom 健康产业飞速发展(陈继龙编译) Jan 4th 2007 | NEW YORK From The Economist print edition Helping consumers to lead healthy lifestyles is becoming a big business 引导消费者健康生活潮流的行业越做越大。 BACK in 1979, a fat, unhealthy property developer, Mel Zuckerman, and his exercise-fanatic wife, Enid, opened Canyon Ranch, “America's first total vacation/fitness resort”, on an old dude[1]ranch in Tucson, Arizona. At the time, their outdoorsy, new age-ish venture seemed highly eccentric. Today Canyon Ranch is arguably the premium health-spa brand of choice for the super-rich. It is growing fast and now operates in several places, including the Queen Mary 2. It is also one of the leading lights in “wellness”, an increasingly mainstream—and profitable—business. 事情要追溯到1979年,身胖体虚的房地产开发商梅尔?扎克尔曼和他喜欢运动的妻子艾妮德开办了Canyon Ranch。这是“美国首个纯粹的度假和健身胜地”,位于亚利桑那州图森的一个老的度假农场上。那时,他们冒险投资这一具有新时代特征、倡导户外活动的行业似乎非常不合正轨。照现在看来,Canyon Ranch已经成为那些富豪们温泉疗养的首选去处。它发展迅速,现已在好几个地方开展业务,其中包括“玛丽皇后二世”。它也是“健康产业”的领跑者之一,而后者正日益成为一个有利可图的主流


146种培养基配方 ——2009年2月1日星期日by尛森蟲1. Acetobacter Medium (醋酸菌培养基) Glucose (葡萄糖) 100g Yeasst extract (酵母膏) 10g CaCO3 20g Agar (琼脂) 15g Distilled water (蒸馏水) 1000ml Adjust (调) pH to 6.8 适用范围:恶臭醋酸杆菌混浊变种 2. Nutrient Agar (营养肉汁琼脂) Pepton (蛋白胨) 5g Beef extract (牛肉膏) 30g NaCl 5g Agar (琼脂) 15g Distilled water (蒸馏水) Adjust (调) pH to 7.0-7.2 [Note]:When cultivation of Bacillus,5mg of to MnSO4.H2O may be added . It is favorable to promote spore formation . 适用范围:产气气杆菌、粪产碱杆菌、蜡状芽孢杆菌、蜡状芽孢杆菌蕈状变种、地衣形芽孢杆菌、巨大芽孢杆菌、多粘芽孢杆菌、尘埃芽孢杆菌、短小芽孢杆菌、嗜热脂肪芽孢杆菌、枯草芽孢杆菌、枯草芽孢杆菌深黑变种、苏云金芽孢杆菌、苏云金芽孢杆菌蜡螟亚种(青虫菌)、苏云金芽孢杆菌戈尔斯德变种、苏云金芽孢杆菌猝倒亚种、产氨短杆菌、黄色短杆菌、谷氨酸棒状杆菌、北京棒杆菌、大肠埃希氏菌(大肠杆菌)、铜绿假单胞菌(绿脓杆菌)、凸形假单胞杆菌、荧光假单胞菌、弯曲假单胞菌、恶臭假单胞菌、假单胞杆菌、藤黄八叠球菌、亚黄八叠球菌、尿素八叠球菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、运动发酵单孢菌 3. Azotobacter Medium (固氮菌培养基) KH2PO4 0.2g K2HPO4 0.8g MgSO4.7H2O 0.2g CaSO4.2H2O0.1g Na2MoO4.2H2O Trace(微量) Yeast axtract(酵母膏) 0.5g Mannitol(甘露醇) 20g FeCl3 Tract(微量) Distilled water (蒸馏水) 1000ml Agar (琼脂) 15g Adjust (调) pH to 7.2 适用范围:固氮菌、胶质芽孢杆菌 4. Corn Meal Medium (玉米粉培养基) Maize flour (玉米粉) 5g Peptone (蛋白胨) 0.1g Glucose (葡萄糖) 1g Tap water (自来水) 1000ml [Note]:Boil the mixture in autoclave at 121℃for 1 hr. distribute the medium into 18ⅹ18 mm tubes , each contains 10 ml of the li quid , then autoclave at 121℃for 1 hr . again (15磅蒸煮1小时,分装入18ⅹ18毫米试管,每管深度达6厘米。15磅再次灭菌15小时。) 5. Lactic-bacteria Medium I (乳酸菌培养基I ) Yeast extract (酵母膏) 7.5g Peptone (蛋白胨) 7.5g Glucose (葡萄糖) 10g KH2PO4 2g Tomato juice (西红柿汁) 100ml Tween (吐温) 80 0.5ml Distilled water (蒸馏水) 900ml pH 7.0 适用范围:植物乳杆菌(胚芽乳杆菌)、嗜热乳酸链球菌 6. Lactic-bacteria Midium Ⅱ(乳酸菌培养基Ⅱ) Lacto-casein peptone (乳酪蛋白胨) 10g Beef extract (蛋白胨) 10g Yeast extract (酵母膏) 5g Glucose (葡萄糖) 5g Tween (吐温) 80 1g K2HPO4 2g Na-acetate (醋酸钠) 5g Diamine citrate (柠檬酸二胺) 2g MgSO4.7H2O 0.2g MnSO4.H2O 0.05g Distilled water (蒸馏水) 1000m pH 6.5-6.8 适用范围:植物乳杆菌(胚芽乳杆菌) 7. Peotone Glucose Yeast extract Medium PGY (蛋白胨、酵母膏、葡萄糖培养基)


消化系统 一、选择题 1.不含味蕾的结构是: A.轮廓乳头B.菌状乳头 C.软腭的粘膜上皮D.丝状乳头 E.会厌的粘膜上皮 2.颏舌肌: A.是成对的舌内肌 B.起于下颌骨的颏结节 C.止于舌的两侧 D.两侧收缩时可拉舌向前下 E.单侧收缩时,使舌尖伸向同侧 3.一侧收缩时,使舌尖伸向对侧的肌是:A.颏舌肌B.舌骨舌肌 C.茎突舌肌D.腭舌肌 E.以上都不是 4.|6是: A.左上颌第1乳磨牙 B.左上颌第2前磨牙 C.左上颌第1恒磨牙 D.右上颌第1恒磨牙 E.右上颌第2恒磨牙 5.|Ⅳ表示: A.右上颌第1乳磨牙 B.右上颌第1前磨牙 C.左上颌第1乳磨牙 D.左上颌第1前磨牙 E.左上颌第2乳磨牙 6.腮腺管: A.发自腺的前缘下份 B.在颧弓下2横指处越过咬肌表面 C.开口于与上颌第二前磨牙相对的颊粘膜处D.开口于与上颌第二磨牙相对的颊粘膜处E.穿咬肌开口于腮腺管乳头 7.食管的第二个狭窄约距中切牙: A.15cm B.25cm C.40cm D.45cm E.50cm 8.食管的第三个狭窄约平: A.第8胸椎B.第9胸椎 C.第10胸椎D.第11胸椎

E.第12胸椎 9.胃: A.在中等充盈时,位于右季肋区 B.分为胃弯、胃体和胃窦 C.角切迹将胃窦分为幽门窦和幽门管 D.幽门窦与幽门管之间有中间沟 E.胃入口称幽门,出口称贲门 10.当行胃镜检查时,为避免胃镜进入呼吸道,常需嘱病人作: A.咳嗽动作B.发“啊”音 C.转动头部位置D.吞咽动作 E.深呼吸 11.十二指肠: A.为腹膜外位器官 B.全部由腹腔动脉分支供血 C.只接受胃液和胆汁注入 D.呈“C”形包绕胰头 E.以上全错 12.关于牙齿的描述正确的是: A.乳牙无臼齿 B.上颌第二磨牙为双根牙 C.磨牙都有三个根 D.牙的最外层被牙周膜包绕 E.下颌牙齿牙髓的主要成分来自下牙槽的 血管和神经 13.左腮腺导管开口于所对应的颊粘膜处:A.|5 B.|7 C.|8 D.6┐ E.5┐ 14.关于咽峡的正确描述是: A.是咽腔最窄处 B.其上界为硬腭 C.是消化道和呼吸道的交叉处 D.下界为舌根 E.两侧有咽扁桃体 15.关于大唾液腺的正确描述是: A.腮腺管位于颧弓下方,横过颊肌,穿过咬肌B.腮腺管开口于上颌第二磨牙牙冠 C.舌下阜是舌下腺管的唯一开口 D.下颌下腺大管开口于舌下襞 E.腮腺为唾液腺中最大的一对 16.结肠带、结肠袋、肠脂垂存在于: A.直肠B.阑尾 C.大肠D.结肠


TEXT 85 Chinese capital markets中国资本市场 Out of the shadows 正大光明(陈继龙编译) Dec 13th 2006 | HONG KONG From The Economist print edition New ways to recycle fat profits 重复利用丰厚利润有新招 (1)COMMERCIAL bankers, nostalgic[1] for the days when corporate customers still belonged to them rather than the capital markets, have for some time gazed longingly at China. Under sanction from regulators, Chinese banks pay 2% for deposits, lend at a bit more than 6%, and that is that. Loan losses are high, but the spreads are so large that with any semblance of credit discipline there should be room for profits. It is rather like what was once fondly referred to in New York as 3-3-3 banking: pay 3%, charge 3% more, and get out of the office (and on the golf course) by 3pm. 曾几何时,各公司都是商业银行家的客户,并没有进入资本市场。一段时间以来,念念不忘那段时光的商业银行家们纷纷把热切的目光投向中国。经监管部门批准,中国的银行存款利率为2%,贷款利率为6%多一点,这是不容改变的事实。虽然存在大量的呆账,但存贷利率差价如此之大,给任何表面上守信用的银行都提供了盈利空间。这很像曾经被亲切地称为3-3-3制的纽约银行业,即存款给3%的利率,放贷时再加3%,然后下午3点下班(去打高尔夫球)。 Change, however, is on its way. (2)Capital-markets activity is growing and,


常用抗生素 氨苄青霉素(ampicillin)(100mg/ml) 溶解1g氨苄青霉素钠盐于足量的水中,最后定容至10ml。分装成小份于-20℃贮存。常以25ug/ml~50ug/ml的终浓度添加于生长培养基。 羧苄青霉素(carbenicillin)(50mg/ml) 溶解0.5g羧苄青霉素二钠盐于足量的水中,最后定容至10ml。分装成小份于-20℃贮存。常以25ug/ml~50ug/ml的终浓度添加于生长培养基。 甲氧西林(methicillin)(100mg/ml) 溶解1g甲氧西林钠于足量的水中,最后定容至10ml。分装成小份于-20℃贮存。常以37.5ug/ml终浓度与100ug/ml氨苄青霉素一起添加于生长培养基。 卡那霉素(kanamycin)(10mg/ml) 溶解100mg卡那霉素于足量的水中,最后定容至10ml。分装成小份于-20℃贮存。常以10ug/ml~50ug/ml的终浓度添加于生长培养基。 氯霉素(chloramphenicol)(25mg/ml) 溶解250mg氯霉素足量的无水乙醇中,最后定容至10ml。分装成小份于-20℃贮存。常以12.5ug/ml~25ug/ml的终浓度添加于生长培养基。 链霉素(streptomycin)(50mg/ml) 溶解0.5g链霉素硫酸盐于足量的无水乙醇中,最后定容至10ml。分装成小份于-20℃贮存。常以10ug/ml~50ug/ml的终浓度添加于生长培养基。 萘啶酮酸(nalidixic acid)(5mg/ml) 溶解50mg萘啶酮酸钠盐于足量的水中,最后定容至10ml。分装成小份于-20℃贮存。常以15ug/ml的终浓度添加于生长培养基。 四环素(tetracyyline)(10mg/ml) 溶解100mg四环素盐酸盐于足量的水中,或者将无碱的四环素溶于无水乙醇,定容至10ml。分装成小份用铝箔包裹装液管以免溶液见光,于-20℃贮存。常以10ug/ml~50ug/ml的终浓度添加于生长培养基。 常用培养基 LB培养基 将下列组分溶解在0.9L水中: 蛋白胨10g 酵母提取物5g 氯化钠10g 如果需要用1N NaOH(~1ml)调整pH至7.0,再补足水至1L。注:琼脂平板需添加琼脂粉12g/L,上层琼脂平板添加琼脂粉7g/L。(实验室一般都不调PH) SOB培养基 将下列组分溶解在0.9L水中: 蛋白胨20g 酵母提取物5g 氯化钠0.5g 1 mol/L 氯化钾2.5ml


TEXT 37 Brothers in arms 袍泽之情(陈继龙编译) Jun 29th 2006 | TORONTO From The Economist print edition RAY BLANCHARD, a researcher at Toronto's Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, was reviewing some data a few years ago when he noticed something odd: gay men seemed to have more older brothers than straight men. 几年前,多伦多毒瘾与心理健康中心研究员雷·布朗夏尔在回顾一些数据时注意到一个奇怪的现象——同性恋男子的哥哥似乎比异性恋男子多。 Intrigued—and sceptical—he decided to investigate. He recruited 302 gay men and the same number of heterosexual controls and inquired about their families. How many siblings[1] did they have, _______①what sex, and how had the births been spaced? How old had their parents been when they had had them? Dr Blanchard found that only one detail seemed to predict sexual orientation: the more elder brothers a man had, the more likely he was to be gay. (1)Neither elder sisters nor younger siblings of either sex had any effect, but each additional elder brother increased his chance of being gay by about 33% from the population average of one man in 50. 由于对此感到好奇和怀疑,他决定做个调查。他招募了302名同性恋男子和一样多的异性恋男子,并问及一些与家庭有关的问题:有几个兄弟,几个姐妹,前后出生间隔多长时间?出生时父母多大年龄?布朗夏尔博士发现,预示性取向的似乎只有一个细节:哥哥越多,成为同性恋的可能性就越大。姐姐以及弟妹的数量对某人的性取向没有任何影响。一般而言,平均50个男人中就有1人可能成为同性恋,每多一位哥哥,此人成为同性恋的可能性就增加33%左右。(译者注:这句有些费解,我的理解是:from the population average of one man in 50中的“from”与前面的“increase”相对应,也就是在此基础上增加了33%。这个基础就是指“平均每50个男人中就有一个人可能成为同性恋”,这是一般而言的,如果这“一个”人多一位哥哥,他成为同性恋的可能性就增加33%,也就是这个“50分之一”发生的可能性增加33%。有点乱,仅供参考。) It was a rather perplexing discovery. It implied either that being brought _______②with a lot of elder brothers affects a boy's sexual orientation, or that a mother's body is somehow able to keep count of how many sons she has conceived, and that this count affects the orientation of future children. (2)Hard as it was to explain, though, the finding was replicated again and again, across different cultures, eras and even psychiatric groups. 这一发现很是令人费解。它意味着和许多哥哥一起成长会影响某个男孩的性取向,抑或是指母体有可能计下了其曾经孕育的男孩数,而这一计数过程则会影响后出生男孩的性取向。这一现象虽难解释,但是在不同文化、不同时期甚至不同心理状况的人身上都得到了反复再现。 Those who argued for a social explanation suggested that having lots of elder brothers makes a boy more likely to engage _______③same-sex play, and might also increase the chance he is a victim of sexual abuse. But, regardless of whether either of these conjectures[2] is true, neither playing with other boys nor sexual abuse has been scientifically linked to homosexuality. 那些认为应该从社会学角度解释这一现象的人指出,哥哥多会使得一个男孩与同性别的人在一起玩耍的可能性加大,也更有可能使之成为不正当性行为的受害者。不过,不管这两个猜测哪一个正确,从科学的角度看,同别的男孩一起玩耍或者不正当性行为都与同性恋毫无关联。
