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国际贸易经典案例五:Top of the Tree Baking Company

国际贸易经典案例五:Top of the Tree Baking Company
国际贸易经典案例五:Top of the Tree Baking Company

国际贸易经典案例五:Top of the Tree Baking Company

Facing Business Challenges at Top of the Tree Baking Company

Baking Up Millions

You can use a lot of words to describe Gordon Weinberger, the founder of Top of the Tree Baking Company. Verbose. Determined. And, of course, tall - 6 feet 9 inches. Another man might have shrunk from the task that Weinberger had set for himself a couple of years ago, but Weinberger didn't. For two straight weeks, he would rush home from his day job in Boston, throw back some dinner , and then head upstairs to his study to work the phones from 6 P.M. to 11 P.M.

He worked from a list of more than 70 prospective investors: cousins, aunts,uncles, in-laws, colleagues of his father, and friends of the family - many of whom he hadn't talked to in years. This meant he had a lot of catching up to do before he could even begin to tell them about the new company he hoped to start. Even for Gordon Weinberger, a man with an extraordinary gift of gab , convincing them to invest in his idea might be hard work.

But Weinberger needed money - $100,000 to be exact. In the previous 4 months,he had honed his pie recipe, drawn up a detailed business plan, and sounded out the buyers from area supermarket chains. Almost everywhere he went, the feedback was positive. But without money, he knew his pies weren't going to get much farther than the local county fair.

Each time Weinberger reached for the phone, he drew in a deep breath. Then when the moment arrived, he did what he does best: He told his story. “Hi; this is Gordon. How are you doing?Hey,I'm starting this new company,and I was wondering…” By the end of the night, his ear would be sore and his vocal chords scratchy . But it was worth the trouble.

Though it took a few months and a few more phone calls before the money began to roll in, he “sold” his idea to 11 investors, each of whom contributed about $10,000. The structure of the private stock offering was quite simple. The investors agreed that they would have no direct control or say in the affairs of Top of the Tree. In exchange, they were promised double their money back in 5 years.

Although entrepreneurs are often strong on developing their ideas, many stumble when it comes to raising money. Weinberger had little financial experience beyond negotiating a home mortgage . So the question is: How did Weinberger succeed where so many others had failed? If you were Gordon Weinberger, how would you prepare to market your small-business idea to investors? Where might you go for financing ?How hard would you be willing to work to turn your vision into reality? What would you include in your business plan?

Meeting Business Challenges at Top of the Tree Baking Company

Gordon Weinberger knew he had his work cut out for him1. After all, the pie industry was very competitive indeed. Behemoths2 like Mrs. Smith's and Entenmann's dominated the price-sensitive end of the spectrum3, and anyone who wanted something akin to4 what grandma used to make headed for the bakery department.

In his informal research of the bakery pies, Weinberger learned two things:

First, appearances aside, pies were rarely baked on premises. Second, in his view,they didn't taste half as good as his pies. Taking a cue from Ben & Jerry's Homemade ice cream, Weinberger believed there was room in the market for a relatively expensive, fresh apple pie. And apparently, some people agreed including Jerry Weissman, a businessman and friend of the family.

Weissman took Weinberger's business plan to a few friends who were enthralled . The plan had short-term goals, long-term goals, and a ladder-type path to reach those goals. And Weissman liked something else, something far less tangible than Weinberger's well-thought-out plan. Weissman sensed that Weinberger had the character and commitment to carry out the plan and he was right.

Weinberger's entrepreneurial pie odyssey began at a 1992 Old Home Day fair in Londonderry, New Hampshire, where he won the apple pie baking contest with his great-grandmother Anne's family pie recipe. After twice repeating his victory, he began to think he might have a recipe for success, not to mention a way to leave his job running the public relations division for a Boston advertising agency.

To develop interest in his pies, Weinberger approached individual branches of supermarkets, Shop & Save in New Hampshire and Star Marketing in Boston, conducting in-store tastings and parking lot pie-eating contests. For meetings with supermarket buyers, Weinberger spread checkered tablecloths on the executives' desks, played a tape-recorded jingle, and served up warm pie and cold milk.

During their first summer, a period when pie sales notoriously are in the doldrums , Weinberger and company hitched an 11-foot-tall fiberglass apple to the back of their truck for a tour through Boston and four other New England cities. Once they arrived, they threw open the doors and began handing out thousands of free pies and pints of frozen yogurt. It was a public relations coup , earning Weinberger spots on the evening news and attention in local newspapers.

By the end of 1995, his first year in business, Top of the Tree was churning out 3-pound pies at the rate of 6,000 a week and had racked up about $1 million in sales. The figures were almost exactly what Weinberger projected in his business plan,even though the route wasn't exactly as he had envisioned . That's because his sales got an unexpected boost from a stint selling his pies on the QVC home shopping network. During the original segment, which has since turned into a monthly event, he sold 2,700 pies in less than 2 minutes!

To raise funds for branching out and automating his pie works, Weinberger undertook some unusual methods to market his pies. For example, to increase awareness and get people excited about his pies, Weinberger and his pie staff toured the United States in a refurbished school bus, serving up apple pie to would-be consumers. Not only was it an effective marketing tool, but the bus became a mobile fund-raiser. In the “Find the Dough Campaign,” headed by pie specialist Scott Mayo, the bus was used to seek out more capital. By using valet parking outside swank restaurants and hotels, the pie staff had ready access to potential investors.

One recent weekend the pie staff embarked on a tour of Boston, where they picked people up, fed them pie, and dropped them off at their destinations - just like Mass Transit, only with dessert. Afterward they parked outside of the Ritz Carlton,

where Weinberger and his pie staff provided information on Top of the Tree. “It's incredible,” says Weinberger. “We are touching people in ways that they never envisioned.”

To date, Weinberger has secured $1 million in additional capital with his unusual marketing tactics, and he's intent on raising more money without giving up a significant amount of control of the company. "I don't want to give up half the company for $2 million," says Weinberger. The perfect investors, according to Weinberger,would have a lot of money in their wallet but be willing to step back and let him run the company.

From its fledgling roots, Top of the Tree has blossomed, almost tripling its sales during its second year of operation. There is no doubt that Weinberger's dynamic marketing strategies will see him through to his goal: to become a $20 million company within the next 3 or 4 years.


文件编号:TP-AR-L3691 Written Materials Signed By Both Parties Or Several Parties In Order To Protect Their Respective Legitimate Rights And Interests After Reaching An Agreement Through Mutual Consultation, So As To Maximize Their Interests (示范文本) 编制:_______________ 审核:_______________ 单位:_______________ 国际贸易合同经典版正 式样本

国际贸易合同经典版正式样本 使用注意:该协议资料可用在工作或生活中,协作的双方或数方,为保障各自的合法权益经各方共同协商达成一致意见后,签订的书面材料,以便实现利益最大化。材料内容可根据实际情况作相应修改,请在使用时认真阅读。 有关国际贸易合同 合同编号:____ (售方)为一方,与____(购方)为另一方,签订合 同如下: 第一条合同对象 依据____年__月__日双方签订的关于合作的协 议,在售方国国境车上交货条件下售方售出,购方购 入货物。其数量、种类、价格及交货期均按第__号附 件办理,该附件为本合同不可分割的部分。 合同总金额为_____ 第二条价格

本合同所售出货物的价格以瑞士法郎计算,此项价格系卖方国国境车上交货,包括包皮、包装和标记费在内。 第三条品质 按本合同所售出货物的品质应符合中华人民共和国国家标准或原苏联国家标准,并符合本合同附件所规定的技术条件;凭样交货的商品品质应符合双方确认的样品。 商品质量应以售方国国家商品检验局出具的品质证明书证明之。 第四条供货期 售方应在本合同附件规定的期限内发货。在征得购方同意的情况下,售方有权按双方商妥的数量和金额提前交货。 第五条标记


国际经济与贸易专业英语词汇手册 商学院 2009年1月

economist 经济学家 socialist economy 社会主义经济 capitalist economy 资本主义经济 collective economy 集体经济 planned economy 计划经济 controlled economy 管制经济 rural economics 农村经济 liberal economy 经济 mixed economy 混合经济 political economy 政治经济学 protectionism 保护主义 autarchy 闭关自守 primary sector 初级成分 private sector 私营成分,私营部门 public sector 公共部门,公共成分 economic channels 经济渠道 economic balance 经济平衡 economic fluctuation 经济波动 economic depression 经济衰退 economic stability 经济稳定 economic policy 经济政策 economic recovery 经济复原 understanding 约定 concentration 集中 holding company 控股公司 trust 托拉斯 cartel 卡特尔 rate of growth 增长 economic trend 经济趋势 economic situation 经济形势 infrastructure 基本建设 standard of living 生活,标准,生活水平purchasing power, buying power 购买力 scarcity 短缺 stagnation 停滞,萧条,不景气underdevelopment 不发达 underdeveloped 不发达的 developing 发展中的 initial capital 创办资本 frozen capital 冻结资金 frozen assets 冻结资产 fixed assets 固定资产 real estate 不动产,房地产 circulating capital, working capital 流动资本


1.中国稀土出口配额案例分析 2.欧美荷尔蒙牛肉案 3.中美汇率战 4.英特尔反垄断案 5.美对华薄棉纸反规避调查案 6.中国代工模式分析—满城风雨富士康 7.转基因产品引发的贸易争端 8.王致和商标侵权案 9.黑龙江省猪肉出口成功规避绿色壁垒案例 10.黑龙江省猪肉出口 11.WTO经典案例:欧盟强征IT产品税 12.委内瑞拉外汇管制案例 13.中国-欧盟打火机安全装置案 14.欧盟对我国鞋类产品反倾销调查的案例分析 15.中美清洁能源之争分析 16.中俄过贸易中有关“灰色清关”的案例分析 17.中美出版物市场准入案 18.中国间谍门——力拓案 19.中国首例农产品反补贴案——对美白羽肉鸡案 20.GATS第一案——美国赌博案 21.企业社会责任保护案-迪斯尼代工工厂被取消供应商资格案例 22.中国石蜡蜡烛反规避案 23.中美轮胎特保案例调查 24.中外技术贸易案例--玻璃技术引进中的问题 25.中国在WTO的第一起被诉案件---中国集成电路增值税案 26.ETS诉新东方侵权案 27.一场“三败俱伤”的纠纷案-中国劳务输出案例 28.美对华最大制裁案美对华最大制裁案 29.从“冻虾”事件看绿色壁垒 30.力拓间谍案与中国铁矿石贸易 31.中国出口贸易战——我国稀有金属路在何方? 32.我国技术引进案例---液晶面板引进热 33.欧盟进口香蕉案 34.中国钢管再遭调查案例 35.加拿大对我国烧烤架反补贴案 36.加拿大对华碳钢和不锈钢紧固件反补贴案例 37.中国彩电对美倾销案 38.美泰公司召回产品案 39.从外部规模经济视角解读义乌模式 40.美国对华铜版纸反倾销案例


外贸常用英语词汇 1.商品品质数量包装价格 品质条件 品质quality 规格specifications 等级grade 标准standard 样品sample 色彩样品colour sample 款式样品pattern sample 原样original sample 复样duplicate sample 对等样品countersample 参考样品reference sample 封样sealed sample 代表性样品representative sample 商品目录catalogue 宣传小册pamphlet 说明书description 公差tolerance 货号article No. 花色(搭配)assortment 增减5% plus or minus 大路货(良好平均品质)fair average quality 数量条件 个数pcs 长度length 面积area 体积volume 容积capacity 净重net weight 毛重gross weight 皮重tare 毛作净gross for net 溢短装条款more or less clause 重量weight 装运重量shipping weight 卸货重量landed weight 理论重量theoretical weight 公吨metric ton 长吨long ton 短吨short ton 公斤kilogram, kilo, kg 磅pound, lb 盎司ounce, oz 件piece 双pair 打dozen 令ream 套set l 立方米cubic meter 升litre 加仑gallon 蒲式耳bushel 公制metric system 英制british system 美制 包装方法 起泡包装blister packing 中性包装neutral packing 吸塑包装skin packing 挂式包装hanging packing 引某人注目catch sb's eye 唛头mark 无牌的包装unlabelled packing 散装in bulk 散装in loose packing 裸装nude packing 整批包装bulk pack 零售包装consumer pack 大包装large packing 小包装inner packing, external packing, end packing ,压缩包装shrunk packaging 喷泡沫包装foam-spary packaging 礼品包装gift-wrap 袋bag, sack 麻袋jute bag 塑料袋polythelene bag, plastic bag 尼龙绳网袋polythelene net 拉链袋zippered bag 箱case, chest 盒box 木箱wooden case 纸箱carton 集装箱container 板条箱rate 纤维板箱fibre board case 小包packet 包bale 捆bundle 罐头tin , can 篮,篓,筐basket 竹篓bamboo basket 瓶bottle 小木桶wooden keg 大桶hogshead 铁桶iron drum 铁桶cylinder


Photoshop CS2 平 面广告设计经典 108例 【作者】:飞龙工作室 【出版社】:中国青年出版社 本书摒弃传统的教学思路和理论教 条,从实际的商业广告成品案例出发,通 过报纸、杂志、海报、DM、POP、户外、 CI、UI、卡漫、卡片、插画、包装、房地 产和汽车广告14个门类的108个典型案 例,详细讲述了各类商业广告设计的创意思路、表现手法以及技术要领。本书案例精彩、实战性强、讲练结合,作者匠心独具地将Photoshop的精要知识与商业广告案例完美结合,力求使读者在学习技术的同时也能够扩展设计视野与思维,并且巧学活用,学以致用,轻松完成各类商业广告的设计工作。 在深入剖析案例制作技法的同时,作者还将自己积累的大量宝贵的设计经验、制件技巧的行业知识毫无保留地奉献给读者,不仅为平面设计的初学者积累行业经验、提高实际工作能力提供了难得的学习机会,也为从事平面广告设计的专业人士提供了宝贵的创意思路,实战技法和设计经验的参考。

数字印刷技术 【作者】:刘全香 【出版社】:印刷工业出版社 本书系统详细地阐述了数字印刷的 基本理论与基本原理、数字印刷系统的 工作原理及其特点,以及数字印刷的工 艺流程与方法。内容包括数字印刷的基 本概念与特点、各种数字印刷方式的成 像原理与特点、数字印刷系统的工作原 理及典型的数字印刷系统的特点、数字 印刷的印前图文处理技术与方法、直接 制版技术及版材、数字印刷的色彩管理 原理与方法、数字印刷用纸与油墨、数字化印刷工作流程以及数字印刷质量控制方法与手段。 本书内容系统全面,图文并茂,包含了许多当前最先进的数字印刷技术与系统的相关知识。本书可作为印刷工程、包装工程等专业的教材,也可作为从事印刷技术的工程技术人员、管理人员,以及希望或准备涉足数字印刷技术的相关人员的参考资料。


国际贸易合同通用版 General version of international trade contract 甲方:___________________________ 乙方:___________________________ 签订日期:____ 年 ____ 月 ____ 日 合同编号:XX-2020-01

国际贸易合同通用版 前言:贸易合同又称契约或合约,是进口出口双方当事人依照法律通过协商就各自的在贸易上的权利和义务所达成的具有法律约束力的协议。本文档根据贸易合同内容要求和特点展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文档下载后内容可按需编辑修改及打印。 国际贸易合同样本 合同编号:____ (售方)为一方,与____(购方)为另一方,签订合同如下: 第一条合同对象 依据____年__月__日双方签订的关于合作的协议,在售方国国境车上交货条件下售方售出,购方购入货物。其数量、种类、价格及交货期均按第__号附件办理,该附件为本合同不可分割的部分。 合同总金额为_____ 第二条价格 本合同所售出货物的价格以瑞士法郎计算,此项价格系卖方国国境车上交货,包括包皮、包装和标记费在内。

第三条品质 按本合同所售出货物的品质应符合中华人民共和国国家 标准或原苏联国家标准,并符合本合同附件所规定的技术条件;凭样交货的商品品质应符合双方确认的样品。 商品质量应以售方国国家商品检验局出具的品质证明书 证明之。 第四条供货期 售方应在本合同附件规定的期限内发货。在征得购方同 意的情况下,售方有权按双方商妥的数量和金额提前交货。 第五条标记 每个货箱均应用防水颜料在箱体的'三面(上面,前面和 左右)用英、俄两种文字书写以下标记:合同号,收货人,箱号,毛重,净重。 第六条支付 本合同所供应的货物之价款,由购方按照中国银行和原 苏联外经银行关于边境贸易支付协议书所规定的办法及————年——月——日“由中国向苏联和由苏联向中国交货的共同条件”以瑞士法郎凭下列单据向售方支付:


可能出翻译 (1) FOB: Free on Board (…named port of shipment) 装运港船上交货(……指定装运港)“Free on Board” means that the seller fulfils his obligation to deliver when the goods have passed over the ship’s rail at the named port of shipment. (2)CFR: Cost and Freight(…named port of destination) 成本加运费(……指定目的港) “Cost and Freight” means that the seller is responsible for chartering a liner and loading the goods on the liner at the stipulated time in the contract. (3)CIF: Cost Insurance and Freight(…named port of destination) 成本、保险加 运费(……指定目的港) “Cost Insurance and Freight” means that the seller has the obligations to procure marine insurance against the risks of losses of, or damage to the goods during the carriage. 1. The theory of comparative advantage Although Smith’s work was instrumental in the development of economic theories ab out trade and production, it did not answer a question like if a country did not posses s absolute advantage in any product, could it (or would it ) trade ? 尽管斯密的著作在贸易和生产相关的经济理论上有指导意义,但他没有回答类似于一 个国家若没有绝对优势能否贸易这样的问题。 David Ricardo (1772- 1823) , in his 1819 work entitled On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation, sought to take the basis ideas set down by Smith a few steps further. Ricardo noted that even if a country possessed absolute advantage in the production of two produ cts, it still must be relatively more efficient than the other country in the production o f one commodity than the other. Ricardo termed this the Comparative Advantage. 大卫.李嘉图在1819年的作品《政治经济学及赋税原理》,试图在斯密观点基础上进 行更深一步挖掘,李嘉图表示即使一个国家在生产两种产品时有绝对优势,但相对另 一个国家生产同类产品它依然有相对较高效率的产品,李嘉图把这称之为比较优势。 2.Definition a. According to the theory of comparative advantage, it makes sense for a country to specialize in the production of those goods it produces most efficiently and to buy th e goods from other countries that it produces less efficiently, even i f this means buyi ng goods from other countries that it could produce more efficiently itself.

国际贸易经典案例三:Levi Strauss

国际贸易经典案例三:Levi Strauss Facing Business Challenges at Levi Strauss Can a company be socially responsible and successful? Levi Strauss & Company chairman and chief executive officer Bob Hass had some problems on his hands. After taking over leadership of the world-famous blue-jeans maker in 1984, Haas had worked hard to revitalize the company's long-standing commitment to ethical and socially responsible behavior. However,changes in consumer tastes and stiff competition from rival clothing manufacturers were hitting the company hard on all sides. In order to remain competitive, Hass would have to make some tough decisions that could threaten the company's principles. The original Mr. Levi Strauss had a simple business mission—make and sell quality work pants for San Francisco's gold-rush miners. However, Strauss also demonstrated a strong social conscience and commitment to employees early on. During the Great Depression , workers were paid to lay a new floor in the factory until business picked up. By the 1960s, the company had become a vocal advocate for racial integration and a leader in corporate diversity programs. However, by the time Bob Haas (great-great-grand-nephew of Levi Strauss) took over in 1984, the company seemed to have lost its social conscience. Levi's had expanded aggressively into product lines that were ultimately unprofitable. The company was bloated , profits were falling, and management was more concerned with numbers than with values. Haas believed that public shareholders and stock analysts had blurred the company's vision by demanding short-term profit gains over long-term goals. So with the help of friends and family, Haas bought up the remaining public stock and set out to turn the company around. Haas began to streamline the company, which meant taking the painful step of cutting the work force by a third. To reward and motivate those who remained, he developed an aspirations statement with companywide goals based on ethics,diversity, environmental stewardship , teamwork, trust, and openness. He backed up his statement by training employees in leadership, diversity, and ethical decision making and also by linking employee compensation to performance in these areas. “A company's values —what it stands for, what its people believe in—are crucial to its competitive success,” Haas exhorted . “Indeed, values drive the business.” Levi's also spent large sums to reduce the impact of its operations on the environment. At the same time, the company shed unprofitable clothing styles and refocused on traditional jeans and the new casual “Dockers” products. With revitalized company values, soaring staff morale, and revamped product lines, Levi Strauss enjoyed double-digit gains in sales revenues and profits. However, the 1990s brought new crises. First, reports of widespread human rights abuses in some Asian countries led the company to question the ethics of its operations there. Second, Levi's discovered that some of its suppliers in Asia were making Levi's products with child labor. And third, Levi's own failure to spot new clothing trends,modernize its production facilities, and keep retailers happy resulted in declining jeans sales. The situation worsened as new competitors undercut Levi’s pricing by


安徽财经大学电子商务专业本科培养方案 (2013版) 一、培养目标 本专业培养德、智、体等全面发展,具备坚实的现代经济管理与现代商务管理的理论基础,掌握现代信息科学理论与技术方法,能够熟练应用电子商务工具开展现代商务活动,具有网站建设、网页设计、网络营销、网络服务等专业核心能力,“厚基础、宽口径”、会经营、懂管理、能力强、素质高,富有创新精神、网络创业能力、团队合作意识的应用型、复合型高级专门人才。 二、培养特色与要求 (一)专业特色 突出我校经济学与管理学方面的优势;注重理论联系实际的教学模式;强调学生的信息素质培养。为拓展我校学生的电子商务实践应用能力,在进行电子商务专业素养培养的基础上,加强实践应用能力的培养,使我校培养的电子商务专业学生成为掌握现代商务管理理论和信息技术,具备应用电子商务从事商务业务的能力,适应信息社会经济发展需要的复合型应用型现代商务管理人才。 (二)培养要求 要求学生能系统学习并掌握经济管理理论、现代信息技术与方法、现代商务管理理论与实务等;能够从事电子商务系统设计、应用和评价;熟练使用电子商务工具开展现代商务活动;熟悉有关电子商务规则及相关法律等。最终获得以下方面的知识和能力: 1. 掌握宽广的经济与管理等方面的基本理论知识,有扎实的理论基础,优良的思想素质和高尚的品德修养。 2. 掌握信息科学与计算机技术的基本理论与方法,具有获取知识、运用知识和知识创新能力。 3. 掌握一门外语,在听、说、读、写、译等方面均达到较高水平,具有一定获取世界先进理论、进行全球电子商务的能力。 4. 掌握资料查询、文献检索的基本方法和手段,具有一定的科学研究能力。 5. 掌握电子商务网站的开发、设计和应用技能,具备从事电子商务业务及管理的基本能力。 6. 掌握电子商务项目策划及综合实践能力,具备一定的商业眼光和创新方案写作能


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【导语】本文《外贸合同范本实例》由合同范文频道整理,仅供参考。如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享?感谢你的阅读与支持! 甲方:贸易有限公司 法定代表人:_________________________________________ 单位地址:市区路号楼 乙方:文化程度: 身份证号码: _________________________________________ 户籍所在地:_________________________________________ 现居住地:___________________________________________ 甲方因生产工作需要,录用乙方为甲方劳动合同制员 工。 甲乙双方根据《中华人民共和国劳动法》、《市劳动合同规定》及《市劳动合同条例》,本着平等、自愿、协商一致的原则,依法签订本劳动合同。 条协议期限 本协议自年月日至年月 日止,合同期限为—年。其中试用期为个月自 年月日至年月日止。试用期乙 方被证明不符合甲方录用条件,甲方可解除劳动合同。 第二条工作岗位与任务 1. 经考核现甲方聘任乙方在公司部门 岗位工作,根据乙方专长

和工作需要,甲方可调整乙方工作岗位,乙方应服从安排。 2. 乙方应按甲方确定的岗位职责,按时、按质、按虽完成工作任务,并接受岗位职责和绩效考核。 3. 甲方提供必要的工作条件。 第三条工作时间与报酬 1. 甲方实行每天8小时工作制,甲方为国家交通特殊行业,因岗位工作特点,如需乙方实行不定时工作制,乙方应服从公司需要。 2. 甲方根据乙方现任职务和工作岗位,确定试用期工资 为元/月,正式聘用期本岗位工资为元/月 3. 甲方应当以货币形式按月向乙方支付工资报酬。 第四条劳动纪律 乙方应严格遵守国家有关部门规定和甲方的各项规章制度,成绩突出者嘉奖晋级,违纪者按有关规定处罚。 第五条劳动保险、福利待遇 1. 对具有本市劳动手册和符合市规定的员工,甲方按市 规定的基本标准为其缴纳三金对原先无工作单位的外省籍员工购买社会综合保险,同时办理员工团体意外人身保险, 不另报销医疗费用。 2. 法定假日为有薪假期。 第六条协议的变更、终止、解除、续订 1. 有下列情形之一的,甲、乙双方可以变更本协议: 甲方因机构变化,原岗位撤消,无适合岗位安排,甲方应提前30


案例1 商品质量不符引起的纠纷案 我生产企业向马来西亚客户出口汽车配件,品名为YZ-8303R/L,但生产企业提供了YZ-8301R/L,两种型号的产品在外型上非常相似,但却用在不同的车型上,因此客户不能接受,要求我方要调换产品或降低价格。我方考虑到退货相当麻烦,费用很高,因此只好降低价格15%,了结此案子。——由温州某外贸企业提供 我国某公司A向孟加拉国某公司B出口一批货物,合同价值约为USD20000.00,货物为汽车配件,共有10个型号,其中有四个型号要求根据客户样品制造的。付款方式为,客户先支付定金1000美金,剩余部分30%和70%分别以L/C和T/T支付(在货物生产完毕通知客户支付)。客人随即开来信用证,A公司按合同和L/C要求开始生产货物,但发现其中按客人样品要求订做的货物不能完成,由于客人订货的数量比较少,开发该产品十分不合算。因此打算从其他厂家购进该产品,但遗憾的是,却一直无法找到生产该产品的厂商。而此时已接近装船期了,其他货物亦相继生产完毕。A公司只好告诉B公司上述问题。B公司要求取消所有的货物并退还定金和样品,他的理由是,他要求订做的货物是十分重要的,不能缺少,因A公司没有按时完成货物,错过他的商业机会。A公司也感到无可奈何,确实理亏,只好答应客户的要求,承担一切货物积压的损失。 案例分析 按CIF贸易术语出口。卖方按合同的规定装船完毕后取得包括提单在内的全套装运单据。但是,载货轮船在启航后第二天就触礁沉没,买方闻讯后提出拒收单据,拒付货款。试问,卖方应如何处理?为什么? 分析:买方必须收取单据,并支付货款。 因为以CIF术语达成交易,货物风险和费用的划分点在装运港船舷,买方承担越过船舷以后的风险。 CIF贸易术语下交货属象征性交货,卖方凭单据交货,买方凭单据付款。只要卖方提交的单据齐全且正确,卖方无权拒收拒付。 案例分析 某公司按CIF London向英国出口一批季节性较强的货物,双方在合同中规定:买方须于9月底前将信用证开到,卖方保证运货船只不得迟于12月2日驶抵目的港。如货轮迟于12月2日驶抵目的港,买方有权取消合同。如货款已收,卖方须将货款退还买方,如此签约是否正确? 分析:不正确 CIF合同属于装运合同,货物风险和费用的划分点在转运港船舷。卖方负责货物越过装运港船舷以前的风险和费用,而买方负责货物越过装运港船舷以后的风险和费用。合同中要求卖方负责货物于12月2日货轮驶抵目的港,延长卖方责任至目的港,有违CIF术语的责任划分,对卖方不利。 案例分析 在80年代,有一出口商同国外买方达成一交易,合同约定的价格条件为CIF,当时正值海湾地区爆发战争,装有出口货物的轮船在公海上航行时,被一发导弹误中而沉。由于在投保时没有加保战争险,不能取得保险公司的赔偿。问:买方为此向卖方提出索赔是否合理?分析:不合理。 在CIF术语下,卖方负责投保,但其要求如下: 在买方没有提出要求的情况下,卖方无需投保战争险。 案例分析 我与美商达成的合同中采用的术语为 FOB上海,合同规定的交货时间为2001年3~4月份,


外贸常用英语词汇大全 1.商品品质数量包装价格 品质条件 品质quality 规格specifications 等级grade 标准standard 样品sample 色彩样品colour sample 款式样品pattern sample 原样original sample 复样duplicate sample 对等样品countersample 参考样品reference sample 封样sealed sample 代表性样品representative sample 商品目录catalogue 宣传小册pamphlet 说明书description 公差tolerance 货号article No. 花色(搭配)assortment 增减5% plus or minus 大路货(良好平均品质)fair average quality 数量条件 个数number 长度length 面积area 体积volume 容积capacity 净重net weight 毛重gross weight 皮重tare 毛作净gross for net 溢短装条款more or less clause 重量weight 装运重量shipping weight 卸货重量landed weight 理论重量theoretical weight 公吨metric ton 长吨long ton 短吨short ton 公斤kilogram, kilo, kg 磅pound, lb 盎司ounce, oz 件piece 双pair 打dozen 令ream 套set l 立方米cubic meter 升litre 加仑gallon 蒲式耳bushel 公制metric system 英制british system 美制U.S.System 包装方法 起泡包装blister packing 中性包装neutral packing 吸塑包装skin packing 挂式包装hanging packing 引某人注目catch sb's eye 唛头mark 无牌的包装unlabelled packing 散装in bulk 散装in loose packing 裸装nude packing 整批包装bulk pack 零售包装consumer pack 大包装large packing 小包装inner packing, external packing, end packing ,压缩包装shrunk packaging 喷泡沫包装foam-spary packaging 礼品包装gift-wrap 袋bag, sack 麻袋jute bag 塑料袋polythelene bag, plastic bag 尼龙绳网袋polythelene net 拉链袋zippered bag 箱case, chest 盒box 木箱wooden case 纸箱carton 集装箱container 板条箱rate 纤维板箱fibre board case 小包packet 包bale 捆bundle 罐头tin , can 篮,篓,筐basket 竹篓bamboo basket 瓶bottle 小木桶wooden keg 大桶hogshead 铁桶iron drum 铁桶cylinder

国际贸易合同违约金条款案例(doc 6页)

国际贸易合同违约金条款案例(doc 6页)

国际贸易合同违约金条款案例 Case:中国某进出口公司与新加坡某公司签订了1亿条沙包袋出口合同,交货期限为合同成立后的3个月内,价格条款为1美元CIF新加坡,违约金条款为:如合同一方在合同履行期内未能履行合同规定的义务,则必须向另一方支付合同总价3.5%的违约金。中方公司急于扩大出口,赚取外汇,只看到合同利润优惠,未实际估计自己是否有能力履行合同,便与外商签订了合同。而实际上中方公司并无在3个月内加工1亿条该类沙包袋的能力。合同期满,能够向港方交付的沙包袋数量距1亿条相差很远。中方无奈,只有将己有的沙包袋向外方交付并与之交涉合同延期,外方态度强硬,以数量不符合同规定拒收,并以中方公司违约而要求支付违约金。双方协商未果,最后中方某进出口公司只得向对方支付违约金300多万美元,损失巨大。这是一起以合法手段掩盖非法目的,利用合同违约金条款欺诈的较为典型的案例。 案例评点:在与外商签订合同时,一定要正

确认识自己的生产能力、交货时间,不打无把握之仗,尤其是但涉及到违约金问题时,更要慎重再慎重。此外这里需要我们注意的是:由于各国法院对违约金性质的不同认定,当事人在合同中约定违约金条款所产生的法律后果就会因适用不同国家的法律而有所不同。 违约金是双方当事人在合同中约定或根据有关法律规定,一方违约时应支付给对方一定数额的违约金。在发生违约时,该条款是保证索赔顺利进行的有效手段,也是对违约方承担责任的一个限制。利用违约金条款进行欺诈的方式一般比较巧妙,表面看起来欺诈方毫无不法行为,一切都只是按合同规定行事。而实际上,欺诈方总在订约时充分了解了对方的实际履行能力,然后利用对方急于成交的心理,与之订立超出对方实际履行能力的大宗贸易合同,合同价值巨大,履约期限又短得足以让对方无论如何也无法履约义务,同时又订有可观的违约金额。这样一来一旦对方无法履约,设套的人便可理直气壮地适用违约金条款而凭空取得好处。


国际贸易专业英语 Unit 1 mercantilism重商主义;export出口;import进口;precious metal贵金属;restrain import限制进口;encourage export鼓励出口; early(late)mercantilism早期(晚期)重商主义;bullionism重金主义; favorable balance of trade; positive trade balance; trade surplus贸易顺差; trade deficit; unfavorable balance of trade; negative trade balance贸易逆差; balance of bargains贸易差额论 barter; barter trade易货贸易; hard currency硬通货; physiocrat重农主义者;physiocracy重农主义;laissez-faire自由主义; monopoly垄断;tariff关税;quota配额; prohibition禁令;skilled labor熟练劳动力;manufactured goods制成品 port duty入港税; country of origin原产地; The wealth of Nations国富论; positive-sum game正和游戏;

zero-sum game零和游戏; specialization专业化;economies of scale规模经济; welfare福利; 1 free-market economics自由市场经济 classical economist古典经济学家; oversupply供大于求;过度供给; inflation通货膨胀;Industrial Revolution工业革命; free trade policy自由贸易政策; protectionism保护贸易主义; international monetary system国际货币体系; gold standard金本位;exchange rate汇率; international price国际价格;devaluation贬值; depreciation贬值;appreciation升值; revaluation升值;the Great Depression大萧条; Keynesian凯恩斯主义者; countercyclical policy反周期政策; centrally planned system中央计划体制; economic affair经济事务; bilateral trading agreement双边贸易协定; foreign exchange外汇; foreign exchange control外汇管制; The Marshall Plan马歇尔计划; The Bretton Woods agreement布雷顿森林协定;


?案例:某出口公司向外商出售一级大米300吨,成交条件FOB上海.装船时货物经检验符合合同要求,货物出运后,卖方及时向买方发出装船通知.但是航运途中,因海浪过大,大米大半被海水浸泡,品质受到影响.货物到达目的港后,只能按三级大米价格出售,于是买方要求卖方赔偿差价损失。问应如何处理这一纠纷?卖方不应该赔偿差价损失。采用FOB条款,货物在越过船舷之后,风险和责任在买方。 ?案例:我国某内陆出口公司于2000年2月向日本出口30吨甘草膏,每吨40箱共1200箱,每吨售价1800美元,FOB新港,共54000美元,即期信用证,装运期为2月25日之前,货物必须装集装箱。该出口公司在天津设有办事处,于是在2月上旬便将货物运到天津,由天津办事处负责订箱装船,不料货物在天津存仓后的第二天,仓库午夜着火,抢救不及,1200箱甘草膏全部被焚,办事处立即通知内地公司总部并要求尽快补发30吨。否则无法按期装船。结果该出口公司因货源不济,只好要求日商将信用证的效期和装运期各延长15天。试分析其中缘由。 ?该出口公司所在地正处在铁路交通的干线上,外运公司和中远公司在该市都有集装箱中转站,既可接受拼箱托运也可接受整箱托运。假如当初采用FCA(该市名称)对外成交,出口公司在当地将1200箱交中转站或自装自集后将整箱(集装箱)交中转站,不仅风险转移给买方,而且当地承运人(即中转站)签发的货运单据即可在当地银行办理议付结汇。该公司自担风险将货物运往天津,再集装箱出口,不仅加大了自身风险,而且推迟结汇。 ?案例:我与越南某客商凭样品成交达成一笔出口镰刀的交易。合同中规定复验有效期为货物到达目的港后的60天。货物到目的港经越商复验后,未提出任何异议。但事隔半年,越商来电称:镰刀全部生锈,只能降价出售,越商因此要求我方按成交价的40%赔偿其损失。我方接电后立即查看我方留存的复样,也发现类似情况?问我方应否同意对方的要求,为什么? ?不同意,此案例中的买卖是凭买方样品买卖,即由提供样品由买方依样承制。在我方留存的复样中,也发现生锈,说明我方式按照买方提供的样品生产,生锈了的才是符合卖方要求的 ? ?案例:我国某公司同日本公司签订出口羊绒衫合同,供出口羊绒衫10000件,价值100万美元。合同规定羊绒含量为100%,商标上也表明“100%羊绒”。当对方对我方公司出口羊绒衫进行检验后,发现羊绒衫含量不符合合同规定而提出索赔,要求赔偿200万美元。最后我方公司赔偿数十万美元结案。 ?在合同中没有用品质机动幅度 ?案例:我某出口公司在某次交易会上与外商当面谈妥出口大米10000公吨,每公吨USD275FOB中国口岸。 但我方公司在签约时,合同上只笼统地写了10000吨,我方当事人主观上认为合同上的吨就是指公吨。后来,外商来证要求按长吨供货。如果我方照证办理则要多交大米160.5公吨,折合美元为44137.5美元。于是,双方发生争议。 ?应采用国际单位制计量单位 ?案例:我某公司出口布匹以信用证结算,买方银行来证规定,数量大约为5000码,每码1美元,但金额注明为不超过总额5000美元,则我某公司如何掌握装运数量? ?大约可解释为交货数量有不超过10%的增减幅度,4500~5000 ?案例:黑龙江某贸易出口公司与俄罗斯公司成交一笔黄豆出口交易。合同的数量条款规定:每袋黄豆净重100公斤,共1000袋,合计100吨,但货物运抵俄罗斯后,经俄罗斯海关检查后,每袋黄豆净重只有96公斤,1000袋共96吨,当时正遇市场黄豆价格下跌,俄罗斯公司以单货不符为由,提出降价5%的要求,否则拒收。 请问:俄罗斯的要求是否合理?我方应采取什么补救措施?另问:若该例黄豆不是用袋装而是散装,则结果又如何? ?合理,把黄豆改成散装,在5%的增减幅度内,则无须降价赔偿 ?《UCP500》第39条B款规定:除非信用证规定货物的指定数量不得有增减外,在所支付款项不超过信用
